Learning Walkthrough Guide

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Learning Walkthrough

Implementation Guide

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
OUR THEORY OF ACTION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
WHAT IS A LEARNING WALKTHROUGH............................................................................................................................................................ 3
WHY USE A LEARNING WALKTHROUGH........................................................................................................................................................... 3

BENEFITS AND EXPECTATIONS.................................................................................................................................................................. 4

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF SCHOOL-WIDE IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................................................................... 4
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF DODEA-WIDE IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................................................................... 4
WHO ARE THE OBSERVERS AND WHAT ARE THEIR ROLES ................................................................................................................................... 4
Initial Implementation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Roles and Responsibilities.................................................................................................................................................................. 5

UNDERSTANDING THE TOOLS................................................................................................................................................................... 6

LEARNING WALKTHROUGH TOOL................................................................................................................................................................... 6
HOW CAN THE LEARNING WALKTHROUGH TOOL JOB AID BE USED...................................................................................................................... 7
SCHEDULING A LEARNING WALKTHROUGH ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
STEPS ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD CONSIDER WHEN PLANNING A LEARNING WALKTHROUGH .................................................................................... 7

IMPLEMENTING THE LEARNING WALKTHROUGH .................................................................................................................................... 8

GETTING STARTED ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Communication ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Shared Understanding....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
SETTING A FOCUS ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
GATHERING DATA ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
USING DATA.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
TALKING ABOUT DATA ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
DELIVERING FEEDBACK .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
APPENDIX A: DODEA LEARNING WALKTHROUGH GLOSSARY OF TERMS............................................................................................................. 13
APPENDIX B: SAMPLE AGENDA FOR INTRODUCING LEARNING WALKTHROUGHS TO TEACHERS ................................................................................ 19
APPENDIX C: TIPS FOR SUCCESSFULLY IMPLEMENTING THE LEARNING WALKTHROUGH .......................................................................................... 20
APPENDIX D: DODEA LEARNING WALKTHROUGH TOOL TEMPLATE................................................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX E: DODEA LEARNING WALKTHROUGH TOOL – SAMPLE DESCRIPTIVE NOTES ........................................................................................ 22
APPENDIX F: DODEA LEARNING WALKTHROUGH TOOL JOB AID ...................................................................................................................... 23
APPENDIX G: LADDER OF FEEDBACK TEMPLATE FOR CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS ................................................................................................ 29
APPENDIX H: LADDER OF FEEDBACK FOR CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS – SAMPLE FOR INDIVIDUAL CLASS .................................................................. 31
APPENDIX I: LADDER OF FEEDBACK TEMPLATE FOR SCHOOL-LEVEL WALKTHROUGH DATA ..................................................................................... 33
APPENDIX J: LADDER OF FEEDBACK FOR SCHOOL-LEVEL WALKTHROUGH DATA – SAMPLE ..................................................................................... 35
APPENDIX K: ACCESS TO THE DODEA ELECTRONIC LEARNING WALKTHROUGH FORM ........................................................................................... 37

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 2


How to Use This Guide
This guide supports instructional leaders in implementing the Learning Walkthrough process
in a Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) district or school. It is designed to
offer thoughtful guidance to DoDEA schools with an established culture of collaboration and
inquiry, as well as those that are just beginning to observe instructional practices in
classrooms and discuss teaching and learning in a focused manner.

Our Theory of Action

If Principals and Assistant Principals, District and Community Superintendents, and District
Instructional Systems Specialists (ISSs) observe instructional practices in the classroom,

 provide individual feedback to teachers; and

 look for trends across the school, district, and region.

Then, we will build a common understanding of excellent instruction leading to improved teaching and learning.

What is a Learning Walkthrough

 The Learning Walkthrough is a systematic and coordinated method of gathering data on instructional practice
and how students are learning in order to inform district- and school-level decisions.
 It is NOT an evaluation protocol for teachers or administrators.

Why use a Learning Walkthrough

 Learning Walkthroughs are a powerful means of helping educators, at all levels, learn more about the ways in
which instructional practices support student learning and achievement. They can help clarify and focus the
work that is needed to help all students achieve college and career readiness.
 Learning Walkthroughs provide opportunities to engage in frequent observations and discussions of teaching
and learning that result in thoughtful, data-driven actions.
 Learning Walkthroughs promote a true professional learning community at all levels of the organization through
collaborative conversations among participants about the continuous improvement of leading, teaching, and

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Benefits and Expectations

What are the Benefits of School-Wide Implementation
The Learning Walkthrough provides relevant and timely data for informing Focused
Collaboration about teaching and learning. The power of the Learning Walkthrough is the
collection of data that educators can draw upon to critically analyze, learn about, reflect on,
and improve their instructional practice. When aligned with and connected to a school’s
improvement efforts and the work of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), the impact
can be significant. Some of the benefits of school-wide implementation of Learning
Walkthroughs are:

 enhanced focus on student learning experiences;

 enhanced professional dialogue about teaching and learning;
 development of a common language about teaching and learning;
 creation of a culture of inquiry and research, characterized by collaborative learning and reflective practice;
 improved district and school infrastructures to support teachers;
 identification of opportunities for additional coaching and professional development; and the
 creation of more consistent and higher-quality teaching and learning experiences throughout the school and

What are the Benefits of DoDEA-Wide Implementation

The benefits of a system-wide DoDEA implementation of the Learning
Walkthrough are many and varied. A system-wide Learning Walkthrough
creates a learning organization that collects data to continually answer the
question, are we seeing what we expect to see in our classrooms, given how
we are focusing our energy and resources?

An agency-wide implementation provides DoDEA the ability to:

1 Focus the entire system on instruction and classroom practice

2 Unify practice and language

3 Inform analysis of other data

4 Monitor progress toward goals

5 Identify and disseminate what works

6 Inform agency-wide decisions, school improvement initiatives, and resource allocations

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Who are the Observers and What are Their Roles

Initial Implementation

 During the initial year(s) of implementation of the Learning Walkthrough, the building
Principal and Assistant Principal will be the primary users of the tool. Support will be
provided by the Center for Instructional Leadership (CIL), as well as District and
Community Superintendents and ISSs.

Roles and Responsibilities


Develop and disseminate Participate in a cross- Establish district-wide Communicate in ways that
policy, guidance, and regional group to design expectations for use of the build transparency and
expectations. and develop the DoDEA Learning trust.
professional learning for the Walkthrough Process and
Coordinate final documents DoDEA Learning Tools. Orient teachers to the
and products. Walkthrough purpose, concept, process,
implementation, using Co-plan with CILs for the and common language of
Provide technical support systemic tools/materials. professional learning, the Learning Walkthrough.
for the implementation to implementation and
include professional Collaboratively plan with support of the Learning Implement the DoDEA
learning and materials for district leadership to Walkthrough. Learning Walkthrough with
CIL staff. conduct professional consistency and fidelity.
learning on the DoDEA Provide subject-
Convene a committee for Learning Walkthrough matter/instructional Provide actionable feedback
professional learning process and tools for expertise in instructional to teachers.
design, data analyses and instructional leaders. shifts.
monitoring, and adjusting Identify classroom strengths
the implementation. Model the Learning Provide professional and support classroom
Walkthrough process. learning on instructional needs.
shifts and DoDEA’s CCRS
Provide ongoing coaching implementation. Incorporate data gathered
support. into Focused
Engage in data analysis to Collaboration/PLC
Engage in data analysis with inform decisions and conversations.
district leadership. resource allocation.
Use trend data to plan for
Provide support for school- professional learning needs
level leaders and their in School Improvement
leadership for Focused Plans.
Collaboration/PLCs in

Participate in district leader


Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 5


Understanding the Tools

Learning Walkthrough Tool

The DoDEA Learning Walkthrough Tool was developed with input from many areas within DoDEA,
including Headquarters leadership and specialists, the CILs, District and Community Superintendents,
and the Directors of Student Excellence. The Learning Walkthrough Tool represents 13 indicators that
foster a standards-focused classroom, many of which align to the instructional shifts addressed in DoDEA’s College and
Career Ready Standards (CCRS).

The 13 Standards-Focused Classroom Indicators are grouped into three clusters: Learning Environment (Indicators 1-3),
Facilitating Learning (Indicators 4-7), and Instructional Shifts (Indicators 8-13).

