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Department of Computer Science

School of Engineering & Technology

Islamic University of Science & Technology, Kashmir
Advertisement for Engagement of Research Assistant under JKST&IC

A detailed survey design and development of software tool for e-waste

Project Title
management with reference to JK UT.

Dr. Rumaan Bashir


Position Title Research Assistant

Rs. 20,000/-

Initially for a period of six months, extendable based on performance and

subject to the availability of funds.

Number of

Eligibility MCA/M. Sc. IT or Equivalent with a minimum of 60% marks, and

Criteria preference shall be given to candidates who have qualified NET exam.

Soft copy

Last Date to
Ten days from the issuance of the advertisement notice.

Dr. Rumaan Bashir

Associate Professor
Contact Department of Computer Science
Islamic University of Science and Technology, Kashmir
Email: [email protected]

How to apply?
Interested and eligible candidates should send their applications (scanned copy in pdf format) as
per the format attached along with the CV and scanned copies of certificates to
[email protected] within ten days from the issuance of the
advertisement notice, mentioning the subject line of the email as “Application for the Research
Assistant under JKSTIC funded project”.

Dr. Rumaan Bashir

Principal Investigator
Email: [email protected]
Department of Computer Science
School of Engineering & Technology
Islamic University of Science & Technology, Kashmir

1. The above position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project and the candidates
shall not claim for regular appointments in the university.
2. Selection will be based on academic merit and interview.
3. The University reserves the right to terminate the contract of non-performing candidates at any
time without prior notice.
4. The salary component is subject to the release of funds by the funding agency.
5. Eligible candidates must bring all the testimonials/certificates (in original and one attested copy)
at the time of interview.
6. No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates appearing for the interview.
7. Candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their qualification, experience
etc. at the time of appearing in the interview.
8. The University reserves the right to defer / not to filling up of position advertised here-in above,
without assigning any reason thereof.
9. In case candidate wants to withdraw, he/she must serve one month notice period (or one month
10. The terms and conditions governing the service shall be as per the rules & regulations of
university and/or funding agency (wherever applicable) with amendments from time to time.
Department of Computer Science
School of Engineering & Technology
Islamic University of Science & Technology, Kashmir
Format for Application of Research Assistant (RA) in the Department of Computer
Science for project titled “A detailed survey design and development of software tool for
e-waste management with reference to JK UT”
1. Name in full (in block letters):
2. Gender:
3. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):
4. Age in years:
5. Nationality:
6. Father's /Guardian's/Husband's name:
7. Address for correspondence:
8. Permanent Address:
9. Mobile Number (Mandatory):
10. Email (Mandatory):
11. Educational/ Professional Qualifications from Matriculation onwards:

S. No Examination Year Board/ Marks Obtained/ Percentage/

Passed University maximum marks Division

1 10th
2 12th
3 Graduation
4 Post. Graduation
5 Any other

12. Details of Previous Experience if any:

Name of Institution / Nature of
S. No. Name of the Post
Organization Work
From To

13. Publications (if any): Attach title/front page:

14. Whether NET/GATE qualified (yes/no): Attach certificate
15. Any other relevant information (Please add/use separate sheets wherever required):

I _____________________________________ hereby declare that all statements made in
the application form is true/correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of
any information being found false or incorrect or concealing any facts, my candidature to
the interview/ selection to the post is liable to be cancelled. I shall abide by the terms and
conditions specified in the project.


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