Subject - Human Resource Management Subject Code - BTEC 913 Semester - 7 Tutorial Sheet No. 1

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Subject - Human Resource Management

Subject Code - BTEC 913

Semester - 7th

Tutorial sheet No. 1

S. Tutorial sheet Related to corresponding CO Relevance to CO

No. No.

1. Define of HRM and also explain functions of HRM. CO1

2. What is the role of HR Manager? CO1

3. Explain need and process for Human Resource CO2


4. What are the different methods of recruitment? CO2

Q1. Define of HRM and also explain functions of HRM.

Human Resource Management (HRM) is an operation in companies designed

to maximize employee performance in order to meet the employer's
strategic goals and objectives. More precisely, HRM focuses on management
of people within companies, emphasizing on policies and systems.
In short, HRM is the process of recruiting, selecting employees, providing
proper orientation and induction, imparting proper training and developing

HRM also includes employee assessment like performance appraisal,

facilitating proper compensation and benefits, encouragement, maintaining
proper relations with labor and with trade unions, and taking care of
employee safety, welfare and health by complying with labor laws of the
state or country concerned.

The Function of HRM

The scope of HRM is very wide. It consists of all the functions that come
under the banner of human resource management. The different functions
are as follows

Human Resources Planning

It is the process by which a company identifies how many positions are
vacant and whether the company has excess staff or shortage of staff and
subsequently deals with this need of excess or shortage.

Job Analysis Design

Job analysis can be defined as the process of noticing and regulating in
detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative
importance of these duties for a given job.

Job analysis design is a process of designing jobs where evaluations are

made regarding the data collected on a job. It gives an elaborate
description about each and every job in the company.

Recruitment and Selection

With respect to the information collected from job analysis, the company
prepares advertisements and publishes them on various social media
platforms. This is known as recruitment.

A number of applications are received after the advertisement is presented,

interviews are conducted and the deserving employees are selected. Thus,
recruitment and selection is yet another essential area of HRM.

Orientation and Induction

After the employees are selected, an induction or orientation program is
organized. The employees are updated about the background of the
company as well as culture, values, and work ethics of the company and
they are also introduced to the other employees.

Training and Development

Employees have to undergo a training program, which assists them to put
up a better performance on the job. Sometimes, training is also conducted
for currently working experienced staff so as to help them improve their
skills further. This is known as refresher training.

Performance Appraisal
After the employees have put in around 1 year of service, performance
appraisal is organized in order to check their performance. On the basis of
these appraisals, future promotions, incentives, and increments in salary
are decided.

Compensation Planning and Remuneration

Under compensation planning and remuneration, various rules and
regulations regarding compensation and related aspects are taken care of.
It is the duty of the HR department to look into remuneration and
compensation planning.
Features of HRM
Human Resource Management as a discipline includes the following features
It is pervasive in nature, as it is present in all industries.

It focuses on outcomes and not on rules.

It helps employees develop and groom their potential


It motivates employees to give their best to the company.

It is all about people at work, as individuals as well as in groups.

It tries to put people on assigned tasks in order to have good

production or results.

It helps a company achieve its goals in the future by facilitating

work for competent and well-motivated employees.

It approaches to build and maintain cordial relationship among

people working at various levels in the company.

Basically, we can say that HRM is a multi-disciplinary activity, utilizing

knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology, economics, etc.

The Role of the Manager

The manager has a duty to make sure that his or her management of the
employees is free of biases and prejudices. Across companies and verticals
where the employees feel discriminated against, it has led to attrition, lower
employee morale and in the extreme cases, lawsuits against the company.
Q2: What is the role of HR Manager?

The manager has to walk the talk and not just pay lip service to the
companys policies on employee performance. During the course of working
together as a team, there are bound to be instances where conversation
between the manager and the team and within the team manifests itself.

It is incumbent upon the manager to make sure that such instances do not
morph into a corrosive effect that threatens the very existence of the team
as well as degrades the performance of the team as a whole.

Q3: Explain need and process for Human Resource Planning?

The plans are executed taking into confidence the mangers so as to make
the process of execution smooth and efficient.

Even though HR Planning sounds quite simple as a process of managing the

numbers in terms of human resource needs of the company, the actual
exercise may include the HR manager to face many roadblocks owing to the
effect of the current workforce in the company, pressure to meet the
business objectives and prevailing workforce market condition.

Thus, a properly conducted process of HR Planning by an HR Consulting

company helps the company in meeting its aims and objectives in a timely
manner with the right HR strength in action.

