Car M Notes Aircraft - Surgeon

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➡ Rule 50A of A/c rules specify the condition for C of A to remain in force.
➡ CAR M is applicable to all operator of Indian register A/c irrespective of whether such a/c is
maintained by their own organization or by other approved maintenance organization.
➡ CAR M is issued under provision of rule 133A. DGCA shall be the competent authority.
Maintenance Programmes is approved by DGCA.


➡ The owner is responsible for continuing airworthiness of a/c. When the a/c is leased, the
responsibility is transferred to the lessee.
➡ The pre-flight inspection is carried out by PIC (Pilot-In-Command) in case of non-scheduled
operator or any qualified authorized person of scheduled operator.
➡ The performance of ground de-icing and anti-icing does not required CAR 145 approval.
➡ The operator should only sub-contract to organization which are specified by DGCA in AOC
(Air Operator Certificate) or CA Form 14 (Approval Certificate).
➡ ​Commercial ATO​: It refer to flying training organization certified in accordance with DGCA
regulations which operate a/c for commercial purpose in order to provide Flight Crew License
(FCL) training courses.
➡ ​Occurrence Reporting​: Owner or operator who responsible for continuing airworthiness of
a/c shall report to DGCA of any identified condition of a/c or component which endanger flight
➡ Report is made as soon as possible within 72 hours from the time when condition identified.
➡ Accountable person in organization ensure that manufacturer of a/c receives report of
occurrence of a/c.


➡ ​Continuing Airworthiness Task​: Task such as oil and hydraulic fluid uplift and tyre inflation
may be considered as a part of pre-flight inspection.
➡ In CAT, an operator hire a person responsible for pre-flight inspection and should
demonstrate to DGCA that person received appropriate training for the per-flight inspection.
➡ The training standard for personnel is given in operator continuing airworthiness
management exposition.
➡ Whenever possible, deferred defect should be known to the pilot/flight crew prior to their
arrival at the a/c.
➡ Non-mandatory information such as service bulletins, service letters and other information
that is produced for a/c and its component by an approved design organization, manufacturer or
➡ The owner or CAMO have a system to ensure that all a/c maintenance checks are performed
within time limit prescribed by the approved a/c maintenance programme.
➡ Whenever a maintenance check cannot be carried out within the required time limit, its
postponement is allowed in accordance with a procedure agreed by DGCA.
➡ A/c Maintenance Programme: Maintenance of each a/c shall be organized in accordance
with an a/c maintenance programme.
➡ The a/c maintenance programme and any amendment shall be approved by DGCA.
➡ When continuing airworthiness of a/c is managed by CAMO, the a/c maintenance
programme and its amendment may be approved through indirect approval procedure.
➡ In that case, the indirect approval procedure shall be established by CAMO as a part of
CAME (Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition) and shall be approved by DGCA.
➡ The a/c maintenance programme shall contain details (including frequency) of all
maintenance to be carried out, including any specific task.
➡ For complex motor powered a/c (Large a/c), when maintenance programme is based on
maintenance steering group logic or on condition monitoring, the a/c maintenance programme
shall include a reliability programme.
➡ The maintenance programme details should be reviewed at least annually (once in a year).
➡ Reliability programme should only be develop for large a/c.
➡ The purpose of reliability programme is to ensure that the a/c maintenance programme task
are effective and their periodicity is adequate.
➡ ​Data for Modification and Repair​: Damaged shall be assessed & modification and repair
carried out using;
a) Data approved by DGCA
b) By an approved CAR 21 design organization Procedure for modification and repair is given
in AAC No. 2 of 2013.
➡ A/c continuing airworthiness record system: Entry should be made as soon as practical but
not later than 30 days after day of maintenance action.
➡ ​Authorized Release Document​ – CA Form 1/ EASA Form 1/ FAA 8130.
➡ Owner/ Operator ensure that the record should kept as specified period:
1) Maintenance record for a/c and service life limited component – Superseded by new but not
less than 36 months after a/c release to service.
2) Total time in service (hours, landing cycles) of a/c and life limited component – at least 12
months after a/c permanently withdrawn from use.
3) Time in service from last scheduled maintenance – at least superseded by new document.
4) Current status of AD’s – at least 12 months after a/c permanently withdrawn from service.
5) Current modification and repair – at least 12 months after permanently withdrawn from use.
➡ Term “Service life-limited component”;
1) Component subject to certified life limit after which the component should be retired.
2) Component subject to service life limit after which the component should undergo
maintenance to restore their serviceability.
➡ The owner/ operator is responsible for retention of a/c record. If they cease their
responsibility to other person, also they will responsible for transferring of such records.
➡ The record system should be in paper form (robust material), computer database or
combination of both. Record stored in microfilm or optical disc form are also acceptable.
➡ The computer system should have at least one backup system, which should updated at
least within 24 hours from any maintenance.
➡ If record is lost, reconstruction of record is done on basis of other document and still the
record is incomplete, owner/ operator make a statement in new record describe the loss.
➡ The reconstructed record is submitted to DGCA for acceptance.
➡ Operator technical log system: For CAT in addition to a/c record as above, an operator use
a/c technical log system contains the information;
1) Information about each flight
2) Current a/c CRS
3) Maintenance statement contains maintenance status and net due maintenance.It is kept in
operators engineering office.
4) All deferred defect rectification A/c log system and their amendment is approved by DGCA.
➡ An operator retain a/c technical log for 36 months from the date of last entry.
➡ An a/c technical log shall contain 5 sections:
Section 1​ - A/c and operator information such registration mark of a/c, name and address of
Section 2​ – Maintenance record such as next maintenance due, current CRS.
Section 3​ – Operation of a/c such as time of takeoff and landing, total flying hours, preflight
inspection signature. This section is made in 2 copy (one copy
in a/c and other in ground until a/c complete its flight).
Section 4​ – Deferred defect.
Section 5​ – Information for a/c commander such as how to contact maintenance engineer.


