A Thesis
Submitted to the College of Engineering of
Al-Nahrain University in Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science
Architecture Engineering
Shams Qais Abdullah Al-Badri
(B.Sc. Architecture2017)
Shaban 1443
March 2022
Supervisor Certification
I certify that this thesis entitled” Urban Coding-Towards Elastic City” was
prepared under my supervision at College of Engineering / Al-Nahrain
University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master
of Science in Architectural Engineering.
/ / 2022
In view of the available recommendation, I forward this thesis for debate by the
Examining Committee.
Committee Certificate
/ /202
/ /202
Cities are complex systems that consist of physical elements (Architecture, urban design,
urban planning features, etc.) and non-physical elements (social and culture, etc.). All these
elements undergo different changes due to many factors such as the complexity of the city
patterns and the development of the scientific theories. Every city pattern has its own urban
code, which gives the city a special identity and uniqueness. And since the life cycle
continues and the city is arising, growing and tending to decay, therefore, the development
of urban design and urban renewal are essential to save the city code.
The most significant issues that cities interact are the changes and effects which represent
the scientific theories and the development of technologies. The development of theoretical
level which represents mathematical theory, complex theory, differential topology and
cybernetic has a crucial effect on the morphology and urban code of the cities. Also, the
development that happened in the technological level has led to make space less important
and the time more significant. Moreover, all these effects and changes made the cities’
systems more complex. As a result, that new development in urban design led the boundaries
of cities to be exposed to dissociation problems driving cities to lose their urban code.
The research problem: A city may lose its ability to adapt and conserve the genetic
code due to the changes and transformations that occurred in the urban system. The
research will discuss the generative code and its ability to provide a generative process to
find a solution for losing the city its ability to be adapted, it suggests a methodology that
depends on the generative code and the elastic city to preserve the code of the city pattern.
The new elastic city has the ability to conserve the original pattern and adapt the
transformation of the city through the generative process and generative urban design which
has a language to deal with the code of the city, in order to increase the ability to be flexible
and adaptable. It studies the characteristics and principles of the city pattern entities to collect
the data information for generative processes that consists of coding, encoding and decoding
The Aim of The Research: decoding the city urban code and studying the
characteristics of the elastic city. This elastic city has the ability and flexibility to absorb
the new transformations and changes and conserve the city urban code. The research
collects theoretical and practical indicators and apply them on Paris, Washington DC
and Baghdad.
The Research Concluded that to preserve the urban code we should preserve data and
information that are related to the pattern of the city and using them by the urban developers
in the future designs. Replace the traditional deign methods with generative urban design
and generative process that provide new tools for (coding-encoding and decoding process),
and focus on the elastic city as a new approach to control the city growing and employ its
character for decoding and encoding the city urban code.
List of Contents
Abstract I
List of contents II
List of tables V
List of Figures VI
List of Diagrams VVIIII
Introduction IX
Preface: 3
1-1 Why code 4
1-2 Definition of urban design code 4
1-3 Urban design system 5
1-3-1 The good urban design system 5
1-4 Urban patterns. 6
1-5 The effective theories on urban code. 7
1-5-1 Mathematical theory and its effect on the urban code 7
1-5-2 The complexity theory and its relation with the urban design code. 13
1-5-3 Differential topology theory. 14
1-5-4 Cybernetic theory 16
1-6 Summary of chapter one: 17
2-1 Prefaces 20
2-2 Generative code process. 22
2-3 Generative language. 23
2-3-1Types of urban codes. 23
2-3-2 Urban types. 27
2-2-3 Alexander specification and analysis of the cities. 29
2-3-4 Generative urban design. 31
2-4 Generative code module 33
2-4-1 Pattern language. 33
2-4-2 The urban induction pattern. 37
2-4-3 Shape grammar. 41
2-4-4The language of generative code. 44
2-5 Generative code rules and urban grammar application. 44
2-5-1 The practical application for the united of the UIP (urban induction pattern) with the
shape grammar. 45
2-5-2 Shape grammar approaches and its application in teaching experience. 52
2-5-3 The application of the shape grammar approach and rules in teaching experience in
Lisbon University. 53
2-6 Summary of chapter two. 61
4-1 Prefaces: 84
4-2 The research Methodology: 84
4-2-1 Paris city code analysis. 84
4-2-1-1 Apply Paris city to the theoretical framework. 87
4-2-1-2 Apply Paris to the practical framework. 88
4-2-1-3 Applying the shape grammar on the urban design of Paris ‘’before Hussmann
redevelopment’’ 90
4-2-1-4 The code of the city of Paris. 92
4-2-1-5 Elastic city indicators. 95
4-3 Washington code analysis. 96
4-3 -1The historic concept of Washington Dc code. 96
4-3-1 L’Enfant sacred geometry in Washington DC. 96
4-3-1-1 Washington DC code analysis. 97
4-3-1-2 Apply Washington DC to the practical frame work. 99
4-3-1-3 Applying the shape grammar and UIP on the urban design of Washington DC. 101
4-3-1-4 Elastic city indicators 104
List of Tables
4-1 Theoretical frame work indicators for Paris city, (coding process). 87
4-2 The practical framework indicators of Paris. (Encoding process). 89
4-3 The elastic city indicators framework of Paris. (Decoding process). 95
4-4 Theoretical framework indicators of Washington DC. 98
4-5 The practical framework indicators of Washington DC. 99
4-6 The elastic city indicators frame work of Washington DC. 104
4-7 Theoretical framework indicators of Baghdad. 106
4-8 Practical frame work of the city of Baghdad. 107
4-9 The elastic city indicators frame work of Baghdad city. 119
4-10 Comparison between (Paris, Washington DC and Baghdad) using indicators from the
Theoretical frame work. 120
4-11 Comparison between (Paris, Washington DC and Baghdad) in practical frame work.
........................................................................................................................................... 121
4-12 Comparison between (Paris, Washington DC and Baghdad) in elastic city indicators.
........................................................................................................................................... 123
4-13 The comparison between Paris, Washington and Baghdad in shape grammar and
urban code 125
List of Figures
Figure Title Page
3-1 Master plan of the city of Akron, Toledo and Columbus in Ohio. 69
3-2 Simulating between the city expand and the adaptability. 71
3-3 The levels of elastic city opportunity. 71
3-4 The context of the Neza city in Mexico. 73
3-5 The subdivision of Neza city to lots, 25 modules and each block 90 blocks. 74
3-6 Proposed urban structure for Ciudad Netzahualcoyotl, 2004 (the red point indicates the
location of the project “Centro de Exhibitions”). 75
3-7 Part of the urban plan of Neza city appeared the regular spontaneous growing. 75
3-8 Vancouver zoning map. 78
3-9 The location of Mount Pleasant according to Vancouver. 79
CHAPTER FOUR: Case Study Application, Paris, Washington DC, Baghdad
List of Diagrams
Operational Definitions
• Urban design code: is the language that can read by urban developers by coding and
encoding the urban pattern. Some of the researches classified the urban code into
(regulation code, technical standards, code of practice and urban guide lines. Other
researches classified the urban code into (design code, conservation code, assemble
protection code, local building regulation and zoning map) which is related to the
building’s codes.
• The generative code is the procedure that produces a design method to preserve the
code of the city under the shade of the complexity, development of the cybernetic
and technology, the procedure followed the generative process of the existing
component of urban context. This generative process helps to encode the urban
pattern of the city.
• The elastic city: is the city which has the ability to control the influences whether it
is scientific or technological effects. Or population irregularity whether it’s (high-
low) density the elastic city will provide organized urban design which control these
various effects and growing in a control way by preserve its superimposed layer
that’s brings new level of complexity, the elastic city is a combination between the
expansion without changes the code of the city by infill strategy and by adding new
territory, for example the aggressive annexation that the elastic city provides as a
solution. The research suggested that the elastic city was a new strategy to conserve
the urban code from the morphological changes that occurred in the urban pattern.
Cities are complex systems that consist of important elements such as systems, orders,
structures, patterns, types and styles. The main concept of the research is that, these variables
have a significant effect on the constant parts of the city and that effect led to change and
transform the urban contexts, urban fabrics and the genetic tapes. Each city has its own
values, these values are located in the city patterns. These values have the code of the city
and will not survived if the complex system does not have the ability to be adaptable and
flexible. This research focuses on preserving the essence of the city with the development of
knowledge and technology.
In fact, cities have close defensive mechanism to human bodies, both consist of many
elements that are connected to each other, and if one of these elements is damaged, the other
one gets affected as well. For instance, when humans are ill, the immune system starts to fix
the damage and finally, the body recovers its original state and that explains the mechanism
of how elastic city works when facing deforestation on urban morphology.
Old cities faced many effects and problems through the passing time, some of these effects
are related to the developments and changes in the theories of urban design since Einstein’s
relativity theory. Till the catastrophe theory, that transit of thinking about the common
vocabulary led to change the way of dealing with cities. Some of these changes have affected
positively and others had negative effects. The research has found a way to preserve the old
cities by using the generative process and making the city elastic, flexible and adaptable.
Also, the generative process involves Coding, Encoding and Decoding processes.
Chapter one will address the theoretical changes and effects representing the scientific
theories that affect the urban pattern and urban code of the city, this stage represents the
coding process. (See diagram B)
After the definition of urban code, urban systems and the scientific theories, the research
transforms to chapter two. This chapter will address the generative process which represents
the Encoding process. It will also explain the generative code process, language and
generative code module. The generative code module consists of pattern language, urban
induction pattern and shape grammar. These three main components explain the practical
framework of how to encode the urban design fabric and how to get the main parameter rules
of the city. (See diagram B)
After specifying the theoretical and practical framework, the research will move to chapter
three. This chapter will explain the target of the city which represents the Elastic city model,
and the elastic city represents the decoding process which will provide the urban developers
with the available documented data and information to be used it in the future urban design.
Chapter four will represent the practical part of the thesis. It will analyze three cities as case
studies are Paris, Washington DC and Baghdad. The research will use the comparison
methodology between the three cities (Paris, Washington and Baghdad) in a, theoretical
framework (the coding process), practical framework (the encoding process and elastic
indicators which represent the (Decoding Process).
The first city is Paris, it is recognized with an interesting urban design and it has been
preserving the historical building over decades. The urban designer of Paris has made some
decisions and connected it to the urban pattern and by that he preserved the urban design
When visiting Washington DC, it is very easy to reach the monuments and the entertainment
spaces. It has connected urban fabric and obvious code; these attractive factors led the
research to take Washington DC in the consideration to work with the generative process.
On the other hand, Baghdad city has a complex city system. It had an organic urban pattern
before the dissociation that happened through the redevelopment planning and the growth of
the city. Polservice is an international organization that contributed to the redevelopment of
Baghdad city. After that redevelopment, the disconnection between many parts of the
gridiron began to appear. That made Baghdad lose the soft transition in many parts of the
city and created a gap between the organic and the gridiron.
The research collects theoretical and practical indicators and applies it on the three cities
(Paris, Washington DC and Baghdad) using the generative process and generative language.
Also, it tries to replace the traditional design method with generative urban design.
In the final part, which is chapter five, the research discusses the theoretical and practical
indicators that should be taken into consideration in the future urban design in order to
achieve a perfect city that has the principles and characteristics of the elastic city.
Previous Studies
The research classifies the previous studies to four main parts: Urban code, shape grammar,
urban pattern and elastic city.
A- Urban code
1- Urban Design Code as a New Guiding Tool for Urban Development in
Egypt. 2015
This study aimed to achieve a good urban quality, save the identity and the sense of the place
and to promote the urban design principles and characteristics. This research and this
previous study both are focusing on urban design code as a guidance line that aims to exhibit
the urban design changes and developments. (Embabay.M, 2015, p1)
2-Take Admburge (capital of Scotland) and Omaha city (state of Nebraska in USA) as a case
study and apply the strategy on Egypt urban design.
The difference between our research and this study is the consideration of urban design
code as a guiding tool for the designing process. Our research considers the urban
design code as a preserving feature which is located in urban patterns and affected by
the morphological changes.
This book showed that cities, urban societies, planning policies and economics disciplines
are affected by new actors who have entered urbanism and brought new ways for exploring,
investigating, shaping and covering urban environments.
This book focused on the decoding that cities have under the pressure of the age of big data.
The book studied the cities as special social networks, interacts and network sciences that
helped to discover the shape of cities structure and expected cities to continue growing over
the time. It also described big data and its effect on the everyday life of urban society. In
addition to that, the study covers sensors and cybernetics to present the state of society's life.
Furthermore, the study also used the GPS, cell phones, taxi programs and transportation
applications to collect every information about the society. It is a new way to document data
and see the world as a visual world in the age of big data. This study differs from our
research in considering the cities as a society network to decoding processes while our
research studies the morphological shape network to decode the city. Our research
used the subdivision of big data and considered the urban pattern as the most
influential feature of the city.
The fast growing and transformation of social and physical urban norms that led to the
necessity for finding scientific approaches that are adjusted to the conditions of global
complexity and the dynamic patterns of development. The researchers used the *ANT theory
to decode and analyse the hyper dynamic circumstances of transition in Serbia. The ANT
theory gives a chance to understand how urban norms, projections and structure unfold and
how association and translation of urban development work.
This study focused on ANT theory (Actor Network theory) that is specified for human
and non-human urban norms, while the research focuses on the scientific urban norms
to find the reasons and the solutions for the complexity.
B- Shape grammar
1- Towards a Methodology for Flexible Urban Design: Designing with
Urban Patterns and Shape Grammars.2010
The study aimed to conceive urban plans with increasing the alternative solution instead of
a single solution which is near our research study goals. The conclusion of this study showed
that the shape grammar produced urban plans with non-definitive formal solutions. And at
the same time keeping a consistent design language and this solution will give the future
designers a wider degree of freedom and give them the ability to deal with the changes and
effects that faced the urban plans throughout the lifespan.
1- Analysis the urban design plans of Aèlvaro Siza, Malagueira plan, Eèvora, Portugal,
Borneo-Sporenburg plan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Praia extension plan.
* “ANT orientation in urban studies: (1) treatment of non-humans; (2) nature & process of networking; (3)
reduction of dualities & general concepts to actors & networks; ANT tenets for urban development: (A)
labelling elements; (B) roles; (C) focusing on associations, the Contribution of ANT: (1) non-humans &
socio-material topology of urban networks: (1-1) targeting social order, (1-2) facilitating social relations,
(1-3) serving as moral/political’’ (Cvetinovica etal.2017, p143)
2- “In this approach the plan is a design system encoding a set of alternative solutions,
rather than a single, specific solution. This methodology was developed on the basis of the
analysis of existing plans and on a series of experiments undertaken within the controlled
environment of design studios. Results show that shape grammars produce urban plans with
non-definitive formal solutions, while keeping a consistent design language. They also
provide plans with explicit and implicit flexibility, thereby giving future designers a wider
degree of freedom. As a result, they are particularly appropriate for dealing with complexity
and change throughout the legal lifespan of the plan.”(J.Durte, J.Beiro, 2010, p1)
The results of the analysis lead to making rules that can be used as references for the
designers before taking any step of urban development. That is called a design system
and applies it to existing urban plans.
This study related to providing a generative process to analyze and produce a specific
rule to take it on the consideration for the new urban redevelopments with our
research, and considered the shape grammar as a main guideline for this process.
This study focused on how to create a genetic urban design through using: 1-formulate urban
program description and use this description in a program to have an output.These outputs
were used as a procedure or customized rules can be used and applied in other case studies,
but with small changes in the input. This study aimed to combine three ideas (a- formulation
model, b- design generation model and c-evolution model) The main concept was to read
data from the case study site context on a GIS platform and then make a program description
depending on the context condition to obtain an alternative design solution.
It can take these alternative design solution by: a- evolution process, b- using UIP (urban
induction pattern) which depend on the concept of pattern language .The study taked the city
of Praia located in Portugal as a case study ,used the shape grammar as a formalism to get
the rule description for the pattern and apply this description in program and make the
different of how generate a new design in the same time preserve the old one by coding
specific urban object and make a specific procedure that can apply it for the future research
, the researcher divided his work to:Section one: Introduced the generation model and from
which part did contain ,section two: encoding urban induction pattern which is result from
the extension plan of the case study and Section three; depend on the sketch and final
drawing of the final urban design development .
This study shares our research with :Using Alexander method of the urban pattern
language and Stiny’s method of the shape grammar to produce the generative urban
design code .
3- The Role of Shape Grammar in Analytical Reading of Architecture Text
(an Analytical Study of Arab-Islamic Palaces). 2014
By Sarah Waleed.
The study proved the correlation between the shape grammar and the encoding process. To
encode the buildings characteristics and languages to specific rules. This study aimed to
reveal the method of the shape grammar analysis and its ability to encode the building
characteristics and languages to specific rules and embodied them with the concept of
encoding to generate buildings genetic tapes; this tape contains the characteristic and all
information about the buildings. The method of the study consists of three stages: 1-The
conceptual framework of the shape grammar. 2-The genetic tape and the process of
3-The third step shows the analytical process on the selected samples. (Waleed .S, 2014, p1.)
This study does not include the decoding process on the urban design level , but it is
shared with our research in the analytical process and specifies the genetic tape as an
important feature to preserve the urban code .
C- Urban Pattern
1- Non-Euclidean (fractal) Geometry In the Architecture of urban system. 2005
The study discussed the invisible and hidden orders, and that beyond every pattern an
ambiguous or hidden order reflects the successful systems, and this order should achieve
the stability, between its trend to compact and connect the urban pattern. It is also studied
the morphological changes that can happen and affect on the patterns , how should deal with
these changes to get balance between the trends of the connect and compact. ( Al Kassbi
1-“The study depends on a new mathematical tool from Fractal Geometry to reveal and
measure the hidden orders in these patterns, by calculating the repetitions of the form's
changes. This tool could be defined as a Fractal Dimension , which is considered to be a
sensitive index or parameter of the system's behaviors.”( Al Kassbi ,2005,p1)
2-“Also, the research adopts the comparative analysis method of analyzing and measuring
the form of a trusty successful, natural and sustained pattern of a fruit trees orchard, trying
to find a numerical order by calculating its fractal dimension. The obtained fractal dimension
represents a referential base in analyzing some patterns of urban systems (e.g. Baghdad's
two dimensional image), a reliable index and parameter to detect the system's behaviors and
trends to connect or to compact.”(Al Kassbi,2005,p1)
Al Kasbi study share the research with discussed the pattern system and used the
comparative analysis between the pattern of an existing urban fabric for the city of
Baghdad with the orchard's pattern, to reach the goal ,our research is using the
comparative analysis between the existence pattern and the discussion of
transformation that led to erase the genetic tape .Comparing present pattern with older
pattern for the same fabric.
This study discussed the theory of urban web and how to take the advantage from the human
brain processes and connections that’s located in the human intelligence, to make things
obvious.In this study ,it is depending on three main attempts to make the urban web have
more connections and easy to understand ,although the complexity of the structure of urban
web.The three main notable attempts are:
The difference between the two studies (salingaros study depended on taking the
advantage from medical science ,human brain and perception to find rules and
applications and our research used ( coding- encoding-decoding process) to find the
applications rules especially using the shape grammar.
The article focused on the generative process of urban development by using simulation
methods (OpenSim-simulating program). It is a platform used to build virtual environments
representing the city of Hoian in Vietnam. This study share our research with using the
pattern of urban design as implemented as rules of generative process in urban design, and
providing a clear approach in generative process and build an urban
1-The conceptual framework of the GP (generative process) and the pattern language.
3- The research depend on select a site plan with a certain properties such as strong centre,
good shape and positive space (Nguyen.N, 2018, p1)
4- The study focused on how ‘’The GP is primarily defined in the context of traditional
settlements. Researchers describe what has already occurred in urban environments; they
can observe discrete events in the timeline of urban development based on historical records
but can scarcely observe the actual unfolding of the process in time and space. In other
words, archival research lacks a dynamic view of morphological transformation, and urban
observers cannot capture a continuous evolution of the built environment over time’’
(Nguyen.N, 2018, p1) .
the difference between the two studies that (Ngoc Hong Nguyen study did not include
the genetic tape and the importance of the code to preserve the city through the
development of the pattern) while our research conceives the genetic tape as an efficient
tool to preserve the code of the urban pattern.
D-Elastic City
1-Elastic City,2011
By Medina Laddage.
In this study the work focused on the fast changing of the cities around the world and how
that change affected the quality of urban environments ( urban design, planning and
architecture), all these disciplines worked together without boundaries, like the urban
designers cannot ignore the role that the individuals buildings play in urban design.
1- The study is similar with our research in considered the elastic city as a target, it is
focused on provides the human needs with all these changes and growing of the cities it is
shared our research with the identifying the elastic city as “ adaptable urban models that’s
follow the physical of elasticity. it is understood the capacity of an urban environment to
adapt to future needs while satisfying a current function “ (laddage,2011,p.20)
2-“Elastic city objective is to generate scenarios for the unexpected, provide space of
opportunity for spontaneity, adaptability, reinterpretation and appreciation the city”
( laddage ,2011.)
The difference between our research and this study: is considered the “ informality and
spontaneity are examples of a more elastic type of urban development with a greater
influence by the inhabitants” encourages the self-organized system.
By Davide Rusk.
David rusk focused in his book on the American metropolitan areas-cities and suburb, he
diagnosed the real problem of the American cities which represent the radical and economic
segregation, that has created an underclass in many American major urban areas.
David rusk discussed the isolation issues of the inner and outer cities, and the ratio of
population of American cities.Rusk also focused on how the city should be elastic and
flexible to all the changes and circumstances effects.
David takes on the consideration the ability of the city to be elastic,he thought that the city
such as a map drawn on rubber sheet,discuss the opportunities of the city to have vacant land
, high or low density and the ability to annexation and shrink.This book near from our
research in the elastic city vocabularies and characteristics to recognize the properties
that the elastic city should have to control the city growing.