Learning Environment Facilitating Learning Instructional Shifts

1. Learning environment is organized to 4. Teacher communicates high 8. Goals/objectives are communicated
be conducive to student-centered expectations for student success. beyond posted standards and
learning. 5. Lessons are paced and structured to referred to by teachers or students as
2. DoDEA-adopted materials are used to keep all students engaged throughout they voice their understanding of
support student learning. the learning. learning goals.
3. Students use appropriate digital tools 6. Students are engaged in flexible/ 9. Lesson tasks are challenging for all
or multimedia resources in support of differentiated groups. students (require productive struggle,
learning and collaborating. 7. Learning activities incorporate problem-solving, or reasoning).
formative assessment and/or 10. Students’ and teachers’ written and
feedback to guide the ongoing spoken discourse use domain specific
learning process. vocabulary.
11. Students are able to read and
articulate their understanding of
complex text and concepts.
12. Students are able to respond to
deliberate higher order questions
that check for understanding of all
13. Students support their written and
spoken opinions with evidence from

The hard copy of the Learning Walkthrough Tool is useful for sharing expectations with teachers. The electronic
Learning Walkthrough System was created to help users identify patterns and trends that will inform decisions about
support resources and professional learning needs. The electronic version is the standard expectation for all users. The
user can access the link from the DoDEA Network.

Steps for accessing and using the tool are included in this guide. The electronic version offers several useful features,
including drop-down boxes for ease of completion and data collection; an unlimited character box, with spell check, for
making descriptive notes while observing; and an immediate self-generating email notification to the teacher observed.

The Learning Walkthrough Tool includes three descriptors for addressing the classroom observation visits:

 Observed. The user saw, read, or heard evidence of the indicator during this walkthrough.
 Not Observed. The user did not see, read, or hear evidence of the indicator during this walkthrough.
 Not Applicable. The user determined BEFORE entering the classroom NOT to look for the indicator during this
particular walkthrough.

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How Can the Learning Walkthrough Tool Job Aid Be Used

The DoDEA Learning Walkthrough Job Aid helps answer the question: Are we seeing what we expect to see in our
classrooms? The Job Aid ensures a common language of instruction and assists the instructional leader by helping
him/her to:

 understand and communicate the learning goals and objectives, specific instructional shifts for standards-based
teaching and learning, and promising research-based instructional practices;
 identify factors in the learning environment that contribute to student success; listen and observe more acutely
to what teachers say to and ask of students;
 listen and observe more carefully to what students are saying to each other and to the teacher;
 ask thoughtful and targeted questions to prompt standards-based thinking of the teacher;
 ask reflective and open questions of the students to gauge their learning; and
 craft feedback for the teacher that is specific, reflective, and standards-focused.

Scheduling a Learning Walkthrough

Administrators should create a schedule that allows for frequent, regular, and uninterrupted visits. Setting aside a
couple of days during the week, or alternating halves of several days, ensures the Learning Walkthrough is
accomplished. Simply blocking the calendar for the Learning Walkthrough is not enough—actually placing teacher
names into a calendar keeps the administrator on track.

Visits will last 5-10 minutes to sufficiently gather useful evidence from which to offer feedback. The length of time is
determined by the focus identified prior to beginning the Learning Walkthrough.

Steps Administrators Should Consider When Planning a Learning Walkthrough

There are many steps an administrator should consider when planning a Learning Walkthrough. The graphic below
suggests ideas to support planning and implementation.

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Implementing the Learning Walkthrough

Getting Started

How the message of the Learning Walkthrough is communicated is critical to its success.
A successful implementation is dependent on effective communication. Communication should be:

 early on in the process, using the guide and tool as supports;

 consistent with the purpose of the Learning Walkthrough;
 frequent, to ensure understanding;
 timely, helpful, and growth producing; and
 transparent to build trust.

Shared Understanding

Developing a shared understanding and a common language among teachers and administrators is essential for effective
and efficient communication. To facilitate this shared understanding, this guide includes a Glossary of Terms (appendix
A) and a Learning Walkthrough Tool Job Aide (appendix H). See items in the Appendix.

In order for schools to engage in conversation designed to bring about sustained changes in instruction, it is important
to develop a culture of learning and sharing that allows teachers and principals to discuss important instructional issues.
Included in developing that culture is the need to find time to establish and develop a common language. Participation
in collegial study and discourse about instructional practices empowers the participants to reshape their thinking and
their models of learning.

Setting a Focus
Deciding on a focus gives purpose to the Learning Walkthrough, informs a specific need or improvement goal within the
context of each district and school, guides the selection of participants, and ensures that data collection is targeted.
Decide which option is most appropriate for the purpose you have set.

Option 1:
All Looking for all 13 indicators will give the observer an overview; however, there will be some
indicators that will not be observable due to the nature of the indicator, the segment of the lesson,
and the time frame allotted for the Learning Walkthrough.

Option 2:
Some Prior to starting the Learning Walkthrough, determine which of the Clusters will be used.
Plan to visit each classroom in the school during that week, or observation period, to look for the
same indicators.

Option 3:
SIP Focused Use Focused Collaboration/PLC foci, a school improvement goal, or a recent professional learning
objective that connects to the Learning Walkthrough Tool, to identify which of the 13 Standards-
Focused Classroom Indicators will be used.

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Gathering Data
Descriptive notes within and across classrooms provide a snapshot of instructional practices within
a school that can be used to identify school-wide professional learning needs. Taking descriptive
notes is essential to providing effective feedback afterwards. Here are some tips for gathering data
as you begin your Learning Walkthrough implementation.

 Script notes that are specific and objective to generate richer and more focused discussions
of classroom practice.
 Ensure evidence connects to the identified focus.
 Use guiding questions to refocus yourself as needed:
o What tasks are students engaged in?
o What do I hear the students and teacher saying?
o What instructional practices do I observe?
o What artifacts are evident that relate to the identified focus?
 Avoid evaluative language. Learning Walkthroughs are growth oriented and non-evaluative.

Refer to the Learning Walkthrough Job Aid located in the Appendix to gain clarification on the 13 Standards-Focused
Classroom Indicators.

Using Data
Regional and district leadership have a perspective and responsibility regarding data analysis that is different from that
of school leadership. Regional and district-level analysis of Learning Walkthrough evidence in conjunction with other
data could yield powerful insights into the nature of teaching and learning throughout the district and the region. The
Director of Student Excellence should compare Learning Walkthrough evidence across the region. A district should
analyze aggregated data gathered through Learning Walkthroughs across the district, and the Principal should analyze
Learning Walkthrough evidence for building trends. The insights generated from this investigation can be powerful
drivers of professional development decisions made at the district and/or regional levels.

Some trend data analysis questions:

 What does this body of evidence mean, and what action steps need to take place in response to the findings?
 What are we learning from the process itself?
 What are the trends in Learning Walkthrough evidence? What are the findings over time?
 Is there a relationship between Learning Walkthrough evidence and improved student outcomes?
 Is there a relationship between Learning Walkthrough evidence and data on regional systems?
 What important observations seem to “pop out” from the data? Surprising observations? Unexpected
 What confirms what we already know? What challenges what we thought?
 What patterns or trends appear? What similarities and differences exist across various data sources?
 What are some things we have not yet explored?
 What other data do we want to examine?

Talking About Data

One of the best ways administrators provide clear expectations for what they want
staff to do with data is to model the inquiry process. Leading a data dialogue
effectively requires a focus, data, guiding questions, and an understanding of the
collaborative inquiry process. Data-driven dialogue assists teams in making shared
meaning of data, surfacing multiple perspectives, separating data from inference, and making data-driven decisions.

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 9


Delivering Feedback
Effective feedback is immediate, specific, useful, meaningful, and directed at a goal or objective.
Initiating and engaging in successful conversations with educators, at all levels, is vital to support a
standards-focused teaching and learning environment. Having a conversation that leads to
improved instructional practice supports the goals of DoDEA. After the Learning Walkthrough has
been completed, an email notification is immediately sent to the educator once the user submits
the electronic Learning Walkthrough form.

The Ladder of Feedback is a protocol that establishes a culture of communication and constructive feedback. It can be
used at the classroom and school level. A user may not fill in every rung on the Ladder of Feedback. The user should
always fill in the "Thank" rung on the Ladder of Feedback and at least one other rung. The sequence is described below
and a copy is provided in the Appendix of this guide.

