Blades Flame Without Shadow Revised Playbooks

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Flame without Shadow

Character creation is mostly the same as standard Blades, with a few changes.

Starting Coin & Stash

�Bluecoats start with 1 Coin and 10 stash.They can maintain a moderate lifestyle:
When their stash is less than 10, they earn 1 stash at the end of downtime until it
reaches 10.
�Inspectors start with 2 Coin and 20 stash.They can maintain a good lifestyle: When
their stash is less than 20, they earn 1 stash at the end of downtime until it reaches
�Initiates start with 4 Coin and 30 stash. They can maintain a luxurious lifestyle:
When their stash isn't full, they earn 2 stash at the end of downtime until it reaches
30. Whenever an Initiate pulls money from their stash to use as Coin on the job, tick
an 8-clock called "Secret Identity Discovered."

Inspectors and Initiates are Nobles, and may select an additional Background as

Flame Without Shadow uses differentactions than standard Blades. Insight and
Prowess have the same skills as standard Blades, while Resolve has 3 new skills to
replace Command, Consort, and Sway.
�Patrol: Walking a beat,noticing what'sout of place,sittinga stakeout,relating with the
locals, shaking down informantsfor the"word on the street". Elicit an emotion in a
subject to produce a response—admission or guilt, trusting sincerity, angry
outburst, etc. This is the social skill of interacting with civilians in your capacity as an agent of
the law, as well as the skill of public traversal.
�Coordinate: Communicate with law enforcement, use administrative tools to
marshal the resources of your office or cut through red-tape—fast-track a warrant,
pull an extra detachment of Bluecoats for a patrol, secure resources or action from
higher Tier offices, command subordinates. This is the social skill of interacting with
members of your governmental organisation (peers, subordinates, and superiors).
�Deceive: Pass yourself off as a civilian or scoundrel, work undercover. Lie,
confuse, cheat, or steal. This is the social skill of interacting with civilians under pretense of
being a civilian yourself, as well as other forms of bluff.

STASH ���������
An COIN ���������
of the ���������
precinct law ���������
name a l ia s � Natural Born Police: You may expend your special armor to resist a
consequence from skulduggery (being given the slip, getting ambushed, INSIGHT
being lied to, etc.) or to push yourself in the line of duty. � ��� HUNT
� Bulldog: When you brandish your authority, it's especially intimidating. � ��� STUDY
When you command(Patrol) a subject under threat of the law, take +1d. � ��� SURVEY
� ��� TINKER
h e r it a g e : l o c a l d i s t r i c t — o t h e r d i s t r i c t ba c kg r o und : b l u e c o a t — l a b o r — m i l i t a r y � Come Along Quietly: You can push yourself to do one of the following:
—outsider sailor—trade—underworld make a violent or unreasonable person listen to you for a moment—cause a PROWESS
mob to hesitate and move aside for a few moments. � ��� FINESSE
� Desk Jockey: When you gather info in the official records, you get +1d � ��� PROWL
v ic e / pur v eyor : f a i t h — g a m b l i n g — l u x u r y — o b l i g a t i o n — p l e a s u r e — s t u p o r — w e i r d to your rolls. When you Patrol, File, or Decieve using Bluecoat � ��� SKIRMISH
documents, you get +1 effect. � ��� WRECK
stress trauma cold—haunted—obsessed—paranoid
� The Shield: When you protect citizens or a fellow officer of the law, take RESOLVE
+1d on your resistance roll, and take -1 stress from the roll. When you � ��� AT TUNE
harm healing gather info to anticipate possible threats in the current situation, you get � ��� PATROL
need project clock � ��� COORDINATE
3 h el p +1 effect.
armor uses � ��� DECIEVE
� Interceptor: When you pursue a subject, choose one of the following;
2 -1d
armor they choose another: the chase is in the open, for all to see—there's a risk of
harm to you both—you're both isolated from your allies. When you catch a
bonus die
l ess h e av y
1 ef f ec t subject, clear 2 stress. PUSH YOURSELF (take
special + 2 stress) -or - accept a
notes � Moonlighting: During downtime, choose one downtime activity (long- DEVIL’S BARGAIN.