Shape Towards a Using the shape gramar to 2010
grammar methodology for find solution by encoding
flexible urban the city pattern
designing with
urban patterns
and shape
An urban Using the shape grammar 2010
grammar for as away to find rules and
Praia Toward solution
Genetic shape
grammars for
urban design.
The Role of Sarah waleed using the 2014
shape Grammar shape grammar as a tool
in analytical to encode the building to
reading of use it for the future with
Architecture text the building development.
(an analytical
study of Arab-
Islamic palaces.
Urban Describe the pattern as a 2005 All the previous study
pattern Non-Euclidean successful system,it is a considered the pattern as a
(fractal) tool to measure the hidden hidden important system it
Geometry order,with contain the is the measure of the
In the hidden code complexity. also, our
Architecture of research considered the
urban system. pattern the critical point in
Theory of urban Salongaros make a 1998 all the morphological
web by paradoxial between the change and transportation
salngaros. human brain and urban it is consist of a set of
complexity types and the way of
recollect these types it is
gave as a different pattern,
the process of recollect
the pattern represents the
method decode and
encode the pattern.
Elastic Elastic city It is share our research 2011 The elastic city is the
city with the identification of adaptable city it is have
the elastic city as ‘’ the ability to receive the
adaptable urban models change and
that is follow the physical transportation in smooth
of elasticity transition elastic city has
Cities without This book near from our 1993 the ability to reconnect
suburb research in the elastic city the pattern in an
vocaboularies and appropriate way.
characteristics to
recognize the properties
that the elastic city should
have to control the city
In the study of Ngoc hang nguyen,2018 the article described the generative process of urban
development by using simulation methods ( using opensim ) program but, it is worked on
the build virtual environment of the Hoian-city it is also worked with the pattern of the city
and implemented the generative rules , using these two approach to build the urban code.
From the above we concluded that all the studies tried to find the code and worked
with it but, no one considered the ( coding-encoding-decoding) process as away to work
with the morphological change and studies the shape of pattern changes for the purpose
of preserving the genetic of the city.
In section two of the shape grammar previous study: the study of Jose Beira and Jose
Duate 2010 ,it is used the shape grammar to find alternative solutions by analysis the pattern
of Alvaro siza, Malagueira and Evora in Portogal , Borneo-sporenburg in Amsterdam and
praia city then go deeper in neighborhoods and buildings, it is shared our research with using
the shape grammar to formulate the main rules and used it in the generative process.The
second study of José Beirão, Jose Duarte, Rudi Stouffs 2009 researchers worked with the
same way of using shape grammar as a way to find the rules and solution ,but it is also
concluded the description program to have output and used it as a way to find the rules that
can apply it in other case study.
Both of the above studies shared with our research in the analysis and application rules.
The third study of shape grammar: is the study of sarah waleed 2014 the study used the
decoding process to find a code for each building (Islamic palaces) for using in the future
and documented data. Our research using not just the decoding,it focuses on how to
decoding the pattern for finding the code of the urban design.
The third section of analysis studies is the urban pattern, Al-kassbi 2005 describes the
invisible pattern that reflects the successful system.The research share Al-Kassbi study with
depending the urban pattern as a tool to measure the hidden order while our research tried to
find the hidden Code through the urban pattern changes . the difference between the two
studies is : Al-Kassbi used the comparative process between the pattern of the city of
Baghdad and the orchid pattern while our research depends on the comparative process to
compare between the stages of pattern transformation.
The study of Salingaros 1998 worked with the paradoxical process between the human
brain and urban complexity, it is used Alexander theory,Bill Heller proposition and studies
of Batty and longley about the urban pattern.
That is the similarities between salingaros ‘s study and our research is : the consideration of
urban pattern and mathematical theory as a part of the most affected part in find the solution
in the urban web.
The final section of previous studies is about the goal of the research which represents the
elastic city : it is considered the elastic city the adaptable example of the city no matter if
the city expands or shrinks it is will find the perfect solution to adapt.
The study of Medina laddage2011 focused on the fast growing of the cities and considered
the elastic city as a generator sensor for faced the unexpected changes.
The second study of the elastic city is the study of Davide Rusk 1993, he focused on the
American metropolitan areas-cities and suburb and discussed the problem of isolation
between the city parts,Rusk focused on vacant land , high or low density and the ability to
annexation and shrink which represent the characteristic that the city should have to be
Knowledge Gap:
From all the above, we can conclude that the knowledge gap ,that appears in all the previous
study there is no clarity to work with coding-encoding and decoding process, to preserve the
urban code and genetic tape, through all the transformation of urban pattern and cities
changes. Accordingly to the following was determined:
The Research Problem: The city lost its ability to adapt and conserve the genetic code due
to the changes and transformations that occurred in the urban system.
The Research Hypothesis: The new elastic city has the ability to conserve the original
pattern and adapt the transformation of the city.
The Aim of the Research: Decoding the city urban code and studying the characteristics of
the elastic city which has the ability and flexibility to absorb the new transformation and
changes and conserve the city urban code.
Research Methodology: 1- In the first part of the study, the researcher uses the descriptive
approach to describe the factors and variables that enter the city’s structure and manipulate
its urban patterns, after determining the indicators that is affected on the city’s patterns.
2- In the Second Part of the Study, the researcher uses the analytical approach and the
comparison approach, where we start with the urban decoding process through the use of the
Generative language ,Generative code and the shape grammar.
3- In the Third Part of the Study, which collects the indicators used in the descriptive and
analytical approach, to reach the elastic city, where it is the way for a successful introduction
of the elements represented in the coding and decoding process, focusing on the urban city
of Paris,Washington and Baghdad as a case study.
In Chapter One (City code),the research reviews the most important variable that’s affected
directly on the urban code, the definition of the code and urban code and the most important
part that contains the code of the city, finally chapter one will discuss the theories that’s
related directly of the changes that’s happened to the urban design code.See diagram A
In Chapter Two: (Generative code), in this chapter the research will focus on the generative
language and the generative code which means it is concerned with the encoding process.
See diagram A.
In Chapter Three: (The elastic city) the research focuses on how to reach the research aim
“ the elastic city” , the characteristics of the elastic city and the principles of the elastic
city which represent the most important characters that have the ability of the encoding.
In Chapter Four: the research will take Paris,Washington and Baghdad as a case study and
applying the (coding -encoding- and decoding process) depends on the shape grammar in
the analysis process.The final part will have the recommendation for the future researchers.
(Urban Decoding- Towards a New Elastic City.)
The research problem: The The research hypotheses: The research aim:
city lost its ability to adapt and
conserve the genetic code due The new elastic city has the Decoding the city urban code
to the changes and ability to conserve the and studying the characteristic
transformations that occurred original pattern and adapt the of the elastic city which has
on the urban system. transformation of the city. the ability and flexibility to
absorb the new transformation
and changes and conserve the
city urban code
Coding process
Pattern is related Science theories
Find a way of design directly to the ability represented the variables
and preserve the past, of the city to solve that is affected on the urban
the present and the problems ‘’find a way
of solution’’
Encoding process
Generative code
Generative language
Elastic city
Decoding process
Urban Decoding- Towards a New Elastic City.
Introduction Previous study Research gap
Why code
Definition of the code-definition of urban code
Chapter one: the
city code Urban system-urban pattern
Generative language
Chapter two:
generative code Type of urban code Generative urban design
Generative code module
“This is a fundamental view of the world. It says that when you built a thing you can not
merely build that thing in isolation, but must also repair the world around it” (Alexander
et al. 1977)
Chapter1: City code
Find a way of design and
preserve the past, specify the
Section one: definition of the code-urban code
requirement of the present and
the features of the future.
1-Mathmatical theory
2-complex theory
3-Differential Topology
Applying to deal with the meaning of topology as a physical part or social meaning
The cybernetic identify as a complete network connected with sensors which responsible for
control on input the information and make it available for use it in the future in the feedback
The aim of this chapter is specifying the variables and the constant of the city complex system
and focuses on the most influential theories that affected on the urban pattern code, which
represent the coding process.
This chapter have in consideration the theories, which represent the variables that took
place on the urban pattern and how these theories have a direct effect on urban patterns.
The theories that are considered in this chapter are (Mathematical theory, Complex theory,
Differential topology theory and Cybernetic). See Diagram 1-2.
Variables Constant
Complex system
1-1 Why Code
The first section of chapter one will answer the following questions: Why code? Does the
city have a genetic tape? And which part of the city contains it? The idea behind using the
urban code has emerged from the urgent need to solve the urban dissociation which is caused
by variables that took place on urban morphology of the city.
The most important part of the variables that affected urban morphology is the scientific
theories which took place in the mid of 20 centuries. For instance, deconstruction theory,
catastrophic theory, and the folding architecture. All of these variables have been affected
by the development of the scientific theories which led to the necessity to find a specific
design method to save the genetic tape of the city.
Finally, the researcher assumes that the use of urban code as a part of practical solution
through decoding the urban pattern which offer a new opportunity to control the city growth.
(The Role of Genetic tapes in Building’s Classification -Analytical study of the Arab-Islamic
palaces 2016) mentioned that “coding is a science uses mathematical equations in coding
and decoding data, save data and transport them safely, therefore it can be understood only
by the receiver. (Waleed,2016, p.369)
There are five purposes behind using the urban design code: 1-Save the information about
the city (documentation purpose). 2-Use the collected data in the future urban design. 3-Save
the identity of the city by knowing the right way to deal with important data. 4-It allows the
urban developers to carry out the previous urban designs without denying the previous
values. 5- Save the information and transform it safely to the next generation of urban design
Urban design code: is the language that can be read by urban developers by coding and
encoding the urban pattern, some of the researches have classified the urban code into
(Regulation code, technical standards, code of practice and urban guild lines. Other
researches have classified the urban code into (design code, conservation code, assemble
protection code, local building regulation and zoning map) which is related with the
building’s codes. (Punter,2007, p.171)
According to the Oxford dictionary definition the urban system is ‘’A set of towns and cities
that can be linked together by various forms of social and economic interaction, these may
be national, regional, or global.” (oxfordreference.com)
The research assumes that the urban system is the guidance that the urban types, morphology
and pattern are obligated by, whether the urban system is invisible or available.
Urban design system is necessary to create an urban design with high standardization that
helps people to live in a livable and vibrant city.
1- The existence of an urban design system in the city assists to guide the process of
redevelopment in urban design, and have a key role to preserve and deliver the good design.
2- The aim of the design system: the need for better urban design that contains these factors
a-obeys the need of the local context b-provide a proper solution to the economic and market
3-Urban design can provide information, documentation and development plans existed by
previous developers. Finally, this documentation guides the present and the future process
of urban design.
The good urban design must have a set of important factors to provide the need of people in
work, living, relaxation and entertainment. These factors are: clear frame work by
development plans, local context, economic and market condition and the appropriate
design. See diagram (1-3) (Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, 2000,
The preservation of these factors to be used in the future urban design is very important to
maintain the pattern of the city and it is possible through the process of coding and decoding
these factors. (Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, 2000, p.9)
Good urban design
Diagram 1-3 The relationship between the good urban design and urban code. (Author)
In, (Understanding the Pattern Language of Residential Architecture Based on The Theories
of “A Pattern Language” by Christopher Alexander) it was mentioned that “Pattern: Literally
it means design and sample or a thing from which an action is done. The parts of the universe
are received in the form of patterns. Some of these patterns are fixed and identical, some of
them have high discipline and regularity and some others are formed randomly. The ability
of the formation of these patterns is particularly important to humans and human actions are
formed based on them.’’ (Naserabadi.M etal, 2017, p.757).
Urban pattern is the method that indicates the city’s characters, which can distinguish
between cities, and helps the urban designers to find a solution to the people's needs,
by assembling urban types in different shapes and directions. The shapes of these
collections are: (street, buildings, and the interaction between buildings and nature).
The urban pattern has the ability to preserve these uniqueness characters, preserving
the urban code and transformed it to the next generation of urban developers. Finally,
the urban pattern is one of the component which contains the urban city code.
First of all, the research will study the effectiveness of mathematical theory on the urban
code which contains main, important indicators and properties. It can help to deal with the
urban grid, pattern and code.
The second theory is the complexity theory that has discusses three main parts: (simplicity,
organized complexity and disorganized complexity). The third theory is the differential
topology which represents the way by which shapes can return to the original state after
applying a specific factor on it.
The third theory which affects the urban code is the cybernetic theory that changes the
priorities of time and place, as the place becomes less important and time takes a big place.
The cities began to move toward telecommunication, technology and smart applications
and how that’s effect on the meaning of urban code.
The urban hierarchy consists of networks of different levels and different scales. The urban
network includes footpaths, collector streets, main roads, highways, etc. It is hard to make
different elements of the hierarchy in one component, because every component functions
separately. (Humbad.S,2011)
(The Image of the city 1960) Kevin lynch has discussed the three main principles of
mathematical theory. There are three distinct types of elements in urban design, these are 1-
natural elements, 2- human activity nodes, and 3-architectural elements. These elements of
urban web should be connected together and if they do not, then they become isolated in
the urban design. This connection is so important, it helps the urban developers to design a
good urban web with high connectivity. Most of the high geometry patterns prevent the
connections between the nodes and human activities in the network of urban web. For
example, Rome city is considered a good connected city because it has irregular links and
connection, Rome city represents an example of a simple city code. See figure (1-1)
Haussmann has a tremendous ability to control the city from a holistic perspective, in
contrast to previous practices that were unable to transfer thinking to the comprehensive
urban level. The inclusiveness of Hussmann work was summarized in: 1-Reintroduced the
monument by isolating them spatially and linking them together visually. 2-Establish images
of modernity: space and light and eras the image of oldness. 3-Make the transportation easier
from station to station and neighborhood to neighborhood (Al.Ani.M, 2001, p58-59)
Christopher Alexander was mentioned in his work “the order of nature” the most important
mathematics properties which are very effective on the architecture and urban design.
“Alexander describes fifteen basic properties necessary to create spaces which contain a
certain aspect of life. This can be described as a feature resulting in the appreciation and
beauty of spaces and matter. The fifteen properties he uses to support his statement are: 1.
Level of scale, 2. Strong centers, 3. Boundaries, 4. Alternating repetition, 5. Positive space,
6. Good shape, 7. Local symmetries, 8. Deep interlock and ambiguity, 9. Contrast, 10.
Gradients, 11. Roughness, 12. Echoes, 13. The void, 14. Simplicity and inner calm, 15. Not-
separateness. The cooperation between these 15 properties result in appreciated buildings in
which people feel ‘comfortable’’. (Koman.H…etal, 2014.p1)
1-Level of scale: “Buildings are constructed by putting smaller and bigger parts together.
All these parts have an influence on the perception of the building. According to Alexander
each used part has its own center”. (Koman.H…etal, 2014.p1)
2-Strong centers: one of the priorities which brings life and beauty to the structure of the city
and the urban pattern, is the strong center. Strong center appears when different layers are
put together to create a composition. (Koman.H…etal, 2014.p2)
Strong centers have affected the urban code, because the location of the center depends on
the shape and form of the field, which represent the shape of the urban pattern that contain
the code. Figure 1-3 shows the location of the center, and how it is capable to move
depending on the divisions of the space to multiple parts. And that division will create a new
center. (Koman.H…etal, 2014.p3)
3-The boundaries: “Living centres are often formed and strengthened when they are
surrounded by boundaries’’; usually the center is more intense than the other points of the
field and without boundaries the strong center cannot exist. In figure 1-4
Figure 1-4 the relationship between Geometrical and boundaries (Koman.H…etal, 2014.p3)
it shows the relationship between the mathematical geometry and the boundary, “A line can
be further developed by implementing another point so that a triangular shape is created.
This triangle transforms to a rectangle which transforms into a polygon by implementing
new points within the total composition. The final form can be related to the base shape of
the circle. So, every bounding area can be related to this circular base form”.
(Koman.H…etal, 2014.p3)
As a result, from the above the principles of mathematical theory are effective on the
percentage of connection in urban design patterns which contain the urban code.
According to the mathematical principles, the research summarized two main city
codes classification (simple city code for example Roma city and complex city code for
instance Paris city). Mathematical theory deals with urban code through 1- the shape
of the city grid 2- the number of connections, there is a mathematic law said, that the
connection between two points can be in a straight line and the straight line can create
one relation, but it can be multi- relation by using curved lines, in order to increase the
number of connections between points, curved connections must be used. See diagram
Mathematical theory encourages the connection and accessibility in urban grid, urban pattern
and urban code. And through the number of connections, we concluded the advantage of
having an organized grid and specific layout 1- it will help the city have a clear regulation
to control the development of shape and size of the city’s buildings, consistency that provide
the proportion and harmony to the city grid, predictability which make the next urban
redevelopment plan be predictable, navigation which support the urban transportation, and
accessibility that allow people to live close to each other’s. See table (1-1).
Table1-1 the advantage of using grid design (Maria.Z, 2017, p1728, p1731)
Regulation Consistency Predictability Navigation Accessibility
Help to regular Proportion and The ability of the city When one street Compactness
the shape and size harmony, the grid plan to be predictable is blocked, the allows the people
of the buildings makes the it is making the traffic can transfer to live close to
and that’s lead to activities redevelopment to be to the street. each other and the
easy way to constrain, so it is easier. human activity
develop the easier to be also is very close.
buildings consistent
Also, there are many benefits of using strict grid. These benefits are (legibility that supports
the orientation and movement control system, flexibility that discusses the adaptation ability
of urban grid, economic vitality which represents the property value of the city, and
sociability that provides the belonging feelings for the design users. See table (1-2)
Easy to get the It is mean when the Made the city so The connected of the
orientation and the urban grid undergoes accessible to users lead to grid’s design makes
direction by the users the redevelopment it rise of the property value the entire city feel like
and tourist should adapted with the it belongs to everyone.
new changes Equality and social
inclusion are a result.
The development of mathematical theory that has an effect on the principles of good
urban design, and urban code redevelopment.
The three distinct types of The mathematical theory
elements in urban design depends on
Mathematical code
Urban code
1-5-2 The Complexity Theory and its related with the Urban Design Code.
The second theory that has an effect on the urban code is the complexity theory. The city is
a complex system and this system goes through several stages of progress. Jean Jacob has
mentioned in her book (the death of life of great American cities 1960). “Among the many
revolutionary changes of this century. Perhaps those that go deepest are the changes in the
mental methods we can use for probing the world, does not mean new mechanical brains.
But methods of analysis and discovery that have gotten into human brains: new strategies
for thinking. These have developed mainly as methods of science.” (Jacob, 1966, p.428)
Jean Jacob discussed how the problems of complexity affects the urban design. Jacob
classified three stages of development in the history of science: (ability to deal with problems
of simplicity, ability to deal with problems of disorganized complexity, and ability to deal
with problems of organized complexity)
The simplicity has two factors linked to each other; any factor that is affected by any problem
will cause damage to the other factor.
“Disorganized complexity deals with large systems that have many variables, each of which
are able to be analyzed but, when taken together, are best subjected to statistical analysis.
Actuarial statistics are a good example of this. We know that any person can have a long or
short life span. However, with a group of four people, it would be pretty hard to predict what
the average lifespan would be. Given 10,000 people, we could make that prediction fairly
accurately.” (Marohn.C,2016)
Disorganized complexity provides unpredictable results which cannot preserve the urban
code through this character. It has many factors connected together, but in a disorganized
way, that lead to ambiguity and unpredictability.
The third stage of complexity theory is: Organized complexity, that has been discussed by
Jean Jacobs, it consists of different variables related to each other and the variables receive
feedback and adapt over time. (Marohn.C,2016)
Organized complexity is highly recommended to work with the urban code because, through
the organized complexity it is possible to take the control on the variables that have effect
on the urban code and in the second step will receive feedback and finally can have an
adaption pattern. (Author)
Alkassbi has mentioned “that large cities consist of a system and that system tried to
survived. The organized complexity tried to survive by finding the value of the DS (survived
diameter). Urban systems are very big and complex systems that need to be partitioned into
small or simple zones for better understanding. The issue is about having any specific
apparent qualities across different scales of these subdivisions that might be helpful in
determining effective and surviving urban network connections. Different urban spaces and
buildings are connected together by urban paths (e.g., pedestrians, bicycles, public
DS (survived diameter): Means the Fractal Dimension-Self Similarity dimensions. (Alkassbi, 2020,
transports, etc.). It is familiar to have links between particular pathways relevant to their
accessibility and legibility. Urban fabricated structures are normally built from the bottom
up at relatively small-scale activities of individuals. They must be done as human-scale
activities that had been developed through time in a way that imply continual emerging and
evolving processes” (Alkassbi, 2020, p750-762).
The practical implementation of survived parameter are: firstly, analysis the pattern of the
city to specify the visual and real connection in the 2D structure level. Secondly: find the
value of real entropies and virtual entropies. Finally: use the algorithm relation between the
two kinds of entropies and find the DS value. That might be helpful in determining the urban
code by subdividing the urban pattern to small zones and finding the urban code of the city.
Complexity theory
Urban code
Urban pattern
Diagram 1-5 the complexity theory and the urban code. (Author)
1-5-3 Differential Topology Theory.
The third theory that has affected the on the urban code and urban pattern is the differential
topology. Under the progress of the technology, the designers, scientists, developers and
mathematicians began to work on the topology as a method to solve multiple problems. The
differential topology is identified as “studies the properties of spaces left unchanged by
continuous deformations, stretching, twisting, folding, bending and so on. (Rotman, 2012,
p248). Two spaces are topologically identical and homeomorphic, if each can be deformed
into the other. For example, the surfaces of a sphere, cube, and pyramid are homeomorphic;
a coffee cup is homeomorphic to a donut, a coffee pot to a donut with a tunnel (equivalently
a sphere with two tunnels). Topology offers mathematical models of continuous analogue
transformation in contrast to the discrete changes and discontinuous a fundamental fact.
