PR Ass Initial CS RND 26

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1. Sebutkan persyaratan/ General Requirement of Certiying Staff sesuai QP GMF dan Sebutkan persyaratan/
General Requirement Authorized Person sesuai CMM Citilink?

7.2.5 Issuing Authorization Requirements To obtain the authorization, the qualified personnel must fulfil the
following requirements:
A. Shall have knowledge of citilink’s company maintenance manual.
B. Shall have a minimum age is 21 years old and not more than 65 years old.
C. Holder of government ame license or equivalent for airframe & power plant or radio, instrument &
D. Holder of type rating certificate, valid sms training certificate, and valid human factor training
E. Shall have physical and mentality health and at least medical fitness statement signed by general
physician with periodic medical examination period not exceeding 24 months.
F. Have 5 (five) years’ experience on the aircraft maintenance and at least 2 (two) years experienced on
aircraft type for which they are seeking, for other type aircraft may be submitted at least 6 (six) months
from the last authorization issued to applicant.
G. Assigned by quality assurance of the amo or other air operator and approved by chief inspector.
H. Passed qualification review & test for endorsement license conducted by examiner of chief inspector.
I. Avionic extension for airframe / power plant engineer:
1. Appointed by chief inspector of contracted amo or other air operator.
2. Holder of airframe and power plant authorization for final inspection release at least daily
check for 2 (two) years.
3. Successfully complete the relevant type avionic extension training, which shall include on
the job training (ojt) as part of the course and instruction on bite, cmc, cfds, and applicable
J. Rii authorization
1. Appointed by of contracted amo or other air operator.
2. Holder of type rating certificate and ct authorization.
3. Successfully complete the relevant type, system, regulation of rii training.
4. The rii authorization approval number shall be identified by q……. (number) for home base
and line maintenance (under control by chief inspector)
5. The list of rii authorization personnel were collected in the list of rii.

2. Bagaimana proses mengeluarkan part sertifikat part robbing tsb sehingga punya sertifikat saat part tsb
dipasang? Dalam CMM procedure part robbing ada beberapa parts yg tidak diperboleh kan di robbing.
Komponen apakah itu? Apakah mutlak tidak bisa di robbing aturan tsb?

Carikan contoh SOFTCOPY certificate part robbing diatas .

Carikan contoh certificate part RAW MATERIAL yg ternyata sering anda pergunakan dlm maintenance sehari

3. Apakah yg pengertian EO/EI/EIN? Berikan 5 contoh softcopynya EI untuk terkait rating A320 yg anda ketahui.

Carikan juga Softcopy Safety Circular yg dikeluarkan GA atau Citilink dari periode thn 2019 s/d 2024

4. Apakah pengertian RTS: Return to Service? Carikan referensi di CASR 43 ......bahwa semua kegiatan
maintenance,preventive maintence,repair,alternation harus memberikan statetemen approve return to

Di CASR 43 carikan refernsi ada beberapa pekerjaan Inspeksi yg tidak boleh di wakilkan oleh personal yg belum
punya licence/AMEL coba carikan inspeksi inspeksi apa saja yg dimaksud ini?

43.3 Persons authorized to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alterations.
(c) A person working under the supervision of a holder of an aircraft maintenance engineer license may perform
the maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations that his supervisor is authorized to perform, if the
supervisor personally observes the work being done to the extent necessary to ensure that it is being done
properly and if the supervisor is readily available, in person, for consultation. However, this paragraph does not
authorize the performance of any inspection required by part 91 or any inspection performed after a major
repair or alteration.

Di CASR 65: Tugas dan wewenang pemegang AMEL adalah approve to RTS (EXCLUDE MAJOR REPAIR or MAJOR
ALTERNATION) pertanyaannya jelaskan suatu pekerjaan di kategorikan sbg MAJOR!

(1) Airframe major alterations. Alterations of the following parts and alterations of the following types, when not
listed in the aircraft specifications issued by the Authority, are airframe major alterations:

(2) Powerplant major alterations. The following alterations of the powerplant when not listed in the engine
specifications issued by the Authority, are powerplant major alterations:

(3) Major repairs (1) Airframe major repairs. Repairs of the following parts of an airframe and repairs of the
following types, involving the strengthening, reinforcing, splicing, and manufacturing of primary structural
members or their replacement, when replacement is by fabrication such as riveting or welding, are airframe
major repairs.

5. Carikan di CASR 145…… yg menyatakan bahwa hanya pemegang CS yg berhak melakukan RTS.

145.157 Certifying Personnel to approve an article for return to service

(a) A certificated AMO must ensure each certifying personnel to approve an article for return to service under the
AMO certificate and operations specifications are familiar with the applicable regulations in the CASRs and
proficient in the use of the various inspection methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment, and tools
appropriate for the work being performed and approved for return to service, and:
1) If employee by a certificated AMO located inside the Republic of Indonesia:
a. Be licensed under CASR Part 65.
b. Be trained in safety management system and human factor.
2) If employee by a certificated AMO located outside the Republic of Indonesia must be licensed and meet
the requirements of ICAO Annex 1.
(b) A certificated AMO must ensure each person authorized to approve an article for return to service
understands, reads, and writes English.