term project, reduce heat, or train) and gain 1 coin when you do it.
STREET CONTACTS ITEMS LOAD � 3 light � 5 normal � 6 heavy
� � Rhona, a cutter � Truncheon � A Blade or Two
� � Trippet, a workhouse boss � Fine 2-shot Pistol � Throwing Knives
� � Polk, a laborer ��� Battering ram � A Pistol � A 2nd Pistol
� Manacles and chain ��� A Large Weapon
� � Hopper, a whisper
� An Unusual Weapon
� � Cortland, a gang leader � Bluecoat badge & whistle
��� Armor �����+Heavy
� � One-Eye, a drug dealer � Spiritbane charm
� Burglary Gear
XP ��� Climbing Gear
� Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute. � Arcane Implements
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or � Documents
an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times. � Subterfuge Supplies
� You addressed a challenge by laying down the law or doing what’s right. ��� Demolition Tools
� You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background. � Tinkering Tools
� You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session. � Lantern
teamwork operations & load gatherinformation
Choose a plan, provide the detail. Choose your � What do they intend to do?
Assist a teammate load limit for the operation. � How can I get them to [X]?
Lead a group action Capture: Subject location Raid: Point of attack � How can I make them sweat?
� Where are they vulnerable?
Protect a teammate Legword: Connection Stakeout: Watch � Where has [X] been?
point � How can I find [X]?
Set up a teammate Patrol: Route Undercover: � What's really going on here?
STASH ���������
An imperial COIN ���������
investigator ���������
precinct ���������
name a l ia s � Bookworm: You can push yourself to do one of the following: discover
specific desired information when doing research – use knowledge of the law INSIGHT
to level criminal charges. � ��� HUNT
� ��� STUDY
� Cloak and Dagger: When you use a disguise or other form of covert
� ��� SURVEY
misdirection, you get +1d to rolls to confuse or deflect suspicion. When � ��� TINKER
h e r it a g e : b r i g h t h a r b o r — i m p e r i a l c i t y Ba c kg r o und , N o b i l i t y & : a c a d e m i c — l a w you throw off your disguise, the resulting surprise gives you the initiative
—mistport—sevrin—tyrmoor—u’duasha —military—trade—underworld PROWESS
in the situation.
� Forensics: When you gather info at the scene of a crime, you get +1d to � ��� PROWL
v ic e / pur v eyor : f a i t h — g a m b l i n g — l u x u r y — o b l i g a t i o n — p l e a s u r e — s t u p o r — w e i r d your rolls and you collect useful evidence. You may ask "What can be � ��� SKIRMISH
proven using this evidence?" and "What's the best lead to pursue now?" � ��� WRECK
stress trauma cold—haunted—obsessed—paranoid
� Foresight: Two times per score you can assist a teammate without paying RESOLVE
stress. Tell us how you prepared for this. � ��� AT TUNE
harm healing � ��� PATROL
need project clock � A Good Person to Know: When you would take -1 status with a faction, � ��� COORDINATE
3 h el p you may instead take stress equal to its Tier+1, to smooth it over.
armor uses � ��� DECIEVE
2 -1d
armor � Lead Investigator: When you lead a group action to advance the
mandate, you may count multiple 6s from different rolls as a critical. bonus die
l ess h e av y
1 ef f ec t PUSH YOURSELF (take
special � Sanctioned: You may expend your special armor to resist a + 2 stress) -or - accept a
notes consequence from status or institutional barriers (access to people, DEVIL’S BARGAIN.

places, or things) or to push yourself in the line of duty.

AFFILIATES ITEMS LOAD � 3 light � 5 normal � 6 heavy
� � The Lord Governor � Truncheon � A Blade or Two
� � The Master Warden � Fine disguise kit � Throwing Knives
��� Investigator’s kit � A Pistol � A 2nd Pistol
� � The Commander of the Watch
� Inspector’s badge ��� A Large Weapon
� � The Chief Magistrate � An Unusual Weapon
� Vial of identification oil
� � The Ambassador of your ��� Armor �����+Heavy
� Spiritbane charm
home consulate � Burglary Gear
XP ��� Climbing Gear
� Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute. � Arcane Implements
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or � Documents
an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times. � Subterfuge Supplies
� You addressed a challenge by laying down the law or doing what’s right. ��� Demolition Tools
� You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background. � Tinkering Tools
� You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session. � Lantern
teamwork operations & load gatherinformation
Choose a plan, provide the detail. Choose your � What do they intend to do?
Assist a teammate load limit for the operation. � How can I get them to [X]?
Lead a group action Capture: Subject location Raid: Point of attack � How can I make them sweat?
� Where are they vulnerable?
Protect a teammate Legword: Connection Stakeout: Watch � Where has [X] been?
point � How can I find [X]?
Set up a teammate Patrol: Route Undercover: � What's really going on here?
STASH ���������
A spirit COIN ���������
warden in ���������
training ���������
Wa r d e n d e s i g n at i o n


