Edible Oil Processing L II
Edible Oil Processing L II
Edible Oil Processing L II
Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) System. Within the policies and strategies of the Ethiopian Government,
technology transformation by using current international standards and international best
practices as the basis, and, adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a
pivotal element. TVET is given an important role with regard to technology transfer. The new
paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation at the current and anticipated
future demand of the economy and the labor market.
The Ethiopian Occupational Standard (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian National TVET
Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National TVET Qualification
Framework (NTQF). They are national Ethiopian standards, which define the current and future
occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a specific occupation using distinct
Unit of Competences without taking TVET delivery into account.
The whole package EOS document for an occupation is an integrated set of nationally endorsed
core generic Unit of Competences organized in to different qualification levels built one upon the
other below or side wise to make full occupational profile.
This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the Ethiopia
Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.
A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. It is documented in a standard format
that comprises:
Occupational title and NTQF level
Unit title
Unit code
Unit descriptor
Elements and Performance criteria
Range and Variables
Evidence guide
Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor/curriculum developer in
determining the candidate training and assessment.
The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the occupation with all the
key components of a Unit of Competence:
Chart with an overview of all Units of Competence with their Unit Codes and Titles
Detail contents of each Unit of Competence
Occupational map providing the TVET providers with information and important
requirements to consider when designing training programs using this standards and
show a career path
Variable Range
Oilseed May include but not limited to:
Niger seed
rape seed
Sunflower seed
cotton seed
ground nut
black cumin
Services May include but not limited to:
Include power,
Steam and compressed air.
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitude to:
Competence prepare the storage area for access by oil seed carriers
comply with OHS requirements for working in confined spaces
prepare Oilseed storages by removing all residues and checking
Access workplace information to identify Oilseed receiving
set up, start, operate and monitor oilseed transfer and weighing
/measuring equipment
undertake required sampling and testing of oilseed according to
enterprise procedures
prepare and test oilseed handling machinery
Perform routine safety, service and maintenance procedures on
tools, equipment and machinery.
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and Oilseed delivery arrangements and transport modes relevant to the
Attitudes enterprise
location and types of storage available for received oilseed relevant
to the enterprise
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Enterprise procedures for rejected oilseed.
potential hazards, safety and structural requirements for storage
should be applied documented and reported
organisation and commodity quality requirements for oilseed storage
pre-operational and safety checks, servicing and maintenance
procedures for receiving and handling tools and equipment
equipment operating principles and operating methods
cleaning and storage of machinery, equipment and materials
environmental impacts associated with the operation of machinery
and equipment
appropriate action in contingency situations
organisation requirements for protective equipment and safe
practices in relation to OHS
potential hazards associated with the operation of basic tools and
relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice with regard to
workplace OHS, environment and the use and control of machinery
and equipment
appropriate legislative requirements, manufacturer's instructions and
organisation procedures/ instructions
Organizational recording and reporting procedures.
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
Undertake standard tests on received oilseed for insects, taint, other
contaminants and foreign objects.
interpret and apply enterprise procedures and specifications for
receiving oilseed
Set up, use and monitor, receiving, weighing, metal detection and
drying equipment.
identify hazards and follow safe work procedures
check equipment and storage facilities, and identify current or
impending faults
handle and manoeuvre equipment
complete pre-operational checks on basic tools and equipment
perform routine safety, service and maintenance procedures on tools,
equipment and machinery
operate hand and independently powered tools and cleaning
equipment to industry standards
clean, secure and store machinery and equipment
recognise and rectify minor operational faults
handle hazardous substances (fuels) safely
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work in confined spaces
use variety of communication systems
Interpret and apply task instructions, communicate with work team
and supervisor, and record and report faults, workplace hazards and
Read and interpret manufacturer's specifications, work and
maintenance plans, and Material Safety Data Sheets.
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on
workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview / Written Test
Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting.