Rung Questions Description

To gain clarity:
 Ensure that you are clear about what your feedback colleague
Are there aspects of the Learning
was trying to accomplish in the lesson by asking some
Clarify Walkthrough that you do not
questions or stating any assumptions you have made.
believe you understood?
 State if you approached your observations from a particular
frame or perspective.
To demonstrate value, your statements should:
 Build a supportive culture of understanding that will help your
feedback colleague identify strengths in their work that they
What did you see in the school or might not have recognized.
classroom that you find to be  Remind your feedback colleague of the parts of his/her lesson
particularly strong, impressive, that should be preserved when making improvements.
innovative, or noteworthy?  Express your appreciation for learners and their ideas. This is
fundamental to the process of constructive feedback.
 Stress the positive points and offer honest compliments to set
a supportive tone.
To raise questions or present challenges:
What questions or challenges  Share your concerns, not as criticisms, but as honest thoughts
were raised for you during the and questions, not as absolute judgments of right and wrong.
Learning Walkthrough?

Suggestions should:
Do you have suggestions for
 Help your feedback colleague make improvements by sharing
professional learning, moving
Suggest your ideas on how he/she might refine or advance the lesson.
forward, or on how to address the
 Put forward ideas on where the lesson might go next or how a
questions or challenges raised?
teacher might build on students' ideas and work.
To demonstrate thanks, your statements should:
How has observing and giving
 Tell your feedback colleague what you have learned from this
feedback enhanced your own
Thank experience.
understanding of instructional
 Share the questions and issues you will take away to think
more about.

NOTE: Those providing feedback on a learning walkthrough may use all or some of the sequenced steps
from the Ladder of Feedback. However, what is most important is that the feedback is specific, relevant,
and encourages reflection on practice. It is expected that feedback is given after every Learning

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Appendix A: DoDEA Learning Walkthrough Glossary of Terms

Term Definition Use in Context

DoDEA selects comprehensive, The most recent Adopted Materials List can be found on the
multi-grade, standards-based DoDEA College and Career Ready Web site. Other DoDEA
Adopted curriculum packages, resources, resources and materials include, but are not limited to,
Curriculum and materials that teachers are scope and sequences, model units/model lessons, anchor
Materials required to use or follow. charts, common assessments, tools, graphic organizers, and
templates found in the DoDEA Learning Management

Text complexity is a three-part Texts chosen by the teacher meet the three-part model.
model. Teachers scaffold and support readers with close reading
and annotation. Close reading means reading and re-
1. Quantitative complexity refers reading to deepen comprehension.
to word frequency, sentence
length, and text cohesion (e.g. Students may use a sticky note or digital tool to annotate
Lexile). their responses to a challenging text.
2. Qualitative measures include
structure, language For more information on text complexity refer to DoDEA’s
Complex Text CCRSL Appendix A.
conventions and clarity,
including levels of meaning and
3. Reader and task complexity
refers to the professional
judgment and expertise of
educators to match texts to
classes, tasks, or particular

Differentiated instruction is an In a differentiated classroom, teachers divide their time,

approach to teaching in which resources, and efforts to effectively teach students who
teachers actively plan for student have various backgrounds, readiness, skill levels, and
differences so that ALL students interests.
can best learn. Lessons designed
around patterns of academic and Differentiation is NOT individualized instruction, Individual
affective student needs are Education Plans for all, or ability grouping within a
necessary for student success with classroom.

Differentiated lessons are planned

to include variety in process,
product, or content. Lessons have
purposeful and intentional
adjustments in the task/assignment
focused on student needs.

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Term Definition Use in Context

Contemporary digital tools are used Using the SAMR model helps educators identify at what
by students and teachers to level students and teachers are using technology. In the
support and create learning, as well SAMR model, S stands for substitution where tech acts as a
as to facilitate collaboration. The direct tool with no functional change; A stands for
tools must be appropriate for the augmentation where tech acts as a substitute with
task, support the learning functional improvement; M stands for modification where
objective, and be student-centered. tech allows for significant task redesign; and R stands for
Digital Tools
redefinition where tech allows for the creation of new tasks.
Digital tools should invite students The goal is to be operating in the transformation level
toward higher levels of rigor. (modification and redefinition) of SAMR, when appropriate.
Digital tools should engage
students in collaboration,
communication, problem solving,
and creative thinking.

The language that is specific to a Domain-specific vocabulary is more common in

field of study and key to informational text than in literature. It is used deliberately
Domain Specific
understating a new concept within by/with teachers and students to demonstrate mastery of
a text, often referred to as Tier III content and ideas.

Active involvement in authentic, Students show ownership of their learning and make
meaningful work which stems from meaningful connections to the curriculum content.
real-world problems and includes Students work with peers or in a small group with the
Engagement opportunities for appropriate teacher, where the instruction is interactive, rather than
challenge, transfer of knowledge, simply organization and management. Students show
collaboration, and oral and written curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion for learning.

Information that helps others get to Oral or written feedback is most effective when it connects
higher levels of understanding or the learners’ current state to the task at hand. Feedback
practice. It is intentional and should be used for individual reflection to refine
specific, as well as actionable and performance.

For students, feedback is focused

on learning and provides
Feedback information on their progress
related to the learning

For educators, feedback is focused

on teaching and learning practices
and provides information on their
progress related to standards-
based teaching and learning.

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Term Definition Use in Context

An instructional strategy where Students can be grouped in a variety of ways including

students are grouped together to interest, skill, choice, and task. Groups shift fluidly with new
receive appropriately challenging performance data (formative or summative). Groups can be
Flexible Groups instruction. changed as data determines the need. Group size and
composition are adjusted to accommodate and reflect
student progress and instructional objectives (flexible and
dynamic grouping).

A process that provides information Formative assessments are assessments for learning and
about student learning, minute-by- take a variety of forms, from more formal quizzes and
Formative minute, day-to-day, and week-to- assignments to informal questioning techniques to check for
Assessment week so teachers continuously understanding and to make changes in instruction to meet
adapt instruction to meet students’ the needs of all learners.
specific needs and secure progress.

A statement (written or expressed) Goals and Objectives aligned to well-planned

in terms of what learners will be instruction/activities and assessments of and for learning
able to know, do, or feel. (formative and summative) that increase the likelihood
Goals/objectives should consist of students will be successful in achieving the objective in the
an opening statement (‘The student lesson, series of lessons, or unit based on DoDEA standards.
Goals and will…’), an action verb, and a
Objectives content reference (which describes When students know and understand the purpose of a
the subject being taught)… the lesson and how the activities contribute to or support their
three essential elements are a learning, learning is increased. Teachers should refer to
statement of who (the learner), goals/objectives during instruction so students are able to
how (the action verb), and what monitor their own learning.
(the content).

When teachers have high Essential to a culture of high expectations is providing

expectations for students and students with high levels of support. Support includes
provide tasks that are engaging and scaffolding within lessons by using graphic organizers and
of high interest, students build self- chunking information, incorporating motivational elements
esteem, increase confidence and in the lesson, identifying strategic knowledge in the lesson,
improve academic performance. and having a plan to provide students with additional help
and support. Messaging to students clearly communicates:
Student confidence is critical to a
student’s willingness to tackle and  This is important.
High Expectations persevere with rigorous and  You can do it.
challenging learning activities.  I will not give up on you.

Effort is made to set the same high Rubrics for expectations of quality are shared. Students are
educational standards for all tenacious about their learning. When high expectations are
students. It is based on the held for all students, students learn more and do more.
premise that a failure to hold all
students to high expectations
effectively denies them access to a
high-quality education.

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Term Definition Use in Context

Questions that students cannot Questions that are higher order extend beyond
answer by simple recollection and “knowledge” and are skillfully integrated into the lesson.
put advanced cognitive demand on They challenge students to think at the next level and draw
students. They encourage students a correlation to the stated learning objective. Higher order
to think beyond literal questions questions require students to Judge, Decide, Appraise,
Higher-Order and promote critical thinking skills. Evaluate, Rate, Compare, Value, Revise, Conclude, Select,
Questions These types of questions expect Criticize, Assess, Measure, Estimate, Infer, Deduce, Score,
students to apply, analyze, Predict, Choose, Recommend, and Determine.
synthesize, and evaluate
information instead of simply For additional information, explore Bloom’s Taxonomy,
recalling facts. Norm Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, or Art Costa’s Levels of
Thinking (used in DoDEA’s AVID Program).

