New DLL Format Edited
New DLL Format Edited
New DLL Format Edited
S.Y. 2017-2018
Subject: _Science 11__________________ Date: _July 19, 2017_
I. Objectives
1. Describe the solar system. (Remembering)
2. Identify the characteristics of eight planets in the solar system. (Remembering)
3. Differentiate the Terrestrial Planets from Jovian Planets. (Analyzing)
4. Compare the characteristics of eight planets. (Understanding)
II. Contents
A. Subject Matter:
The Solar System
B. References:
Prentice Hall; Earth Science, Lutgens Tarbuk
C. Materials:
Laptop, Solar System Model
III. Procedure
A. Daily Routine:
1. Checking of attendance
2. Prayer
3. Greetings
B. Review:
Asking the learners about the previous lesson about the universe with the following question:
a. What is universe?
b. What is nebulae
c. Is the universe expanding? Why? Why not?
C. Motivation:
Guessing Game
Arrange the jumbled letters to form words related to the solar system.
Celebrity Bluff
Guess if the following statement is true or not. By answering FACT or BLUFF, they will support
their answer
1. The solar system as we currently know it, is composed of nine (9) planets and one star.
2. The planet Mars have 4 Moons. (BLUFF)
3. The solar system is part of the Milky Way. (FACT)
C. Lesson Development:
The learners will watch 2 short video about the topic and they will answer the following
question regarding the short video clip that they watched:
What is Solar System?
How many planets there in the Solar System? Name them all.
How the Sun affect the eight planets in our Solar System?
What is the name of the satellite that revolves around the earth?
In what part of the Solar System where the asteroid belt be found?
3. Lesson Proper:
Using the presentation prepared, the learners will listen, learn and ask during the discussion with
the following up question:
1. Choose one plane from the Solar System and tell its characteristics.
2. Differentiate the Terrestrial Planets from Jovian Planets.
3. What planets have similarities? What are those?
D. Application:
Activity Proper,
The learners will ask to pick small rolled paper prepared by the facilitator, and then they will
go to the front and explain the word written inside the small rolled paper using the solar system
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Jovian Planets, Terrestrial
Planets, Sun, Moon, Solar System
IV. Evaluation
Identify the correct answer.
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