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The meaning and image of Otaku in

Japanese society, and its change over
Andreas Welin

Martin Nordeborg
Kandidatuppsats Examinator:
VT 2013 Yasuko Nagano-Madsen

The aim of this study is to clarify how the term otaku, commonly thought of as a Japanese
equivalent to the word nerd, is defined and regarded in Japanese media and society. This is
done through a chronological analysis of newspaper articles from the publications Asahi
Shimbun, Shuukan Asahi and Aera, using Laclau and Mouffe’s theory on discourse and its
analysis as a methodological foundation. The selected period for analysis stretches from 1989,
when the term otaku was brought into the limelight in the media, to 2012. To supplement this
analysis, a contemporary survey is included in the study, carried out in the form of an online
questionnaire aimed at Japanese people who self-identify as otaku. The survey presents the
otaku’s own thoughts on the subject at hand: how they define themselves, how they feel
society and media regard them, et cetera.

The complete analysis shows that during the past two decades, the term otaku has lost much
of the negative connotations it carried from the end of the 1980s, though certain stereotypes
remain associated with the term. In later years, the term’s meaning has become somewhat
diluted as more people apply the label to themselves based on a comparatively shallow
understanding of the term, removed from its original cultural context.

Keywords: Japan, otaku, pop culture, anime, manga, Akihabara

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... 4
2. Glossary.................................................................................................................................. 6
3. Background ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Problem and Aim ........................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Discourse theory ............................................................................................................ 10
3.3 Method ........................................................................................................................... 12
4. Previous studies .................................................................................................................... 15
5. Otaku defined in Japanese media (Asahi Shimbun, Weekly Asahi, Aera) – A chronological
analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 17
5.1 Late 1980s through the '90s – Tsutomu Miyazaki puts Otaku in the limelight (and sets
the tone of the debate) ......................................................................................................... 17
5.2 The first decade of the new millenium (2000) – Akihabara, Densha Otoko and the
upheaval of the otaku image ................................................................................................ 19
5.3 2010 and beyond – The otaku image today ................................................................... 25
6. Otaku in the eyes of Otaku – A contemporary survey.......................................................... 29
6.1 The questionnaire .......................................................................................................... 29
6.2 Summary of respondents ............................................................................................... 30
6.3 What otaku think of otaku ............................................................................................. 31
6.4 Otaku’s position in Japanese society ............................................................................. 32
7. Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 36
8. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 40
References ................................................................................................................................ 41

1. Introduction

I would be lying if I said that anime and related Japanese pop culture was not what sparked
my interest in Japan, and later in learning the actual language. With my own hobbies in mind
and my lack of interest towards much else, I started identifying myself as an otaku, thinking it
was merely the Japanese equivalent for “nerd”. So did other westerners, to the point where the
term outside of Japan mainly denotes anime nerds.

But the more I heard about the word itself, both online and from Japanese friends, the image I
had would turn out not to be so clear-cut, as otaku carries many nuances and to a degree even
stigmas that sets it apart from what we know as “nerd”.

As Japanese sub-cultures spread extensively outside Japan and seeped into the consciousness
of Western societies during the past 10+ years or so (especially in my own country, Sweden)
with the widespread use of the Internet, the word otaku followed suit, as those called such
were considered to be the “hardcore” adherents to Japanese sub-culture. Even in Japan itself,
there has been a surge of interest from the general populace for the term otaku, as the word
has been featured more and more prominently in Japanese media in recent years.

Because of this, I believe there is widespread interest in knowing how the otaku are regarded,
both by themselves and by the society from which they originate. Thus I decided to write this
thesis; to clarify this word, its implications and its place in Japanese society.

1.1 Acknowledgements

I would like to thank my thesis supervisor, lecturer Martin Nordeborg, for his patience, his
guidance and his continued input on writing my thesis, as his advice has been invaluable;
especially in times when I knew what to write, but not how to write it. I would also like to
thank my family and friends for their support and advice during the many months I have spent
on researching and writing my study, as this thesis has been the greatest undertaking in my
academic career yet.

Finally, I offer my sincere gratitude to all the Japanese people who took their time to
participate in my survey. Their opinions and thoughts on the subject at hand helped to paint an
even broader picture, which would otherwise have been missing, had I not performed the
survey in question.

2. Glossary

Certain words and terms related in one way or another to otaku and modern Japan will appear
with varying frequency in this thesis. Following is a short glossary aimed to explain these
terms for those who may not be familiar with them.

the Akihabara massacre – An incident of mass murder taking place in the Tokyo district
Akihabara on June 8th 2008. The perpetrator drove a truck into a crowd, followed by getting
out of the truck and using a dagger to stab 12 bystanders at random, ultimately leaving 7
people dead and 10 wounded.

anime (アニメ) – Short for animeeshon (アニメーション), from English “animation”.

Refers to all animation regardless of origin or style domestically, but has become synonymous
with Japanese animation internationally.

cosplay (コスプレ) – Short for “costume play”, originally and to a certain degree still
synonymous with masquerade/dress up, but now more commonly referring to dressing up as
certain characters appearing in video games, anime and so on.

doujinshi (同人誌) – Comic books made by fans of specific shows and/or franchises rather
than by established studios or manga authors, depicting characters from these shows and/or
franchises in various situations; not uncommonly sexual situations.

idol (アイドル) – Media personalities in their teens and early twenties who regularly appear
in mass media for a certain period of time; e.g. as pop group singers (Morning Musume et al),
models, TV personalities (a.k.a. タレント, talent) and more.

lolicon (ロリコン) – Short for “lolita complex”, refers to sexual attraction to underage girls,
or an individual with such an attraction.

manga (漫画; マンガ) – Comic books (lit. “whimsical pictures”). Specifically associated
with Japanese comic books internationally, like anime.
the Miyazaki incident – Also known as the Tokyo/Saitama Serial Kidnapping Murders of Little
Girls. The perpetrator (Tsutomu Miyazaki) kidnapped, murdered and then sexually molested
four little girls aged 4-7 years between 1988 and 1989. The investigation following his
apprehension revealed extensive collections of anime, porn and horror movies, from which a
connection to otaku culture was drawn and Miyazaki became known as “the Otaku

otaku (おたく; オタク) – The very subject of this study. Derived from a humble form of the
pronoun “you” when referring to others: お宅, pronounced otaku.