Classroom management and There is alignment between the goals/objectives of the

organization are related. While learning and the environment matched to the instruction.
rules and routines influence The environment varies to support instruction. Specific
student behavior, classroom characteristics of organized environment include, but are
Environment is
organization affects the physical not limited to, accessible storage for student and teacher
elements of the classroom, making materials, no teacher blind spots, clear traffic patterns,
it a more productive environment orderly routines, and good use of wall space.
for the students and the teacher.

An effective lesson starts with a Learning follows the DoDEA 20-60-20 model, emphasizing
standards-aligned, carefully- work sessions that are framed by opening and closing
formulated, clearly-stated learning activities. Learning is provided or constructed by students
objective and—of particular in a way that makes it relevant/meaningful.
importance—how it will be
assessed. A well-paced lesson Considerations include:
attends to the timing and flow of
Lessons are teaching and learning, causes  content,
Structured and discourse between the teacher and  behavior,
Paced learners, and allows for gradual  procedures,
release of control/responsibility.  products, and
 monitoring.

The teacher serves as facilitator and intervenes with

suggestions, recommendations, or questions to check for
understanding or stimulate thinking. Pacing can be
reflected in routines, variations for teachable moments, and
matching to individual or group needs.

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Term Definition Use in Context

Spoken or written language, both Meaningful discourse invites students to initiate discussion
print and digital, on a particular with one another and their teacher about the lesson or
subject or topic. It is learning topic of study. Students can defend their work/ideas and
focused and leads to the expansion ask questions that expand their own understanding.
Meaningful of ideas. Teachers support meaningful discourse when they craft
Discourse higher order questions or a series of scaffolded questions.

For more information, refer to the following: Socratic

seminars, think-pair-share, reciprocal teaching, fishbowls,
debates, etc.

The process of finding solutions to After defining the problem to be solved, multiple paths may
real-world complex situations or be explored to come to a solution. Students take risks and
Problem Solving
problems. collaborate to try ideas, evaluate, refine, and redesign

Developing strong habits of mind, Teachers support productive struggle by using guiding
such as perseverance, and thinking questions. Productive struggle immerses students in
flexibly, instead of simply seeking learning and creates authentic engagement that promotes
the correct solution. Not knowing comprehension and mastery. Wait time is evident, as is
how to solve the problem at the problem-based learning, and open-ended questioning.
outset is expected. The key is
working through the problem,
encouraging students to think
outside the box, and not letting
them get discouraged if their initial
strategies do not work.

Learning is characterized by In a student-centered learning environment, the students

intentional standards-based learn to review their peers’ work and offer feedback for
planning based on the needs of the improvement. There are high levels of engagement (ex:
students. Students take ownership project-based learning, Socratic seminars, and debates) and
of their learning by setting goals collaboration is commonplace.
and monitoring their own progress
towards them. Students play a
larger role in their learning while
the teacher acts as a facilitator.

A book, document, or other Teachers and students engage with a variety of text that
resource regarded in terms of its include but are not limited to appendices, documents,
content rather than its physical illustrations, pictures, and artifacts.
Text form.

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This page is intentionally left blank.

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Appendix B: Sample Agenda for Introducing Learning Walkthroughs to Teachers

Note: This sample agenda is intended to be a guide to help ensure key considerations. It is important to incorporate learning
activities to ensure this does not become a “sit and get” meeting.


 What is a Learning Walkthrough

 Why Use a Learning Walkthrough
o DoDEA Theory of Action
 Learning Activity [Consider jigsaw of related readings.]

Benefits and Expectations

 School-Wide Benefits
 DoDEA-Wide Benefits
 Alignment with Priorities (Priority One, PLCs, CIL, District, School Plans)
 What to Expect from Learning Walkthroughs
 Who are the Observers and What are Their Roles

Understanding the Tools

 Learning Walkthrough Tool

 Learning Walkthrough Job Aid
 Learning Activity [Be sure to invite input on importance of each of the 3 clusters and 13 indicators.]

Implementing the Learning Walkthrough

 Getting Started
o Communication
o Shared Understanding
 Scheduling a Learning Walkthrough
 Setting a Focus
 Gathering Data
 Delivering Feedback
o Individual
o Group
 Learning Activity [Consider collecting perceptions with a Consensogram.]


 Extending the Conversation

 Timeline for Next Steps

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 19


Appendix C: Tips for Successfully Implementing the Learning Walkthrough

Leaders Should Leaders Should Not

 Communicate openly with district and school staff  Use the Learning Walkthrough process as part of
about the Learning Walkthrough process and how the teacher evaluation process.
the evidence will be used.  Share information about individual teachers or use
 Determine the purpose of the Learning the information to criticize instructional staff.
Walkthrough with a clearly identified focus.  Conduct Learning Walkthroughs without a specific
 Provide training to understand how to effectively focus or an organized plan for collecting and
gather evidence. analyzing evidence.
 Provide training and support in analyzing evidence  Collect evidence without a plan for engaging
and generating discussions targeted at improving individual teachers or groups of teachers in
instructional practices and student learning. discussions about current practices and actions for
 Use data and research on promising practices to improvement.
define action steps for improvement.  Conduct Learning Walkthroughs without using the
 Develop a process for determining progress. evidence to plan for further support that will
 Build the capacity for learning at school and benefit students, teachers, and
district levels. systems/structures.
 Share evidence and communicate action steps and  Use information from a single Learning
supports designed to build on strengths and Walkthrough to make decisions about trends or
address needs. programs.
 Use the Learning Walkthrough in isolation rather
than as part of a more comprehensive data
gathering and reflection process.

(Source: Learning Walkthrough Implementation Guide, by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2013.)

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 20


Appendix D: DoDEA Learning Walkthrough Tool Template

Person Observed: Date: Time: Subject Area: Grade:
Lesson Segment: Beginning 20%--Middle 60%--End 20% Observer:
The purpose of this form is to collect trend data over time and is not evaluative. In advance of entering the classroom, the observer

Not Applicable
Not Observed
may decide to look for only a subset of indicators. When not looking for an indicator, please leave the default option of “Not
Applicable.” Once the observer has decided to look for an indicator, we expect to see descriptive notes for that indicator, along with a

selection of “Observed” or “Not Observed.”
Standards-Focused Classroom Descriptive Notes
1. Learning environment is organized to be conducive to
student-centered learning.
Learning Environment

2. DoDEA-adopted materials are used to support

student learning.

3. Students use appropriate digital tools or multimedia

resources in support of learning and collaborating.

4. Teacher communicates high expectations for student

Facilitating Learning

5. Lessons are paced and structured to keep all students

engaged throughout the learning.

6. Students are engaged in flexible/ differentiated


7. Learning activities incorporate formative assessment

and/or feedback to guide the ongoing learning
8. Goals/objectives are communicated beyond posted
standards and referred to by teachers or students as
they voice their understanding of learning goals.
9. Lesson tasks are challenging for all students (require
productive struggle, problem-solving, or reasoning).
Instructional Shifts

10. Students’ and teachers’ written and spoken discourse

use domain specific vocabulary.

11. Students are able to read and articulate their

understanding of complex text and concepts.

12. Students are able to respond to deliberate higher

order questions that check for understanding of all
13. Students support their written and spoken opinions
with evidence from text.