Mathematical entities in general, not just topological spaces are never isolated individuals.
They belong to types or species or families of related objects to which they are structurally
akin (of which more later) and their study involves the transformations between them that
preserve their species kinship.” (Rotman, 2012, p248)
Through the method of how differential topology works, the research tries to take the
advantage from the science of topology to protect the urban code from the deformation
that the variables may cause.
Christopher Alexander has mentioned the differential topology “work on unfolding, we have
his strongest contribution to the discussion on organized complexity. In general, what can
be called “unfolding order” emerges from a process integral to the thing being created. The
process is one of differentiation. We start with a whole and differentiate it. Each
differentiation is a structure-preserving transformation, which strengthens existing (“good”)
centers by doing one or several of the following: • adding new centers that reinforce existing
ones, • strengthening or developing one or several existing centers, • removing weak or
dysfunctional centers.” (Gabrial.R…etal, 2019, p.22)
From the above, the research concluded that the differential topology deals with the
shape of boundaries of the city. And it works with organized complexity by adding new
centers. The combination between the differential topology and the organized
complexity can preserve the city from the expansion or shrink without an organized
system and it led to preserving the code from the deformation. See Diagram (1-6)
City expanded without a specific system The city pattern and morphology
left unchanging
Organized complexity
Adaptive pattern Adaptive city City with a code
“One of the most important theories of action developed for IT is cybernetics. Norbert
Wiener popularized the term cybernetics to refer to the science of communication and
control of organized systems. The fundamental unit of cybernetics is the control loop used
to monitor and control a specific system. The loop is made up of sensors to detect conditions,
actuators that can make changes and an intelligent controller. According to this logic,
complex systems such as an engine can be kept running smoothly by, for example, adjusting
fuel and air inputs automatically with electrical circuits. The proponents of this idea extended
the logic to larger and more complex systems, which they argued could also be intelligently
controlled if the systems could be sufficiently understood. As a result, applying this
promising technology to cities required urban computer models.” (Goodspeed.R, 2014, p.
The concepts that have become important are that the time factor has become very important
and the place has become less important, the factor of speed in performance and competition
has become more important. (Bakis, 2001, p9)
In spite of the criticism that the cybernetic faced, it returned back with “a new generation of
urban model builders, caused Lee to reiterate that his critique could not be addressed through
improved data and computing power, but rather hinged on the ‘command-and-control’
assumptions that lay behind the use of complex models” (Goodspeed.R, 2014, p. 79-92)
1-The cities are growing towards intelligent technology. 2- From cybernetics to smart.
As a result, the cybernetic is identified as a complete network connected with sensors which
are responsible for controling on input the information and make it available for use it in the
future feedback process. The concept of cybernetic has influenced many approaches,
especially the concept of space, space became less important and has no limits. The
cybernetic theory helped the coding process through transforming the input information to
output data code. See Diagram (1-7) (Goodspeed.R, 2014, p. 79-92)
Cybernetic theory
Coding Coding
proces proces
Input s
Intelligent technology Coding Documented data
Intelligent controller
2-The urban code has the ability to solve the problems of dissociation that happens in the
urban context.
3-Most of the city problems have been solved by the urban developers which need common
language to treat the city issues.
4- Urban Design Code: is the language that can be read by urban developers by coding and
encoding the urban pattern, some of the researches classified the urban code into (regulation
code, technical standards, code of practice and urban guild lines). The other researches
classified the urban code into (design code, conservation code, assemble protection code,
local building regulation and zoning map) which is related with the building’s codes.
5-Urban design system is necessary to provide the city with high standardization that helps
people to live in livable and vibrant cities.
6-The good urban design has the ability to save the good factors that are responsible for
people's needs.
7- The main factors of good urban design are: 1-clear framework by development plan, local
context, Economic, market condition and appropriate design.
8-The Pattern: means sample or thing or parts. Some of them have high discipline and
regularity and some others are formed randomly.
9- Urban Pattern: is the method that can specify the characteristics of the city. Urban pattern
can find the solution for the city problems by assembling urban types in different shapes and
directions that lead to specifying the morphology of the city, The urban pattern has the ability
to preserve the unique factors of the city which help to preserve the urban code.
10-The mathematical theory depends on nodes, hierarchy and connection. These factors
determine the level of the connectivity of the city and reshape the city links to regular link
and irregular, through these principles the research summarized two main city codes (simple
city code and complex city code)
11-The complexity theory discussed the problems of the complexity on urban design. And
it’s classified into many stages (simplicity, disorganized complexity and organized
complexity). These three factors represent the level of the complexity. The research
concluded the organized complexity as a perfect way to deal with the urban code.
12-The differential topology deals with the boundaries of the city and city expansion. Its
studies of the properties of spaces left unchanged by continued deforestation.
13- The last theory that have affected the urban design code is the cybernetic theory. It
represents a complete network connected with sensors. The cybernetic help to provide the
urban developers with more information and make it available for the users. The cybernetic
make the time value become more important and the space becomes less important.
Chapter Two: Generative Code
2-1 Prefaces
Chapter one, has emphasized on : The development of scientific theories which represent
(mathmatical theory, complexity theory,diffrential topology and cypernitec).The research
take the advantage from these theories and specify indicators to reach smooth transition of
urban pattern and preserve the urban code.
In chapter two: the research focuses on the urban design codes, specifically the generative
code, and the language of the generative code. The purpose behind focusing on the
generative code is that the generative code and its language have the ability to preserve the
morphological shape of the city pattern (regulars ,irregular, random or planned) through the
identification of the urban type of the city grid ,urban pattern, and the most repletion shapes
and rules in urban pattern through the shapes grammar. Finally, it will concerntrate on the
generative process and the urban code that is related to mapping and zoning which is capable
to preserve the urban code of the city, through producing various design solutions instead of
a signal rigid layout. The aim of this chapter is encoding the shape of pattern of the city
through the generative proccess and shape grammar to have a set of alternative solutions
which can preserve the code of the city. See diagram(2-1),diagram(2-2)
Diagram (2-2) The main concept of chapter two. (Author)
2-2 Generative Code Process.
The first appearance of the generative code and generative process was by the pioneer
Christopher Alexander in his work “A New theory of urban design (1987)”, as a response to
the development of science and technology that lead to more complex environment of urban
condition “The urban design field was driven by the need to cope with increasing complexity
in technological problems in the era after World War II, fuelled by the development of
cybernetics and computer software”. (Mehaffy,2008, p.58)
Alexander diagnoses the problem that faced the urban design. It’s about “believing that the
old intuitive methods of design experts were simply not reliable enough to manage this
complex challenge. Within this field, Alexander’s work focused on the decomposition of a
design problem, and the synthesis of the parts into a new form on the basis of various design
inputs”. (Mehaffy, 2008, p.58)
Other studies considered the urban codes as a generative process. This generative process is
confirmed by Jane Jacobs, Christopher Alexander, Besim Hakim, Nikos Salingaros, Michael
Mehaffy, and others. “The generative process is primarily defined in the context of
traditional settlements. Researchers describe what has already occurred in urban
environments. They can observe discrete events in the timeline of urban development based
on historical records. However, understanding the actual unfolding of the process in time
and space is often difficult to fully grasp.” (JPER,2019)
“Alexander’s generative code addresses not physical parameters of the built environment,
but steps that the participants should take together in laying out and detailing a given
structure. Alexander likens it to a recipe, or a medical procedure, in which the steps always
follow a logically similar pattern, but the actual actions continuously adapt to the context”.
(Mehaffy, 2008, p.69)
The research identifies the generative code as a procedure that produce a design
method to preserve the code of the city under the shade of the complexity, development
of the cybernetic and technology, the procedure followed the generative process of the
existing component of urban context. This generative process helps to encode the urban
pattern of the city.
The research conceives the generative process methodology into two main sections. The first
section is the generative language which conclude the type of urban code, generative urban
The second section represents the generative code module which consists of the pattern
language, the urban induction pattern, and shape grammar. These two sections of this chapter
represent the encoding.
The third section represents the generative code rules and shape grammar application. This
section will conceive on the practical application of the international experience which lead
the research to the main generative rules for the encoding process. See (Diagram2-3)
The generative code will give answers about the benefits of specifying the position and
rules of the generative code, and how that affected on the city centre and its ability to
be predicted.
1-Existing plan
Generative process
Urban type
Generative Generative urban design
Type of urban code
Alexander classification (2-3) generativeFormulation Evaluation Generation
module module module
Generative code
of Wales’ development at Pound bury laid down a prescriptive code based on the principles
of traditional urbanism, and he is sponsoring the development of codes for other projects
within the Duchy. English Partnerships have also been working with the Prince’s Foundation
to apply codes to new schemes on ex-new town land such as Upton on the edge of
Northampton. Defence Estates have also employed the use of codes in planning new
residential development. There are also occasional examples in respect of commercial
development. The concept of an urban design code starts from the proposition that the design
of a new development can be planned and regulated to achieve a higher quality outcome.”
Figure (2-1) Historical development of Hulme Manchester urban plan. (Buttress ,2017)
The second type of urban code is “Urban codes that are based on non-directional, but
relational rules that are few, simple, generic, end-states-independent, long-run oriented and
prevalently ‘negative’. That is to say, they are rules that (1) are few in number, (2) are plain
and unambiguous in their formulation. Rules that eschew technicality, intricacy and
indeterminacy), (3) refer to general types of situations or actions and apply equally to
everyone, or at least to extremely broad classes of individuals (they must be applicable to an
unknown and indeterminable number of instances and persons), (4) are independent of any
specific end-state, (5) must serve in the long run (they must be stable, and adhered to for
long periods – clearly, the only rules that can remain stable are those that deal with general
aspects of local urban reality and do not claim to control its details) and (6) merely prohibit
individuals from interfering with the private domain of other individuals, rather than
imposing some active duty or action (they merely serve to prevent certain severe conflicts
and predefined tangible and direct harms; their purpose, therefore, is not to prohibit certain
activities in particular places of the city, but rather directly to prohibit certain externalities
everywhere: in other words, the issue is not use, but the negative effects of use)”
The third type of urban design code classification is the technical standards,
The purpose of the technical standards and guide lines is how to provide a high quality
architectural and urban design within the urban context, that’s providing will produce an
attractive and encouraging environment for the people who live, work, visit the city as a
foreign. (OTN,Old towm north,2017,p.8)
The fourth type of urban code classification is: code of practice
“A code of practice provides detailed information on how you can achieve the standards
required under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws. These do not replace the WHS
laws, but codes of practice can be issued to help make understanding what you have to do a
little easier. An inspector can refer to a code of practice when issuing an improvement or
prohibition notice.” (NSW, The WorkCover Authority of New South Wales,2019)
The fifth classification of urban design code is: the urban guild line “The purpose of the
design guidelines is to provide a practical and flexible tool for assessing new development
and redevelopment in the city. It is intended to provide a series of general, high-level urban
design guidelines that apply to different forms of development -such as residential,
commercial or industrial” (Dillon Consulting Limited Bogdan Newman CANCI INC,2014,
The urban guidelines consist of many sections. The first section contains the design
principles, the second section represent the site planning guild lines; the third section
concluded the general built form and landscape guild lines; the fourth section provided
overview of sustainable and healthy community design measure. (Dillon Consulting Limited
Bogdan Newman CANCI INC,2014, p.2(
The main function of all urban design guidelines is responding to the different aspect of
given site. Overall site, landscaping, etc. See Diagram (2-4) In urban design there are many
principles which should be taken under consideration beside the code of practice. These
principles are related to the community vision, design planning and zoning, Broad,
Substantive Design Principles and high of buildings and Due Process.
“Broad, Substantive Design Principles 6. Maintaining a commitment to urban design that
goes well beyond elevations and Aesthetics to embrace amenity, accessibility, community,
vitality and sustainability 7. Basing guidelines on generic design principles and contextual
analysis and articulating desired and mandatory outcomes 8. Not attempting to control all
aspects of community design but accommodating organic Spontaneity, vitality, innovation,
pluralism: not over-prescriptive.” (Punter,2007, p.171)
“Due Process 9. Identifying clear a priori roles for urban design intervention
10. Establishing proper administrative procedures with written opinions to manage
administrative discretion, and with appropriate appeal mechanisms 11. Implementing an
efficient, constructive and effective permitting process 12. Providing appropriate design
skills and expertise to support the review process.” (Punter,2007, p.171)
And other study classifies the urban design codes to “(design code, conservation code,
ensemble protection code, local building regulations, zoning map, etc.).” (Noebel etal, 2008,
Type of codes
Design code Ensemble protection Local building regulation code Zoning map code
2-3-2 Urban Types.
The second classification that the research deals is the classification of urban type of the city.
Which study the shape of the city prepare information for the generative process. In, (Urban
types and transformation of the city 2012), Al-Ani has mentioned five classification of urban
types “(centralized type, liner type, radial type, clustered type, clustered organization and
grid type)”.
Figure 2-2 The round city of Baghdad in the time of Caliph al Mansur. (Terence,2020)
2- “Linear Type, the liner organization consists essentially of a series of spaces. These spaces
can either be directly related to one another or be linked through a separate and distinct linear
space. An example of this type is proposed by Soria de Mata (linear city), and Leon Krier
(Stuttgart-Leinfelden)”. Damascus urban design is an example of liner type See figure (2-3)
(Al-Ani, 2012, p1047)
Figure 2-3-Demascus urban design is an example of adding the liner type on the organic
fabric (Archnet.org)
3- “Radial Type a radial organization of space combines elements of both centralized and
linear organizations. It consists of a dominant central space from which a number of linear
organizations extend in a radial manner. Whereas a centralized is an introverted scheme that
focuses inward on its central space, a radial organization is an extroverted plan that reaches
out to its context. The Re-planning of Paris by Haussmann, and re-planning of Damascus by
Ecoshar , examples of this type”. See figure (2-4) (Al-Ani, 2012, p1047)
Figure 2-4 The Re-planning of Paris by Baron Haussmann 1858-1882 (Chapman,2012, p.43)
4- “Clustered Type, the clustered organization relies on physical proximity to relate its
spaces to one another. It often consists of repetitive, cellular spaces that have similar
functions and share a common visual trait such as shape orientation. A clustered organization
can also accept within its composition spaces that are dissimilar in size, form, and function,
but related to one another by proximity or visual ordering device such as symmetry or an
axis. Because its pattern dose not originate from a grid geometrical concept, the form of a
clustered organization is flexible and can accept growth and changing readily without
affecting its character. This type is evident in the traditional environment in the old city of
Baghdad, Damascus and other traditional Arabic cities, as well as the city of ancient Rome,
Paris and other traditional European cities, which is known as the traditional fabric”. (Al-
Ani, 2012, p1047)
Figure 2-5 Ichnographic plan of Rome by Noli (Italian architect and surveyor) 1736-1748
(Verstegen etal,2013, p.127)
5- “Grid Type, the grid organization consists of forms and spaces whose positions in space
and relationships with one another are regulated by three-dimensional grid pattern or field.
For example, New York City, new districts of greater Baghdad plans.” See figure (2-6) (Al-
Ani, 2012, p1047)
Figure 2-6 New York urban plan represent the grid type (Emerging city,2015 )
Al-Ani explained how it is important to study the urban types and specify them for the chosen
location of the city. That means the studying of the urban types will help the research to
reach for the shape of the city and specify the predictability, which lead to collect more
information for the generative process and the language of the generative code.
Alexander classified the natural cities depending on “set theory” and found that the structure
of these cities appeared in semi-lattice shape, in another hand found the artificial cities
appears in lattice shape (tree) and concluded that the livable cities have a semi-lattice
Alexander determines the difference between” trees and those more general semi lattices
which are not trees because they do contain overlapping units. We are concerned with the
difference between structures in which no overlap occurs, and those structures in which
overlap does occur. The semi lattice is potentially a much more complex and subtle structure
than a tree’’ (Alexander, 1965)
city structure is tree, in his book “the city is not a tree”. Because the lattice structure has less
connection and more separation between the human activities. See table 2-1.
Middleburgh by The organization is semi lattice 1-Ruth glass propose to
Ruth class, England divided the city to 29 separate
2-the city of Middesbrough
have a big faithful in a semi
lattice structure
3-There is nothing in the
nature of the various centers
which says that their
catchment areas should be the
same. Their natures are
different. Therefore the units
they define are different.
From Christopher Alexander classification the research will take on the consideration that
classification to prepare a formulation module and transport it to the next stages of the
generative process “evaluation” and “generation”.
b) The Evaluation Module: “is responsible for the validation of the designs, using
spatial and network analysis tools such as space syntax to perform the assessment.” (Beirão,
2012, p30)
c) “The Generation Module is thought of as an intelligent design support tool that
generates solutions following typical design operations encoded into a customizable general
design grammar” (Beirão, 2012, p30)
In urban design process we should first go through the main urban design tools, each tool of
this generative urban design component has a specific function.
d) The Generative code Module consists of many parts which work together (the pattern
language, the urban induction pattern, the shape grammar and the descriptive grammar). See
diagram (2-5)
The formulation module works parallel with evolution process, the purpose behind the
formulation and Evolution model is:
1- “Read data from the site context on the GIS platform.” (Beirão. etal, 2009, p575)
2- “The second purpose is generating alternative design solution guided by evolution process
to obtain design solution that satisfies the program.” (Beirão. etal, 2009, p575)
3- “Formulation and the evaluation model, that is, the interface assists questions or data
requests outwards and receives data inputs inwards. The inputs may come from validation
through the evaluation module or prompted by the designer; descriptions provided by the
formulation module or prompted by the designer; validation by the input of standard values
taken from predefined databases or further constrained by the evaluation module; or direct
input from the designer.’’ (Beirão. etal, 2009, p576)
The generation module is composed of three main parts: ontology, an interpreter and an
-The ontology main purpose is classifying the urban feature to many elements playing a role
in the urban design context and that classification will help with the generative process by
encoding the singular elements. (Beirão. etal, 2009, p576)
-The second part is the interpreter that allows the users to edit the urban grammar meaning.
The interpreter responsibilities are to specify the selection and sequence of *UIP and
constrain the rule parameter within the UIP. (Beirão. etal, 2009, p576)
-The third part is ‘’The Interface works also as the communication channel with the
formulation and the evaluation model, that is, the interface prompts questions or data
requests outwards and receives data inputs inwards. The inputs may come from: validation
through the evaluation module or prompted by the designer; descriptions provided by the
formulation module or prompted by the designer; validation by input of standard values
taken from predefined databases or further constrained by the evaluation module; or direct
input from the designer.’’ See diagram (2-6) (Beirão. etal, 2009, p576)
1-“Territorial Landmarks Rules at this level deal with an understanding of the territory and
are targeted at singling out elements in the territory and marking them as important
references for design generation. Recognizable in each project are the integration of
preexisting elements (such as roads, paths, constructions, and waterlines) or features drawn
from the territory's morphology (such as ridges and valleys). One way or another, these
elements were subsequently used to define limits, basic geometries, or landmarks’’.
(Duarte.J.. etal , 2011, p884)
* The UIP (urban induction pattern)’’ is a discursive grammar that generates a recurrent design moves or design procedure
in urban design. It is composed of a programming grammar and a designing grammar.’’ (Beirão. etal, 2009, p575)
(2) Basic geometries these rules are divided into two subsets: one to lay down the main
geometric guidelines of the plan, and the other to generate urban grids. The first set is aimed
at defining relations among preexisting elements, selected as references at the previous level,
to structure the main geometric elements of the plan. The second rule set defines strong
geometric principles (usually grids) which are responsible for ordering the plan. The latter
rules are responsible for some of the deterministic moves in the design process. (Duarte.J,
2011, p884)
(3) Urban units these rules are used to define urban units such a neighborhoods, blocks, plots,
and volumes, as well as clusters of any of these units. This third level is the most important
in the characterization of urban space and the type of city life proposed by the plan. See
figure (2-7) (DuarteJ, 2011, p884)
(4) Materiality these rules are used for qualifying urban space and its architecture by
defining materials and details of urban spaces and volumes. They are used for reinforcing
the sense of hierarchy in the urban space and improving legibility, thereby qualifying its
symbolic and ambient values. (Duarte.J, 2011, p884)
In the practical application of Alexander theory, we formulate the concept of simulation
between the four levels of the urban design important element and the chosen pattern
from the 253 Alexander pattern design, see diagram (2-7).
The research tries to benefit from the advantage of these steps of simulation to specify
the suitable entities and collect the right information data that will be used in the
formulation module in the generative process. See diagram (2-7)
Pattern Language
Diagram (2-7) the comparison between Alexander classification and four levels of urban design
(Author) depending on (Alexander etal.1977), (duarte. etal , 2011, p884)
P (1), P (2), P (3) etc.… represent Alexander 253 pattern classification.
The purpose of this simulation is to use Christopher Alexander theory which used the
pattern language. The urban pattern represents the body of the problem which should
specify the solution and find a way to save the code of the city pattern. (Alexander
By applying the chosen Alexander classification to the urban design main component
(territorial land mark, Basic geometry, urban unites and materiality), the conclusions are:
1-Divided the project to multiple patterns and collect the suitable information from the
2- Every pattern is connected to the whole system and work all together.
4- The patterns are ordered, beginning with the very largest, for regions and town, and then
working down through neighbourhoods, clusters of building, buildings, rooms and alcoves,
ending finally with details of construction.
5-This order, which is presented as a straight linear sequence, is essential to the way the
language works.
6-Each pattern is connected to certain "larger" patterns which come above it in the language;
and to certain "smaller" patterns which come below it in the language. The pat- tern helps to
complete those larger patterns which are "above" it, and is itself completed by those smaller
patterns which are "below" it. Every item of the city is connected the small one and bigger
7-For the result no pattern is an isolated entity. Each pattern can exist in the world, only to
the extent that is supported by other patterns of the same size that surround it, and the smaller
pattern which are embedded in it.
