Business Finance Q4 Module 4
Business Finance Q4 Module 4
Business Finance Q4 Module 4
Quarter 4 – Module 4
Managing Personal Finance
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Thank you.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at our own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
• The module is intended for you to illustrate the money management cycle and give
examples of sound practices in earning, saving, and investing money.
Multiple Choice. Read carefully and answer the questions below. Write the letter of your
correct answer in your notebook.
1. Which financial institution accepts deposits from individuals and provide loans?
A. Financial institution
B. Depository institutions
C. Lending institutions
D. Bank deposits
2. Financial Institutions that accept deposits and use the funds to provide commercial
and personal loans.
A. Commercial banks
B. Central bank
C. Lending institution
D. None of these
3. An organization that collects and stores credit information about individual
A. Credit bureau
B. Depository bank
C. Lending institution
D. Non-commercial bank
4. Spending 70% of the money you make, saving 20% and investing 10%
A. 10-20-70 rule
B. 20-10-70 rule
C. 70-20-10 rule
D. None of the above
5. The following are the general requirements for long-term loan application except
A. Proof of income.
B. Valid Identification.
C. Collateral.
D. All of the above.
6. Which of the following is an investment?
A. Car
B. House.
C. Shares in a company.
D. All of the above.
Task 1
In our past lesson, we studied about personal finance philosophies. Let us see how far can you
apply those philosophies by briefly explaining the following statements below. Write your
answer in your notebook.
1. Budgeting makes people smart with money.
2. You are responsible for your own wealth.
Criteria Scale
5 3 2 1
FOCUS Sharp distinct Apparent point No apparent Minimal
(The single controlling point made about the point but evidence of
controlling point made about the topic , sufficient with the topic
made with an topic with of task. evidence
awareness of task evident about the
about a specific awareness of task. topic
CONTENT Substantial specific Sufficiently Limited Superficial
(The presence of and/or illustrative developed content content with and/or
ideas developed) content with adequate inadequate minimal
demonstrating elaboration or elaboration content
strong development explanation. or
and sophisticated explanation.
ORGANIZATION Sophisticated Functional Confused or Minimal
(The order developed arrangement of arrangement of inconsistent control of
and sustained) content with evident content that arrangement content
and/or subtle sustains a logical of content arrangements
transitions. order with some with or
evidence of without
transitions. attempts at
LANGUAGE/ Makes few errors in the Makes several errors Makes several Makes
STRUCTURE use of verbs, noun, in structure but do not errors that utterances that
choice of words but do affect overall interfere overall are so brief that
not hinder comprehensibility comprehensibili there is little
comprehensibility ty evidence of
structure and
ty is impeded.
Task 2
Imagine that you win 20 million from lottery. How are you going to manage the
amount you had won? Create a lifelong plan to guide all of your investing and spending
decisions. Use the matrix below to organize your thoughts then answer the succeeding
1. Which among the investing/spending strategies you listed above you think is most
practical? Justify your answer.
Earning /
Investing Spending
“Money management provides you with a 360-degree view of your financial picture
while applying key financial disciplines to help you overcome the obstacles to wealth. With a
clear purpose for your money and sound money management principles behind it, you are in
much more control of your financial destiny.” 1
As a result of different ages, lifestyles, family structures, and many other factors,
financial plans for individuals are different. However, the fundamental principles of budgeting
can be commonly shared. For example, one simple method of personal budgeting is the “50-
20-30 Budget Rule.”
The 50-20-30 Budget Rule suggests an individual spends 50% of their after-tax
income on essential expenditures. The essentials include house mortgages or rents,
transportation, groceries, utilities, and so on. 30% of their income should be spent on the
things that the person wants. It can include expenses on partying with friends, movie tickets,
and vacations. The remaining 20% should be saved or invested for future financial goals.
Money management with intuitive planning and budgeting helps to reduce inessential
expenditures. Such expenditures do not add value to an individual’s living standards. They
can be saved or invested for better use in the future. Money management also lowers the risk
of running out of money. It helps individuals to achieve their financial goals in the long term.
Personal financial management is a daunting and continuous task that can cause even
the most economically savvy individual to become confused or short-sighted.
Indeed, in a world where assets and investments move quickly and we link our bank
accounts to innumerable services and make purchases with the touch of a button, financial
management is a trickier concept than ever before.
To make the most of the money at your disposal requires constant awareness and
strategic thinking.
The Importance of Money Management. Retrieved from:
It is important to choose a bank that will help you accomplish your financial goals. Be
aware that some banks charge more fees for some services than other banks. For example, a
number of banks charge fees for account maintenance, teller services, ATM usage, overdraft
protection, and online bill paying. Many banks offer zero-liability protection for fraudulent
charges made on a debit card.