Recognitions and Considerations [to be included in teacher email]:

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 21


Appendix E: DoDEA Learning Walkthrough Tool – Sample Descriptive Notes

Person Observed; Date: 3/8/17 Time: Subject Area: Grade:

Lesson Segment: Beginning 20%--Middle 60%--End 20% Observer:

The purpose of this form is to collect trend data over time and is not evaluative. In advance of entering the classroom, the observer

Not Applicable
Not Observed
may decide to look for only a subset of indicators. When not looking for an indicator, please leave the default option of “Not
Applicable.” Once the observer has decided to look for an indicator, we expect to see descriptive notes for that indicator, along with a

selection of “Observed” or “Not Observed.”
Standards-Focused Classroom Descriptive Notes
1. Learning environment is organized to be conducive to The learning environment is organized and orderly; norms
Learning Environment

were posted. Teacher responded to students with questions X

student-centered learning.
one by one. Students and teachers spoke respectfully.
2. DoDEA-adopted materials are used to support student Materials used by teacher and students were aligned to
CCRS. Students had manipulatives to solve math problems. X
3. Students use appropriate digital tools or multimedia No apparent use of digital tools.
resources in support of learning and collaborating. X

4. Teacher communicates high expectations for student Teacher walked around the room, said “nice job” and “good
success. work” and did not ask questions of students. X
Facilitating Learning

5. Lessons are paced and structured to keep all students Lesson pace was fast; some students did not fully understand
engaged throughout the learning. goal. Two students that finished early had their own X
“extension folders” and were working on those activities.
6. Students are engaged in flexible/differentiated There was direct instruction and small group work. Groups
groups. were working independently in small groups on 1 activity. X
The activity was based on DoDEA-aligned standards.
7. Learning activities incorporate formative assessment Students were highly dependent on teacher feedback for
understanding the guided practice, yet many students were
and/or feedback to guide the ongoing learning X
confused and did not get guidance.
8. Goals/objectives are communicated beyond posted Teacher said: “Today, we will work with subtraction stories.”
Students were working on multiplying by 10s, and were not
standards and referred to by teachers or students as X
able to say how it fit with a larger plan or purpose.
they voice their understanding of learning goals.
9. Lesson tasks are challenging for all students (require There were differentiated options for students to work at
appropriate levels. Students worked in small groups but X
productive struggle, problem-solving, or reasoning).
Instructional Shifts

were not working together.

10. Students’ and teachers’ written and spoken discourse The teacher and the students used accurate –
domain/content vocabulary to describe the subtraction X
use domain specific vocabulary.
11. Students are able to read and articulate their Students read together a single multiplication word problem,
which did not appear to be complex for the class level. X
understanding of complex text and concepts.
12. Students are able to respond to deliberate higher The teacher asked DOK Level 1 recall/ Bloom’s “remember”
questions. However, activity required some DOK Level 2 Skill/
order questions that check for understanding of all X
Bloom’s “understand” questions.
13. Students support their written and spoken opinions Those who were called upon were asked to tell why they
with evidence from text. believed their answer to be correct, but students were not X
prompted to justify responses with text or source materials.

Recognitions and Considerations [to be included in teacher email]:

You used verbal and non-verbal behaviors that communicate respect and likeability to your students. You used strong attention getting and
keeping behaviors during the mini lesson. I noticed that two students had “extension” folders that allowed them to access additional related
content after they had finished the class assignment. Have you thought about how to provide more extension choices for other students?
Consider incorporating a variety of checking for understanding strategies to assess the learning of all students during mini lessons. Consider
developing norms for collaboration when students are working together in small groups that allow them take different roles in group activities.
Thank you for your efforts for improved instruction. I look forward to my next visit to your class!

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 22


Appendix F: DoDEA Learning Walkthrough Tool Job Aid

Indicator Evidence (Looks like/Sounds Like) Questions to Students Questions to Teachers

1. Learning environment Environment: What are your class norms? How do you set and
is organized to be  Organized to support learning maintain an environment of
conducive to student-  Characterized by respectful behaviors, routines, tone and What happens when respect?
centered learning. discourse someone doesn’t follow
 Structured for collaboration to ensure all students are engaged them? Can you describe your
 Includes posted tasks with directions, anchor charts/tools, collaborative structures in
rotation/seating charts, and positive rules/norms How do you show others your class?
 Smooth transitions during instruction you respect them?
 Structured to attend to social/emotional/non-cognitive learning How are norms developed,
 Designed to allow for efficient use of learning spaces and student taught, and reinforced?
Can you describe
expectations for transitions
and classes? What strategies do you use
to give students voice and
 Provides structures for student voice and choice in
How do you use learning choice?
 Applies posted norms/rules consistently centers/stations?
 Verbal and non-verbals are supportive, caring and congenial to all
students Do you have a choice in the
 Demonstrates that errors are a normal part of learning through kind of work you do?
positive redirection
 Plans intentional standards based lessons based on needs of
 Uses adaptive technology to ensure access for all students

 Have supportive and healthy relationships with peers
 Experience minimal disruptive behavior and other negative
 Use the posted tasks with directions, anchor charts/tools,
rotation/seating charts, and positive rules/norms to support
learning and movement about the room
 Take ownership of their learning by setting goals and monitoring
their own progress

2. DoDEA-adopted Environment: How did today’s activity Are the materials for this
materials are used to  Current adopted materials are the primary instructional resources help you understand the lesson aligned to DoDEA
support student used to facilitate learning lesson’s goal? standards? Which ones?
learning.  Standards-aligned use of DoDEA-published or adopted
o scope and sequences If you are struggling with a If a student is
o model units/model lessons concept/idea what tools are struggling/exceeding
o anchor charts, tools, graphic organizers, and templates available to help you expectation of the lesson,
found in VSN/CoPs or Schoology groups/courses succeed? what resources are you
o common assessments using to meet their needs?

Teachers: When you supplement

 Encourage multiple ways to justify reassigning when solving adopted materials or texts
problems or answering questions how do you determine the
 Provide opportunities for academic discourse around curricular appropriateness? What is
materials your decision-making
 Record understanding of content using a variety of methods e.g.
Cornell notes, graphic organizers, stamping numbers…)
 Are responding to and critiquing reasoning of others based on
curricular experiences

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 23

Indicator Evidence (Looks like/Sounds Like) Questions to Students Questions to Teachers

3. Students use Environment What are your goals in What digital tools and
appropriate digital tools  Contemporary digital technologies, Web 2.0 tools, and multimedia using technology to improve multimedia resources do
or multimedia resources are aligned to standards and embedded into the lesson your learning? you use routinely?
resources in support of so that students and teachers can:
learning and o connect different classrooms (locally and globally) If a technological resource How do you decide what is
collaborating. o innovatively share ideas and content is asking for personal appropriate for a lesson?
o collaborate on projects information, what have you
o create graphic organizers and tools been taught about being How do you use technology
o personalize and customize learning based on diverse safe and choosing what to encourage collaboration?
learning needs and styles information to share?
What digital tools do you
Teachers: How have you used utilize to communicate and
 Design standards-based lessons that require the use of technology as a tool to to encourage collaboration?
contemporary digital technologies, Web 2.0 tools, and support your learning?
multimedia resources to augment, modify, and redefine learning
tasks as defined by the SAMR model How is the technology in
this lesson being used as a
Students: significant task redesign
 Use contemporary digital technologies, Web 2.0 tools, and (modification level)?
multimedia resources to:
o promote creative, collaborative, innovative thinking
and inventiveness
o engage in problem solving of authentic, real-world
o apply and evaluate new content
o communicate new ideas creatively at local and
global levels
o construct visual and graphic representations
o research, produce, revise, and publish work
o apply and evaluate technology resources for
accuracy, credibility, and relevance

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 24

Indicator Evidence (Looks like/Sounds Like) Questions to Students Questions to Teachers

4. Teacher Environment: How do you know your How do students know you
communicates high  Examples of current student work are displayed, with descriptive teacher cares about you? have high expectations for
expectations for feedback and corresponding rubrics/criteria them?
student success.  Success criteria are explicitly stated through Did this lesson challenge
o posters/anchor charts/exemplars you? How did you decide which
o class/course overviews exemplars would best
o grading scales Does your teacher ask you facilitate learning?
o rubrics questions?
 Learning experiences are rigorous and challenging with scaffolds What strategies do you use
present to support all learners access to the standards/course to check for understanding?
How do you take initiative to
improve your work?
 Risk-taking is encouraged and supported
What are your plans if a
What is your reaction if a student is struggling with or
classmate disagrees with exceeding expectations
 Demonstrate their belief that all learners can meet high
your idea? during instruction? After
standards in actions, words, and disposition. Model
process/skills/steps to support all learners’ concept attainment
 Use models, exemplars, authentic student work to demonstrated What are the expectations if
concept/skill/process attainment by learners you are unsure or don’t
 Ask questions of and responds to all students in an equitable, know the answer?
intentional way
 Normalize errors and uses them as opportunities to clarify How do the examples,
understanding anchor charts, models, etc.
help you understand the
Students: lesson?
 Demonstrate perseverance through a willingness to continue
despite setbacks and/or initial failure
 Ask for help/support/next steps from peers and/or teacher, as
 Use tools provided in the environment, as appropriate, to
independently problem-solve
 Demonstrate ownership of learning by setting goals for learning
that are challenging or reflect academic risks
 Take pride in their work as demonstrated by the quality and
attention to detail

