Case Study Report Rae
Case Study Report Rae
Case Study Report Rae
I. Identifying Information:
Name: Rae Gabriel S. Burdeos
Age: 22 Sex: Male Date of Birth: April 20, 1997
Place of Birth: Villa Kanangga, Butuan City Place of Origin: Butuan City
Rank in the Family: Only Child Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Educational Attainment: College Level
Occupation: Student
Present Address: Purok 7, Baan Riverside, Butuan City
During the initial interview, the client stated that he has a hard time adjusting to his
new situation as PWD, that his left leg was recently amputated. There are abrupt
changes in different aspects of his everyday life, more particulary in relationships with
other people and the significance that he is currently a graduating student of BS
mathematics. He has been a PWD for only 2 months, and the current transition with his
everyday routine, interactions and how to adjust is what worries him that all of this was
still new to him. There was no stated concerns or adjustments in regards to the
imprisonment of his father.
Rae, 22, is an only child of Maria Fe and Mando. The client is now a product of a
broken family for the reason that his father have been in prison for the last 9 years.
Details behind the imprisonment of his father was not disclosed by the client.
Currently, Rae is living with his mother, 2 aunts ,2 uncles and his cousin Cindy, 13.
There was no known history of medical conditions that might give a lead in knowing the
condition of Rae.
He said one night that he started to feel numbness and severe pain on his left shin and
foot and started having blood clots in his left leg.He stated during the interview that he
once loved being in the cheerdance squad, but when asked in the second interview, he
said, it was just a past time for him. He said he has been suffering from high fever,
nausea, and eg pain after the operation. Rae has articulated in the intake the “major
adjustments” he has been making in different aspects of his everyday life, particulary his
university life.
As a recent PWD, there have been minor changes in the household roles. But as
rae have put it, everything is practically the same, except he has no left leg.
Rae is a 4th year student of CSU and has taken BS mathematics, Rae has been a
PWD since the last week of July 2019. Rae is struggling in his predicament and is in
need of awareness on his rights as a PWD and coping mechanisms for adjustments for
his current situation.
Rae is a medium sized person that stands about 5”4 , he is always dressed
appropriately as seen by his always wearing of semi formal wear. He currently has
crutches always with him as he uses it to properly traverse anywhere. He has a neat
style of clothing and has a proper hygiene.
Rae is always cheerful and talkative when engaged. His friends would often support
him through his current predicament. He is a very friendly person due to his high and
active personality. He values friendships and relationships that’s why he has many
friends, because he is approachable and easy to talk to. Rae is a very organized person
in terms of thinking and handling the way he expresses himself, he is very articulate in
words and sometimes straight to the point. Rae always finds ways to see things in a
positive light, he said that having this predicament in his life, is one way of showing him
who the real persons are that he can depend on.
Though he does not always goi to church, but Rae is a very religious person as he
said that being a PWD is one of his new chances in life that God has given him.
He stated on the interview that his father was arrested and caught in 2013, he did
not want to disclose the specific information on what the reason was. He only said that
this was the time that he started to become more independent and become responsible.
As he was amputated on july 2019, he undergoes regular sessions of physical therapy
to rehabilitate him in his new condition, there are times when he feels numbness on his
left thighs and that’s the time he goes to these activities.
Before the incident, he was always part of the CAS cheerdance squad in CSU and
even goes to gym to exercise and stay fit. Now he always reminisces as what he stated
“the good times”. But on the second interview he said that it was just a passing hobby.
He is very close to his mom due to the fact that he is an only child and when he was in
highschool his father was arrested. During the intake, he said that this was one of the
worst things to happen to him, and stated that it was on the worst possible time too.
Further, his situation now as he became a PWD on his 4 th year is very difficult in
terms of transition and attaining the coping abilities he requires in his integration
towards becoming a recent PwD.
B. The Environment
Rae is living in Purok 7 Barangay Baan Riverside with his mother Maria Fe who is 53
years old, They are also living with 2 couples in the household, namely his auntie
Leonora and uncle Melvin with their daughter cindy. and also Michael Saliganan and
Lorraine Saliganan. He also mentioned that he has a late grandmother in obrero, the
mother of his mother. Avelina, has owned a sari-sari store before, but now it was closed.
All of the persons in the househld is a religious person, and Rae also has a firm belief in
Christianity. There are no disparities in the household as what Rae has stated during the
In school, Rae is still struggling to adapt to his current condition especially that he is in
4th year now and much of his difficulty is the travel from their house to school, but he has
“jayson” his neighbor and bestfriend that takes him on his motorcycle when he goes
somewhere. He is very thankful to him as they are always together and supports him all
on his endeavors.
His group of friends in school is comprised of the members of DLC in CSU and his
teammates in Mobile Legends and has good relationship with all of them. He mentioned
when he recently became a PWD, some of his friends before changed in a way that
they talk behind his back, as he mentioned during the interview.
Given with the current situation of the client and understanding the history of the
problem, Rae’s current transition towards recently becoming a PWD has greatly
affected his reaction towards his family, environment and also how he sees himself and
his determination for adjustment towards his situation. The theory that can be
associated in his case is Personal Construct Theory. The reason that this theory was
chosen by the worker is that the client is presently learning to acquire coping
mechanisms towards his situation right now is one of the factors that can elaborate on
his current situation
As the theory indicates, the mental construct of Rae is that his perception towards
his current situation is that there is a stigma of negative beliefs or outlooks that triggers
him to feel ashamed or embarrassed on his situation, due to the abrupt change in his
daily activities and his interactions with his social environment.
Rae developed his personal constructs towards his situation is challenged such as
he felt fear and anxiety towards his adjustment. This concept of this theory is although
the world we live in is the same for everyone, the way a person experiences it is
different for each other. Rae has become a PWD very recently, it was an abrupt moment
because it just happened all within a month, the concept of this theory on the thought of
being a PWD has its own stigmas, and that he has struggled in adjusting and changing
this perception towards a positive light. This theory will help the worker to understand
how and what the coping skills and adjustment required to change his perspective
towards his everyday life and how the client perceives this situation . Rae is not a victim
of his circumstances, but rather his own outlook towards this situation he is in.
The concept of Personal Construct Theory that focuses on the choice corollary
basic postulate is how Rae chooses to see this situation in his life. The core of construct
of Rae in this circumstance is he wants to strive along with his determination to
overcome this part of his life and that his perception towards this predicament. The
concept of Personal Construct Theory that mainly covers all this is constructive
There are always different ways to interpret or give meaning to his situation. He
expressed that he will never be trapped by what happened to him as he is capable of
reconstructing events.
The client is having a hard time with his adjustment to his environment. The client is
very willing and receptive upon the whole idea that he can be helped with his problem.
He needs to integrate himself with his privileges and rights as a PWD and is in need of
counselling sessions regarding his motivation towards adjustment. The client needs to
be in his preferred company of people as of now, to help him ease through the process
because being abrupt on this matter will only harm his coping capabilities. The client
needs more motivation and push from his friends and classmates especially from his
Prepared by:
Reimond Henri M. Runez