name a l ia s � Apotropaic Hand: While wearing your spirit mask, you can use your
special armor to resist a consequence from malevolent ghosts, spirits or INSIGHT
the ghostfield for your entire crew, or to push yourself while dealing with � ��� HUNT
look ghosts. � ��� STUDY
� Exalted Carillon: While the bells of the crematorium ring out for a death � ��� SURVEY
near you and/or Deathseeker Crows fly nearby, you get +1d to any rolls � ��� TINKER
h e r it a g e : a k o r o s — t h e d a g g e r i s l e s Ba c kg r o und , N o b i l i t y & : a c a d e m i c — to contend with spirits (including resistance rolls).
iruvia—severos—skovlan—tycheros church—law—military—underworld PROWESS
� Plasmatic Apparatus: When accoutred with the implements of your � ��� FINESSE
office, you can push yourself to do one of the following: warp the ghost � ��� PROWL
v ic e / pur v eyor : f a i t h — g a m b l i n g — l u x u r y — o b l i g a t i o n — p l e a s u r e — s t u p o r — w e i r d
field in the local area to trap spirits within and repel spirits without— � ��� SKIRMISH
summon or dismiss Deathseeker Crows � ��� WRECK
stress trauma cold—haunted—obsessed—paranoid � Clad in Righteousness: While wearing your spirit mask, you gain RESOLVE
reckless—soft—unstable—vicious Warded from the Whisper playbook and Ghost Fighter from the Cutter
� ��� AT TUNE
harm healing � ��� PATROL
need project clock � The Third Cataract: While wearing your spirit mask, you're immune to � ��� COORDINATE
3 h el p supernatural terror. You gain Compel and Ghost Mind from the Whisper � ��� DECIEVE
armor uses playbook.
2 -1d
� Ghost Echo: While unmasked, you may push yourself to remain bonus die
l ess h e av y anonymous and to use abilities that normally require your mask. While
1 ef f ec t PUSH YOURSELF (take
special unmasked, you may expend your special armor to resist consequences + 2 stress) -or - accept a
from pursuit or discovery or to push yourself when remaining
inconspicuous or unnoticed.
� Compel: While wearing your spiritmask,you can Attune to the ghost Uses �����
CONNECTIONS ITEMS LOAD � 3 light � 5 normal � 6 heavy
field to force a nearby ghost to appear and obey a command you give it. When you use an implement
slot, choose one below: � � The Burned King � Initiate’s Spirit Mask � A Blade or Two
You are not supernaturally terrified by a ghost you summon or compel
� Spirit Warden Implements � Throwing Knives
(though your allies may be). �Vial of Electroplasm � � Stevan, a Whisper
� Lightning Baton � A Pistol � A 2nd Pistol
� Ghost Fighter: You may imbue your hands, melee weapons, or tools �Demonbane Sigil � � Ayleth, a reconciled ghost ��� A Large Weapon
��� Portable Lightning Barriers
with spirit energy. You gain potency in combat vs. the supernatural. � An Unusual Weapon
�Spirit Bottle & Lure � � Sersa, a Gondolier � Spiritbane Vestments
You may grapple with spirits to restrain and capture them. ��� Armor �����+Heavy
�Lightning Grenade � � Asher, a possessed scavenger � Ritual of ‘Mirror and Bone’
� Ghost Mind: You’re always aware of supernatural entities in your � Burglary Gear
presence. Take +1d when you gather info about the supernatural. �Quicksilver Grenade XP ��� Climbing Gear
� Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute. � Arcane Implements
� Warded: You mayexpendyour special armor to resist a supernatural �Severance Oil
consequence, or to push yourself when you deal with arcaneforces. �Stillness Oil At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or � Documents
an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times. � Subterfuge Supplies
Ritual of "Mirror � You addressed a challenge by doing your Imperial duty or doing what’s right. ��� Demolition Tools
and Bone": Spirits � You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background. � Tinkering Tools
in the affected area � You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session. � Lantern
become heavy with
electroplasmic essence, teamwork operations & load gatherinformation
causing them to interact Choose a plan, provide the detail. Choose your � What do they intend to do?
Assist a teammate load limit for the operation.
strongly with the � How can I get them to [X]?
physical world, rather Lead a group action Capture: Subject location Raid: Point of attack � How can I make them sweat?
than weakly. � Where are they vulnerable?
Protect a teammate Legword: Connection Stakeout: Watch � Where has [X] been?
point � How can I find [X]?
Set up a teammate Patrol: Route Undercover: � What's really going on here?
Here is my annotation of some of the stuff as it was before, and other notes on what I
Institutional Process
�File: Use administrative tools to marshal the resources of your office or cut through red-
tape—fast-track a warrant,pull an extra detachment of Bluecoats for a patrol, deploy
lightning barriers around a city block, etc.
did to modify this supplement.

