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Computer Graphics (COMP136) Quiz 3

This is a standard multiple choice test. Each question has only one correct answer.
Please mark that one answer clearly on the answer sheet provided. If any question has
more than one answer filled in, it will be marked wrong. There are XX questions. You
will have XX minutes.

1) Which of the following is NOT true about quaternions?

a) They are made up of 4 numbers
b) They should always be normalized to length 1
c) They can be used to represent all affine transforms
d) They can be used to define the rotation of an object
2) Which of the following does NOT figure into the Field of View of a pinhole
a) The direction of projection
b) The distance from the center of projection to the projection plane
c) The size of the projection plane
3) This projection technique has the direction of projection perpendicular to the
viewing plane, but the viewing direction is NOT perpendicular to one of the
principle faces.
a) Orthographic Parallel Projection
b) Axonometric Parallel Projection
c) Oblique Parallel Projection
4) This projection technique does NOT have the direction of projection
perpendicular to the viewing plane.
a) Orthographic Parallel Projection
b) Axonometric Parallel Projection
c) Oblique Parallel Projection
5) This projection technique has the direction of projection perpendicular to the
viewing plane, and the viewing direction is perpendicular to one of the principle
a) Orthographic Parallel Projection
b) Axonometric Parallel Projection
c) Oblique Parallel Projection
6) When transforming a random Axis-Aligned Bounding Box defined by the points
(nearx, neary, nearz) and (farx, fary, farz) to the standard orthographic viewing box,
which affine transforms are used?
a) shear and translation
b) rotation and scale
c) scale and shear
d) translation and scale
7) In class, we discussed the purpose of the front and back clipping planes in
OpenGL. Which of the following was NOT a purpose for using clipping planes?
a) division by zero
b) objects behind the center of projection mapping onto the projection
c) avoiding the problems of infinite viewing volume size
8) In class, we discussed how the image of the Double Eagle Tanker was obtained
for the large poster in the main hall of Sitterson. It required rendering several
perspective images using OpenGL. Which of the following was NOT a step
required in that process?
a) handling projection planes non-orthogonal to the viewing direction
b) cutting a single projection plane into many separate projection planes
c) rotating the viewing direction to be the same as the –z direction
d) handling several different centers of projection
9) In OpenGL, there are several different matrices. We have discussed two of them
in class. Which one of the below would be used in conjunction with a glRotatef
function call?
10) In OpenGL, there are several different matrices. We have discussed two of them
in class. Which one of the below would be used in conjunction with glFrustum?
11) Which of the following is the order that geometry operations are performed in
OpenGL (where we read the order from left to right)?
a) GL_PROJECTION  GL_MODELVIEW  Perspective division
c) Perspective division  GL_PROJECTION  GL_MODELVIEW
d) GL_MODELVIEW  Perspective division  GL_PROJECTION
e) GL_PROJECTION  Perspective division  GL_MODELVIEW
For the next 4 questions, match the pictures on the right with the corresponding term on
the left. The arrows in the picture denote light rays. The dashed lines represent the
material type to be considered. The key is in the interaction of the light rays with the
12) Specular (b)
13) Diffuse
14) Transparent
15) Translucent

answers: b,d,c,a

16) In “Utah” graphics, lights are simplified in order to approximate light/matter
interaction with a minimum amount of work. Which of the following is NOT true
about the simplifications made in “Utah” graphics lights?
a) Light intensity and color are folded into one value.
b) Lights are assumed to have zero size
c) Spotlights can not be handled
d) Soft shadows can not be handled
17) The Phong reflection model simplifies light-matter interactions into (essentially) 4
vectors and a number of constants. Each piece of the Phong model uses different
vectors and constants. Which portion does NOT include taking a dot product?
a) Ambient
b) Diffuse
c) Specular
18) The Phong reflection model simplifies light-matter interactions into (essentially) 4
vectors and a number of constants. Which piece of the Phong model is
responsible for giving spheres their bright white spots?
a) Ambient
b) Diffuse
c) Specular
19) The Phong reflection model simplifies light-matter interactions into (essentially) 4
vectors and a number of constants. Which of the following is NOT a vector
needed for the Phong reflection model?
a) Surface Normal
b) Direction to Viewer
c) Direction to Material Center
d) Direction to Light
20) True or false: In the Phong Reflection model, ambient light is the same
a) true
b) false
21) In the Phong reflection model, there are 3 constants (a, b, c) which are used to
describe the qualities of which of the following phenomena?
a) The material reaction to ambient, diffuse and specular light
b) The amount to perturb reflection vectors as they are mirrored across
the normal
c) The size (in each dimension) which the light is assumed to have
d) The attenuation of a point light source with distance
22) As discussed in class, when obtaining normals for a triangle, which of the
following mathematical constructs is NOT used?
a) Point-Point subtraction
b) Vector dot products
c) Vector cross products
d) Vector normalization
As promised after the second quiz was handed back: Questions 23-31: Please fill in
the following matrix. This is to be the general rotation matrix for rotation around the

[ (23) (24) (25) 0 ]

[ (26) (27) (28) 0 ]
[ (29) (30) (31) 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]

a) sin(Θ)
b) –sin(Θ)
c) cos(Θ)
d) 1
e) 0

23) d
24) e
25) e
26) e
27) c
28) b
29) e
30) a
31) c

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