Soils Assignment
Soils Assignment
Soils Assignment
CEFD2091 – Geotechnics
GC 85/20 4/10...............................................................................................................................3
GC 85 0/4 (CP)...............................................................................................................................4
Appendix 1 GC 85/20 4/10 Results sheet..........................................................................................6
Appendix 2 GC 85/20 4/10 Particle size percentage share chart.......................................................7
Appendix 3 GF 85 0/4 (CP) Results sheet...........................................................................................7
Appendix 4 GF 85 0/4 (CP) Particle size percentage share chart.......................................................8
Appendix 4 Sieve Analysis Graph.......................................................................................................8
In this assignment I have carried out two sieve analysis tests on two different aggregates supplied
from local quarries. These aggregates have been made for use in concrete products where the
maximum aggregate size is important when considering the amount of cover required in various
concrete components, for example a concrete beam may have reinforced steel inside it with a 40mm
cover, if the granule size was bigger than this the steel would be exposed to the elements and
become rusty, which could dramatically decrease the lifespan of the beam. The sieve analysis tests
were carried out to determine the particle size make up of both aggregates and whether they met
British Standard BS EN 12620:2002+A1.
GC 85/20 4/10
G stands for graded and C stands for course. So, this means that this material is of a course nature
with a small number of small particles in its makeup. This is classed as a single size aggregate made
up of the following proportions. The numbers relate to the minimum and maximum percentages of
each particle size. A maximum of 15% can be above 10mm in size and a maximum of 20% can be
below the 6.3mm sieve size if the aggregate is to meet the British standard.
GF 85 0/4 (CP)
As with the previous material G stands for graded but this one has an F which stands for fine
aggregate (sand). This suggests that the particle makeup of the aggregate is small. The 85% means
that this percentage of the material should be between 0mm and 4mm.
The process of sieving the material is a standard procedure to be followed with the size ranges of the
sieves set out in BS EN 12620:2002+A1, but the method of obtaining the sample could lead to the
test results being incorrect, so it is very important that it is done right and the process carried out
the same way each time for continuity of the results. Often the material will be stored at a quarry or
builders’ merchant in a large pile which is outside and exposed to the elements. There is a likelihood
that any finer material could be washed or blown away by adverse weather conditions, so it is
imperative to take the sample from the middle of the pile which may involve the aid of a mechanical
means like a digger. Once the best possible sample has been obtained there are two possible
methods which can be used to randomise the sample.
The first method is with the use of a Riffle box, pictured here
on the left. The material is dried using an oven to remove
the moisture then returned to room temperature. It is then
poured through the Riffle box which divides it into two
random samples which each can be tested separately or just
one is tested. (Collins, 2020)
GC 85/20 4/10
The first analysis to be carried out was on the GC 85/20 4/10, the specifications were as follows.
The complete results sheet from the analysis can be seen in appendix 1. The table above shows that
the aggregate failed to meet the percentage requirements of the 2mm particle size, with more than
the maximum percentage of 5% passing through the 2mm sieve. This would not be such an issue for
concrete covering purposes, but due to there being a larger amount of finer material, with a larger
surface area there would need to be more water to be added to the concrete mix in order to obtain
the required workability, but with adding more water the strength of the finished product would be
decreased. As illustrated in the particle size percentage share chart in appendix 2, it shows that the
requirement of there being no more than 15% greater than 10mm in size has been met with a total
of 89.5% in the required range. Clearly the issue is with the finer material that has been added to the
aggregate mix. Normally it would be expected to be the other way around with the finer material
more likely to be the missing component due to wind and rain removing the finer particles from the
mix when it’s been stored outside.
GC 85 0/4 (CP)
The second sieve analysis carried out was for the material GC 85 0/4 (CP), the specifications set out
in the British standard are as follows.
The complete results sheet from the analysis can be found in appendix 3. The above table shows
that the material met all the requirements set out in the British standard. All of the particles fell
within the allowable range. This is a good result, the user of the aggregate can be assured of the
correct grading, therefore allowing them to create the concrete which they have designed for their
Aggregates in concrete are used as a structural filler and its part is more crucial than what most
people might think. The aggregate fills most of the concretes volume and is what the cement paste
coats and attaches together. The makeup, size and shape of the particles in the aggregate will have a
considerable effect on key elements of the concrete which include-
The choice of aggregate used in the concrete mix can also affect the appearance of the cast surface
of the concrete. Most naturally occurring stones are suitable for use in concrete where the local
stone to the plant is more often than not the one used in the mix. Commonly used types are-
The size of the aggregate used, and its graduation are the most crucial considerations when choosing
the right aggregate. It can be big or small in size from 60mm rocks down to fine sand. There are 3
main grades available-
All in Aggregate: This is a mix of varying sizes of particles from coarse down to fine sand.