➡ ​Maintenance Data​: Maintenance data are documents as any information issued by DGCA,
AD’s, Instruction issued by TC holder.
➡ The data should be available in the close proximity of a/c or component being maintained for
mechanic and certifying staff to perform maintenance.
➡ For lengthy maintenance task that cause changing of maintenance personnel, it must use
supplementary work card or worksheets to identify what work has actually done.
➡ ​Performance of Maintenance​: The person not authorized to issue CRS should work under
the supervision of certifying staff.
➡ The person doing specialized task such as welding must possesses C of C (Certificate of
Competency) Independent inspection should be carry out by at least TWO person.
➡ The technical record contains the signature of both person before CRS is issued.
➡ Independent inspection is an inspection made by authorized person signing the CRS &
having full responsibility of work done.
➡ The second person is not issuing CRS & therefore not require to hold license but suitably
qualified to carry out inspection.
➡ ​A/c Defect​: Only authorized certifying staff decide whether a/c defect is rectified before flight
or deferred for later rectification.
➡ The defect not rectified before flight shall be recorded in a/c technical log or a/c maintenance
record system.
➡ The deferred defect should be known to pilot before their arrival to a/c.


➡ ​Installation​: No component is installed on a/c unless it possess certificate on CA form 1 and

mark according to CAR 21 Subpart Q.
➡ Raw or consumable material shall only be use on a/c or component when a/c or component
manufacturer states in maintenance data.
➡ Such material must accompanied with documentation.
➡ Tape is use to cover electrical connection or fluid fittings/openings because adhesive
residues can insulate electrical connection and contaminate hydraulic or fuel units.
➡ ​Component Maintenance​: It is not eligible to issue CA form 1 for component that is
removed from a/c and installed after performing maintenance on it.
➡ Maintenance of engine/ auxiliary power unit (APU) is performed by B rated organization.
➡ Component removal and installed on a/c is considered as a/c maintenance and not
component maintenance.
➡ Service Life Limited Component: Installed component shall not exceed service life limit as
specified in maintenance programme and AD.
➡ Service life limit is express in calendar time, flight hours, landing cycles.
➡ For Non-CAT other than large a/c, if component is unserviceable may transfer its custody to
a/c owner provided such transfer is reflected in a/c logbook or engine logbook or component