Variable Range
Basic operating May include but not limited to:
principles of equipment main equipment components,
status and purpose of guards,
equipment operating capacities and applications,
purpose and location of sensors and related feedback
Services May include but not limited to:
compressed and instrumentation air
Oil seed cleaning May include but not limited to:
equipment Intake equipment
day bins
separators/magnetic separator
extractors/ destoners
color sorters
Pre-start checks May include but not limited to:
inspecting equipment condition (signs of wear)
selection of settings and/or related parameters
cancelling of isolation or lock outs
screens fit and related equipment cleaned and correctly
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge, skill and attitude to:
competence conduct pre-start checks on machinery and equipment used for
oil seed cleaning
start, operate and adjust process equipment to achieve required
quality outcomes
take corrective action in response to typical faults and
complete workplace records as required
apply safe work practices and identify OHS hazards and controls
safely shut down equipment
Apply food safety procedures to work practices.
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Variable Range
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Ethiopian Occupational Standard October, 2021
Material May include but not limited to:
Cleaned seed
Services May include but not limited to:
compressed and instrumentation air
Pre-start checks May include but not limited to:
Inspecting equipment condition (signs of wear)
Selecting appropriate settings and/or related parameters
Cancelling isolation or lock outs as required
Confirming that required screens are fitted and related
equipment is clean and correctly configured as per cleaning
process requirements
Positioning sensors and controls correctly
Ensuring any scheduled maintenance has been carried out
Confirming that all safety guards are in place and operational
Policies and procedures May include but not limited to:
company policies and procedures,
regulatory and licensing requirements,
legislative requirements, and industrial awards and agreements
De-hulling equipment May include but not limited to:
Hull beater
mechanical/pneumatic stock transfer equipment
Supporting systems may include:
De-hulling process Processes may be:
batch or continuous and
apply to single or multiple product types
Evidence Guide
Critical aspects of A candidate must demonstrate the ability to:
competence conduct pre-start checks on machinery and equipment used for
start, operate, monitor and adjust process equipment to achieve
required quality outcomes
take corrective action in response to typical faults and
complete workplace records as required
apply safe work practices and identify OHS hazards and controls
safely shut down equipment
Apply food safety procedures to work practices.
Underpinning Must demonstrate Knowledge of:
Knowledge purpose and basic principles of de-hulling process
basic operating principles of equipment,
Flow of de-hulling process and the effect of outputs on
downstream crude oil production processes
quality characteristics to be achieved by the De-hulling process
quality requirements of materials and effect of variation on de-
hulling process performance
operating requirements and parameters and corrective action
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required where operation is outside specified operating
typical equipment faults and related causes, including signs and
symptoms of faulty equipment and early warning signs of
potential problems
methods used to monitor de-hulling production process, such as
inspecting, measuring and testing as required by the process
inspection or test points (control points) in de-hulling process
and the related procedures and recording requirements
contamination/food safety risks associated with de-hulling
process and related control measures
common causes of variation and corrective action required
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) hazards and controls
requirements of different shutdowns as appropriate to de hulling
process and workplace production requirements, including
emergency and routine shutdowns and procedures to follow in
the event of a power outage
isolation, lock out and tag out procedures and responsibilities
product/process changeover procedures and responsibilities
procedures and responsibility for reporting production and
performance information
environmental issues and controls relevant to de-hulling process,
including waste/rework collection and handling procedures
related to the process
basic operating principles of process control, where relevant,
including the relationship between control panels and systems
and the physical equipment
sampling and testing associated with process monitoring and
control where relevant
routine maintenance procedures where relevant
cleaning and sanitation procedures where relevant
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
access workplace information to identify de-hulling process
select, fit and use personal protective clothing and/or equipment
confirm supply of necessary materials and services
Conduct pre-start checks:
Inspecting equipment condition (signs of wear)
Selecting appropriate settings and/or related parameters
Cancelling isolation or lock outs as required
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Ethiopian Occupational Standard October, 2021
Confirming that required screens are fitted and related
equipment is clean and correctly configured as per cleaning
process requirements
Positioning sensors and controls correctly
Ensuring any scheduled maintenance has been carried out
adjust and clean screens
Confirming that all safety guards are in place and operational
start, operate, monitor and adjust de-hulling process equipment
monitor supply and flow of materials to and from the de-hulling
take correction in response to out-of-specification results
respond to and/or report equipment failure within level of
locate emergency stop functions on equipment
follow isolation and lock out/tag out procedures as required to
take de-hulling process and related equipment off-line in
preparation for cleaning and/or maintenance within level of
complete workplace records as required
maintain work area to meet housekeeping standards
use process control systems according to enterprise procedures
collect samples and conduct tests according to enterprise
conduct routine maintenance according to enterprise procedures
clean and sanitize equipment according to enterprise procedures
use of oral communication skills/language:
active listening, asking for clarification
seeking advice from supervisor
work cooperatively within a culturally diverse workforce
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on
workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Interview / Written Test
Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
place setting.
