VPO - SAFE.3.1.04. Electrical Safety

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Level 2 SAFETY Pillar

Date: 30-09-2015 Chapter Safety Fundamentals

Version: 5 VPO.SAFE.3.1.04.Electrical Safety

Page 1 of 6
Confidential – proprietary Owner: VP Technical
Approved: Validation Com.
information AB InBev



1. Purpose

Each plant must implement technical, organizational and employee oriented (behavioral)
measures to assure that incidents and accidents related to electricity and to limit damage in
case of such incidents and accidents

2. Scope and definitions

This procedure applies globally and for work completed by all plant, primary logistics
employees and also contractors.

Low voltage: see Local legislation. If no legislation exists: low voltage: < 1000 V. (usually
110 / 220 / 380 / 400 V)

3. Responsibilities
The Roles and Responsibilities regarding the different tasks described in this procedure must
be established at plant level.

4. References
VPO.SAFE.3.1.XX.  Safety Fundamentals
VPO.SAFE.3.2.01.Emergency Response
VPO.SAFE.3.2.02.Risk Assessments
VPO.SAFE.3.2.03.Safety Signalization
VPO.SAFE.3.2.05.Safety Monitoring

© AB InBev 31-05-2008 all rights reserved

Level 2 SAFETY Pillar
Date: 30-09-2015 Chapter Safety Fundamentals

Version: 5 VPO.SAFE.3.1.04.Electrical Safety

Page 2 of 6
Confidential – proprietary Owner: VP Technical
Approved: Validation Com.
information AB InBev

5. Procedure

A. Technical

1. Risk assessment

 Working on live electrical equipment

it is never absolutely safe to work on live electrical equipment. Working on live electrical
equipment can only be justified after it has been determined that:
 it is unreasonable to work 'dead'; AND
 it is reasonable to work ‘live’ (no other alternative possible);AND
 suitable precautions are taken to prevent injuries. Suitable precautions include:
 qualified employees only (see beneath, qualification of employees)
 work permit, to be signed by the Technical Services or Maintenance Manager
 adequate supervision
 adequate accompaniment (Second person in the neighborhood to give alarm in case
of an accident)
 control of the work area including provision and shielding of adequate space,
adequate access and adequate lighting
 shielding of the live parts where possible
 use of proper PPE: See Annex 1, VPO.SAFE. Electrical Safety- PPE and
hand tools
 proper isolated tools – equipment, suitable for the tension, See Annex 1,
VPO.SAFE. Electrical Safety- PPE and hand tools

 If working live can be justified, the risks must be assessed and precautions are needed to
make sure that the risk is reduced ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’: see list above.

 Working on de-energized electrical equipment

 Ensure that the equipment is properly de-energized.
 Ensure that the equipment can not be re-energized by accident: apply the proper lock-
out tag-out process: see VPO.SAFE.3.1.06.S.A.M. & LOTO
 Check that the equipment is properly de-energized by measurement.
 If necessary, ground the feeding wires upstream the installation.
 Start the work.

2. Schemes / Diagrams

 A detailed scheme of the high-voltage (underground and above ground) and underground
low voltage cabling must be available.
 A list or scheme of all electrical panels must be available (number, location, voltage, supply
 Up-to- date, electrical diagrams of all electrical panels (and their interconnections) must be
available. These electrical diagrams must comply with the local standards. If no local
standards are available, they must apply to international standards (ICE / ISO / ANSI).
 The electrical schemes and diagrams must be easily accessible for the qualified employees.

© AB InBev 31-05-2008 all rights reserved

Level 2 SAFETY Pillar
Date: 30-09-2015 Chapter Safety Fundamentals

Version: 5 VPO.SAFE.3.1.04.Electrical Safety

Page 3 of 6
Confidential – proprietary Owner: VP Technical
Approved: Validation Com.
information AB InBev

3. Control of electrical systems

 All electrical systems must be properly accessible for control and maintenance and proper
lighting must be in place.
 Frequency and type of control of electrical systems:

Control frequency of electrical systems.

Critical low voltage
Type of control High voltage Other
(distribution) panels
First verification of legal,
basic electrical safety and Always, before putting into service
contractual requirements
Via schedule, so that
all panels are
Infrared scanning 1 x year 1 x year
checked within a 5
year period
Via schedule, so that
Continuation of verification
all panels are
of legal and contractual 1 x year 1 x year
checked within a 5
year period

 Control of the electrical equipment must be done by an accredited expert.

 The repairs of all findings must be scheduled in the maintenance schedule.
 Rooms where high voltage panels or transformers are present: access must be restricted
by means of a lock and only qualified employees can access these areas.
 Low voltage systems: electrical cupboards must be properly closed at all times.

4. Electrical equipment / installations must comply with Basic Safety Requirements:

 Electrical equipment must be appropriate for the environment (temperature, humidity, dust
presence…) in which they are put into service.
 The live electrical parts of electrical panels (cabinets) must be properly shielded (as such
that contact is impossible without removing the shields).