5. Lessons are paced Environment: What part of the lesson How do you design your
and structured to keep  There is an expectation that all students will participate, helped you understand questions?
all students engaged collaborate and contribute during lessons today’s goal?
throughout the  The physical environment optimizes learning for all students Can you describe the
learning.  Timing and flow of teaching and learning allows for discourse, How can you use what you 20/60/20 lesson structure in
dialogue and gradual release of responsibility learned today outside of your classroom?
Teachers: What active learning
 Guide instruction with a hook, checks for understanding, use of Are there parts of today’s strategies did you use in
proper wait time, and content-appropriate mini lessons lesson you still need help in this lesson? Why did you
 Provide opportunities for hands on learning and guided or understanding? select them? Did you
independent practice consider others?
 Provide sufficient time for learning
Do you have enough time to
 Show evidence of 20/60/20 lesson structure in their lesson design
learn the material being
 Use lesson activities that are differentiated for learners (by
process, product, and content)
 Uses scaffolds to engage all levels of learners

 Are actively involved (producing, creating, sharing products) in
learning activities
 Are engaged in questioning, tasks, assessments, and performance

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 25

Indicator Evidence (Looks like/Sounds Like) Questions to Students Questions to Teachers

6. Students are engaged Environment: Do you work in groups? How did you use the results
in flexible/  Re-teaching and accommodations, small-group instruction, and of formative assessments to
differentiated groups enrichment are evident in classrooms. How often do you work in determine the groupings of
 Variety in instructional processes, including peer teaching, groups? students?
student-led teaching, inclusion, co-teaching.
 Variety in instructional processes, products, and content for When was the last time How often do the groupings
students. your group changed? change?
 Tasks that are differentiated for groups of students and include: re-
teaching/reinforcement, pre-post assessments, peer tutoring, What ways do you vary
How does your teacher
aides, co-teaching, inclusion, student-led teaching/facilitation. learning tasks to support
make groups?
learning for all?
 Group students based on data and adjusting grouping as needed If you are struggling and
your teacher is with a Can you describe your use
(using homogenous and heterogeneous grouping)
group, what are the of small-group instruction?
 Use instructional practices that motivate and engage students
during the lesson classroom expectations so
 support diverse student learning needs you can get assistance? How did you determine
what differentiated lesson
Students: Do you have the opportunity activities would be used?
 Work cooperatively on a shared activity to teach your classmates?
 Draw on the knowledge and/or discourse of peers
What happens when you
understand the lesson and
others don’t yet?

7. Learning activities Teachers: How do you know that How often do you provide
incorporate formative  Provide descriptive feedback that is timely, specific, clear and you’ve learned something? written feedback to your
assessment and/or directed towards a goal or mastery of a standard both orally and in students?
feedback to guide the writing How does peer or teacher
ongoing learning  Conduct frequent checks for student understanding and adjusting feedback help you grow? What ways have you
process. instruction accordingly observed peer feedback
 Provide exemplars of work (student work, anchor charts, mentor Can you show me some helping students improve?
text) written feedback that a
 Demonstrate on the spot written, recorded or visual assessments teacher or peer gave you How do you provide time for
(clicker response, thumbs-up/thumbs-down and teacher/student that helped you improve? peer feedback?
 Collect and analyze evidence to measure student achievement
What strategies have you
and to reflect on the effectiveness of instruction
shared with students to help
 Use evidence from formative and summative assessments to
them reflect and improve
measure students’ progress toward short-and long-term goals
using the feedback?
 Monitor their own progress toward individual goals, choosing to
seek help from peers or teacher
 When appropriate, provide peers feedback that is specific, clear,
and directed towards the intended goal or standard
 Implement oral or written feedback to improve performance on

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 26

Indicator Evidence (Looks like/Sounds Like) Questions to Students Questions to Teachers

8. Goals/objectives are Environment: What are you learning How did you determine
communicated  Writing on the board informing of the goals/objectives today? these goals/objectives for
beyond posted  Use of KWL charts; advance organizers, itineraries with outcomes this lesson?
standards and on board What connections can you
referred to by  Displays of essential questions, “focus” walls and “I can” make to text you’re Based on the students in
teachers or students statements reading? your room what would be
as they voice their an efficient and appropriate
understanding of Teachers: What are your own learning way to inform them of the
learning goals.  Prompt students with “Yesterday we…today we…”; “remember we goals? goals/objectives of the
are trying to…” lesson?
 Ensure that all components of the instructional model 20/60/20
How did you decide on
contribute to the lesson objectives/standards What strategies do you use
these as goals?
 Relay the objective(s) of the lesson, connects objective(s) to one to connect to prior learning?
or more big ideas from previous lessons
How does the writing on the
board contribute to student
 Make/understand “I can” statements about learning goals
 Make connections to text, to world, to self, to other content areas
 Can say what they are working on and towards what goal when
asked How do you know the
objectives/goals were met?

9. Lesson tasks are Teachers: How often do you work How did you use data to
challenging for all  Select appropriate tasks that encourage collaborative work and together to solve problems design this lesson?
students (require academic discourse or work on a project?
productive struggle,  Provide differentiated opportunities to share collaborative work What strategies do you use
problem-solving, or (i.e., make a video, poster, speech, etc.) Can you explain how this to help students see
reasoning). learning task connects to multiple solutions?
Students: the goals/objectives on the
 Work together to solve problems, use influence, and defend board? How do you respond when
positions a student struggles or
 Engage in team work What do you do/think/say exceeds expectations with a
 Use and consider different representations and tools when you are stuck on a concept/idea/problem?
 Leverage prior knowledge, to support thinking and problem problem?
 Engage in active inquiry to build understanding through problem
Is it alright, in this class, to
come up with many ways to
 Persevere in reasoning, while self-monitoring through the task,
solve a problem? How do
by using a variety of strategies to enter into the task and obtain a
you know? Can you give an
 Communicate their own thinking about the task
 Participate in discourse in order to understand and accept a
variety of solution approaches

10. Students’ and Teachers: What is an interesting How do you teach specific
teachers’ written and  Use accurate and specific vocabulary during conversations within academic word that you content-related, academic
spoken discourse use lessons and assigned work used or learned today? vocabulary to your
domain vocabulary.  Introduce, define, and use content specific/technical words related students?
to the concepts being taught If you going to teach me
 Introduce new domain vocabulary words what you learned today, What strategies do you use
what words should I know? to ensure students use
Students: academic vocabulary?
 Define domain vocabulary with the support of reference tools or Are you provided time to
by analyzing the surrounding context when prompted discuss what you learned How do you determine
 Use targeted domain vocabulary in reading, writing, and speaking with other students? vocabulary to be taught and
 Use domain vocabulary in student-to-teacher and peer-to-peer used?
discourse and to explain their thinking and understanding of the
course content and concepts. Examples of discourse include:
Socratic seminars, think-pair-share, reciprocal teaching, fishbowls,
debates, conversations that add to the learning, Google
Docs/digital back and forth and domain-specific vocabulary

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 27

Indicator Evidence (Looks like/Sounds Like) Questions to Students Questions to Teachers

11. Students are able to Teachers: What are you reading now? What methods do you use
read and articulate  Use texts and problems that are appropriately complex, real- to choose reading material
their understanding of world related, and encourage deep thinking How do you know if the for students?
complex text and  Have a variety of appropriate texts and tasks that provide multiple book/article/reading is just
concepts. entry points through the use of varied tools and strategies right for you? What are ways you support
readers to understand
Students: What are some reading complex material?
 Compare, contrast, infer, and use close reading strategies strategies you use to better
 Summarize authors’ arguments, and routinely analyze and understand the author’s How do you support
explain the details used to build and support these arguments. meaning? conversations using text?
 Evaluate authors’ logic
 Apply strategies to make meaning of complex text, or build on the
Do you refer back to pages How do you teach reading
ideas of others to further discussions and deepen subject area
in your books when having strategies and skills using
conversations or in your complex text?