➡ Subpart F deals with approval of organization for maintenance of light a/c used for
non-commercial operation.
➡ An application for issue or variation of maintenance organization approval shall be made in
CA Form 2.
➡ An organization may fabricate a parts for maintenance of a/c in its maintenance facility.
➡ Organization for fabrication of parts must have procedures include in its maintenance
organization manual.
➡ An approved data for fabrication of parts is approved either by DGCA, TC or STC holder,
CAR 21 organization.
➡ Parts should not be fabricated unless an engineering drawing of item is produced &
acceptable to DGCA.
➡ Maintenance organization manual and its amendments shall be approved by DGCA RAO.
➡ Minor amendment to manual is indirectly approved provided the amendments are submitted
to DGCA LAO at least 15 days before their effectivity.
➡ Personnel Requirements: An organization appoint accountable manager who has corporate
authority for ensuring that all maintenance is financed and carried out to standard required by
➡ A person may be AM for more than one organization & is not require be knowledgeable on
technical matters. It may be CEO.
➡ Maintenance organization depend on extent of approval should have a/c maintenance
manager, workshop manager are responsible to AM (accountable manager).
➡ A/c maintenance Manager is responsible to ensure that any maintenance, defect rectification
carried out accordance with design and quality standard.
➡ Workshop Manager is responsible to ensure that all work on a/c component is carried out to
➡ A/c maintenance manager or Workshop manager should have knowledge of CAR M,
knowledge of maintenance organization manual, 5 years aviation experience of which at least 3
years should be practical maintenance experience.
➡ The organization may temporary sub contract the staff for higher than normally contracted
➡ Temporary staff should not issue CRS.
➡ A personnel carrying specialized task such as welding, NDT, NDI shall hold Certificate of
➡ NDT test are dye penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current, ultrasonic, radiographic (X ray &
gamma ray) Boroscope and Coin tapping are non-destructive inspection NDI.
➡ For repetitive pre-flight airworthiness directives or if a/c operating away from supported
location, the organization may issue “Limited certifying staff authorization” to a/c commander on
the basis of flight crew license after organization satisfy that sufficient practical training has been
carried out to require standard.
➡ The commander hold either ATPL, CPL or equivalent acceptable to DGCA.
➡ The task carried out and certified by commander are replacement of internal lights, filament,
closing of cowling, refitment of quick access inspection panel, any simple check/ replacement.
➡ The Limited certifying staff authorization having validity of 12 months subject to satisfactory
recurrent training.
➡ ​Certifying Staff​: To exercise the privileges of certifying staff, the person must possess AME
license issued by DGCA & having knowledge of a/c rated on his license.
➡ An organization appoint certifying staff after the assessment of competence and capability of
person under the supervision of another certifying staff.
➡ When person recruit from another organization and was certifying staff in that organization
then written confirmation from previous organization may require.
➡ The organization may issue “one off certification authorization” when a/c is grounded away
from main base and there is no certifying staff is available to issue CRS.
➡ One-off Certification Authorization is issue;
1) To an employee’s of an organization having type qualification on a/c of similar system, OR
2) To any person with not less than 3 years of maintenance experience and holding AME
license for such type of a/c.
➡ The above must be reported to DGCA within 7 days of issuance of authorization.
➡ An organization ensure that any maintenance that could affect flight safety is re-checked.
➡ The above requirement is documented in organization exposition.
➡ ​Component Certificate of Release to Service​: After completion of component
maintenance, a component certificate of release to service is issued in CA Form 1.
➡ The CA Form 1 contain block: block 14b – Signature, block 11 – stating “Inspected”, block 12
– Remark Column Maintenance Records: The approved maintenance organization shall
provide a copy of each certificate of release to service to the a/c owner.
➡ Organization should retain a copy of all maintenance records and any associated data for 3
years from the date of a/c release to service.
➡ When organization terminates its operation, all maintenance record of last 3 years shall be
distributed to last owner or customer of respective a/c.
➡ Validity of approval: Subpart F Maintenance Organization approval shall be valid for Max
period of 5 years.
➡ ​Findings​:
Level 1 finding is any non-compliance with CAR M requirement which lower the safety standard
and hazards seriously the flight safety.
➡ Level 2 finding is any which lower the safety standard and possibly hazards the flight safety.
➡ Corrective action is taken for level 1 finding is within 7 days & for level 2 finding within 30