3. Background

From a western perspective, Japan could be considered a Mecca for modern popular culture.
It is the seat of two major players in today’s interactive entertainment industry: Nintendo and
Sony, both in terms of video games and other media-related innovations. Although its Korean
counterpart recently has taken over some of its international spotlight, “J-pop” has enjoyed a
steady growth in popularity in the past decade and beyond. It is also uncommon for younger
inhabitants of western countries not to associate Japan with comics and animation, as manga
and anime respectively has become a major source of export for the eastern archipelago.
Consequently, the image of a so-called otaku, the eccentric connoisseur of anime and its
related merchandise, has been thought of as an ideal among Western fans of Japanese popular
culture. Also, parts of Japanese metropolises rife with otaku-associated commerce (such as
Akihabara in Tokyo and Nipponbashi in Osaka) are popular tourist attractions.

However, Japan as a society is very multifaceted. Despite manga and anime being major
characteristics for Japan internationally, manga and anime are not necessarily enjoyed by
everyone. The popular perception of an otaku in Japan is a withdrawn, most often male and
socially inept individual (descriptions otaku themselves have come to use for ironic self-
deprecating purposes), who by their behaviour deviate from the regular and conformist
Japanese people. Otaku in Japan are more often than not looked down on because of this.
Some Japanese patrons of Akihabara, known internationally as an otaku Mecca, deny
sometimes quite vehemently that they themselves are otaku, despite frequenting
establishments that mainly cater to otaku.1 And although foreigners with a genuine interest for
Japan often are excused by their Japanese peers for their eccentric behaviour regarding their
favourite anime or otaku-esque pastimes, disconcerting accounts of physical attacks by
Japanese people against foreigners openly displaying their “nerdiness” are spread on the

Furthermore, with a wide range of anime and related products catering to an adult audience
with content simplest described as porn (ecchi), there may even be an image of otaku being
lewd sexual deviants present in the mind of mainstream Japanese society. These works
include doujinshi, which is essentially a market “by otaku, for otaku”. The way certain

Dela Pena, Otaku: Images and Identity in Flux (2006).

characters in these visual arts sometimes are depicted as, by appearance, underage girls
(lolicon) has become a subject of controversy not only in Japan but in other parts of the world,
including Sweden.

The relation between otaku and hikikomori (“acute social withdrawal”, a phenomenon
prevalent in modern Japan) also seem apparent in some cases. For a number of reasons,
ranging from solitude-induced desperation to sociopathic behaviour, withdrawn individuals
considered as otaku have in direr cases lashed out violently against their surroundings, in
some cases with very tragic outcomes. Incidents like the Tokyo/Saitama child murders in
1988-1989 (a.k.a. The Tsutomu Miyazaki Incident), and the more recent Akihabara massacre
in 2008, both involving perpetrators considered as otaku, come to mind.

From a historical perspective, the portrayal of otaku in mass media has more often than not
been a negative one, going as far as having otaku appear as the polar opposite of the salary
man ideal, with no ability to contribute to society or take responsibility for themselves.2 The
sensationalist way major otaku-related incidents have been reported in media certainly adds to
this. For example, the above-mentioned Tsutomu Miyazaki Incident: the collections of
manga, lolicon and other otaku-associated paraphernalia owned by the perpetrator, coupled
with the bestial nature of his murders, incited a major moral panic with all sharing the same
pastimes as the perpetrator being publicly described as “a whole standing army of

That is not to say that the reception of otaku in mainstream media and society has not been in
constant flux. The success of the novel Densha Otoko (“Train Man”, 2004), which allegedly
portrays the real account of an otaku man with no prior experience with women trying to date
a “normal” woman with the help of other otaku via online message boards, shows that the
general image of otaku could be and was improved, as their unorthodox and awkward
masculinity was well-received. Ironically however, certain other otaku would criticize Densha
Otoko for portraying otaku as immature individuals who have to “grow up” from their

Slater & Galbraith, Re-Narrating Social Class and Masculinity in Neoliberal Japan – An examination of the
media coverage of the 'Akihabara Incident' of 2008 (2011).
Kinsella, Japanese Subculture in the 1990s: Otaku and the Amateur Manga Movement (1998).
Slater & Galbraith (2011).

That said, mass media would jump on the “weird otaku”-bandwagon with the 2008 Akihabara
massacre, where a “lonely, failed” man left 7 innocent bystanders dead and 10 injured, after a
truck crash and stabbing spree in the eponymous Tokyo district. Mass media were quick to
associate the perpetrator, Tomohiro Katou, with otaku culture as news broadcasts focused on
his love for anime coupled with dramatic music to paint a frightening picture.5 In a society
considered safe from violent crime compared to most other western countries, the idea of
someone capable of such heinous acts is frightening, which aids further suspicion towards
otaku at large.

3.1 Problem and Aim

The multifaceted Japanese society makes it hard to pin down exactly what position otaku hold
in it today. The same can be said for otaku in terms of definition, as the most prevalent
definitions are mainly stereotypes. There’s seemingly so much more to being an otaku than to
just be a “nerd”, as “nerd” or “geek” may be the closest word to otaku in the English
language, but even then woefully lacking in description.6

The aim of this study is how an otaku and the otaku culture are defined, and how they truly
are viewed by Japanese mainstream society. The results of the study will answer the following
research questions:
 What is the definition of an otaku, according to mainstream society (i.e. mainstream
media; in this study’s case the Asahi Shimbun newspaper)?
 By contrast, how do otaku define themselves?
 Is the general image of otaku culture held by society at large a positive or a negative
 How has this image changed over time?

3.2 Discourse theory

As it happens, our perception of reality is created by our language. The language used
regarding certain matters (such as the world of medicine, and otaku culture as highlighted in
Slater & Galbraith (2011).

this study) form our worldview and how we view the reality around us through
representations of it, rather than being exact reflections of said reality. While a physical reality
does exist on its own no matter what meaning is applied to it, it is through our perception
through language, the discourse surrounding it, that it is given an actual meaning in our

While said discourses decide our perspective on social phenomena, the meaning and
definition of said phenomena is in continuous change, thus never constant, which leads to an
ongoing social struggle between conflicting definitions of society, identity (e.g. the otaku
identity), according to the discourse theory by Laclau and Mouffe.

The aim of a discourse analysis is to study this struggle for a fixed definition; a struggle of
which the outcome will lead to social consequences. Laclau and Mouffe further define the
actual word discourse as the structured totality of meanings derived from a certain domain,
e.g. the world of medicine, in which all signs (such as body in medicine) occurring in a
specific discourse are moments. Moments in turn have their meanings fixated by their
relation, or rather differences, to other moments, making the discourse a self-referring system.

Certain signs in a domain, like democracy in political discourse, uphold a privileged position
called nodal points, around which the discourse is formed. It is through these nodal points that
other signs in a discourse have their own meaning fixed. As a consequence, certain possible
meanings of a sign are excluded, as only a partial fixation of meaning can be done. Said
excluded meanings are what make out the so-called discursive field.

