Detailed Lesson Plan in Earth and Life Science
Detailed Lesson Plan in Earth and Life Science
Detailed Lesson Plan in Earth and Life Science
Topic: Recognizing Earth’s Uniqueness as a Habitable Planet
Reference: Earth and Life Science Origin and Structure of the Earth-Planet First
Edition,2020 pages 1-10
Author: Rochelle M. Mercado, Melanie I. Samudio, Jocelyn M. Manset
Materials: Picture collages, images, Flash Cards.
Method: Inductive Method
C. Presentation
Present key information about Earth’s (Choosing of representative)
unique properties using visuals and
Engaging demonstration
Liquid water availability
Atmosphere composition and
Magnetic field
Evolution of life
Use Captivating visuals, such as
animations and videos, to
Illustrate these concepts.
D. Comparison Abstraction)
•Divide the class into small groups and provide
each group with a set of pictures or descriptions
of planets or celestial bodies other than Earth.
( Answer these question)
Question: What is the largest
planet in our solar system? Answer: The largest planet in our solar
system is Jupiter.
It is a gas giant and is known for
its immense size and powerful magnetic field.
F. Application
•Discuss the importance of preserving
Earth's unique features for future generations.
•Assign each student to create a poster or
Info graphic highlighting one of Earth's unique
Characteristics and its significance in supporting life.
•Provide art supplies and computer access as
Needed for this activity.
•Have students present their posters or
Info graphics to the class.
•Encourage questions and discussions
After each presentation.
•Evaluate their presentations based on content,
clarity, and ability to explain the significance of
Their chosen characteristic.
G. Assignment
Assign students to research a recent scientific discovery
related to the uniqueness of Earth or the Search for
Extra-terrestrial life and write a brief summary.