Trac Nghiem HRM Tong Hop

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Trắc nghiệm HRM tổng hợp

Quan tri hoc (Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)

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A category, testing the learned skilled and principles, known as measuring

A job analysis consists of  job specification & job description

A job enrichment is a way to motivate employees

A method, executive of strengths and weaknesses are being questioned by

external consultant, known as executive coach

A personnel plan requires forecast of  all of correct (supply of inside

candidates; personnel needs; supply of outside candidates)

A plan, offering a 75% based salary along with 25% incentives is classified as 
combination plan

A rating scale which enlists traits and performance values is called graphic
rating scale method

Adding Incentives to the job is included in Extrinsic motivation

Advantages of online training include  All are correct (Frequently updated

training content; High flexibility; Time and cost saving)

All incentive plans focused on performance

An advantage of alternation ranking method is that it avoids central

tendency and biases

An aim of performance appraisal is to Motivate the employees

An enterprise Incentive Management systems include  all of correct (planning

compensation; analyzing compensation; managing compensation)

An evaluation process of employee performance, in comparison to set standards

is called performance appraisal

Analyzing and identifying specific skills, needed for specific job is called task

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Bonus are the part of Indirect financial payments

Career planning and development is an example of HRM intervention

Concurrent validity is measured when An employer tests current employees

and correlates the scores with their performance ratings

Contingent workers are Not full time employees, but temporary or part-
time workers for a specific period of time and type of work

Determining the duties and characteristics of positions in staffing, known as Job

Determining the type of people, which a company needs for job is referred as
Job specification

Each unit made by a worker to be paid is considered as performance based

Employees abroad supply services or having outside vendors that the company of
own employees previously did in-house is known as offshoring

External recruiting sources include  All are correct (Media sources;

Employment agencies; Job fair and creative recruitment)

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Factors that affect the effectiveness of recruitment include  All are correct
(Labor force population; Recruitment responsibilities and goals; Business

HR analytics is defined as An evidence-based approach to making HR
decisions on the basis of quantitative tools and models.

Human capital refers to  all of correct

Human resource management is defined as The establishment of a formal

system in an organization for managing human resources to reach
organizational goals.

Human resource management is the process of All are correct (Acquiring

employees; Appraising and compensating employees; Training employees)

In 360-degree feedback, the ratings are collected from subordinates;
supervisors; peers

In big five models, agreeableness is the tendency to be  all of correct

(sociable; trusting; complaint)

In big five models, conscientiousness is tendency to be achievement

In big five models, extraversion is tendency to be assertive

In job classification the group that contains jobs with similar difficulty level is
called grades

In performance management, the main feature of performance management is to

comparing performance with goals

In the new approach of jobs pay rates, the employers are focusing on
employee’s competency

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Information that can be used to evaluate applicants for selection include  All
are correct (Past achievements; Academic level; Average length of time at old

Job analysis is must for employees  all of correct (compensations; training;
performance appraisal)

Objectives of HRM include  All are correct (Employee satisfaction
enhancement; Generation of positive motivation; Effective use of HR)

One of the advantage of Management by Objectives (MBO) is that  it jointly

agreed performance objectives

One of the advantages of internal recruiting is that The process can motivate
employees for greater performance.

One of the advantages of telework is Improved productivity and the need

for less work space.

One of the positive views about HR deparment is that  HR deparment

protects corporate assets against the many legal issues

Organisation culture has the influence on  All are correct (Service quality; HR
strategic planning)

Preparing for future means Collecting and analyzing information about
what has happening and what has happened to prepare for the future

Providing continuous learning, training and help to employees for expansion of

horizon is  lifelong learning

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Providing new employees with the basic information regarding background is

employee orientation

Providing step by step training and enlisting job of basic tasks is Job
instruction training

Realistic job preview is viewed as A balanced view of advantages,
demands, expectations, and challenges in an organization or a job

Re-designing a business process, in getting more efficient and effective result,

known as reengineering

Responsibilities of functional departments in recruitment include Make the

final decision based on the advice of the human resources department

Sources of performance appraisal include  All are correct (Team members
rating each other; Supervisors rating their employees; Employees rating

Task is defined as  Distinct, identifiable work activity composed of

The advantage of BARS system is  providing behavior anchors

The advantage of BARS system is providing behavior anchors

The advantage of graphic rating scale method is that; it is simple to use

The basic approach in performance of employee compares with their current

performance to set standards

The compensation for top executive job is largely based on  all of correct (job
complexity; ability of employer to pay; human capital executive)

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The competency-based job analysis means defining the job in terms of  all of
correct (behavioral competency; measurable competency; observable

The contribution of human resource strategy to business strategy is expressed via

 All are correct (The organisational focus on important business objectives;
The effectiveness of performance measurement system)

The duties of HR manager and staff functions consist of Assisting line


The educational level of executive is classified as  human capital

The effective negotiation is included in interpersonal competencies

The evaluation of trainee reaction to a training program is classified as

measuring reaction

The expectancy chart is a graph to show relationship between test scores and
job performance

The first stage of the on-the-job training process is Preparing the trainees.