Starting Coin & Stash �Testify: Submitconvincing testimony into record—prove that a suspect is guilty
�Bluecoats start with 1 Coin and 10 stash.They can maintain a moderate lifestyle: (whether they are or not). Provide clear evidence to secure resources or action from higher
When their stash is less than 10, they earn 1 stash at the end of downtime until it Tier offices—demandaction from the Lord Governor, freeze a noble's assets,deploy the
reaches 10. military, shut off power or water, etc.
�Inspectors start with 2 Coin and 20 stash.They can maintain a good lifestyle: When File and Testify are too similar, so I combined them. I dont like either of the names.
their stash is less than 20, they earn 2 stash at the end of downtime until it reaches 20. F i e l d Wo r k
�Initiates start with 4 Coin and 40 stash. They can maintain a luxury lifestyle: When �Control: Manage a situation,crowd,orpersonby directorders,a showof force, or intimidation
their stash isn't full, they earn 8 stash at the end of downtime until it's full again. tactics. Establish security with a perimeter, checkpoints, etc.
Whenever an Initiate pulls money from their stash to use as Coin on the job, tick an 8-
clock called "Secret Identity Discovered." I like the secret identity clock. 8 stash is This is basically command, so it is unnecessary.
really fast, lets make it 3. �Deceive: Pass yourself off as a civilian or scoundrel, work undercover. Lie, confuse, cheat,
or steal.
This one I like, it is not precisely covered in the standard playbook.
Inspectors and Initiates are Nobles, and may select an additional Background as well.
�Maneuver: Athletic movement (run, jump, climb) as well as coordinated action with a
ACTIONS team to act as a cohesive unit for a raid or arrest.
I thought most of the new skills were extraneous, overlapping or already covered by the This is basically just group action prowl.
standard skill, so I tossed most of them. Also, some things were left out, like tinker, �Provoke: Elicit an emotion in a subject to produce a response—guilty admission,
wreck, and attune. But a main point of this game is that anyone can attempt any skill. trusting sincerity, angry outburst, remorseful confession, etc.
For this reason, I also scrapped the idea of skills particular to each law enforcement
playbook. Could be good. Combine with patrol
It was also needlessly confusing to have the skill groups named differently and the skills �Subdue: Violent action to incapacitatea subject—with bare fists,a truncheon, precise saber
all in different places from one to the other, so I set it up like the og playbooks, and put cuts, or a pistol shot. Wrestle someone into manacles.
the skills I kept in the Resolve section. This is just skirmish
Gathering Information �Sweep: Find a person, item, or lead to pursue. Search for what's hidden.
�Analyze: Scrutinize detailsto discover usefulpiecesofevidenceandconclusively This is pretty much hunt and study.
demonstrateconnections between them. Reveal deception. (Inspector).
Regarding the three new skills I didnt get rid of, Patrol, File ( Coordinate), and Decieve, I
This is basically study think it is reasonable to divide a lawman’s social interactions in terms of ‘cop to civilian’
�Fathom: Uncanny understanding through deep intuition and clarity of the inner eye. (patrol), ‘cop to cop’ (file/coordinate), and ‘undercover cop to civilian’ (decieve). This
When you fathom what's true, you know it without a doubt—but you may not be able trichotomy can reasonably replace the command, consort, and sway of the scoundrel
to explain why. (Initiate) playbook.
This is basically survey combined with attune Regarding special abilities, I scrapped the ‘scoundrel action’ one, for the aforementioned
�Patrol: Walking a beat,noticing what'sout of place,sittinga stakeout,relating with the reason. I also took out the ‘veteran’ ability, as is my habit, simply because it is assumed for all
locals, shaking down informantsfor the"word on the street."(Bluecoat) playbooks unless otherwise stated. I took out some of the abilities I didnt like, mostly ones
that seemed to have too little application, or were just boring. I added some from the
Half of this is an interesting sort of consort, so I will combine that part with provoke. standard playbooks, and ‘Bookworm’ from my own Analyst playbooks, and ‘Apotropaic Hand’
Patrol can also include public traversal, like a paralell to prowl. from Adrenaline Games’ Medium playbook, which I used for my own Mentalist playbook.
Regarding the character sheets, I obviously set out the skills as I mentioned earlier. I left the
‘alias’ line from the standard playbooks, since you may very well want an alias. The rest I
made the same as the flame without shadow sheets.

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