Identifying nodal points involves examining how the same signs are defined in alternative
ways by other discourses. Furthermore, the discourse theory analyses how the structure a
discourse forms is changed through examining how articulations constantly reproduce,
question or reshape the discourses (again an example in terms of medicine, the acceptance of
acupuncture would reshape the medical discourse).7

To fulfil the aims of this study, I will be applying a discourse analysis to analyse the
chronological struggle between definitions regarding the word otaku in Japan.

Winther Jørgensen & Phillips, Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method (2002), pp. 24-29

3.3 Method

This study has been carried out as a discourse analysis; reviewing and discussing how the
definition of otaku is born out of the text and tone of editorials, newspaper articles and so on,
and how this definition has changed over time and in light of certain occurrences and

For the mainstream perspective, I chose to look up, analyse and compare newspaper articles
regarding otaku culture and otaku-related topics available in the daily newspaper Asahi
Shimbun’s vast online database.8 Available in the database are articles from Asahi Shimbun
itself, one of Japan’s five national daily newspapers with a national circulation of 7.6 million
as of December 20129, Shuukan Asahi (Weekly Asahi) and Aera; the latter two being weekly
magazines published by a subsidiary of Asahi Shimbun. While Asahi Shimbun reports the
daily news as any other newspaper would, the weekly publications contain interviews,
portraits, longer articles covering certain events from the week that has passed and so on. It is
possible to exclude certain publications when searching for articles in the database, but I
chose to include all three publications in my research.

I’ve chosen to focus on articles available in the database from three specific periods of time:
the end of the 1980s through the 1990s, the first decade of 2000 and finally the 2010s up to
and including 2012. This is because until the wake of the Miyazaki Incident of 1989, the word
with its contemporary meaning was unknown to the general public.

The keyword, otaku, is written in three particular ways; one in hiragana (おたく), and two in
katakana (オタク; ヲタク). As ヲタク is a relatively new way of spelling (only 9 Asahi
articles from 2000 and beyond containing the word), and オタク is more commonly used in
media and online to denote the “nerds”, I used オタク as my main keyword in my search and
analysis of relevant articles.

That said, the closer to current times I got, the amount of articles containing the keyword
became increasingly overwhelming (for example, the first half of the '90s produced 84 hits,

Asahi Shinbun Kikuzo II Visual, available via as of 2013-05-15.
Japan Audit Bureau of Circulation; numbers available at as
of 2013-05-15.

while the second half produced an astonishing 278 articles; the entire database producing
1769 articles as of April 11th 2013). To ease the workload, I opted to incorporate a second
keyword from the period of 1995 and beyond that had been frequently associated with otaku
in earlier articles, アニメ (anime), yielding a far more manageable amount of material (459
articles as of April 11th 2013). Of course, this form of limitation carries the inherent risk of
filtering out articles that mention or discuss the term otaku without associating it with anime,
and thus would not become part of my analysis.

To compensate for the above-mentioned risk of the results of my research being affected by
my selection of additional keywords, I made additional selections of articles with only オタク
as a keyword, limited to certain periods of time; notably 2004-2005 (the period in which
Densha Otoko became a big hit in Japan), 2008 (the year of the Akihabara massacre), and
2010-2012. Replacing anime with other keywords unrelated to certain hobbies, such as 意味
(meaning), イメージ (image) and 偏見 (prejudice)10, and making full-period selections of
articles served to further broaden the research without becoming overwhelming. Worthy of
note is the very fact that the closer to current times you come from the late '80s, the more
frequently otaku appear in the media (or specifically, in Asahi); Asahi Shimbun had 102
articles containing the word otaku in 2012 alone.

As thoroughly analysing each and every article remains an overwhelming task, even after
making the above selections, I made a preliminary screening of each article before analysing
it. This was done by skimming through the articles to find the given keywords (mainly
オタク) and see in what context the word is brought up in. If the context explained the word
or in any other way was relevant to my study, I made a note to further analyse the article later.
If the article was deemed irrelevant to my study, I chose to discard it.

For the otaku perspective, I constructed a questionnaire in Japanese and had it distributed
digitally to Japanese contacts, their friends and acquaintances who self-identify as otaku. This
questionnaire allowed them to anonymously submit their thoughts and opinions regarding the
subject at hand for analysis for the benefit of this study, including but not limited to what their
idea of an otaku is and how open they are with being an otaku in everyday society.

Pronounced imi, imeeji and henken respectively.

In light of this, I chose to write this thesis in English, despite it not being my first language.
This is done so that the above-mentioned participants of the Japanese questionnaire may be
able to scrutinize the study and its results, to which they have contributed with their

4. Previous studies

Previous studies in the field of otaku as a definition and specifically their change of image
have been made. For example, in Otaku: Images and Identity in Flux, the author argues that
not only the image but also the personal identity of an otaku is in constant change, and the
label of otaku, once unfavourable and considered weird or even dangerous, is becoming
“cool”.11 This conclusion may however be outdated as the Akihabara massacre and its effect
on mainstream opinion would occur only two years after this study was published.

In 2007, Satoru Kikuchi of Shinshu University sent out a questionnaire for a study, the aim of
which was identical to my own; to determine the change of the image of otaku held by
Japanese society. Unlike my own questionnaire however, his was not specifically aimed for
those who considered themselves to be otaku, but rather Japanese undergraduate students in
general (to a total of 368 respondents). The actual questions covered, among other things,
what kind of people the respondents thought otaku are, what genres they associate otaku with
and so on in terms of stereotypes.

Dividing their answers on what kind of people otaku are into “positive”, “negative” and
“other” definitions, the results showed that the ratio of respondents with a positive image of
otaku had doubled (from 17% in '98 to 35% in '07), while those with a negative image had
gone down by about a third (62% in '98 and 42% in '07).12 As for what the definitions were,
the study presents the most prevalent ones, including but not limited to:

ネガティブ 155人 (Negative, 155 people)

People striving abnormally for a certain thing
[People who] are to an unusual degree completely absorbed in games, anime, manga and other two-
dimensional [worlds]
Many [of them] don’t attend to their personal appearances. Generally lacking in common sense

Dela Pena (2006).
Kikuchi, The Transformation and the diffusion of "Otaku" Stereotypes and the Establishment of "Akihabara"
as a Place-brand (2008).

ポジティブ 127人 (Positive, 127 people)
Well-knowing in something exclusive
Not a professional in a certain field, but behave like one and possess knowledge [in said field]
[Their] spirit of pursuit [of something] is amazing

その他 86人 (Other, 86 people)

[People] in Akihabara
[People who] like anime
Enthusiasts of something

However, like Dela Pena’s study this is not entirely up-to-date either. While the study was
finalized in December 2008, the actual survey was performed in 2007, thus not taking the
Akihabara massacre in June 2008 into account or its effects on the otaku image.