Variable Range
Product and May include but not limited to:
materials Oil seeds
Oil Cake
Services May include but not limited to:
compressed air
Equipment May include but not limited to:
roller mill
hammer mill
cake breaker
Evidence Guide
Critical aspects Must demonstrate knowledge and skills competence to:
of Competence use personal protective equipment and follow other specified OHS
check crushing, flaking, cracking and milling equipment status and
condition before commencing operation
monitor crushing, flaking, cracking and milling process control points
and equipment during crushing
take corrective action in response to out-of-specification results or non-
sort, collect, treat, recycle or dispose of waste
record information appropriately
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and purpose and principles of crushing, flaking, cracking and milling
Attitudes link to related processes
stages and changes which occur during crushing, flaking, cracking and
Variable Range
Material May include but not limited to:
cleaned oil seed direct from the size reduction
Services May include but not limited to:
compressed and instrumentation air
pre- treatment and May include but not limited to:
conditioning conditioning bins/cooker/
equipment mechanical/pneumatic stock transfer equipment
Policies and May include but not limited to:
procedures Company policies and procedures
Regulatory and licensing requirements
Legislative requirements
Industrial awards and agreements
Pre- treatment and Processes may be
conditioning process Batch or continuous
Apply to single or multiple product types
Legislative May include but not limited to:
requirements Ethiopian Food Standards Code,
mandatory oil seed standards, edible oil standards, labelling
Weights and measures legislation
Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority legislation
Environmental management (Ethiopian Environmental Protection
OHS ,anti-discrimination and equal opportunity
Workplace May include but not limited to:
information Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
production schedules and instructions
manufacturers' advice
standard forms and reports
Shutdown May include but not limited to:
procedures Workplace procedures in the process of shutting.
Equipment is dismantled and prepared for cleaning.
Variable Range
Material May include but not limited to:
Cracked oil seed
Services May include but not limited to:
compressed and instrumentation air
Policies and procedures May include but not limited to:
company policies and procedures
regulatory and licensing requirements
legislative requirements
industrial awards and agreements
Extrusion equipment May include but not limited to:
Steam injection(optional)
mechanical/pneumatic stock transfer equipment
Workplace information May include but not limited to:
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
production schedules and instructions
manufacturers' advice
standard forms and reports
shutdown procedure May include but not limited to:
Workplace procedures in the process of shutting.
Equipment is dismantled and prepared for cleaning.
Evidence Guide
Critical aspects of A candidate must demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitude to:
competence conduct pre-start checks on machinery and equipment used for
start, operate, monitor and adjust process equipment to achieve
required quality outcomes
take corrective action in response to typical faults and
complete workplace records as required
apply safe work practices and identify OHS hazards and controls
safely shut down equipment
Apply food safety procedures to work practices.