 Electrical panels:
 The housing must protect against water and dust intrusion.
 Ventilation and or heating must be adapted to local climate.
 A (Pad) lockable main allowing proper lock-out must be present.
 Emergency button cutting of all supply must be installed.
 Labeling: Each electrical panel must be numbered in a logical way.
 Proper Lighting must be installed.
 A proper lock must be installed.
 An electrical scheme stored outside the panel or in a proper holder inside the panel
must be available.
 Note: The parts that stay live after the main switch or emergency button has been
switched off must be clearly marked.

© AB InBev 31-05-2008 all rights reserved

Level 2 SAFETY Pillar
Date: 30-09-2015 Chapter Safety Fundamentals

Version: 5 VPO.SAFE.3.1.04.Electrical Safety

Page 4 of 6
Confidential – proprietary Owner: VP Technical
Approved: Validation Com.
information AB InBev

 High tension cabinets and transformer lodges:

 Automatic fire detection by means of smoke detectors at the ceiling and in the raised
floors must be installed;
 A high tension cabinet must be a building separated from all other buildings or must be
a fire-proof “cut-off”.

 Cabling:
To warn for their presence during underground work, all new underground cabling must:
 be shielded by means of (plastic) shielding placed above the cables
 be put in a underground channel (piping);
 All aboveground cabling must be put into proper cable runs

 Labelling

 Motors:
Motors must be equipped with motor circuit breakers ((Pad) lockable version) as close as
possible to the motor in order to allow proper lock-out.

 Electrical hand tools (electrical drills, electrical grinders,…) and extension cords.
 Electrical hand tools must be double-insulated.
 A ground fault circuit interrupter must be used when operating any portable electrical
 All electrical hand tools and extension cords must be checked before every use and at
least once a year. Therefore, an inventory and checklist must be available.

B. Organizational measures

1. Work permits

 A work permit (see VPO.SAFE.3.1.07.Work Permits) must be established for all electricity
works in case of:
 Legally required
 High-voltage works including any works in the vicinity of high voltage air lines and
including any cleaning activities in transformator rooms.
 Dismantling of electrical equipment.
 A work permit that is issued for work on live electrical equipment must be validated also by
the Technical Services or Maintenance Manager or his/her delegate.

2. Dismantling of electrical equipment

 Dismantling of electrical equipment can only take place if it is assured that the equipment
is adequately de-energized, locked out and tagged out.
 All employees, including contractors, involved in the dismantling must put their own
personal lock

© AB InBev 31-05-2008 all rights reserved

Level 2 SAFETY Pillar
Date: 30-09-2015 Chapter Safety Fundamentals

Version: 5 VPO.SAFE.3.1.04.Electrical Safety

Page 5 of 6
Confidential – proprietary Owner: VP Technical
Approved: Validation Com.
information AB InBev

C. Training
3. Content

 It is crucial that only qualified/competent employees are allowed to work on electrical

systems. Therefore, a document outlining the qualifications of employees must be in place.
The concerned employees must be trained accordingly. If no formal legal system exists, the
following scheme must be used:
 Employees only authorized to access electrical equipment (e.g. to collect meter data or
to check general cleanness of the equipment);
 authorized to work on dead low voltage electrical systems and low risk tasks (such as
resetting of automatic fuses);
 authorized to work on live and high voltage electrical systems.

4. Records

 Training must be recorded.

6. Annexes
VPO.SAFE. Electrical Safety- PPE and hand tools


Description of Version
Version Author Date
Main or important changes since previous version
1.0 Peter Copermans 06-10-2005 First definite version.
Introduction of procedure QUAL. ES,
Geerd Jan Operational Standards Implementation Plan.
1.1 Timmers 13-12-2005 Change of numbering in 4.16 OPS ES 6.
Language checks + explanation of certain items.
1.2 Hans Vanhorebeek 30.05.2006 New document owner
VPO Safety Work Group
(Armstrong C., Pagliotti
H., Rogiers G., Initial Safety Pillar. Split of Operational standards
2 Copermans P.) 31-05-2008 in separate procedure + review procedure.
Work permit for working on live electrical
3 Peter Copermans 31-12-2010 equipment not longer required
Included reference to Annex 1:
VPO.SAFE. Electrical Safety- PPE and
4 Peter Copermans 31-12-2012 hand tools
5 Peter Copermans 30-09-2015 Requirement for electrical diagrams for electrical
panels + Update organizational measures – work
permits and dismantling

© AB InBev 31-05-2008 all rights reserved

Level 2 SAFETY Pillar
Date: 30-09-2015 Chapter Safety Fundamentals

Version: 5 VPO.SAFE.3.1.04.Electrical Safety

Page 6 of 6
Confidential – proprietary Owner: VP Technical
Approved: Validation Com.
information AB InBev
Finalize VPO.SAFE. Electrical Safety-
PPE and hand tools

© AB InBev 31-05-2008 all rights reserved

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