My study is in a similar vein to these and other previous studies, but aside from keeping the
topic up to date, I was unable to find any earlier studies where the opinions regarding
mainstream society’s image of otaku from otaku themselves were presented; an aspect which
I intend to cover with this study.

5. Otaku defined in Japanese media (Asahi Shimbun, Weekly Asahi,
Aera) – A chronological analysis
5.1 Late 1980s through the '90s – Tsutomu Miyazaki puts Otaku in the
limelight (and sets the tone of the debate)

Otaku, as we know the word today, appeared very rarely in Japanese media up until the latter
half of 1989. In Asahi Shimbun’s case, the word would usually come up in its original context
instead of its contemporary meaning.13 This were to change with the arrest of the perpetrator
of the '88-'89 Tokyo/Saitama child murders, one Tsutomu Miyazaki. In the wake of his arrest,
his home became target for public scrutiny, as his “strangeness” (「異常」さ) was unheard-
of in regular Japanese society.14

It was because of this incident that the word otaku with its current meaning rose to the surface
in Japanese mass media. The otaku were described as:

[The word specifies] young, wildly enthusiastic fans of cartoons, comics, video games etc. who do not
wish to communicate with others who don’t share their interests.

Furthermore, a later article on the term おたく族 (otaku-zoku, lit. otaku tribe) adds:

The general understanding of what they are is that they are [people] with a liking for video, comic books,
computer games, idols etc. who interact with like-minded comrades, but only in exchange of news within
their hobbies and do not socialize with deep friends.

In 1991, an article regarding the emergence of news magazines aimed toward children, and
the subsequent erosion of differences between children and adults, had the following to say at

See glossary.
Asahi Shimbun, 24 August 1989.
Ibid, 6 January 1990.
Ibid, 10 March 1990.

the end:

While children are forged by the information society, on the other hand, adults become unproductive
otaku [...] who do not hide their desire to remain children. [emphasis added]

Otaku does not appear anywhere else in the article but is seemingly thrown in at the last
minute, written in such negative fashion that it portrays otaku as unproductive man-children.18

In 1992, an article detailing the “code words” and fashionable language used by middle- and
high-school students at the time was published in Asahi’s morning edition. At a girls’ high-
school in Hyogo prefecture, the elaborate buzzword “エネチ” (enechi), derived from the
initials of the English phrase “Not Human”, was used among the students. As for its meaning:

What’s called otaku in public, and indicate people with unpleasant appearances that are so miserable it
hurts to look at them.

A very harsh and negative association for otaku carried by high school students at the time, as
the supposedly “normal” youth brand them as “not human”.

Based on all these and other articles, one can assume that being labelled as, or associated
with, otaku was a major faux pas in Japanese society at the time. This assumption is quite
justified in a column appearing in 1996, written by one Yumiko Yamaguchi, an event planner.
Her very first words in the column are “I love animation”, which she elaborates on further
with her infatuation for anime, especially the works of director Mamoru Oshii (Patlabor,
Ghost in the Shell). The whole article explains her enthusiasm for Oshii’s specific works and
animation in general, including how she planned events coinciding with the release of the
anime movie Ghost in the Shell. But at the very end she adds:

Asahi Shimbun, 11 August 1991.
“Man-child” is a slang term used to describe a physical adult with an immature personality.
Asahi Shimbun, 2 November 1992.

Oh, but, I’m not an “otaku”. Just to make sure.

Although the author shares the interests and perhaps even the zeal of an anime otaku, she felt
it to be necessary to point out that she is not one of them, very likely because the word still
carries negative connotations.

An article in 1997 reporting of a voice actor event held in Shibuya describes the type of
attendants at the event as:

[...] young men projecting a gloomy atmosphere and smell of sweat; the so-called anime otaku.

The exterior image of otaku remains unchanged, though otaku themselves are probably not
without blame for this.

5.2 The first decade of the new millennium (2000) – Akihabara, Densha
Otoko and the upheaval of the otaku image

The association of otaku to heinous crimes is carried over into the new millennium, with a
seemingly off-handed example in May 2001; in the wake of the arrest of a suspect for a knife
murder of a junior college student in Asakusa, author Ryuuzou Saki draws a connection
between the suspect’s “skewed values” (ゆがんだ価値観; an assumption made by him
having worn a weird red panda hat while perpetrating the crime) and the term otaku:

In the case of the suspect of the little girl serial killings Tsutomu Miyazaki, who was completely absorbed
in the world of animation and kept an enormous [collection] of videos in his room, the word “otaku” was
frequently used; I feel however that there are common traits as well [between that word and this

Asahi Shimbun, 24 February 1996.
Ibid, 22 March 1997.
Ibid, 11 May 2001.

This was all under the sub header A sense of common traits with “otaku” (「オタク」と
共通項感じる), no less.

A parallel is drawn between otaku and skewed values, using the Miyazaki incident as a
definition of character, although there is no other piece of evidence other than the suspect’s
red panda-hat presented in the article to back this claim.

Later on, the term otaku was brought up in negative limelight again with the arrest of one of
two suspects of the kidnapping of a grade school girl in Kuroiso. Asahi articles about the case
quote psychiatrist Tamaki Saitou on the matter:

[…] The suspect attended Comic Market among other things, [so] rather than an ordinary anime-fan,
there should be no doubt that he is what you would call a core “otaku”.

In this recent case, it has also been said that [he] confused the real world with an imaginary one and
ended up perpetrating this incident, but in his case this must have been a problem from the start.

The psychiatrist (and Asahi by extension) first use the suspect to define otaku as something
more than just an “ordinary anime-fan”, distinguishing otaku from those who just like anime,
and then use the suspect and his crime to draw a connection between being unable to tell
fantasy apart from reality and being otaku. A following article published on the same day
describes the suspect as:

An “otaku-style” suspect, who was zealous over games, anime, internet and the like

That said, the above-mentioned psychiatrist would appear a lot more sympathetic towards

Asahi Shimbun, 23 August 2001.

otaku, as he’s later quoted in an article regarding how the so-called “otaku industry” is
distancing itself from the suspect and his crime:

For otaku, two-dimensional existence is not a substitute for reality, but the sole object of worship. Thus,
the idea of otaku “not having enough of two-dimensional existence and running after real girls” like
suspect Fushida did is impossible by principle.

Although one can still easily get the idea that otaku are strange people who obsess over
cartoons and video games (i.e. two-dimensional things), the article projects the notion that in
reality they are harmless by default.