Underpinning Must demonstrate Knowledge of:
Knowledge purpose and basic principles of Extrusion process
flow of Extrusion process and the effect of outputs on
downstream crude oil production processes
quality characteristics to be achieved by the Extrusion process
quality requirements of materials and effect of variation on
extrusion process performance
operating requirements and parameters and corrective action
required where operation is outside specified operating
typical equipment faults and related causes
signs and symptoms of faulty equipment
early warning signs of potential problems
methods used to monitor the pre-treatment and conditioning
process, such as inspecting, measuring and testing as required by
the process
inspection or test points (control points) in Extrusion process and
Variable Range
Workplace May include but not limited to:
documentation Specifications
manufacturing formulae
processing instructions
continuous production records
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
OHS information, including Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Equipment May include but not limited to:
collection vessels
screener and filter sieve
Conveyors(belt, chain)
Policies and May include but not limited to:
procedures company policies and procedures
regulatory and licensing requirements
legislative requirements
Industrial awards and agreements
Material May include but not limited to:
Conditioned Niger seed
Conditioned Rape seed
Conditioned Lin seed
Conditioned Cotton seed
Conditioned Ground nut
Extruded Soya bean
Conditioned sunflower/safflower seed
Conditioned sesame seed
Mechanical May include but not limited to:
Extraction process Apply to single product types at a time
Legislative May include but not limited to:
requirements Ethiopian food standard code
Mandatory oil seed and edible oil standard
Mandatory packaging and labeling standard
weights and measures legislation
EFDA (Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority) legislation
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Environmental management (Ethiopian Environmental
Protection Authority)
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrates knowledge, skills and attitude to:
Competence prepare mechanical extraction process for operation,
monitor the mechanical extraction process
take correction in response to typical faults and inconsistencies
Maintain all necessary records.
apply safe work practices and identify OHS hazards and controls
Apply food safety procedures to work practices.
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and basic operating principles of:
Attitudes main equipment components
equipment operating capacities and applications
quality requirements of materials and the effect of variation on
the extraction process
process specifications, procedures and operating parameters for
different products/materials
operating requirements and parameters and corrective action
required where operation is outside specified operating
signs and symptoms of faulty equipment
early warning signs of potential problems
inspecting, measuring and testing as required by the process, and
the ability to calculate yields
contamination/food safety risks associated with the extraction
common causes of variation and corrective action required
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) hazards and controls
involved with the use of equipment.
Mechanical extraction process shutdown
environmental issues and controls relevant to the extraction
process, including waste collection and handling procedures
related to the process
cleaning and sanitation procedures
workplace documentation and authorization procedures
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
select, fit and use personal protective clothing and/or equipment
Variable Range
Crude oil storage May include but not limited to:
equipment bulk storage
flow meter
Services May include but not limited to:
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitude to:
Competence conduct pre-start checks on tankers used for crude oil storage
start, operate, monitor and adjust storage equipment to achieve
required quality outcomes
take correction in response to typical faults and inconsistencies
complete workplace records as required
apply safe work practices and identify OHS hazards and controls
Apply food safety procedures to work practices.
Underpinning Must demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and crude oil storage procedure
Attitudes quality parameters
compatibility of different oils and the implications for storage
temperature requirements for transfer of different crude oils
common problems in crude oil storage process
services used in crude oil storage process
product sampling and testing requirements
OHS hazards and controls
lock out and tag out procedures
cleaning and sanitizing requirements
waste handling requirements
recording requirements and procedures
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrates skills to:
access workplace information to identify requirements for crude
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oil storage
implement procedures to confirm equipment status and
determine crude oil storage requirements
plan the sequence of activities
store crude oil within company procedures
Monitor the storing process and equipment to identify out-of-
specification results or non-compliance. This may include:
contaminated product
equipment faults
services faults
take corrective action in response to out-of specification results
or non-compliance
communicate with team members to maintain the storing
shut down equipment and systems
prepare equipment for cleaning and sanitizing
maintain a clean safe work area
record workplace information
Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on
workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview / Written Test
Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
work place setting.
Variable Range
Food handling May include but not limited to:
food receipt and storage
food preparation
cooking, holding, cooling, chilling and reconditioning
packaging, disposal
Food safety May include but not limited to:
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A candidate must demonstrate the ability to:
competence identify own responsibilities with regard to food safety
identify food safety risks in the workplace and the control measures
used to manage them
apply control measures in own work
monitor compliance with food safety standards
identify and act on non-compliances and participate in improving
maintain required standards of personal hygiene
complete workplace records as required
apply safe work practices and identify OHS hazards and controls
Apply food safety procedures.