Alexander proposal in specifying the body of the problems suggested that all projects consist
of many entities and components. These entities have a pattern language and it represent the
framework of every project, by dividing the project into many entities, the designer can deal
with any problem that need to be solved, and that’s the method of how could be found the
core of the solutions.
Our research determines the body of the problem which represents that, every city pattern
has its own code, which provides the city with adaptable ability to face the problems of
dealing with the city urban changes and deformations.
From the comparison between the research proposal of the city code and Alexander proposal
of analysis of the project entities, the conclusion is: “The most important character in each
pattern is (no pattern is an isolated entity. Each pattern can exist in the world, only the extent
that is supported by other patterns of the size that surround it, and the smaller pattern which
are impeded in it’’. (Alexander etal.197) See diagram (2-8)
There is a problem of dealing with the Alexander purposed there is a problem in the
city code and it can find the solution by design need to solve, the solution could find in
analyze the pattern entities to collect the the pattern language: by dividing the design
data information for generative process. component to entities.
Urban design has four levels of entities of Every pattern connected to the smaller one and
urban pattern and connected altogether. bigger one, there is no thing in isolation.
Every city pattern has its own code which Every design has its own entities that could
can find the solution of lost the city its find the core of the solution of the problems
ability to adapt. that’s faced.
Diagram (2-8) the paradoxical between Alexander pattern language and a city code.
(Author) depend on (Alexander etal.1977)
2-4-2 The Urban Induction Pattern.
After preparing all the information data from the analysis of pattern language and it is own
entities to be used it in the formulation module of generative process, the research moves to
the second component of the generative code module which is the urban induction pattern.
The main goal of the urban generation process is to transform from the analytical process to
the (encode and codify process) by the set of rules which defining design procedure were
initially called (Urban induction pattern) (Beirão. etal, 2009)
The UIP (Urban Induction Pattern)’’ is a discursive grammar that generates a recurrent
design moves or design procedure in urban design. It is composed of a programming
grammar and a designing grammar.’’ (Beirão. etal, 2009, p575)
The urban induction pattern finds rule in the pattern language; the main function of its
components of the UIP are:
1- “The programming grammar is a description grammar that sets the descriptions needed to
fulfill a particular design move in a particular urban design context." (Beirão. etal, 2009,
2- “The designing grammar is a shape grammar encoding the rules to perform the same
design move. A set of heuristics guides the shape generation towards a solution that matches
the descriptions defined by the programming grammar." (Beirão. etal, 2009, p575)
The Urban induction pattern work parallel with the generative urban design which
consist of (Formulation module, evaluation module and generation module) and it is a
part of generative language, through the following main stages:
1- Stage one: collect the shapes from the ontology classification of the main elements that
could be found in the urban design environment.
2-Stage two: A specific selection of UIPs and specific instantiation of their rule parameters
define an urban grammar able to generate urban designs according to a specific urban design
language. The underlying plan is to begin the design with a very generic shape grammar
including a possibly very large set of specific grammars.
The concept is that the generative language may be defined and developed along the design
process because the process is just a continuous demand for UIPs and the specifications that
the UIPs' grammars needed. The combination of new grammar is a chain of decisions made
by the designer on the generative design process. This allows the use of grammars during
exploratory design stages. Lastly, the general grammar does not include all the possible
design solutions, but we understand that it treats a large range of current design solutions
and it may be increased by increasing the set of available urban induction patterns. (Beirão
etal, 2009, p583)
As a conclusion the generative code deal with the encode language, and this procedure is
provided from UIP (urban induction pattern, which work with three main features
(Formulation module, evaluation module and generation module). see diagram (2-9)
The main goal of city induction project “is a computer platform encompassing modules for
formulating, generating and evaluating urban designs. In the present we focused on the
development of the generation module showing its main generative feature, the Urban
Induction Pattern. UIPs are shape grammars encoding recurrent urban design procedures or
design moves frequently used by urban designers.” (Beirão etal, 2009, p583)
As a conclusion the main purpose of using urban induction pattern. See Diagram (2-
1-The UIP represent the theoretical concept that support the generative urban design.
2- The UIP theory has worked directly with the three main generative modules in urban
design (formulation module, evaluation module and generation module), by the description
grammar take all the data base from the formulation module. By direct input from the
designer and additionally by data input on regulations and quality standards stored in a data
3-We can collect the pursuit rules and use it in the generative process. By the (ontology, an
interpreter and an interface).
4- The generative module used the UIP to generate new solution for the problems to solve
it. The (UIP and shape grammar) is used for encoding the urban design procedures and
Generative code
Take the shape from
the ontology
Diagram (2-9) the work parallel between the UIP and generative urban design (Author)
generative language processes
Programming grammar
Designing grammar
2-4-3 Shape Grammar.
As we mentioned before that the urban induction pattern is identified as a discursive
grammar that used with the generative process to reach the codifying and decoding of the
urban design. Now, we should explain the relationship between the urban induction pattern
and the shape grammar. Urban induction pattern is subdivided to two main parts
(programming grammar and designing grammar). The shape grammar is a part of the
designing grammar of urban induction pattern. (Beirao, 2009)
“A shape grammar is a set of shape transformation rules that apply recursively to an initial
shape to generate a language of designs. Shape grammars are simultaneously descriptive and
generative and so they can be used as an analytical tool to describe the formal structure of a
corpus of existing designs, to determine whether other designs are in the same language, and
to explain how to generate new designs. They can also be used as a synthetic tool to create
new languages of design. In both cases they facilitate the automatic generation of designs.
Although shape grammars were used considerably in architecture, their use in urban design
was limited until a few years ago, for both analytical and generative purposes." (Duarte etal,
2010, p880)
G Stiny in 1980 defines the shape grammar formalism: “The shape grammar formalism
allows for algorithms to be defined directly in terms of labeled shapes and parameterized
labeled shapes. Each such algorithm defines a language of shapes.” (Stiny, 1980, p.346)
According to the Stiny definition to the shape grammar, he specifies four main elements that
shape grammar work on. See figure (2-8)
2-L: a finite set of symbols to limit the ways that rules apply such as state labels and spatial
3- R: a set of transformation rules of the form which consists of vocabulary of shapes and a
set of spatial relations (arrangements of shapes).
George Stiny is an American design and computation theorist. He co-created the concept of shape grammars with James
Gips. Stiny was educated at MIT and UCLA. He is currently a Professor in the Computation Group of the Department of
Architecture at MIT. He was on the faculty at UCLA for fifteen years before joining the MIT Department of Architecture
in 1996. He has also held appointments at the University of Sydney, the Royal College of Art (London), and the Open
University. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Stiny)
Initial shape (I) Rotate and mirror
A set of
on rules (R)
A finite set
of shapes (S)
Final shape
Terminal application
Final shape
the corresponding part in the shape; and (3) apply those transformations to the right side of
the rule and substitute the right side of the rule for the corresponding part of the shape.
Because the terminal element in the left side of a shape rule is present identically in the right
side of the rule, once a terminal is added to a shape it cannot be erased. The generation
process is terminated when no rule in the grammar can be applied.” See figure (2-9)
(Gips.1971, p.128)
Figure 2-9 Generation of a shape grammar using transformation process (Gips.1971, p.129)
From the above, it can be concluded that the shape grammar describes the architectural forms
and relegations through a group of forms, and its spatial relationship and by means of a set
of grammar that describe these products in a form of strength. These are the forces to
generate new designs. (Khalid, 2014, p.49)
The professor Terry Knight agrees with the general definition of the shape grammar.
"Knight describe the shape grammar as a rule that is applied in a step-by-step way to generate
a set, language, of designs. The re-shape or shape generation is both descriptive and
generative. And that the re-shape generation rules or calculates the designs and the rules
themselves are descriptive of the forms generated.” (Khalid, 2014, p.18)
Grace (senior lecturer in computational design & decra Fellow) has mentioned that the shape
grammar has main general characteristic: (Khalid, 2014, p.19)
1- It have a special characteristic, the shape grammar have a special character instead of
textual or symbolic.
2- The shape grammar deals with elements that are consist of points, lines, surfaces, shapes,
3-Shape grammar has their rules that use addition, subtraction, and spatial transformations
to translate, rotate and Reflection. (Khalid, 2014, p.19)
The analytical steps above will be observed through the practical experience in urban design
projects in the next part of this chapter.
The research defines the language of generative code: It’s a symbolic language that’s
used to encode and decode the contextual information (input) to provide rules or
grammar applied in generative process of urban context. That’s design grammar
supports the urban design decisions.
1- The important city component from the procedure of generative code process.
2-The main shape of the context from: the urban type and Alexander specification of the city
(lattice and semi lattice)
3- After specifying the important component of the city and the urban type, the research
move on towards the data and information that can be used in the practical frame work.
B-The generative module, will provide us with the main practical tools to obtain the rules
From all the above, we can summarize the main steps of the analytical approach. The
research will take the city expansion of Praia city as an example to the united between the
shape grammar and urban induction pattern.
2-5-1 The Practical Application for the United of the UIP (Urban Induction
Pattern) with the Shape Grammar.
The union between the UIP and shape grammar will be explained as a practical way as an
experience on Praia city extension.
Figure 2-10 Paria de luz and the suggestion location of new extension in Portugal
(Google map)
The Praia analysis experience was part of work group in Lisbon University. They have
suggested a new methodology to work with the cities. They depended on suggesting a new
location for Praia extension, and sketch in which rules are used to enable more flexibility.
The development of Praia urban design leads to specify shape grammar for the city
condition. The urban design procedure that was followed in Praia experience was: (Beirao
etal, 2009, p3)
1- “Codifying Urban Induction Patterns as shape grammars” (Beirao etal, 2009, p3)
3- Through the codifying process this procedure can be considered as a basic rule which can
be applied in another situation by changing the selection of site plan of the city.
The main purpose of taking Praia city as a case study for generating Praia plan with (UIP
and shape grammar as a tools).
The research analyzed the way of dealing with Praia as a case study. The concept that was
depended by the previous work on Praia extension plan was “to define UIPs by encoding the
design procedures used in that case study in such a way that variations found in the other
case studies could be explained just by changing the selection of UIPs or by constraining the
rule application parameters. They also tried to define them in a way that could be used to
explain design cases outside our small set of case studies, thereby increasing their ability to
be reused in new design situations. In other words, the case studies were used to bind the
universe of possible patterns into a manageable set. During the analysis of the case studies,
they concluded that there would be two different ways of producing orthogonal street grids:
one by adding axes in one direction and then orthogonal axes (AddingAxes), and a second
by adding block cells incrementally (AddingBlockCells).” (Beira etal, 2009, p.3)
From the Praia example the research analyzed the procedure that*José Beira and others
worked on , From the previous experience they depended on encoding and decoding the city
pattern and that lead to the two main ways to produce orthogonal street grids: See Diagram
The research focuses on the way of adding axes and block cells to the city, because it
works directly with the city pattern and allow the expansion for the city future.
Diagram (2-10) the procedure of Praia experience redevelopment urban design (Author)
Adding axes in one direction. The adding of axes concludes: See Diagram (2-12)
A-Specify the main axis (Caradous), and the second main axis (Decomounus). See Table (2-
B- Specify the directional axis which will be applied in the research. Then generate the new
axis from the main two axes (Beira etal, 2009)
The adding of Block Cell “Different types of urban blocks confer different appearances on
urban spaces and are to some extent responsible for the type of social interactions that may
emerge in specific formal environments” (Berio, 2012, p.152)
The first rule for adding block for the city of Praia depend on five types of adding block, the
general steps are seen in figure (2-11). Then Set the level of layout definition, and the level
of some public spaces.
Figure 2-11 the five types of basic block for replacing (Author)
All the block types are transforming from a basic rectangular shape. This basic shape is
called island (the island is an empty space of a street or the negative space in the street
network). (Berio, 2012, p.152)
The main step of adding block cell is “Replaces a labeled island with a specific block type
from the (five type of adding block). The recorded block type is adapted to the size of the
block which is being replaced. A set of constraints prevents the system from generating
absurd results. To this end, designers must insert some control parameters into the system,
recording for instance, the minimum and maximum building depth (set in terms of distinct
orientations), minimum distance allowed between different buildings, minimum courtyard
size and local access street width for the streets generated in the primitive matrix type.” See
(Berio, 2012, p.156)
The first phase when we decided to add the generation axes parallel with the decumanus.
The second phase when we decided to add the generative axes parallel with the cardus axes.
Figure (2-12) adding generative axis (Author) depending on ( Beirao etal, 2009).
Table 2-2 the type of axes and blocks which added to Praia urban design. (Berio, 2012)
Summarizing for the type of add and short description with each type
Adding block cells a-creating urban unite ‘’Picks two orthogonal axes and
adds block cells recursively until a
bounded space is filled. This pattern
b-classify unite cells contains some adjustment patterns
that apply only if needed, usually
c-adding unite labeled due to greater variation in the
parameter values.’’ (Berio,2012,
Adding two parallel to
Refrence to Decumanus
Figure 2-13 adding axis on the caradus and Decumanus of the Praia (Montengo.etal, 2010, p.7)
The second phase is adding a block cell, Berio followed the general steps to add block
cells: See Diagram (2-12)
A classification of block hierarchies the UIP applied here is called “classify unite cells.
Block cells
Labeled the+block cell
Replace the block with define unite (one of the five basic
Take on the consideration the site constrains
Diagram (2-12) adding block cells to the generative urban design. (Author) depending
on (Berio, 2012, p.156).
For adding block cells to the main axis, many steps should be followed: See figure (2-14)
1-Chose main axis and specify second axis to work with the bounded space.
2-Start adding block cells adjusting with the main axis and parallel with the second axis.
3-Adding block cells to the specific space until a bounded space is filled.
4-Take under consideration making some variation in the parameter values. See figure (2-
Figure (2-14) adding block cell to the Praia city pattern (Montengo etal, 2010, p.8)
Five types of adding block Decdous
Figure (2-15) Praia city analyses after adding axis and block cell generation process
(Author) according to (Berio, 2012)
2-5-2 Shape Grammar Approaches and it is Application in Teaching Experience
The research will explain the methodology of using shape grammar in Lisbon University in
teaching experience. The purpose was providing the urban plans with more flexibility to
produce a design methodology able to provide multiple design solutions instead of one
specific solution. The Lisbon university methodology was producing a generative process
and using the shape grammar to reach and generate this process to design system. “This
methodology was then combined with shape grammars and tested in a design studio setting.
Students were asked to use the methodology and shape grammars as auxiliary instruments
in the design of a flexible plan for a new town. In the following year, to simulate real-world
conditions and oblige students to consider urban ordering and scale, work was structured
differently. First, students were asked to develop a rule-based urban Plan as in the previous
year. Second, they were asked to conceive a detail plan for a sector of an urban plan defined
by another group of students following its rules. The plans were then analyzed with the goal
of refining the methodology. Results show that shape grammars produce urban plans with
non-definitive formal solutions, while keeping a consistent spatial language. They also
provide plans with explicit and implicit flexibility, thereby giving future designers a wider
degree of freedom. Finally, they provide students with a concrete methodology for
approaching urban design and foster the development of additional designing skills.” (Duarte
etal, 2005, p491) .In Lisbon university experiencing the methodology to use the shape
grammar as generative tools followed two approaches:
2- Design from the Scratch: This approach depends on how to create a new rule for a new
design from the scratch. This approach purpose is how to create a new design language, after
that the shape grammar started to be used in teaching, Terry knight (1999) is a Professor in
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning apply a new
methodology on the high graduated program in California university and Massachusetts
institution for technology MIT, it has been used a computer program in knight experiment.
(Khalid, 2014, p.93) “The use of shape grammars in teaching also has been somewhat
limited. In 1980 Stiny proposed a program for using grammars in design education and
experiments in this area were developed by Flemming (PhD Technical University Berlin)
(1987) at Carnegie Mellon University and Knight (1999) at MIT. In 2001 a program for
using shape grammars in the teaching of urban design at the undergraduate level was set up
at the Technical University of Lisbon Faculty of Architecture. In this case shape grammars
were introduced in a methodology to teach urban design in what would otherwise be a
standard studio. In 2002 the concept of pattern language (Alexander et al, 1977) was added
to the methodological approach as a means to define design goals. The use of patterns has
“Ulrich Flemming is a Professor Emeritus of the School of Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University. While active,
his main research focus was generative design in architecture and engineering. He is now retired.”
(https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ulrich-Flemming) 52
been shown to help in the definition of meaningful grammars and adequate development
visions. To our knowledge this was the first program of this kind, and several studios have
been taught since the program was set up.” (Duarte.etal, 2011, p880)
For instance, the shape grammar teaching experiment focus on how to use the development
on the methodology of using the shape grammar approaches in the urban design. This
example is taken from Lisbon university experiment in 2002-03 ,2003-04, the experiment
methodology was divided in three steps:
Step2: Asked a fifth-year group of students to develop a rule-based system for designing a
new town by using the sketched methodology and shape grammars.
Step3: Asking the students to innovative an expansion plan for the existing plan therefore
testing the rules-based system, by asking another group to use the same rules and apply it to
make a detail plan for smaller area of the same existing plan. (Duarte etal, 2011, p880)
2-5-3 The Application of the Shape Grammar Approach and Rules in Teaching
experience in Lisbon University.
The application of using the shape grammar as generative rules for urban design. included
an application of shape grammar. Firstly by analysis an existing village (vast region in
Alentejo, Portugal). Secondly, by designing from scratch, finally by designing detailed plan
of focused selection area (Cândido Chuva Gomes’s plans for Quinta da Fonte da Prata at
Moita in Portugal).
“The area studied was a vast region in Alentejo, Portugal, with strong development
expectations due to the construction of a dam. Work focused on a particular county and
students could choose whether to expand existing villages see figure (2-17) or to build a new
town in a strategically chosen place in Quinta da malagueria see figure (2-21). For
developing the strategy students had to take into account 1-population data, 2-Porter's report,
3-urban design Guidelines, 4-the master plan, 5-and Alexander's pattern language” (Duarte
etal, 2011, p886)
“The proposed design method had been inferred from an analysis of urban plans produced
by acclaimed designers and an analysis of their design methods. This method required a
four-phase approach to urban design in which the design rules would be defined in four
levels of detail. These levels involved (1) identification of territorial features that could
establish the plan guidelines and the rules for producing them, (2) the rules for designing the
urban grid or grids, (3) the rules for designing urban units, considering these to be
identifiable units of urban elements from the neighborhood to the urban block and (4) the
definition of rules for designing the plan details. Shape grammars were presented as a
possible formalism for expressing the design rules at any moment in the design process. The
main idea was to foster a more conscious perception of the relevance of rules in planning the
urban environment, rather than enforcing any commitment to a design layout. In other words,
rules were used to design the desired flexibility of the plans, therefore expressing flexibility
on four levels of detail. These four levels are also consistent with the normal stages in urban
planning and their respective approval procedures.” (Beirão etal, 2012, p61)
The methodology of the analysis and application the shape grammar rules on the urban
design fabric:
1- Avoided being strict with things like notation, so the users of this method (who are the
student) could concentrate on how rules worked and could be applied.
2- “Writing rules for computer implementation is different than writing them for use by hand,
when visual simplicity and understanding are crucial. Acknowledging this difference,
students simplified the notation. For instance, instead of writing complex parametric rules
that are mathematically elegant but hard to grasp visually, they preferred to list rule
variations. Here we show rules as students wrote them because it gives a better idea of how
they worked and used grammars, but the reader should be aware of the deviation from the
usual grammar notation.” (Duarte etal, 2011, p886)
To illustrate the two approaches of the shape grammar and its ability to produce new
alternative generative solution, we will show the difference between two of urban plan
shown in figure (2-17) and figure (2-20). The first plan is approaching a shape grammar on
the expansion of existing plan, an example of the (the analyzing approach) and the second
one shown the application of the shape grammar on the new town, new rules (began from
the scratch) (Duarte etal, 2011, p886, p887) These two examples are taken from Lisbon
university experience (it was like challenge between the students to improve the ability of
these two approaches of the shape grammar).
The example that is shown in figure (2-17) represent the application of the shape grammar
rules which the student of team 1 wok on. It explains how to divide the urban fabric in to
many polygonal areas that resulted from the crossing of preexisting.
Figure (2-16) the location of vast region Alentejo (Author)
roads and rural pathways. Those territorial divisions correspond to property parceling and
tend to be smaller towards the village center. The team aims to explain, how can the urban
plan of the village grow. They extracted rules to explain how the village might have grown
and then applied shape grammar rules and used them in the generation of the expansion plan.
(Duarte etal , 2011,p886)
Figure (2-17) ) the subdivision of the existing street and network. (Author) according to
(Beirão etal, 2011, p886)
The students of team one worked to analyze the existing of Alentejo, determine the
boundaries and divided the region to multiple polygonal dissections, using five main
generative rules to create plots by dividing the blocks. See figure (2-18) (2-19)
Triangle dissection
Polygonal dissections
Figure (2-18) the generation rules of the southern part of Portugal Alentejo (Duarte etal,
2005, p495)
The result of applying the five rules had shown that the rule-based design helped the student
to deal with the complexity and flexibility issues of the city.
The students used the ‘’ copy and paste’ manipulations of predefined blocks with some
eventual additional routines. The approach had the advantage of avoiding the usual
difficulties resulting from the technical implementation of shape grammars. Thus, although
the generation process was slow. They could easily resolve gaps in the rule structure as well
as transform the rules to explore design possibilities further. The process produced a high
level of complexity in the proposed design solutions which would not have been possible in
one semester without the aid of these design methods ‘’ (Beirão etal, 2012, p61)
Figure 2-20 explains the application of seven generative rules on the closed area of
Alentejo Portugal. It showed how to divided the section to many polygons by using the
rules from 1-5 and then divided their shapes of blocks to plots.