Anyone who is at least slightly familiar with otaku culture have probably come across the
word 萌え (moe, lit. budding) in otaku environments, such as message boards on the internet
and the like; seemingly used with much passion. Asahi sought to explain its meaning in this
context in 2001, in an article regarding words and phrases appearing in the digital world:

“萌える” [is defined as] “to bud; to sprout” in the Kojien dictionary, but on the internet, one notices its
way of use is like a diversion from the meaning of the word “燃える”[same pronunciation, lit. to get fired
up]; “passion/emotion vigorously occurring”. [emphasis added]

The [use of the] expression “×× moe” is numerous. The name of a famous female idol or anime
character is in the place of ××. The word’s origin is considered to be its use in youth magazines about 20
years ago, but it was spread after computer communication became popular.

Akihabara was previously (and to a certain degree still is) a “city of electronics”, but a few

Aera, 3 September 2001.
Asahi Shimbun, 24 September 2001.

years into the new millennium, Asahi reported how it had changed to the Mecca of otaku
culture that we know of today in less than a decade, beginning at the end of the 1990s.
Starting with now world-famous plastic model maker Kaiyodo moving their company store to
Akihabara in '97, other back alley-shops from places like Shibuya and Kichijouji followed
suit in great numbers.29 By 2003, stores specializing in electronics were no longer the leading
business in Akihabara.

The Radio Hall in front of Akihabara train station. In these [last] five years, half the [building] is made
out of stores dealing with otaku-merchandise such as dating simulation games, manga, doujinshi and so

On the streets, there are also cosplay stores selling costumes of characters appearing in anime, and
cosplay cafés [with people] wearing said costumes.

Assumingly because of Akihabara turning into holy ground for otaku culture (オタクの聖地,
otaku no seichi), a new word started to appear in media as well as mainstream Japanese
society: アキバ系 (akiba-kei, lit. Akiba-style). Its meaning is synonymous with otaku.32
Cementing the relation between the district and otaku subculture.

The impact of otakus’ hobbies in the economy would be recognized at this time as well. As of
August 2004, the Nomura Institute for General Research estimated that the “otaku” who
support the four fields of anime, comics, games and idols number about 2.8 million people,
and their yearly market scale numbers in 260 billion yen (approx. 2.04 billion Euro as of
2013-04-26), from a total of 2.3 trillion yen, making out over 11% of total numbers.

Asahi Shimbun, 24 September 2003.
Ibid, 23 September 2003.
Ibid, 15 May 2004.

The Nomura Institute assess that the consumptionist behaviour of those that are called otaku has “grown
to [levels] that cannot be ignored” by businesses and the like. They summarized in their written report
that “Otaku is no longer a niche market”.

In terms of definition, the article presenting the report adds:

The report defines otaku as “people who spend a lot of time and money on specific fields of hobbies”.

This is in keeping with the popular idea that otaku are obsessive, as they spend a considerable
amount of money despite their small numbers.

The image of otaku held by mainstream Japanese society would receive perhaps its greatest
upheaval in the latter half of 2004 however, with the publishing of the novel Densha Otoko
(電車男, Train Man). The book is based on actual threads from the Japanese online bulletin
board 2channel, starting with a “young anime otaku” (the titular Train Man), whose time
without a girlfriend was equal to his age (彼女いない歴=年齢), detailing the events of one
particular day. On the train home, he intervened when an inebriated man harassed a couple of
female passengers. Two days later, he received a package from one of the women he had
aided, containing a thank you-letter and an expensive Hermès-brand teacup. Surprised by the
gift, and convinced that its value meant more than simply “thank you”, he turned to the other
users on 2channel for advice on what to do.35

The story that followed became a huge sensation spreading throughout the media, the original
bulletin threads first being published as the above-mentioned novel, and later being adapted
into one successful movie, one equally successful drama TV-series and four different manga
adaptations. An editor at the publisher behind the original novel had the following to say:

Asahi Shimbun, 24 August 2004.
Aera, 2 August 2004.


Up until now, my idea of otaku boys all being uninterested in real-life women and having a self-centred
philosophy of love was a complete misunderstanding. There are indeed people with such pure and earnest
feelings towards women

Author Shun'ichi Karazawa adds that the negative impression of otaku has faded, due to the
great hit that was Densha Otoko.37

The suspicion toward otaku brought by the Miyazaki case nearly two decades ago lives on,
however. In a very much similar case of child abduction and subsequent murder in Tochigi
prefecture, an eyewitness had seen a particularly suspicious person in the area the day before
the victim (a first-grade schoolgirl) disappeared. This is how the man was described:

A Akiba-style otaku-like man in his 40s, with brown filthy unkempt long hair, stubble and glasses

Ultimately, the prevailing image of otaku would come into question in the aftermath of the
Akihabara massacre in June 8th 2008, where 7 people lay dead after one man, Tomohiro
Katou, went on a rampage in the otaku Mecca. In a somewhat surprising development, while
other sources state that the media was quick to draw a connection between the perpetrator and
otaku culture39, Asahi was fairly quiet about that particular detail, compared to the extensive
coverage that the Miyazaki child murders and its connection to otaku received in 1989.

Nevertheless, Asahi did publish one letter to the editor, in which the author (a Kagoshima
high-school student) showed his dismay over how the media reported the cause of the

Aera, 2 August 2004.
Asahi Shimbun, 21 May 2007.
Shuukan Asahi, 16 December 2005.
Slater & Galbraith (2011).

This goes for the Akihabara incident that recently occurred; the society would instantly conclude that [it
was] influenced by the “otaku culture” of games, anime and such. We should avoid [making] such simple

Is it not so that the whole society’s prejudice of otaku being disgusting, abnormal and so on brings out
their “hearts’ darkness”?

The nature of Tomohiro’s crime and the above author’s grievances notwithstanding, judging
by the lack of connections drawn between the massacre and otaku culture in Asahi’s later
articles, it would seem that the improved attitudes toward otaku in the media were here to

5.3 2010 and beyond – The otaku image today

In September 2010, Asahi published an article presenting the results of a survey made by
students of Kwansei Gakuin University. The goal of the survey was to determine if the
impression of many young men being so-called “草食男子” (soushoku danshi, lit. herbivore
boys) held true; a term used for young men who are not competitive in terms of success and
affection compared to traditional male stereotypes. While the results of said survey is not
relevant for this study42, the way the students performing the survey classified the different
groups of respondents is telling of how otaku were viewed, with one of them described as:

“Otaku-style”, with no spirit of cooperation and low interest in love and outward appearance

Compared with the other groups of respondents, the otaku were given the short stick in all
aspects of labelling, as the other groups (“lone wolves”, the popular and even the “herbivore

Asahi Shimbun, 29 June 2008.
It turns out that, based on the definition used by the survey, the ”herbivore boys” made out only about one
tenth of total participants, disproving the notion that they were many.
Asahi Shimbun, 1 September 2010.

boys”) were defined with at least one positive or assertive characteristic.

