Leopard Techncial Package

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Leopard Technical Package

Technical Package




Updated: 06/03/2015

Oil States Industries UK Ltd • Blackness Road • Altens Industrial Estate • ABERDEEN • AB12 3LH • +44 1224 290000 • Fax +44 1224 290110
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Leopard Technical Package


1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3

2.0 Connector Description ........................................................................................... 4
2.1 Make‐Up ............................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Visual Indication Of Make‐Up ................................................................................ 5
2.3 Anti‐Rotation......................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Interchangeable .................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Breakout ............................................................................................................... 5
2.6 Reusability............................................................................................................. 5
2.7 Handling ................................................................................................................ 5
2.8 Protectors ............................................................................................................. 5
2.9 Seals ...................................................................................................................... 5
3.0 Technical Specification .......................................................................................... 6
4.0 Leopard Assembly And Separation ........................................................................ 8
4.1 Leopard Running Procedure................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Equipment Required .............................................................................................. 8
4.1.2 Make‐Up Procedure .............................................................................................. 8
4.1.3 Break Out Procedure ............................................................................................. 9
5.0 Leopard Test Summary ........................................................................................ 13
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 13
5.2 30" Leopard SD Connector Tests .......................................................................... 13

FIGURE 1.1 ‐ LEOPARD PROFILE........................................................................................................ 4
FIGURE 2.1 ‐ INSTALLATION SEQUENCE 1 ....................................................................................... 10
FIGURE 2.2 ‐ INSTALLATION SEQUENCE 2 ........................................................................................ 10
FIGURE 2.3 ‐ INSTALLATION SEQUENCE 3 ........................................................................................ 10
FIGURE 2.4 ‐ INSTALLATION SEQUENCE 4 ........................................................................................ 11
FIGURE 2.5 ‐ INSTALLATION SEQUENCE 5 ........................................................................................ 11
FIGURE 2.6 ‐ INSTALLATION SEQUENCE 6 ........................................................................................ 11
FIGURE 2.7 ‐ INSTALLATION SEQUENCE 7 ........................................................................................ 12

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Leopard Technical Package

1.0 Introduction

The Leopard connector is a driveable fast make‐up threaded connector for the offshore oilfield
market. The Leopard connector makes up in less than one turn and has a built in anti‐rotation

The Leopard SD2 connector is a two‐piece weld on connector, which incorporates a twin start fast
make‐up thread‐form. The connector is available in a number of variants including driveable,
external flush and twin seal. The connector is reusable a number of times and has an integral anti‐
rotation device which, coupled with the connectors unique optimised geometry, ensures excellent
make‐up and anti‐back off or drive on characteristics.

Full Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Fatigue Analysis have been conducted on this connector.
Summaries of the results are available if further detailed information is required.

Leopard connectors have been sold worldwide and they are currently in use in semi‐submersible,
platform and jack‐up applications. A full up to date users list can be provided on request.

The SD2 connector was subjected to a comprehensive range of full scale testing including torque,
pressure, bend and combined loading.

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Leopard Technical Package

2.0 Connector Description

The Leopard connector has been designed to:
- Make‐up in less than one turn
- Give fast trouble free assembly
- Provide visual proof of make‐up
- Have integral anti‐rotation devices
- Provide high strength capabilities compatible with conductor pipe
- Be Interchange between 1.0" and 1.5" wall thickness pipe
- Enable reuse
- Be Driveable
- Eliminate cross threading


External Make‐
up indicator

O‐Ring Seal


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Leopard Technical Package

2.1 Make‐Up

Having a unique double start thread on a large cone angle with stabbing guides, the connector can
be stabbed at a high angle. When stabbed, the box swallows approximately 90% of the pin length.
Full make‐up is less than one turn and can be performed using rig tongs. The Leopard connector
can be run pin up or box up and is normally run pin up during piling applications to stop the internal
drive chaser from interfering with the threads.

2.2 Visual Indication of Make‐Up

When the connector is fully made up, the box end alignment skirt aligns with the pin shoulder. In
addition the connector is marked with both stabbing and full torque indicators to enable trouble
free assembly.

2.3 Anti‐Rotation

The Leopard pin has four anti‐rotation slots into which a section of the box alignment skirt can be
sheared. After make‐up the anti‐rotation device can be enabled using a manual tool or Hilti tool.
This will then allow the joint to transmit torque without rotation between pin and box.