Job Analysis
It is the process of identifying and choosing elaborated contents of a
particular job, thus clearly defining duties, rules, responsibilities,
accountabilities, and skills related to the job.
Job analysis is the process of analyzing the job what is the demand and
requirement for the job, and not of the individual.

The process of job analysis gives two sets of data

Job description Job description is a written statement

including complete information about what all a job holds, like
job title, duties, tasks and responsibilities related to job, working
conditions and hazards, reporting relationships, tools, machines
and equipment to be used, and relationships with other

Job specification Job specification includes particulars

regarding the capabilities that an individual should possess to
perform the assigned tasks efficiently. This includes educational
qualification, experience, training, appropriate skills, knowledge,
and abilities required to perform the job.
Job Design
Job design is a continuous and ever-evolving process that is targeted at
helping employees in making adjustments with the changes at the
workplace. The end goal is minimizing dissatisfaction and enhancing
motivation and employee engagement at the workplace.

There are various steps involved in job designing, but all these steps follow
a logical sequence. Every step has its own importance and no step can be
neglected during the designing process. The sequence is given below

What jobs are to be done or what jobs are a part of the job?

How are the jobs performed?

What amount of jobs is required to be done?

What is the procedure of performing these tasks?

All these questions are considered while arriving upon a clear definition of a
specific job, thereby making it less risky for the one performing the same. A
well-defined job creates a feeling of achievement and a sense of high self-
esteem among the employees.

Job Evaluation
In contrast to job specification, job evaluation specifies the relative value or
worth of each job in a company by examining the task and ranking the jobs

Job evaluation cab be done by any of the following methods

Points rating Different levels are allotted to the various

elements of jobs and then the points allocated to different levels
are summarized to get the point score of the jobs. It forms the
basis of pay structure.

Factor comparison A comparison of different independent

factors of jobs is done and points are given to each factor scale
of individual job. These points are then aggregated to rank the

Job ranking A job is not broken into factors or elements;

instead, it is evaluated as a complete process and is compared
with other jobs. After proper evaluation, jobs are scaled

Paired comparison Jobs are compared with each other and

points are allocated depending on being higher, lesser or equal.
These points are added to prioritize the order of jobs. The jobs with
higher priorities are given more attention as compared to others.

Q4: What are the different methods of recruitment?

Some of the most important methods of recruitment are as follows: 1. Direct

Method 2. Indirect Methods 3. Third Party Methods.

1. Direct Method

2. Indirect Method

3. Third Party Method.

A brief description of these follows in seriatim.

1. Direct Method:

In this method, the representatives of the organisation are sent to the

potential candidates in the educational and training institutes. They establish
contacts with the candidates seeking jobs. These representatives work in
cooperation with placement cells in the institutions Persons pursuing
management; engineering, medical etc. programmes are mostly picked up in
this manner.

Sometimes, some employer firms establish direct contact with the professors
and solicit information about students with excellent academic records.
Sending the recruiter to the conventions, seminars, setting up exhibits at
fairs and using mobile office to go to the desired centers are some other
methods used to establish direct contact with the job seekers.

2. Indirect Methods:

Indirect methods include advertisements in news papers, on the radio and

television, in professional journals, technical magazines etc.

This method is useful when:

(i) Organisation does not find suitable candidates to be promoted to fill up

the higher posts

(ii) When the organisation wants to reach out to a vast territory, and

(iii) When organisation wants to fill up scientific, professional and technical


The experience suggests that the higher the position to be filled up in the
organisation, or the skill sought by the more sophisticated one, the more
widely dispersed advertisement is likely to be used to reach to many suitable

Sometimes, many organisations go for what is referred to as blind

advertisement in which only Box No. is given and the identity of the
organisation is not disclosed. However, organisations with regional or
national repute do not usually use blind advertisements for obvious reasons.

While placing an advertisement to reach to the potential candidates,

the following three points need to be borne in mind:

1. First, to visualise the type of the applicant one is trying to recruit.

2. Second, to write out a list of the advantages the job will offer

3. Third, to decide where to run the advertisement, i.e., newspaper with

local, state, nation-wide and international reach or circulation.
3. Third Party Methods:

These include the use of private employment agencies, management

consultants, professional bodies/associations, employee
referral/recommendations, voluntary organisations, trade unions, data
banks, and labour contractors etc., to establish contact with the job-

Now, a question arises: which particular method is to be used to recruit

employees in the organisation? The answer to it is that it will depend on the
policy of the particular firm, the position of the labour supply, the
Government regulations in this regard and agreements with labour
organisations. Notwithstanding, the best recruitment method is to look first
within the organisation.

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