One Asahi article on idols, another subject of otaku enthusiasm, is helpful enough to offer a
short glossary at the end, giving us a clear-cut description of the word otaku that supposedly
prevails today and surprisingly shines a small positive light on the term, compared to the
previously quoted article:

[Otaku is] A general term for people who immerse themselves in hobbies such as anime, idols, trains etc.
Once carrying an image of gloom and lacking in sociability, the word has recently been used in the
positive context of enthusiasts with abundant knowledge as well.

While the media over time repeatedly reported the more broad definition of otaku (one of the
most prominent words used being 熱心 (nesshin, meaning zeal; enthusiasm), the stereotypes
in terms of associated genres persist. Asahi introduced the event “We love Akiba!”
(アキバ大好き!) to its readers the following way:

On the 8th and 9th [of this month] in Akihabara, Tokyo, an event gathering and setting up various “otaku”
shops, [ranging] from anime-goods and maid cafés to games and model railroading, into one building
will be opened.

Even on an international level, certain genres not necessarily related to Japanese sub-culture
are labelled as otaku-related, as Asahi’s article of the American convention Comic-Con

Comic-Con, held every July in San Diego, is the largest otaku festival in all of America, to which comic
book-fans, science fiction-fans and the like gather.

Asahi Shimbun, 3 December 2011.
Ibid, 4 January 2012.
Ibid, 6 January 2012.

The super-consumerist image of otaku lives on as well, as Asahi in an article about the
second-hand market for goods related to anime and the like quotes second-hand store
proprietor Hiroshige Yamamoto, as he defines what a “true otaku” is:

Mr. Yamamoto adds: “A true otaku owns many copies of the same article; one for one’s own enjoyment,
one for preservation in its unopened condition, and one for ‘propagation’ to convey its good quality to

The article continues that this combined with the inevitable issue of private storage, that
there’s a lack of storage space for the average person, explains why over 70% of their second-
hand products are unopened goods in mint condition.

Earlier in this text, the Densha Otoko-phenomenon and how it served to redefine otaku was
brought up. Becoming more than withdrawn introverts in the eyes of society, and women
especially, otaku began to be viewed as potential spouses. Despite the fluctuations the term
has experienced since then, the notion of otaku being “date-able” persisted, as Asahi reports
of an increasing trend of otaku-oriented dating services and activities, up to and including
online dating services catering specifically to otaku.48 Commenting on otaku preferences, the
author adds:

Speaking of otaku, they tend to be regarded as “having no interest in anything else than the two-
dimensional characters of [collectible] figures, anime and such”, but it does seem that they are perfectly
interested in actual women of flesh and blood as well.

The image of otaku participating in what could be considered juvenile hobbies (collectible
figures considered to be toys, for example), as well as of their infatuation for fictional
characters outweighing their interest for real partners remains in the consciousness of
Japanese society. But the emergence of these kinds of social activities catering to otaku show
that compared with the circumstances only two decades ago, much of the stigma associated
Asahi Shimbun, 9 May 2012.
Shuukan Asahi, 15 June 2012.

with the word has weakened considerably in the eyes of Japanese society. A society which in
turn has become more open to otaku; that is, if one were to judge entirely by Asahi’s reports

6. Otaku in the eyes of Otaku – A contemporary survey
6.1 The questionnaire

As mentioned in the method section of this text, a questionnaire was drafted for Japanese
people who self-identify as otaku, to see how otaku define themselves compared to the
prevalent impression they have in society and the media. Once said questionnaire was
completed, it was made available online and distributed with the help of Japanese contacts
and social networking services.50 Although the questionnaire was mainly meant for those who
self-identify as otaku, it was structured in such way that those who do not could still
contribute with their opinion. Participation was completely anonymous and no answers could
in any way be tracked back to their respective respondents.

Following are the questions that were asked in the survey (gender and other rudimentary
questions excluded):

What do you think when you hear the word “otaku”?

In your opinion, how are “otaku” regarded in Japanese society? Has this image of “otaku” changed in
recent years?

Do you think of yourself as an “otaku”? If yes, why do you think so?

As this study is a discourse analysis focusing on how otaku is defined, the analysis will focus
on the answers given to these first three questions. A small number of additional questions
were added to offer the respondents the possibility to give further insight into what being an
otaku is today, granted they said “Yes” on question 3:

Such as Twitter through retweeting and the author’s personal Mixi-account.

How open are you with your “otaku-ness” with your surroundings?
(While this question had pre-written answers, they were both multiple-choice and with the option to write
your own answer)

Do you feel discriminated as an “otaku”? If yes, at what times? Please write about your personal
experiences if applicable.

Please feel free to share any comments, thoughts etc. that you might have.

6.2 Summary of respondents

On March 19th 2013, the questionnaire was brought online.51 On April 1st, the last respondent
submitted their answers, bringing the total number of respondents to 33. 29 consider
themselves in one way or another to be otaku.

The ages of the respondents varies between 14 and 38 years, with 3 respondents refraining
from giving their age. Both the average and median ages are 25 years.

The division of gender among the respondents is 16 men and 17 women; however, excluding
those who did not identify themselves as otaku the actual numbers are 15 men and 14 women.
Still, the male otaku’s only slight majority alone shows how otaku over time have changed
from an originally male-dominant phenomenon, the small number of respondents

The geographic diversity of the respondents shows a considerably large portion of the
respondents living in Hokkaido (14, or about 43% of total respondents). The rest of the
respondents are spread somewhat evenly westward along the country from Tokyo, albeit with
a concentration in the Kansai, Chubu and Shikoku regions.

The questionnaire in its entirety is still available at
hZYYnPtmvN7U3F3aZQEaKE97vrTvNZNg/viewform?pli=1 as of 2013-05-15.

