470 Graphs

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CSE 470 ? Introduction to Computer Graphics ? Instructor: D.

Mock Final
The questions below cover the topics you will see on the final. The questions
on the final will be true/false or multiple choice.

1. The graphics pipeline involves six fundamental coordinate transforma-

tions. Fill in the missing transformations in the pipeline.
model → world → eye → clip → NDC →
2. Sketch and label the geometric elements (points, vectors, angles) used in
calculating the Phong illumination at a point p.
point p, normal to point n, light vector l, view vector, reflection vector, angle between reflection and view
3. Color calculations in the Phong illumination model are based on ambient,
diffuse, and specular light and material properties. ambient: k-A*L-A
diffuse: (k-D*L-D)*(L.n)
specular: k-S*L-s)*(r.v)
(a) Which one(s) involves the viewer’s position? specular
(b) Which one(s) involves the surface normal?
diffuse AND specular (reflection is calc from normal)
4. Sketch the cosine function from −π to π. What is the maximum value
of the cosine function? 1
5. What is the shininess coefficient in the Phong model and how is it used?
6. If a red ball is illuminated by a blue light, what color will the Phong
model render the ball? R: 1,0,0 R.B = 0,0,0 will appear black
B: 0,0,1
Phong: norms at every vert, interpolate color per vertex
7. Define flat, Gouraud, and Phong shading. Gouraud: norms at every vert, interpolate normal per fragment
flat: one normal per triangle, compute one color for triangle

8. What is per fragment lighting?

9. Given a triangle with vertices colored red, green, and blue, what is the
smooth shaded color at the centroid? (Give the answer as a vector.) (.33, .33, .33)
10. A surface of revolution s(v, θ) is defined by the generating curve
 2
g(v) =  0  , v ∈ [0, 1]
and a rotation around the y-axis. What is the parametric equation for
s(v, θ)?
11. How is the surface normal for s(v, θ) calculated?

BFC removes triangles that are facing backside of object (normal is pointed more than 90 degrees away from viewer)

12. What is back face culling? Sketch the idea.

13. What are the two fundamental steps in texture mapping? texture coordinate assignment
14. A picture element is called a pixel. What is a texture element called? texel

15. Is color assignment in texture mapping performed in the vertex shader

or fragment shader? fragment
16. With respect to texture mapping, what are minification and magnifica-
tion? Magni: one texel is mapped to multiple fragments (blocky)
Mini: multiple texels mapped to one fragment

17. What is mipmapping and why is it used?

Invented as additional solution for minification; another option in texture object definition

18. How is the appearance of a bump achieved in bump mapping?

bump map: orginal definition
normal mapping: defines the normals we want,
19. What is a bump map? store normals in texture map, find a normal at any point on the object

20. In computer graphics, what is NPR an acronym for? Non Photorealistic Rendering
21. Often times, cel shading uses a one-dimensional texture with only two
colors, say light and dark green. Give an example of a method to assign
texture coordinates to a vertex.
22. What type of edges are outlined in cel shading to produce a cartoonish
23. Name three buffers in the set of framebuffers.
24. In the Cohen-Sutherland clipping method, codes are used to quickly iden-
tify polygons which are completely in the viewing volume or completely
out of the volume. What are these two cases called? Trivial accept/reject
25. Bresenham’s line algorithm draws lines at the pixel level by calculating
a decision variable for determining which pixel to fill next based on the
current position. For a line with slope m such that 0 < m < 1, sketch
the basic idea.
26. Why is ray tracing called a global illumination model?
27. When does ray tracing produce the same image as the Phong illumination
model? When just casting one ray
28. What is a shadow feeler?
Checks whether a given point is visible from a light

29. In the “figure” program, a prototype cube was used to create the hu-
manoid figure. The transformations that take the prototype to the de-
sired position in model space is called an ........................... transforma-
30. The torso of the fugre hierarchical model was the root node in the tree.
The torso is an instance of a prototype cube, made from the matrix Mi ,
which is a combination of a scale and translation matrix. The user can
rotate the torso with the slider, defined by a matrix Ms . When drawing
the torso, should the ModelView matrix be Mi Ms or Ms Mi ? MsMiv
31. What is the input for generating a subdivision surface?
32. Name one subdivision surface method.

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