Figure (2-20) applying the seventh rules on the Alentejo city by student experience, Lisbon
University (Duarte etal. 2011, p889)
B-Team Two: Design from Scratch.
The second example showed how to (develop a design from the scratch) for a new town by
team two in Lisbon university experience. The goal was diverse and flexible urban tissue)
The design from the scratch were depended on:
1- Special relation that were created from the arrangement of the blocks.
2-The rules have been applied on three main part of the site plan, a-morphological feature
b- visual line connecting c- neighborhood hill town. These three parts formed the generic
3-The structuring elements are consisted of (the main street, avenue, set boundaries of the
town neighborhood. Figure (2- 21) shows the primary sketch of team 2 which show the
boundary of the town of Cândido Chuva Gomes’s plans for Quinta da Fonte da Prata at
Moita in portugal (such as the straight lines which presented the view point to the hill town,
curved and irregular lines presented preexisting structural element such as national road,
water front, and hill ridges. See figure (20-22)
The rectangular zones represent the main building boundaries and the circles presented the
distances between the Future Square and main public area. (Duarte.J, 2011, p889)
Figure (2-21) the suggested boundry by team two of Cândido Chuva Gomes’s plans
for Quinta da Fonte da Prata at Moita in portugal (Duarte etal. 2011, p889)
Figure (2-22) site plan of of Cândido Chuva Gomes’s plans for Quinta da Fonte da Prata
at Moita in Portugal (Author) depending on Google map.
The student specified the boundary of the city that they work on, and the main paths of the
streets and began to suggest a new rules and used the copy and paste of these rules on the
site to produce a new town from the scratch to make a comparing between the existing urban
plan and generative urban plan.
“The plan is completed using rules that fill in the structuring geometry with arrangements of
four blocks formed by combining two different kinds of blocks, named TA and TB (figure
2-22). Each arrangement has three blocks of type TA and one block of type TB. The blocks
are placed at a certain distance from each other and the gaps in between become streets. A
referential axis reference permits the alignment of block arrangements with each other and
with structuring geometries. Other rules are then used to widen the street between blocks
when they include commercial facilities. The recursive application of these rules permits the
incremental growth of the plan and guarantees flexibility as there are many ways in which
rules may be applied. The plan shown in figure 2-23 represents a possible solution that could
result from the recursive application of the rules” (Duarte.J, 2011, p890)
Figure (2-24) urban plan, team 2: detail of the final plan obtained after applying rules for
dividing the blocks into plots, drawing sidewalks, placing public buildings, etc. The circle
calls attention to a square generated by subtracting a block (Duarte.etal, 2011, p892)
“Due to the irregular shapes of the arrangements of blocks, rule application creates small
squares. The development of this plan follows a bottom-up approach by first defining the
urban units and then the street network as a result of the recursive addition of block
arrangements. After generating a solution, students felt the need for a larger square in each
neighborhood and, therefore, created a rule that subtracted one block to create such squares,
at specific distances from each other. The plan's structuring geometric elements defined the
boundaries of neighborhoods by constraining the application of block placing rules to the
enclosed areas. The plan also included rules for characterizing the public space of
neighborhoods differently by manipulating material features.” See figure (2-25) (Duarte.etal,
2011, p890)
Figure (2-25) urban plan, team 2: (a) rule for subtracting a block and creating a square
near a public building; (b) the square created by block subtraction, circled in figure 24.
(Duarte.etal, 2011, p892)
2-6 Summary of Chapter Two: See table (2-3)
1- The research identifies the generative code as a procedure that produce a design method
to preserve the code of the city under the shade of the complexity, development of the
cybernetic and technology. The procedure followed the generative process of the existing
component of urban context. This generative process helps to encode the urban pattern of
the city.
2- The language of generative code: It’s a symbolic language that is used to encode and
decode the contextual information (input) to provide rules or grammar applied in generative
process of urban context. That design grammar supports the urban design decisions.
3- Use the shape grammar as a main generative tool by specifying the site plan of the specific
region of the case study.
4- Every city has a code which is directly related with the pattern of the city. The generative
urban design has a language to deal with the code of the city to increase the flexibility of the
urban design. We should take under consideration how to treat the city code and take the
responsibility to deal with it carefully.
5-The process of main generative tools: formulation module, evaluation module, generation
module and generative code module.
6- The generative code module consists of many parts which work together (the pattern
language, the urban induction pattern, the shape grammar and the descriptive grammar
7-Analysing the pattern entities of urban design will help in collect the data information for
generative process.
8- Each pattern connected to the other pattern; no pattern can exist as isolated.
9-Before the analysis stage, the process should go through the specification of the pattern
that it should work with, for instance (identifiable neighborhood; neighborhood boundary;
web of public transport; ring roads; network of learning; nine per cent parking; parallel roads;
sacred sites; access to water; activity nodes; eccentric nucleus; promenade; shopping street.
10- The UIP theory worked directly with the three main generative modules in urban design
(formulation module, evaluation module and generation module), by the description of
grammar which take all the data base from the formulation module. By direct input from the
designer and additionally by data input on regulations and quality standards stored in a data
11- The shape grammar work in apparel line with Alexander language and that could help
the designer in the analysis process and then in application.
12- The shape grammar describes the architectural forms and relegations through a group of
forms, and its spatial relationship and by means of a set of grammar that describe these
products in a form of strength. These are the forces to generate new designs.
13-The main characteristics of the shape grammar are: a- It have a special characteristic; the
shape grammar have a special character instead of textual or symbolic. b- The shape
grammar deals with elements that are consist of points, lines, surfaces, shapes, volumes. c-
shape grammar has their rules that use addition, subtraction, and spatial transformations to
translate, rotate and Reflection. d- Shape grammar support the emergence. e- Shape grammar
match with the non-deterministically.
14- The designer should define some recognizable feature found in urban context that could
pinpoint as recurrent, traditional or simply local.
15- A rule-based approach to urban design produces urban plans with implicit and explicit
flexibility. Explicit flexibility is defined by the set of rules expressed to define the plan’s
solution space. Implicit flexibility is not expressed formally but underlies the rules followed
by the design team in designing the plan.
16- Shape grammars and patterns contain the algorithmic qualities needed to develop formal
generative systems for exploring urban design solutions.
17- Any urban design defined by an urban grammar in a design context is just one potential
acceptable solution defined by the grammar for that context. The feasibility of a design is
only dependent on the contextual data that constrains the design rules.
18- Designing with shape grammars and patterns leads to intentionally ordered principles in
a planned area, whilst allowing for contained but wide freedom of design throughout the
design process. The degree of flexibility corresponds to the design space defined by the rules.
The results of these design studios were very promising regarding the use of shape grammars
and patterns in urban design. The research clearly showed the advantages of using them in
education to a-foster awareness in students of their own design rules, b- enhancing the
understanding of a design language and how to use such knowledge in the development of
flexible design proposals. However, c-their use in practice with real support tools involves
additional difficulties, namely in relation to the use of shape grammars and the
characteristics of urban design practice. See table (2-3)
19-The purpose was producing a generative process and using the shape grammar to reach
and generate this process to design system.
Table (2-3) the indicators of chapter two. (Author)
Theoretical frame work relation Method indicators
Generative code Provide a procedure Specify the important Guide line tool
process to preserve the code city component of urban
of the city. context; this stage will
help to encode the urban
Urban type The classification of The ability to deal with Generator tool
urban type of the city the code of the city in a
preparing successful way.
Formulation module • Noticing the Find the necessary Collect the information
issue in the information about the and analysis them.
Generative urban design
• Shape grammar that urban developer urban design to give
will understand urban developers the
under different language that can deal
circumstances. with it to generate the
urban context.
Pattern language Pattern language The main important Decoding the pattern to
consist of group of indicators of the pattern entities.
entities, it is give us language is (specify four
the ability to divide levels of dealing with
the project to many pattern language
entities. ,territorial land mark
,basic geometry , urban
unite ,materiality)
UIP Provide a set of rules The UIP divided to : discursive grammar
to move the -Programming grammar: that generates a
procedure from provide us with the recurrent design moves
analytical process to necessary description. or design procedure
encode process. -Designing grammar: is such as
Chapter three: Elastic city
3-1 preface.
This chapter will clarify the concept of the elastic city, definitions, characteristic and
The main aim of the elastic city is to obtain a city which has the ability to preserve its essence
(code), under the changes and deformations that occurred on the city pattern. The
characteristic and principles of elastic city will support the procedure that has been obtained
by the analysis and practical applications of chapter two (generative process- encoding and
decoding) see Diagram (3-1), therefore the new urban design of the city will obtain these
characteristics of elastic city.
The city
Encoding process
Diagram 3-1 the correlation between chapter two and chapter three. (Author)
The research will study the main definitions, characteristic and principles of the elastic city
which had the ability to decode the city’s pattern. In this chapter the research will concentrate
on the elastic city and it ability to be adaptable and flexible for all changing, in other word,
its ability to work parallel with the generative process and keep the city code.
All the cities differ from one another according to how strongly they are affected by these
factors (Urban code, flexibility and adaptability and the growing in a control way). The
questions that this chapter will focus on: 1-How could the elastic city preserve the urban
code? 2- How could the elastic city be adaptive through many changes and effects?
The aim of the elastic city is to preserve the ability of being flexible, adaptable and
generate a livable urban life.
3-2 The Definition of the Elastic City.
a) ‘’Elastic-city is an adaptable urban model that follows the physical principles of elasticity.
It is understood as the capacity of an urban environment to adapt to future needs while
satisfying a current function.’’ (Leddage, 2011, p20)
c) ‘’Elastic-city finds its location in the residual space, urban void, unused building,
empty lot or any other small spaces that have the potential to be claimed, adapted and
given a new function. Elastic-city is only generated by a process of infill, renovation
and regeneration.’’ (Leddaga, 2011, p20).
d) “Elastic-city is adaptable and able to support the stress generated by changes such as
population fluctuation, technological advances and environmental issues. This is done by
modifying existing building and urban stock and by promoting multiplicity of uses on every
space.” (Laddaga, 2011, p20)
e) “Elastic-city it is a dynamic model that allows people to mould the city. It is a model based
on people’s active participation. Today’s ideas of participation are very limited and rely on
questionnaires, surveys or interview” (Leddaga, 2011, p20)
2- “Elastic cities are defined as employing aggressive annexation strategies that result in
more effective planning control over the city-region, higher population increases, stronger
tax bases, and healthier urban-regional economies than those of no elastic cities.”
(Meligrana, 2005, p.700)
The Elasticity/noun or the elastic /adjective: it’s the ability to resume its normal shape
spontaneously after contraction, dilatation or distortion, it also has the ability to resume to
its normal shape after being stretched or compressed.
The elastic city: is the city which has the ability to control the influences whether it’s
scientific or technological effects. Or population irregularity whether it’s (high-low)
density the elastic city will provide organized urban design which control these various
effects and growing in a control way by preserve its superimposed layer that’s brings
new level of complexity. The elastic city is a combination between the expansion
without changing the code of the city by infill strategy and by adding new territory, for
example the aggressive annexation that the elastic city provides as a solution. The
research suggestes that the elastic city as a new strategy to conserve the urban code
from the morphological changes that occurred on the urban pattern.
Rusk described the stages of developing the characteristic of the elastic city since 1993
when* David Rusk specified many qualities to be elastic: a- The ability to annexation. b-
Having vacant land and political and legal tools. c- Having high density. d-Strong
In the book of “Cities Without Suburbs’’ David Rusk explain new philosophy about the
elasticity ‘’Rusk (2003) measures the elasticity of a municipality by comparing its
population density in 1950 with the rate at which its boundaries expanded between 1950 and
2000. This measure is used to place municipalities into one of five categories of elasticity:
1-zero, 2-low, 3-medium, 4-high, and 5- hyper, based on ascending rates of boundary
change. The cities with the greatest elasticity have vacant city land to develop and the
political and legal tools to annex new land'', whereas inelastic cities are typically older cities
already built out at higher densities and, for a variety of reasons, unable or unwilling to
expand their city limits''. Thus, elastic cities grow by a combination of in-fill development
and the aggressive acquisition of new territory.” (Meligrana, 2005, p.702)
In (Central-city distress in Ohaio's elastic cities: regional and local policy responses 2014)
Attoh have discussed the situation of three cities in Ohio Akron, Columbus, and Toledo. The
study described these three cities as the most elastic cities compared with the other cities in
Ohio. These three cities were able to control the annexation process and the density which
makes the economic stronger “Akron, Columbus, and Toledo are relatively elastic—each
has a history of aggressive annexation and vacant land within central-city boundaries. All
three cities maintain active housing markets inside their incorporated boundaries because of
past annexation” see figure (3-1) (Attoh, 2014, p.736)
David Rusk is an independent consultant on urban and suburban policy. He is the author of Baltimore Unbound: A
Strategy for Regional Renewal and Inside Game/Outside Game: Winning Strategies for Saving Urban America.
(Wilson Center Scholar,2011)
City of Toledo
Toledo Akron
City of Akron.
City of Columbus
Figure (3-1) master plan of the city of Akron, Toledo and Columbus in Ohio. (Google map)
The Most Important Character of the Elastic City is How to be Adaptable and Flexible.
In (Elastic city -a study of adaptability across city scales 2011) Laddaga was mentions.
“Elastic-city has used as a philosophy for design that acknowledges dynamism and change
in cities. Change, understood as the dynamic transformation resulting from evolutionary
processes produced by actions and movement, which occurs in urban environments on a
daily basis. With the passing of time, residential, commercial, and industrial and office
activities change their modes of operation, having a great effect on the built environment.
For this reason, cities and buildings, existing and new, must respond to these alterations by
means of adaptability.” (Laddaga, 2011, p.21). One of these changes is the increasing of the
population that lead to the expand of the cities in irregular way. It important to organize and
control the city growth process to be elastic.
The research treats the Elastic city like an approach or new strategy, it is adding many
characteristics to reach the quality of the elasticity whether the elastic city support the
changing and growing that happened in the urban context.The main goal from the time line
developing of the previous propositions is how to turn the growth of the city expanded and
technological changing to be a new resource of supporting the economic level,
entertainments and human requirements.
The research proposes in this stage how to employ all indicators that concluded from chapter
one and two to add a new character to the city to support its elasticity or its ability to keep
updating in the urban pattern and focus on solving the problems of the smooth transitions
between the boundaries of expansion that happened through the increasing of population
density.The research summarized these properties as the following:
1- Connected context: As its mentions in the “death and life of great American cities” by
Jean Jacobs, it’s described the complexity of the city layers and system ,suggest to deal with
these problems by the “Organized complexity” that consist of many variables related to each
other and connected, it is received a feedback through the process of changing and
developing over time and that hypothesis will help the context to be more adapted and have
more connection, it will help the elastic city to be organized and controlled. (Jacob, 1966)
2- The links of the city should be (more connections less separations): Christopher Alexander
determine two ways to connect the city structure and as its mentioned in his book “the city
is not a tree” the semi-lattice structure will give the opportunity to be support the link of the
city by the overlapping unite, Because the lattice structure has less connection and more
separation between the human activities.
3- Predictability: The research explained that the essential part of generative process is how
to specify and conceive the urban code, this process will be as a guild line to the urban
developers, must take on the consideration through the future urban plan, these codes are
providing the elastic city the ability to be easy predict undergo the expansion and extend of
the urban boundaries.
4-Elastic city should play big role on the main three characters (level of scale, strong centers
and the boundaries): The work on these three hierarchies will help the elastic city to be more
comprehensive and work on all the city levels.
5- Elastic city processed according to urban topology, this process will help the elastic to
turn back to its original shape and keep the adaptability through all the changing
The main aim of the elastic city principles is how to employ these characters for serving the
research aim of decoding the city urban code, the principles of the elastic city have the ability
and flexibility to absorb the new transformation and changes and conserve the urban code
through these changes. These principles are:
1- Understand the requirements of any specific city and provide the suitable solutions to
make the city adaptable. For instance, all the cities share the same human needs but it’s
different in the geographic location, its history, heritage and culture. Therefore, it’s
necessary to understand the case study issues to provide it with the suitable solutions to make
it adaptable. For example, when the shape of circle has been applied to compression force
from the inside, it began to expand, but when the compression forces disappear the circle
should turn back to the original shape, the elastic city should have this principle to be
adapted. See figure (3-2)
Figure (3-2) simulating between the city expand and the adaptability (Laddaga, 2011, p.19)
For example, Richard Rogers has mentioned that “buildings that are easy to modify will have
a longer useful life and represent a more efficient use of resources” (Laddaga, 2011, p.19).
The research assume that the urban design should be easy to modify by its ability to
2- To make the city elastic it’s essential to make the city have a big chance or opportunity to
expand in a controlled way, opportunity to provide easy life, opportunity to provide work
for young people, opportunity to find affordable work place and life place and opportunity
to the high-density growth. See figure (3-3)
Figure (3-3) The levels of elastic city opportunity. (Laddaga, 2011, p.20)
3-Elastic city should be either high density city or low-density city, in any situation it should
find the suitable solution. “That high - density city cannot become more dense. (That is not
a lifestyle that most postwar, middle - class families buy) The high - density city's only path
to growth is to expand its boundaries. It must stretch the edges of its rubber sheet map to
take in new territory. It must become more elastic outward rather than upward. The most
common method by which a city acquires new territory is annexation. Typically, a city
annexes undeveloped land, more rarely, an annexation brings in an existing community.”
(Rusk, 1993, p.9) and when it is a low-density city “the city has room for new population
growth by filling in undeveloped land. In effect, the rubber sheet map is slack. Facing
growth opportunities, the city is still elastic within its boundaries because of its low
population density.” (Rusk, 1993, p.9)
4- Another character of elastic city is: the elastic city has the ability to aggressive annexation
like Houston and Columbus. Annexation is” A prime tool local governments use to prepare
sites for economic development. It is a legal process by which a municipality brings land
into its boundaries most often to ensure development occurs.” (Robinson, 2014, p.97-109).
From all the previous definitions, characteristic and principles of the elastic city. The
research summarized primary and secondary indicators which will be used in the practical
application to measure the ability of the city to be flexible, adaptable and growing in a
controlled way. The primary and secondary indicators lead us to the result: The Elastic city
provide all the opportunity to be adapted and develop the city context in controlled and
organized process by formulating a frame work and generate new rules. See table (3-1).
Table (3-1) the main characteristics and principles of the Elastic city. (Author)
3-5 International Example of the Elastic Cities.
The research determined (the city of Neza,Maxico and Vancouver ,Canada) as an example
of elastic city. The research will measure the ability of these cities to be elastic according to
elastic city indicators.
Figure (3-4) The context of the Neza city in Mexico. (Castillo, 2007, p.26)
The main aim of this division was solving the problems of the increasing of population by
the immigration and by other conditions and solve the problems of infrastructure and
services, to connect the context and all the blocks by the central area which represent the
services) public schools, markets, church and the medical treatment). See figure (3-5)
(Castillo, 2008, p.56)
The subdivision of the
mega blocks.
Figure (3-5) the subdivision of Neza city to lots, 25 modules and each block 90 blocks
(Castillo, 2007, p.57)
The big challenge that’s make Neza as an elastic city is that Neza changed the traditional
idea about the formal and informal settlement sand developed during the 1970‘s outside
the legal frame work. (Laddaga, 2011, p.24).
The surprised thing about Neza city, which considered a kind of success is, in spite of the
development of the city was in spontaneous way but “1-A well-structured grid expands
through the area generating long and skinny blocks.2- Major roads are laid out horizontally
and vertically framing large quadrants of 5x20 blocks see figure (3-6) 3-each one of these
quadrants contains a central node where infrastructure such as schools, markets, churches
and recreational areas are located. See figure (3-7) 4-This hyper rationalized urban
structure contrasts with the informality and diversity of the building types that, for the
most part, are self-built structures that evolve over time” (Laddaga, 2011, p.24).
Neza city developed new markets and transformation services to make the city more
controlled and organized through the increasing of the people population that moved to live
in the city that developed a proposal of new market.
Figure (3-6) Proposed urban structure for Ciudad Netzahualcoyotl, 2004 (the red point
indicates the location of the project “Centro de Exhibitions”) (Castillo, 2007, p.143)
Figure (3-7) Part of the urban plan of Neza city appeared the regular spontaneous growing
Table 3-2 Neza indicators as an elastic city.(Author)
B-Flexible. Generate a livable urban life The new division of the blocks
bring new livable urban life.
C-Dynamic Modifying urban pattern. The Grid that was add to the city
change. pattern was very connected with
the old iron grid.
A-Connected Organized complexity The repetition of the 5*20 blocks
context. (received a feedback through gave the city, connected and
the process). organized pattern.
Section three
As a result, from Neza city, the research assumes that the Neza city cross with the elastic
city characters in the following: See table (3-2)
1- The decisions of subdivision the city many lots and blocks refer to the ability to adapt the
city boundaries to accommodate the increasing of the population density, that character cross
with the elastic city in its ability to find the suitable solution for the problems and control its
2-The adaptability character to provide the city with the society needs such as the
infrastructure redevelopments and provide the city with the central area to every mega block
concluded (school, church, market …etc.)