➡ An application for issue or extension of CAMO approval shall be made on CA Form 2. The
approval of CAMO is indicated on CA Form 14 Approval Certificate.
➡ The scope of work of CAMO is specified in CAME (Continuing Airworthiness Management
➡ The CAME and its amendments is approved by DGCA.
➡The operator may use EDP (Electronic Data Processing) for publication of CAME.
➡ Personnel Requirements: For CAT (Commercial Air Transport), the accountable manager is
a person of corporate authority to ensure that all operation of operator can be financed and
carried out to standard require for the issue of AOC (Air Operator’s Certificate).
➡ The actual number of person employed & their necessary qualification is depends on “Task
to be performed”, “Size and complexity of organization”, & “Amount and complexity of
maintenance Contracting”.
➡ Nominated person or a group of such person should have:
1) Comprehensive knowledge of AOC holder operation specification, operations manual.
2) Knowledge of Quality system.
3) 5 years relevant work experience of which at least 2 years should be from aeronautical
4) Engineering degree or a/c maintenance technician qualification.
5) Knowledge of organization CAME. For CAT, accountable manager nominate a Post Holder
(i.e. QCM) is responsible for management and supervision of activities in CAMO.
➡ DGCA accept post holder if employed from CAR 145 organization.
➡​ Airworthiness Review Staff​: An appropriate license in compliance with CAR 66 category B1
in subcategory of a/c reviewed or Cat B2 or C license.
➡ A review staff should not issue CRS.
➡ For a/c used in CAT & having MTOM of above 2730 kg except balloons, the staff should
1) At least 5 years of experience in continuing airworthiness..
2) Appropriate AME license or aeronautical degree.
3) Formal aeronautical maintenance training.
4) Position in approved organization with appropriate responsibilities.
5) Not satisfy the above, requirement given in 2) is replaced by 5 years of experience in
continuing airworthiness in addition to 1).
➡ For a/c not used in CAT & having MTOM of 2730 kg or below and balloons, the staff should
1) At least 3 years of experience in continuing airworthiness.
2) Appropriate AME license or aeronautical degree.
3) Formal aeronautical maintenance training.
4) Position in approved organization with appropriate responsibilities.
5) Not satisfy the above, requirement given in 2) is replaced by 4 years of experience in
continuing airworthiness in addition to 1).
➡ Airworthiness Review Staff nominated by approved CAMO can only issue an authorization by
CAMO when accepted by DGCA in CA Form 4 after satisfactory completion of review under
supervision of DGCA.
➡ To keep the validity of review staff authorization, the review staff should have either;
1) Involved in continuing airworthiness management activities for at least 6 months in every 2
years, OR
2) Conducted at least one review in last 12 months.
➡ If not satisfy the requirement for validity, the review staff should conduct review under
supervision of DGCA at satisfactory level.
➡ The CAMO should retain the record of Review Staff for 2 years after they left the
➡ ​Continuing Airworthiness Management​: CAT should have maintenance programme and
Non-CAT have reliability programme.
➡ For Non-CAT, the copy of maintenance programme is provided to the owner of the a/c. For
CAT, if operator is not approved under CAR 145, the operator may have written contract with
such an organization.
➡ A/c base maintenance, scheduled line maintenance and engine maintenance contract shall
be accepted to DGCA.
➡ If a/c require unscheduled line maintenance, the contract is in the form of Work Order.
➡ The list of CAR 145 contractor or the reference of the list should be included in CAME.
➡ The maintenance contract is not necessary when the maintenance is based on one time
work order (only for particular one time maintenance).
➡ Documentation: For Non CAT, the CAMO may develop “baseline” and/ or “generic”
maintenance programme for initial approval.
➡ Baseline maintenance programme is develop for particular a/c type and generic maintenance
programme develop for a group of similar types of a/c.
➡ Both are not applicable for a single a/c.
➡ Airworthiness Review: Review of a/c is carried by, Document review and Physical survey of
➡ A full document review of a/c records carried out by CAMO.
➡ The CAMO should develop procedures for the airworthiness review staff to produce a
compliance report that confirm the a/c is review and found in compliance with CAR M.
➡ The review staff of CAMO shall carry out physical survey of a/c.
➡ If review staff are not appropriately approved to licensing requirements shall be assisted by
such qualified person.
➡ Airworthiness review is anticipated by max of 90 days without loss of continuity of the review.
➡ For example; if review is done on 31 July 2016 & next due is 31 July 2017 but may be carried
out by up to 30 Oct 2017.
➡ A copy of both physical inspection and document review compliance report is sent to DGCA
along with CA Form 15.
➡ A copy of airworthiness review certificate issued for an a/c shall be sent to state of registry
(DGCA) within 10 days.
➡ Airworthiness review task shall not be sub-contracted.
➡ If the outcome of review is inconclusive, DGCA shall be informed.
➡ ​Privileges of the organization​: The task to be managed by CAMO is given in;
1) For Non CAT – Approval certificate
2) For CAT – AOC and Approval certificate. It is not necessary for organization to carry out
airworthiness review.
➡ It can be contracted to another approved organization.
➡ In such case, review is carried out every year and ARC issued by DGCA.
➡ ​Quality System​: The QS shall monitor organization activities includes the functions;
1) Monitor that the organization task is performed in accordance with approved procedures.
2) Monitor that all contracted maintenance is carried according to the contract.
3) Monitor the continued compliance with this CAR.
➡ The record of above activities is stored for at least 2 years.
➡ In large organization, the accountable manager should held a meeting with senior staff at
least twice per year to review for overall performance and receiving at least a Half yearly
summary report on findings of non-compliance.
➡ The primary objective of QS is to enable CAMO to ensure the airworthy a/c & to remain in
compliance to this CAR.
➡ An essential element of quality system is the Independent Audit.
➡ If there is no safety related findings, the audit time period is increased by 100 % if agree by
➡ For small organization managing Non CAT, the QS is replaced by regular organizational
review subject to approval of DGCA.
➡ A small organization is an organization with up to 5 full time staff Changes to CAMO should
be notify to DGCA at the earliest opportunity.
➡ ​Record Keeping​: The copy of each airworthiness review certificate and recommendation
issued is retain for 2 years after a/c is permanently withdrawn from use.
➡ When CAMO terminates its operation, the retained records shall be transferred to the owner
of the a/c.
➡ ​Continued Validity of Approval​: An approval to CAMO shall be issued for maximum period
of 5 years.