6. Certifying Staff, as authorized per AMO Manual 3........ will decide to release or not to return to service a
component article / Aircraft airframe, Aircraft engine, propeller, appliance or component part. The return to
service procedure will consist of a final inspection of the work and the issuance of a formal CRS when

The certifying staff will not issue a CRS if:




................................................................................................................................................................. ...........


7. Carikan referensi di CASR 43........perlunya mendokumentasikan menulis,merecord semua pekerjaan

maintenance,preventive,repair atau alternation.

43.9 Content, form, and disposition of maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration records
(except inspections performed in accordance with part 91 and 135 sections 135.367(b)(1).)
(a) maintenance record entries. except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, each person who
maintains, performs preventive maintenance, rebuilds, or alters an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller,
appliance, or component part shall enter the following into the maintenance record of that equipment:
1. a description (or reference to data acceptable to the dgca) of work performed.
2. the date of completion of the work performed.
3. the name of the person performing the work if other than the person specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this
4. if the work performed on the aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part
has been performed satisfactorily, the signature, license number, and category of license held by the
person approving the work. the signature constitutes the approval for return to service only for the work
performed. in addition to the entry required by this paragraph, major repairs and major alterations shall
be entered on a form, and the form disposed of, in the manner prescribed in appendix b, by the person
performing the work.
(b) each holder of an air operator certificate issued under part 121 or 135, that is required by its approved
operations specifications to provide for continuous airworthiness maintenance program, shall make
a record of the maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration, on aircraft, airframes, aircraft
engines, propellers, appliances, or component parts which it operates in accordance with the applicable
provisions of part 121 or 135, as appropriate. (c) this section does not apply to persons performing inspections in
accordance with part 91 or 135 sections 135.367(b)(1).

8. Bagaimana cara input ASDCS secara administratif DI SWIFT agar bisa di lihat oleh system terlihat di PORTAL?
Bagaimana pula cara mengetahui sisa remaining FH/FC di ASDCS tsb?


Tcode : LBK1

Langkah pertama klik selection , Pilih registrasi yang akan dibuatkan TechLog (TL), contoh
dibawah ini menggunakan registrasi PK-GIA
Setelah klik registrasi maka muncul menu berikut ini untuk mencari Logbook, lalu execute
Setelah execute, klik Display <-> Change (Ctrl+F1) , lalu klik kanan pada Log Entry -> Create -
> Log Entry Below

Berukut tampilan setelah melakukan langkah diatas. Lalu pilih TL (Tech Log Entry), dan Continue (Enter)
Form pengisian Tech Log, jika pengisian Tech Log sudah lengkap lalu klik Save

ADCS Module
Lalu pengisian offset dari Maintenance Plan pada form berikut ini, setelah lengkap lalu klik save .

Untuk unit gunakan satuan berikut:

DAY : hari

Jika unit yang ditentukan FH / FC, kolom Counter harus diisi. Untuk mengisi kolom Counter klik combo box,
akan muncul window berikut lalu klik tanda centang/ ENTER

akan muncul window measurement position, pilih sesuai interval yang ditentukan sebelumnya lalu klik tanda
centang/ ENTER. kemudian SAVE
Setelah muncul windows baru untuk pengisian Material pada Maintenance Order, silahkan isi material
yang dibutuhkan atau bisa langsung di skip dan klik tombol save

Variasi interval dari SRM sangat bervariasi. Dari contoh kasus diatas jika hanya butuh satu kali fix repair
dengan interval hanya satu yaitu FC.

Ada juga case yang menyebutkan bahwa membutuhkan satu kali fix repair dengan interval lebih dari satu
parameter, misalkan untuk FH dan FC atau FH dan calendar atau FH dan calendar atau FH, FC dan
Contoh dibawah untuk yang membutuhkan fix repair 100 FH atau 2 Month whicever occured first
Masuk kan parameter interval FH dan Month. Kemudian pada kolom bawah pastikan diisi 1 pada kolom Cycle
set Seq.

Mengingatkan kembali untuk referensi dari finding yang menggunakan Flight Hours (FH) atau
Flight Cycle makan COUNTER harus di isi, adapun pengisian

FLIGHT HOURS  memilih TSN Flying Hours

FLIGHT CYCLE  memilih TSN Flying Cycle

Pada contoh di bawah ini akan menginformasikan cara memasukkan jika pada SRM menyebutkan batasan
untuk inspeksi atau repair dengan repetitive baik FH atau FC ataupun calendar.