6.3 What otaku think of otaku

The idea of what defines an otaku is well-varied among the respondents, ranging from
defining genres to their outward appearance. A quite recurrent theme, however, is their
fixation to a certain field. Examples include:

Being well-informed in a non-professional way regarding a specific field

An image of people with knowledge in a specific field, and also abnormally well-acquainted with matters
that regular people seldom show interest for

People who excel at knowledge regarding one thing (a thing they like themselves)

Deep knowledge in only a specific field

People who become engrossed in something

As for otaku-defining genres, anime takes precedence:

People who like anime and games

ゲームが好き アニメが好き 二次元が好き

Likes games; Likes anime; Likes two-dimensional [characters]

People who like manga, anime, games etc, and immerse themselves in such

サブカルチャー アニメ、漫画 VOCALOID

Subculture; Anime, manga; Vocaloid

Rather than the original meaning of the word otaku, the “anime otaku”-image is preceding

Of course, otaku are no strangers to self-depreciation when it comes to negative definitions:

A melancholic image

Negative [lit. minus]

[My] image [of otaku] is of young, unfashionable people with gloomy personalities

People that are poor at grasping the state of their surroundings and conveying things to [other] people,
among other things

6.4 Otaku’s position in Japanese society

Before diving into the various different answers given by the respondents in detail, the data
given can be summarized in two categories: How otaku are regarded in Japanese society, and
whether the image of otaku held by Japanese society had changed or not.

In the first category, each respondent’s answer to the second question was determined to be
either positive/neutral or negative, based on how they described how otaku (in their opinion)
are regarded in Japanese society. The second category was much more straightforward to
assess; either the respondents felt that the image of otaku has changed, or that it has not
changed considerably, if at all.

Just by looking at the numbers, otaku who consider themselves to be regarded in a negative
manner are in majority. A couple of notable explanations for their stances follows:

I think they’re considered to be bothersome people

I think they are considered to be fat men in their 20ies, clattering away in front of a computer in a dark
room, with unkempt hair and wearing glasses

[...]People having the strong fixed idea that otaku are certainly watching anime, don’t shower and are
always unclean, are not interested in anything else but two-dimensional girls, are certainly going to maid
cafés, are all lolicon and potential criminals, etc are in majority

On the other hand, those who think otaku are regarded in a positive or at least neutral manner
had this and more to say:

A person with a strong interest for games, manga and other subcultures

I think that in general, “otaku” are thought to be “anime/game-enthusiastic people of leisure”

As for whether or not the image of otaku has changed over the recent years, a clear majority
stated that it indeed has:

I think it has changed considerably. When I see otaku performers and idols (Gackt, Takanori Nishikawa,
Shouko Nakagawa and the like) appearing on TV, and collaborations with Hatsune Miku52, Evangelion
etc taking place in various places, I think that [otaku] have obtained definite civil rights

If you compare with previous times (over 20 years ago), I think that this image has changed greatly. I feel
that in recent years, after mass media realized otaku became a business, the surrounding viewpoints are

The most recent example of such collaborations being the Japanese branch of Domino's Pizza promoting their
food using Hatsune Miku, a character and voice personification from the music synthesizer software Vocaloid
and object of worship for many otaku, including smartphone applications and (now discontinued) pizza
boxes designed with Hatsune Miku. (accessed 2013-05-16)

[...]Starting with the drama Densha Otoko, I think the image is changing in a good direction for each

I get the feeling they tended to be regarded as disgusting, but recently anime is said to be culture, and I
think [the otaku’s] image is changing

The fewer cynics, on the other hand, offered their explanation to why this has not been the

[The image of otaku] fundamentally “being made fun of” does not change

[...]I get the impression that people who unconditionally think that otaku are disgusting have always been
many with no change in recent years

Bitter arguments that may be well-funded, at least from the otaku’s own point of view.
Judging from the two most prominent themes that were revealed with the numerous answers
to this question, namely otaku being regarded as disgusting (気持ち悪い, kimochi warui) but
also as a profitable market, it is no wonder that the feeling of being ostracized by society
lingers when you might be viewed as a necessary evil for economic stability.

7. Discussion

If one were to judge by Asahi’s reports alone, it turns out that the view on otaku by the media
(and by extension the general public) has been normalized considerably compared to how the
word was brought into the public eye in the late 1980s.

Throughout the end of the 20th century, the discourse surrounding otaku were of a primarily
negative tone following the Miyazaki incident. But as time went by, their importance in
society, particularly for the market and economy in times of recession, was brought to light,
and the discourse branched out to uplift the image of otaku, despite the occasional connection
drawn to abhorrent crimes.

Earlier in this analysis, the word 熱心 (nesshin) was brought up as an example of a prominent
word used by Asahi in regards to how they get into their respective hobbies compared to a
regular person. But even more prominent is actually the first kanji forming the word, 熱
(netsu). By itself, its meaning revolves around heat, both literally and figuratively; fever,
temperature, passion, mania and whatnot. Put together with certain other kanji, they convey
different nuances of zeal and enthusiasm. In the dawn of otaku appearing in media, Asahi
described otaku as being 熱狂 (nekkyou, wildly enthusiastic), perhaps implying that otaku
were not emotionally stable (狂 alone meaning crazy; insane). As time went on the discourse
changed, the phrasing itself in Asahi changing to 熱心, 熱中 (necchuu) etc, conveying
nuances of zeal and enthusiasm similar to each other (and perhaps considerably lighter
nuances when compared with 熱狂).

In the early 2000s, new words synonymous with otaku started to appear in Asahi; アキバ系
(akiba-kei) standing out as having been born out of the transition Akihabara made from a city
of electronics to an otaku Mecca during the years preceding and following the millennium
shift. Supposedly, it’s around here that certain genres abundant in the Akihabara markets
(namely anime, manga, doujinshi and video games) started to be regarded as specific otaku
hobbies in the eyes of the general public, as Asahi (and other media, no doubt) from here on
frequently adds the label “the holy ground for otaku” (オタクの聖地) whenever an article or
news report mentions Akihabara.

Otaku culture, combined with online culture, also brought new words to contemporary
Japanese language, as Asahi reported. The specific example would be 萌え, which was
mentioned earlier in the analysis. Having combined the images contained in two
homophonetic words (萌える, budding and 燃える, getting fired up respectively), the new
word served to describe the kind of zeal otaku felt over certain matters (specifically idols and
female anime characters), with their burning passion (燃え) over the young, cute and
loveable (萌え).53

With what’s considered to be otaku interests spreading and taking root geographically (e.g.
Akihabara) especially after the turn of the millennium, one could argue that otaku became
less abnormal (in lieu of “more normal”) in the media, and gradually accepted as a natural
part of the Japanese society. The results of Kikuchi’s study mentioned earlier in this thesis54
are consistent with the findings in this study, arriving at the same conclusion. While they’re
certainly outside the Japanese norm of an ordinary citizen, words and thoughts associated
with the term otaku today more often describe an eccentric hobbyist rather than a lecherous
reality-confused miscreant. Perhaps this is why the Akihabara massacre did not seem to have
the same repercussions as earlier otaku-related crimes did, judging by Asahi of course.