3-Neza city redevelopment represents the predictability character through its division that
lead to support the urban developers to commit the shape of the plots for the future urban
“Vancouver is fairly young city on the west coast of Canada. The city is framed by a unique
natural setting, surrounded by mountains and the ocean; it offers locals and visitors
exceptional scenery and a wide range of outdoor activities throughout the year. It is no
surprise that this west coast metropolis has been continuously rated as one of the places with
the highest quality lifestyle, provided by a combination of natural elements as well as human
efforts that have shaped the Vancouver of today.” (Laddaga, 2011, p.37)
“Through the 1950s and 1960s, Canada had the highest urban growth rate amongst western
industrial nations. Growth was viewed as positive and the purpose of planning was to
facilitate progress through minimizing uncertainty and ensuring orderly, economical and
convenient development” of communities. The metrics by which plans were judged included
miles of streets, sewers and water mains and the provision of enough schools and parks.
*Bill Rathie, mayor in the early 1960s, proclaimed “Let’s Get Vancouver Moving”, a battle
cry to support the kinds of projects happening in other North American cities: inner-city
“urban renewal”, low-density suburbanization and freeway expansion to increase auto-
mobility” (Owens,2009, p.5)
Vancouver turned the challenges that face it in the period of sixties which is the “the growth
is good” begin to fall because of that growth begin to effect on the quality of life for the
Bill Rathie was a Canadian businessman and politician. He was the 30th mayor of the city of Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, serving from 1963 through 1966. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Rathie )
From this point Vancouver started to improve the urban design strategies and develop
its targets by:
2-Vancouver adopted on-short term planning to solve temporary problems, and long-term
planning that’s relied on developing urban strategies to achieve future viability.
3-How to integrate and merge between the urban developers’ perspectives and the need of
4-How to achieve high population density and provide the “Maintaining livability” and job
opportunity for this density.
The research considered Vancouver city as Elastic city depending on the following:
1-The population ratio of the people that live in the city, according to the reports “people
from 20-39 years old represent 44.8% and from 40-64 33.8% while seniors and children
show significantly lower figures.” That’s ratio appeared Vancouver as an attractive city for
the young and active people which increase its properties to have strong economy and high
density. (Laddaga, 2011, p.45)
2- The second reason is “the city has been continuously ranked as one of the “most livable”
cities in the world and now it looks forward to become the Greenest city in the world. Goals
like these are the ones that have given direction to the urban development of the city.” Which
gave the city the ability to be adaptable for the future needs. (Laddaga, 2011, p.37)
The elastic phenomena in Mount Pleasant City.
One of the most important regions that are located in Vancouver city is Mount Pleasant see
figure (3-9). It is considered as an elastic section of the city and that is because Mount
pleasant have a large industrial area which can transform it to other function on the opposite
of the cities that have a heritage value that we couldn’t use in another way. ‘’Mount Pleasant
is one of the neighbourhoods with a major number of changes per area at the same time that
it is an interesting area of study due to its diversity in terms of use and its location in
proximity to the Downtown Core.’’ (Laddaga, 2011, p.41)
Figure (3-9) the location of Mount Pleasant according to Vancouver. (Laddaga, 2011, p.42)
Mount pleasant is considered as a successful and elastic city depended on many factors: it
has the ability to increase the density of the people with a good quality life. It is not related
just with the population of the people, but it is related to the quality of them, mount pleasant
did that through providing the people with a good opportunity to work and it is attractive to
the young people because of the attractive activity that it has. (Laddaga, 2011)
The Method of the Analysis the City was: See table (3-3)
2- “The methods used for the analysis are the following: Observation. Examination of
everyday phenomena that demonstrate the manner in which people adapt a space to a use
different from the original one is part of the methodology.” (Laddaga, 2011, p.31)
3- “The diagrammatic technique used captures everyday experiences and transforms them
into an axonometric drawing that allows one to look at the components of such an event in
a more scientific way. Another technique used is the translation of data into maps that allow
the correlation of location, space and numerical information into one graphic.” (Laddaga,
2011, p.29)
Table 3-3 Vancouver and mount pleasant indicators as an elastic city. (Author)
-Specify the urban grid. became very predict for the future urban
-Making the grid as a development.
guild line.
D-City with -level of scale. The urban planners of Vancouver city
hierarchy. -strong center. worked to updated the urban plan and
create new targets to be more sustainable
and support the strong center of the city.
E-Topology. Support the original The iron grid became as a support tool for
code. the future urban code.
F-Rules The rules help the urban The research summarizes Vancouver and
parameter. developers to decode the mount pleasant as an elastic city, which is
city for the future gave the ability to decode its pattern for the
process. future redevelopment.
3-6 Summary of chapter three:
1-The Elastic City: is the city which has the ability to control the influences whether it’s
scientific or technological effects. Or population irregularity whether it’s (high or low)
density the elastic city will provide organized urban design which control these various
effects and growing in a control way by preserving its superimposed layer that brings new
level of complexity. The elastic city is a combination between the expansion without
changing the code of the city by infill strategy and by adding new territory
2-One of the most important problems that faced the urban design of many cities is: losing
the ability to adapt all the effects and changes. The elastic city focused on making a new rule
of the cities that depend on how satisfying the new urgent needs (how satisfying human
needs, the future needs and the adaptability needs
1-The Elastic city came as a response to the research problem which represent the losing of
preserving the genetic code of the city. The elastic city has the ability to preserve the code
of the city.
2- The elastic city has the ability to decode the city pattern.
3-The elastic city work parallel with the generative process. Sharing the same aim to reach
for city having its essence which represent the generative code.
4- The elastic city encourages the expansion strategy by adding new territory to the exist
without changing the code of the city.
5-The elastic city represent many layers that brings new level of complexity. The elastic city
means the possibility of the cities to growing in a control way.
6-The urban void, unused buildings and empty lots are very important to employ elastic city
7-The important characteristic of elastic city, ability to annexation, having vacant land,
having high density and strong economy.
9-The elastic city should find the suitable solution for the problems that the city faced.
10-Elastic city attract the young people by providing them with good opportunity for living
with high quality of life.
From the above, the following table has summarized the main characters and indicators
which support the Elastic city.
Table (3-4) the main character of elastic city. (Author)
The character of elastic city, the goal of our Indicators and solutions.
Elastic city provides the adaptable model that The ability to preserve the essence of the city
can adapted to many changes. (the code of the city).
Change per Area= change/Area=Elasticity Because of the fast growth and change
especially in the certain Areas that didn’t
contain a heritage or historical value, should
specify the location of the fast growth or fast
Elastic city has a large Area like industrial The large Area in this land use can easily
and cultural, residential, mixed used. change to another function which supports the
city changes and the character of elasticity.
Elastic city doesn’t have just the high The job opportunity attracts young people
densities but it should contain the job especially if you provide them with affordable
opportunity and quality of people that’s lived placed to live in near the work place, cultural
in. facilities and provide quality life for
Elastic city supports the connection between The connection between Areas and
Areas and from the other view between neighborhood makes the people close to each
people. Elastic in contrast with segregation. other and that’s lead to make the shape of the
society bonded together and stronger to face
The elastic city has the ability to expand with When the city main characters are:
control way. -Adaptability-flexibility-predictability.
-connected context-strong center-strong
economy. All these characters will support
the Grid guild line to control the city growing
in the future.
Chapter four: Case study application, Paris, Washington DC, Baghdad
4-1 Prefaces:
In chapter two the research has worked to specify the position of the design code, the
process of the generative code and the generative urban design. From these three main
procedures the research reach to the purpose of finding the indicators and measurement
tool beside the language of generative code. From this stage the research concluded how to
encode the cities and move to chapter three to transit encoding process to reach for elastic
city (Cities growing in controlled and flexible way).
The research assume that the new elastic city has the ability to conserve the original pattern
and adapt the transformation of the city. In this chapter the research will apply the theoretical,
practical indicators and elastic city indicators on the city of (Paris, Washington DC and
Baghdad) and use the comparison methodology to reach for the research aim which
represent Decoding the city urban code and studying the characteristic of the elastic city
which has the ability and flexibility to absorb the new transformation and changes, and
conserve the city urban code.
1-Apply the three cities to the indicators of theoretical framework, which represent the
coding stage.
2-Analysing the three cities (Paris, Washington, Baghdad) according to (shape grammar,
UIP and, Generative urban design (formulation module, evaluation module, generation
module) which represent the encoding stage.
3- Apply the elastic city indicators on the three cities, which represent the decoding stage.
4--A comparison analysis between the codes of the three cities (decoding process).
Paris in its first stage, and before Hussmann’s intervention, was a city with a network of
narrow streets and difficult services. The great challenge that Hussmann faced, is a real
revolution in the history of city design. (Al-Ani, 2001, p.60)
consists of a dominant central space from which a number of linear organizations extend in
a radial manner. Whereas a centralized is an introverted scheme that focuses inward on its
central space, a radial organization is an extroverted plan that reaches out to its context” (Al-
Ani, 2012, p.1047).
1- Add the new grid (radial grid) to the old organic pattern to produce (Avenues and
“Under Haussmann the center proper consisted, roughly speaking, of the Île de la Cité and
the area around Les Halles and the Hotel de Ville. Round this core there was an inner zone,
bordered on the north side by the grand boulevards. Then came an intermediate zone
extending to the tariff wall and the outer ring of boulevards; most of this area had been built
up during the first half of the nineteenth century. The adjoining outer zone was defined by
the fortifications erected in the 1840s. In 1860 the city and the tariff boundary were moved
out to this defense ring. The central zone was heavily developed, vacant land for housing
construction, industrial establishments etc. was to be found above all in the outer zone. As a
result of the wretched conditions in the urban core and its lack of good communications with
the surrounding districts, the functional city center was beginning to shift westwards.”
(Pravin.D,2015) See Figure (4-1)
Figure 4-1 Adding a new radial grid to the pre-Hussmann redevelopment. (Author
according to (Alanphelps15,2014)
2-The main orthogonal streets represent the Boulevards and the secondary streets
represent the avenues.
A-Visual Axis: Hussmann created new points and spots, which leads to important buildings
like the new bridge which linked the upper side with the cathedral of Notre dame (Pont ‘d
Arcole) and (Pont Notre dame) see figure (4-2).
B-Hussmann concentrated on the most important part of Paris city which represent the old
part of Paris is ‘’isle de la cite’’ which contains
- “Hospital hotel dieu” 651 AD (Hussmann rebuilt it in the last time between 1867-1878).
C-The city of Paris is divided into two parts the northern (right) and the southern (left). The
northern parts can be considered as the commercial part of the city and the southern parts as
a cultural part which consented on the knowledge and art. See figure (4-2).
“Haussmann envisioned a city focused visually and functionally on major institutions like
transit stations; the opera house, the town hall, the cathedral, etc; major architectural units
linked by great avenues; also, monuments like Notre Dame isolated and turned into museum
pieces” (Pravin.D,2015). See figure (4-2)
Crypte archeologique du parvis notre dame
Palais LEyses Les Halles Notre Dame
Opera house
Evel tawer Louver museum Pantheon
Figure (4-2) The important spots in northern and southern part of Paris (Author)
depending on Google earth.
4-2-1-1 Apply Paris city to the Theoretical Framework.
The research will focus on how apply the indicators that have been collects from chapter two
and chapter three to analysis Hussmann redevelopment of Paris. Then specify the code of
the city within the decoding and encoding process. See table (4-1)
Coding process which is concluded from (Generative code process, urban type and pattern
language). These three main vocabularies will give the process the main code feature and
help to recognize and prepare them.
Table (4-1) Theoretical frame work indicators for Paris city, (coding process) (Author).
Theoretical Relations The method Indicators
frame work
Generative code Hussmann assumptions a Hussmann specify the Main guild line to lead
process. procedure to preserve important component the design
the code of the city of the city which development
represent procedure.
a- “isle de la cite”
b-the underground
museum “Crypte
archeologique du
parvis notre dame”
Urban type. Hussmann realized that The result was take on Using the radial grid
the specification of the consideration the as a Generator.
urban type will give the organic old grid and
ability to dealing with decided to add the
the urban
Define the common
material on the
The most important vocabulary that extracted from the theoretical indicators is:
1- How to obliges to the regulation, Hussmann reshape all the elevation of Paris beside the
development of many buildings and its functions.
2-Take under consideration the consistency, the proportions and harmony that’s the grid
allow to focus on.
3-The predictability: the research considered Paris city as predictable city where the clear
grid relation with future plans.
4- The new streets (Boulevard and avenues) will give the city more connection and less
segregation which means when one street is blocked the other one can do the same function
and reach to the point that you need.
5-The flexibility increases according to the grid function it will be easy to be adapted over
changes and add a new extension for the future.
The Encoding process consist of two phases. The first one focuses on how to deal with the
generative urban design in Paris, collect the right information and evaluate them then specify
the generative process that help to transit to the second step which represent the preparing
of the rules parameter and transform to the final phase which represent the shape grammar
and UIP indicators.
Table (2-4)The practical framework indicators of Paris. (Encoding process)
Practical frame Relations Method Indicators
phase Formulation Collect the Hussman formulation 1-noticing an issue in
1 module information module was the urban context,
and analysis • The boundaries of 2- afterward a
them. the city, which solution is needed to
included the walls solve the problem
and the extension 3-make a clear
behind it. pathway to find a
• The river of the solution
Generative urban design
of gates. context.
• Hussmann Constrain the rule
Interprete interpreted his parameter.
r purpose by
adding the
radial grid to
the organic
• interface The first Communication
purpose of channel with the
Hussmann formulation and the
design was a evaluation module.
military but it
is became a
social purpose
Phase Pattern language Pattern Specify the grid of pattern, Decoding the pattern
2 language of the streets, the waterline, entities to
the urban the blocks ,neighborhoods P(1)independent
design is the ,plots ,open spaces …etc. region, P(54) roads
entities of the crossing, P(15)
pattern, Neighborhoods
dividing the boundary…etc.
pattern to
many entities
and prepare
the project to
move on.
UIP Adding axes Hussmann add the main discursive grammar
caradus axis which that generates a
4-2-1-3 Applying the shape grammar on the urban design of Paris ‘’before
Hussmann redevelopment’’.
A-Applying the Shape Grammar in Small Scale “isle de la cite”
1-The research considered the old part of Paris which represent the Notre dame church, the
underground museum’’Crypte archeologique du parvis notre dame’’ and the area around it,
then applied the shape grammar analysis to these parts. See figure (4-3) 2- The shape
grammar analysis that the research has followed, is by dividing these parts to the smallest
possible parts which are the buildings. See figure (4-3) 3-After the shape grammar analysis,
the research specified the repeated shapes on the urban morphology of the city. See figure
(4-4) 4- The conclusion of this process is to find the codes of the urban plan before Hussmann
redevelopment. See figure (4-4). 5-Finally, the research will take the new urban plan of Paris
and apply the same analysis steps “shape grammar” to specify the most formula shape after
Hassam redevelopment.
Figure (4-3) the analysis of medieval of Paris before Hussmann development (Author)
depended on (Skyscraper city,2010)
Figure (4-4) applied the shape grammar rules on the old fabric of Paris before
Hussmann redevelopment (Author)
B- Applying the Shape Grammar on the urban design of Paris “after Hussmann
Paris city is divided into two parts, the left bank and the right bank of the Seine. This division
reflected the political thought of the French people, although this division seems very simple,
but it is reflected in their way of living. Where the right bank represented the commercial
center, while the left bank represented the center of cultural life.
1- Adding axis: Boulevard and avenues are the main axes that have been add to the
urban design of Paris and led to change all the connection of the city. See figure (4-5)
Figure (4-5) adding the new Grid of Paris to the old Grid,Caradus and Decamanus
(Author) depending on (Pravin.D,2015(
2-Adding Block Cells: the new addition of the axes (boulevard and avenues) creates
the new shape of the blocks in Paris.
1-It is very clear to notice the boulevard is a multi-lane road with multiple purposes and
functions while the avenue represents a straight, single road.
2-The second thing is there is less than five shapes that were repeated on the context which
can be considered as a good coded design. See figure (4-8).
3- The third results are: although Hussmann Goal was designing the city for military purpose
but, it has to be a successful design for the historical and social purpose. See figure (4-6).
Figure (4-6) the main subdivision of Paris city. (Author) according to Hussmann
The research focusses on (How to go through the generative process) to preserve the
code of the city of Paris:
1-Specify the existing plan and analyze it, through determining the boundaries of the city
(the river and the city wall), and considered the wall as external boundary.
2-The second stage represent how to classify the urban type of the old Paris (before
Hussmann redevelopment and the new Paris Urban type after Hussmann redevelopment).
see figure (4-7)
3-The third stage: drawing the new axes (boulevard and avenues) which represent the red
lines in the plan. See figure (4-7)
4-The fourth stage: starting to divided the city into many parts which represent the gray
region on the plan. see figure (4-7)
5-The fifth stage: classify the gray shape as a code for the city; these steps represent the
coding and encoding process by using the shape grammar and UIP.See figure (4-8)
Figure (4-7) the results from applying the shape grammar and UIP on the urban pattern of the city of
Paris. (Author) according to the urban design of Hussmann.
The main four rules of Paris code after Hussmann redevelopment:
Figure (4-8) the main four rules for the city of Paris. (Author) according to Hussmann urban
4-2-1-5 Elastic city indicators.
Applying the elastic city indicators on the city of Paris to measure the extent to which Paris
has achieved the principles of the elastic city. See table (4-3).
Table (4-3) the elastic city indicators framework of Paris. (Decoding process). (Author)
phase Knowledge Relation Practical frame Relation
frame work work
1- The capacity of Hussmann target The result was: The city
Adaptability. urban model to was making the A-the designed for
adapt to the city have large boulevard. military
future needs. street connected to B-the avenues. purpose, but the
each other. final result more
than military.
2-Elastic Elastic city Elastic city brings The result in Paris old layer
layers. brings new the complex layer Paris was: was organic and
layers of by: the new one is
organized -infill strategy. -used the infill radial grid.
complexity. -aggressive strategy by
acquisition of new adding new
territory. public spaces.
-possibility of -using the
expansion. infrastructure
After applying the elastic city indicators on the city of Paris, the research concluded:
1-The city of Paris has the ability to be adaptable which is the most important character of
the elastic city. 2-Paris city has the organized complexity of elastic layer where the old layer
of Paris was organic while the new one is the radial grid. 3-paris city didn’t achieve the
aggressive annexation.4-Paris city succeeded to growing in a control way and achieve the
fourth level of elastic city character, where the new high building of Paris established outside
the old down town boundaries and that’s help to control the city code.
4-3 Washington code analysis.
The research takes under consideration the urban plan of Washington DC that was designed
by Pierre L’Enfant as an important example of the city code. See figure (4-9).
Washington DC layout and pattern are characterized by two recognizable system, the first
one is the basic grid arrangement of the street running north-south and east-west, the second
system is the system of avenues that is connecting the architecture and topographical feature
all around the city. (Selman.W,2018) The research chose to study Washington DC as an
example of the city code according to many reasons: 1-Washington DC is distinguished by
its pattern and code. 2-The high connections between the avenues that connects every
monument together, it seems confusing to the visitors, but it can easily be understood if you
take a closer look by walking around the city and seeing everything is connected together.
and 3-the high variety of blocks that L’Enfant used it in urban design.
From the Vesica it was easy to produce the shape of hexagon, square, triangle, and
that’s the method of decoding Washington DC.
Figure (4-10) the concept of the sacred geometry and the mother of shape (Hardaker, 2012, p.41)
The coding process of Washington DC analysis focuses on specifying the main features of
the generative code city, which represent the combination between the radial and iron grid,
the connectivity between urban type and the pattern language indicators which represent
(Potomac and Anacostia River, the combination grid, the neighborhood complex and the
white surfaces and material. See table (4-4)
Table (4-4) theoretical framework indicators of Washington DC. (Author)
Theoretic Relation Method Indicators
al frame
Generativ L’Enfant work L’Enfant specify: -Adding the main radial grid with
e code with many 1- The capital building (the grid iron.
process stages to house of people as a -use the circle “the mother of shapes”
improve his starting point.
concept and that 2- Take the sacred
lead to a clear geometry as a main method
code for the city. to work on the city
3-Specify the main
important monuments and
start working on the linking
between them.
Urban L’Enfant L’Enfant method was: Washington DC grid as a high
type starting to add a 1- Determine the Carado connected grid.
new axis and and Decamanua axis
new blocks with around the center of the
high variety of capital.
sizes and create 2-specify central point and
the Washington create main axis (north-
grid that seems south) and secondary axis
very connected (east-west).
Pattern L’Enfant The result was a high Pattern language indicators
language combination connection grid between the deepened on:
between the iron iron and radial grid. 1-territoral land mark. Specify the
and radial grid relevant feature of the city boundary
produced the which represent Potowmac river
radial grid. from the west and Anacostia River
from the east.
2-Basic geometry:
According to the two types of the
grid (iron and radial) the basic
geometry takes its shape from this
3-urban unite:
The neighborhood feature will
constrain the next operation on the
urban development.
The dominant material in
Washington DC is the plain white
4-3-1-2 Apply Washington DC to the Practical Frame Work.
The research will apply the practical indicators on the urban fabric of Washington DC to
encoding the city plan of L’Enfant redevelopment.
The decoding process of Washington DC is divided into two main phases. Phase one works
on collecting the right information, evaluate them and transform them to the generation
module to prepare the information to work with the rule parameter of the city. Phase two
focuses on how to generate the code of the city and documented it by the pattern language,
UIP and shape grammar tools. See table (4-5)
mention this in
obvious state,
it’s a
interpreter L’Enfant The interpreter tool produces Constrain the rule
interpret his the database to document the parameter.
purpose by: rule parameter.
-dividing new
axes and new
-overlap the
radial grid with
the iron grid.
interface The first The relation between The interface provides
purpose of L’Enfant target and the final a communication
L’Enfant design result was how to design the channel with the
was: capital of democratic city formulation and
-Design a city which represent the equal evaluation module.
for people and between people and
the final result government in making
achieve its goal. decision.