Underpinning Must demonstrate Knowledge of:
Knowledge sources of information and expertise on procedures and
responsibilities for food safety relating to own work
basic concepts of HACCP-based food safety, including
identification of hazards that are likely to occur, establishing
appropriate methods of control and confirming that controls are met
food safety management arrangements in the workplace, including
awareness of food safety legislation, workplace policies and
procedures to implement responsibilities, understanding the
relationship between the quality system and food safety program,
personnel responsible for developing and implementing the food
safety program, the role of internal and external auditors as
appropriate, procedures followed to investigate contamination
events, and performance improvement processes
awareness of common microbiological, physical and chemical
hazards related to the foods handled in the work area, including the
types of hazards likely to occur, the conditions under which they
occur, possible consequences and control methods to prevent
Variable Range
Monitor process May include but not limited to:
Observation and other checks
Tests or inspections to confirm that the work output meets defined
specifications or quality standards.
Legislative May include but not limited to:
requirements Ethiopian food standard code
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Mandatory oil seed, edible oil and byproduct standard
Mandatory packaging and labeling standard
weights and measures legislation
EFDA (Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority) legislation
legislation of OHS and environmental management (Ethiopian
Environmental Protection Authority)
Workplace May include but not limited to:
information standard operating procedures (SOPs)
quality specifications
food safety plans
log sheets
standard formats and reports
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate the of ability:
Competence To identify quality requirements and key elements of the quality
system conduct work according to quality standards monitor
quality and identify and act on non-compliance participate in
identifying quality system improvements.
Of sampling and test procedures and related equipment as
systems for recording quality information
Underpinning Must demonstrate Knowledge of:
Knowledge and quality policy, procedures and responsibilities
Attitudes quality system used in the workplace, including the relationship
between the quality system and food safety program, sources of
information on quality requirements, the role of internal and
external auditors, as appropriate, and performance improvement
basic concepts of quality assurance including hazards, risk
assessment and control methods
requirements of internal and external customers
control points for own work, including the purpose of the control
point, the risk if not controlled and the method of control used
monitoring, testing and inspection procedures relating to process
control requirements
scope to correct/control variation within equipment and process
capacity parameters
evidence of out-of-specification or unacceptable performance
Variable Range
parameters set for May include but not limited to:
environmental Airborne particulates,
aspects noise
water quality
Workplace May include but not limited to:
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of The candidate must demonstrate the ability on:
Competence Reported hazards according to workplace procedure in a clear and
timely manner
Followed work procedures to control or minimize environmental
Recorded environmental information as required by the
environmental management program
Followed procedures to collect, deposit, recycle and/or
dispose of waste in own work area
Followed procedures to respond to environmental emergencies
such as spills and emissions.
Maintained housekeeping standards in work area
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and Workplace approach to managing environmental issues.
Attitudes Responsibilities of self and employer to manage Environmental
hazards and risks associated with the work carried out.
Work procedures as they relate to environmental responsibilities.
Procedures used to prevent or control environmental risks
associated with own work.
Basic concepts of hazard identification, risk assessment and
control options.
Variable Range
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitude to.
Conduct an initial casualty assessment
Demonstrate correct procedures for performing CPR using a manikin,
including standard precautions
Apply first aid principles Infection control, including use of standard
Follow OH&S guidelines
Communicate effectively and assertively in an incident
Prepare a written incident report or provide information to enable
preparation of an incident report
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and
Attitudes ERC Guidelines relating to provision of first aid as outlined
basic principles and concepts underlying the practice of first aid
procedures for dealing with major and minor injury and illness
priorities of management in first aid when dealing with life
threatening conditions
basic occupational health and safety requirements in the provision
of first aid
infection control principles and procedures, including use of
standard precautions
chain of survival
first Aiders' skills and limitations
Understanding of the use of an Automated External Defibrillator
(AED), including when to use and when not to
First aid management of:
abdominal injuries
allergic reactions
altered and loss of consciousness
burns - thermal, chemical, friction, electrical
cardiac arrest
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casualty with no signs of life
chest pain
choking/airway obstruction
injuries: cold and crush injuries; eye and ear injuries; head,
neck and spinal injuries; minor skin injuries; needle stick
injuries; soft tissue injuries including sprains, strains,
Envenomation - snake, spider, insect and marine bites
environmental impact such as hypothermia, hyperthermia,
dehydration, heat stroke
medical conditions, including cardiac conditions, epilepsy,
diabetes, asthma and other respiratory conditions
near drowning
poisoning and toxic substances (including chemical
respiratory distress
substance misuse - common drugs and alcohol, including
illicit drugs
Awareness of stress management techniques and available support
Social/legal issues:
duty of care
need to be culturally aware, sensitive and respectful
importance of debriefing
own skills and limitations
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
Variable Range
OHS requirements May include, but not limited to:
Are to be in accordance with legislation/ regulations/codes of practice
and enterprise safety policies and procedures. This may include
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protective clothing and equipment, use of tooling and equipment,
workplace environment and safety, handling of material, use of
firefighting equipment, enterprise first aid, hazard control and
hazardous materials and substances.