(, 2020)
Coarse Aggregate: The British Standard classifies this as material of over 5mm in size. The
course size classification can be further divided in to graded and single size aggregates.
Graded aggregates are made up of different particle sizes. (, 2020)
Fine Aggregate: The British Standard applies this term for material equal to or less than 5mm
in size but retained on a 75micron sieve. (, 2020)
Generally, coarse aggregate is mixed with finer aggregates like sand which fills the gaps between the
larger pieces which in turn help to lock everything together. This allows a reduction in the cement
paste required and reduces the chance of shrinkage occurring. The shape of the aggregate used in
concrete mixes can impact the strength and also have an influence on workability. Particles that are
rough and angular fit tighter together, have a greater surface area and more friction between them
than would be found in smooth more rounded particles, which reduces workability but can increase
strength because of the bond being tighter between them. Mixes containing the rougher particle
makeup will need a higher cement content. On most occasions coarse aggregates are around 10
times the size of the fine aggregates in concrete, but the size ranges may vary in different situations.
There are generally 3 range categories-
Well-graded has a graduation of particle size which is consistent across the sizes from the
coarse to the fine.
Poorly graded is has small variations in size which can lead to the particles packing tightly
together and leaving voids in the concrete. This usually will require larger amounts of
cement paste to fill the voids making this an expensive choice.
Gap graded comprises of coarse particles which are all around the same size but are
considerably different in size to the fine aggregate.
Well-graded aggregates are the most difficult to get in the correct ratios. The aim of obtaining the
correct proportions and sizing is to get the maximum volume of aggregate within the concrete,
therefore minimising the amount of cement paste used yet maintaining strength and workability.
(Concrete Countertop Institute, 2020)
The grading of aggregates for the use in concrete often involves striking a balance between strength
and workability. Knowing the consequences of poor aggregate grading is vitally important when
designing and creating a concrete mix from scratch, and in the end will help you produce better
concrete. If you happened to be supplied the GC 85/20 4/10 batch which failed the sieve analysis it
could be catastrophic for the concrete design, which may be unable to meet the strength it was
assumed to have. The test goes to show the importance of onsite testing by aggregate producers to
ensure they maintain the correct proportions set out in BS EN 12620:2002+A1. If you purchased the
GC 85 0/4 (CP) aggregate mix you could rest assured that your concrete could meet the
specifications set out in its design.
Collins, M. (2020). Riffle box. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2020].
Concrete Countertop Institute. (2020). The role of aggregate in concrete countertop mix designs -
Concrete Countertop Institute. [online] Available at:
training/the-role-of-aggregate-in-concrete-countertop-mix-designs/ [Accessed 20 Jan. 2020].
Appendix 1 GC 85/20 4/10 Results sheet.
Seive mesh Serial Overload Mass of Mass of Mass of Overload % of M Cumulative % finer = BS/EN Pass or
size, d (mm) number oflimit for empty sieve sieve+ retained check retained on % retained 100- limits (% Fail
sieve sieve, M (g) (g) retained sample M sieve retained mass
sample (g) (g) passing)
20 5779322 1581 1388 1388 0 OK 0.0 0.00 100.00 100
10 5784733 1414 1363 1363 0 OK 0.0 0.00 100.00
14 5791991 1322 1103 1103 0 OK 0.0 0.00 100.00 98-100 Pass
10 5794662 1118 1067 1244 177 OK 10.5 10.49 89.51 85-99 Pass
8 5784231 1000 1122 1644 522 OK 30.9 41.43 58.57
6.3 5771998 887 1157 1694 537 OK 31.8 73.27 26.73
4 5774862 707 1217 1521 304 OK 18.0 91.29 8.71 0-20 Pass
2 12030592 500 1096 1138 42 OK 2.5 93.78 6.22 0-5 Fail
Pan N/A N/A 750 855 105 OK 6.2 100.00 0.00
Appendix 2 GC 85/20 4/10 Particle size percentage share chart.
15.00 10.49
10.00 6.22
10mm 8mm 6.3mm 4mm 2mm Pan
Appendix 4 GF 85 0/4 (CP) Particle size percentage share chart.
15.00 12.32 12.91
8.06 8.63
Sieve size mm