Adams Machinery Gear Advanced 3D Contact

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Adams Machinery Gear Advanced 3D Contact

Simulating the Dynamics of High Fidelity Gears


Field of Application What is Advanced 3D Contact?

High performance gear systems are commonly required for modern In previous releases, Adams Machinery Gears have been modeled as
vehicles and other machinery. For these systems market pressures rigid parts with a separately defined compliance between gear pairs. In
on efficiency, noise and development timelines are requiring improved Adams 2017, with the Advanced 3D Contact method, we’ve introduced
assessments of design performance before parts and test data become much more realistic gear tooth flexibility. This feature allows you to
available. define the gear part geometry and material properties from which a
finite element model (FEM) is created and solved in the background to
Analysts are asked to predict system performance metrics for vibration, define tooth compliance. No knowledge or installation of a Finite Element
high-frequency excitation and transient dynamic behaviors based on Analysis (FEA) tool is required since the meshing and FE-analysis are
design data alone. The Adams Machinery Gear Advanced 3D Contact fully automated.
tool provides additional capabilities suitable for these demands,
including the incorporation of dynamic transmission error, tooth From the basis of these FEMs there are three options to define the
compliance and microgeometry – all leveraging a smooth and efficient contact behavior of the gear pair during the Adams analysis all of which
contact methodology. represent the contact between gears in the Adams model as a six-
component force:
Traditional design procedures often do not account for system-level
• The Run Time option computes the contact behavior of the gears
dynamic behaviors. Older methods typically rely on static design studies,
during the analysis and is the most accurate
although it is widely understood that these design procedures can’t
explain many of the failures seen in the field. Small, idealized component • The Pre Computed option runs a setup analysis to predict contact
or subsystem dynamic models often fail to identify critical system-level behavior which saves time during the actual system simulation often
behaviors, such as problematic meshing speeds due to coupled system with little trade-off in result accuracy
• The Rigid option simplifies things further by treating the gear teeth
rigidly. This, however, is distinct from the pre-existing rigid-body 3D
The ability to easily incorporate detailed component models within an
Contact method. The Advanced 3D Contact method’s “Rigid” contact
Adams system model facilitates much more accurate determination of
option frequently results in smoother forces because the contact
both dynamic loads and system-level responses. The Advanced 3D
detection is not based on traditional tessellation techniques but rather
Contact method is an extension of the Adams Machinery Gear module
the FEM-based fine meshes. Also, there are more tooth and gear
within the world leading multibody dynamics program Adams from MSC
modification options available through the Advanced 3D Contact
Software. This extension is within a user-friendly and efficient modeling
method including commonly applied micro-geometry modifications.
and simulation process. It covers straight and helical internal and
external cylindrical gears. It enables one to accurately evaluate gears The flexible tooth options here provide superior accuracy compared
from conceptual design through design studies and optimization. to using an Adams Flex representation of the gears. Adams Flex
uses the modal superposition method, which assumes that the part’s
deformation can be captured by superimposing normal mode shapes.
But in the case of gears, most of the deformation takes places in the
teeth themselves, which is difficult to capture in the mode shapes.
Capabilities Why Use Advanced 3D Contact?
FE-mesh Advanced 3D Contact improves upon the preexisting Adams Machinery Gear methods in several
ways ultimately allowing for the accurate calculation of dynamic gear meshing forces including
• Straight or helical gears, internal
or external gears microgeometry, tooth deformation and instantaneous misalignment. These capabilities allow
users to evaluate meshing-order transmission error and system excitation, along with potential
• Automated meshing interactions of this behavior with case, shaft and bearing motions.
• User controls mesh density (lead
and involute) Users may evaluate the tooth contact pressures in high-load conditions and identify if the
microgeometry used is sufficient for addressing potential stress concentrations. In addition, the
Contact algorithm
enhanced tooth accuracy will provide improved dynamic predictions for rattle, whine and other
• No analytical stiffness assumption transient operating conditions.
• Smooth surface-to-surface contact
• Micro-geometry
• Coupled deformation of tooth (no slices)
• Friction, viscous and structural damping
• Tailored high performance algorithm
• Similar computational performance as
rigid body contact
• Resulting forces & torques
• Contact stress, friction power loss
• KH-beta, KF-beta, K-gamma
• Contact pattern, flank pressures
• Transmission error Tooth contact forces with different load conditions

About Adams
Adams is the world’s most widely used
Multibody Dynamics software. It’s used by
leading companies in multiple industries
to develop and test the products we see
everyday. Adams helps engineers to study Transmission errors with different load conditions
the dynamics of moving parts, and how
loads and forces are distributed
throughout mechanical systems.

About MSC Software

MSC Software is one of the ten original
software companies and a global leader in
helping product manufacturers to advance
their engineering methods with simulation
software and services.

Micro-geometry -- Contact Pattern

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