12. Students are able to Environment: Are all students asked Are your students familiar
respond to deliberate  Lessons are designed with scaffolds that provide multiple entry challenging questions in with DOKs/higher order
higher order questions points to learning your class? How do you thinking?
that check for  Authentic student work displays provide evidence of higher order know?
understanding of all tasks How do you plan for the use
learners. Are all students expected to of DOKs/higher order
Teachers: respond? What if they don’t thinking questions in your
 Craft prompts that move up and down in cognitive complexity using or can’t? oral questioning?
one or more matrix or taxonomy so that all students are engaged
in rigorous learning How do you prove your How do you plan for the use
 Webb’s DOK answers? of the DOKs in your written
o Level 1 – Recall questioning?
o Level 2 – Skill/Concept
o Level 3 – Strategic Thinking
What are some of your
o Level 4 – Extended Thinking
“calling on” strategies?
 Bloom’s Taxonomy (revised)
o Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze,
Evaluate, Create

13. Students support their Teachers: Does your teacher expect What strategies do you use
written and spoken  Prompt for text-based statements using phrases like: you to use evidence from to support students to use
opinions with o “Where in the text to do you find evidence for that the text to defend your textual evidence in their
evidence from text. idea?” and “What did the author do to make you think response to a question? defense of answers?
How do you support your Are your students skilled
Students: answers during a class with supporting opinions
 Refer to text, images, media, or problems when writing or speaking discussion or in a small with evidence? How do you
 Reference the text and provide reasoning within response group? know?
 Are required to integrate evidence drawn from source material
into a written or oral response Where do you find support
 Cite textual evidence during large- and small-group class for your answers?
 Support written and spoken arguments with evidence from
source material

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 28


Appendix G: Ladder of Feedback Template for Classroom Observations

The "Ladder of Feedback” is a protocol or structure that sequences feedback in an appropriate order for establishing a
culture of trust and constructive support.

What class is being observed?

Feedback for:

Feedback from:

CLARIFY Formulate your comments below.

Are there aspects of the class or lesson that you do not
believe you understood?

To gain clarity:
 Ensure that you are clear about what your feedback
colleague was trying to accomplish in the lesson by
asking some questions or stating any assumptions you
have made.
- “I wasn’t sure if you meant that students will
understand X, but that’s what I assumed, so
now you can understand where my feedback is
coming from.”
 State if you approached your observations from a
particular frame or perspective.
- “I was interested in looking at how students
were interacting in the lesson, so my feedback
is focused mainly on that aspect.”
VALUE Formulate your comments below.
What did you see in the class that you find to be
particularly impressive, innovative, strong, or noteworthy?

To demonstrate value, your statements should:

 Build a supportive culture of understanding that will
help your feedback colleague identify strengths in their
work that they might not have recognized.
 Remind your feedback colleague of the parts of his/her
lesson that should be preserved when making
 Express your appreciation for learners and their ideas.
This is fundamental to the process of constructive
 Stress the positive points and offer honest
compliments to set a supportive tone.

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 29


RAISE QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Formulate your comments below.

What questions, issues, tensions, or concerns were raised
for you within the lesson?

To raise questions or present challenges:

 Share your concerns, not as criticisms, but as
honest thoughts and questions, not as absolute
judgments of right and wrong.
- “It might be interesting to explore . . .”
- “I wonder what would happen if . . .”
- “Perhaps you have thought about this, but . . .”
- “A question this raised for me was . . .”
- “One of the things this got me thinking about
was . . .”
- “Observing the class made me more aware of
the tension between . . .?”
- “A concern raised for me was . . .”
SUGGEST Formulate your comments below.
Do you have suggestions for refining the lesson, moving
forward, or on how to address the concerns you identified?

Suggestions should:
 Help your feedback colleague make improvements by
sharing your ideas on how he/she might refine or
advance the lesson.
 Put forward ideas on where the lesson might go next
or how a teacher might build on students' ideas and
- “It might be interesting to follow up on that
issue of___, by...”

THANK Formulate your comments below.

How has observing and giving feedback enhanced your
own understanding of teaching and learning?

To demonstrate thanks, your statements should:

 Tell your feedback colleague what you have learned
from this experience.
 Share the questions and issues you will take away to
think more about.
- “This lesson has made me think more about
how I might...”

This form is adapted by Ron Ritchhart from the “Ladder of Feedback” developed by Daniel Wilson, Harvard Project Zero.

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 30


Appendix H: Ladder of Feedback for Classroom Observations – Sample for Individual Class
The "Ladder of Feedback” is a protocol or structure that sequences feedback in an appropriate order for establishing a
culture of trust and constructive support.

What class is being observed?

First Grade Mathematics
Feedback for:
Feedback from:
CLARIFY Formulate your comments below.
Are there aspects of the class or lesson that you do not Could you describe the components of your math block?
believe you understood?
Are there aspects of the class or lesson that you do not I want to ask what CCRS you were teaching and what made
believe you understood? you decide to teach it today?

To gain clarity:
 Ensure that you are clear about what your feedback
colleague was trying to accomplish in the lesson by
asking some questions or stating any assumptions you
have made.
- “I wasn’t sure if you meant that students will
understand X, but that’s what I assumed, so
now you can understand where my feedback is
coming from.”
 State if you approached your observations from a
particular frame or perspective.
- “I was interested in looking at how students
were interacting in the lesson, so my feedback
is focused mainly on that aspect.”
VALUE Formulate your comments below.
What did you see in the class that you find to be Use of verbal and non-verbal behaviors that communicate
particularly impressive, innovative, strong, or noteworthy? respect and likeability of students.

To demonstrate value, your statements should: Strong attention getting and keeping strategies with high
 Build a supportive culture of understanding that will expectations for behavior.
help your feedback colleague identify strengths in their
work that they might not have recognized. Emphasis on precision. Modeled method for completion
 Remind your feedback colleague of the parts of his/her of story problem.
lesson that should be preserved when making
improvements. Visual aid of – and + on board with key vocabulary.
 Express your appreciation for learners and their ideas.
This is fundamental to the process of constructive
 Stress the positive points and offer honest
compliments to set a supportive tone.

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 31


RAISE QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Formulate your comments below.

What questions, issues, tensions, or concerns were raised 1. As we think about a more student-centered learning
for you within the lesson? environment, I wonder what would happen if you
provided more choice for the students or gave them
To raise questions or present challenges: opportunities to work together. I understand the
 Share your concerns, not as criticisms, but as tension that can exist with wanting more instructional
honest thoughts and questions, not as absolute interaction among students and worry over behavior
judgments of right and wrong. management.
- “It might be interesting to explore . . .” 2. Perhaps you have thought about this, but you give
- “I wonder what would happen if . . .” students a very short amount of time (approximately 2
- “Perhaps you have thought about this, but . . .” seconds) to consider an answer and raise a hand to
- “A question this raised for me was . . .” respond. Then you call on one student to respond.
- “One of the things this got me thinking about This does not check for understanding of all students.
was . . .” 3. As I watched your lesson, I wondered about general
- “Observing the class made me more aware of use of CCRS and the Mathematical Practices for
the tension between . . .?” planning lessons. I am wondering if this wouldn’t be
- “A concern raised for me was . . .” something we explore together in our PLC.
SUGGEST Formulate your comments below.
Do you have suggestions for refining the lesson, moving 1. I would like you to examine five active processing
forward, or on how to address the concerns you identified? activities and chose two to learn and incorporate into
Suggestions should: next week’s lessons (show fist to five, turn & talk,
whiteboard hold up, 3-2-1, I have the answer, who has
 Help your feedback colleague make improvements by the question). I can come in to model their use, if you
sharing your ideas on how he/she might refine or would like.
advance the lesson. 2. Checking for understanding needs to occur for all
 Put forward ideas on where the lesson might go next learners, not just a few. By increasing your wait time
or how a teacher might build on students' ideas and to five seconds, before either calling on a random
work. student or engaging the one of the active processing
- “It might be interesting to follow up on that activities, you could improve the quality and quantity
issue of___, by...” of responses.
3. In preparation for our next PLC, be ready to share
ideas for planning for CCRS instruction. Consider using
a three-step process: 1) What do I want students to
know and do? 2) How will they and I know that they
know and can do? 3) What learning experiences can I
design that will facilitate them getting there?
THANK Formulate your comments below.
How has observing and giving feedback enhanced your I enjoyed coming in today. I so appreciate this time for me
own understanding of teaching and learning? to enhance my understanding of our standards-based
To demonstrate thanks, your statements should: practices.
 Tell your feedback colleague what you have learned
from this experience. For our next PLC, I will bring a template to help us unpack
 Share the questions and issues you will take away to and plan for a standards-based lesson. I am looking
think more about. forward to working with you!
- “This lesson has made me think more about
how I might...”