Berikut contoh pengisian untuk pengecheckan dengan interval repetitive dengan dua Parameter (FH dan
Jangan Lupa mengisi angka 1 pada kolom tersebut

Setelah muncul tampilan berikut, selanjutnya edit description D3 notification dengan T-code


Double klik notification yang dimaksud




maka pembuatan Techlog selesai dan melanjutkan pada langkah transfer data to SDA HIL

Tcode : ZAB_HIL
Klik pada tanda untuk mencari Notificationyang baru dibuat.

Isi Notification type dengan “D3” dan Notification date dengan tanggal pembuatan Notification, setelah

itu klik execute

Kemudian double click pada Notification Number

Setelah itu execute

Setelah execute maka data akan masuk pada

Aplikasi HIL. Untuk melihat hasil transfer
data, silahkan refresh Aplikasi HIL.

Job ID = Notification Number.

9. Terkait rekording perlunya mencatat di LOGBOOK semua pekerjaan maintenance SESUAI CMM
GARUDA dan CMM CITILINK jika anda melakukan pekerjaan terkait ITEM EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT,
Apakah yg membedakan di kedua CMM versi GA dan Citilink tsb mengenai aturan pencatatan di
LOG BOOK tsb untuk ITEM EMERGENCY jelaskan.

10. Sebutkan 17 kejadian dan maintenance yg ternyata merupakan ITEM SDR sesuai di CASR

(CASR 121.703)
1. Fires during flight and whether the related fire warning system functioned properly;
(2) Fires during flight not protected by a related fire warning
(3) False fire warning during flight;
(4) An engine exhaust system that causes damage during flight to the engine, adjacent structure,
equipment, or components;
(5) An aircraft component that causes accumulation or circulation of smoke, vapor, or toxic or
noxious fumes in the crew compartment or passenger cabin during flight;
(6) Engine shutdown during flight because of flameout;
(7) Engine shutdown during flight when external damage to the engine or airplane structure
(8) Engine shutdown during flight due to foreign object ingestion or icing;
(9) Engine shutdown during flight of more than one engine;
(10) A propeller feathering system or ability of the system to control overspeed during flight;
(11) A fuel or fuel dumping system that affects fuel flow or causes hazardous leakage during flight;
(12) An unwanted landing gear extension or retraction, or an unwanted opening or closing of
landing gear doors during flight;
(13) Brake system components that result in loss of brake actuating force when the airplane is in
motion on the ground;
(14) Aircraft structure that requires major repair;
(15) Cracks, permanent deformation, or corrosion of aircraft structures, if more than the maximum
acceptable to the manufacturer or the DGCA;
(16) Aircraft components or systems that result in taking emergency actions during flight (except
action to shut down an engine); and
(17) Emergency evacuation systems or components including all exit doors, passenger emergency
evacuation lighting systems, or evacuation equipment that are found defective, or that fail to
perform the intended functions during an actual emergency or during training, testing,
maintenance, demonstrations, or inadvertent deployments.

11. Sebutkan 5 kondisi keadaan yg bisa dikategorikan sebagai Repeat Discrepancy/Repetitive

problem? Bagaimana jika anda mengalami repetitive problem apa saja yg akan anda

 5 kondisi yg di sebut termasuk repetitive problem :

1. DGCA Safety Circular SE.46 Year 2018 says that the repeated discrepancies is a technical
discrepancy of a system that occurs 3 (three) times on an aircraft in 15 (fifteen) flight
segments or less.
2. DGCA Safety Circular AU/0649/DSKU/03/2007 says that the limitation of repeat
discrepancy as follow Maximum occurs 2 (two) times during any 30 (thirty) consecutive
days and directly inserted to HIL/DMI management and by making a priority of
improvements without further delay for “Required Inspection Item” (RII) and all aircraft
system and component which include in ATA 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 45,
49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80 on the same aircraft in
operations shall be identified as a “repeat discrepancy” shall have a positive plan of
corrective action be pursued to preclude further reoccurrence
3. Maximum occurs 4 (four) times on the ATA other than described above on the same
aircraft during any 30 (thirty) consecutive days in operations and shall have a positive
plan of corrective action be pursued to preclude further reoccurrence.
4. The aircraft problem will be included at repeated discrepancy if it has trough trouble
shooting process requiring one flight leg or more and is declared as solved problem by
trouble shooter but the same reoccurs at less than 30 (thirty) consecutive days.
5. An aircraft problem will also be included at repeated discrepancies if it trouble shooting
process require more than 15 (fifteen) consecutive days and is still not declared as
solved problem by trouble shooter yet.