PPE are to include that prescribed under legislation/regulations/codes
of practice and workplace policies and practices.
Safe operating procedures are to include, but are not limited to the
conduct of operational risk assessment and treatments associated with
workplace organization.
Emergency procedures related to this unit are to include but may not
be limited to emergency shutdown and stopping of equipment,
extinguishing fires, enterprise first aid requirements and site
Safety equipment May include, but not limited to:
and tools Dust masks/goggles
Working cloth
First aid and
Safety shoes
Statistical tools May include, but not limited to:
and techniques 7 QC tools May include, but not limited to:
Pareto Diagram
Cause and Effect Diagram
Check Sheet
Control Chart/Graph
Histogram and Scatter Diagram
QC techniques May include, but not limited to:
Brain storming
Why analysis
What if analysis
Tools and May include, but not limited to:
techniques Plant Layout
Process flow
Other Analysis tools
Do time study by work element
Measure Travel distance
Take a photo of workplace
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence Discuss why wastes occur in the workplace
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Discuss causes and effects of wastes/MUDA in the workplace
Analyze the current situation of the workplace by using appropriate
tools and techniques
Identify, measure, eliminate and prevent occurrence of wastes by
using appropriate tools and techniques
Use 5W and 1H sheet to prevent
Detect non-conforming products/services in the work area
Apply effective problem-solving approaches/strategies.
Implement and monitor improved practices and procedures
Apply statistical quality control tools and techniques.
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and Targets of customers and manufacturer/service provider
Attitude Traditional and kaizen thinking of price setting
Kaizen thinking in relation to targets of manufacturer/service
provider and customer
The three categories of operations
the 3“MU”
wastes occur in the workplace
The 7 types of MUDA
QC story/PDCA cycle/
QC story/ Problem solving steps
QCC techniques
7 QC tools
The Benefits of identifying and eliminating waste
Causes and effects of 7 MUDA
Procedures to identify MUDA
Necessary attitude and the ten basic principles for improvement
Procedures to eliminate MUDA
Prevention of wastes
Methods of waste prevention
Definition and purpose of standardization
Standards required for machines, operations, defining normal and
abnormal conditions, clerical procedures and procurement
Methods of visual and auditory control
TPM concept and its pillars.
Relevant OHS and environment requirements
Method and Lines of communication
Methods of making/recommending improvements.
Reporting procedures
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Workplace procedures associated with the candidate's regular
technical duties
organizational structure of the enterprise
Underpinning Demonstrate skills to:
Skills Draw & analyze current situation of the work place
Use measurement apparatus (stop watch, tape, etc.)
Calculate volume and area
Apply statistical analysis tools
Use and follow checklists to identify, measure and eliminate
Identify and measure wastes/MUDA in accordance with OHS and
Use tools and techniques to eliminate wastes/MUDA in accordance
with OHS procedure.
Apply 5W and 1H sheet
Update and use standard procedures for completion of required
Apply Visual Management Board/Kaizen Board.
Detect non-conforming products or services in the work area
Work with others
Read and interpret documents
Observe situations
Solve problems
Communicate information
Gather evidence by using different means
Report activities and results using report formats
Implement and monitor improved practices and procedures
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including
Implication work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview/Written Test
Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting.