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A thesis submitted to the department of ARCHITECTURE,

Faculty of Environmental Sciences, submitted to the School of Postgraduate Studies,
University of Jos, in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the award of the degree of

JUNE 2021


I hereby declare that this work is the product of my own research efforts, undertaken under the
supervision of Arc John, Aumah and has not been presented elsewhere for the award of a degree
or a certificate. All sources have been duly distinguished and appropriately acknowledged.

JUNE 2021


This is to certify that the research work for this thesis and the subsequent preparation of this
thesis by Pwajok Kim Nanfel (UJ/2018/PGEV/0030) were carried out under my supervision.

A Date
External Examiner

Arc John, Anumah Date


Arc (Dr) Lekjep, R.S Date

Head of Department

Prof. Gideon Baklit Date

Dean, Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Prof. Date
Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies


This work is dedicated to God Almighty, to my father, Major Joseph Pam Pwajok, my uncles
Mr. Ponmak Aya Nanfel, of blessed memory and Mr. Ponsah Aya Nanfel, my ever-supportive
aunties, Mrs. Kenneng and Mrs Peter Gyang Sha.


Special thanks to God for helping me come this far in this program, despite all challenges. Special

thanks to Arc. Dr. Pontip Stephen Nimlyat for giving me an accommodation at his place and also

for his professional input. I acknowledge my parents and uncles, though late for their immense

support throughout my early stage of academic pursuit. Worthy of note to acknowledge are my

cousins, both younger and elder ones, and specially for Pwajok Habila Pam and Arc. Pam Bot for

their relentless support towards my education.

And for the development and progress of this work, I feel a deep sense of gratitude to my

supervisor Arc. John Anumah and my studio coordinators, for allowing me to tap from their wealth

of knowledge, experience and appropriate guidance. Special acknowledgement to the amiable

H.O.D., Arc(Dr) R.S Lekjep who saw to our transition into this level, kindly accept my deepest

regards and appreciation.

Worthy of sincere acknowledgement is my Pastor, Peter Ameh and wife and also to my church

coordinator, Mr. Chuks and the entire Jos 1 Family Worship Center, Church. I owe it to you all

for your prayers and immense contribution.

I acknowledge my brother, and also a friend, Johnson Ellie for his contribution towards my

struggle in this MSc., architecture.


Table of Contents
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................ ii
CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................................................... iii
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................ v
1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ..................................................................................................... 3
1.3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS.................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE .................................................................................................... 5
1.6 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 6
1.7 JUSTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.8 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................. 7
1.9 DEFINITION OF TERMS .................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 ROLE OF BIOMIMICRY IN ARCHITECTURE ..................................................................................... 9
2.2 THE CONCEPT OF BIOMIMICRY IN ARCHITECTURE..................................................................... 10
2.3 The Biomimetic Approach........................................................................................................... 10
2.4 ARCHITECTURE INSPIRED BY NATURE ........................................................................................ 15
2.4.1 Architecture follows nature ................................................................................................ 15
2.5 BIOMIMICRY DESIGN PRINCIPLES ............................................................................................... 16
2.5.1 Nature Runs on Sunlight ..................................................................................................... 16
2.5.2 Nature Uses Only the Energy It Needs ................................................................................ 17
2.5.3 Nature Fits Form to Function .............................................................................................. 17
2.5.4 Nature Recycles Everything ................................................................................................ 17
2.5.5 Nature Rewards Cooperation ............................................................................................. 17
2.5.6 Nature Banks On Diversity .................................................................................................. 18
2.5.7 Nature Demands Local Expertise ........................................................................................ 18
2.5.8 Nature Seeks Balance.......................................................................................................... 18
2.5.9 Nature Taps the Power of Limits ........................................................................................ 18
2.6 HOW BIOMICICRY CAN TRANSFORM OUR LIVES ........................................................................ 18
2.7 BIOMIMICRY INSPIRED BY NATURE (LIVING ORGANISMS) ......................................................... 21
2.8 BIOMIMICRY ANALYTICAL STUDY (Studied Case Studies) .......................................................... 26

2.9 BIOMIMICRY AS A MODEL IN AGRICULTURE .............................................................................. 27

2.10 RELATED LITERATURE ................................................................................................................. 31
2.11 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER (ARC) .................................................................................. 34
2.12 How Agricultural Research Center Works .................................................................................. 35
2.13 RESEARCH GAPS ON AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ........................................................................ 37
2.14 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .............................................................................................. 39
2.14.1 Time-Savers for Building Types (Second Edition) by Joseph de Chiara and John Hancock
Callendar, (1987) and (Fourth Edition) Joseph de Chiara and Michael Crosbie, (2001). .................... 39
2.14.2 Agricultural Research Center (Central Laboratory of Agricultural Expert Systems),
(2007) by Tarek Heggi ......................................................................................................................... 40
2.14.3 Policies and Guidelines for Establishing of Research Centers by Hindustan Institute of
Technology and Science ...................................................................................................................... 40
2.15 RELATED STUDIES........................................................................................................................ 41
2.16 THEORETICAL FRAME WORKS OF THE STUDY ............................................................................ 42
2.17 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY ............................................................................... 44
2.17.1 Agricultural Research and Development has two key words Research and Development.
2.17.2 Development has the following parameters: ..................................................................... 46
2.18 BIOMIMICRY ELEMENTS INFLUENCE ON PROPOSED PROJECT DESIGN ..................................... 46
2.19 BIOMIMICRY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM .................................................................................... 48
CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................................................... 94
3.2 RESEARCH INSTRUMENT............................................................................................................. 94
3.3 RESEARCH METHOD AND PROCEDURE....................................................................................... 94
3.3.1 Data to Be Collected ........................................................................................................... 94
3.3.2 Data Collection Method ...................................................................................................... 94
3.3.3 Data Presentation Method ................................................................................................. 95
3.3.5 .................................................................................................................................................... 95
3.4 ........................................................................................................................................................... 95
3.5 ........................................................................................................................................................... 95
3.6 ........................................................................................................................................................... 96
3.6.1 .................................................................................................................................................... 96
3.3.4 Facilities Provided ............................................................................................................. 104
3.3.5 Materials Used .................................................................................................................. 104
3.3.6 Merits ................................................................................................................................ 104

3.3.7 Demerits ............................................................................................................................ 105

3.3.8 Appraisal ........................................................................................................................... 105
3.5 General Overview ..................................................................................................................... 105
3.5.1 Facilities Provided ............................................................................................................. 108
3.5.2 Material Used.................................................................................................................... 109
3.5.3 Merits ................................................................................................................................ 109
3.5.4 Demerits ............................................................................................................................ 109
3.5.5 Appraisal ........................................................................................................................... 110
3.6.1 General Overview ............................................................................................................. 110
3.6.2 Facilities Provided ............................................................................................................. 113
3.6.3 Materials Used .................................................................................................................. 113
3.6.4 Merits ................................................................................................................................ 113
3.6.5 Demerits ............................................................................................................................ 114
3.6.6 Appraisal ........................................................................................................................... 114
3.7 AGROTOPIA RESEARCH CENTER FOR URBAN FOOD PRODUCTION.......................................... 114
3.7.1 General Overview ............................................................................................................. 114
3.7.2 Facilities Provided ............................................................................................................. 118
3.7.3 Materials used................................................................................................................... 119
3.7.4 Merits ................................................................................................................................ 119
3.7.5 Demerits ............................................................................................................................ 119
3.7.6 Appraisal ........................................................................................................................... 119
3.7.7 SPANISH-PORTUGUESE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER ............................................ 119
3.7.8 General Overview ............................................................................................................. 119
3.7.9 Facilities Provided ............................................................................................................. 126
3.7.10 Merits ................................................................................................................................ 127
3.7.11 Demerits ............................................................................................................................ 127
4.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 128
4.2 BRIEF HISTORY OF PLATEAU STATE .......................................................................................... 128
4.2.1 Location of Plateau State .................................................................................................. 129
4.2.2 Climatic Conditions ........................................................................................................... 129
4.2.3 The People and Culture..................................................................................................... 129

4.3 ECONOMY AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES ....................................................................... 130

4.4 THE SITE .................................................................................................................................... 131
4.5 SITE SELECTION CRITERIA.......................................................................................................... 132
4.6 SITE DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 134
4.7 SITE EVALUATION...................................................................................................................... 137
4.8 SITE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................... 138
4.8.1 Topography ....................................................................................................................... 140
4.8.2 Geology and Soil Type ....................................................................................................... 141
4.8.3 Vegetation ......................................................................................................................... 141
4.8.4 Traffic ................................................................................................................................ 142
4.8.5 Utilities .............................................................................................................................. 144
4.8.6 Existing Land Use .............................................................................................................. 144
4.8.7 Sources of Noise................................................................................................................ 145
4.8.8 Site Weather and Climatic Conditions .............................................................................. 147
4.8.9 Site Merits ......................................................................................................................... 150
4.8.10 Site Demerits ..................................................................................................................... 151
4.8.11 Site Potentials ................................................................................................................... 151
4.8.12 Site Problems .................................................................................................................... 151
5.1 ARCHITECTURAL CHALLENGES .................................................................................................. 152
5.2 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................... 152
5.2.1 Accessibility and Circulation: ............................................................................................ 152
5.2.2 Space Organization: .......................................................................................................... 152
5.2.3 Form .................................................................................................................................. 153
5.2.4 Aesthetic Effect ................................................................................................................. 153
5.2.5 Building Materials ............................................................................................................. 153
5.2.6 Waste Disposal .................................................................................................................. 154
5.2.7 Drainage ............................................................................................................................ 154
5.2.8 Topography ....................................................................................................................... 154
5.2.9 Ventilation......................................................................................................................... 154
5.2.10 Lighting (Artificial and Natural) ......................................................................................... 155
5.2.11 Structural/ Environmental Support .................................................................................. 155
5.2.12 Orientation/ Zoning .......................................................................................................... 155
5.2.13 Acoustics ........................................................................................................................... 156

5.2.14 Services ............................................................................................................................. 156

5.2.15 Security ............................................................................................................................. 156
5.2.16 Environmental Impacts ..................................................................................................... 156
5.3 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................................ 156
5.3.1 Function ............................................................................................................................ 156
5.3.2 Function Efficiency (Performance): Organize the Spaces ................................................. 157
5.3.3 For Safety: Organize The Spaces ....................................................................................... 157
5.3.4 Site Design: Organize the Space:....................................................................................... 157
5.3.5 Relationship to the Surrounding Environment: ................................................................ 157
5.3.6 Multiple Spaces and Uses: ................................................................................................ 157
5.3.7 Visual Relations and Sequence: ........................................................................................ 158
5.3.8 Landscape Design:............................................................................................................. 158
5.3.9 Outdoor Activity Spaces .................................................................................................... 158
5.3.10 Context .............................................................................................................................. 158
5.3.11 Enclosure ........................................................................................................................... 159
5.3.12 Systems ............................................................................................................................. 159
5.3.13 Economic ........................................................................................................................... 159
5.3.14 Human factor .................................................................................................................... 159
6.1 THE BRIEF .................................................................................................................................. 160
6.2 DESIGN FEASIBILITY................................................................................................................... 160
6.3 FUNCTIONAL SPACES ................................................................................................................ 160
6.3.1 Administration Unit........................................................................................................... 161
6.3.2 Agricultural Museum ........................................................................................................ 161
6.3.3 Post-Harvest Market ......................................................................................................... 161
6.3.4 Auxiliary Unit ..................................................................................................................... 161
6.3.5 Research Center Main Library........................................................................................... 161
6.3.6 Main Auditorium ............................................................................................................... 161
6.3.7 Staff Office Unit................................................................................................................. 162
6.3.8 Research Departments and Laboratories ......................................................................... 162
6.4 RESEARCH DEPARTMENTS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS ................................................................. 162
6.5 SCHEDULE OF ACCOMODATION ............................................................................................... 168
6.6 DESIGN CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................... 172
6.6.1 Site Layout Concept .......................................................................................................... 173

6.6.2 The Design Connections and forms .................................................................................. 174

6.7 FUNCTIONAL SPACE CORRELATION .......................................................................................... 174
7.1 SITE PLAN .................................................................................................................................. 176
7.2 FLOOR PLANS ............................................................................................................................ 179
7.3 SECTIONS................................................................................................................................... 184
7.4 ELEVATIONS/VIEWS .................................................................................................................. 186
7.5 PERSPECTIVE VIEWS.................................................................................................................. 188
7.6 WORKING DRAWINGS............................................................................................................... 190
7.7 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................... 198
7.8 DESIGN ACHIEVEMENTS/CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE ..................................................... 199
7.9 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................... 200
7.10 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................... 201
References ................................................................................................................................................ 202


Fig. 1: a – The Art-Science Museum, b – Roof plan of the museum. Singapore ................................... 10
Fig. 2(a) Eastgate Building-Zimbabwe; Fig. 3. (b)Ant nest; ................................................................... 12
Fig. 4 (c)The system of ventilation. Source (Richard Dahl, 2013) .............................................................. 13
Fig. 5 (a) Kunsthaus; Fig. 6 (b) Cafe Insel (Wikipedia, 2014) .......................................... 13
Fig. 7 a) Armadillo Concert Hall;................................................................................................................. 14
Fig. 8 (b)Baha’i House of Worship (Wikipedia, 2014) ................................................................................ 14
Fig. 9 (a)Lisbon Orient Train Station; (b) Stuttgart Airport (Wikipedia, 2014) ......................................... 14
Fig. 10 (a) Mar Da Palha Auditorium; ......................................................................................................... 15
Fig. 11 (b)Esplanade Theatre (Wikipedia, 2014) ....................................................................................... 15
Fig. 12 Biomimicry transformation to our lives ......................................................................................... 19
Fig. 13 Biomimicry Sphere According to (Sue L. T. McGregor, December 2013)....................................... 20
Fig. 14 East Gate Center Retail Office, Harare, Zimbabwe ........................................................................ 21
Fig. 15 Moshe Safdie’s ArtScience Museum, Singapore ............................................................................ 22
Fig. 16 Lotus Temple in Delhi, India .......................................................................................................... 22
Fig. 17 National Stadium (Bird’s Nest), Beijing, China ............................................................................... 23
Fig. 18 Flor de Venezuela en Barquisimeto, Venezuela ............................................................................. 23
Fig. 19 La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain ............................................................................................. 24
Fig. 20 Nature Boardwalk at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, United States............................................ 25
Fig. 21 The Gherkin in London, United Kingdom ....................................................................................... 25
Fig. 22 Apartment Block Bahamas ............................................................................................................. 26
Fig. 23 East gate building, Zimbabwe Two-Mile High Ultima Tower, Francisco ...................................... 28

Fig. 24 Research and Development Flow ................................................................................................... 44

Fig. 25 a – The Art-Science Museum, b – Roof plan of the museum. Singapore .................................. 52
Fig. 26 (a) Eastgate Building-Zimbabwe; Fig. 27. (b)Ant nest; .............................................................. 55
Fig. 28. (c)The system of ventilation. Source (Richard Dahl, 2013) ........................................................... 55
Fig. 29 (a) Kunsthaus; Fig. 30 (b) Cafe Insel (Wikipedia, 2014) ...................................... 55
Fig. 31 (a) Armadillo Concert Hall; ............................................................................................................. 56
Fig. 32 (b)Baha’i House of Worship (Wikipedia, 2014) ............................................................................. 56
Fig. 33 (a)Lisbon Orient Train Station; (b) Stuttgart Airport (Wikipedia, 2014) ....................................... 56
Fig. 34 (a) Mar Da Palha Auditorium; ......................................................................................................... 57
Fig. 35 Biomimicry transformation to our lives ......................................................................................... 61
Fig. 36 Biomimicry Sphere According to (Sue L. T. McGregor, December 2013)....................................... 63
Fig. 37 East Gate Center Retail Office, Harare, Zimbabwe ........................................................................ 64
Fig. 38 Moshe Safdie’s ArtScience Museum, Singapore ............................................................................ 64
Fig. 39 Lotus Temple in Delhi, India ........................................................................................................... 65
Fig. 40 National Stadium (Bird’s Nest), Beijing, China ............................................................................... 65
Fig. 41Flor de Venezuela en Barquisimeto, Venezuela .............................................................................. 66
Fig. 42 La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain ............................................................................................. 67
Fig. 43Nature Boardwalk at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, United States ............................................ 67
Fig. 44The Gherkin in London, United Kingdom ........................................................................................ 68
Fig. 45 Apartment Block Bahamas ............................................................................................................. 69
Fig. 46 East gate building, Zimbabwe Two-Mile High Ultima Tower, Francisco ...................................... 70
Fig. 47 Research and Development Flow ................................................................................................... 87
Fig. 48 : schematic aerial view of the institute .......................................................................................... 97
Fig. 49: schematic map of the institute.................................................................................................... 106
Fig. 50: Schematic map of the institute ................................................................................................... 111
Fig. 51: Layout plan .................................................................................................................................. 111
Fig. 52: Sections ....................................................................................................................................... 112
Fig. 53: Greenhouse structures ................................................................................................................ 112
Fig. 54: Bird-eye view ............................................................................................................................... 112
Fig. 55: Office Unit ................................................................................................................................... 112
Fig. 56: Schematic Layout map of the institute ....................................................................................... 115
Fig. 57: Schematic floor plans of the institute ......................................................................................... 115
Fig. 58: Schematic roof plan of the institute ............................................................................................ 116
Fig. 59: Elevations and Sections ............................................................................................................... 117
Fig. 60: Exterior views of the institute ..................................................................................................... 117
Fig. 61: Aeroponic Vertical farm .............................................................................................................. 117
Fig. 62: offices of the institute ................................................................................................................. 118
Fig. 63: Vertical access and walkways made of steel ............................................................................... 118
Fig. 64: Interior (Circulation area) ............................................................................................................ 121
Fig. 65: Main foyer ................................................................................................................................... 121
Fig. 66: Laboratories................................................................................................................................. 121
Fig. 67: Exterior part of Lecture halls and offices .................................................................................... 122
Fig. 68: Bird-eye view of the Laboratories and Lecture units .................................................................. 122
Fig. 69: Aerial view of the general layout ................................................................................................ 122
Fig. 70: Seminar Room and Interior Circulation space with high windows ............................................. 123
Fig. 71: Interior part of the offices and Exterior Part of the laboratories ................................................ 123
Fig. 72: Schematic lower floor plan.......................................................................................................... 123

Fig. 73: Schematic ground floor plan ....................................................................................................... 124

Fig. 74: Schematic First floor plan ............................................................................................................ 124
Fig. 75: Schematic Second floor plan ....................................................................................................... 125
Fig. 76: Schematic Third floor plan .......................................................................................................... 125
Fig. 77: Sections ....................................................................................................................................... 126
Fig. 78: Elevations .................................................................................................................................... 126
Fig. 79: Map showing Plateau State ......................................................................................................... 128
Fig. 80: Mararaban Jamaa Google Map-Heipang Road........................................................................... 135
Fig. 81: Maximum temperature of Jos ..................................................................................................... 147
Fig. 82: Average daily rainfall in Jos ......................................................................................................... 147
Fig. 83: Average monthly precipitation and temperature in Jos ............................................................. 148
Fig. 84: Average monthly precipitation and temperature in Jos ............................................................. 149
Fig. 85: Daily sunny, cloudy and precipitation days in Jos ....................................................................... 149
Fig. 86: Wind rose in Jos........................................................................................................................... 150


Plate 1: Schematic floor plans of the admin block view ............................................................................. 97

Plate 2Schematic floor plans for Crop production and Horticulture Department ..................................... 98
Plate 3: Schematic floor plans for Statistics and Biology Laboratories....................................................... 98
Plate 4: Schematic Floor Plans for other Laboratories ............................................................................... 99
Plate 5: Schematic floor plans for the library ............................................................................................. 99
Plate 6: Security Gate................................................................................................................................ 100
Plate 7: Admin block ................................................................................................................................. 100
Plate 8: crop production and horticulture ................................................................................................ 101
Plate 9: Etimology and Parasitology dept ................................................................................................. 101
Plate 10: Students’ sitout .......................................................................................................................... 102
Plate 11: Relaxation Hut ........................................................................................................................... 102
Plate 12: Lecture Halls .............................................................................................................................. 103
Plate 13: Library ........................................................................................................................................ 103
Plate 14 : Institute Security Gate .............................................................................................................. 106
Plate 15: Administrative Block .................................................................................................................. 107
Plate 16: Vehicular circulation .................................................................................................................. 107
Plate 17: Workshops and Laboratories ..................................................................................................... 108
Plate 18: General Aerial View of 1AAR ..................................................................................................... 108
Plate 19: Jos Master Plan .......................................................................................................................... 132
Plate 20: Site A along Mararaban Jamaa-Heipang Road .......................................................................... 136
Plate 21: Site A Location progression from Jos South L.G.A. .................................................................... 138
Plate 22: Site Analysis (sun path and direction). ...................................................................................... 139
Plate 23: Site Analysis (climate and wind direction) ................................................................................. 139
Plate 24: Relief/Topography of the site .................................................................................................... 140
Plate 25: Relief/Topography of the site .................................................................................................... 140
Plate 26: Loamy-clay Soil type on proposed site ...................................................................................... 141
Plate 27: Typical guinea savannah vegetation within the study area ...................................................... 142
Plate 28: Site Analysis Showing Vegetation Cover within the study area ................................................ 142
Plate 29: Mararaban Jamaa picture and google map ............................................................................... 143

Plate 30: Site Analysis Showing Accessibility and Footpath ..................................................................... 143
Plate 31: Existing Nigerian Integrated Power Project along ..................................................................... 144
Plate 32: Proposed Site showing ridges as a sign of farm operation ........................................................ 145
Plate 33: Site features surrounding the proposed site ............................................................................. 145
Plate 34: Vehicular and trucks movement towards the western part of the site .................................... 146
Plate 35: Site Analysis for noise impact and control................................................................................. 146
Plate 36: Elevation Concept ...................................................................................................................... 173
Plate 37: Conceptual Layout ..................................................................................................................... 174
Plate 38: Site Bubble Diagram .................................................................................................................. 175
Plate 39: Site Plan ..................................................................................................................................... 178
Plate 40: Ground Floor Plan ...................................................................................................................... 179
Plate 41: First Floor Plan ........................................................................................................................... 180
Plate 42: Second Floor Plan ...................................................................................................................... 181
Plate 43: Third Floor Plan .......................................................................................................................... 182
Plate 44: Roof Plan .................................................................................................................................... 183
Plate 45: Sections T-T and U-U.................................................................................................................. 184
Plate 46: Sections P-P and Q-Q ................................................................................................................. 185
Plate 47: Approach and Left Side Views ................................................................................................... 186
Plate 48: Rear and Right Side Views ......................................................................................................... 187
Plate 49: Right Side Perspective View....................................................................................................... 188
Plate 50: Normal Eye-View Perspective View ........................................................................................... 188
Plate 51: Worm-Eye Perspective View...................................................................................................... 189
Plate 52: Bird-Eye Perspective View ......................................................................................................... 189
Plate 53: Typical Ground –Second Floor Plan ........................................................................................... 190
Plate 54: Third Floor Plan .......................................................................................................................... 191
Plate 55: Roof Plan .................................................................................................................................... 192
Plate 56: Approach and Left View............................................................................................................. 193
Plate 57: Rear and Right Side View ........................................................................................................... 194
Plate 58: Window Schedule ...................................................................................................................... 195
Plate 59: Door’s Schedule ......................................................................................................................... 196
Plate 60: Materials Schedule .................................................................................................................... 197


As the word is faces increasing challenges in food production and sustainability, there is a growing

interest in applying innovative approaches to address these issues. Biomimicry, a discipline that

draws inspiration from nature’s patterns, processes, and systems, offers a promising avenue for

sustainable development. This thesis explores the application of biomimicry principles in

agricultural research centers and their potential to revolutionize the way we cultivate, manage and

optimize food systems.

The study begins with a comprehensive review of biomimicry principles and their relevance to

agriculture. By emulating nature’s design, agriculture can benefit from improved resource

efficiency, enhanced resilience, and reduced environmental impact. This research investigates

specific case studies and examples of biomimetic solutions in agricultural systems, such as bio-

inspired irrigation techniques, mimicry of ecosystem services and the replication of natural

symbiotic relationship for soil fertility enhancement.

Furthermore, the thesis examines the economic and environmental implications of adopting

biomimetic strategies in agricultural research centers. It also analyzes the potential for increased

productivity, reduce resource consumption, and improved resilience in food production systems.

Additionally, the study explores the potential for scaling up biomimetic practices beyond research

centers to broader agricultural landscapes, promoting the transition to more sustainable and

regenerative farming practices.

The thesis also underscores the immense potential of biomimicry in transforming agricultural

research centers into catalysts for sustainable food systems, especially the organic types. By

incorporating nature’s wisdom, these centers can pioneer innovative solutions that address

pressing challenges in agriculture while promoting ecological balance and resource efficiency.

This research calls for increased investment in biomimicry research and its integration into

agricultural policies and practices, thereby fostering a more harmonious relationship between

human activities and the natural world.




Research is a scientific approach of answering a research question, solving a problem or

generating new knowledge through a systematic and orderly collection, organization, and analysis
of information with an ultimate goal of making the research useful in decision-making according
to (Syed Muhammed Sajjad Kabir, July, 2016).
In agriculture, scientists actively seek to discover procedures that will increase livestock

and crop yields, improve farmland productivity, reduce loss due to disease and insects, develop

more efficient equipment, and increase overall food quality.

Agricultural Research can be understood as any research activity aimed at improving productivity

and quality of crops by their genetic improvement, better plant protection, irrigation, storage

methods, farm mechanization, efficient marketing, and a better management of resources.

Agricultural research plays a huge role in meeting the food requirements of continually

expanding populations, generating foreign exchange to finance domestic programs, amongst

others, since verse new technologies, inputs, and techniques of production that increase

agricultural productivity are developed via agricultural research, according to MG Miangwa,

Journal of Agriculture, Vol 8. No 2(2010).

A research center is a formally structured unit, other than a department or a school, established

with the purpose of advancing scholarly activity primarily through collaborative research, research

training, research dissemination, or creative endeavors (University of Fraser Valley, Research

Centers and Institutes June, 2017). Research centers typically involves activities that are beyond

the scope of single disciplines, thus promote interdisciplinary work. Agricultural research center

is a facility mandated with carrying out laboratory analysis of soil, fertilizers, food crops (seeds,

cereals, leguminous crops, etc.), plant product quality and safety and identification of plant

diseases and pests. Determination of residues of pesticides and mycotoxins.


Agricultural Research Center participates in the implementation of the national plant

health and food safety control system, carries out field testing, agro-environmental monitoring

rural economic analysis and networking (www.pmk.agri.ee).

Biomimicry concerns many sectors of human activities from medical research, industry,

economy, architecture and urban planning, agriculture and management, etc. (Biomimicry

Institute, February, 2020). Considering agricultural research and development, Biomimicry plays

a significant role as it serves as a technological tool to sustainable agricultural development and

growth. According to (Maya Kleiman Ph.D, May 6, 2019) biomimicry is an innovative approach

that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by emulating nature’s patterns and strategies.

In architecture, Biomimicry is also known for its problem-driven or solution-driven

approach to architectural design issues. In the problem-driven approach, the designer explores

solutions to address the problems through biology, whereas in the solution-driven approach

biology is used as a solution to copy and then transfer to design systems. Biomimicry inspires

architecture in three ways; organism (imitation of nature), behavior (imitation of natural

processes), and ecosystem levels (imitation of the working principles of ecosystems). At the

organism level, design and architecture are mainly inspired by the form, shape, or structure of a

building. At the behavioral level, the interaction between the ecosystem and its surroundings

inspires the design ( Jamei, E; Vrcelj, Z, May, 2021).

Most of the problems in agriculture, like soil degradation and diminishing (necessary)

biodiversity, are caused by unfit uses of existing technologies and approaches, mimicking the

agriculturally-relevant functioning natural ecosystems seem necessary for appropriate

organization of our toxic and entropic agro-technologies. Biomimicry is a new science (systematic

approach) that studies nature’s models and then emulates these forms, process, systems, and

strategies to solve human problems – sustainably. Nature as measure: Biomimicry uses an


ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our innovations (Mehraj U Din Dar; Vinay

Kumar; Shakeel Ahmed Bhat, September, 2018).

In biomimicry, we look at nature as model, measure, and mentor. Nature as model:

Biomimicry is a new science that studies nature’s models and then emulates these forms, process,

systems, and strategies to solve human problems – sustainably. Nature as measure: Biomimicry

uses an ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our innovations. Nature as mentor:

Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature (Mehraj U Din Dar; Vinay Kumar;

Shakeel Ahmed Bhat, September, 2018).

In line with the above, fusing architecture and nature as a model, the proposed

Agricultural Research Center Design should be systematic, that is, scientific-based and sustainable

knowing that biomimicry is a concept as postulated by Janine Benyus (1997) and hailed as a new

scientific-based (ibid.), a design concept (Mathews 2011), or a paradigm of technological research

(Dicks 2016), or ecological innovation (Blok & Gremmen 2016).

A building form, facade or appearance and structure could be inspired by biomimetic

materials with inspiration from nature as they portray the attribute of living thing and how the

organism functions as the materials serve to restore a natural function where the original material

is absent or unable to perform properly; or sustain an environment that is optimally conducive to

processes such as cell culture, tissue growth, bio-molecular assays, and biotechnology-based

manufacturing (Olugbenga Solomon Bello, September, 2013) and (Drew Elizabeth Glaser and

Christopher Viney, July 2013).


Applied research operates within the framework of knowledge provided by fundamental

research, and extension helps to transform the products of research, both fundamental and applied,

to improve agricultural production, farm income, environment, health, and the quality of life of

consumers and producers (NRC, 2014). In order to make agricultural research work effectively in

addressing the challenges faced by the agricultural and food sectors, skilled and creative

researchers, educators, and extension specialists are necessary. Needless to say making research

work for end-users comes with some challenges. Lack of adequate public investment in

agriculture, lack of well-trained researchers, inadequate research infrastructures and poor

management of the agricultural research and development system are some of the constraints to

utilization of agricultural research results (Secket al., 2013).

In Nigeria, the National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIS) have been saddled with

the responsibility of developing technological solutions to the production, productivity,

environmental, welfare, health and other numerous problems facing the agricultural sector. Their

efforts have resulted in the development of various types of technology which are being

disseminated to farmers. Available evidences through various impacts assessment studies

conducted by the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (the apex public agricultural research

body in Nigeria) has demonstrated that agricultural research technologies have resulted in

significant social benefits to end-users (Philips et al., 2010a, 2010b, 2011). However, several

technologies still remain on-shelf and yet to be fully harnessed for the benefits of end-users. In

line with the above, numerous agricultural technological innovations have been introduced to aid

sustainable agriculture such that cannot temper with the present and future resources. Vertical

farming, aeroponics and hydroponics agriculture (whose crops like Irish potato, cabbage, lettuce,

tomatoes, etc., are common on the Plateau, particularly Jos environs) approaches are amongst the

numerous trending technology in use in most developed countries. In a country like Nigeria these

technologies are yet to be introduced and embraced though government policies are gearing

towards such a direction.

Some of the major problems aside the ones mentioned above are: Funding of research and

extension systems; Weak linkage between research, extension and farmers/industries; Absence of

appropriate Communication Strategies; Conflicting expectations from research by various end-

user groups; and Building the Innovative Capacity of Farmers ( Ambrose Alikidon Voh Jr., 2017).


The study aims to create an agricultural research enabling environment suitable for

training and collaboration for effective learning and knowledge advancement.

The main objectives are:

• To incorporate nature and design to create spaces that encourage effective learning and

knowledge advancement.

• To identify the major elements of biomimetic architecture such as materials choice, shape

mimicry and structural integration.

• To outline the consequences of biomimetic architecture on the users’ experience and

performance in a research center.


• How can one incorporate nature and design to create spaces that are capable of

encouraging learning and knowledge advancement?

• How can the elements of biomimetic architecture be used synergistically to create

agricultural research center?

• How does a biomimetic designed environment create effective learning and knowledge

advancement on the users?


This research proposed design biomimetic materials that portray the behavioral trait of

living organisms are mostly sustainable such as polymers, polymer composites, cellular materials

possessing the skin of living organisms, fiber reinforced polymers which aid in structural stability

of curvilinear structures in terms of tensioning and compression would serve tremendously in

adding value to what were conventional architectural designs.


The façade appearance following some structural modulations on the proposed research design

will give an appealing outlook thus a state of the art worthy of reference. Finally, the design

functional space(s) configuration will create a conducive environment that will facilitate effective

learning and knowledge advancement.


This research intends to primarily collect case studies, of similar projects around the

world, identifying basic design philosophies and solutions gathered from literatures that will

contribute to the success of the project, analyzing these case studies with respect to concept,

program organization, and building systems and integrating the case study concepts within the

thesis design as applicable. Oral interviews and observations of patients.

Detailed literature reviews to strengthen the solution which will be carried out through the design.

Magazine articles, related journals, books and previous research works that strengthens the

existing knowledge of research problem and suggest better ways of incorporating into the design

and will help generate a spatial association between the psychological and social needs which will

help create and efficient and pleasurable design.

In addition, Site survey will be conducted to determine a suitable site for the project,

noting the physical features in and around the site, services accessible on the site as well as its

strategic positioning for close proximity to relevant facilities. These will be documented through

photographs, sketches, topographical maps.

Food Security Council of Nigeria as chaired by the president of Nigeria, His Excellency

Muhammadu Buhari, was inaugurated on Monday 26th March, 2018 with numerous objectives,

one among which was the Agricultural Research Institutions and Extension Services. The Council

also agreed to take interest in regional and global policies and trends that bear implications for

food security in Nigeria. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Mohammad

Mahmoud Abubakar, declared that, with the concerted efforts of Agro-preneurs, via economic

diversification as an alternative to oil and gas, the agricultural sector, through the Agro-preneurs,

will make Nigeria to be the largest producer of food in Africa from 2019. Also, the President of

the African Development Bank Group (AFDB), Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, received a high-level

Nigerian delegation led by the Nigeria Honorable Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,

Dr. Mohammad Mahmoud Abubakar on Monday 18th October, 2021 to discuss how agriculture

could be an alternative to oil and gas industry in terms of economic and food boost.

As part of advancement on the agricultural trending technologies to aid improve the sector

in terms of food boost as captured on the World Food Day of 11th October, 2021, the Food and

Agricultural Organization (FAO) in collaboration with the United Nations, donated some ICT

equipment to the Nigeria Ministry of Agriculture so as to help boost effective data management,

data generation and analysis, provision and piloting of innovations and technologies for data

management and generation, monitoring of food crops and livestock well-being via internet

connectivity for agricultural statistics. This also is in line with the proposed agricultural research

center requirements for its architecture or design.


The scope of the study is to identify and categorize biomimicry design aspects and

interpret them to create a practice design guidelines specific to the Nigerian user group in the

context of an agricultural research center. In terms of methodological boundaries, this research

will be limited to architectural issues, analysis, and their modification in form of biomimicry and

institutional needs of the design.


Agriculture: the science or practice of farming, cultivation of the soil for growing of crops and

rearing of animals.

Aeroponics agriculture: is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment without

the use of soil or aggregate medium.

Hydroponic agriculture: is the process of growing plants, usually crops, without soil, by using

mineral nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent.

Vertical farming: is the practice of growing crops in a vertically stacked layers.

Agricultural technology or agro-technology: is the use of technology in agriculture, horticulture,

and aquaculture to improve yield, efficiency and profitability.

Agritecture: is the art, science, and practice of incorporating agriculture into the built


Biomimicry: the process of mimicking either living plants or animals to solve problems or tackle

confronting task.

Biomimetic agriculture: is the imitation of living plants or animals to inspire and solve

agricultural problems.

Plants: are living things that grow in the earth and has a stem, leaves and roots.

Animals: any living organisms having sense organs and feed on organic matter.

Research: is to investigate, study in other to establish facts so as to draw conclusions.

Research center: is an establishment or institute founded for doing research.

Agricultural research: a specialized kind of research structure which can be carried out using

both laboratory and field facilities through which it interacts with farmers for better yield.

Agricultural Research Center: is an established facility responsible for agricultural research.




Biomimicry (BM) is a concept recently popularized by Janine Benyus (1997) and hailed

as a new science (ibid.), a design concept (Mathews 2011), or a paradigm of technological research

(Dicks 2016), or ecological innovation (Blok & Gremmen 2016). It is an informal movement

which unites scientist from many different disciplines around a common problem of sustainable

design understood as nature-based technology.

(Dicks, November, 2015) (Blok V. , 2015) (Mathews, July 2019) (Karlson James

Hargroves., July 2016.)The framework of bio-inspired design has evolved and turned into different

innovative approaches, largely due to the development of computing and its use in architecture

(Chayaamor-Heil, Guéna, 2018).

Biomimicry design is not only adapting the design from the nature but also (Marzieh

Imani, 2017) (Butt, September 2022) (Maria De Los Ángeles Ortega Del Rosario, January 2023)

(Sunil Sharma, January 2019) (Elmeligy, 2016) (Buck, 2015) (Merhan Shahda, November 2014)

(Leena N. Fukey, March 2019,) (Hala S. Aamer, October 2020) (Mayank Chaurasia, May 2020)

constructing it same.

The effect of biomimicry on the architect of the future will increase gradually. It will help

him/her understand the fact that a simple spider he/she comes across is not just a simple spider,

but a producer of material and a designer, and that an ant he/she sees is not just an ant, but an ant

that builds structures similar to sandcastles. Within this context, biomimicry essentially highlights

the importance of regarding and understanding nature from a different perspective.



Biomimicry engineering is like any organism or function that it is imitating, highly

multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary in nature, and embraces aspects related to materials, structures,

mechanical properties, computing and control, design integration, optimization, functionality and

cost effectiveness.

2.3 The Biomimetic Approach

The Biomimetic Concept:

Biomimicry = Science X + Biology.

Science X = Engineering, Architecture, Agricultural, Design, Mechanics, Industrial, Robotics,

Management etc. Biomimicry or bio-inspiration approaches are very diverse, we consider the

biomimetic design process as a whole, from the initial idea to the final product, and two approaches

have been identified (Chayaamor-Heil, Guéna, 2018). The first part concerns the design problem

and then examines the ways in which organisms or ecosystems found in nature solve this problem.

The second approach is to identify a particular characteristic, behavior, or function in an organism

or ecosystem, and then look for the design problem that could be addressed.

Fig. 1: a – The Art-Science Museum, b – Roof plan of the museum. Singapore


designed by architect Moshe Safdie, inspired by the lotus flower.

The termite mound ventilation system and the application of the termite mound operation

to the natural ventilation of the East-gate Building (https://journals.openedition.org/craup/309).

The biomimicry concept discussed in this study is a new work area that selects the

principles of nature and designs materials and processes in accordance with the principles that

have ensured the continuity of life for 3.8 billion years. İn short, biomimicry can be defined as ‘the

innovation that gets inspired by nature’.

Biomimicry is a concept that was first put forward by writer and science observer Janine M.

Benyus, from Montana. Upon thinking about the wonders that he saw in nature, Benyus believed

that the models in nature should be imitated. Some of the examples which directed him to support

such an approach are the following:

• The fact that bee-eaters can go through the Mexican Gulf with fuel of less than 10 grams

• The fact that damsel flies can out maneuver the best helicopters

• The fact that air conditioning and ventilation in thermite towers stands head and shoulders above

that of humans in terms of equipment and energy consumption

• The fact that multi-frequency transmitters of bats are much more efficient and sensitive than the

radar that humans created

• The fact that beaming algae draw various chemicals together so as to lighten their body warping


• The fact that polar fish and frogs can revive after they have been frozen for a long time and

their organs are not damaged by the ice

• The fact that chameleons and cattle fish are perfectly in harmony with their environment

• The fact that whales and penguins can dive without oxygen tubes

• The DNA helix’s capacity to collect data


• The fact that leaves perform the greatest chemical process in the world by generating 300

billion tons of sugar each year photosynthetic ally.

Such mechanisms and designs in nature that evoke admiration, some of which we have

given as examples above, have the potential to enrich or develop many areas of technology. As a

result of the increase and accumulation of our knowledge and the development of technology, this

potential reveals itself with each passing day. Once the concept of biomimicry was treated as a

science by Janine M. Benyus, it was generalized with the help of his coworkers and those people

who had a close interest in the topic. The domain that drew the particular attention of scientists

and designers began to be put into conscious practice. Thus, biomimicry became a form that

generated positive results and was implemented in many professions (Kuday, 2009).

The buildings that do not use cooling systems in desert heat were designed by using ant

nests as examples (Eastgate Binası, Zimbabwe) (Figure2). In the apparel industry, the fabric that

does not contain chemical pigment was developed after analyzing the relationship of the wings of

the Morpho butterfly with light (Morphotex). The works of Calatrava at the Milkwaukee Art

Museum or the Art and Science Centre, Valencia take a form that resembles an eye or bird.

Fig. 2(a) Eastgate Building-Zimbabwe; Fig. 3. (b)Ant nest;


Fig. 4 (c)The system of ventilation. Source (Richard Dahl, 2013)

These points of inspiration by nature show that biomimicry has taken place in the field

of architecture, especially as form, structure and texture. Similarly, architects Peter Cook and Colin

Fournier’s project Kunsthaus has been seen as the imitation of exterior surface with the computer

control and form of a monster (Figure 2).

Vito Acconci’s work Cafe Insel has the same effect (Tokman, 2012), (Figure 2).

Fig. 5 (a) Kunsthaus; Fig. 6 (b) Cafe Insel (Wikipedia, 2014)

As a form, the Bahai House of Worship has been designed with inspiration from the lotus

flower and a design that derived its name from the animal that inspired it is the Armadillo Concert

Hall (Clyde Auditorium) (Figure 3).


Fig. 7 a) Armadillo Concert Hall;

Fig. 8 (b)Baha’i House of Worship (Wikipedia, 2014)

The geometrical form of the Lisbon Orient Train Station has a tree branch style that

determines the structure. The tree branch style structure can also be seen at Stuttgart Airport

(Figure 4).

Fig. 9 (a)Lisbon Orient Train Station; (b) Stuttgart Airport (Wikipedia, 2014)

The exterior surface of Mar da Palha Auditorium has been designed with a scale texture and the

Esplanade Theatre has a skin inspired by durian texture (Figure 5).


Fig. 10 (a) Mar Da Palha Auditorium;

Fig. 11 (b)Esplanade Theatre (Wikipedia, 2014)


2.4.1 Architecture follows nature
Nature always offering immense inspirations and ideas to designers for creating

architecture. Nature is demonstrably sustainable, her challenges have been resolved over eons to

enduring solutions with maximal performance using minimal resources (Nori Oxman, 2010). We

always need to go back to nature, and architecture considered nature as a source of inspiration.

And how we can develop the architecture filed or other science from the concept of the bio-

inspiration? According to Frei Otto, the biology has become indispensable for architecture but

architecture has also become indispensable for biology. In architecture, the bio inspiration is

perceived as a better method to answer the stakes of the design of forms and efficient structures,

of energy efficiency and also at the level on the urban scale (Raskin, 2017), and the materials are

also made by nature (Benyus, 2011). The goal of biomimetic architecture is not only to shape and

measure space but also to develop synergistic relationships between the building and its

environment (Chayaamor-Heil, 2018).


The principles of nature that are important in biomimicry were gathered first by Janine

Benyus (1997) in her book “Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature”. In the late 1990s, a

revolutionary idea arrived on the scene, shepherded by an innovative thinker and nurtured by

scores of curious and passionate individuals. In the book “Biomimicry”, Janine Benyus introduced

the notion that we could be better off by simply mimicking the ways problems are solved in nature;

this idea has proven transformative. In the book, Benyus lists nine principles that govern and define

how nature operates to solve human problems, sustainably.

They principles are:

• Nature runs on sunlight

• Nature uses only the energy it needs

• Nature fits form to function

• Nature recycles everything

• Nature rewards cooperation

• Nature banks on diversity

• Nature demands local expertise

• Nature seeks balance

• Nature taps the power of limits

The biomimicry principles can be explored in details as follows:

2.5.1 Nature Runs on Sunlight

Nature uses sunlight as the main source of energy. Organisms use heat and UV radiation

from this never-ending source. So, we can say that nature is powered by sunshine. Humans use

fossil fuels, these sources are not renewable, and burning them creates CO2 which is one of the

gases causing climate change. Why don’t we do the same and prevent the climate crisis? A wise

person would mimic nature and rely on renewable power.

2.5.2 Nature Uses Only the Energy It Needs

Nature takes only what it needs. So why do we not do the same? Our economy is focused

on maximizing output and is a big energy consumer. We transport food around the world because

that is economically cheaper. Only money seems to count in a lot of decisions, not our energy

consumption and the impact this has on the natural world. How can we learn to optimize the

performance of goods and services to sip energy rather than gulp it?

2.5.3 Nature Fits Form to Function

A tree is rooted in the ground to draw water and nutrients from the soil; it spreads its

branches and leaves wide to increase surface area and absorb the sunlight to produce energy and

grow. Seeds are lightweight and some even come equipped with a sort of umbrella so they can

float in the air. Nature creates designs for the function they provide, so should our buildings,

transportation systems and schools.

2.5.4 Nature Recycles Everything

There is no ‘away’ to throw things. Everything produced in nature is biodegradable, there

is no waste. There can still be abundance, look at all the blossom on a cherry tree, but that all

serves a purpose and will be food and nutrients for others. Once the natural life of a pinecone has

come and gone, it breaks down into essential elements that are repurposed into new life.

2.5.5 Nature Rewards Cooperation

We see competition in nature, but only when it’s impossible to avoid; in general

competition costs too much energy. On the other hand, very little in nature exists in isolation.

Plants cooperate with pollinators to disperse seeds, and the pollinators feed on nectar. Ladybirds

feed on aphids and help plants to stay healthy. Nature favors cooperation because it maintains the

health of the whole system.


2.5.6 Nature Banks On Diversity

Diversity is one of nature’s best insurance policies. When one food source is unavailable,

others can be found. Plants use several different strategies to spread seed or defend against

predators. We know that species with limited genetic diversity have more difficulty adapting to

environmental change, and that ecosystems rich with diversity are more stable.

2.5.7 Nature Demands Local Expertise

Nature’s systems are inherently local. Certain species thrive under specific conditions;

local and regional weather patterns matter, as do other conditions such as soil, air quality and water

temperature. Relationships are created locally and local resources are used. Of course, some birds

travel long distances but have you seen them take their food with them?

2.5.8 Nature Seeks Balance

Ecosystems will always try to keep in balance. More mice? Then you will see more owls

to feed on the mice and keep the population in balance. Forest fires are a great example of a natural

phenomenon that renews and refreshes, reducing excessive growth and allowing for regeneration.

Every natural system has a tipping point, a carrying capacity or a state of disequilibrium that

triggers a change to a different state.

2.5.9 Nature Taps the Power of Limits

Unlimited growth on a finite earth is not a good idea. All living things are governed by

limitations; age, climate, population density and many other factors determine how species and

systems develop. Nature has found ingenious ways to work within these limits to be as productive

as possible over the long run.


According to Janine Benyus in her book “Biomimicry Innovation Inspired by Nature,”

biomimicry studies design models thus imitating them to solve human problems.

To consciously emulate nature's genius, we need to look at nature differently. In biomimicry, we

look at nature as model, measure, and mentor, hence the aim of biomimicry is for sustainability.

Nature as model: Biomimicry is a new science that studies nature’s models and then emulates

these forms, process, systems, and strategies to solve human problems – sustainably. The

Biomimicry Guild and its collaborators have developed a practical design tool, called the


Fig. 12 Biomimicry transformation to our lives

Nature as measure: Biomimicry uses an ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our

innovations. After 3.8 billion years of evolution, nature has learned what works and what lasts.

Nature as measure is captured in Life's Principles and is embedded in the evaluate step of the


Nature as mentor: Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature. It introduces an era

based not on what we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it.

Figure 12

Fig. 13 Biomimicry Sphere According to (Sue L. T. McGregor, December 2013).

In the context of the proposed design the transformation of biomimicry as a model will be

incorporated as it studies and imitates how nature functions.



East Gate Center, Harare, Zimbabwe

Zimbawean architect, Mick Pearce East Gate Center in Harare, a largest retail office in

the country designed without an air conditioning budget as it was inspired by the skyscraper-like

termite mounds. In the design he created a marvel the achieved 90% passive climate control. He

used brick and concrete slabs with high thermal mass that can absorb maximum heat, without

heating the interior of the structure. During the day, the warm air rises upwards and outside through

the chimney maintaining the temperature inside.

Fig. 14 East Gate Center Retail Office, Harare, Zimbabwe

Moshe Safdie’s Art Science Museum in Singapore (Inspired by Lotus Flower)

Lotus flowers inspired the blossoming shape of Moshe Safdie’s ArtScience Museum in

Singapore, at the Marina Bay Sands resort. Each petal features a skylight at the tip to illuminate

the interior with natural light. Also, the Lotus Temple in Delhi, India is a Bahai House of Worship

open for people of every faith. The petal-shaped walls of the structure are clad in white marble

from greece.

Fig. 15 Moshe Safdie’s ArtScience Museum, Singapore

Fig. 16 Lotus Temple in Delhi, India

Beijing National Stadium in China (Inspired By a Bird Nest)

The National Stadium is known as the Bird’s Nest, as the name says, it describes the

building’s façade. Moreover, the steel structure’s concept was inspired by Chinese culture and

Nature. The masterpiece highlights the importance of harmony according to one of the designer’s

philosophies as the façade retake the physical qualities of the nest birds that contributed to the

stadium’s infrastructure. The aesthetic highlights the importance of natural structures.


Fig. 17 National Stadium (Bird’s Nest), Beijing, China

Flor de Venezuela en Barquisimeto, Venezuela

The pavilion was built for the Expo 2000 World’s Fair in Hanover, Germany. The

Venezuelan architect Fruto Vivas was influenced by the national flora known as the orchid. As a

result, Vivas designed a kinetic building which creates a shelter for occupants. The structure

consists of sixteen centralized petals; the structure opens and closes depending on the weather. By

closing the petals, the interior creates a shelter on rainy days.

Fig. 18 Flor de Venezuela en Barquisimeto, Venezuela

La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

This construction, which was carried out by Antoni Gaudi, started in the 19th century, and

its architectural design works with the concept based on the forest’s atmosphere. Therefore,

Gaudi’s design indicates a response to a deep understanding of nature and structural interpretation.

The interior designs are designed with ramifications, inspired by high trees in the forest and their

capacity to receive forces. Another captivating quality of the structure is the correct interior

ventilation based on how termite mounds work.


Fig. 19 La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

Nature Boardwalk at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, United States

The pavilion is a fiberglass and wood structure inspired by animal exoskeleton as

designed by WRD Environment in Chicago, United States. The hollow spaces between the wood

structure and the interior allow the occupants to appreciate another perspective of the surroundings

and in the exterior works as a water canal system. After it was built, the restored the local

ecosystem and contributed to the existing biodiversity.


Fig. 20 Nature Boardwalk at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, United States

The Gherkin in London, United Kingdom

It is the first sustainable skyscraper in the United Kingdom was constructed in 2004, by

the Fosters and Partners, known and recognized for its environmental performance. The ventilation

system is inspired by aquatics organisms, such as anemones and the sea sponges. As a result, the

ventilation system is a thermo-comfort regulator, and it has decreased the architectural impact in

the environment.

Fig. 21 The Gherkin in London, United Kingdom

Apartment Block Bahamas


An eight-story residential block designed by principal architect Bjarke Ingels, set to become the

tallest building in Albany. Inspired by the hexagonal shape of the honeycomb, the structure

incorporates that not in its aesthetics but also in its functionality. Facing the south, the hexagonal

exterior facade and the framed balconies enable each apartment to have its sunken pool and creates

a breath-taking view of the marina, and it extends down to the pavements and are reflected in the

outdoor seating, landscape, and outdoor pool.

Fig. 22 Apartment Block Bahamas


To understand the role of building skin for reducing energy consumption through

biomimetic approach, an analytical study of different examples has been carried out to understand

and analyze the different techniques and strategies applied in building skin and how they have

responded successfully to achieve efficiency in building design.

These examples have been taken into account with respect to the building typology, the inspiration

from nature considered, their application in design, how the problems got resolved through its

application as a design solution.



Consequently, it seems accurate to describe biomimicry as bio-imitation (or that it is

modeled on natural ecosystems and their dynamics) and is known as bio-inspiration (or that it is

mentored by nature in reorganizing conventional agriculture), this can be seen in some agricultural

center design models such as Agricultural Research Center Design, Ethopia, Occidental Mindo

Agricultural Research Center, etc., which are inspired by plants. The specifics of applying the

concept of bio mimicry to agriculture is that it will deal with natural systems twofold. They are

both the sources for mimicking, and at the same time natural species and their relationships are

incorporated in designs-thereby being the material.

What is actually mimicked (alongside completely intact ecosystems on micro level) are functional

relationships between wild species, and transferred to a slightly different group of species which

suits human purposes better-for example the functional structure of temperate zone forest is

mimicked by including cultivated fruit trees and domesticated animals into design, instead of wild

fruit trees and game.

To buttress on the above considering the termite, we believe that by understanding more about

termite ecology and behavior, and wearing “termite spectacles” as it were, we will gain better

understanding in applying and adopting biomimetic systems that we will need in a sustainable

future. This will also allow us to pass on the “message of biomimicry”, advice the community to

adopt such a pathway, and develop policies inclusive of all ecosystems, human and otherwise.

Fig. 23 East gate building, Zimbabwe Two-Mile High Ultima Tower, Francisco

We need to educate and ensure that policies address problems that affect all levels of the

community, develop sustainable partnerships with industry, government and people. This also

means involving school children, awaking in them a sense of ‘stewardship’ with their whole

environment, and contributing into similar projects as the CSIRO Double Helix Club Termite Tally

as mentioned above. Janine Benyus (1997) in her book on biomimicry suggests looking to Nature

as a "Model, Measure, and Mentor" and emphasizes sustainability as an objective of biomimicry.

Nature as model: Biomimicry is a new science that studies nature’s models and then emulates these

forms, process, systems, and strategies to solve human problems – sustainably. Nature as measure:

Biomimicry uses an ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our innovations. After nearly

4 billion years of evolution, nature has learned what works and what lasts. Nature as mentor:

Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature. It introduces an era based not on what

we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it. We can plan and create

communities in which citizens will enjoy sustainable, secure, equitable, socially just, exciting,

curious, peaceful and satisfying lives, without diminishing the chances of future generations.

Recent extreme changes in the Earth system are most notably manifested in the crises of

climate change and biosphere integrity. Caused by industrialization during the last two and a half

centuries, mainly in the form of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and chemical pollution of local

ecosystems or eco-hostile use of available resources, the crisis escalated in the post-World War II

period of economic expansion. Agriculture today comprise almost a third of GHG emissions and

have at least an equally prominent role in biodiversity-loss by land use change and pollution of

soils, fresh water, coastal ecosystems, and food chains in general. Alongside industry and

production of electricity and heat, it is one of the three biggest anthropogenic causes of breaching

the planetary boundaries. Since, in humanly relevant terms, Anthropocene is a crisis of the human-

supporting biosphere, understanding our ecosystem dependent subsistence technology becomes of

the prime importance.

Consequently, it seems accurate to describe biomimicry as bio-imitation (or that it is

modeled on natural ecosystems and their dynamics) and in known as bio-inspiration (or that it is

mentored by nature in reorganizing conventional agriculture), this can be seen in some agricultural

center design models such as Agricultural Research Center Design, Ethopia, Occidental Mindo

Agricultural Research Center, etc., which are inspired by plants are said to be eco-friendly without

depleting the natural resources in place or causing space wastage. This is eminent, too in the

trending innovation of vertical farming system adopting the aeroponic system of agriculture where

plants are stacked along a vertical rack to minimize space and the yield is bounty during harvest.

Agricultural approaches mimicking the natural ecosystems are emerging and gaining

scientific consensus rapidly, and seem necessary for appropriate reorganization of our toxic and

exploitative agro-technologies. These bio-friendly solutions are challenging our ideas of limits of

technology in sustainable culture, as well as the place of our subsistence technologies in the techno

sphere. Both are still awaiting philosophical reflection. Having in mind that cheap food is at the

basis of our technological culture, we claim that ecological crisis necessitates a new focus of the

philosophy of technology on agriculture. We will build on the thesis that eco curative and

sustainable uses of agro-technology require a paradigm shift from the chemical model of agro-

systems (driving industrial monocultures), to the ecological system- design model of agriculture.

The latter model essentially consists of agro-systems design on the basis of functional

dependencies of its biological components (i.e. in using non-artificial means for specific tasks-

like incorporating natural species for pest bio-regulation). Its goal is to minimize environmentally

destructive impact by integrating agriculture with living and ecosystem processes. The key feature

is that the later paradigm incorporates agricultural practices in broader ecosystem functions and

fertility, in opposition to high-input system-manipulation of the ruling chemical model. Desired


results are bio diverse systems with rising soil fertility, in opposition to monocultures dependent

on artificial fertilizers and hazardous biocides and, the most importantly, susceptible to shocks-a

symptom of their low resilience. The philosophical crux is, to use a distinction from the philosophy

of biology that in eco-system-design model the distinction between agro-valued organisms and the

environment becomes blurred. They are all part of the same ecosystem and function in complex

interconnected ways; therefore, the analysis and assessment must be comprehensive, on the level

of the ecosystem, and solutions conformed to the environment, emulating natural processes. In this

biomimetic context, we tackle the main challenge: how should we interpret main ecological

principles in sustainable non-polluting broad scale agriculture? Particularly, following the new

biomimetic paradigm of ecological innovation, we question in what sense can we mimic natural

solutions in agriculture, as well as to what extent is ‘‘doing it the natural way’’ desirable or even

compatible with the current cultural practices and urban demographic momentum of the last fifty

years. We discern among integrated agriculture and Permaculture, analyze their biomimetic status

from the perspective of the philosophy of bio mimicry, and argue that the former nature-mentored

approach (contrary to the latter nature-modeled approach) is a more appropriate solution for

sustainable broad scale agriculture necessary for the growing world. At the end, we question how

this agricultural integration will interact with the predicted automtization of work (following the

ongoing digital revolution) and the Earth system crisis, and can the natural farming alternative

emerge as a social safety-net for the anticipated technologically-redundant or economically or

environmentally endangered workers. We argue both for the Page importance to understand

Permaculture as a social safety-net and as experimental testing ground for cutting edge biomimetic

technologies in Agricultural Research Facilities.

It started to become more of an artistic expression and the relationship between art,

architecture, and nature began to make its presence known. As the quality of materials continued

to improve, the limitations from construction became less of a concern. Building forms had the

ability to take on more dynamic, intricate shapes. Organic architecture started to appeal to the

public and forms began to imitate elements from nature and the natural environment (Michael J.

Maglic, February 2014).

Relating this thus to the proposed research work, Agricultural Research Center Design,

the design is meant to be inspired via biomimicry by one of the elements of organic agricultural

plants, say lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, and celery, etc., which are commonly cultivated in

Jos, Plateau State.


Biomimicry: Using Nature’s Design to Transform Agriculture

Returning to agriculture, biomimetic nuances in the versions of ecological model of

agriculture emerge as important in the application of BM concept. We can describe Permaculture

in a nutshell as an attempt to structurally copy real ecosystem relations, usually with partial

replacement of wild by human-beneficial species (of the same family as the wild ones constituting

the local biome), and Integrated agriculture as an approach which shares permaculture main agro-

techniques (like integration of production units and biological pest-control), but considers

chemical fixes suited for human purposes when a system deviates from commercially utilizable

results. Even after short description it is obvious that they are both biomimetic solutions-both are

creative solutions inspired by nature a sort of ‘‘assimilation of biological machinery’’, and both

includes bio inclusive ethics (where nature adaptation for human ends is ameliorated to include

adaptation of human ends to nature’s capacities). They are, of course, leaning to different specific

biomimetic content. On the one side, although creative design solutions are characteristic mark of

PC (notably spatial rearrangements of functional dependencies found in wild ecosystems), its

blending in in the natural environment, with minimum technological input, makes PC highly

biomimetic. On the other side, although in tag doesn’t completely renounce conventional

agricultural methods and technologies, nor include a whole philosophy of living, it does adopt a

bio-inclusive ethics, if nothing because it considers economically counterproductive to do

otherwise. Consequently, it seems accurate to describe PC as bio-imitation (or that it is modeled

on natural ecosystems and their dynamics) and in tag as bio-inspiration (or that it is mentored by

nature in reorganizing conventional agriculture). The specific problem of applying the concept of

bio mimicry to agriculture is that in it we deal with natural systems twofold. They are both the

sources for mimicking, and at the same time natural species and their relationships are incorporated

in designs-thereby being the material. Nature being both the source and the material for design

complicates differentiating nature from technology (a polarity necessary for BM). What is actually

mimicked (alongside completely intact ecosystems on micro level) are functional relationships

between wild species, and transferred to a slightly different group of species which suits human

purposes better-for example the functional structure of temperate zone forest is mimicked by

including cultivated fruit trees and domesticated animals into design, instead of wild fruit trees and


The way ‘bottom’ levels blur the nature versus technology polarity by developing

synthetic manufacturing to its extreme (i.e. it’s in distinguishability from natural) is quite different

from biomimetic agriculture where the method is rational organization of natural systems by the

principle of least action-i.e. proactive design.

This logic manifest nicely why PC is considered in as a classic example of BM-it unifies

anthropocentric and bio centric perspectives of the environmental debate. In this human health-

oriented way we should understand PC’s tenet that only eco-friendly solutions are human


We have argued so far that ecological system-design model of agriculture is scientifically

and philosophically advantageous comparing to the dominant chemical model. But when we come

down to the mode of this new paradigm-the choice between PC and in tag, what are the essential

markers on which we should assess their difference? In other words, what is the logic driving the

PC’s opting for that extra abstention from chemical inputs and machinery use, above the in tag’s

abstention from chemicals that damage the ecosystem for the sake of economic viability? Two

logics are present here: ecological and medical. From the PC’s ecological point of view, abstention

from energy-intensive industrial monocultures is simply not enough for the transformation of

agriculture required for conservation of the Earth’s ecological capacities-notably, to stop climate

change and biodiversity loss. What is necessary from this perspective is a complete transformation

of agriculture from a GHGs and biodiversity-loss source, and redesigning it to be a carbon sink

and basic-biodiversity refuge. In practice, the most forceful way to accomplish this (alongside

banning industrial monoculture methods) is to eschew fossil fuels and biocides altogether. The last

two and a half centuries of civilization are characterized precisely by an ever expanding base of

fossil-fuel use so one might say that ‘‘most of our freedoms so far have been energy-intensive’’.

Accompanying agricultural progress, which freed the workers for the industrial revolution by

feeding the growing population and shrinking the percentage working in agriculture, was also

conducted in this energy-intensive manner (driven by fossil fuels, biocides and artificial

fertilizers). Therefore, it is plausible to say that the earth system crisis we face is the price we pay

for the pursuit of energy-intensive civilization. PC is deliberately devised to tackle this problem-

to challenge this civilizational mode at its core by trying to answer to alternative challenge: How

to have agriculture without the fossil fuels? How to have a non-energy-intensive freedom? Reasons

are obvious-we cannot afford to destabilize planetary conditions that work like boundary

parameters of human existence. Choosing to take care for ecology contains at the same time a

concern for human, most of all physical health, which is believed endangered due to toxic practices

of modern agriculture.

It should not be mixed with Marxist or similar positions where every culture is natural, simply

because it’s created by human species. On the contrary, PC’s insistence on ‘harmony’ of culture

with the natural ecosystems puts PC firmly into the sustainability movement that is safe.

Due the challenge creating cutting edge agriculture system because of the world’s oldest designs

farm operations have now been transform from the laboratory to farm or field crops monitored by

internet of things sensors and drones as technology lies at the heart of many of today’s sustainable

food solutions (theguardian.com, 30 October, 2015).

Worthy of note was the work of Hexagro, a designer and biomimicry expert, combined

agriculture with the design genius of one of nature’s most famous structures. A modular aeroponic

home growing system, made up of individual hexagon-shaped bins that are inspired by bees’


The hexagon-shaped bins (which can grow lettuce, carrots, cilantro, spinach, herbs and even

potatoes) evoke the resource efficiency of a beehive as they can be stacked to fit any available

space. And because the plants roots are in the air (aeroponic agricultural practice system), they can

be misted with a nutrient solution placed on an automatic cycle.

Also, designer, Felipe Hernandez Villa-Roel came up with an idea via his product that

can circumvent some of the environmental problems associated with large scale agriculture, such

as carbon emissions, pesticide use and fertilizer runoff. This solution was to make it easier for

people living in small urban spaces to grow pesticide-free food at home.

Based upon all this deductions, modern trending agricultural practice innovations are sustainable

and will be incorporated in the proposed research design (Agricultural Research Center).


Agricultural Research Center (ARC) is known to participates in the implementation of

the national plant and health and food safety control system, carries out field testing, agro-

environmental monitoring, rural economic analysis regarding agricultural activities in the rural

areas and rural networking. All these can be achieved through the main purpose of the

establishment, which is research (en.m.wikipedia.org).


2.12 How Agricultural Research Center Works

Agricultural Research Center works as a unit where different faculties are fused under

the same environment collaboratively and intensively to work inter-relatively thus providing

knowledge advancement beyond individual research of respective faculties or departments. In the

case of this study on the proposed project, the research center will house research facilities like

Agricultural Museum (either hydroponic or aeroponic), Meteorology center, Department of

Biotechnology and laboratory, Department of Pathology and laboratory, Department of Chemistry

and Food Analysis and laboratory, other facilities like Farming Area for field practical, Restaurant

or Cafeteria, Sick Bay, Well organized Parking Area with Defined Landscape, Reservoirs. An

Administration with offices, training classes or centers, An Auditorium for research presentation,

publications and seminar.

• Agricultural Museum

Agricultural Museum is dedicated to preserving agricultural history and heritage. It aims

to educate the public on the subject of agricultural history, their legacy and impact on society. To

help accomplish this, it specializes in the display and interpretation of artifacts related to

agriculture, often of a specific region (en.m. wikipredia.org). Relating this to the proposed design,

trending agricultural innovations and technology products like aeroponic and hydroponic

agricultural produce will also be preserved for reference purpose, given that they come from a

research institute, where sustainable agriculture is practiced other than the conventional one.

• Meteorology Center

Integrated Knowledge from variety of scientific disciplines in order to determine how

cropping systems are influenced or affected by weather and climatic conditions affect crops, and

how crops themselves affect weather and climate (www.agron.iastate.edu). Taking into account

the areoponic and hydroponic agricultural research practice in the proposed research facility will

provide a good yield as Jos weather and climate is said to enhance the crops (cabbage, lettuce,

tomatoes, green beans, green pepper, Irish potato, etc.) growth and tremendous yield.

• Biotechnology Laboratory

This laboratory is specified with the task of breeding techniques that alter living

organisms or part of living organisms, to make or modify products; improve plants or animals; or

develop microorganisms for specific agricultural purposes (www.usda.gov).

• Pathology Laboratory

This laboratory is responsible for the study of disease in plants caused by pathogens and

environmental conditions and how the diseases can be tackled. Such diseases include fungi,

oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, viroids, virus-like organisms, phytoplasma, protozoa, nematodes and

parasitic plants (en.m.wikipedia.org).

• Chemistry and Food Analysis Department

It is a very important department that provides information about the analysis of chemical

composition, processing, quality control and the contamination of food stuffs in accordance to

food and trade laws. Hence, one of the main practical aims of the proposed design is to ensure that

there is bounty food boost and security in the state and country at large, therefore this is not out of


• Practical Farm Area

This is an area where theory of farming is practiced by both scholars and students. This

aids in bridging the gaps between theory of research and practice of research. The farm or crop

yield determines how valid the theory of agricultural research practice is (www.vocabulary.com).

In the context of the proposed design the modern farming trending innovations like either

aeroponic or hydroponic agriculture, which are more sustainable and with availability in the crop

types presence on the plateau will be the practice.


Currently there is considerable debate about the ways in which this may be achieved,

which lead us to theory of change. This includes a monitoring, evaluation and learning system that

combines indicators of progress in research along with indicators of change aimed at understanding

the factors that enable or inhibit the behavioral changes that can bring about development impacts

(Asa Torkelsson, 2018).

In the context of the proposed research design, incorporating modern agricultural trending

innovations of using monitors sensors that internet of things technology monitors the crop yield

and growth, drone’s technology to replace the work of photosynthesis by bees that most have gone

into extinction, artificial intelligence technology that robots will ensure harvest automation of

crops on the farm, etc. (startus-insights.com).

Theory of change represents our best understanding of how engagement and learning can

enable change as well as how progress towards outcomes might be measured (PK Thornton, T

Schuetz, W Forch, L Cramer, D Abreu, S Vermeulen, BM Campbell, January, 2017).

Despite the fight against poverty and hunger by the Sustainable Development Goal (UN,

2015), which has reduced to 42% undernourished people in the developing nations, there is,

clearly, still much to be done to reach the targets for 2030 as articulated in the Sustainable

Development Goals (UN, 2015), particularly Goal 2 on ending hunger, achieving food

security and improved nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. With an expected

extra 2–3 billion people to feed over the next 40 years, this will require targeted efforts to achieve

making 70% more food available to keep up with rapidly rising demand (Alexandratos and

Bruinsma, 2012).

The role of agriculture in reducing poverty is relatively well studied; enhancing

agriculture is often seen as a critical entry-point in designing effective poverty reduction strategies

(Christiaensen et al., 2006; Alston, 2010), with agricultural research for development a key


The adoption of improved agricultural practices, technologies and policies, such as high-yielding

rice and wheat varieties, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation and enabling policies, has had strong and

positive impacts relative to research investment (Renkow and Byerlee, 2010; Raitzer and Kelley,


A technology or intervention may need to be much more than “scientifically proven” if it

is to be adopted; good social management and appropriate implementation processes are likely to

be needed as well (Pachico and Fujisaka, 2004; Hartmann and Linn, 2008). In addition, the rate of

change in many socio-economic and earth system trends appears to be accelerating (Steffen et al.,

2015), perhaps to the point where the past is no longer a good indicator of the future. Considerable

behavioral shifts will be needed on the part of all stakeholders if food security is to be achieved

for the more than nine billion people on the planet by 2050 (Douglas Gollin, February 2011).

Agricultural Research for Development can be thought of as a set of applied research

approaches that aim to contribute directly to the achievement of international development targets

such as the Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2015) through growth of and innovation in the

agricultural sector. This broad definition allows for a wide understanding of the concept. In what

follows, we assume that the research element of Agricultural Research for Development is carried

out with broader development outcomes in mind, and that this involves demand-led prioritization

of research, participatory and action research, and stakeholder involvement and capacity

development (Harrington and Fisher, 2014).

Nevertheless, the distinctions are important; the aim of Agricultural Research for

Development is not to take over the work of development agencies but to ensure that the outputs

of research maintain their integrity and are appropriately contextualized (translated,

communicated, and disseminated). Working in this way at the boundaries of science,

knowledge and action means that different kinds of partnership (collaboration) are needed

if Agricultural Research for Development is to be effective (Clark et al., 2011).

Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) made early efforts to

articulate how Agricultural Research for Development could contribute to desired behavioral

changes or outcomes (Earl et al., 2001). This articulation revolves around defining in some detail,

during project planning, how the project team envisages the logical chain of Figure below to unfold

in practice. The resulting theory of change represents the team's best understanding or hypothesis,

at that point in time, of how engagement and other approaches can bridge the gap between research

outputs and outcomes in development (Günter Hemrich, 2021).

There is no single definition of a theory of change and no set methodology; rather, the

approach allows flexibility according to the needs of the user or implementer (Vogel, 2012). A

theory of change provides a detailed narrative description of an impact pathway (the logical causal

chain from input to impact as shown in Figure below and how changes are anticipated to happen,

based on assumptions made by the people who are undertaking the work (Fortner, June 2022).


2.14.1 Time-Savers for Building Types (Second Edition) by Joseph de Chiara and John Hancock
Callendar, (1987) and (Fourth Edition) Joseph de Chiara and Michael Crosbie, (2001).
The only comprehensive reference for all building types, Time-Saver Standards for

Building Types, Fourth Edition is loaded with all the essential design and criteria and standards

you need to prepare preliminary design, execute programming requirements, and analyze the

function and use of a building. Authors Joseph DE Chiara and Michael Crosbie focus on tropical

issues of rehabilitation, change of use, preservation, accessibility, energy conservation, and

environmental regulations. New material in this edition includes home offices, entertainment

centers, assisted living, primary-care and wellness facilities, day-care and nursery facilities, jail

and prison, place of worship, health clubs, international sports facilities, and new rail facilities.

In this design proposal, all the essential design, criteria and standards; executing programming

requirements; and analyzing the function and use of the building will be followed in order to ensure

the comfort and safety of the users.

This book will serve as a guide in planning and designing an agricultural research center.

2.14.2 Agricultural Research Center (Central Laboratory of Agricultural Expert Systems),

(2007) by Tarek Heggi
The book, Agricultural Research Center Central Laboratory of Agricultural Expert

Systems by Tarek Heggi has the space and design requirements of an Agricultural Research

Center. The book was consisting of research centers design layout and the feasibility of spaces

with each other. The book also has the specifications of each spaces to identify the number of users

per spaces located inside of the research center.

To amend this study this book will be the researcher’s keynote in conceptualizing an Agricultural

Research Center.

2.14.3 Policies and Guidelines for Establishing of Research Centers by Hindustan Institute of
Technology and Science
The Policies and Guidelines for Establishing of Research Centers has the information on

how to build a better and innovated research centers. The book has the information’s on what are

the aim and objectives of a research centers. In this book it will also discuss what are the diversities

of each spaces located inside the research center.

This book will be the researcher’s guidelines to comply with the standards given in planning an

Agricultural Research Center.



Several researches states that in making and establishing an agricultural research centers,

it should offer reasonable access to everyone; must be adaptive and flexible. Progressive Research

activities are essential factors in future societies, and are strongly dependent on the creativity and

innovation. According to ASIA Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behavior

Studies the influential spatial characteristics for increasing researcher’s activity and innovative

outcomes to be considered in future research centers should be its privacy, beauty, and innovation,

offices should be beautiful and diverse and also have privacy. Also, the common areas say the

auditorium should be designed diversely and provide researcher’s proximity closely to the other

relevant spaces like Auditorium, Basic Research laboratories, Research Facilities (Agricultural

Museum and Meteorological Cebters).

Based on the obtained results of ASIA Pacific International Conference on Environment-

Behavior Studies, beautiful environment could increase creative thinking in both private and

common areas. In other words, beauty of all areas of a research center could stimulate researcher’s

creativity which leads to the growth of creative outcomes. Also, researchers’ proximity in both

areas could encourage innovation since seeing other colleagues encourages them to interact and


Furthermore, according to the ASIA Pacific International Conference on Environment-

Behavior Studies, researchers do not agree with sharing an office with other colleagues as it may

decline their creative thinking; while, they agree that researchers’ proximity in offices could

increase their communication. As a solution of this contradictory matter, it is possible to settle


researchers in independent offices that are proximate to each other. Therefore, along with

preserving their privacy, whenever they leave their office, they could see other researchers.


Most of the problems in agriculture, like soil degradation and diminishing (necessary)

biodiversity, are caused by unfit uses of existing technologies and approaches, mimicking the

agriculturally-relevant functioning natural ecosystems seem necessary for appropriate

organization of our toxic and entropic agro-technologies.

Biomimicry uses an ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our innovations.

After nearly four billion years of evolution, nature has learned what works and what lasts. In

biomimicry, we look at nature as model, measure, and mentor. Nature as model: Biomimicry is a

new science that studies nature’s models and then emulates these forms, process, systems, and

strategies to solve human problems – sustainably. Nature as measure: Biomimicry uses an

ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our innovations. After nearly 4 billion years of

evolution, nature has learned what works and what lasts. Nature as mentor: Biomimicry is a new

way of viewing and valuing nature thus informing (Mehraj U Din Dar; Vinay Kumar; Shakeel

Ahmad Bhat, September, 2018). A building model informs the user if the space within the building

is comfortable. This stands in correlation to biomimicry as a mentor that introduces an era based

not on what we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it (thorough

systematic study).

Thinking systemically means realizing that energy, agriculture, economics, security, and

climate change are not separate issues but different facets of one global system. It leads us to

understand that the root causes of our vulnerability are both social and technological, and that they

are the consequences of our resource-extractive, wasteful and consumption oriented economic.

Consequently, it seems accurate to describe biomimicry as bio-imitation (or that it is

modeled on natural ecosystems and their dynamics) and in known as bio-inspiration (or that it is

mentored by nature in reorganizing conventional agriculture), this can be seen in some agricultural

center design models such as Agricultural Research Center Design, Ethopia, Occidental Mindo

Agricultural Research Center, etc., which are inspired by plants ( a form of biophilia inspired

architecture) are said to be eco-friendly and sustainable without depleting the natural resources in

place. This is eminent in the trending innovation of vertical farming system known as the aeroponic

system of agriculture where plants (irish potato, lettuce, cabbage, etc.) are stacked along a vertical

rack to minimize space and the yield is bounty during harvest. Aeroponics is a promising soilless

farming method for solving future food crisis and is relatively anew way of growing plants that is

getting increasingly popular with many people because of the speed, cost and novelty. Aeroponic

farming is a form of hydroponic technique and a type of vertical farming which minimizes the use

of space. (Reena Kumari and Ramesh Kumar, April 2019).

Agricultural approaches mimicking the natural ecosystems are emerging and gaining

scientific consensus rapidly, and seem necessary for appropriate reorganization of our toxic and

exploitative agro-technologies. These bio-friendly solutions are challenging our ideas of limits of

technology in sustainable culture, as well as the place of our subsistence technologies in the techno

sphere. Both are still awaiting philosophical reflection. Having in mind that cheap food is at the

basis of our technological culture, we claim that ecological crisis necessitates a new focus of the

philosophy of technology on agriculture (Mehraj U Din Dar; Vinay Kumar; Shakeel Ahmad Bhat,

September, 2018). We will build on the thesis that eco curative and sustainable uses of agro-

technology require a paradigm shift from the chemical model of agro-systems (driving industrial

monocultures), to the ecological system- design model of agriculture (agritecture from


Janine Benyus is known as the founder of the Biomimicry movement. She is a highly

accredited biological sciences writer who has inspired and brought forth a new dimension to design

by looking to nature as the key source of inspiration. Much of her research has been done by

closely shadowing biologists, doctors, and inventors who dedicated many hours exploring new

parameters which define her ideologies. Many people have studied Janine Benyus and Biomimicry

closely. One of which in particular is Maibritt Pedersen Zari who is a professor at Victoria

University in Wellington. From her research, she created a table that outlines the basic theories

and ideologies of Biomimicry with the connection between biology, nature and architecture. By

examining the biomimetic ideologies and implementations from other scientists, designers, and

writers, Maibritt Pedersen Zari was able to break down Biomimicry into three different categories

or “levels”; Organism, Behavior, and Ecosystem.


The basis for conceptualizing the structure is an inclusion with the problem, services, data

information, sustainable strategies and innovations, to provide thoughts and facts which will help

in acquiring knowledge that can lead to create the plans in the study.

Fig. 24 Research and Development Flow


2.17.1 Agricultural Research and Development has two key words Research and Development.
Research has the following parameters:


The input of the study is the information/data needed to conceptualize the design and its

consideration, such as, the selection of the appropriate site, the facilities, services and utilities, the

design criteria, planning and design consideration for the proposed project; the applicable

sustainable strategies; and the laws and codes concerning the proposed study. It also includes

research funding, brought in knowledge, resources required to deliver the research.


In related to the input, the researcher’s will conduct a thorough study regarding in

selection of the appropriate site to avoid problems/errors that may occur like liquefaction of the

site, etc. The gathered data will be analyzed and conceptualized, by segregating the most important

data’s to the least important data’s. Those data gathered will be applied and amend in planning and

designing an “Agricultural Research Center.” It is the systematic step by step (process) that enable

the research to happen (reviewing of evidence, data collection, analysis, reporting or feedback and

so forth).


The output of amending the planning and design process, in relation to the proposed

Agricultural Research Center, is the solution that will resolve the issues being encountered

generally in the agriculture industry in terms of the farmers that lacks support, training and

education through agriculture. This solution will be the first step of acquiring an answer for the

farmers in Jos city of Plateau State. Hence, Output is said to be the particular dissemination,

publication, presentation, communication or pathway in which research is made available to

people other than the author (Banzi et al., 2011; Bornmann, 2013; Guthrie et al., 2013; Milat et al.,

2015; Greenhalgh et al., 2016). In the context of a design, especially the proposed design, it is

said to inform base on functional space configuration and environmental requirements (Parker and

Dunlop, 1994), imitate and function like an organism, and to judge sustainably in relation to


2.17.2 Development has the following parameters:

• Use of Research Outputs is to provide robust and ethical evidence(s) and also entails feasible

research methods based upon a research methodology that best suits the nature of your

research question.

• Outcomes in Research refers to the results and conclusions arrived at as a result of a

particular research activities, which includes products, processes, experimental methods and

supporting data.

• Impact of Research is the effect (negative or positive) a research has beyond academia. It

is the knowledge generated by our research to contributes, benefits and how it influences our

society, culture, environment and the economy.

In relation to the proposed design, the functional space integration, facade, shape

modulation should be able to express the above, systematically, as it will be seen in the design



According to Beatley (2011), biophilia shows that the evolutionary and biological contact

with nature cannot be avoided, even if people believe that life without nature is feasible. Janine

Benyus (2008), the lead author of the biomimicry approach, points out that there is wisdom in

bringing nature back into the building process by incorporating elements inspired by biophilia into

the built environment. These elements include organic forms and structures, daylighting, natural

ventilation, an environment quiet enough to enjoy natural sounds, a changing palette of colors,

bringing working ecosystems indoors, and bio-inspiration gardens.

When translating nature’s strategies into design, the science of the practice involves three essential

elements: Emulate, Ethos, and (Re)Connect.

These three (3) components are infused in every aspect of biomimicry and represent these core

values at its essence.


The scientific, research-based practice of learning from nature and replicating nature’s

forms, processes, and ecosystems to create more regenerative or flexible designs that can be

renewed or remodeled.


The philosophy of understanding how life works and creating designs that continuously

support and create conditions conducive to life.

(Re) Connect

The concept that we are nature and find value in connecting to our place on Earth as part

of life’s interconnected systems. (Re) Connect as a practice encourages us to observe and spend

time in nature to understand how life works so that we may have a better understanding to emulate

biological strategies in our designs.

Although, from this background argument, that within the bioinspired designs there is

common misunderstanding encountered, which is mistaking biomorphism for biomimicry.

Biomorphism refers to designs that visually resemble the elements from life (look like nature),

whereas biomimetic designs focus on the function (work like nature). Although, biomorphic can

be aesthetically appealing and of great benefits as humans have natural affinity for nature and

natural forms incorporated in designs. But looking like nature is not a reliable indicator of

biomimetic design because a biomimetic design might or might not look anything like the

organisms that inspired it rather the important indicator is how its function like that organism

(biomimicry), (biomimicry.org).

Another aspect of theoretical frame work is the position between biomimicry and

transdisciplinary, which is elegant, ripe with hope and potentialities. Within its frequent solution-

creation process, biomimicry aims to produce both new knowledge and technical items

(innovations). In performance, transdisciplinary strives to produce new knowledge that can be used

to create innovative solutions to pressing world problems, innovations in thinking as well as in

actual items to solve the problems. Transdisciplinary aims to make knowledge products more

relevant to non-academic actors." The synergy between these two approaches is encouraging,

warranting further reaction and deliberation.

Both strive to create new knowledge to inform innovative solutions to human problems.

If transdisciplinary solutions to world problems necessitate a holistic coupling of the human and

the natural, as well as the inclusion of many voices and perspectives, it makes sense that

transdisciplinarity gain inspiration from biomimicry, with its focus on nature. Therefore,

transdisciplinarity based on the principles of nature (biomimicry) is promising. It supports

visionary approaches to solving complex disorganized problems that require people to rethink and

reorient human's relationship with the planetary environment, leading to society being able to work

together with nature" (Sue L. T. McGregor, December 2013). Relating to the proposed design, a

conducive atmosphere for learning and bridging the gap between theory and practice in an

agricultural research could be achieved applying biomimicry principles or elements.


Steven Vogels’ book, Cats’ Paws and Catapults, is a piece of literature that brings to

reality some of the negative arguments towards Biomimicry. He refers to this as “naïve

Biomimicry”. What he refers to as naïve is scientists and inventors that were using the exact

same technology found in nature and without any adjustments, turning it into something at

human scale. By implementing designs in this way, the majority of the designs were

unsuccessful. In his book he uses several good examples that showcase this argument. These

examples mostly focus on locomotion by both air and water.

One of his best examples is regarding air travel and the design of the airplane. Designers

such as the Wright brothers spent much of their time observing birds and their ability to glide

through the air. Although this is a good place to start, it actually led them in the wrong direction.

The size to weight ratio of birds is much different than that required of an aircraft. Also birds are

much smaller than people, and so the characteristics of their flight technology are different than

that required for humans. In order for something that is heavier and larger in size to stay in the air,

it must be moving at a faster rate, hence the introduction of jet engines and high powered

propellers. Birds on the other hand don’t need this type of propulsion because they are so much


This was one of the reasons why there were so many failed attempts. But finally after

many revisions, the airplane grew from just a one seated aircraft, to a vehicle that transports

hundreds of people at a time across the world.

Along with these examples he does discuss successful projects as well which makes his book a

viable source to uncovering both the positive and negative arguments directed towards the

understanding of Biomimicry.


Have scientists and inventors been looking too far and hard into man-made technological

solutions to solve human needs? Is it impractical to derive their solutions from basic ideas and

hypothetical assumptions on what works on a technology level but not on a social level? The

answer is in front of us and the research has been done. Many scientists have dedicated their lives

to finding out how different organisms in nature work and how they impact the environment. It is

their research that can be utilized to solve the world’s most complex problems.

Biomimicry may just be that solution. It is shocking that this type of analysis and design

ethic is not more common in the built environment. Nature is always forced to adapt to new things

much like humans are. For example, the climate that is always changing and now with global

warming it is even more apparent that nature must find its own ways to adapt. Insects, mammals,

reptiles, plants, trees, and other types of vegetation have evolved over centuries in order to survive

in such a dynamic environment; and those that have not and were unable to adapt die off but still


to the equal balance of life. Those types of adaptations and evolving principals in nature should be

studied and implemented into the built environment. Creating a sustainable built environment

is not done by integrating just solar panels on every building. Humans need to be more in-tune

with nature and look at nature for inspiration. Designs that mimic nature’s beauty and elegance

should not just be on a material or form basis; it should be from a thorough understanding of the

philosophy and principals that make those solutions from nature work successfully.

Now looking back at the question, can we take the philosophy behind natures living

organisms and use them to aid in the development of mankind? We definitely can and should to

find a new way to survive that not only benefits humans, but the natural environment as well.

Represented thoroughly in this project, Biomimicry can be used as an integrative architectural

design component in order to achieve this, and create complete unity between the building, the

users, and the environment.





Biomimicry (BM) is a concept recently popularized by Janine Benyus (1997) and hailed

as a new science (ibid.), a design concept (Mathews 2011), or a paradigm of technological research

(Dicks 2016), or ecological innovation (Blok & Gremmen 2016). It is an informal movement

which unites scientist from many different disciplines around a common problem of sustainable

design understood as nature-based technology.

(Dicks, November, 2015) (Blok V. , 2015) (Mathews, July 2019) (Karlson James

Hargroves., July 2016.)The framework of bio-inspired design has evolved and turned into different

innovative approaches, largely due to the development of computing and its use in architecture

(Chayaamor-Heil, Guéna, 2018).

Biomimicry design is not only adapting the design from the nature but also (Marzieh

Imani, 2017) (Butt, September 2022) (Maria De Los Ángeles Ortega Del Rosario, January 2023)

(Sunil Sharma, January 2019) (Elmeligy, 2016) (Buck, 2015) (Merhan Shahda, November 2014)

(Leena N. Fukey, March 2019,) (Hala S. Aamer, October 2020) (Mayank Chaurasia, May 2020)

constructing it same.

The effect of biomimicry on the architect of the future will increase gradually. It will help

him/her understand the fact that a simple spider he/she comes across is not just a simple spider,

but a producer of material and a designer, and that an ant he/she sees is not just an ant, but an ant

that builds structures similar to sandcastles. Within this context, biomimicry essentially highlights

the importance of regarding and understanding nature from a different perspective.



Biomimicry engineering is like any organism or function that it is imitating, highly

multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary in nature, and embraces aspects related to materials, structures,

mechanical properties, computing and control, design integration, optimization, functionality and

cost effectiveness.

2.2.1 The Biomimetic Approach

The Biomimetic Concept:

Biomimicry = Science X + Biology.

Science X = Engineering, Architecture, Agricultural, Design, Mechanics, Industrial, Robotics,

Management etc. Biomimicry or bio-inspiration approaches are very diverse, we consider the

biomimetic design process as a whole, from the initial idea to the final product, and two approaches

have been identified (Chayaamor-Heil, Guéna, 2018). The first part concerns the design problem

and then examines the ways in which organisms or ecosystems found in nature solve this problem.

The second approach is to identify a particular characteristic, behavior, or function in an organism

or ecosystem, and then look for the design problem that could be addressed.

Fig. 25 a – The Art-Science Museum, b – Roof plan of the museum. Singapore


designed by architect Moshe Safdie, inspired by the lotus flower.

The termite mound ventilation system and the application of the termite mound operation

to the natural ventilation of the East-gate Building (https://journals.openedition.org/craup/309).

The biomimicry concept discussed in this study is a new work area that selects the

principles of nature and designs materials and processes in accordance with the principles that

have ensured the continuity of life for 3.8 billion years. İn short, biomimicry can be defined as ‘the

innovation that gets inspired by nature’.

Biomimicry is a concept that was first put forward by writer and science observer Janine M.

Benyus, from Montana. Upon thinking about the wonders that he saw in nature, Benyus believed

that the models in nature should be imitated. Some of the examples which directed him to support

such an approach are the following:

• The fact that bee-eaters can go through the Mexican Gulf with fuel of less than 10 grams

• The fact that damsel flies can out maneuver the best helicopters

• The fact that air conditioning and ventilation in thermite towers stands head and shoulders above

that of humans in terms of equipment and energy consumption

• The fact that multi-frequency transmitters of bats are much more efficient and sensitive than the

radar that humans created

• The fact that beaming algae draw various chemicals together so as to lighten their body warping


• The fact that polar fish and frogs can revive after they have been frozen for a long time and

their organs are not damaged by the ice

• The fact that chameleons and cattle fish are perfectly in harmony with their environment

• The fact that whales and penguins can dive without oxygen tubes

• The DNA helix’s capacity to collect data


• The fact that leaves perform the greatest chemical process in the world by generating 300

billion tons of sugar each year photosynthetic ally.

Such mechanisms and designs in nature that evoke admiration, some of which we have

given as examples above, have the potential to enrich or develop many areas of technology. As a

result of the increase and accumulation of our knowledge and the development of technology, this

potential reveals itself with each passing day. Once the concept of biomimicry was treated as a

science by Janine M. Benyus, it was generalized with the help of his coworkers and those people

who had a close interest in the topic. The domain that drew the particular attention of scientists

and designers began to be put into conscious practice. Thus, biomimicry became a form that

generated positive results and was implemented in many professions (Kuday, 2009).

The buildings that do not use cooling systems in desert heat were designed by using ant

nests as examples (Eastgate Binası, Zimbabwe) (Figure2). In the apparel industry, the fabric that

does not contain chemical pigment was developed after analyzing the relationship of the wings of

the Morpho butterfly with light (Morphotex). The works of Calatrava at the Milkwaukee Art

Museum or the Art and Science Centre, Valencia take a form that resembles an eye or bird.

Fig. 26 (a) Eastgate Building-Zimbabwe; Fig. 27. (b)Ant nest;

Fig. 28. (c)The system of ventilation. Source (Richard Dahl, 2013)

These points of inspiration by nature show that biomimicry has taken place in the field

of architecture, especially as form, structure and texture. Similarly, architects Peter Cook and Colin

Fournier’s project Kunsthaus has been seen as the imitation of exterior surface with the computer

control and form of a monster (Figure 2).

Vito Acconci’s work Cafe Insel has the same effect (Tokman, 2012), (Figure 2).

Fig. 29 (a) Kunsthaus; Fig. 30 (b) Cafe Insel (Wikipedia, 2014)

As a form, the Bahai House of Worship has been designed with inspiration from the lotus

flower and a design that derived its name from the animal that inspired it is the Armadillo Concert

Hall (Clyde Auditorium) (Figure 3).


Fig. 31 (a) Armadillo Concert Hall;

Fig. 32 (b)Baha’i House of Worship (Wikipedia, 2014)

The geometrical form of the Lisbon Orient Train Station has a tree branch style that

determines the structure. The tree branch style structure can also be seen at Stuttgart Airport

(Figure 4).

Fig. 33 (a)Lisbon Orient Train Station; (b) Stuttgart Airport (Wikipedia, 2014)

The exterior surface of Mar da Palha Auditorium has been designed with a scale texture and the

Esplanade Theatre has a skin inspired by durian texture (Figure 5).

Fig. 34 (a) Mar Da Palha Auditorium;

(b)Esplanade Theatre (Wikipedia, 2014)


2.3.1 Architecture follows nature

Nature always offering immense inspirations and ideas to designers for creating

architecture. Nature is demonstrably sustainable, her challenges have been resolved over eons to

enduring solutions with maximal performance using minimal resources (Nori Oxman, 2010). We

always need to go back to nature, and architecture considered nature as a source of inspiration.

And how we can develop the architecture filed or other science from the concept of the bio-

inspiration? According to Frei Otto, the biology has become indispensable for architecture but

architecture has also become indispensable for biology. In architecture, the bio inspiration is

perceived as a better method to answer the stakes of the design of forms and efficient structures,

of energy efficiency and also at the level on the urban scale (Raskin, 2017), and the materials are

also made by nature (Benyus, 2011). The goal of biomimetic architecture is not only to shape and

measure space but also to develop synergistic relationships between the building and its

environment (Chayaamor-Heil, 2018).


The principles of nature that are important in biomimicry were gathered first by Janine

Benyus (1997) in her book “Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature”. In the late 1990s, a

revolutionary idea arrived on the scene, shepherded by an innovative thinker and nurtured by

scores of curious and passionate individuals. In the book “Biomimicry”, Janine Benyus introduced

the notion that we could be better off by simply mimicking the ways problems are solved in nature;

this idea has proven transformative. In the book, Benyus lists nine principles that govern and define

how nature operates to solve human problems, sustainably.

They principles are:

• Nature runs on sunlight

• Nature uses only the energy it needs

• Nature fits form to function

• Nature recycles everything

• Nature rewards cooperation

• Nature banks on diversity

• Nature demands local expertise

• Nature seeks balance

• Nature taps the power of limits

The biomimicry principles can be explored in details as follows:

2.4.1 Nature Runs on Sunlight


Nature uses sunlight as the main source of energy. Organisms use heat and UV radiation

from this never-ending source. So, we can say that nature is powered by sunshine. Humans use

fossil fuels, these sources are not renewable, and burning them creates CO2 which is one of the

gases causing climate change. Why don’t we do the same and prevent the climate crisis? A wise

person would mimic nature and rely on renewable power.

2.4.2 Nature Uses Only the Energy It Needs

Nature takes only what it needs. So why do we not do the same? Our economy is focused

on maximizing output and is a big energy consumer. We transport food around the world because

that is economically cheaper. Only money seems to count in a lot of decisions, not our energy

consumption and the impact this has on the natural world. How can we learn to optimize the

performance of goods and services to sip energy rather than gulp it?

2.4.3 Nature Fits Form to Function

A tree is rooted in the ground to draw water and nutrients from the soil; it spreads its

branches and leaves wide to increase surface area and absorb the sunlight to produce energy and

grow. Seeds are lightweight and some even come equipped with a sort of umbrella so they can

float in the air. Nature creates designs for the function they provide, so should our buildings,

transportation systems and schools.

2.4.4 Nature Recycles Everything

There is no ‘away’ to throw things. Everything produced in nature is biodegradable, there

is no waste. There can still be abundance, look at all the blossom on a cherry tree, but that all

serves a purpose and will be food and nutrients for others. Once the natural life of a pinecone has

come and gone, it breaks down into essential elements that are repurposed into new life.

2.4.5 Nature Rewards Cooperation

We see competition in nature, but only when it’s impossible to avoid; in general

competition costs too much energy. On the other hand, very little in nature exists in isolation.

Plants cooperate with pollinators to disperse seeds, and the pollinators feed on nectar. Ladybirds

feed on aphids and help plants to stay healthy. Nature favors cooperation because it maintains the

health of the whole system.

2.4.6 Nature Banks On Diversity

Diversity is one of nature’s best insurance policies. When one food source is unavailable,

others can be found. Plants use several different strategies to spread seed or defend against

predators. We know that species with limited genetic diversity have more difficulty adapting to

environmental change, and that ecosystems rich with diversity are more stable.

2.4.7 Nature Demands Local Expertise

Nature’s systems are inherently local. Certain species thrive under specific conditions;

local and regional weather patterns matter, as do other conditions such as soil, air quality and water

temperature. Relationships are created locally and local resources are used. Of course, some birds

travel long distances but have you seen them take their food with them?

2.4.8 Nature Seeks Balance

Ecosystems will always try to keep in balance. More mice? Then you will see more owls

to feed on the mice and keep the population in balance. Forest fires are a great example of a natural

phenomenon that renews and refreshes, reducing excessive growth and allowing for regeneration.

Every natural system has a tipping point, a carrying capacity or a state of disequilibrium that

triggers a change to a different state.

2.4.9 Nature Taps the Power of Limits

Unlimited growth on a finite earth is not a good idea. All living things are governed by

limitations; age, climate, population density and many other factors determine how species and

systems develop. Nature has found ingenious ways to work within these limits to be as productive

as possible over the long run.


According to Janine Benyus in her book “Biomimicry Innovation Inspired by Nature,”

biomimicry studies design models thus imitating them to solve human problems.

To consciously emulate nature's genius, we need to look at nature differently. In biomimicry, we

look at nature as model, measure, and mentor, hence the aim of biomimicry is for sustainability.

Nature as model: Biomimicry is a new science that studies nature’s models and then emulates

these forms, process, systems, and strategies to solve human problems – sustainably. The

Biomimicry Guild and its collaborators have developed a practical design tool, called the


Fig. 35 Biomimicry transformation to our lives


Nature as measure: Biomimicry uses an ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our

innovations. After 3.8 billion years of evolution, nature has learned what works and what lasts.

Nature as measure is captured in Life's Principles and is embedded in the evaluate step of the


Nature as mentor: Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature. It introduces an era

based not on what we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it.

Fig. 36 Biomimicry Sphere According to (Sue L. T. McGregor, December 2013).

In the context of the proposed design the transformation of biomimicry as a model will be

incorporated as it studies and imitates how nature functions.


East Gate Center, Harare, Zimbabwe

Zimbawean architect, Mick Pearce East Gate Center in Harare, a largest retail office in

the country designed without an air conditioning budget as it was inspired by the skyscraper-like

termite mounds. In the design he created a marvel the achieved 90% passive climate control. He

used brick and concrete slabs with high thermal mass that can absorb maximum heat, without

heating the interior of the structure. During the day, the warm air rises upwards and outside through

the chimney maintaining the temperature inside.


Fig. 37 East Gate Center Retail Office, Harare, Zimbabwe

Moshe Safdie’s Art Science Museum in Singapore (Inspired by Lotus Flower)

Lotus flowers inspired the blossoming shape of Moshe Safdie’s ArtScience Museum in

Singapore, at the Marina Bay Sands resort. Each petal features a skylight at the tip to illuminate

the interior with natural light. Also, the Lotus Temple in Delhi, India is a Bahai House of Worship

open for people of every faith. The petal-shaped walls of the structure are clad in white marble

from greece.

Fig. 38 Moshe Safdie’s ArtScience Museum, Singapore


Fig. 39 Lotus Temple in Delhi, India

Beijing National Stadium in China (Inspired By a Bird Nest)

The National Stadium is known as the Bird’s Nest, as the name says, it describes the

building’s façade. Moreover, the steel structure’s concept was inspired by Chinese culture and

Nature. The masterpiece highlights the importance of harmony according to one of the designer’s

philosophies as the façade retake the physical qualities of the nest birds that contributed to the

stadium’s infrastructure. The aesthetic highlights the importance of natural structures.

Fig. 40 National Stadium (Bird’s Nest), Beijing, China

Flor de Venezuela en Barquisimeto, Venezuela

The pavilion was built for the Expo 2000 World’s Fair in Hanover, Germany. The

Venezuelan architect Fruto Vivas was influenced by the national flora known as the orchid. As a

result, Vivas designed a kinetic building which creates a shelter for occupants. The structure

consists of sixteen centralized petals; the structure opens and closes depending on the weather. By

closing the petals, the interior creates a shelter on rainy days.

Fig. 41Flor de Venezuela en Barquisimeto, Venezuela

La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

This construction, which was carried out by Antoni Gaudi, started in the 19th century, and

its architectural design works with the concept based on the forest’s atmosphere. Therefore,

Gaudi’s design indicates a response to a deep understanding of nature and structural interpretation.

The interior designs are designed with ramifications, inspired by high trees in the forest and their

capacity to receive forces. Another captivating quality of the structure is the correct interior

ventilation based on how termite mounds work.


Fig. 42 La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

Nature Boardwalk at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, United States

The pavilion is a fiberglass and wood structure inspired by animal exoskeleton as

designed by WRD Environment in Chicago, United States. The hollow spaces between the wood

structure and the interior allow the occupants to appreciate another perspective of the surroundings

and in the exterior works as a water canal system. After it was built, the restored the local

ecosystem and contributed to the existing biodiversity.

Fig. 43Nature Boardwalk at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, United States

The Gherkin in London, United Kingdom

It is the first sustainable skyscraper in the United Kingdom was constructed in 2004, by

the Fosters and Partners, known and recognized for its environmental performance. The ventilation

system is inspired by aquatics organisms, such as anemones and the sea sponges. As a result, the

ventilation system is a thermo-comfort regulator, and it has decreased the architectural impact in

the environment.

Fig. 44The Gherkin in London, United Kingdom

Apartment Block Bahamas

An eight-story residential block designed by principal architect Bjarke Ingels, set to become the

tallest building in Albany. Inspired by the hexagonal shape of the honeycomb, the structure

incorporates that not in its aesthetics but also in its functionality. Facing the south, the hexagonal

exterior facade and the framed balconies enable each apartment to have its sunken pool and creates

a breath-taking view of the marina, and it extends down to the pavements and are reflected in the

outdoor seating, landscape, and outdoor pool.


Fig. 45 Apartment Block Bahamas


To understand the role of building skin for reducing energy consumption through

biomimetic approach, an analytical study of different examples has been carried out to understand

and analyze the different techniques and strategies applied in building skin and how they have

responded successfully to achieve efficiency in building design.

These examples have been taken into account with respect to the building typology, the inspiration

from nature considered, their application in design, how the problems got resolved through its

application as a design solution.


Consequently, it seems accurate to describe biomimicry as bio-imitation (or that it is

modeled on natural ecosystems and their dynamics) and is known as bio-inspiration (or that it is

mentored by nature in reorganizing conventional agriculture), this can be seen in some agricultural

center design models such as Agricultural Research Center Design, Ethopia, Occidental Mindo

Agricultural Research Center, etc., which are inspired by plants. The specifics of applying the

concept of bio mimicry to agriculture is that it will deal with natural systems twofold. They are

both the sources for mimicking, and at the same time natural species and their relationships are

incorporated in designs-thereby being the material.

What is actually mimicked (alongside completely intact ecosystems on micro level) are functional

relationships between wild species, and transferred to a slightly different group of species which

suits human purposes better-for example the functional structure of temperate zone forest is

mimicked by including cultivated fruit trees and domesticated animals into design, instead of wild

fruit trees and game.

To buttress on the above considering the termite, we believe that by understanding more about

termite ecology and behavior, and wearing “termite spectacles” as it were, we will gain better

understanding in applying and adopting biomimetic systems that we will need in a sustainable

future. This will also allow us to pass on the “message of biomimicry”, advice the community to

adopt such a pathway, and develop policies inclusive of all ecosystems, human and otherwise.

Fig. 46 East gate building, Zimbabwe Two-Mile High Ultima Tower, Francisco

We need to educate and ensure that policies address problems that affect all levels of the

community, develop sustainable partnerships with industry, government and people. This also

means involving school children, awaking in them a sense of ‘stewardship’ with their whole

environment, and contributing into similar projects as the CSIRO Double Helix Club Termite Tally

as mentioned above. Janine Benyus (1997) in her book on biomimicry suggests looking to Nature

as a "Model, Measure, and Mentor" and emphasizes sustainability as an objective of biomimicry.

Nature as model: Biomimicry is a new science that studies nature’s models and then emulates these

forms, process, systems, and strategies to solve human problems – sustainably. Nature as measure:

Biomimicry uses an ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our innovations. After nearly

4 billion years of evolution, nature has learned what works and what lasts. Nature as mentor:

Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature. It introduces an era based not on what

we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it. We can plan and create

communities in which citizens will enjoy sustainable, secure, equitable, socially just, exciting,

curious, peaceful and satisfying lives, without diminishing the chances of future generations.

Recent extreme changes in the Earth system are most notably manifested in the crises of

climate change and biosphere integrity. Caused by industrialization during the last two and a half

centuries, mainly in the form of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and chemical pollution of local

ecosystems or eco-hostile use of available resources, the crisis escalated in the post-World War II

period of economic expansion. Agriculture today comprise almost a third of GHG emissions and

have at least an equally prominent role in biodiversity-loss by land use change and pollution of

soils, fresh water, coastal ecosystems, and food chains in general. Alongside industry and

production of electricity and heat, it is one of the three biggest anthropogenic causes of breaching

the planetary boundaries. Since, in humanly relevant terms, Anthropocene is a crisis of the human-

supporting biosphere, understanding our ecosystem dependent subsistence technology becomes of

the prime importance.

Consequently, it seems accurate to describe biomimicry as bio-imitation (or that it is

modeled on natural ecosystems and their dynamics) and in known as bio-inspiration (or that it is

mentored by nature in reorganizing conventional agriculture), this can be seen in some agricultural

center design models such as Agricultural Research Center Design, Ethopia, Occidental Mindo

Agricultural Research Center, etc., which are inspired by plants are said to be eco-friendly without

depleting the natural resources in place or causing space wastage. This is eminent, too in the

trending innovation of vertical farming system adopting the aeroponic system of agriculture where

plants are stacked along a vertical rack to minimize space and the yield is bounty during harvest.

Agricultural approaches mimicking the natural ecosystems are emerging and gaining

scientific consensus rapidly, and seem necessary for appropriate reorganization of our toxic and

exploitative agro-technologies. These bio-friendly solutions are challenging our ideas of limits of

technology in sustainable culture, as well as the place of our subsistence technologies in the techno

sphere. Both are still awaiting philosophical reflection. Having in mind that cheap food is at the

basis of our technological culture, we claim that ecological crisis necessitates a new focus of the

philosophy of technology on agriculture. We will build on the thesis that eco curative and

sustainable uses of agro-technology require a paradigm shift from the chemical model of agro-

systems (driving industrial monocultures), to the ecological system- design model of agriculture.

The latter model essentially consists of agro-systems design on the basis of functional

dependencies of its biological components (i.e. in using non-artificial means for specific tasks-

like incorporating natural species for pest bio-regulation). Its goal is to minimize environmentally

destructive impact by integrating agriculture with living and ecosystem processes. The key feature

is that the later paradigm incorporates agricultural practices in broader ecosystem functions and

fertility, in opposition to high-input system-manipulation of the ruling chemical model. Desired

results are bio diverse systems with rising soil fertility, in opposition to monocultures dependent

on artificial fertilizers and hazardous biocides and, the most importantly, susceptible to shocks-a

symptom of their low resilience. The philosophical crux is, to use a distinction from the philosophy

of biology that in eco-system-design model the distinction between agro-valued organisms and the

environment becomes blurred. They are all part of the same ecosystem and function in complex

interconnected ways; therefore, the analysis and assessment must be comprehensive, on the level

of the ecosystem, and solutions conformed to the environment, emulating natural processes. In this

biomimetic context, we tackle the main challenge: how should we interpret main ecological

principles in sustainable non-polluting broad scale agriculture? Particularly, following the new

biomimetic paradigm of ecological innovation, we question in what sense can we mimic natural

solutions in agriculture, as well as to what extent is ‘‘doing it the natural way’’ desirable or even

compatible with the current cultural practices and urban demographic momentum of the last fifty

years. We discern among integrated agriculture and Permaculture, analyze their biomimetic status

from the perspective of the philosophy of bio mimicry, and argue that the former nature-mentored

approach (contrary to the latter nature-modeled approach) is a more appropriate solution for

sustainable broad scale agriculture necessary for the growing world. At the end, we question how

this agricultural integration will interact with the predicted automtization of work (following the

ongoing digital revolution) and the Earth system crisis, and can the natural farming alternative

emerge as a social safety-net for the anticipated technologically-redundant or economically or

environmentally endangered workers. We argue both for the Page importance to understand

Permaculture as a social safety-net and as experimental testing ground for cutting edge biomimetic

technologies in Agricultural Research Facilities.

It started to become more of an artistic expression and the relationship between art,

architecture, and nature began to make its presence known. As the quality of materials continued

to improve, the limitations from construction became less of a concern. Building forms had the

ability to take on more dynamic, intricate shapes. Organic architecture started to appeal to the

public and forms began to imitate elements from nature and the natural environment (Michael J.

Maglic, February 2014).

Relating this thus to the proposed research work, Agricultural Research Center Design,

the design is meant to be inspired via biomimicry by one of the elements of organic agricultural

plants, say lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, and celery, etc., which are commonly cultivated in

Jos, Plateau State.


Biomimicry: Using Nature’s Design to Transform Agriculture

Returning to agriculture, biomimetic nuances in the versions of ecological model of

agriculture emerge as important in the application of BM concept. We can describe Permaculture

in a nutshell as an attempt to structurally copy real ecosystem relations, usually with partial

replacement of wild by human-beneficial species (of the same family as the wild ones constituting

the local biome), and Integrated agriculture as an approach which shares permaculture main agro-

techniques (like integration of production units and biological pest-control), but considers

chemical fixes suited for human purposes when a system deviates from commercially utilizable

results. Even after short description it is obvious that they are both biomimetic solutions-both are

creative solutions inspired by nature a sort of ‘‘assimilation of biological machinery’’, and both

includes bio inclusive ethics (where nature adaptation for human ends is ameliorated to include

adaptation of human ends to nature’s capacities). They are, of course, leaning to different specific

biomimetic content. On the one side, although creative design solutions are characteristic mark of

PC (notably spatial rearrangements of functional dependencies found in wild ecosystems), its

blending in in the natural environment, with minimum technological input, makes PC highly

biomimetic. On the other side, although in tag doesn’t completely renounce conventional

agricultural methods and technologies, nor include a whole philosophy of living, it does adopt a

bio-inclusive ethics, if nothing because it considers economically counterproductive to do

otherwise. Consequently, it seems accurate to describe PC as bio-imitation (or that it is modeled

on natural ecosystems and their dynamics) and in tag as bio-inspiration (or that it is mentored by

nature in reorganizing conventional agriculture). The specific problem of applying the concept of

bio mimicry to agriculture is that in it we deal with natural systems twofold. They are both the

sources for mimicking, and at the same time natural species and their relationships are incorporated

in designs-thereby being the material. Nature being both the source and the material for design

complicates differentiating nature from technology (a polarity necessary for BM). What is actually

mimicked (alongside completely intact ecosystems on micro level) are functional relationships

between wild species, and transferred to a slightly different group of species which suits human

purposes better-for example the functional structure of temperate zone forest is mimicked by

including cultivated fruit trees and domesticated animals into design, instead of wild fruit trees and


The way ‘bottom’ levels blur the nature versus technology polarity by developing

synthetic manufacturing to its extreme (i.e. it’s in distinguishability from natural) is quite different

from biomimetic agriculture where the method is rational organization of natural systems by the

principle of least action-i.e. proactive design.

This logic manifest nicely why PC is considered in as a classic example of BM-it unifies

anthropocentric and bio centric perspectives of the environmental debate. In this human health-

oriented way we should understand PC’s tenet that only eco-friendly solutions are human


We have argued so far that ecological system-design model of agriculture is scientifically

and philosophically advantageous comparing to the dominant chemical model. But when we come

down to the mode of this new paradigm-the choice between PC and in tag, what are the essential

markers on which we should assess their difference? In other words, what is the logic driving the

PC’s opting for that extra abstention from chemical inputs and machinery use, above the in tag’s

abstention from chemicals that damage the ecosystem for the sake of economic viability? Two

logics are present here: ecological and medical. From the PC’s ecological point of view, abstention

from energy-intensive industrial monocultures is simply not enough for the transformation of

agriculture required for conservation of the Earth’s ecological capacities-notably, to stop climate

change and biodiversity loss. What is necessary from this perspective is a complete transformation

of agriculture from a GHGs and biodiversity-loss source, and redesigning it to be a carbon sink

and basic-biodiversity refuge. In practice, the most forceful way to accomplish this (alongside

banning industrial monoculture methods) is to eschew fossil fuels and biocides altogether. The last

two and a half centuries of civilization are characterized precisely by an ever expanding base of

fossil-fuel use so one might say that ‘‘most of our freedoms so far have been energy-intensive’’.

Accompanying agricultural progress, which freed the workers for the industrial revolution by

feeding the growing population and shrinking the percentage working in agriculture, was also

conducted in this energy-intensive manner (driven by fossil fuels, biocides and artificial

fertilizers). Therefore, it is plausible to say that the earth system crisis we face is the price we pay

for the pursuit of energy-intensive civilization. PC is deliberately devised to tackle this problem-

to challenge this civilizational mode at its core by trying to answer to alternative challenge: How

to have agriculture without the fossil fuels? How to have a non-energy-intensive freedom? Reasons

are obvious-we cannot afford to destabilize planetary conditions that work like boundary

parameters of human existence. Choosing to take care for ecology contains at the same time a

concern for human, most of all physical health, which is believed endangered due to toxic practices

of modern agriculture.

It should not be mixed with Marxist or similar positions where every culture is natural, simply

because it’s created by human species. On the contrary, PC’s insistence on ‘harmony’ of culture

with the natural ecosystems puts PC firmly into the sustainability movement that is safe.

Due the challenge creating cutting edge agriculture system because of the world’s oldest designs

farm operations have now been transform from the laboratory to farm or field crops monitored by

internet of things sensors and drones as technology lies at the heart of many of today’s sustainable

food solutions (theguardian.com, 30 October, 2015).

Worthy of note was the work of Hexagro, a designer and biomimicry expert, combined

agriculture with the design genius of one of nature’s most famous structures. A modular aeroponic

home growing system, made up of individual hexagon-shaped bins that are inspired by bees’


The hexagon-shaped bins (which can grow lettuce, carrots, cilantro, spinach, herbs and even

potatoes) evoke the resource efficiency of a beehive as they can be stacked to fit any available

space. And because the plants roots are in the air (aeroponic agricultural practice system), they can

be misted with a nutrient solution placed on an automatic cycle.

Also, designer, Felipe Hernandez Villa-Roel came up with an idea via his product that

can circumvent some of the environmental problems associated with large scale agriculture, such

as carbon emissions, pesticide use and fertilizer runoff. This solution was to make it easier for

people living in small urban spaces to grow pesticide-free food at home.

Based upon all this deductions, modern trending agricultural practice innovations are sustainable

and will be incorporated in the proposed research design (Agricultural Research Center).


Agricultural Research Center (ARC) is known to participates in the implementation of

the national plant and health and food safety control system, carries out field testing, agro-

environmental monitoring, rural economic analysis regarding agricultural activities in the rural

areas and rural networking. All these can be achieved through the main purpose of the

establishment, which is research (en.m.wikipedia.org).

2.10.1 How Agricultural Research Center Works

Agricultural Research Center works as a unit where different faculties are fused under

the same environment collaboratively and intensively to work inter-relatively thus providing

knowledge advancement beyond individual research of respective faculties or departments. In the

case of this study on the proposed project, the research center will house research facilities like

Agricultural Museum (either hydroponic or aeroponic), Meteorology center, Department of

Biotechnology and laboratory, Department of Pathology and laboratory, Department of Chemistry

and Food Analysis and laboratory, other facilities like Farming Area for field practical, Restaurant

or Cafeteria, Sick Bay, Well organized Parking Area with Defined Landscape, Reservoirs. An

Administration with offices, training classes or centers, An Auditorium for research presentation,

publications and seminar.


• Agricultural Museum

Agricultural Museum is dedicated to preserving agricultural history and heritage. It aims

to educate the public on the subject of agricultural history, their legacy and impact on society. To

help accomplish this, it specializes in the display and interpretation of artifacts related to

agriculture, often of a specific region (en.m. wikipredia.org). Relating this to the proposed design,

trending agricultural innovations and technology products like aeroponic and hydroponic

agricultural produce will also be preserved for reference purpose, given that they come from a

research institute, where sustainable agriculture is practiced other than the conventional one.

• Meteorology Center

Integrated Knowledge from variety of scientific disciplines in order to determine how

cropping systems are influenced or affected by weather and climatic conditions affect crops, and

how crops themselves affect weather and climate (www.agron.iastate.edu). Taking into account

the areoponic and hydroponic agricultural research practice in the proposed research facility will

provide a good yield as Jos weather and climate is said to enhance the crops (cabbage, lettuce,

tomatoes, green beans, green pepper, Irish potato, etc.) growth and tremendous yield.

• Biotechnology Laboratory

This laboratory is specified with the task of breeding techniques that alter living

organisms or part of living organisms, to make or modify products; improve plants or animals; or

develop microorganisms for specific agricultural purposes (www.usda.gov).

• Pathology Laboratory

This laboratory is responsible for the study of disease in plants caused by pathogens and

environmental conditions and how the diseases can be tackled. Such diseases include fungi,

oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, viroids, virus-like organisms, phytoplasma, protozoa, nematodes and

parasitic plants (en.m.wikipedia.org).

• Chemistry and Food Analysis Department

It is a very important department that provides information about the analysis of chemical

composition, processing, quality control and the contamination of food stuffs in accordance to

food and trade laws. Hence, one of the main practical aims of the proposed design is to ensure that

there is bounty food boost and security in the state and country at large, therefore this is not out of


• Practical Farm Area

This is an area where theory of farming is practiced by both scholars and students. This

aids in bridging the gaps between theory of research and practice of research. The farm or crop

yield determines how valid the theory of agricultural research practice is (www.vocabulary.com).

In the context of the proposed design the modern farming trending innovations like either

aeroponic or hydroponic agriculture, which are more sustainable and with availability in the crop

types presence on the plateau will be the practice.


Currently there is considerable debate about the ways in which this may be achieved,

which lead us to theory of change. This includes a monitoring, evaluation and learning system that

combines indicators of progress in research along with indicators of change aimed at understanding

the factors that enable or inhibit the behavioral changes that can bring about development impacts

(Asa Torkelsson, 2018).

In the context of the proposed research design, incorporating modern agricultural trending

innovations of using monitors sensors that internet of things technology monitors the crop yield

and growth, drone’s technology to replace the work of photosynthesis by bees that most have gone

into extinction, artificial intelligence technology that robots will ensure harvest automation of

crops on the farm, etc. (startus-insights.com).

Theory of change represents our best understanding of how engagement and learning can

enable change as well as how progress towards outcomes might be measured (PK Thornton, T

Schuetz, W Forch, L Cramer, D Abreu, S Vermeulen, BM Campbell, January, 2017).

Despite the fight against poverty and hunger by the Sustainable Development Goal (UN,

2015), which has reduced to 42% undernourished people in the developing nations, there is,

clearly, still much to be done to reach the targets for 2030 as articulated in the Sustainable

Development Goals (UN, 2015), particularly Goal 2 on ending hunger, achieving food

security and improved nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. With an expected

extra 2–3 billion people to feed over the next 40 years, this will require targeted efforts to achieve

making 70% more food available to keep up with rapidly rising demand (Alexandratos and

Bruinsma, 2012).

The role of agriculture in reducing poverty is relatively well studied; enhancing

agriculture is often seen as a critical entry-point in designing effective poverty reduction strategies

(Christiaensen et al., 2006; Alston, 2010), with agricultural research for development a key


The adoption of improved agricultural practices, technologies and policies, such as high-yielding

rice and wheat varieties, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation and enabling policies, has had strong and

positive impacts relative to research investment (Renkow and Byerlee, 2010; Raitzer and Kelley,


A technology or intervention may need to be much more than “scientifically proven” if it

is to be adopted; good social management and appropriate implementation processes are likely to

be needed as well (Pachico and Fujisaka, 2004; Hartmann and Linn, 2008). In addition, the rate of

change in many socio-economic and earth system trends appears to be accelerating (Steffen et al.,

2015), perhaps to the point where the past is no longer a good indicator of the future. Considerable

behavioral shifts will be needed on the part of all stakeholders if food security is to be achieved

for the more than nine billion people on the planet by 2050 (Douglas Gollin, February 2011).

Agricultural Research for Development can be thought of as a set of applied research

approaches that aim to contribute directly to the achievement of international development targets

such as the Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2015) through growth of and innovation in the

agricultural sector. This broad definition allows for a wide understanding of the concept. In what

follows, we assume that the research element of Agricultural Research for Development is carried

out with broader development outcomes in mind, and that this involves demand-led prioritization

of research, participatory and action research, and stakeholder involvement and capacity

development (Harrington and Fisher, 2014).

Nevertheless, the distinctions are important; the aim of Agricultural Research for

Development is not to take over the work of development agencies but to ensure that the outputs

of research maintain their integrity and are appropriately contextualized (translated,

communicated, and disseminated). Working in this way at the boundaries of science,

knowledge and action means that different kinds of partnership (collaboration) are needed

if Agricultural Research for Development is to be effective (Clark et al., 2011).

Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) made early efforts to

articulate how Agricultural Research for Development could contribute to desired behavioral

changes or outcomes (Earl et al., 2001). This articulation revolves around defining in some detail,

during project planning, how the project team envisages the logical chain of Figure below to unfold

in practice. The resulting theory of change represents the team's best understanding or hypothesis,

at that point in time, of how engagement and other approaches can bridge the gap between research

outputs and outcomes in development (Günter Hemrich, 2021).


There is no single definition of a theory of change and no set methodology; rather, the

approach allows flexibility according to the needs of the user or implementer (Vogel, 2012). A

theory of change provides a detailed narrative description of an impact pathway (the logical causal

chain from input to impact as shown in Figure below and how changes are anticipated to happen,

based on assumptions made by the people who are undertaking the work (Fortner, June 2022).


2.12.1 Time-Savers for Building Types (Second Edition) by Joseph de Chiara and John

Hancock Callendar, (1987) and (Fourth Edition) Joseph de Chiara and Michael Crosbie,


The only comprehensive reference for all building types, Time-Saver Standards for

Building Types, Fourth Edition is loaded with all the essential design and criteria and standards

you need to prepare preliminary design, execute programming requirements, and analyze the

function and use of a building. Authors Joseph DE Chiara and Michael Crosbie focus on tropical

issues of rehabilitation, change of use, preservation, accessibility, energy conservation, and

environmental regulations. New material in this edition includes home offices, entertainment

centers, assisted living, primary-care and wellness facilities, day-care and nursery facilities, jail

and prison, place of worship, health clubs, international sports facilities, and new rail facilities.

In this design proposal, all the essential design, criteria and standards; executing programming

requirements; and analyzing the function and use of the building will be followed in order to ensure

the comfort and safety of the users.

This book will serve as a guide in planning and designing an agricultural research center.

2.12.2 Agricultural Research Center (Central Laboratory of Agricultural Expert

Systems), (2007) by Tarek Heggi


The book, Agricultural Research Center Central Laboratory of Agricultural Expert

Systems by Tarek Heggi has the space and design requirements of an Agricultural Research

Center. The book was consisting of research centers design layout and the feasibility of spaces

with each other. The book also has the specifications of each spaces to identify the number of users

per spaces located inside of the research center.

To amend this study this book will be the researcher’s keynote in conceptualizing an Agricultural

Research Center.

2.12.3 Policies and Guidelines for Establishing of Research Centers by Hindustan Institute

of Technology and Science

The Policies and Guidelines for Establishing of Research Centers has the information on

how to build a better and innovated research centers. The book has the information’s on what are

the aim and objectives of a research centers. In this book it will also discuss what are the diversities

of each spaces located inside the research center.

This book will be the researcher’s guidelines to comply with the standards given in planning an

Agricultural Research Center.


Several researches states that in making and establishing an agricultural research centers,

it should offer reasonable access to everyone; must be adaptive and flexible. Progressive Research

activities are essential factors in future societies, and are strongly dependent on the creativity and

innovation. According to ASIA Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behavior

Studies the influential spatial characteristics for increasing researcher’s activity and innovative

outcomes to be considered in future research centers should be its privacy, beauty, and innovation,

offices should be beautiful and diverse and also have privacy. Also, the common areas say the

auditorium should be designed diversely and provide researcher’s proximity closely to the other

relevant spaces like Auditorium, Basic Research laboratories, Research Facilities (Agricultural

Museum and Meteorological Cebters).

Based on the obtained results of ASIA Pacific International Conference on Environment-

Behavior Studies, beautiful environment could increase creative thinking in both private and

common areas. In other words, beauty of all areas of a research center could stimulate researcher’s

creativity which leads to the growth of creative outcomes. Also, researchers’ proximity in both

areas could encourage innovation since seeing other colleagues encourages them to interact and


Furthermore, according to the ASIA Pacific International Conference on Environment-

Behavior Studies, researchers do not agree with sharing an office with other colleagues as it may

decline their creative thinking; while, they agree that researchers’ proximity in offices could

increase their communication. As a solution of this contradictory matter, it is possible to settle

researchers in independent offices that are proximate to each other. Therefore, along with

preserving their privacy, whenever they leave their office, they could see other researchers.


Most of the problems in agriculture, like soil degradation and diminishing (necessary)

biodiversity, are caused by unfit uses of existing technologies and approaches, mimicking the

agriculturally-relevant functioning natural ecosystems seem necessary for appropriate

organization of our toxic and entropic agro-technologies.

Biomimicry uses an ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our innovations.

After nearly four billion years of evolution, nature has learned what works and what lasts. In

biomimicry, we look at nature as model, measure, and mentor. Nature as model: Biomimicry is a

new science that studies nature’s models and then emulates these forms, process, systems, and

strategies to solve human problems – sustainably. Nature as measure: Biomimicry uses an


ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our innovations. After nearly 4 billion years of

evolution, nature has learned what works and what lasts. Nature as mentor: Biomimicry is a new

way of viewing and valuing nature thus informing (Mehraj U Din Dar; Vinay Kumar; Shakeel

Ahmad Bhat, September, 2018). A building model informs the user if the space within the building

is comfortable. This stands in correlation to biomimicry as a mentor that introduces an era based

not on what we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it (thorough

systematic study).

Thinking systemically means realizing that energy, agriculture, economics, security, and

climate change are not separate issues but different facets of one global system. It leads us to

understand that the root causes of our vulnerability are both social and technological, and that they

are the consequences of our resource-extractive, wasteful and consumption oriented economic.

Consequently, it seems accurate to describe biomimicry as bio-imitation (or that it is

modeled on natural ecosystems and their dynamics) and in known as bio-inspiration (or that it is

mentored by nature in reorganizing conventional agriculture), this can be seen in some agricultural

center design models such as Agricultural Research Center Design, Ethopia, Occidental Mindo

Agricultural Research Center, etc., which are inspired by plants ( a form of biophilia inspired

architecture) are said to be eco-friendly and sustainable without depleting the natural resources in

place. This is eminent in the trending innovation of vertical farming system known as the aeroponic

system of agriculture where plants (irish potato, lettuce, cabbage, etc.) are stacked along a vertical

rack to minimize space and the yield is bounty during harvest. Aeroponics is a promising soilless

farming method for solving future food crisis and is relatively anew way of growing plants that is

getting increasingly popular with many people because of the speed, cost and novelty. Aeroponic

farming is a form of hydroponic technique and a type of vertical farming which minimizes the use

of space. (Reena Kumari and Ramesh Kumar, April 2019).


Agricultural approaches mimicking the natural ecosystems are emerging and gaining

scientific consensus rapidly, and seem necessary for appropriate reorganization of our toxic and

exploitative agro-technologies. These bio-friendly solutions are challenging our ideas of limits of

technology in sustainable culture, as well as the place of our subsistence technologies in the techno

sphere. Both are still awaiting philosophical reflection. Having in mind that cheap food is at the

basis of our technological culture, we claim that ecological crisis necessitates a new focus of the

philosophy of technology on agriculture (Mehraj U Din Dar; Vinay Kumar; Shakeel Ahmad Bhat,

September, 2018). We will build on the thesis that eco curative and sustainable uses of agro-

technology require a paradigm shift from the chemical model of agro-systems (driving industrial

monocultures), to the ecological system- design model of agriculture (agritecture from


Janine Benyus is known as the founder of the Biomimicry movement. She is a highly

accredited biological sciences writer who has inspired and brought forth a new dimension to design

by looking to nature as the key source of inspiration. Much of her research has been done by

closely shadowing biologists, doctors, and inventors who dedicated many hours exploring new

parameters which define her ideologies. Many people have studied Janine Benyus and Biomimicry

closely. One of which in particular is Maibritt Pedersen Zari who is a professor at Victoria

University in Wellington. From her research, she created a table that outlines the basic theories

and ideologies of Biomimicry with the connection between biology, nature and architecture. By

examining the biomimetic ideologies and implementations from other scientists, designers, and

writers, Maibritt Pedersen Zari was able to break down Biomimicry into three different categories

or “levels”; Organism, Behavior, and Ecosystem.



The basis for conceptualizing the structure is an inclusion with the problem, services, data

information, sustainable strategies and innovations, to provide thoughts and facts which will help

in acquiring knowledge that can lead to create the plans in the study.

Fig. 47 Research and Development Flow

2.15.1 Agricultural Research and Development has two key words Research and


Research has the following parameters:


The input of the study is the information/data needed to conceptualize the design and its

consideration, such as, the selection of the appropriate site, the facilities, services and utilities, the

design criteria, planning and design consideration for the proposed project; the applicable

sustainable strategies; and the laws and codes concerning the proposed study. It also includes

research funding, brought in knowledge, resources required to deliver the research.


In related to the input, the researcher’s will conduct a thorough study regarding in

selection of the appropriate site to avoid problems/errors that may occur like liquefaction of the

site, etc. The gathered data will be analyzed and conceptualized, by segregating the most important

data’s to the least important data’s. Those data gathered will be applied and amend in planning and

designing an “Agricultural Research Center.” It is the systematic step by step (process) that enable

the research to happen (reviewing of evidence, data collection, analysis, reporting or feedback and

so forth).


The output of amending the planning and design process, in relation to the proposed

Agricultural Research Center, is the solution that will resolve the issues being encountered

generally in the agriculture industry in terms of the farmers that lacks support, training and

education through agriculture. This solution will be the first step of acquiring an answer for the

farmers in Jos city of Plateau State. Hence, Output is said to be the particular dissemination,

publication, presentation, communication or pathway in which research is made available to

people other than the author (Banzi et al., 2011; Bornmann, 2013; Guthrie et al., 2013; Milat et al.,

2015; Greenhalgh et al., 2016). In the context of a design, especially the proposed design, it is

said to inform base on functional space configuration and environmental requirements (Parker and

Dunlop, 1994), imitate and function like an organism, and to judge sustainably in relation to


2.15.2 Development has the following parameters:

• Use of Research Outputs is to provide robust and ethical evidence(s) and also entails

feasible research methods based upon a research methodology that best suits the nature of

your research question.

• Outcomes in Research refers to the results and conclusions arrived at as a result of a

particular research activities, which includes products, processes, experimental methods

and supporting data.


• Impact of Research is the effect (negative or positive) a research has beyond academia. It

is the knowledge generated by our research to contributes, benefits and how it influences

our society, culture, environment and the economy.

In relation to the proposed design, the functional space integration, facade, shape

modulation should be able to express the above, systematically, as it will be seen in the design



According to Beatley (2011), biophilia shows that the evolutionary and biological contact

with nature cannot be avoided, even if people believe that life without nature is feasible. Janine

Benyus (2008), the lead author of the biomimicry approach, points out that there is wisdom in

bringing nature back into the building process by incorporating elements inspired by biophilia into

the built environment. These elements include organic forms and structures, daylighting, natural

ventilation, an environment quiet enough to enjoy natural sounds, a changing palette of colors,

bringing working ecosystems indoors, and bio-inspiration gardens.

When translating nature’s strategies into design, the science of the practice involves three essential

elements: Emulate, Ethos, and (Re)Connect.

These three (3) components are infused in every aspect of biomimicry and represent these core

values at its essence.


The scientific, research-based practice of learning from nature and replicating nature’s

forms, processes, and ecosystems to create more regenerative or flexible designs that can be

renewed or remodeled.


The philosophy of understanding how life works and creating designs that continuously

support and create conditions conducive to life.

(Re) Connect

The concept that we are nature and find value in connecting to our place on Earth as part

of life’s interconnected systems. (Re) Connect as a practice encourages us to observe and spend

time in nature to understand how life works so that we may have a better understanding to emulate

biological strategies in our designs.

Although, from this background argument, that within the bioinspired designs there is

common misunderstanding encountered, which is mistaking biomorphism for biomimicry.

Biomorphism refers to designs that visually resemble the elements from life (look like nature),

whereas biomimetic designs focus on the function (work like nature). Although, biomorphic can

be aesthetically appealing and of great benefits as humans have natural affinity for nature and

natural forms incorporated in designs. But looking like nature is not a reliable indicator of

biomimetic design because a biomimetic design might or might not look anything like the

organisms that inspired it rather the important indicator is how its function like that organism

(biomimicry), (biomimicry.org).

Another aspect of theoretical frame work is the position between biomimicry and

transdisciplinary, which is elegant, ripe with hope and potentialities. Within its frequent solution-

creation process, biomimicry aims to produce both new knowledge and technical items

(innovations). In performance, transdisciplinary strives to produce new knowledge that can be used

to create innovative solutions to pressing world problems, innovations in thinking as well as in

actual items to solve the problems. Transdisciplinary aims to make knowledge products more

relevant to non-academic actors." The synergy between these two approaches is encouraging,

warranting further reaction and deliberation.


Both strive to create new knowledge to inform innovative solutions to human problems.

If transdisciplinary solutions to world problems necessitate a holistic coupling of the human and

the natural, as well as the inclusion of many voices and perspectives, it makes sense that

transdisciplinarity gain inspiration from biomimicry, with its focus on nature. Therefore,

transdisciplinarity based on the principles of nature (biomimicry) is promising. It supports

visionary approaches to solving complex disorganized problems that require people to rethink and

reorient human's relationship with the planetary environment, leading to society being able to work

together with nature" (Sue L. T. McGregor, December 2013). Relating to the proposed design, a

conducive atmosphere for learning and bridging the gap between theory and practice in an

agricultural research could be achieved applying biomimicry principles or elements.


Steven Vogels’ book, Cats’ Paws and Catapults, is a piece of literature that brings to

reality some of the negative arguments towards Biomimicry. He refers to this as “naïve

Biomimicry”. What he refers to as naïve is scientists and inventors that were using the exact same

technology found in nature and without any adjustments, turning it into something at human scale.

By implementing designs in this way, the majority of the designs were unsuccessful. In his book

he uses several good examples that showcase this argument. These examples mostly focus on

locomotion by both air and water.

One of his best examples is regarding air travel and the design of the airplane. Designers

such as the Wright brothers spent much of their time observing birds and their ability to glide

through the air. Although this is a good place to start, it actually led them in the wrong direction.

The size to weight ratio of birds is much different than that required of an aircraft. Also birds are

much smaller than people, and so the characteristics of their flight technology are different than

that required for humans. In order for something that is heavier and larger in size to stay in the air,

it must be moving at a faster rate, hence the introduction of jet engines and high powered

propellers. Birds on the other hand don’t need this type of propulsion because they are so much


This was one of the reasons why there were so many failed attempts. But finally after

many revisions, the airplane grew from just a one seated aircraft, to a vehicle that transports

hundreds of people at a time across the world.

Along with these examples he does discuss successful projects as well which makes his book a

viable source to uncovering both the positive and negative arguments directed towards the

understanding of Biomimicry.


Have scientists and inventors been looking too far and hard into man-made technological

solutions to solve human needs? Is it impractical to derive their solutions from basic ideas and

hypothetical assumptions on what works on a technology level but not on a social level? The

answer is in front of us and the research has been done. Many scientists have dedicated their lives

to finding out how different organisms in nature work and how they impact the environment. It is

their research that can be utilized to solve the world’s most complex problems.

Biomimicry may just be that solution. It is shocking that this type of analysis and design

ethic is not more common in the built environment. Nature is always forced to adapt to new things

much like humans are. For example, the climate that is always changing and now with global

warming it is even more apparent that nature must find its own ways to adapt. Insects, mammals,

reptiles, plants, trees, and other types of vegetation have evolved over centuries in order to survive

in such a dynamic environment; and those that have not and were unable to adapt die off but still


to the equal balance of life. Those types of adaptations and evolving principals in nature should be

studied and implemented into the built environment. Creating a sustainable built environment

is not done by integrating just solar panels on every building. Humans need to be more in-tune

with nature and look at nature for inspiration. Designs that mimic nature’s beauty and elegance

should not just be on a material or form basis; it should be from a thorough understanding of the

philosophy and principals that make those solutions from nature work successfully.

Now looking back at the question, can we take the philosophy behind natures living

organisms and use them to aid in the development of mankind? We definitely can and should to

find a new way to survive that not only benefits humans, but the natural environment as well.

Represented thoroughly in this project, Biomimicry can be used as an integrative architectural

design component in order to achieve this, and create complete unity between the building, the

users, and the environment.



This research study will adopt descriptive method where data will be gathered related to

the study. Qualitative research strategy will be applied for this study in other to gain insights,

opinions, and inspirations to help develop ideas. Such research design will be applied to surveys

and observations. In achieving the best design solution for this proposal, this method will guide

the research to acquire data and necessary information required.


In other to gather relevant information and data for this proposal, relative research library,

internet-based research, field survey, interview of relevant authorities, photographs, and other

articles relevant and related to agricultural research center will be adopted. It will be ensured and

assured that all instruments used are reliable in helping to gather relevant information for the

research proposal.


3.3.1 Data to Be Collected
Following the research proposal, relevant data for the design development processes will

be collected by, first of all, gathering data about similar facilities, services and utilities needed in

the design proposal. Secondly, relevant information on design criteria, planning and design

consideration for an agricultural research center will be made available. Thirdly, information to

point out sustainable design strategies applicable to the proposed design strategy will also be

gathered. Fourthly, strategic design codes that guides the proposed facility will be provided. Lastly,

is the site selection for the proposed design along with justification will be provided.

3.3.2 Data Collection Method

Relevant data concerning the design criteria, planning and consideration will be gathered:

facilities; services; building laws and codes via library research method and internet-based

research strategies. Comprehensive land use master plan or map will be used to determine a

suitable site for the proposed facility.

3.3.3 Data Presentation Method

Tables or charts will be adopted to present relevant data with textual description to

represent and illustrate vital information for the proposal and hence the data collected will be

carefully studied and analyzed separating relevant ones from irrelevant ones not needed.

3.3.5 Data Utilization for the Proposed Design

Gathered data for the proposed facility, services and utilities will be used to accept and

determine the design requirements for the proposed design. The data for design criteria, planning

and consideration for the proposed design will be implemented to inform the proposed Agricultural

Research Center by making it well-planned and organized. For the sustainable strategies data, each

data gathered will be identified on specific strategies relevant and applicable to the proposal to

have an outstanding innovation. The laws and codes data gathered will be incorporated in the

proposal so as to meet its standards for a more flexible and comfortable design proposal. In the

selection of the site for the proposed design, the use of Jos Master plan will help comprehensively

to determine the exact location the proposed design will be situated or sited so as to make it feasible

to the community, Jos and the state.


• Federal College of Forestry, Bauchi Road, Jos (Local)

• Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Oyo, Ibadan (Local)

• Izmir Agricultural Research and Development Center, Sassali, Turkey


• Agrotopia Research Center for Urban Food Production (International)

• Spanish-Portuguese Agricultural Research Center, Spain (International)



All buildings selected for local case study where selected for their availability within the

region of the researcher, and its wide acceptability as well as its popularity. This is necessary in

order to find out what makes those centers successful or not. Other factors that influence the

selections includes: location, typology, ownership structure, functions and services provided, and

material used in the building construction.


Client: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), under Northern Nigeria Regional


Location: Bauchi Road, Jos, Plateau State

Architect: not available

Typology: Institution

Date: Established in 1958

3.6.1 General Overview

The mandate of the institute is to make Plateau a crop, food, wood and forestry productive

and competitive state through the commercialization of research and development results and other

innovative efforts using agriculture as a tool. The school features a serene and conducive

environment for study. It also has an excellent citadel of learning with breathtaking beauty that

makes one feel at home with nature. Under the supervision of Forestry Research Institute of

Nigeria (FRIN), it is one of the few institution/research center in Nigeria that has maintained

tranquility and unique landscape over the years, undoubtedly, the wholesome of the serene

environs and the cold climate of the state has been one of the major attractions of the school and


Fig. 48 : schematic aerial view of the institute

Source: Google Earth, 2023.

Plate 1: Schematic floor plans of the admin block view

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023


Plate 2Schematic floor plans for Crop production and Horticulture Department

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023

Plate 3: Schematic floor plans for Statistics and Biology Laboratories

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023


Plate 4: Schematic Floor Plans for other Laboratories

Source: Researcher’s Field work,2023

Plate 5: Schematic floor plans for the library

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023


Plate 6: Security Gate

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023

Plate 7: Admin block

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023


Plate 8: crop production and horticulture

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023

Plate 9: Etimology and Parasitology dept

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023


Plate 10: Students’ sitout

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023

Plate 11: Relaxation Hut

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023


Plate 12: Lecture Halls

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023

Plate 13: Library

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023


3.3.4 Facilities Provided

• Administrative Block

• Departments

• Laboratories

• Lecture Halls

• Library

• Worship Chapel

• Mosque

• Canteen

• Green House

• Recreational Area

3.3.5 Materials Used

• Cement Sand Crete block walls

• Plywood boards (painted) for internal office partitions

• Cement-sand plaster rendering on walls

• Vitrified skirting in offices

• Emulsion paint to wall finish in laboratories and workshops

• Vitrified tile finish (offices, conference rooms)

• PVC ceiling (Admin area)

• Corrugated Aluminum sheets on fascia and eaves (workshop)

• Steel roof members

• Aluminum roofing sheets

3.3.6 Merits
• Adequate space compartments

• Adequate vehicular circulation

• Defined circulation

3.3.7 Demerits
• Poor spaces synergy

• Inadequate parking space

• Inadequate conveniences not strategically situated

3.3.8 Appraisal
• Spaces will be organized effectively create synergy and collaborative works

• Proposed design will have reasonable parking spaces for vehicles and their respective


• Adequate conveniences will be made available strategically in the proposed design


Client: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN)

Location: Moor plantation, Ibadan, Oyo State

Architect: Demos Nwoko

Typology: Institution

Date: Established in 1969

3.5 General Overview

The Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (I.A.R.&T), started with the pioneer

School of Agriculture in Nigeria as established in Bora in 1921 while that of Akure was established

in 1957. The School of Animal Health and Husbandry, Ibadan was added in 1964. The three

Schools and the Research Division of the defunct Western State Ministry of Agriculture and

National Resources and Training (IAR&T) Ibadan was established in 1969


Institute of Agricultural research and training serves the needs of the Nigerian farmers in

South Western Nigerian in particular within the context of its integrated agricultural resources

development and training strategy.

Fig. 49: schematic map of the institute

Source: Google Earth, 2023.

Plate 14 : Institute Security Gate

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023.


Plate 15: Administrative Block

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023.

Plate 16: Vehicular circulation

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023


Plate 17: Workshops and Laboratories

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023

Plate 18: General Aerial View of 1AAR

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2023

3.5.1 Facilities Provided

• Administrative block

• Research and Training Classes

• ICT units

• Laboratories/Workshops

• Library

• Seminar/Event Hall

• Green Houses

• Parking space

• Recreational area

3.5.2 Material Used

• Cement Sand Crete block walls

• Plywood boards (painted) for internal office partitions

• Cement-sand plaster rendering on walls

• Vitrified skirting in offices

• Emulsion paint to wall finish in laboratories and workshops

• Vitrified tile finish (offices, conference rooms)

• PVC ceiling (Admin area)

• Corrugated Aluminum sheets on fascia and eaves (workshop)

• Steel roof members

• Aluminum roofing sheets

3.5.3 Merits
• Good use of materials and technology on the interior and exterior

• Easily accessed and noticeable.

• Use of concrete and high performance solar control glazing reinforces integration and

articulation of structure, a good strategy for Innovative material application

3.5.4 Demerits
• Dilapidated structures lack maintenance

• Poor space configuration as the functional facilities are compartmentalized


3.5.5 Appraisal
• Proposed design should provide adequate space configuration

• Proposed design will consider maintenance of structures should there be dilapidation


Client: Izmir

Location: Sassali, Turkey

Architect: Mert Uslu Architecture

Typology: Institution

Area: 2000 m²

Concept: Fused Human fingers

Date: Established in 2021

3.6.1 General Overview

Shaped by the hands of humans, the deformations experienced in the natural environment

are transforming today’s living conditions. Therefore, it has become a necessity to develop new

strategies and techniques related to sustainable activities. Undoubtedly, the negative and positive

effects of such technological developments on a necessity that appears on a global scale are quite

high. Although it is clear that the rapid technological developments experienced after the 2000s

has had a negative effect on the natural environment. This backbone design construct, enables the

users to learn and experience the operational mechanics of the institute during their visit to the


Fig. 50: Schematic map of the institute

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 51: Layout plan

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023


Fig. 52: Sections

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 53: Greenhouse structures

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 54: Bird-eye view

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 55: Office Unit


Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

3.6.2 Facilities Provided

• Administrative units

• Offices

• Normal and smart soil allied agricultural fields

• High order agricultural fields

• Green houses

• Eco-market

• Multipurpose hall

• Training classes

• Laboratories

• Library

• Technical services

• Wet volume areas

3.6.3 Materials Used

• Glass

• Steel

• Laminated wood

• Galvanized wire mesh

3.6.4 Merits
• Good structural system

• Adequate landscape

• Steel columns reinforces integration and articulation of structure

• Defined pedestrian walkways


• Adequate natural lighting effect from passive roof lighting and walls

3.6.5 Demerits
• Inadequate vehicular parking space

• Inadequate vehicular circulation space

• Spatial configuration spread

• Expensive Construction of steel as used almost throughout the design

3.6.6 Appraisal
• The proposed design will provide adequate vehicular parking space

• Spatial configuration will be defined in the proposed design

• Appropriate choice of construction materials in the proposed design


Client: Agrotopia Community

Location: Roeselare, Belgium

Architect: Meta Architectuurbureau, Van Bergen Kolpa Architects

Typology: Institution

Area: 9500 m²

Date: Established in 2021

3.7.1 General Overview

Rooftop greenhouse Agrotopia is Europe’s largest research center for urban food

production. With its faceted glass facades, monumental entrance staircase, and stacking of

functions, Agrotopia gives a striking architectural appearance to horticulture on the roof the city.

The innovative building is an example for future food production in the city, intensive use of space,

circular energy and water use, and making greenhouse horticulture most suitable.

Agrotopia is built on the roof of the vegetable and fruit auction REO on the ring road of

Roeselare. The entrance with wide, ascending stairs leads to the Urban Horticulture square with

visitor facilities in the heart of the building. In the façade conservatory on the ring road, there is a

double-height conservatory for innovative vertical cultivation. The architecture consists of a

slender greenhouse construction that stands out against the sky and rests on the concrete base of

the crates shed. The entire building consists of one standard green house with diffused glass.

Agrotopia is the building where the new future generation of city farmers is trained.

Fig. 56: Schematic Layout map of the institute

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 57: Schematic floor plans of the institute

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023


Fig. 58: Schematic roof plan of the institute

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023


Fig. 59: Elevations and Sections

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 60: Exterior views of the institute

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 61: Aeroponic Vertical farm

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023


Fig. 62: offices of the institute

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 63: Vertical access and walkways made of steel

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

3.7.2 Facilities Provided

• Administrative unit

• Auditorium

• Agricultural museum for fruits and vegetables

• Horticulture square

• Conservatory vertical farming

• Water reservoir conservatory

• Training hubs

3.7.3 Materials used

• Glass

• Steel

• Concrete

3.7.4 Merits
• Adequate lighting due to good openings

• Good and adequate structural systems

• Defined aesthetics

• Adequate landscape provision

3.7.5 Demerits
• Expensive steel structural system construction

3.7.6 Appraisal
• Adequate spaces and landscape will be provided in the proposed design thus creating an

enabling environment for research and learning


Client: Agrotopia Community

Location: Roeselare, Belgium

Architect: Meta Architectuurbureau, Van Bergen Kolpa Architects

Typology: Institution

Area: 9500 m²

Date: Established in 2021

3.7.8 General Overview

This laboratory is meant for research and experimentation in farming and plant

maintenance. It has the infrastructure required to conduct research related to agricultural activities

in the field of physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of plants, fungus and

microorganisms. The new building emerges in the landscape distancing itself from a housing

environment without clear order. The topographic redevelopment of the site lead to two levels: in

the upper, with the entrance from the street, the building is hidden in the landscape, while the lower

level opens onto the river, separating from the ground by piles that isolate the construction of

possible floods.

The educational program is located in a representative volume that occupies the upper

level of the access. The research program and support facilities occupy an elongated half-buried

volume that gives access to different nuanced services through an interior street. The laboratories

are situated in four cubes on piles, guiding their views to the river and being separated in such a

way to allow sequenced view to the river bank from the common area.

The relationship between the volumes of the laboratories and the one containing the

educational program set up a wide compositional sequence allied to the cadence of the vegetation

and topography of the bank, which helps the building to integrate itself into the landscape.

In the closest area to the river there are a number of greenhouses connected by path

outside, inside them is particularly suitable the research related to the agro-biotechnology. The

research area is reached after crossing the pronounced cut of slab that supports the roof garden, a

ramp guides you to the hall and the interior street that goes across and articulate the whole.

The construction was entrusted to systems that simplified the complexity of the building

and eased the execution phase. The building is separated from the ground and supported on piles,

the materiality of the structure is revealed throughout the entire building, establishing a heavy and

steady world. On the contrary the façade systems are light, dry mounted to exhibit their temporary

and removable character.


Fig. 64: Interior (Circulation area)

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 65: Main foyer

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 66: Laboratories

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023


Fig. 67: Exterior part of Lecture halls and offices

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 68: Bird-eye view of the Laboratories and Lecture units

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 69: Aerial view of the general layout

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023


Fig. 70: Seminar Room and Interior Circulation space with high windows

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 71: Interior part of the offices and Exterior Part of the laboratories

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 72: Schematic lower floor plan

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023


Fig. 73: Schematic ground floor plan

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 74: Schematic First floor plan

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023


Fig. 75: Schematic Second floor plan

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 76: Schematic Third floor plan

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023


Fig. 77: Sections

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

Fig. 78: Elevations

Source: Google Earth (www.archdaily.com), 2023

3.7.9 Facilities Provided

• Administrative

• Auditorium

• Agricultural exhibition unit


• Training centers

• Physiology lab

• Molecular biology lab

• Biochemistry and food analysis lab

• Farming area

• Restaurant

• Sick bay

• I. C.T Unit

• Parking area

3.7.10 Merits
• Defined connectivity of related spaces

• Closed proximity of spaces and adequate circulation

• Easy construction cost and methods

• Beautiful and influencing views around the complex

• Defined and adequate landscape features

3.7.11 Demerits
• Inadequate parking spaces

• Compacted spaces could be dangerous in case of fire outbreak

• Inadequate lighting and ventilation of Some spaces due to compact design




The study area is located at Mararaban Jama’a in Jos South local government of plateau

state, which is found in the state capital situated in the northern region of the state. Plateau state is

found in north-central zone of Nigeria. Jos South is one of the seventeen (17) local governments

of plateau state.


Plateau is one of the thirty-six states that make up the Federal Republic of Nigeria

including the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The state derived its name from the Jos Plateau,

which is the predominant geographical landscape in this part of Nigeria. The state is blessed with

the presence of undulating highlands, characterized by hills ranging from 500m – 1600m above

sea level as well as artificial hillocks and mining paddocks/ dumps found all over the state.

Fig. 79: Map showing Plateau State


Source: Google search, 2020

4.2.1 Location of Plateau State

Plateau State is located in the North Central Zone which is also known as the Middle

Belt. It is within latitude and longitude 9o10’ North and 9o45’ East respectively. Having a total

land area of 30,913 square kilometers and sitting at an altitude range of 1,200 metres to a peak of

1,829 metres above sea level. The state is bordered by Kaduna State in the North West, Bauchi

State in the North East, Nasarawa State in the South West and Taraba State in the South East.

4.2.2 Climatic Conditions

Although Plateau State is in the tropics, it has a near temperate climate with an average

temperature of between 18.7° Celsius and 22.7° Celsius while the annual rainfall varies from

131.75 cm in the Southern Part to the 146 cm on the Plateau with the highest rainfall recorded in

July and August. Owing to the harmattan winds, the weather is usually cold between the months

of December and February. For the most part, Plateau and its residents enjoy the coolest weather

nationwide, which is largely due to its altitude and this condition contributes significantly to the

prevalence of expatriate dwellers in the state.

4.2.3 The People and Culture

The State has been rightly described as a miniature Nigeria due to the fact that the state

boasts of having settlers from possibly each of the various tribes or ethnic groups in Nigeria.

The state has over 30 indigenous ethnic groups, the people are hospitable and

accommodating and have similar culture and traditional ways of life. Some of the tribes in the

state among others are Berom, Ngas, Taroh, Goemai, Youm, Montol, Rukuba, Kwagalak, Piapung,

Buji, Irigwe, Mushere, Jarawa, Anaguta, Gashish, Pyem, Amo, Chip, Menjang, Fier, Bogghem,

Mwaghavul, Ron-Kulere, Chawai, Aten etc. The predominant trade of the diverse tribes in the

state is farming. Having a rich cultural heritage, the people of the state are known to uphold it

religiously, resulting in a flurry of entertaining festivals which are scheduled at several periods all

year-round attracting tourists; also acting as an avenue for the unity and progress of the various

ethnic groups.

Owing to diverse historical events and the peaceful, accommodating nature of the

indigenous people of the region, several other tribes came to settle in the state. These tribes include

the Hausa, Fulani, Ibo, Yoruba, Ijaw, Bini and several others.

The state is also known to be the home and source of a variety of treasured art and artefacts. These

beauties occupy significant places of honor in galleries in and outside the state and the dances and

songs have been distinction at festivals.


Plateau State is well known for its beautiful scenery and abundant human resources. For

these reasons, economic activities of the state have been increasing remarkably over the years.

There are several satellite markets such as Rukuba road and Zarmaganda and others to be built

including the Jos main market which was burnt to be rebuilt. Also, are the presence of various

banks spread all over the state giving loans to individuals to establish their business and providing

consultancy services to the people and State Government.

The State has various mineral resources which, when tapped properly can be a big source

of income not only to Plateau State but the country at large. Minerals that have been identified in

commercial quantity include Cassiterite, Barytes, Clay, Kaolin, Columbite, Tin, Gemstone,

Gelena, Quartz and Feldspar.

In view of the good soil and favorable weather, there are considerable number of agro-

allied industries in the state, there are great opportunities for investments in this sector.

Government plans for high speed rail line expected to convey 30 – 40 million tons’ average of

goods/annum and about 60 – 70 million passengers.


This is in line with the Jos Inland Container Depot which is to serve Jos and immediate

environs and also series shippers from Kaduna, Nassarawa and Benue States and other land locked

neighboring countries. To receive containerized and others cargoes basically by rail from Lagos

or Port-Harcourt. It will also handle export cargoes from Plateau and other neighboring states.


In considering a location suitable for Agricultural Research Center in Plateau State, some

basic successes parameters are analyzed. The areas of the state being considered are Jos South

L.G.A for having an already established Institutional layout with necessary supporting

infrastructure in place as Jos has a lot of institutional buildings to serve as related and supporting

facilities, according to Jos Master Plan.


Plate 19: Jos Master Plan

Source: Researcher’s field work, 2020


Before any site can be selected, there are some important things to consider in order to

choose the most suitable site to construct the institution. This initial site selection process took into

consideration the criteria that the most suitable site must satisfy. Three (3) sites were selected and

analyzed based on the site selection criteria below:

• Natural Resources

The presence of natural elements such as interesting water bodies, rock formations and

amazing topography largely that will inspire research and knowledge advancement and

Innovations in agriculture, which is one of the key feature of the center.

• Accessibility

Accessibility of transportation, with regard to both private and public system as well as

the availability of parking on the location is necessary for the center and be accessible to Pedestrian

and vehicular access. It is desirable to locate the site close to the city major roads and airport for

accessibility by students, Researchers, start-ups and Industry players so as to synergize theory and

practice. Therefore, a site for the development of the Agricultural Research Centre should be

accessible from all angles of the city if possible.

• Site Conditions

Availability of public utilities such as water, electricity and telecommunications should

be prioritized, ensuring that they are on the site for convenience of operations.

Large land areas at low prices are essential to offset high development cost. Major remodeling like

excavation for lakes, ponds, water ways etc., increases development cost so the less one spends on

these, the more attractive the site is to the innovator. Hence, the nature of site conditions should

be given consideration as they form the bases for site layout and landscaping.

• Topography

Relatively flat ground surface and good soil structure that can support construction and

landscaping with as little as possible negative qualities that will be hazardous to development.

• Expansion

Wherever the site is located should be able to support initial facilities and leave room

for future expansions. Hence, a site with viable chances for expansion will be considered.

• Proximity to Basic Amenities

In order for the selected site to be worthy of consideration, it must improve the viability

of the proposed project through its nearness to some basic infrastructure such as: accommodation,

services, health services, communication, electricity, water supply and accessible roads.

The Right of way should be wide enough to handle service vehicles as well, it should be well

connected with interurban highways and have facilities such as stationary shops, copy shops,

bookshops and services such as courier service, messenger service, Banks, Lawyers, Car Service

and Restaurants.

Proximity to both skilled and unskilled labor is essential because labor force is the backbone of an


• Territorial Synergy

The Agricultural Research Centre must exist in the area where there are farm operations

or activities and verse land surrounding the entire site for easy practical work. It should also be

located near related institutions such as Police Staff College, Plateau State Polytechnic,

Government Science School Kuru, etc., where there are plenty of artisans, workshops, exhibition

galleries or cluster being developed.

As a central generator of economic and social output, the proposed Agricultural Research Center

can act as powerful socio-cultural hubs and as a result, has an ability to transform the place in

which it has been sited.


For the purpose of this research work two (3) sites were chosen:

Site A

• Location:

Site A is located along Mararaban Jamaa-Heipang road, part of Jos South local

government area. Presently, the site is populated by grasses, trees and sparse shrubbery. It is

roughly about six (6) kilometers away from the main town.

• Nature of the site:

The site is an undulated and undeveloped expanse of land, and the topography is relatively

flat as it’s a plain land without any structural development as such no demolition will have to be

take place before commencement of construction activities. Vegetation cover such as grass and

shrubs and trees are scattered across the site. The soil type is loamy with a gully of about 4.5m

width cutting along the southeast side of the site. Farming is one of the major activities ongoing

on the site.

Fig. 80: Mararaban Jamaa Google Map-Heipang Road

Source: Google Earth, 2020


Plate 20: Site A along Mararaban Jamaa-Heipang Road

Source:Researcher’s work design, 2020


• Location:

Lamingo is a small town in Jos, which is one of the oldest cities in Nigeria among others such as

Lagos, Ibadan, Calabar and Kano. It is a small area in Jos North L.G.A of Plateau state Nigeria

and the coldest part of Jos because the highest point of Jos Plateau (Shere Hills) is located in this


• Nature of Site:

It has a flat terrain with some rocks seen in isolation and in groups bounding this area. The site has

a flat topography and is covered by grasses, light shrubbery, few trees and ridges from past farming

activities. The rich loamy soil and nearby stream and water source has attracted some agricultural

activities such as the cultivation of vegetables.




1. Natural Resources ***** ****

2. Accessibility ***** *****

3. Site Conditions ***** *****

4. Topography **** *****

5. Expansion Provision ***** ****

6. Proximity to Site ***** *****


7 Territorial Synergy ***** *****

8 Master Plan Compatibility ***** ****

TOTAL 44 42


Excellent = 5

Very Good = 4

Good = 3

Okay = 2

Poor = 1

Based on the above analysis of the characteristic potentials possessed by each of the two

sites under consideration, site A which is along Mararaban Jamaa-Heipang road in an institutional

layout zone, has been chosen for the proposed Agricultural Research Center, Jos.

Plate 21: Site A Location progression from Jos South L.G.A.

Source:Researcher’s work design, 2020


To achieve a successful design, it is important to carry out an in-depth analysis of the site

to see the potentials that the site possesses which could enhance the design. This would help in

harmonizing the activities within the structure being designed on the site. Site analysis also ensure

that the flexibility of the site potentials and the successful integration of its natural and cultural

factors into the design are brought forth.


Plate 22: Site Analysis (sun path and direction).

Source:Researcher’s work design, 2020

Plate 23: Site Analysis (climate and wind direction)

Source:Researcher’s designed work, 2022


4.8.1 Topography
The site has gentle slope westwards. The site is made up of the sandy loamy soil being

more consolidated under and this is good for building construction. The general uniform level of

the site removes any need for grading.

Plate 24: Relief/Topography of the site

Source: Researcher's field work, 2020

Plate 25: Relief/Topography of the site

Source: Researcher's Design work, 2020


The topography of the site is quite favorable for the location of the proposed factory with

a gentle slope towards the southwest end. This characteristic will allow for a good drainage system

that would connect with the existing drainage layout.

4.8.2 Geology and Soil Type

The soil is basaltic, fertile and well structured. The site has mainly loamy to clay loam in texture

and slightly acidic.

Plate 26: Loamy-clay Soil type on proposed site

Source: Researcher's field work, 2020

4.8.3 Vegetation
The site falls within the Northern guinea savannah zone, which is characterized by moist

guinea grassland (tall grasses e.g. elephant grass), trees that tower over the grasses, and scattered

shrubs. The predominant vegetative cover is tall grasses with few scattered shrubs and trees, and

a good part of the site is cultivated by the local residents to plant several crops (mostly vegetables).

The soil has a good bearing capacity that could Support the proposed Agricultural Research Center.

Plate 27: Typical guinea savannah vegetation within the study area

Source: Researcher's field work, 2020

Plate 28: Site Analysis Showing Vegetation Cover within the study area

Source: Researcher's designed work, 2020

4.8.4 Traffic
Traffic is high in this area because of Mararaban Jamaa road, a federal road, where trucks

and vehicles plight always. The road leading to the proposed site will be tapped from the major

federal road connecting neighboring local governments and states. This will serve as a good access

and a spotlight for the proposed design as those coming in from mararaban jamaa a centralized

radial point that serve as both entrance and exit points. This will make the proposed design an

Iconic structure, strategically situated.

Plate 29: Mararaban Jamaa picture and google map

Source: Researcher's field work, 2020

Plate 30: Site Analysis Showing Accessibility and Footpath

Source: Researcher's field work, 2020


4.8.5 Utilities
There are existing amenities in the vicinity the site such as good road, railway track,

electricity, telecommunication connectivity and a lake. These assets will be properly utilized and

integrated into the project during the construction as well as for post construction activities such

as processing and personnel uses.

Plate 31: Existing Nigerian Integrated Power Project along

Mararaban Jamaa

Source: Researcher's field work, 2020

4.8.6 Existing Land Use

The proposed site is within an industrial zone which is currently used for farming. Crops

produced by these farmers include; lettuce, potatoes, maize, millet, guinea corn, pepper etc.

Plate 32: Proposed Site showing ridges as a sign of farm operation

Source: Researcher's field work, 2020

Plate 33: Site features surrounding the proposed site

Source: Researcher's designed work, 2020

4.8.7 Sources of Noise

The main source of noise around the site is the vehicular movement of both heavy and

light weight trucks and vehicles coming from the western part of the proposed site. A reduced

noise source will be the use of retained and planted trees along the road to serve as buffers for

proper attenuation of unwanted noise.


Plate 34: Vehicular and trucks movement towards the western part of the site

Source: Researcher's field work, 2020

Plate 35: Site Analysis for noise impact and control

Source: Researcher's designed work, 2020


4.8.8 Site Weather and Climatic Conditions

• Temperature

This ranges from a minimum value of 220C in December, 250C in April with the maximum of

350C in March.

Fig. 81: Maximum temperature of Jos

Source: www.meteoblue.com, 2018

• Rainfall

Brought by the south west trade wind, it starts around April to September. The volume of

the rain could be between 900mm-1100mm

Fig. 82: Average daily rainfall in Jos

Source: www.meteoblue.com, 2018


Fig. 83: Average monthly precipitation and temperature in Jos

Source: www.meteoblue.com, 2018

• Humidity

This is low between November and March (1-3) but could be up to 50 – 60 percent during the

rainy season.

• Winds

Two prevailing winds are experienced in Jos South, the north-east and the south-west

winds. The north-east trade wind also known as the harmattan wind blows between November to

February. They bring cold conditions, dryness and dust from the Sahara Desert where they

originate. The south-west wind originates from the Atlantic Ocean and brings warm pleasant

conditions and rain. It is usually active between May and October.


Fig. 84: Average monthly precipitation and temperature in Jos

Source: www.meteoblue.com, 2018

• Cloud Cover

There is a considerable degree of cloud cover experienced during the rainy season which

helps in lowering the temperature. There is thin to no cloud cover during the dry season.

• Sunshine

Jos South has high sunshine hours per month. Radiation is high almost throughout the year.

Fig. 85: Daily sunny, cloudy and precipitation days in Jos

Source: www.meteoblue.com, 2018


Fig. 86: Wind rose in Jos

Source: www.meteoblue.com, 2018

• Dawn

This usually occurs between 5:30 - 6:30 AM with warmth, low intensity and minimal glare.

• Noon

Usually occurring at 12:00 PM, when the sun is at its at its brightest and highest intensity

characterized by heat.

• Dusk

This observed to occur between 5:30 - 6:30 PM with glare at its highest and giving off deep

penetrating sunrays.

4.8.9 Site Merits

• The site is accessible and serviceable. The site has great potential for enhancing territorial synergy,

to allow for a functional research ecosystem

• Availability of Power and Electricity supply. Available water verse farm land and operations will

enhance agricultural Innovations at lower cost


• Closeness to other establishment like: The Police Staff School, Grand Cereals, College of Health

and Technology, the Proposed College of Accountancy.

• Peace and Comfort-ability: members of the host community are peaceful and friendly. No rumor

of violence located in the environment till date.

• Confluence benefits: The Mararaban Jamaa Round about is a point of connection in and out of the

city for both citizens and visitors

• Territorial security: The surrounding hills and rocks could aid provide for defense and protection

4.8.10 Site Demerits

• Presence of water body (Lamingo Dam) may pose a threat and hence proper embankments need

to be done as well as careful construction in other not to disturb natural aquatic life.

4.8.11 Site Potentials

The site has a good vegetation cover with shrubs and grass cover. The soil type is sandy-

loamy soil which supports the growth of plants and vegetation. Site topography is good with no

obstruction and gently slops towards the east.

The land slopes gently towards the South-east, it has good natural drainage potentials. The site is

linked up by good access road on the west with potential on north part and distant south of site.

4.8.12 Site Problems

The site is susceptible to stagnant water at some part towards the west of the site during

rainy season. The natural drains existing will be converted into build drains to prevent stagnation

of water and where necessary, laterite filling will be considered. Demonstration farm will be

located close to the water body to also harness the water for all season agricultural innovations in

crop production.


In this chapter, the fundamentals for the design formulation shall be discussed. The
potential problems and challenges encountered during the evolution of the design throughout its
process from one stage to another shall be explored in a bid to take the reader through the decision
making process of the design sequence from which the design for the proposed Nature-related
Agricultural Research Center, Jos: Biomimicry in Institutional Buildings Through nature as a form
architecture is produced.
The challenges shall include the general architectural problems experienced during the
design experience, also design considerations from which the fabric of the design is cut. This
would aid in the understanding of not only the concept evolution but also the entire process of
The facility houses a wide range of functions; hence there is a great deal of architectural
concerns. In the design of a project of this sort, certain considerations, preliminary research and
examination of various influencing parameters are paramount. This is so as to arrive at logical and
functional solutions, they are categorized as planning considerations and design considerations.
5.2.1 Accessibility and Circulation:
Persons with disabilities pose a major challenge, it is imperative to cater for this group of
people especially in public buildings. Way-finding pattern in this design is a key design issue to
be addressed by the design. The circulation pattern especially to first time visitors with regard to
the multidirectional flow of people is expressed through signs, symbols and other design elements.
• Direct access from entry; direct and easily identified access to all primary activity areas
from the entry area is designed to help potential users understand and move freely without
asking questions and avoid embarrassment.
• Multiple entrances; there should be multiple entrances, clearly distinguished to
accommodate the diverse user group or department, staff and visitors.
• Vehicular separation; Separate paths and spaces should be provided for pedestrian access,
vehicular drop off, parking and servicing for safety and ease of operation.
• Approach and circulation by visitors around the various activity spaces should be placed
without feeling of intruding by users; Circulation paths that goes round semi-open spaces
or run in the midst of activity areas and large glazed areas to reveal indoor activities help
further this goal.
5.2.2 Space Organization:
This involves the arranging of space and shaping it to achieve a design that would be
responsive to objective of the design spaces, with the design organized to achieve harmony of
users of different functions and to ensure the comfort of the users. This is expressed in a general

space organization principle which is intended to reinforce the design, concept of the research
This is the arrangement of spaces with regard to the functional requirements of the services
to be rendered. The spatial organization should emphasize social and intellectual interaction and
natural lighting requirements for various functions. The elements of the space, the quality,
progression, flexibility, space to space relationship and proportion are essential in the tailoring of
the spaces, units and eventually the whole building form. The critical need is for a harmonious
spatial layout that favors the activity pattern.
5.2.3 Form
This is the resulting shape the design takes. The shape and structure of the research center
or any other building is distinguished from its materials and components. Construction and
Function of spaces is the basis of form. The design should put all these into consideration, as the
challenge is to create a form based on a fusion of architectural expression and knowledge of the
technological principles of modern construction techniques.
It is essential to understand, utilize and communicate form, thereby responding to the
critical need and expressing the architectural character of the building through the form. The form
should be derived from the functional relationship and services which should be fashioned out of
an activity pattern. This form should harness a great deal of technical possibilities available for the
center. A harmonious relationship between the articulation of interior spaces and the exterior form
should express the unity of the building in addition to fulfilling technological, organizational and
economic demands. The need for a befitting form is eminent to the architectural concerns.
5.2.4 Aesthetic Effect
The design of a research center should have an outlook of an educational building.
Notwithstanding, the design should not be plane, but simple and yet beautiful and appealing to the
eye. The visual communication should be simple for easy usage by visitors, users, staff, etc., and
yet maintains a sophistication of modern architectural expression. This element finesses
strengthens the architectural vocabulary within the context as a major determinant in order not to
deemphasize the general image or character of the building. The image of the building should be
given higher priority with the aesthetic effect coming in to complement it. These effects should
strengthen the overall character of the building. The aesthetic effect is an architectural concern that
also influences design decisions.
5.2.5 Building Materials
In the earliest civilizations, building form was dictated by the techniques of binding,
knotting, tying, plaiting, and weaving. Building in timber followed later, and in nearly all
civilizations became the basis for architectural form. Forms which results from construction,
materials, and functional requirements are similar anywhere and every time. The design of this
facility should functionally use building materials. With new materials, new technology and
changing use, a different form evolves, though embellishments (aesthetics) can obscure its true
form or give the impression of something completely different. However, the spirit of the age tends
to determine the building form.

The choice of materials should be in line with the technical functions of the facility and as
well providing a basis for a coherent architectural expression. The selection of materials should
consider the technological potentials of the building. This creates a need in the choice of materials
that allow the technologies to work effectively.
5.2.6 Waste Disposal
The management of wastes in a research center is very cardinal to the design of such facility.
This is so, due to the fact that the workshops in which products are manufactured would produce
a lot of wastes, which could be recycled at the research center, or at another location, or even
incinerated completely. Therefore, the design should incorporate an elaborate plan for waste
disposal. The efficient functioning of the building and personnel can be hampered as a result of an
ineffective waste management system. Design decisions should effectively consider waste
5.2.7 Drainage
It is necessary to provide a surface water drainage system to collect and dispose of rainfall
runoff to prevent the flow of water from damaging building structures, site structures and the
surface grade (through erosion). This is a major architectural concern that must be adequately
catered for in order to contribute to the full functioning of the building. The topography should be
put into cognizance in the design of the site drainage.
5.2.8 Topography
The terrain, levels, landscape of the site is critical in the outward expression of buildings
and at such the design of the research center must incorporate the details of the relief and how to
tackle them as they arise. Most boulders on site that pile up forming heights should be used as
building materials, and depression created by mining activities should be converted to a dam, for
water reservoir. Minor depressions should be backfilled with well rammed earth filling, if
buildings are to be erected on it, if not they should be appropriately landscaped with planting
5.2.9 Ventilation
This is the circulation of air, which must be adequate to ensure the comfort of users and
guarantee a specific room climate. To fulfil this, the following requirements must be met:
• Removal from enclosed spaces of impurities in the air including smoke and other harmful
substances, and suspended particles.
• Removal of perceptible heat from enclosed spaces; unwanted quantities of both hot and
cold air.
• Removal of latent heat from enclosed spaces; enthalpy flows of humidifying air.
• Protective pressure maintenance; pressure maintenance in the research institute for
protection against unwanted air exchange.
• Uncontrolled air is admitted through joints and gaps in window frames, doors, and shutters
(as a result of the effects of wind) rather than through the walls. However, the increased
use of thermal insulation measures in buildings means that the natural sources of ventilation

through gaps in windows and doors may no longer be adequate. It may therefore be
necessary to provide controlled ventilation, using mechanical ventilation systems and, if
necessary, to replace the heat loss as a consequence. Ventilation is a critical need as it
provides cooling and enhances comfort and efficiency. Some passive strategies would be
employed alongside other active means (mechanical) to provide adequate ventilation.
5.2.10 Lighting (Artificial and Natural)
Light inspires and can enliven space. There are few things as delightful as the ever changing
presence of natural light in a building. Natural light tells us about the weather, the time of the day.
And satisfies deeply rooted psychological needs. Natural light can play a critical role in the
productivity of staffs/ students and can apparently be important in economic gains from reduced
energy consumption.
In buildings natural light can provide ambient illumination which will reduce the use of
electric light, hence, lowering energy consumption and the generation of pollution. These
advantages provide sufficient justification for the inclusion of natural light in a research institute’s
design. The inappropriate use of natural light can result in excessive heat gain, uncomfortable
glare, etc. Too often, a good number of considerations which are critical to the distribution of day
light are ignored; they include building orientation, fenestration, facades, etc. Eventually, the
utility delight and economy of daylight is excluded. A key for the project is maximizing natural
light throughout.
5.2.11 Structural/ Environmental Support
Organize the spaces:
• Compactly for economy of the structure
• To provide multiple use protective construction zones
• For maximum economy or environmental support system
• For acoustic compatibility and control
5.2.12 Orientation/ Zoning
The orientation refers to the design location relative to its environment or visual field. The
building orientation is a basis for design decisions, providing a point of reference to avoid a feeling
of being lost and responding to other elements that affect the placement of buildings. These are
important factors that need to be knitted into the design of the building; therefore, it is a design
challenge which evokes or influences design decisions.
Zoning involves the grouping of all related functions together to respond to particular needs for
the users. These distinct functions not related can be differentiated to create sections within the
facility, the main components are;
• Administrative area; comprises of offices, staff facilities and general rooms.
• Academic area; instructional facilities, library, laboratories, classrooms, theatres, halls etc.

• Workshops; these will include all the proposed workshops that will be needed in the
• Exhibition space; the exhibition spaces will include both outdoor exhibition and indoor.
• Accommodation and housing facilities; which will provide for research students and staff
of the institute.
• Recreational and relaxation; sporting facilities etc.
• Supporting facilities; parking spaces, restaurants and snacks area, stores etc.
5.2.13 Acoustics
This deals with separation of spaces for various activities that will generate noise into quiet,
semi noise and noisy zones respectively.
Auditorium, classes, library and offices should be separated from the noise parts which are the
workshops and especially the game/ sporting areas. The classes should not be far off from the
workshops though, for good proximity to students.
5.2.14 Services
This include basic and functional services such as water supply, energy supply (electricity,
gas and other sources of energy), air-conditioning, ICT systems, sewage disposal, refuge disposal
and fire service. These services are important constituents of buildings; therefore, the satisfactory
performance of a design involves implementing decisions, which adequately cater for the need of
these services.
5.2.15 Security
Security is a concern in any building type, focusing on the safety and security of people,
goods and services. The security should involve systematic integration of design, technology, and
operation for the protection of critical assets.
5.2.16 Environmental Impacts
The building has impacts on the environment these are considered based on environmental,
sustainable, economic, and social factors. It is important for the building to exist alongside the
environment with efficiency and adaptability in mind. The environmental impacts of the building
necessitate important design decisions to ensure an efficient design.
The major issues to be considered in the site design, specific to the design are as follows:
5.3.1 Function
The activity grouping and zoning emanates from a careful analysis of the functions. This is
based on unique and important performance requirements that will shape the building. Function
takes note of people, activities and relationship relative to the design.

5.3.2 Function Efficiency (Performance): Organize the Spaces

• To provide optimum adjacent relationships depending on the size and range of functions
in the building.
• To establish a workable and convenient circulation flow
• To ease the movement of physical challenged persons

5.3.3 For Safety: Organize The Spaces

• To minimize requirement for resistive construction
• For easy and safe evacuation during emergency
5.3.4 Site Design: Organize the Space:
This is the volume required by human beings, activities and equipment’s. It is practically a
manipulation of forms, patterns and textures. The human unit is the definer of spatial measurement
and a standard for the architectural use of space. The evolution of spaces is a response to the
functional relationship with adequate consideration given to scale, patterns, perception and
• In relation to the size, shape and orientation of the site
• Fit into and preserve the natural topography
• To benefit from natural warming and cooling effects
• For efficient and convenient pedestrian and vehicular access.
• Space deign, organize the space
• To accommodate square meter space needs for each individual function space
• For simplicity of centralized visual surveillance
5.3.5 Relationship to the Surrounding Environment:
• Clear boundaries; the site should have identifiable boundaries of the institute. This can be
done with fences, walls, hedges, shrubs use of grade changes and the building walls
• Connect the site to the surrounding community. This will clearly serve two purposes. First
it permits students to access the non-academic area and gain real life experiences with other
people and professionals. Secondly, it establishes a link with the pubic area, rather than an
isolated institution. This allows outside viewers to not only observe the learning activities
of the students, but engage with the building and spaces too.
5.3.6 Multiple Spaces and Uses:
• Multi-use spaces: the spaces of the Institute must permit different and changing
activities and ever changing and also in the case of need to change machines for

a better new improved technology. Therefore, the spaces should be flexible, with
moveable or removable equipment’s and furnishing.
• Ambiguous space definition, some of the spaces should be ambiguously defined,
open to and overlapping with adjacent spaces, so that the spaces and its users are
matter of continual reinvention by the users, and multiple relationships between
areas are possible. This does not mean the spaces should be characterless; rather,
they should have strong character and many features in order to foster different
uses, and multiple options.
5.3.7 Visual Relations and Sequence:
The research institute should be an open environment to permit visual communication
between different activity spaces and from entry and circulation areas, and encourage interaction
and understanding, the opportunities available.
5.3.8 Landscape Design:
• Landscaping can define and separate the outdoor spaces and the overall research institute,
screen areas that need piracy or protection and areas that need to be opened to users.
• Durable furnishing equipment’s and materials used on outdoor spaces should be durable
and require little maintenance for good number of years.
• Lighting for right time use: outdoor lighting should permit right time use of the spaces for
sports and path ways. It should improve safety by providing sufficient general illumination
to allow visibility in all activity areas. The lighting can be made in such a way by creating
different intensity of light to each activity as required.
5.3.9 Outdoor Activity Spaces
Multiple, differentiated spaces, a variety of outdoor activity spaces are required to
accommodate the multiple use and users. They should have characteristics appropriate to their
respective functions. Hard surfaced sports and game areas, intimate patio for social interaction and
green/soft surfaces for relaxation/social interaction. Example hard surface for basketball court,
lawn tennis court etc.
Outdoor extension of indoors; the outdoor spaces should be contiguous, visible and directly
accessible to the corresponding indoor function area. For example, general outdoor storage area
should be connected to servicing bay.
5.3.10 Context
This design consideration evokes reactions or decisions based on climate and the site. The
context considers site potentials, site problems, weather elements etc. which are critical in decision
making with respect to the design. These factors guide as well as enhance the design process. The
site affects the design approach depending on the qualities, the climate also has its implications on
the design, which include roof slope, insulation, sizes of fenestrations etc.

5.3.11 Enclosure
The structure, enclosing planes and fenestrations are basic concerns in the architecture of
research institute buildings. Decisions with regard to these elements should consider routing and
transmission of IT systems and waves respectively.
5.3.12 Systems
This covers mechanical, electrical, ICT and other systems that are critical to the full
functioning of the building. The building is a whole entity with the various systems as part of the
whole. Therefore, these systems and the building should be appropriately unified through design
5.3.13 Economic
The economic factor is a significant design consideration bearing in mind the first or initial
budget, operating costs and life – cycle costs. The problem is the attitude toward the initial budget
and its influence on the fabric and geometry of the building. Cost control is employed as an
intended search for economy that will lead a realistic preview of costs and a balanced budget to
meet the extent of available funds.
5.3.14 Human factor
The user perception and behavior are important psychological concerns at design stage.
These reactions are cues through the senses which are responsible for social and psychological
patterns. These considerations are beneficial to the design process.
The design can influence the user’s response to his environment, which is always subjective.
As a major design consideration the user’s potential response has been evaluated in advance, this
was done bearing in mind the prospective users.




As a result of the Plateau state government initiative, in collaboration with the Federal Government

of Nigeria policy on agricultural revolution, there has been a strong desire to go back to Agriculture

revolution so as to foster economic development and diversification to boost internal revenue

generation as well as to increase the Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P) in the state. The Government

of Plateau State in line with the federal government initiative, has made efforts through ASTC and

FADAMA for local farmers to indulge in agricultural research and innovation, extension service

trainings, etc.


The project which is to be funded by the Federal Government of Nigeria with land provided

by the Plateau state government, is envisaged to be feasible given the federal government’s

commitment to agricultural related activities. As such beyond policy statements, the project is

expected be given legislative backing both in the National and state houses of assembly. With the

presence of Agricultural Service Training Centers (ASTC) on the Plateau, FADAMA on the

Plateau, the project is foreseen to receive huge human capital. With the availability of resourceful

people, fertile arable land, different varieties of crops and favorable climatic conditions which have

endowed the state with comparative advantage in agriculture, siting the proposed project will be



The basic functional spaces involved in this facility are: Administrative unit; Agricultural

Museum; Post-production shop; Auxiliary unit; Staff offices; Research departments and

laboratories; Research Center General Library; Auditorium and Greenhouse buildings. Other

functional units are: the vehicular and pedestrian parking and walk ways, respectively; relaxation

areas and practical fields.

6.3.1 Administration Unit

The administration unit is comprised of the human resource office, security unit,

exhibition unit, cooperate office, bursary, account unit, chief administration office, Registrar’s

office, executive officer office, management office, boardroom, tea room, conveniences and

director’s office. There are also incorporated in the administration unit photocopy and utility area.

6.3.2 Agricultural Museum

The agricultural museum is comprised of the enquiry desk, exhibition and visual display,

souvenir shops, rentable space, library, seminar room, conservation space, offices, conveniences

and general store.

6.3.3 Post-Harvest Market

The Post-harvest shop is comprised of the loading bay, entrance and exit, storage (both

cold and dry), account office, manager’s office, office, shopping area, conveniences, etc.

6.3.4 Auxiliary Unit

The auxiliary unit is comprised of the restaurant and sick bay or clinic situated in the heart

of the facility for easy accessibility from every functional unit. And the situation of these spaces

falls within the design philosophy.

6.3.5 Research Center Main Library

The library is comprised of the: enquiry desk; discussion area; reprographic section;

serials; reading hall; audio visuals; dark room; general reserve area; books reserve; librarian office

and offices and conveniences.

6.3.6 Main Auditorium

The main auditorium is comprised of the: facility manager’s office, preparation room; back

stage; stage; main hall; ICT room; console room; conference room; photocopy store; offices;

general store and conveniences.


6.3.7 Staff Office Unit

The staff office unit is comprised of the: lecturers’ offices; heads of departments;

secretaries to the heads; photocopy store and conveniences.

6.3.8 Research Departments and Laboratories

This unit is the heart of the facility comprised of the research departments (which are Plant

Physiology, Plant Pathology, Biotechnology, Entomology, Chemistry and Food Analysis,

Archeology, Agricultural Engineering, Soil Topography, Farm Extension, Meteorology,

Floriculture and Agronomy), research laboratories related to the departments, lecture halls,

computer labs, design studio and workshop, library, waiting and students’ interaction lounge, flex

module space and conveniences.

The research departments which is considered as the heart of the facility is zoned in such

a way that it has the buffer zone (which is comprised of the auxiliary unit and the staff offices

situated close to the admin unit closer to the vehicular access) so as to aid in absorbing noise from

the vehicular activities. Hence, for emphasis sake, the various departments have their respective



• Agricultural Engineering Department: This is the branch of engineering that

applies methods and techniques of engineering to solve problems related to

agriculture and thus improve agricultural practices. It collaborates knowledge of

agricultural science, biology, chemistry, and engineering principles to design,

develop, and implement technology equipment for agricultural production,

processing, and management. Agricultural engineers work on various aspects of

agriculture, including: farm machinery and equipment; soil and water conservation;

crop production and management; food processing and storage; environmental and

impact assessment and renewable energy in agriculture.


• Soil Topography: This is the aspect deals where the physical characteristics and

features of the soil surface, including its elevation, slope, aspect, and micro-relief

are analyzed. Due to the crucial role played by this aspect soil behavior, water

movement, nutrient distribution, and overall productivity of agricultural land can

be determined. Understanding soil topography is important for various agricultural

activities, such as site selection, land management, and precision agriculture. In line

with this, soil topography deals with vital aspects related like land elevation, land

slope and direction, micro-relief, etc. Therefore, understanding soil topography

allows farmers and land managers to make informed decisions regarding land use,

soil conservation, and agricultural practices to maximize productivity and


• Plant Pathology: This is where plant disease, their causes, mechanisms, and

methods of control are studied scientifically. The study of pathogens (disease-

causing agents), the interaction between the pathogens and plants, and the impact

of diseases on plant health, productivity, and ecology are involved also involved in

this study.

Also, some aspects involved by plant pathology are plant pathogens, disease development, disease

symptoms, disease diagnosis, disease management, research and study areas, economic and

environmental impact.

According to the role played by plant pathology, plant health, crop production, and food security

can be assured. The development of disease-resistant plant varieties, the identification of emerging

disease, and the implementation of effective disease management practices in agricultural and

natural ecosystems can be developed by plant pathology.

• Plant Physiology: This is the branch of botany where the study of how plants

function is focused on. Understanding the various processes and mechanisms that

occur within plants is meant to aid one to know the way they grow, develop,

reproduce, and respond to their environment. There is a wide range of areas

encompassed by plant physiology, which are: plant anatomy; photosynthesis;

respiration; transpiration; hormone regulation; nutrient uptake; and plant


Researchers in this field use a combination of experimental techniques such as molecular biology,

genetics, biochemistry, and microscopy, to investigate the physiological processes occurring in


• Plant Biotechnology: This is where scientific techniques and tools are modified or

manipulated for various purposes in plants. The application of knowledge from

various fields such as genetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry to improve the

traits of plants for agriculture, horticulture, and other industries are involved. Plant

biotechnology are also encompassed in areas such as genetic engineering, tissue

culture and micro-propagation, plant genomics and molecular breeding, plant tissue

engineering, plant molecular diagnostics, plant bioinformatics. The field of plant

biotechnology has numerous applications, including the development of genetically

modified crops with enhanced nutritional content, improved resistance to pests and

diseases, increased tolerance to environmental stresses (such as drought or salinity)

and enhance yield.

• Plant Entomology: This is where the study of insects and their interactions with

plants are carried out. Also, the examination of how insects and plants interact with

each other, the effects of these interactions on both organisms, and the mechanisms

and adaptations involved.

Some Insects (such as bees) played a significant role in plant ecology and agriculture as some

insects are beneficial to plants, such as pollinators like bees and butterflies that aid in the

reproduction of flowering plants. Other insects act as predators or parasitoids, preying on the

herbivorous insects that may damage or consume plants. Therefore, plant entomologists are said

to study these insect pests, their life cycles, behavior and the damages caused to develop effective

management strategies (biological, chemical control, and cultural practices.

Also as encompassed by plant entomology are other research and study areas such as insect-plant

interactions, end.

• Chemistry and Food Analysis: This is where the composition, quality and safety

of food products are determined and analyzed. Some key areas where chemistry is

applied in food analysis are: proximate analysis; food additive analysis;

contaminant analysis; nutritional analysis; flavor and aroma analysis; food quality

and shelf life and allergen analysis.

The food products for consumers’ quality, safety, and nutritional value can be analyzed and

utilized when necessary techniques are followed.

• Plant archaeology: It is also known as paleothnobotany or archaeology where the

remains of plant recovered from archaeological sites are analyzed. Therefore, by

examining the plant remains such as seeds, pollen, wood, charcoal, phytoliths

(silica bodies in plant cells), and other plant materials, the past use of plants by

ancient cultures and their impact on human societies can be gained by the


Some key aspects that are related with by plant archaeology are: identification of plants remains;

reconstruction of diets; agricultural practices; environmental reconstruction; ritual and medicinal

plant use; trade and exchange.

By studying the plant remains left behind by the ancient civilizations, a deeper understanding of

the past societies, their relationships with plants and the ways in which they have shaped human

history can be gained by the researcher.


• Floriculture and Horticulture: These are two closely related fields where

cultivation, production and management of plants are involved. In floriculture,

flowering and ornamental plants for decorative purposes are cultivated and

produced. On the other hand, in horticulture, this is the branch where the art,

science and business of cultivating and managing plants are studied. The following

aspects are involved in both floriculture and horticulture: flower production;

nursery production; floral design and arrangement; flower marketing and

distribution; crop production; landscape design and management; plant

propagation; plant physiology and nutrition; pest and disease management.

Agricultural industrial development, landscaping, and the overall aesthetic enhancement of our

surroundings are vital roles played by both floriculture and horticulture.

• Agronomy: This is the branch of agricultural science where crops and their

production, with soil management inclusive, crop cultivation and crop

improvement are focused on as studied. Scientific principles and techniques to

enhance agricultural productivity, sustainability and efficiency are applied under

this aspect. Some agricultural aspect agronomy could be involved in are: crop

production; soil science; crop improvement; sustainable agriculture; agronomic

research; crop economics and farm management; environmental impact


Crop improvement, production and sustainable farming practices, global food security and

agricultural sustainability can be achieved by agronomists when scientific principles and

techniques are adequately applied.

• Agricultural Meteorology: This is a specialized branch of meteorology where the

concise application of meteorological knowledge and techniques to support

agricultural practices are applied. This is where the interactions between weather,

climate, and agricultural systems to improve crop production, manage agricultural

risks, and enhance farm management, are studied. Here are some aspects

agricultural meteorology could be involved in: crop phenology and growth;

agroclimatology; crop water requirements; weather/pest disease management;

weather risk management; crop modelling and decision support systems; precision

agriculture; climate smart agriculture.

Therefore, by considering meteorological factors, crop optimization and production, minimization

of environmental impacts, sustainability and resilience of agricultural systems can be optimized

by farmers.

• Farm Extension Services: Also known as agricultural extension services, are

programs and initiative to provide knowledge, information, and technical assistance

to farmers and rural communities are designed. These services are aimed at

improving agricultural practices, enhance productivity, promote sustainable

farming techniques, and support rural development. This is also where the

extension agents or advisors are said to work directly with farmers as links between

research institutions, government agencies, and the farming community. Some

aspects where farm extension services are involved in are: knowledge transfer;

training and education; farm management and business development; technology

adoption; advisory services; farmer organizations and cooperatives; policy support

and advocacy.

Hence, by bridging the gap between research institutions, government agencies and the

farming community farmers are empowered with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to

improve their livelihoods and contribute to food scarcity and rural prosperity.





1 Reception/ Grand Lobby 1 736.56 736.56

2 Walkway/Verandah 8 311.16 2489.28

3 Offices 32 87.17 2789.44

4 Exhibition/Gallery 2 468.62 937.24

5 Exit Staircase 4 64.75 259.00

6 Ramp 2 130.72 261.44

7 Lift Room 4 6.58 26.32

8 Relaxation Lounge 2 468.62 937.24

9 Photocopy Store 3 79.37 288.11

10 Convenience 56 3.60 201.60


1 Function Hall 1 382.58 382.58

2 Backstage 1 28.03 382.58

3 Offices 2 25.71 51.42

4 Museum Library 2 232.58 456.16

5 Exhibition Area 2 243.66 487.32

6 Rentable/Conservation Space 2 240.62 481.24

7 Souvenir Shop 2 119.86 239.72

8 Workshop 1 119.27 119.27

9 Virtual Display 1 239.36 239.36


10 Staircase 2 58.83 117.66

11 Store 1 119.86 119.86

12 Convenience 6 4.36 26.16



1 Offices 5 79.91 399.55

2 Food stall 1 43.35 43.35

3 Store (cold and dry) 2 192.71 385.42

4 Shopping Area 1 1541.76 1541.76

5 Loading Bay 1 89.31 89.31

6 Billing Counter 1 24.95 24.95

7 Circulation Area 1 38.75 38.75

8 Exit/Escape 2 38.75 77.50

9 Walkway/Verandah 2 43.35 86.70

10 Convenience 6 33.23 199.38


1 Eating Area 2 580.21 1160.42

2 Store (cold and dry) 2 48.79 97.58

3 Services (kitchen and server) 2 65.43 130.86

4 Staircase 1 29.75 29.75

5 Walkway/Verandah 1 1.82 1.82

6 Convenience 4 18.68 74.72


1 Consultants’ Office 2 38.76 77.52


2 Common Wards 2 124.91 249.82

3 VIP Wards 2 28.58 57.16

4 Emergency Unit 1 38.75 38.75

5 Emergency Entrance 1 18.94 18.94

6 Waiting Area 1 264.76 264.76

7 Treatment Room 1 43.58 43.58

8 Store 1 58.83 58.83

9 Convenience 8 5.34 42.72


1 Offices (librarian and assistant) 2 33.79 67.58

2 Bags and Discussion Space 3 46.23 138.69

3 Reading Area 2 998.66 1997.32

4 Books Reserve Area 1 33.26 33.26

5 Dark Room and Storage 2 38.75 77.50

6 Library Reserve/Enquiry Desk 2 148.29 296.58

7 Serials and Audio Visuals 2 79.14 158.28

8 Balcony/Exit 2 31.05 62.10

9 Convenience 8 4.97 39.76



1 Offices 40 14.75 590.00

2 Ramp 2 80.30 160.60

3 Staircase 4 18.64 74.56

4 Lift 4 6.24 24.96


5 Office Cubicle 2 16.30 32.60

6 Conference Room 2 71.94 143.88

7 Photocopy Store 6 58.83 352.98

8 Waiting/ Circulation 2 71.96 143.80

9 Walkway/Verandah 2 296.28 595.56

10 Entrance Shade 2 77.83 155.66

11 Convenience 9 13.80 124.20


1 Research Laboratories 10 198.05 1980.50

2 Offices 10 119.77 11970.70

3 Lecture Halls 12 301.98 3623.76

4 Computer Labs 12 89.29 1071.48

5 Students’ Interaction Lounge 11 109.93 1209.23

6 Staircase 18 80.32 1445.76

7 Ramp 6 160.69 964.14

8 Walkway/Verandah 6 358.05 2148.30

9 Store/Utility 4 28.35 113.40

10 Flex Module 10 67.37 637.70

11 Circulation 6 76.76 460.56

12 Journal/Publication 1 148.29 148.29

13 Technical Room 1 79.14 79.14

14 Design Studio 1 31.05 31.05

15 Agric Engineering Library 1 4.97 4.97

16 Convenience 12 4.97 59.64



1 Exit/Escape 2 30.79 61.58

2 Backstage 1 29.30 29.30

3 Main Hall 1 1810.30 1810.30

4 Walkway/Terrace 3 164.28 492.84

5 General Store 1 72.78 72.78

6 Shop 2 57.81 115.62

7 Lobby 1 57.81 57.81

8 Photocopy Store 1 57.81 57.81

9 Conference/Meeting Room 1 72.78 72.78

10 Facility Manager Office 1 41.25 41.25

11 Preparatory 1 41.25 41.25

12 ICT Room 1 72.78 72.78

13 Office 2 57.81 115.62

14 Console 1 57.81 57.81

15 Convenience 8 14.51 116.08

TOTAL = 50.693


As posited by (Dania, 2016), architectural concepts evolve from the following:

Site (site analysis); Program (functional requirements); Place/Culture/Society;

Technology/Material/Method; Personal Architectural Influences; Movement; Space/Emotions;

Speed/Technology; Memory/Place.

According to the above, the design concepts are conceived to have the beehive concept particularly

on the elevation.

Plate 36: Elevation Concept

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023

6.6.1 Site Layout Concept

This concept was conceived from the tree (plant) as part of agricultural crop where the leaves

and branches represents spaces and vehicular/pedestrian ways, respectively. With this combination

a unique architectural form of the building envelope was created.


Plate 37: Conceptual Layout

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023

6.6.2 The Design Connections and forms

Shrubs and trees defined the workability of pedestrian walkways and vehicular ways thus

connoting a direct representation of trees branches as the source of nutrient connecting the leaves

to survive. The courtyards green areas in correlation with the shrubs and trees makes the entire


This fact can be demonstrated with the use of illustrative sketches which are vital in the

transformation of the concept at the design process stage. It is the graphic representation that stores

the designer’s logical reasoning process and the ideas that are produced via the course of the

research and introduction. Although these diagrams are thoroughly abstract and symbolic,

elaborate descriptions are needed to aid others understand. The Agricultural Research Centre

would therefore be described according the given bubble diagram:


Plate 38: Site Bubble Diagram

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023




This is the concluding chapter of the thesis write-up. The design project followed the

program of research through a rigorous study of the variables that are relevant to the subject matter.

Consequence to that, the design has evolved and a model for the design of an Agricultural Research

Center is illustrated in the following plates.


The following factors were put into consideration in the site planning concept:

• Accessibility: This is where good roads connectivity is provided as the research

center is located in close proximity to transportation hubs, other higher

institutions and agricultural communities and also accessible to researchers, staff,

and visitors.

• Climate and Topography: This is the crucial choice made on the proposed site’s

climate and topography considering agricultural research. The said chosen

location must have suitable climatic conditions for the type of research. The

proposed site for this project is known with climatic conditions that can foster the

sustainability of the center considering rainfall patterns, temperature ranges, and

exposure to sunlight. The topography of the proposed site, though is relatively

flat, runs towards the south west to the north east and north west direction could

support good drainages and minimize soil erosion.

• Soil Quality: The quality and characteristics of the soil in the area should be

assessed. Respective of types of research conducted there are also different soil

types that befit each one. In most case soil tests and analysis are conducted to help

determine if the site meets the research center needs.


• Water Availability: Sufficient and reliable water supply is essential for

agricultural research activities. The site should have access to adequate water

source such as wells, rivers, reservoirs or boreholes. Consideration should be

given to water quality for irrigational purposes.

• Infrastructure: The availability of essential infrastructure such as adequate

electricity supply, backup generators, internet connectivity are necessary for

analyzing data as well as conducting research findings. Additionally, the site

should have adequate space for laboratories, greenhouses, lecture halls, etc. all

these can be seen in the proposed design.

• Flexibility and Adaptability: This is allowing room for future modifications,

expansions, or repurposing of spaces to accommodate evolving research


• Collaborative Spaces: This is where collaboration and interaction among

researchers is encouraged for a very crucial and successful research center. In the

context of the proposed design, there are interactive lounge created for

researchers to brainstorm from time to time so as to add value to knowledge via

team work and innovation.

• Space and Expansion Possibilities: This is where sufficient land areas are made

available to accommodate the research facilities, green houses, laboratories,

storage areas, and other infrastructure required for research center. Potential

future expansion should be considered.

• Safety and Security: The proposed site should be located in safe and secure

areas, especially away from potential hazards or risks. It should have appropriate

measures in place to ensure the safety of personnel, research materials, and

valuable data.

• Local Community Considerations: The impact of the research on local

community should be considered, including potential job creation, economic

benefits, and engagement opportunities. It must also respect local community

customs and practices.

Plate 39: Site Plan

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023



Plate 40: Ground Floor Plan

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 41: First Floor Plan

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 42: Second Floor Plan

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 43: Third Floor Plan

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 44: Roof Plan

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023



Plate 45: Sections T-T and U-U

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 46: Sections P-P and Q-Q

Source: (Researcher’s work, 2023)



Plate 47: Approach and Left Side Views

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 48: Rear and Right Side Views

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023



Plate 49: Right Side Perspective View

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023

Plate 50: Normal Eye-View Perspective View

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 51: Worm-Eye Perspective View

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023

Plate 52: Bird-Eye Perspective View

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023



Plate 53: Typical Ground –Second Floor Plan

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 54: Third Floor Plan

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 55: Roof Plan

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 56: Approach and Left View

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 57: Rear and Right Side View

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 58: Window Schedule

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 59: Door’s Schedule

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023


Plate 60: Materials Schedule

Source: Researcher’s work, 2023



Though the basic construction materials to be used are glass fiber concrete, steel and glass, then

the special construction technology to be employed for the proposed Agricultural Research Center

design, considering biomimicry approach, are:

• Living Facade: These facades consist of vertical gardens or green walls, where

plants are grown on the exterior surfaces of the building. Living facades can

enhance the building’s aesthetics, improve air quality, regulate temperature, and

provide habitat for beneficial insects like bees and butterflies.

• Passive Cooling and Ventilation: This is the use of ventilation systems inspired

by the cooling strategies of organisms such as termites and beehives. These can be

seen on the proposed facade, courtyards, and the atrium of the admin and other

core functional spaces of the research center.

• Efficient Structural Systems: It is well known fact that nature-inspired structural

systems can offer increased strength, flexibility, and resource efficiency. Relating

this to the proposed design, most part of the design mimic the branching patterns

of trees as well as the structural integrity of honeycombs, thus resulting in

lightweight and sturdy construction that requires fewer or less materials.

• Biomaterials: This simply implies the exploration of materials from a sustainable,

bio-based sources which can easily mimic the properties of nature as found in the

ecosystem. In line with this narrative, the proposed agricultural research center

design will have an entrance constructed using glass concrete fiber due to its

flexibility that portrays the structure of a beehive.



The design has been able to develop a model for an Agricultural Research Centre. This can

be seen in the way and manner all the functional spaces were organized to achieve a design that is

functionally appropriate and aesthetically appealing. Given below are some of the design

achievements and contributions to knowledge:

• Research Infrastructure: The proposed agricultural research Centre will create

the state-of-the art facilities and infrastructure that will be dedicated to agricultural

research an achievement that contribute to knowledge advancement through

conducted experiments, data collection and analysis.

• Crop Improvement: By studying plant genetics, plant physiology, agronomy, in

the proposed research center, the researchers can enhance high crop yields,

improve resistant to pests and diseases, which in turn can add to the nutritional

value of the crops.

• Sustainable Farming Practices: The proposed research center can help

researchers investigate and develop innovative techniques for soil conservation,

water management, organic farming, and integrated pest management among


• Crop Protection and Diseases Management: The proposed research center can

provide researchers with a viable opportunity to study and mitigate plant diseases,

pests, and invasive species. It can also researchers develop strategies for diseases

prevention, early detection, and effective management.

• Climate Change Resilience: The proposed research center can provide

researchers a great deal of comfort to explore and develop climate-resilient crop

varieties and farming systems, considering the dangers pose by the influence of

some climatic factors. Here researchers can address the challenges of shifting

weather patterns, water scarcity, and extreme climate events.

• Agricultural Economics and Policy: The proposed design will create an

opportunity for researchers to analyze the market trends, evaluate the economic

viability of different farming practices, and provide evidence-based

recommendations for policy makers. This help in shaping agricultural policies for

equitable distribution of resources.

• Knowledge Dissemination and Capacity Building: The proposed research

center will serve as hubs for knowledge dissemination and capacity building

through organized workshops, training programs, and conferences so as to share

research findings, best practices, and technological innovations with farmers and

policy makers.

The following are recommendations for further research:

• Adequate infrastructure should be appropriate so as to support various

research activities.

• There should be in mind room for flexibility and modularity to allow for

changes and adaptations over time.

• Collaborative spaces such as meeting rooms, common areas, shared work

spaces, interactive lounge, etc., should be provided to encourage

collaboration and interaction for learning new things so as to add value to


Others include adequate provision for accessibility and safety, support facilities,

integration and surrounding community, proper zoning and spatial planning, long-term scalability

among others.

These above recommendations are aimed at creating an agricultural research center that fosters

innovation, collaboration, and sustainable agricultural practices.

The design and subtheme have been addressed in line with the Architectural standards

within to the authors’ scope. To this end, the proposed project is envisioned to serve for both public

and private use.


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