(L’Enfant didn’t
mention this in
obvious state,
it’s a
Phase Pattern Pattern language Specify the grid of pattern, Decoding the pattern
2 language. of the urban the streets, the waterline, the entities to
design is the blocks, neighborhoods, plots, P(1)independent
entities of the open spaces …etc. region, P(15)
pattern, dividing Neighbourhood
the pattern to boundary, P(52)
many entities network of paths and
Generative code module
The research concluded many stages of coding and encoding the urban plan of Washington
DC: Stage one: specify the Jenkin’s Hill the highest elevation in the area (Capitol Hill) as
the starting point of the urban plan. Stage two: determine the Carados and Decamanuas axis
around the center of the capital. This represents the process of ancient roman, who specify
central point and create main axis (north-south) and secondary axis(east-west). Stage three:
L’Enfant starting to add a new axis and new blocks with high variety of sizes and create the
Washington grid that seems very connected grid. Stage four: drawing small circle, taking
the capital as a center of the circle then drawn a second circle and its center was one mile
east of the capital, the intersection between two circles called “Vesica Piscis”. the third circle
drawn again the capital circle. Stage five: The circle can be divided to many parts and it
cans easily be noticed that there are shapes of star appear in Lincoln SQ circle. And there is
the white house star-pentagon complex and missing links. Stage six: the grid system appears
in the city after the subdivision of the four main circles and it can conclude that the city
depended on the cascading stars grid and the shapes of triangles appear in the pattern of the
context. See figure (4-13)
4-3-1-3 Applying the Shape Grammar and UIP on the Urban Design of
Washington DC.
Though applying the shape grammar on the fabric of the city of Washington we find the
common shapes that are repeated on the urban plan and re-shape the city design.
1-It is very clear to notice the main Caradous passes through the capital building (north-
south) and the second axis the Decamamous.See figure (4-11).
2- The crossing between the iron and radial grid has been added to the city to make very
good connection between all its parts. And it has given us the shape of the axes and blocks.
See figure (4-12).
Figure (4-11) the capital point and the Caradous and Decomonus axis around the capital.
3-The research work to determine the radial grid which represents the re lines See figure
(4-12) and the gray blocks that represent the iron grid result.
4-Specify three main spots which represent the three hidden circles, the first one center is
the capital building, and the second circle was one mile east from the capital, the third one
drawn around the capital circle and the fourth one drawn around Lincoln square. See figure
5-The result of Washington code analysis: there are four shapes that are repeated on the
context which can be consider as a good coded design. See figure (4-14)
Figure (4-12) Washington code according to the shape grammar and UIP. (Author)
The Encoding Process of Washington DC Can Divide into Many Stages:
1-Stage one: divided the pattern to many parts the first block around the capital and specify
the code of this reign which represents the triangle.
2-Stage two: specify the second block around the white house and conclude the code of the
reign which represents the Rhombus.
3-Stage three: specify the third block which is representing the pentagonal star around the
white house, divide it into many parts and finally find its code which represent small
4-Final stages: specify the block around the city hall and find its code which represent the
square and rectangle code.
Table (4-6) the elastic city indicators frame work of Washington DC. (Author)
phase Knowledge Relation Practical frame work Relation.
frame work
1- The capacity of The radial grid that The practical steps The city
Adaptability urban model to united with the liner were: designed for
adapt to the grid create very Specify the capital present the
future needs. connected axes and building point as a democratic
blocks, the new center to the politics and the
redevelopment of Caradous and final result was
Washington DC Decumonus axes to an open and
produce control present create new streets, connecting gate
of the city and future block and spaces. for the future.
control vision.
2-Elastic city Elastic city The city grid was the Washington DC The elastic city
layers. brings new liner grids which layers are organized provide:
layers of represent the lattice and simple to make -new layers
organized system after all the the city connection -connections
complexity. combination between very clear and easy to -new places and
the old and new grid reach for any place new spaces.
add to the city new and monuments ether -city value
value of the organized for the resident or the -large, medium
complexity. visitor. and small scale
3-Aggressive Washington DC The explicit sprit in the Washington DC Washington DC
annexation is the capital of urban design of design in 1791 as a city didn’t use
strategy. united states Washington gave the new city. the aggressive
which city the ability to do its annexation
represents big mission. strategies.
city and
4-growing in a Support the city Urban shapes and codes level of scale Washington
control way with the that were produced by (Adding small public approved the
suitable tool to the designer, whether spaces) growing in
control the intentionally or -strong centers. controlled way.
growing. unintentionally, (Connected the
eventually led to a clear important building s
methodology for future virtually and
design. practically.
After applying the elastic city indicators on Washington DC, the research concluded:
1-The combination between the radial and liner grid create connected axes and blocks, which
give the city an advantage to control the present and prepare for the future vision.2-The city of
Washington has many layers that’s provide new connections, new places and new spaces.3-
The city of Washington designed in 1791 as a new city, therefore it doesn’t have the aggressive
annexation strategy.4-The city of Washington supported the growing in a control way, through
the urban shapes and codes that were produced by the designer, which led to clear methodology
for future design.
4-4 Baghdad city.
The city of Baghdad is considered as smallest governorates in Iraq. But at the same time, it
is a commercial, economic and cultural center of Iraq.so it contains a high population
concentration. People displaced to Baghdad for having work and better life.
Baghdad is located within the most important urban node. This site is considered important
at the world level not only the local level, the node of Baghdad take a place to be social,
cultural, political important node. (Al-Ani, 2011, p.176)
1- The comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad by Polservice Company in
1973.Target 2000
The city of Baghdad was redesigned by Polservice Company in 1973, the basic plan laid
down in 1967 these plans have been formulated legally.
Many of the decisions of Polservice development plan have been adopted by the responsible
authorities, but on the other hand they neglected some of the decisions especially the
decisions that failed with the historical areas and the river bank, as well as the importance of
the historical buildings.
2-Integrated development plan for the city of Baghdad (Japanese company JCCF) Baghdad
target 2001.
The Japanese company prepared plans with other goals; some of decisions were taken into
consideration, especially those related to the river movement axes, where the axes were
shifted from vertical to the parallel to the river, but the JCCF plans were not implemented
due to the last integration and comprehensiveness.
This development plan came as a complement to the comprehensive development design for
Baghdad. The project focused on development the historical center of Baghdad.
Despite the many studies on the city of Baghdad, analyzing problems, diagnosing solutions
and working on how developed it , these studies didn’t receive implementation and
integration between the comprehensive development plan, the research considered f
Polservice 1973,as the only plan that has implemented many of its goals, and which is
considered the existence of the current state of the city of Baghdad. See figure (4-15)
consider these stages as a integration complete what the previous
generative process. between its work ended with.
Urban type Before paulservice urban Paulservice Baghdad grid considered as a
plan, Baghdad was an new addition poor connected grid.
organic fabric, was inserted
paulservice starting to without
add anew axis and new determining
blocks, but that’s new add The caradous
wasn’t connected to each and
other. Decamoanous
Pattern language The shape of the old Through many Pattern language indicators
fabric of Baghdad was stages since deepened on:
organic grid. 1973 the city 1-territoral land mark. Specify
began to move the relevant feature of the city
from semi boundary.
lattice to lattice 2-Basic geometry:
system. Recognize the geometrical and
3-urban unite:
The neighborhood feature will
constrain the next operation on
the urban development.
Define the common material on
the context
Evolution Evaluate Polservice create a This new division create a new
module the collect proposal to center.
information establish space - central business district.
. situated between -the new proposal provides a new
khulafa street to ring road started from the north side
the west,king 14th july road and the muhammed
Ghazi to the east qasim freeway.
,Al-Wathbah street
to the north.
Phase2 ontology The The method was Classify the urban feature to many
purpose creating a new elements:
was ring road and new -the boundary of the city.
moving the boundary for the -ring roads
city from city. -gates
the city of -CBD central business district
pressure -neighborhood.
center to
the city of
Generation module
Interpreter Polservice Polservice was the This regulation was the only way to
interpret only studies and the future rule parameter that can work
his purpose comprehensive with to generate new Baghdad.
by: plan that tried to
-create work with
specific regulation.
criteria and
to protect
the identity
of the old
interface The first The great To find the inappropriate solution, the
purpose of population in the proposal should find the integration
Polservice old quarter was and union of all parts which was
was find the bigger impossible with Baghdad.
the problems that the
integration context faced it.
the old and
new parts
Phase3 Pattern Pattern Specify the grid of Decoding the pattern entities to
language entities pattern, the streets, P(1)independent region , P(16) web of
Generation code module
main axis as
caradous and the
second axis as
The new blocks The result from the addition was
that Polservice add intermingled with the old fabric and
Adding was madenat Al- unfair.
block sader.
Shape In all the That prevented the The absence of the shape grammar
grammar level of generate process from all the comprehensive plans that
studies and lead to lack the integration between
analysis all the plans and prevent the future
that work generated process.
resort to
the shape
The research has concluded from the coding and encoding process for the city of Baghdad,
the following: 1-The research diagnosis part of the problem is, the comprehensive urban
plan has not attempted to complete the study that preceded it.2-After Polservice
redevelopment the liner type have been add to the organic grid which create a new
combination with less connections.3-The old city pattern of Baghdad represent the semi
lattice system and the new one transformed to the lattice system.4- Polservice divided the
city of Baghdad into inner Baghdad and greater Baghdad this subdivision help to create a
new business district.5-Poslservise is the only study that suggested a specific criteria and
regulation to protect the identity of the city of Baghdad.6-Polservice comprehensive plan
didn’t focus on the main axis and the secondary axes which represent the (Caradous and
Decomonous),therefore it didn’t have a discursive grammar that can generate a new urban
rules.7- From coding and encoding indicators of Baghdad the results showed there are a lack
of using the shape grammar generation on all the comprehensive plan of Baghdad and that’s
refer to the weaknesses point in all the comprehensive plans.
4-4-1-3 Apply Baghdad city to the Shape Grammar during and after the British
1-The research analyze the Baghdad urban plan through the Felix Jones period1954 , and
then applied the shape grammar analysis to these parts. See figure (4-14)
2- The shape grammar analysis that the research followed is by dividing these parts to the
smallest possible parts which is the buildings. See figure (4-14)
3-After the shape grammar analysis, the research specified the repeated shapes on the urban
morphology of the city. See figure (4-15)
4- The conclusion of this process is to find the codes of the urban plan before Polservice
redevelopment plan. See figure(4-15)
5-The result from these steps lead us to (the old city of Baghdad was organic composition
and it depend on the superposition principle. See figure (4-16).
5-Finally, the research will take the existing urban plan of Baghdad and applied the same
analysis step “shape grammar” for specify the most formula shape after Polservice
Figure (4-14) plan of Baghdad during the Flex Johns period1954 . (Author)
Figure (4-15) Plan of Baghdad by flex John’s period appear the organic pattern. (Author)
1 Rule one: Semi triangle
Rule two: Composite shape
Figure (4-16) the urban design code of the city of Baghdad during Flex Johns period 1954. (Author)
4-4-1-4 Apply Baghdad City to the Shape Grammar during and after Polservice
Master plan.
1-The research analyze the Baghdad urban plan through Polservice period 1973, and then
applied the shape grammar analysis to these parts. See figure (4-17)
2- The shape grammar analysis that the research followed is by dividing these parts to the
smallest possible parts which is the buildings. See figure (4-17)
3-After the shape grammar analysis, the research specified the repeated shapes on the urban
morphology of the city. See figure
4- The conclusion of this process is to find the codes of the urban plan through Polservice
redevelopment plan. See figure
5-The result from these steps lead to (the old city of Baghdad was organic composition and
it depend on the superposition principle but the new grid lines that have been added to the
city pattern make a huge transformation of the urban code of the city. See figure (4-17)5-
Finally, the research will take the existing urban plan of Baghdad and applied the same
analysis step “shape grammar” for specify the most formula shape after Polservice
redevelopment and tried to reduction the most repeated shapes to the initial shape for using
the cod on the future urban redevelopment.
The red grid line that has been add to the organic pattern
The new codes that have appeared from the new grid line Rule five: Random shape
Figure (4-17) Applying shape grammar analysis on the city of Baghdad, using Polservice
master plan. (Author)
4-4-1-5 The city of Baghdad code (existence plan analysis).
The research worked on the urban plan of Baghdad and analyze the existing urban fabric.
1-Stage one: specify the boundary of the city of Baghdad and the wall. See figure (4-16)
3-Divided the urban pattern into many parts, blocks and neighborhoods. See figure (4-18).
4-Select the small blocks areas and shade it with the gray color to see the deference between
them. See figure (4-18), Figure (4-19)
5- Focus on the new grid line of Baghdad which is near to the liner grid and recognize the
new shapes that the iterance of the grid creates it. See figure (4-18)
6- The research works on the small scale of Baghdad subdivisions (means the detailed plan)
see figure (4-18) to reach for the largest number of its codes, and the large scale (means the
boundary of the detailed blocks of the city) to reach for the main blocks of Baghdad
subdivisions. See figure (4-21)
7- The large scale will help to summarized and reduction the number of codes for the city
8-The large scale appears the separation between the city grid and the new shapes layer
behind the grid.
9-The Research will classify similar forms as groups, each group will incorporate similar
forms and reduce them to one shape. See figure (4-20)
10-The large-scale plan will give us, a large number of codes compared to the small-scale
11-The research concluded from the detailed plan of Baghdad city many shapes of code,
Rule one rectangle and square shape, rule two triangle shape, rule three commotional shape
and rule four random or organic shape.
12- The inertance of the linear grid. which make unorganized complexity system and a large
number of unorganized city code. See the urban rules in figure (4-20)
13-Recognize the most repeated shapes on the fabric and summarizes them. The research
concludes from the large-scale plan, that the grid iron entered the organic shapes of pattern
and produced many different shapes. The first urban fabric produced (semi-triangle shape
and rectangle shape). the second urban fabric produced (rectangle, Square and superimposed
shapes). The third urban fabric produced (rectangle, triangle and superimposed shape) the
fourth urban fabric produced (triangle shape). See figure (4-22).
Figure (4-18) detailed plan of the city of Baghdad appears the new subdivision. (Author)
Figure (4-19) area of the city of Baghdad in which repeated shapes of codes appear. (Author)
The reduction shape
of codes
Rule four: random shape
Figure (4-20) the urban code of Baghdad analysis from the detailed plan. (Author)
The analysis in figure (4-20) appeared the disorganized system and to many shapes of codes.
The research reduces the shapes to the four initial rules.
The wall
Figure (4-21) the analysis of the existing city of Baghdad code. (Author)
Rule one: semi-triangle shape and rectangle shape
4-4-1-6 Elastic city indicators.
Applying the elastic city indicators on the city of Baghdad to measure the extent to which
Baghdad has achieved the principles of the elastic city. See table (4-9)
Table (4-9) the elastic city indicators frame work of Baghdad city.(Author)
phase Knowledge Relation Practical Relation.
frame work framework
1-Adaptability The capacity The existing of The deferent The result gave us,
of urban Baghdad city has codes interrupted the impossible ability
model to adapt many deferent the connection to regenerate the
to the future shapes of the and bounded future of the city.
needs. urban fabric. between the
2-Elstic layers The old The new streets New small cities The result was a city
pattern of the that established in were added to the without specific
city of the period of old pattern like language in its
Baghdad was Doxiadis and the (Madenat al pattern.
organic, the polservies was the Sader) in the
new pattern main reason Kharkh part and
interrupted behind the effect negative on
many interruption. the old urban
connections. pattern.
3- Aggressive Baghdad has Many people In the practical The infrastructure
annexation very large displaced to way that’s lead to doesn’t prepare for
strategy population, Baghdad for the overpopulation in the population of
it’s the capital good and quality the city center current situation; the
and the center life. without any Aggressive
of the services. annexation doesn’t
economic, represent a good
politic and solution for Baghdad
social life in city problems.
Iraq. Instead of that
Baghdad should
expanded and create
a new center.
4-Growing in a Support the The unorganized Many studies and That’s lead to big
control way city with the and uncompleted urban Gap between the
suitable tool to between the old redevelopment urban fabrics of the
control the and new add into don’t take on the city.
growing. the pattern lead to consideration the
misunderstand of -level of scale
how to treat and (Adding small
repair the public spaces)
problems of the -strong centers.
city. (Connected the
building s
virtually and
The Research has Concluded from the Elastic City Indicators:
1- The variety of the shape of Baghdad urban pattern give the city different sorts of urban
code which prevent the process of generative code that needs specific initial shape to deal
with.2-The interaction between the old and new layer of Baghdad make the language
pattern of the city mostly disappeare.3-The immigration of the people to Baghdad city led
to increase the population ratio in the city center therefore the aggressive annexation was
not a good solution for the city redevelopment solutions.4-The unorganized complexity of
the city pattern prevents it from growing in a control way.
4-5 The Comparison between, Paris, Washington DC, and Baghdad code.
The comparison between the three cities (Paris, Washington and Baghdad) in theoretical
frame work (Coding process), Practical frame work (encoding process and elastic indicators
which represent the (Decoding Process) by 1- By comparing the results of each city's
theoretical and practical indicators.2-find the limit of each city to be elastic.3-comparing
between shape and number of the city’s code.
4-5-1 The Comparison between the Three Cities in term of the Theoretical
Framework Indicators.
The research will compare between the three case studies in theoretical framework which
represent (Generative code procedure, urban type and pattern language). See table (4-10)
Table (4-10) comparison between (Paris, Washington DC and Baghdad) using indicators
from the theoretical frame work. (Author)
theoretical Paris Washington Baghdad
Generative Paris urban design gave the Washington depended The old urban design
code city opportunity to lead the on the composition of Baghdad was
procedure design development procedure. between the radial grid organic grid and the
and grid Iron new one, nearest to the
grid iron.
Urban type Paris used the radial grid as a
The commotional grid Baghdad urban type
Generator. of Washington was lost its identity; there
very connected grid, is no obvious language
practically and of its new type.
Pattern Territorial land mark of Territorial land mark Territorial land mark
language Paris: of Washington DC: of Baghdad:
-The plazas. -The boundary of the -Define the wall of the
-The Boulevard and avenues. city. city of Baghdad.
-Seen river. -The monuments. -specify the city to two
Basic geometry: -Potomac and parts (Khark and
Basic geometry of Paris Anacosta river. Resafa)
preforms while the new Basic geometry: -The Tigris River.
Basic geometry:
addition of radial grid was The basic geometry of The old basic
added by Hussmann to the city. the city of Washington geometry was an
Materiality: preforms from the organic building; after
The white surfaces were the combination between the comprehensive
common material in Paris. the radial and Grid plans the existing plan
iron. represent a
Materiality: combination between
The plain white the organic buildings
surfaces was the in the historical part of
dominate material on Resafa and the new
urban design of geometric buildings
Washington DC. after the new addition.
The research concludes, from comparation between the three case studies in theoretical
frame work, that the opportunity of the city to have a generative procedure increases when
the city has good connection grid. The obvious urban type provides the city with an
obvious pattern language and the pattern language will provide the urban developers with a
specific classification of city’s elements.
4-5-2 The Comparison Between the Three Cities in the Practical Framework
The research will compare between the three case studies in Practical framework which
represent (generative urban design, generation module, and generation code module). See
table (4-11)
regulation and add B-cross the first circle to the east ,Al-Wathbah street
new one. with another one, the to the north.
second circle was a mile
east of the capital.
Ontology Transform the city The purpose was moving The purpose was move the
from the old and the city from the city of city from the city of pressure
neglect structure government to the city of center to the city of multiple
to the city of people. ( L’Enfan didn’t centers.
gates. mention this in obvious
state, it’s a philosophical
interpreter Interpreter by L’Enfant interpret his Polservice interpret his
adding the radial proposal by: purpose by:
grid to the organic -dividing new axes and -create specific criteria and
pattern. new block. regulation to protect the
-overlap the radial grid identity of the old of
with the iron grid. Baghdad.
interface The interface The first purpose of The first purpose of
improve that the L’Enfant design was: Polservice was find the
city of Paris -Design a city for people integration between the old
became as a and the final result and new parts of Baghdad.
socially connected achieve its goal.(
city, in spite of the L’Enfant didn’t mention
military purpose. this in obvious state, it’s a
philosophical opinion).
Pattern Decoding the Decoding the pattern Decoding the pattern entities
language pattern entities to entities to to P(1)independent region ,
P(1)independent P(1)independent region, P(16) web of public
region, P(54) P(15) Neighborhood transportation
roads crossing, boundary, P(52) network P(49) looped local roads
P(15) of paths and cars,etc. P(52) network of paths and
Neighborhoods cars P(54) roads crossing
boundary…etc. …etc
UIP Adding axis: Adding axis: Adding axis:
North-south L’Enfant add new axes Polservice comprehensive
Generative code module
Through the comparison of Paris, Washington and Baghdad in practical indicators, the
results showed: 1-Each designer of the three city used the formulation module to determine
the boundaries and the most repeated important characters such as the river, monuments and
historical buildings ,etc.2-Each city Paris, Washington and Baghdad, examine the validation
through the evaluation module to change the old regulation to new adaptable rules.3-After
applying the generation module indicators on the three cities, the results showed that Paris
used the radial grid as a generator tool, also Washington merge the radial grid with the liner
grid as a generator tool, but Baghdad did not find the good integration between the old and
new grid that was added by Polservice.4-Paris city depended on adding anew axis and new
block as new tool to generate new design methods, also Washington city depended on adding
the Caradous and Decomonous to reach for its goals, but Baghdad didn’t have an obvious
axes and the new blocks came from the geometrical grid which is different from the old
fabric of baghdad.5-As a result, after applying the shape grammar on the three city’s pattern
,the results showed that’s Paris have four main rules also Washington city classified four
main rules and Baghdad city gave a multiple shapes integrated together without reach for
the soft transition.
4-5-3 The Comparison between the Three Cities (Paris, Washington DC,
Baghdad) in Elastic city indicator.
The research will focus on the most important elastic indicators and compare the elastic
principles between the three cities which represent (adaptability, Elastic layers, Aggressive
annexation and growth in a control way). See table (4-12)
Table (4-12) comparison between (Paris, Washington DC and Baghdad) in term of elastic
city indicators. (Author)
Paris Washington DC Baghdad
Adaptability The design of the city The research The deferent codes of the city of
of Paris gave us considered Baghdad interrupted the
A-the boulevard. Washington DC as connection and bounded
B-the avenues. adaptable city, between the blocks, which
Which gave the city its depended on the high prevent its ability to be adapted
ability to be connection between all for the future needs.
predictable for the the parts of the city
Elastic Paris old layer was The city of The old pattern of the city of
layers organic and the new Washington provide: Baghdad was organic, the new
one is radial grid. This -new layers addition pattern interrupted
combination between -connections many connections of all its part,
the old pattern and the -new places and new the research considered Baghdad
new gave Paris a high spaces. city DO NOT have the elastic
connection between all -city value layers.
its parts, and lead the -large, medium and
city towards the elastic small scale. The
layer. research considered
Washington DC as
Elastic layers.
Aggressive In Hussmann Washington DC is the The high population density in
annexation. redevelopment plan, capital of united states Baghdad imposed on it, its
the target was how to which represents big inability to annex.
merge between the city and independent.
organic and the radial That independence
grid without affecting makes the city far
the old city. Paris from the annexation
didn’t use the strategy.
aggressive annexation
Growth in a -Paris city approved Urban shapes and The unorganized and
control way. the growing in codes that were uncompleted between the old
controlled way. produced by the and new add into the pattern
Where the new Paris designer, whether lead to misunderstand of how to
with heights and new intentionally or treat and repair the problems of
types outside of the unintentionally, the city. And how to control on
old Paris. eventually led to its growth.
support the growing in
a control way.
From the comparison between the three cities (Paris, Washington DC, Baghdad) in Elastic
city indicator, the research concludes: 1- The city of Paris and Washington DC have apparent
and hidden connection grid which provide the city with a new method to be adaptable, while
the difference and dissociations of Baghdad old and new grid prevent the adaptable ability
of the city.2-The three city’s pattern have many layers, but it’s different in the way of linking
,Paris connections layer provide an organized complexity, while Washington growing
towards the organized complexity, and Baghdad city have many different layers arrange in
unorganized complexty.3-The three case study didn’t use the aggressive annexation in urban
redevelopment plan. 4-Paris city grid and the organized complexity in its system support
growing in a control way, Washington DC achieve growing in control way through the high
connection system, while Baghdad city didn’t achieve the goal of growing in a controlled
way because of the unorganized and separation between the new and old add.
2-5-4 The comparison between the three-case study (Paris, Washington DC,
Baghdad) in shape grammar and the code analysis.
The research will compare between the three-case studies in (urban fabric, the application of
shape grammar and the result of the urban design parameter rules which represent the urban
code. See table (4-13)
Table (4-13) the comparison between Paris, Washington and Baghdad in term of shape
grammar and urban code. (Author)
Rules Rule one: semi-triangle
Rule one: Triangle Rule one: triangle shape and rectangle
shape shape
Rule two: Trapezoid Rule two: the Rhombus Rule two: rectangle,
shape Square and
superimposed shapes
Rule four: square Rule four: square and Rule four: triangle
shape rectangle code shape
4-6 Summary of Chapter Four
The research used the same tools to compare the three-case study, the shape grammar
application appeared different rules for each city, these rules organize under a clear
framework to reach for initial shape and easy to use it for the future redevelopment.
The research concludes from the comparison between the three-case study (Paris,
Washington DC, Baghdad) in shape grammar and the code analysis the followings:
1-Paris city code rules are (triangle shape, trapezoid shape, semi-triangle shape and square
2-Washington DC code rules divided to (triangle, rhombus, small triangle and square-
rectangle shape).
3-Baghdad code codes are: (rectangle and square shape, triangle shape, compositional shape
and random shape).
Through comparative analysis of the three cities, research reaches several points:
5-Each one of (Paris, Washington DC and Baghdad) has a different pattern language, so
there must be a clear generating language to deal with each one.
6-- Although Hussmann’s experience of designing Paris has been successful and moving
Paris from an old city to a strong design and functional city, but it needs urban-generative
code to maintain its adaptability and growth.
7- Washington is characterized by its highly geometrical pattern and urban system, but it is
considered as a new city that needs the generative language to preserve its urban code.
8-The most important shape of Baghdad’s pattern is the irregular and non-geometry shape
which is the reason of losing the city its urban system, also the variety of the shape codes
led to many dissections of the city pattern.
Chapter Five: Conclusions and Recommendations
5-1 General:
The conclusions have been divided into two main categories: Part one, the theoretical frame
work conclusions and practical framework conclusion, where the research examine the
theoretical and practical indicators on the three cities (Paris, Washington, Baghdad) and
applied the research hypothesis which states:
The new elastic city has the ability to conserve the original pattern and adapt the
transformation of the city.
To reach for the research aim: Decoding the city urban code and studying the
characteristic of the elastic city which has the ability and flexibility to absorb the new
transformation and changes and conserve the city urban code.
5-2 Conclusions.
The conclusions and recommendations that have been extracted from the research will be
pointed into theoretical conclusion, practical conclusions and case study conclusions.
solution. The research has suggested that the elastic city as a new strategy to conserve
the urban code from the morphological changes that occurred on the urban pattern.
• The idea behind using the urban code emerge from the urgent need to solve the urban
dissociation which caused by variables that took place on urban morphology of the
• The most important part of the variables that affected the urban morphology is the
scientific theories
• Urban design code is defined as a main tool that guild the urban development and
control the changes and effects in urban pattern.
• The urban code represents the language that can be read by urban developers by
coding and encoding the urban pattern, and it is possible through this process to save
the information and transform it safely to the next generation of urban design
• Urban design system: is necessary to create an urban design with high
standardization that helps people to live in liveable and vibrant cities.
• Urban pattern: it is the method that can specify and uniquify the characters of the city
which can organize a city from another, by it is pattern. Pattern helps the urban design
to find a solution to the people needs, by assembling urban types in different shapes
and directions. The shape of these collections is: (street, buildings, and the interaction
between buildings and nature). All these characters specify the morphology
uniqueness of the city.
• Urban pattern is the method that indicates the city’s character, which can distinguish
between cities, and helps the urban design to find a solution to the people needs, by
assembling urban types in different shapes and directions. The shape of these
collections is: (street, buildings, and the interaction between buildings and nature).
The urban pattern has the ability to preserve these uniqueness characters, preserving
the urban code and transformed it to the next generation of urban developers. Finally,
the urban pattern is the component which contains the urban city code.
• The mathematical theory depends on three main principles 1- nodes 2- connection 3-
• The most important properties that is related to the urban code in a strong
relationship, the properties are: (level of scale, strong centres and the boundaries)
• According to the mathematical principles, the research summarized two main city
codes classification (simple city code for example Roma city and complex city code
for instance Paris city)
• Mathematical theory encourages the connection and accessibility in urban grid, urban
pattern and urban code.
• The advantage of using grid design is to provide the city with (regulation,
consistency, predictability, navigation and accessibility).
• The classic benefits and characteristic that can be offered by strict grid are (legibility,
flexibility, economic vitality and sociability)
• There are three stages of development of complexity (simplicity, organized
complexity and disorganized complexity).
• Simplicity contains of two factors, which are directly related to each other, that leads
to conclude that any factor get damage the other factor will damage too.
• Disorganized complexity is unpredictable It has many factors connected together but,
in disorganized way lead to ambiguity and unpredictability.
• Organized complexity is highly recommended to work with the urban code because,
through the organized complexity it is possible to take the control on the variables
that’s effect on the urban code and in the second step will receive feedback and
finally can have an adaption pattern.
• The differential topology deals with the shape of boundaries of the city. It works with
organized complexity by adding new centers, the combination between the
differential topology and the organized complexity can preserve the city from the
expanded or shrink without organized system and it led to preserve the code from the
• The cybernetic theory, it represents a complete network connected with sensors, the
cybernetic help to provide the urban developers with more information and make it
available for the users, the cybernetic make the time value become more important
and the space becomes less important.
• The generative code module consists of many parts working together (the pattern
language, the urban induction pattern, and the shape grammar)
• Urban design has four levels of entities of urban pattern and connected together.
• According to Christopher Alexander classification of pattern language, the
researcher determines four important entities of urban design pattern, which is
(Territorial landmarks, Basic geometry, urban units, Materiality)
• Each pattern is connected to certain "larger" patterns which come above it in the
language; and to certain "smaller" patterns which come below it in the language. The
pat- tern helps to complete those larger patterns which are "above" it, and is itself
completed by those smaller patterns which are "below" it. Every item of the city is
connected the small one and bigger one.
• No pattern is an isolated entity. Each pattern can exist in the world, only to the extent
that is supported by other patterns of the same size that surround it, and the smaller
pattern which are embedded in it
• Each city pattern has its own code which provides the city with adaptable ability.
• The use of patterns has been shown to help in the definition of meaningful grammars
and adequate development visions
• The Urban induction pattern works parallel with the generative urban design which
consist of (Formulation module, evaluation module and generation module)
• The urban induction pattern finds its rules in the pattern language. It consists of
programming grammar and designing grammar.
• The UIP represent the theoretical concept that support the generative urban design.
• The UIP theory has worked directly with the three main generative modules in urban
design (formulation module, evaluation module and generation module), by the
description grammar take all the data base from the formulation module. By direct
input from the designer and additionally by data input on regulations and quality
standards stored in a data base.
• The research collects the pursuit rules and use it in the generative process by the
(ontology, an interpreter and an interface).
• The generative module used the UIP to generate new solution for the problems to
solve it, the (UIP and shape grammar) used for encode the urban design procedures
and moves.
• The shape grammar describes the architectural forms and relegations through a
group of forms, and its spatial relationship and by means of a set of grammar that
describe these products in a form of strength. These are the forces to generate new
• The shape grammar has a special character instead of textual or symbolic, its deals
with elements that are consist of points, lines, surfaces, shapes, volumes.
• shape grammar has its rules that use addition, subtraction, and spatial transformations
to translate, rotate and reflect.
• Generative code rules and shape grammar application provide the practical procedure
1- The important city component from the procedure of generative code process.
2-The main shape of the cortex from: the urban type and Alexander specification of
the city (lattice and semi lattice)
3- After specifying the important component of the city and the urban type, the
research move on towards the data and information that can be used in the practical
4- Preparing all the necessary information from the following:
A-Generative urban design will provide us with the analytical tools.
B-The generative module, will provide us with the main practical tools to obtain the
rules parameter.
The elastic city should have the ability to control the changes and effects whether its
scientific or technology effects.
• The elastic city should be able to control the population density of the city and
preserve the superimposed layers.
• The elastic city should have the ability to annexations, having vacant land, having
high density and strong economy.
• The main aim of the elastic city principles is how to employ these characters for
serving the research aim of decoding the city urban code, the principles of the elastic
city have the ability and flexibility to absorb the new transformation and changes and
conserve the urban code through these changes.
• One of the most important problems that faced the urban design of many cities is:
losing the ability to adapt undergo all the effects and changes. The elastic city focused
on making a new rule of the cities that depend on how satisfying the new urgent
needs (how satisfying human needs, the future needs and the adaptability needs
• Paris city have an obvious generation code process, where Hussmann specify the
important component of the city which represent a- “isle de la cite” b-the
underground museum “Crypte archeologique du parvis notre dame” etc…
• Paris city using the radial grid as a generator.
• The pattern language of the city of Paris was very connected and obvious where
Hussmann design the city as a complex semi lattice to increase the linkage and
bonding between the streets and blocks of the city.
• Paris has achieved the generative urban design where Hussmann passed all the stages
of formulation, evaluation and generation module through its new design.
• The old city pattern of Paris was organic and the new one is the radial.The organic
with the radial grid produce very connected language.
• Through applying the shape grammar rules on the old fabric of Paris, before
Hussmann redevelopment, the research concluded four main urban rules which
produced from the initial shapes.
• Paris city have the (adaptability, elastic layer and growing in a control way.)
• Through applying the shape grammar on the city of Paris, the research determines
Paris city code rules to (triangle shape, trapezoid shape, semi-triangle shape and
square shape).
• Washington DC have an apparent and hidden urban system where L’Enfant specify:
1- The capital building (the house of people as a starting point).
2- Take the sacred geometry as a main method to work on the city redevelopment.
3-Specify the main important monuments and start working on the linking between
• The urban type of Washington DC grid represents high connected grid.
• The pattern language of Washington DC was a high connection grid, it’s a
combination between the iron and radial grid.
• The Radial grid penetrated the iron grid from all directions; therefore, it became the
most dominant on the city.
• Washington DC has achieved the generative urban design where L’Enfant passed all
the stages of (formulation, valuation and generation process).
• Through applying the shape grammar on the city pattern of Washington DC, its
seems that the city can divided into many parts and it can easily be noticed that there
are shapes of star appear in Lincoln SQ circle. And there is the white house star-
pentagon complex and missing links.
• The encoding process of Washington Dc showed four main urban codes rules, where
divided to (triangle, rhombus, small triangle and square-rectangle shape).
• Washington Dc have the adaptability, elastic layers and growing in a control way
• Baghdad doesn’t have an obvious generative process, where the urban design of
Baghdad lacking the integration between its parts.
• Baghdad grid is unorganized complex grid, where the design grid was organic before
Poulservice redevelopment, but the iron grid that have been add by Paulservice led
to interrupt the old bonded and create loses spaces.
• Baghdad pattern language was organic pattern which represent semi-lattice after the
1973 the city began to move from the semi-lattice to the lattice system.
• Baghdad pattern doesn’t achieve the generative urban design according to many
reasons:1-Polservice create a proposal to establish space situated between khulafa
street to the west, king Ghazi to the east, Al-Wathbah street to the north. 2- This new
division create a new center. - central business district. -the new proposal
provides a new ring road started from the north side 14th july road and the
Muhammed Qassim freeway. 3-These new street and spaces create interruptions in
many parts of the city.
• The city of Baghdad does not have an integrated proposal that contains
comprehensive plan and takes the advantage from all the previous comprehensive
plans to solve the most repeated problems of the city.
• Polservice proposal didn’t specify main axis of the caradous and Decomonus.
• Baghdad doesn’t have a discursive grammar that generate new parameter rules.
• From the application of the shape grammar on the city of Baghdad the application
appeared four main rules. Some of these rules represent an initial shape like (triangle,
square, and rectangle) and the other shape near to random shape.
• The research determines Baghdad city code as: (rectangle and square shape, triangle
shape, compositional shape and random shape).
• After finding the initial shape the urban developers should recognize the organic
shapes and work with principles of complementarity forms.
• The most important shape of Baghdad’s pattern is the irregular and non-geometry
shape which is the reason of losing the city its urban system, also the variety of the
shape codes led to many dissections of the city pattern.
• The research extracts many points from the comparison between the three cities of (Paris,
Washington DC and Baghdad) in Coding, Encoding and Decoding process:
1-The generative procedure is essential to have connection grid, where the urban type
provides the city with an obvious pattern language and the pattern language will provide the
urban developers with a specific classification of city’s elements.2- Each one of (Paris,
Washington DC and Baghdad) has a different pattern language, so there must be a clear
generating language to deal with each situation.
3-Through applying the generation module indicators on the three cities, the research
concludes that Paris used the radial grid as a generator tool, also Washington merge the radial
grid with the liner grid as a generator tool, but Baghdad was not find the good integration
between the old and new grid that add by Polservice4- The city of Paris and Washington DC
have apparent and hidden connection grid which provide the city with a new design method
to be adaptable, while the difference and dissociations of Baghdad old and new grid prevent
the adaptable ability of the city.5- Paris is organized as an organized complexity, while
Washington is growing towards the organized complexity, and Baghdad city has many
different layers arranged in unorganized complexity.6- The application of shape grammar
on the three city’s pattern showed that Paris has four main rules also Washington city has
four main rules and Baghdad city has multiple shapes integrated together without reach for
the soft transition.
5-2-4 Recommendations
• Concern of urban code of the city, and clarify the importance of preserving the city
• Commitment to the generative process for the new urban design of the city and take
on the consideration the (coding, encoding, decoding) process.
• Highlight the strategy of elastic city which was able to make the urban design more
flexible and adapted.
• Provide the urban developers with the suitable data and information to take it on the
• Concentrate on the (UIP and Shape grammar) to change the way of thinking of the
generative urban design and provide the researchers with enough information about
the generative urban module.
• Analysis the urban city patterns to achieve a clear frame work of urban codes and
use them in the future comprehensive plans.
• The necessity to study the (urban pattern, urban type and Christopher Alexander
classification for the city) Before any decision was taken to add new pattern to the
future redevelopment plan.
• Focus on (Generative procedure, Generative language and Generative urban design)
to preserve the urban code of the city.
• Take under consideration the progress in the cybernetic space, in the age of big data
and information.
-Provide the urban developers with more information about the method of preserving the
urban code.
-Provide the urban developers with insightful information about the elastic city with provide
the growing of the city in a control ways and methods.
-Follow up the new scientific theories that could affects the urban code and the boundary of
the city, studied the new and old aspects that could change the city pattern.
-Provide the urban design and urban planning with new methods and tools to support the age
of big data, the changing of the urban design requirements and the new spaces concepts such
as the Cybernetic space.
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تتميز المدن بأنظمتها المعقدة حيث تتألف من عناصر مادية ( عناصر معمارية ،عناصر التخطيط
الحضري وغيرها) ،كذالك تتألف من عناصر غير مادية (اجتماعية ،ثقافية،وما الى ذالك) تخضع هذه
العناصر الى العديد من المتغيرات التي تحدث بسبب عوامل عديدة مثل التعقيدات التي تحدث لالنساق
الحضرية وكذالك تطور النظريات العلمية التي تؤثر بصورة مباشرة وغير مباشرة على المدينة,تمتلك كل
مدينة شفرة حضرية ( )Urban codeوالتي تعطيها هوية وخصوصية مختلفة عن باقي المدن ,وبما
ان دورة الحياة مستمرة والمدينة تنشأ وتنمو وتضمحل فبالتالي مشاريع تكون التطوير والتجديد الحضري
ضرورية ألدامة حياة المدينة.
أن من اهم القضايا التي تواجهها المدن هي التغييرات والمؤثرات (والتي تمثل النظريات العلمية والتطورات
التكنلوجية) ومن ابرز النظريات التي اثرت على الشفرة الحضرية للمدينة هي ( النظرية الرياضية ،نظرية
التعقيد ،التفاضل الطوبولوجي ،والنظرية السايبرية او مايسمى بالعلم السايبري لتطور الفضاء),هذة
النظريات لها تأثير حاسم وكبير على مورفولوجية المدينة ادت الى العديد من التطورات والتغييرات ,منها
ظهور مشاريع تطوير متعددة وغريبة عن هوية المدينة وبالتالي ضربت الخارطة الجينية للمدينة والتي
افقدتها الشفرة الحضرية.يمكن تشخيص المشكلة البحثية التالية :فقدت المدينة قدرتها على التكييف
والحفاظ على الشفرة الجينية بسبب التغييرات والتحوالت التي طرأت على النظام الحضري .لذالك سوف
يناقش البحث الرمز الحضري التوليدي ( )Generative Codeوقدرتة على توفير عملية توليدية
) )Generative Processأليجاد حل لمشكلة فقدان المدينة قابليتها على التكييف والتأقلم ،يقترح
البحث منهجية تعتمد على الرمز التوليدي( )Generative Codeوالمدينة المطاطية ()Elastic city
للحفاظ على الشفرة الحضرية للمدينة .حيث يفترض بأن المدينة المرنة لها القدرة على الحفاظ على
النسق الحضري والسيطرة على تحوالت المدينة من خالل العملية التوليدية( Generative
)Processوالتصميم الحضري المولد( )Generative Urban Designوالذي يمتلك لغة خاصة
بالتعامل مع الشفرة الحضرية( )Urban Codeوذالك لزيادة قدرة المدينة على التأقلم والتكييف .لذا
سيناقش البحث الشفرة الحضرية للمدينة وامكانية تشفيرها وفك تشفيرها من اجل وضع حلول وخارطة
عمل لعمليات التطوير المتالحقة .يهدف البحث الى دراسة خصائص المدينة المرنة ،التي لديها القدرة
والمرونة الالزمة الستيعاب التغييرات والتحوالت الجديدة والحفاظ على الرمز الحضري
للمدينة()Generative Code
استنتج البحث مجموعة من المؤشرات النظرية والعملية وطبقها على ثالث مدن(باريس ،واشنطن
العاصمة ،بغداد) وتوصل من خالل تطبيق هذة المؤشرات لمايأتي:ضرورة المحافظة على الشفرة
الحضرية للمدينة من خالل المحافظة على المعلومات والبيانات التي لها عالقة باالنساق الحضرية
( (Urban Patternونقلها الى المصممين الحضريين ألستخدامها في المشاريع المستقبلية لتطوير
المدن .استبدال طرق التصميم الحضرية التقليدية بطرق تصميم جديدة ( Generative Urban
)Designوالتي سوف تزودنا بأدوات جديدة تستخدم في ( التشفير وفك التشفير للمدينة)وكذالك التركيز
على المدينة المرنة ( )Elastic Cityواعتبارها نهجآ جديدآ للسيطرة على نمو المدينة وتحوالتها وتحقيق
االنتقالة الناعمة بين جميع اجزاء المدينة.
وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي
جامـعـة النهــريـن/كليـة الـهـنـدسـة
من قبل
شمس قيس عبداللة البدري
(بكالوريوس هندسة عمارة )٢٠١٧
١٤٤٣ شعبان