Confidentiality Agreement: Regulating The Philippine Bar in Matters of Confidentiality of Information in The

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I, Atty. John Joseph S. Estrada OF Sitio Estrella, San Rafael, Tarlac City
(name) (address)

in the Province of Tarlac, agree that my employment by [Marcos-Aquino Law

Firm] shall be strictly on the following terms and conditions:

1. I acknowledge that I have been advised by Marcos-Aquino Law Firm that all
information and documents that I may have knowledge of or access to through
my employment with the firm are strictly confidential.

2. I agree at all times to treat as confidential all information acquired through my

employment with the firm, and not to disclose same except as authorized in the
course of my employment or by law. I acknowledge that such information is not
to be altered, copied, interfered with or destroyed, except upon authorization and
in accordance with the policy of the firm. I will not discuss such information with
any party, nor will I participate in or permit the release, publication or disclosure
of such information, nor will I copy, photograph, scan, email, distribute, or
disseminate such information, except as authorized in the course of my
employment or by law.

a. I understand that this agreement includes:

b. never discussing the personality of a client, his or her file or any

details thereof with anyone other than a member of the firm directly

c. avoiding the use of names of clients in conversations with other

clients, friends or relatives;

d. ensuring that disclosures of information are made only to persons

entitled to that information;

e. ensuring that conversations relating to clients or other firm business

are not conducted in the elevator, in the reception area, or other
public areas where conversations may be heard by other than firm
personnel; and

3. I understand and acknowledge that, as an employee of Marcos-Aquino Law

Firm, I am required to honor and be bound by the provisions of the Rules
Regulating The Philippine Bar in matters of confidentiality of information in the
same manner as all the lawyers in the firm, even after I have left the employment
of the firm.

a. A lawyer shall hold in strict confidence all information concerning

the business and affairs of the client acquired in the course of the
professional relationship, regardless of the nature or source of the
information or of the fact that others may share the knowledge, and
shall not divulge any such information unless disclosure is
expressly or impliedly authorized by the client, or is required by law
or by a court.

b. A lawyer shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the privacy and
safekeeping of a client’s confidential information.

c. A lawyer shall not disclose the facts of having been consulted or

retained by a person unless the nature of the matter requires such

d. A lawyer shall preserve the client’s secrets even after the

termination of the services.
4. I understand that compliance with the confidentiality requirements of the firm is
a condition of my employment and that failure to comply with the policy may
result in termination of my employment by the firm.

5. I agree to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement and will continue to be

so bound following the termination of my employment.

6. I have been advised that I have the right to seek independent legal advice
prior to signing this agreement.

SIGNED this __________ day of ________________, 20___.

_________________________ _________________________________
Signature Witness Print Name


________ CITY ) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of _______, Philippines
this _____________, _______ (year) personally appeared the following:

Names ID No. Date/Place Issued

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the

foregoing Confidentiality Agreement consisting of three (3) pages including this
page, and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act
and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL at the place and on the

date first herein above written.

Notary Public

Doc. No. ____;

Page No. ____;
Book No. ____;
Series of _____.

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