Trac Nghiem HRM Tong Hop
Trac Nghiem HRM Tong Hop
Trac Nghiem HRM Tong Hop
Quan tri hoc (Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)
A category, testing the learned skilled and principles, known as measuring
A plan, offering a 75% based salary along with 25% incentives is classified as
combination plan
A rating scale which enlists traits and performance values is called graphic
rating scale method
Analyzing and identifying specific skills, needed for specific job is called task
Bonus are the part of Indirect financial payments
Career planning and development is an example of HRM intervention
Contingent workers are Not full time employees, but temporary or part-
time workers for a specific period of time and type of work
Determining the duties and characteristics of positions in staffing, known as Job
Determining the type of people, which a company needs for job is referred as
Job specification
Each unit made by a worker to be paid is considered as performance based
Employees abroad supply services or having outside vendors that the company of
own employees previously did in-house is known as offshoring
Factors that affect the effectiveness of recruitment include All are correct
(Labor force population; Recruitment responsibilities and goals; Business
HR analytics is defined as An evidence-based approach to making HR
decisions on the basis of quantitative tools and models.
In 360-degree feedback, the ratings are collected from subordinates;
supervisors; peers
In job classification the group that contains jobs with similar difficulty level is
called grades
In the new approach of jobs pay rates, the employers are focusing on
employee’s competency
Information that can be used to evaluate applicants for selection include All
are correct (Past achievements; Academic level; Average length of time at old
Job analysis is must for employees all of correct (compensations; training;
performance appraisal)
Objectives of HRM include All are correct (Employee satisfaction
enhancement; Generation of positive motivation; Effective use of HR)
One of the advantages of internal recruiting is that The process can motivate
employees for greater performance.
Organisation culture has the influence on All are correct (Service quality; HR
strategic planning)
Preparing for future means Collecting and analyzing information about
what has happening and what has happened to prepare for the future
Providing step by step training and enlisting job of basic tasks is Job
instruction training
Realistic job preview is viewed as A balanced view of advantages,
demands, expectations, and challenges in an organization or a job
Sources of performance appraisal include All are correct (Team members
rating each other; Supervisors rating their employees; Employees rating
Task is defined as Distinct, identifiable work activity composed of
The compensation for top executive job is largely based on all of correct (job
complexity; ability of employer to pay; human capital executive)
The competency-based job analysis means defining the job in terms of all of
correct (behavioral competency; measurable competency; observable
The expectancy chart is a graph to show relationship between test scores and
job performance
The first stage of the on-the-job training process is Preparing the trainees.
The Job rotation means moving workers from one job to the other
The personal qualities and traits required for job is stated in job specification
The process of classifying, ranking jobs and assigning points to jobs is called job
The quantitative process of job evaluation does not include non of above
The ranking of all the employees measuring a specific trait by making pairs of
employees is called paired comparison method
The relationship section of job description defines whom would you all of
correct (supervise; report; work with)
The reward of performance must have some value for employee, an example of
The role of human resources management in the current era can be viewed as
all are correct (collaborator; data analysis; brand builder)
The roles of human resources management (HRM) are divided into the areas of
Administration, Operation, Employee Advocate and Strategic
The technique, involving the trainees to act on role of specific person in real
situation is role playing
The term job enrichment means reforming and analyzing the job
The total profit and rate of return is classified as ability of employer to pay
The transformation of human resources management (HRM) since 1990s until now
is that HRM plays a role in linking human resources with the
organization's strategy.
When the rating are collected from supervisors, customers and peers, considered
as 360-degree feedback
When the rating of employee trait biases its performance on other traits, it is
called . all of incorrect
Which kind of plans that forecast for the immediate HR needs of an organization
short-range plans
Which kind of plans that forecast for the immediate HR needs of an organization?
All are correct (Intermediate-range plans; Short-range plans; Long-range
While writing job description, the job title is written in the section of job
While writing job description, the major functions or activities are written in Job
Labor force population is defined as All individuals who are available for
selection if all possible recruiment strategies are used
Unemployment rate is affected by all are correct (decresed need for new
employees due to developments in technology; increased business competition;
decreased consumer spending)
Questions that can be used to identify challenges of training include some
examples such as All are correct (Is there a need for training?; How to assess
the effectiveness of training programs?; Who needs training?)