 Jika di daerah /OSA ditulis oleh pilot di AML ternyata problem ini termasuk Repetitive Problem sedangkan
di daerah tidak ada expert tdak ada spare.
Maka koordinasi dengan MCC untuk Review and Request if necessary to MCC planner,
Ground time, Spare part, manpower, Equipment
 Procedure Citilink jika Repetitive problem terjadi di daerah :

a. Identification

1) Collect available in service data from various sources as follows:

• Repetitive problem on System SWIFT
• Aircraft Monitoring System on SWIFT,
• PFR,
• Airbus Airman,
• Telex,
• Operational Experience.

And identify potential repeating defects.

2) If a potential repeating defect is identified, inform TOC who will feed the
problem into the PCS Meeting 3 times daily meeting for action.
3) Perform bi‐weekly data evaluation of (4.a.1) to identify if other related
problems must be categorized as repeated discrepancies as per CMM III‐2‐
6, to be compliant with DGCA Safety Circular requirement, and to evaluate
if any issues should be monitored intensively.

b. Rectification

1) Identified potential repeat discrepancies in (4.a.1‐2) must be discuss in the daily

PCS Meeting with AMO MCC
2) Highlighted repeated discrepancies items on (4.a.3) must be discussedon type
meeting of each type of aircraft.
3) Review and evaluate Troubleshooting plan ref to TSM/FIM, AMM, WDM, SSM,
and other related documents/information.
4) Review and coordinatewith planning unit for ground time availability.
5) Review manpower, spare part, and equipment availability.
6) Issue maintenance order or instructions. AMO must issue maintenance order and
instruction to follow up the accomplishment.

c. Review and Follow Up

1) TOC will Monitor, coordinate and supervise if necessary‐to any corrective action
2) If all troubleshoot per FIM/TSM has been performed and discrepancies still exist,
Coordinate with engineering Citilink or AMO to consult with manufacturer

• DAAO Safety Circular AU/0649/DSKU/03/2007
• Company Maintenance Manual III‐2‐6
• Technical Procedure Manual TP 5-04
Carikan link di GMF yg menyimpan data repetitive problem tiap registrasi pesawat

12. Carikan referensi bagaimana cara menuliskan MEL yg benar yg standar untuk SEMUA CS GMF
dalam handling pesawat GA maupun Citilink.
Ref. ke cmm.
A.7.4 AML Entry Procedure

13. Dimanakah anda mengetahui bagaimana melakukan certification/stamp yg benar di jobcard?

Carikan Dokumen Referensi bagaimana anda melakukan stamp dari jobcard tsb?
Ref. amom 2.13.3
14. Apakah boleh anda melakukan crosschange tetapi sebenarnya tujuan sebenarnya adalah memindahkan
saja MEL yg mana MEL yg satu di close dan membuka MEL baru? Jika jawaban anda boleh atau tidak
boleh carikan referensinya?

15. Carikan 4 contoh SBS yg terkahir dikirim ke email anda masing2

Tugas2 yg di kasih saat Oral Assesment sbb dibawah ini agar juga dikumpukan bersama PR diatas:

#Carikan Referensi Pemasangan Pitot dan Static Cover termasuk di daerah daerah mana saja yg
harus dipasang Pitot dan Static Cover saat Transit.

#Pekerjaan pekerjaan yg harus di tulis di AML dan harus di SIGN di Kolom ACT, REL,RII. *

#Simulasi pekerjaaan SDR kemudian di tulis di AML dan harus di SIGN di Kolom terkait sesuai CMM.

#Simulasi penulisan AML Input HIL/MEL sesuai CMM dan sesuai GMF Procedure untuk contoh
problem Hydraulic Blue System Pressure Indication Blank.

#Simulasi perkerjaan RII di OSA dimana disana tidak ada Personil Auth RII SIMULASI Penggantian
Starter di OSA. *

#Simulasi even Peminjaman Part Other Citilink Property misalkan Nose Wheel dgn ARC under China
Auth. Bgmana aturan Citlink apakah diperbolehkan atau tidak.

#Tuliskan di AML Simulasi contoh pekerjaan ATA 05 kemudian di tulis di AML dan harus di SIGN di
Kolom terkait sesuai CMM. *

# Simulasi Even IDG DPI Pops Out indicator extent pertanyaan nya : *

Bagaimana procedure anda jika menemukan ini? Jika pilihan anda pilih alternate Procedure dan tidak
ditemukan ECAM Fault message dan tidak ada Filter Debris filternya masih bersih, bgmana
procedure Manual anda mau melakukan apa lagi? Bgana caranya anda bisa membuat handover ke
semua rekan rekan anda sesama teknisi?

Apabila dlm re inspeksi dlm 3 bulan tidak lagi di temukan DPI Pops Out extend kapan statusnya
dinyatakan CLOSED? Tampikan referensinya !

Selamat mengerjakan tugas.

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