Course Outline OS Setting Curriculum Planning

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Occupational Standard Setting & Curriculum Planning

Course Outline

Preliminary Course Title: Occupational Standards Setting &

Curriculum Planning
Information Course Code: VPD-501

Credit: 2 credit hours

Instructor: Dr. Yishak Degefu

Course This is a foundational course intended to acquaint learners with the

development and management of occupations and the curriculum in
vocational education. Knowledge on the foundation of vocational
education, occupational profiles, on how they are developed over time and
why they developed in the way they did, on the procedures which are used
for the development and evaluation as well as the ability to analyze labor
markets are the content of this course. The course also includes basics of
designing educational and training programs focused on TVET context in
accordance with appropriate and contemporary methods, principles and
work competencies which are needed to keep up-date with the
continuously changing world of work.

Course Up on the completion of the course, students will be able to

 define basic concepts in their own words
 explain the development and management of various occupations
 identify the various foundations of occupational/vocational
 analyze occupational profile
 write competency statements
 develop occupational profile
 develop training manual for an occupation

The online course comprised of 3 modules, which provide relevant

information about how to Set Occupational Standards & Plan a
Curriculum. The modules are organized in interactive modules that
combine the course theory with exercises and interactions that will
facilitate the learning process.

Duration of This core content of the modules is complemented with additional

materials, such as videos, and presentations.
It will approximately take 20 hours to complete the course excluding
Coverage external materials. This is a self-paced course that allows you to manage
your time as learner wish. Learner can navigate the modules at per
convenience and retake them whenever free time is available.

Pre-  Learners should have Basic knowledge on Educational Psychology.

Module 1: Introduction to Technical and Vocational
1.1. Definition of Terms in TVET
1.2. Concepts of Vocational and Technical Education
1.3. Functions of Vocational Education and Training
Course 1.4. Objectives of Vocational Education
Outline and 1.4.1. General
Content 1.4.2 Objectives of Technical and Vocational Education in Ethiopia
1.5. Principles of Vocational Education
1.5.1. General
1.5.2 Guiding Principles of the National TVET System in Ethiopia
1.6. Features of Vocational Education
1.7. Foundations of Vocational Education
1.7.1. Philosophical Foundations
1.7.2. Economic Foundations
1.7.3 Sociological Foundations
1.7.4 Psychological Foundations
1.7.5 Historical Foundations
1.8. Historical Development of Vocational Education
1.8.1 General
1.8.2 Development of Vocational Education in Ethiopia
Module 2: Competency-Based Education
2.1. The Nature of Competency
2.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Competency-Based Education
2.3. Writing Competency Statements
Module 1: Formulation of Occupational Standards and
Curriculum Planning
3.1. Vocational Education and the Labor Market
3.1.1 Meaning of Labor Market Information System
3.1.2. Importance of Labor Market Information System
3.1.3 The Labor Market Information System in Labor Market
Policy Instruments
3.1.4. General Information on the Different Professions
3.2. Occupational Standards
3.2.1. The Nature of Occupational Standards
3.2.2. Purposes of Occupational Standards
3.2.3. Characteristics of Occupational Standards
3.2.4. Managing Occupation Standards
3.3. Curriculum Planning in TVET
3.3.1. Occupational Standard Formulation
3.3.2. Content Generation Strategies
3.3.3. Content Selection
3.3.4. Organization of Contents
3.3.5. The Profile-Determination Strategy to Curriculum Planning
3.3.6 Modular Approach to Curriculum Planning

Modes of Blended approach that combines online and face-to-face sessions will be
used for delivery. Students will interact with the online material within the
Course time and space that suits their interest well and attempt all tasks assigned
under each module. During the face-to-face class discussion and feedback
Delivery on the students work will be given.

Modes of  Two term papers with presentation (50%=25 group paper + 25%
individual presentation for each)
 Final exam. = 50 %

References Derebssa Dufera, (2008). Theoretical and Practical Issues in the

Implementation of the Current Ethiopian School Curriculum. Addis Ababa:
for Further
Addis Ababa University.
Dustmann, C., Fitzenberger, B. and Machin, S. (Eds.) (2008).The
Economics and Training of Education. Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag.
Fretwell, D., Lewis, M., and Deij, A. (2001). A Framework for Defining
and Assessing Occupational and Training Standards in Developing
Countries. Columbus: Center on Education and Training for Employment.
Jules, D. (2012) Promoting the Attractiveness of TVET in the Context of
Secondary Education Reform. Shanghai: Caribbean Examination Council.
Laird, D. & Stevenson, J. A (1993). Curriculum development framework
for vocational education. Australian and New Zealand. Journal of
Vocational Education Research, 3, 71-92.
Lemma Dadi (2014). Effectiveness of Competency - based TVET
Curriculum in Ethiopia: the Case of TVET Institutions of Oromia Regional
State. (A PhD Thesis Submitted to the Department of Curriculum and
Teachers Professional Development Studies, AAU).
Lemecha Geleto (2017). Technical Vocational Education Training Institute
Curriculum Development in Ethiopia. Journal of Education and Vocational
Research, 8, 3, 16-28.
MacDonald, S., Nink, C. and Duggan, S. (2010). Principles and Strategies
of a Successful TVET Program. Centerville: MTC Institute.
Majumdar, S. (ed.) (2011) Emerging Challenges and Trends in TVET in
the Asia-Pacific Region. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Ministry of Education (2008). National Technical & Vocational Education
and Training Strategy. Addis Ababa: EMPDA.
Ministry of Education (2011). Ethiopian TVET System Model Curriculum.
Addis Ababa: EMPDA.
Norton, R.E. (1992). SCID: A Competency-Based Curriculum
Development Model. Retrieved
Scottish Qualifications Authority (2006). Using National Occupational
Standards in the development of SQA Group Awards. Glasgow: Scottish
Qualifications Authority.
Sharma, A. (2008). Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
in Africa. Addis Ababa: AU.

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