(Flexible, Photo luminous sign)
Engineered Labelling Solutions
ES10G (Flexible, Photo luminous sign) is made of printed graphics between 10% Ammonia Gasoline
layers of chemical-resistant plastic. The uppermost layer consists of a semi-
10% HCL Grease and Oils
rigid, UV-resistant film, augmented with an additional protective liner to ensure
abrasion protection, which is intended to be removed after installation. The 10% NaOH Heptane
substrate is a photo-luminous PVC film that exhibits contouring capabilities 50% NaOH Hydraulic Fluid
on both curved and flat surfaces when mounted. 10% Sodium Hydroxide IPA (Isopropanol)
NaOCl (Bleach/Chlorine)
Mounting: Permanent clear acrylic adhesive. Toluene
Ammonia solution
Water and Oil resistance: Excellent Turpentine
Deionized Water
Service Temperature: -40°C to 90°C
Warranty: 10 years
Water +2% neutral soap
Life expectancy: 20 years Diesel Fuel
Flammability: Self-extinguishing
Dip Test: 5-10-minute dips in reagent with 30-minute
NOTE: Prior to installation, the surface should preferably be cleaned from dust, grease, or any
Rubbed sample for 1 minute with swab soaked in
contaminants to ensure 100% adhesion of the material. Painted surfaces must be completely cured.
The above information on physical characteristics is based on certain tests conducted by our
company. The values are intended only as a source of information and are given without guarantee
and do not constitute a warranty. Purchasers should independently determine, prior to use, the
suitability of this material for their specific application.