2.4 Interchangeable

The unique design of the connector can accommodate 1.0" & 1.5" wall thickness pipe, thus
creating flexibility and offering the potential to reduce costs by eliminating the requirement to
purchase unique cross‐overs.

2.5 Breakout

The anti‐rotation tab if used must be opened out or sheared to enable the connector to be backed
off using rig tongs.

2.6 Reusability

The multiple anti‐rotation lock capability can be reused up to 4 times.

2.7 Handling

The connector is normally supplied with an integral elevator shoulder that enables the use of a
standard side door elevator.

2.8 Protectors

The Leopard connectors are fitted with polyurethane open‐ended protectors to avoid damage
during transit and storage, pipe hooks must not be used to lift joints.

2.9 Seals

The Leopard connector is fitted with a single O‐ring seal or dual O‐ring seals if required.

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Leopard Technical Package

3.0 Technical Specification

The Leopard SD connector is produced in a range of sizes and configurations, both internally and externally flush, to suit various applications, pipe wall
thickness and pipe grade. Leopard S is manufactured from 60ksi yield material and Leopard SD (Driveable) is manufactured from 80ksi yield material.

Pipe Nominal Pipe Wall Made‐up Tension Bending Compression Internal Yield
Type Mat Yield Connector OD Connector ID Make‐up Torque
Connector OD Thickness Length Yield Yield Yield Pressure
(ksi) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (kips) (MN) (kips ft) (MNm) (kips) (MN) (psi) (MPa) (kips ft) (kNm)

Leopard S 60 18.63 473 0.44 11.0 19.91 506 17.76 451 8.00 203 1,268 5.6 469 0.6 1,064 4.7 2,500 17.2 18 to 24 24.4 to 32.5
SD 80 18.63 473 0.44 11.0 19.91 506 17.76 451 8.00 203 1,685 7.5 624 0.8 1,417 6.3 3,300 22.8 18 to 24 24.4 to 32.5
S 60 18.63 473 0.5 12.7 19.91 506 17.63 448 8.00 203 1,478 6.6 543 0.7 1,310 5.8 2,800 19.3 18 to 24 24.4 to 32.5
SD 80 18.63 473 0.5 12.7 19.91 506 17.63 448 8.00 203 1,964 8.7 722 1.0 1,737 7.7 3,500 24.1 18 to 24 24.4 to 32.5
S 60 20 508 0.44 11.1 21.19 538 18.50 470 8.75 222 1,801 8.0 718 1.0 1,666 7.4 2,300 15.9 20 to 26 27.1 to 35.3
SD 80 20 508 0.44 11.1 21.19 538 18.50 470 8.75 222 2,396 10.7 955 1.3 2,222 9.9 2,300 15.9 20 to 26 27.1 to 35.3
S 60 20 508 0.5 12.7 21.19 538 18.50 470 8.75 222 1,945 8.7 771 1.0 1,666 7.4 2,700 18.6 20 to 26 27.1 to 35.3
SD 80 20 508 0.5 12.7 21.19 538 18.50 470 8.75 222 2,594 11.5 1,028 1.4 2,222 9.9 2,700 18.6 20 to 26 27.1 to 35.3
S 60 20 508 0.63 15.9 21.19 538 18.50 470 8.75 222 2,130 9.5 834 1.1 1,666 7.4 3,300 22.8 20 to 26 27.1 to 35.3
SD 80 20 508 0.63 15.9 21.19 538 18.50 470 8.75 222 2,842 12.6 1,112 1.5 2,222 9.9 3,500 24.1 20 to 26 27.1 to 35.3
S 60 20 508 1.0 25.4 21.19 538 18.00 457 8.75 222 3,104 13.8 1,170 1.6 3,089 13.7 2,625 18.1 20 to 26 27.1 to 35.3
SD 80 20 508 1.0 25.4 21.19 538 18.00 457 8.75 222 4,119 18.3 1,553 2.1 4,119 18.3 3,500 24.1 20 to 26 27.1 to 35.3
S 60 24 610 1.0 25.4 25.77 655 21.50 546 13.12 333 3,757 16.7 1,729 2.3 3,078 13.7 3,000 20.7 24 to 30 32.5 to 40.7
SD 80 24 610 1.0 25.4 25.77 655 21.50 546 13.12 333 4,986 22.2 2,294 3.1 4,104 18.3 3,500 24.1 24 to 30 32.5 to 40.7
S 60 26 660 0.75 19.1 28.29 718 24.25 616 10.25 260 3,403 15.1 1,740 2.4 2,636 11.7 3,100 21.4 27 to 39 36.6 to 52.9
SD 80 26 660 0.75 19.1 28.29 718 24.25 616 10.25 260 4,539 20.2 2,321 3.1 3,510 15.6 3,500 24.1 28 to 39 38.0 to 52.9
S 60 26 660 1.0 25.4 28.29 718 24.00 610 13.01 330 4,084 18.2 1,740 2.4 3,346 14.9 3,500 24.1 29 to 39 39.3 to 52.9
SD 80 26 660 1.0 25.4 28.29 718 24.00 610 13.62 346 5,419 24.1 2,321 3.1 4,461 19.8 3,500 24.1 30 to 39 40.7 to 52.9
S 60 30 762 1.0 25.4 31.79 807 27.50 699 13.12 333 4,738 21.1 2,770 3.8 3,881 17.3 3,000 20.7 35 to 45 47.5 to 61.0

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Leopard Technical Package

Pipe Nominal Pipe Wall Made‐up Tension Bending Compression Internal Yield
Type Mat Yield Connector OD Connector ID Make‐up Torque
Connector OD Thickness Length Yield Yield Yield Pressure
(ksi) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (kips) (MN) (kips ft) (MNm) (kips) (MN) (psi) (MPa) (kips ft) (kNm)
SD 80 30 762 1.0 25.4 31.79 807 27.50 699 13.12 333 6,317 28.1 3,694 5.0 5,175 23.0 3,500 24.1 35 to 45 47.5 to 61.0
S 60 30 762 1.5 38.1 31.79 807 27.00 686 13.12 333 6,950 30.9 3,931 5.3 6,950 30.9 3,500 24.1 35 to 45 47.5 to 61.0
SD 80 30 762 1.5 38.1 31.79 807 27.00 686 13.12 333 9,267 41.2 5,242 7.1 9,267 41.2 3,500 24.1 35 to 45 47.5 to 61.0
S 60 36 914 1.0 25.4 37.79 960 33.50 851 13.12 333 5,718 25.4 4,057 5.5 4,684 20.8 3,000 20.7 42 to 54 56.9 to 73.2
SD 80 36 914 1.0 25.4 37.79 960 33.50 851 13.12 333 7,624 33.9 5,409 7.3 6,245 27.8 3,500 24.1 42 to 54 56.9 to 73.2
S 60 36 914 1.5 38.1 37.79 960 33.00 838 13.12 333 8,413 37.4 5,806 7.9 8,413 37.4 3,500 24.1 42 to 54 56.9 to 73.2
SD 80 36 914 1.5 38.1 37.79 960 33.00 838 13.12 333 11,218 49.9 7,741 10.5 11,218 49.9 3,500 24.1 42 to 54 56.9 to 73.2
SEF 60 20 508 1.0 25.4 20.00 508 16.80 427 10.00 254 3,092 13.8 1,166 1.6 2,591 11.5 3,500 24.1 20 to 26 27.1 to 35.3
SDEF 80 20 508 1.0 25.4 20.00 508 16.80 427 10.00 254 4,119 18.3 1,553 2.1 3,456 15.4 3,500 24.1 20 to 26 27.1 to 35.3
SEF 60 30 762 1.0 25.4 30.00 762 25.20 640 15.00 381 4,154 18.5 2,429 3.3 3,854 17.1 3,500 24.1 35 to 45 47.5 to 61.0
SDEF 80 30 762 1.0 25.4 30.00 762 25.20 640 15.00 381 5,466 24.3 3,196 4.3 5,102 22.7 3,500 24.1 35 to 45 47.5 to 61.0
SEF 60 30 762 1.5 38.1 30.00 762 25.20 640 15.00 381 6,957 30.9 3,935 5.3 5,829 25.9 3,500 24.1 35 to 45 47.5 to 61.0
SDEF 80 30 762 1.5 38.1 30.00 762 25.20 640 15.00 381 9,267 41.2 5,242 7.1 7,776 34.6 3,500 24.1 35 to 45 47.5 to 61.0
SEF 60 36 914 1.0 25.4 36.00 914 31.75 806 14.69 373 4,948 22.0 3,511 4.8 4,519 20.1 3,000 20.7 42 to 54 56.9 to 73.2
SDEF 80 36 914 1.0 25.4 36.00 914 31.75 806 14.69 373 6,597 29.3 4,681 6.3 6,037 26.9 3,500 24.1 42 to 54 56.9 to 73.2
SEF 60 36 914 1.5 38.1 36.00 914 31.20 792 16.19 411 8,617 38.3 5,946 8.1 7,137 31.7 3,500 24.1 42 to 54 56.9 to 73.2
SDEF 80 36 914 1.5 38.1 36.00 914 31.20 792 16.19 411 11,380 50.6 7,854 10.6 9,690 43.1 3,500 24.1 42 to 54 56.9 to 73.2

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Leopard Technical Package

4.0 Leopard Assembly And Separation

The following procedure is a typical installation method for the connector. Specific
procedures can be established in conjunction with Oil States Industries (UK) Ltd Offshore
Installation Department.

4.1 Leopard Running Procedure

The Leopard connector has been designed for simple and quick make up using standard
oilfield equipment. The following procedure can be regarded as a guide and can be modified
according to practical needs on the rig.


1. 2 Casing tongs

2. 2 Side door elevator

3. 2 Casing slips and safety clamp

4. 2 Hilti Tool c/w cutting head and cartridges


1. Layout all joints on pipe deck with correct end facing vee door.
2. Remove pin and box protectors.
3. Clean pin and box connectors with high‐pressure washer or brush with degreasing
agent (e.g. Rig Wash).
4. Dry connectors.
5. Visually inspect connectors for damage, paying particular attention to seal areas.
6. Clearly mark any damaged joints with red paint and lay to one side.
7. Check installation of O‐ring and refit protectors to all joints prior to running.
8. Crayon mark weld seam /thread start on pin end and box end of connectors.
9. Refit box and pin protectors.
10. Rig up rig tong/power tong on rig floor.
11. Pick up shoe joint using deck crane and position correct end in vee door.
12. Remove pin protector and attach side door elevator as close to lifting shoulder as
13. Hoist joint into derrick.
14. Lower joint through rotary. Set in slips and attach safety clamp.
15. Remove side door elevator.
16. Re‐fit protector to connection end in rotary. Pick up joint no. 2 as detailed in steps
17. Remove protector from joint in rotary and protector from joint no. 2.
18. Inspect pin and box connectors and give final clean. Before make up (making sure
O‐ring is correctly seated in pin connection) lightly coat pin connection with a non‐
metallic dope.
19. Stab pin and box connectors ensuring crayon marks on welds seams/ thread starts
are offset aligned.

If dual seal connector is used, ensure that vent port on box is clear.

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Leopard Technical Package

20. Attach back up and make up tongs around pipe.

21. Rotate the connector to the make up without preload condition such that the weld
seams and the thread starts are aligned.
22. Apply full make up torque, which is typically 45,000 ftlbs for a 30” Leopard.
Connector should be fully made up within one full turn.

The Driller is to be instructed to maintain the weight of the joint being made up on
the blocks.
23. Ensure connector is fully made up by checking that the guide marks on the pin and
box are aligned after torquing. If indicators are not aligned at full make up torque,
torque may be increased as required to the limits for the connector as set out in the
full work instruction. If indicators are still not aligned, the connector must be
broken out and inspected for damage.

If dual seal connector is used, wipe any excess make‐up compound from connector
OD and fit plug into vent port on box.
24. In applications such as tie backs, platform or driving, Anti‐rotation tabs are fired in
using a Hilti Tool or manual activation device

For drill and cement Min 1 off left and right tabs
For Driving Min 2 off left and right tabs
25. Once make up is complete pick up weight with block. Remove slips and safety
collar. Lower through rotary to make up height. (Connector approximately 1m
above rotary table).



1. If the anti‐rotation tabs have been activated these can be prized out using a
pinch bar. Alternatively back out torque can be applied to shear the tab.

2. During any breakout operation back up tong must be used whether above or
below rotary.

3. Apply a break out torque equivalent to the make‐up torque + 10%.

4. Lift Joints free.

5. Clean Box/Pin and apply grease.

6. Fit Protectors.

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5.0 Leopard Test Summary

5.1 Introduction

The Leopard SD connector has been subjected to a variety of full‐scale tests. All the tests were
witnessed by Lloyds Register of Shipping and were carried out on 30" connectors.

5.2 30" Leopard SD Connector Tests

The following tests have been undertaken:‐

a) Internal Pressure 1500 psi held for 60 minutes with O‐ring fitted.

b) Bend with Internal Pressure Bend to 3200 lbf.ft with 50 psi internal pressure and
held for 15 minutes.
c) Assembly/breakout Trials to establish the breakout torque with anti‐
rotation tabs engaged.

The pressure and bend testing were witnessed by Lloyds.

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