The first step in appraising process is defining the job

The first step in establishing pay rates is to conduct salary survey

The first step in training process is need analysis

The first step of the performance appraisal process is  Building performance

criteria and standards for each position

The HR department of company can create advisory relationship through Staff


The HR plans of any organization does not include Production plans

The human resource department plays/serves as advisory role

The impact of human resources management is significant in the aspect of

Quality control; Customer service; Cost control.

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The importance of human resources management includes all in correct

(Performing human resources work for the remaining departments; Increasing
efficiency through work specialization; Solving human resource issues effectively)

The importance of performance appraisal is expressed via some elements such as

 All are correct (Identifying the aspects that the employees need to improve;
Providing feedback of work to employees; Clarifying work results that the
organization needs)

The job analysis information can be collected through all in correct

(interviews; observation; questionnaires)

The Job rotation means moving workers from one job to the other

The management of performance ensures continuous improvement

The method in which problem to be solved is described for employees is called

case study method

The package of salary, incentives and figure benefits designed in a way to

motived the employees is known as aligned reward strategy

The performance management is always  goal oriented

The personal qualities and traits required for job is stated in job specification

The process of classifying, ranking jobs and assigning points to jobs is called job

The process of identifying, assessing and developing leadership is called

Succession planning

The public recognition such as an award in organized function is the best

classified as an example of non-financial awards

The qualitative or quantitative information for maintaining or changing

performance is the part of performance feedback

The quantitative process of job evaluation does not include non of above

The ranking of all the employees measuring a specific trait by making pairs of
employees is called paired comparison method

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The ranking of all the employees, measuring a specific trait such as

communication is measured in alternation ranking method

The rates are places in percentages in performance categories is followed in

forced distribution method

The relationship section of job description defines whom would you  all of
correct (supervise; report; work with)

The reporting relationship and working conditions related to a job is stated in

Job description

The reward of performance must have some value for employee, an example of

The role of human resources management in the current era can be viewed as 
all are correct (collaborator; data analysis; brand builder)

The roles of human resources management (HRM) are divided into the areas of
Administration, Operation, Employee Advocate and Strategic

The second step in the HR planning process is Evaluation of internal and

external workforce

The steps involves in movement of employer for performance management is 

all of correct (total quality; appraisal issues; strategic planning)

The strategic role of HR focuses on Future business needs.

The technique, involving the trainees to act on role of specific person in real
situation is role playing

The term job enlargement means assigning additional activities to workers

The term job enrichment means reforming and analyzing the job

The total profit and rate of return is classified as ability of employer to pay

The transformation of human resources management (HRM) since 1990s until now
is that HRM plays a role in linking human resources with the
organization's strategy.

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The workflow detailed picture is called Process chart

When the rating are collected from supervisors, customers and peers, considered
as 360-degree feedback

When the rating of employee trait biases its performance on other traits, it is
called . all of incorrect

Which factor among the followings is an example of HR metrics about staffing?

Number of positions filled

Which factor among the followings is an example of HR metrics about

development? HR-to-employee ratio

Which factor among the followings is an example of internal training? On-the-

job training

Which factor among the followings is considered as a weakness of internal

workforce? Lack of talent pipeline

Which functions are performed by HR department?  All are correct (HR

strategic planning; Benefits package; Talent management)

Which kind of plans that forecast for the immediate HR needs of an organization
short-range plans

Which kind of plans that forecast for the immediate HR needs of an organization?
All are correct (Intermediate-range plans; Short-range plans; Long-range

Which of the following factors is related to internal environment of an

organization? Organisational culture

Which recommendations should be considered when there is a shortage of

manpower? Create flexibility at work

Which recommendations should be considered when there is excess manpower?

Do not recruit new employees

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Which responsibility a line manager must be in charge of regarding interviewing

and selection? Provide feedback to HR department on hiring/rejection

Which responsibility an HR manager must be in charge of regarding interviewing

and selection? Train other managers in conducting selection interviews

Which workflow detailed picture is called process chart

While writing job description, the job title is written in the section of  job

While writing job description, the major functions or activities are written in Job

Labor force population is defined as  All individuals who are available for
selection if all possible recruiment strategies are used

Unemployment rate is affected by  all are correct (decresed need for new
employees due to developments in technology; increased business competition;
decreased consumer spending)

Questions that can be used to identify challenges of training include some
examples such as  All are correct (Is there a need for training?; How to assess
the effectiveness of training programs?; Who needs training?)

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