➡​ A/c Certificate of release to Service​: No a/c is released to service unless a CRS is issued
at the completion of any maintenance.
➡ For unforeseen case, when a/c is grounded where no approved maintenance organization is
available, the owner may authorize any person with not less than 3 years of maintenance
experience and holding proper qualification.
➡ The a/c is rechecked and release by an authorized person by subpart F of CAR M or CAR
145 organization at the earliest opportunity but within a period not exceeding 7 days.
➡ When maintenance of a/c cannot be completed, CRS may be issued within in the approved
a/c limitation.
➡ A CRS shall not issue in case of any known non-compliance which endanger flight safety.
➡ Component CRS shall be issue on CA Form 1.
➡ When organization carried a maintenance on component and used on his own, then CA
Form 1 is not required.
➡ ​Pilot Owner Authorization:​ For light a/c use in non-CAT, to qualify for pilot-owner, the
person must;
1) Hold a valid pilot license issued by DGCA for a/c type rated or class rated; and
2) Own the a/c, either a sole or joint, the owner must be;
(a) One of the natural person on the registration form; or
(b) Member of non-profit recreational legal entity. The scope of limited pilot-owner authorization
is specified in A/c Maintenance Programme.
➡ The CRS shall be entered in the logbook and contain basic details of maintenance carried
out, date of maintenance, maintenance data used, signature & pilot license number issuing


➡ ​A/c Airworthiness Review​: To ensure the validity of C of A, an airworthiness review of the

a/c is carried out periodically.
➡ An airworthiness certificate is issued on CA Form 15a or 15b on completion of the review.
➡ CA Form 15a is issued by DGCA while CA Form 15b is issued by CAR M Subpart G
organization (CAMO).
➡ The ARC is valid for 1 year.
➡ An a/c is in controlled enviornment if continuously managed during last 12 months by CAMO,
CAR M Subpart F and CAR 145 organization.
➡ For a/c use in CAT and having MTOM of above 2730 kg except balloons are in a controlled
enviornment, the organization (CAR 145, CAR M Subpart- F or G) issue ARC.
➡ For ARC issued, the a/c in controlled enviornment, extend twice the validity of ARC for a
period of one year each time.
➡ For a/c use in CAT and having MTOM of above 2730 kg except balloon are not in controlled
enviornment, the organization (CAR 145, CAR M Subpart – F & G) not hold the privileges to
issue CRS, the ARC is issued by DGCA.
➡ For a/c not use in CAT and having MTOM of 2730 kg or below including balloon, the
organization issue ARC.
➡ For ARC issued under controlled enviornment may extend twice the validity of ARC for a
period of 1 year each time.
➡ DGCA shall not be issued ARC for more than two consecutive years.
➡ Whenever circumstances reveal the existence of a potential safety threat DGCA shall carry
out the airworthiness review and issue ARC on CA Form 15a.
➡ DGCA may also issue ARC in the following cases;
1) If a/c managed by CAMO located outside of India;
2) For balloons and any other a/c of 2730 kg MTOM and below, if requested by owner; It is
acceptable to anticipate the extension of ARC by maximum of 30 days without loss of continuity
of airworthiness review pattern.
➡ If a/c ARC is expired and require extension;
1) The a/c could not fly until the ARC is extended; and
2) The new expiration date (after extension) is set 1 year after the previous expiration date (not
1 year after extension is performed).
➡ Upon surrender or revocation, the ARC shall be returned to DGCA.
➡ In case of leased a/c, the period of validity of ARC shall be restricted to the date of validity of
C of R.
➡ If a/c registration is transferred to India, the ARC remains valid until its expiry date.
➡ ​Airworthiness Review of A/c Imported into India​: If a/c imported in India, the person;
1) Apply to DGCA for issuance of new C of A;
2) For a/c other than new, required airworthiness review; The person should inform DGCA at
least 10 working days in advance of the time and location of airworthiness review.
➡ If require airworthiness review by DGCA should be requested to DGCA with a 30 day notice.

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