This form is adapted by Ron Ritchhart from the “Ladder of Feedback” developed by Daniel Wilson, Harvard Project Zero.

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 32


Appendix I: Ladder of Feedback Template for School-Level Walkthrough Data

The "Ladder of Feedback” is a protocol or structure that sequences feedback in an appropriate order for establishing a
culture of trust and constructive support.
What school was observed?

Feedback for:

Feedback from:

CLARIFY Formulate your comments below.

Are there aspects of the learning walkthrough that you
don’t believe you understood?
Are there aspects of the class or lesson that you don’t
believe you understood?

To gain clarity:
 Ensure that you are clear about what your feedback
colleague was trying to accomplish in the lesson by
asking some questions or stating any assumptions you
have made.
- “I wasn’t sure if you meant that students will
understand X, but that’s what I assumed, so
now you can understand where my feedback is
coming from.”
 State if you approached your observations from a
particular frame or perspective.
- “I was interested in looking at how students
were interacting in the lesson, so my feedback
is focused mainly on that aspect.”
VALUE Formulate your comments below.
What did you see in the school that you find to be
particularly impressive, innovative, strong, or noteworthy?

To demonstrate value, your statements should:

 Build a supportive culture of understanding that will
help your feedback colleague identify strengths in their
work that they might not have recognized.
 Remind your feedback colleague of the parts of his/her
lesson that should be preserved when making
 Express your appreciation for learners and their ideas.
This is fundamental to the process of constructive
 Stress the positive points and offer honest
compliments to set a supportive tone.

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 33


RAISE QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Formulate your comments below.

What questions, issues, tensions, or concerns were raised
for you during the learning walkthrough?

To raise questions or present challenges:

 Share your concerns, not as criticisms, but as
honest thoughts and questions, not as absolute
judgments of right and wrong.
- “It might be interesting to explore . . .”
- “I wonder what would happen if . . .”
- “Perhaps you have thought about this, but . . .”
- “A question this raised for me was . . .”
- “One of the things this got me thinking about was . . .”
- “The walkthrough made me more aware of the tension
between . . .?”
- “A concern raised for me was . . .”

SUGGEST Formulate your comments below.

Do you have suggestions for professional learning, moving
forward, or on how to address the concerns you identified?

Suggestions should:
 Help your feedback colleague make improvements by
sharing your ideas on how he/she might refine or
advance the lesson.
 Put forward ideas on where the lesson might go next
or how a teacher might build on students' ideas and
- “It might be interesting to follow up on that issue
of___, by...”

THANK Formulate your comments below.

How has observing and giving feedback enhanced your
own understanding of instructional practices?

To demonstrate thanks, your statements should:

 Tell your feedback colleague what you have learned
from this experience.
 Share the questions and issues you will take away to
think more about.
- “This experience has made me think more about
how I might...”

This form is adapted by Ron Ritchhart from the “Ladder of Feedback” developed by Daniel Wilson, Harvard Project Zero.

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 34


Appendix J: Ladder of Feedback for School-Level Walkthrough Data – Sample

The "Ladder of Feedback” is a protocol or structure that sequences feedback in an appropriate order for establishing a
culture of trust and constructive support.
What school was observed?
Sunshine Middle School
Feedback for:
Entire faculty
Feedback from:
CLARIFY Formulate your comments below.
Are there aspects of the learning walkthrough that you don’t From our previous PLCs, we determined that as a school we
believe you understood? would work toward improving our written and spoken discourse
Are there aspects of the class or lesson that you don’t believe you with our students in all subjects by incorporating more academic
understood? vocabulary.

To gain clarity: I want to clarify that my feedback here is based solely on the
 Ensure that you are clear about what your feedback academic vocabulary I heard spoken from teacher to student,
colleague was trying to accomplish in the lesson by asking student to teacher, and student to student and saw written on
some questions or stating any assumptions you have made. the walls, in notebooks, and in margins of text.
- “I wasn’t sure if you meant that students will
understand X, but that’s what I assumed, so now
you can understand where my feedback is coming
 State if you approached your observations from a
particular frame or perspective.
- “I was interested in looking at how students were
interacting in the lesson, so my feedback is focused
mainly on that aspect.”

VALUE Formulate your comments below.

What did you see in the school that you find to be particularly I noted that teachers in all subjects were identifying and defining
impressive, innovative, strong, or noteworthy? academic vocabulary with students. Terms were spoken and
written with synonyms to assist students in understanding.
To demonstrate value, your statements should: However, the more advanced term was expected to be used.
 Build a supportive culture of understanding that will help
your feedback colleague identify strengths in their work that Examples heard or spoken included:
they might not have recognized.  Science: apparatus, procedure, errors, compensate
 Remind your feedback colleague of the parts of his/her  Math: data, factor, function, method
lesson that should be preserved when making  English: authority, context, issue, compensate,
improvements. foreshadow
 Express your appreciation for learners and their ideas. This  Social Studies: survey, population, sample, economy
is fundamental to the process of constructive feedback.  Art: line, shape, value, texture, color, space,
 Stress the positive points and offer honest compliments to composition
set a supportive tone.
The Personal Vocabulary Notebooks used in social studies were
particularly noteworthy and will be shared at our next faculty
meeting. It was evident the entire team agreed upon the
approach, taught it to the students, and encouraged its use.

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 35


RAISE QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Formulate your comments below.

What questions, issues, tensions, or concerns were raised for you It might be useful for our students if we were to share our
during the learning walkthrough? planned vocabulary across grade levels, so that when possible,
teachers could use and help students apply their new vocabulary
To raise questions or present challenges: knowledge in different subjects where it is related. This might
 Share your concerns, not as criticisms, but as honest help students connect their learning better.
thoughts and questions, not as absolute judgments of
right and wrong. Examples could be:
- “It might be interesting to explore . . .”  In science, the term “texture” can be reinforced and
- “I wonder what would happen if . . .” used from art.
- “Perhaps you have thought about this, but . . .”  In English, the term “compensate” could be used from
- “A question this raised for me was . . .” science.
- “One of the things this got me thinking about was . . .”  In math, the term “sample” can be used from social
- “The walkthrough made me more aware of the tension studies.
between . . .?”
- “A concern raised for me was . . .”

SUGGEST Formulate your comments below.

Do you have suggestions for professional learning, moving I would like to form a committee to work this summer to
forward, or on how to address the concerns you identified? develop standards-aligned vocabulary lists that cross content
areas that we can use in PLCs and support our students in using
Suggestions should: more of their academic language.
 Help your feedback colleague make improvements by
sharing your ideas on how he/she might refine or advance If we are going to continue our school-wide press for improving
the lesson. our students’ vocabulary, should we consider incorporating a
 Put forward ideas on where the lesson might go next or how recording protocol (like the personal notebooks in social
a teacher might build on students' ideas and work. studies)?
- “It might be interesting to follow up on that issue
of___, by...”

THANK Formulate your comments below.

How has observing and giving feedback enhanced your own Thank you for the opportunity to improve my own
understanding of instructional practices? understanding of the how we’re doing with this important goal.
Helping students better understand and use academic
To demonstrate thanks, your statements should: vocabulary will benefit them in multiple ways with lasting
 Tell your feedback colleague what you have learned from impact!
this experience.
 Share the questions and issues you will take away to think
more about
- “This experience has made me think more about
how I might...”

This form is adapted by Ron Ritchhart from the “Ladder of Feedback” developed by Daniel Wilson, Harvard Project Zero.

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 36


Appendix K: Access to the DoDEA Electronic Learning Walkthrough Form

To access the DoDEA Electronic Learning Walkthrough Form, please click the link below.


NOTE: You must be on the DoDEA Network to access the DoDEA Learning Walkthrough Form.

Additional information and training about how to use the tools and features in the Walkthrough Online System will be
available at a later time.

Date of Publication: October 5, 2017 Page 37


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contained therein. Although DoDEA may or may not use these sites as additional distribution
channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of
the information that you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the
stated purpose of this document.

Instructional Design Services

Department of Defense Education Activity
4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22350-1400
Phone: (571) 372-1882
Email: [email protected]

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