Pay Taxes
Manage Debt
It is important to take control of debt. Although most people have some kind of debt,
such as a car loan or a mortgage, high interest debt can lead to disastrous consequences. To
get control over debt, an individual can sell investments, negotiate with a creditor to repay the
debt in a payment plan, or file for bankruptcy.
Keeping debt low is also an important component of an individual's credit score. While
making payments on time is the most crucial factor, the second most critical factor is the total
amount of debt owed. A debtor can improve a credit score by paying down debt and by
refraining from incurring any more debt.
1. Accumulation Phase
Those who have just started working or in the early part of their respective careers.
Typical assets that any individual or household acquires in this stage include their own car or
house. It is also in this stage that individuals start separating from their parents.
Because of their acquisition of cars and houses, individuals at this stage also start
incurring liabilities in the form of car and home mortgages which are typically paid over a
long-time horizon.
2. Consolidation Phase
Those in this phase already have the necessary assets required of a typical household
and have settled most of their outstanding liabilities. Family objectives are fulfilled such as
family vacations and purchase of luxury goods, provide children’s education and daily
Investments of moderate risk are taken by these individuals since they still have a
longer time horizon before retirement yet not willing to venture on too risky investments
since it will be hard for them to start all over again.
People in this phase need to consolidate and preserve much of the assets they
accumulated throughout the years since they also want to prepare ahead for future
3. Spending Phase
Retired individuals belong to this phase. Their main source of income comes from
their pension although they also benefit the returns of their existing investments. Capital
preservation is the main return objective with the intention of earning more than inflation to
protect the value of their investment. Insurance and financial institutions aid these retirees
determining the timing of receipts of the income generated from their insurance and pension
plans so that they do not spend much of it in a limited time span.
4. Gifting Phase
This stage focuses on how the individual provides support to the family members,
friends, or any charitable institution. The focus of the individual is consistent on how he
wants to allocate his wants to these beneficiaries in case of his death or even during his
remaining years.
Task 3
Read and understand the case below and provide what is being required. Write your answer
in your notebook.
Case Problem:
Interview at least four members in the household that belong to each of the phases
(accumulation, consolidation, spending, gifting) of the individual investor’s life cycle.
I Have Learned
Task 4
Direction: In your notebook or in a clean sheet of paper, provide what is being asked for
in each item below:
1. What are the ways of managing personal finances?
2. What are the four phases of personal financial life cycle? Explain the activities in each
3. What do you think is the importance of managing your own personal finance and in
using the money management process?
Task 5
Direction: Prepare the following task:
1. Using the money management process, you are to prepare a list of the four stages in the
cycle: Earning, spending, saving, and investing. Follow the instructions below then answer the
succeeding questions.
A. Identify your sources of funds, for example: allowance coming from your parents, etc.
B. List down all necessary expenditures.
C. Determine if you have excess funds available for savings and investment.
2. Prepare your personal budget plan for the week.
Use the format below:
1. Where will you put the excess funds, if any? Explain briefly.
2. If the sources are not enough to cover for your expenditures, where do you get
additional financing? Explain briefly.
FOCUS Sharp distinct Apparent point No apparent point Minimal evidence
(The single controlling point made about the topic but with evidence of the topic
controlling made about the , sufficient about the topic
point made topic of task.
with an with evident
awareness of awareness of task.
task about a
specific topic)
CONTENT Substantial specific Sufficiently Limited content Superficial and/or
(The presence and/or illustrative developed content with inadequate minimal content
of ideas content with adequate elaboration or
developed) demonstrating elaboration or explanation.
strong development explanation.
and sophisticated
ORGANIZATI Sophisticated Functional Confused or Minimal control of
ON arrangement of arrangement of inconsistent content
(The order content with evident content that sustains arrangement of arrangements
developed and and/or subtle a logical order with content with or
sustained) transitions. some evidence of without attempts at
transitions. transition.
LANGUAGE/ Makes few errors in Makes several errors Makes several Very little
STRUCTURE the use of verbs, in structure but do errors that interfere evidence of
noun, choice of not affect overall overall structure and
words but do not comprehensibility comprehensibility comprehensibility
hinder is impeded.
Spending Stage 1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Gifting Stage 1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Arthur S, C. D. (2017). Business Finance. Manila: Rex Bookstore.
Retrieved on March 15, 2021
Retrieved on March 15, 2021
Retrieved on March 21, 2021
Retrieved on April 30, 2021