This assertion, that the impression of otaku in media and public eye has changed for the
better, is consistent with the results from the survey. Albeit the slight majority of otaku still
think that otaku is viewed negatively by society as a whole (looking at hard numbers alone),
most agree that their image has improved compared to earlier times. A number of them
attribute this to the importance of otaku for the economy, with their super-consumerist
tendencies in their fields of interest.

That said, the improved impression of otaku in media might in the end be mostly superficial.
Same could be said for the word’s actual meaning. While it started out as defining someone
with a zealous disposition towards their selected hobby (or hobbies), as a result of “light-
ification” (ライト化, raito-ka) if you may, it can now be applied to people who merely
participate in a certain genre of Japanese multimedia without the same amount of enthusiasm

Asahi Shimbun, 24 September 2001
Kikuchi (2008).

or knowledge in the field as “real” otaku. The most prominent examples of such genres being
anime, manga and video games, as it has been gathered by this research. One of the
respondents in the survey even refers to this when asked if he considered himself to be an

Partly yes. Partly no. Because I’m interested in anime, cosplay, moe-style and the like. However, since I
think my knowledge in either is shallow and can’t measure up to a real “otaku”’s amount of knowledge [I
say] partly no

As for the words describing otaku in terms of outward appearance and sociability, the
discourse conveyed in media has both remained the same and changed throughout the past
decades, based on both the research in Asahi and on the survey. 気持ち悪い, and its more
colloquial counterpart キモい (kimoi) are ever-present negative adjectives in many Asahi
articles, and the notion of otaku being “abnormal” (異常), while considerably less frequent in
later years, still exists in the mindset of mainstream society.

The “abnormal” viewpoint highlights the association between otaku and the fascination for
two-dimensional matters (二次元, nijigen), which in turn has brought forth the phrase
二次コン into otaku-related discourse (nijikon, two-dimensional complex; basically being
more interested in two-dimensional girls such as anime characters rather than real people).

Furthermore, as indicated by the survey results, while most otaku agree that the image of
them held by society and the media has changed for the better during the many years that
have passed, some argued that the change has not necessarily been from “bad” to “good”, but
rather from “dangerous” to “pitiable”, thus still carrying negative connotations.55 Especially
with their stereotypical image; デブ (fat), 暗い (gloomy), 引きこもっている (staying
indoors) and so on; persisting, particularly for the male otaku.

On the other hand, otaku can be more socially competent than they are given credit for,

Numerous examples of otaku being portrayed as sad individuals can be found in the following link, which has
collected photos and screenshots of otaku appearing in public, TV-reports and the like in less glamorous
situations: (accessed 2013-05-16)

granted you get to know them beyond the stereotypes. Social events catering almost
specifically to otaku have increased in frequency over the years. In these events, otaku come
out of their shells and take part in activities “normal” people their age do, such as dancing and
socializing; albeit to music from anime and the like rather than what one would find at a
regular club.

This could be attributed to the dilution of the proportion of male otaku, with the increasing
number of female members in the otaku ranks, with many being just as enthusiastic as their
male counterparts. These female otaku are however more prominent in the anime-genre of
otaku, especially in enthusiasm about specific anime shows and characters, not to mention
their penchant for bringing them to “life” through cosplay. To quote another respondent on
why she thought herself to be an otaku:

Because even in this year I like two-dimensional things, and I wanted to become such a character so now
I also cosplay

A connection can be drawn between the increase of female otaku and the earlier-mentioned
“light-ification” of otaku culture, as more “fashionable” (お洒落, oshare) otaku have emerged
over time, according to some of the questionnaire’s respondents. That is not to say that female
otaku don’t share the enthusiasm of their male counterparts in given hobbies, but rather that
their sense for aesthetics56 compared to male otaku helped to improve the superficial image of
otaku overall and made the term more approachable for “regular” fans of certain genres.

This could be attributed to gender roles and stereotypes of course, which even among otaku is a subject much
more fitting for its own study.

8. Conclusion

Reviewing the 24 years covered by the scope of this study, the image of otaku conveyed in the
media has indeed changed for the better, though perhaps not in a groundbreaking sense. Otaku
are still defined as particularly zealous in their hobbies, and said zeal is often uplifted in a
ridiculing light in the media. While they are not necessarily feared as potential dangerous
criminals anymore (as was the case around the time of the Miyazaki incident), they are not
particularly well-regarded by society at large either, despite their role in keeping the economy

As for how otaku are defined, both in media and other sources, the given definitions are as
varied as the sources themselves. There is however one particular core definition commonly
used by all sources (media, dictionaries, popular opinion and even otaku themselves) to define
otaku: insular or unsociable people who immerse themselves in specific fields of interest.
Whether this is perceived as a positive or a negative characteristic appears to be mainly a
generational matter; while the elderly might view otaku as juvenile and irresponsible
members of society, the younger generation who share some interests with otaku may have a
less antagonistic perception of them. And although genres such as anime and video games are
commonly associated with otaku, other hobbies such as railroad enthusiasm and even sports
are not uncommon hobbies for certain otaku.

Furthermore, the earlier-mentioned “light-ification” of otaku, with young and fashionable

people sharing to a smaller degree some otaku hobbies but not their defining stereotypes
applied by Japanese media and society turning up in increasing numbers, serve to dilute the
extremes associated with the word. Not to mention how certain matters and phenomenon
usually thought to be otaku-specific slip out in the “regular” world, such as the various
collaborations between companies using otaku icons for public advertising.

With social events catering to otaku and inviting them to come out of their shells, and the
increase of female members challenging the male dominance of otaku, the image and
definition held by otaku themselves has changed as well and will probably continue to do so.
Ultimately, one last question remains: Is it “okay” to be an otaku in Japan? Maybe not quite
yet, but they are certainly getting there.


Papers, research and printed material

Dela Pena, Joseph L. (2006). Otaku: Images and Identity in Flux

Kikuchi, Satoru (2008). The Transformation and the diffusion of “Otaku” Stereotypes and the
Establishment of “Akihabara” as a Place-brand
[Original title: “Otaku” sutereotaipu no hensen to Akihabara-burando], Shinshu University, (accessed 2013-04-26)

Kinsella, Sharon (1998). Japanese Subculture in the 1990s: Otaku and the Amateur Manga

Slater; Galbraith (2011). Re-Narrating Social Class and Masculinity in Neoliberal Japan – An
examination of the media coverage of the ‘Akihabara Incident’ of 2008 (accessed 2012-10-01)

Winther Jørgensen; Phillips (2002). Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method, Sage
Publications Ltd


“Miyazaki-jiken ga utsushidasu mono – Genba ni muragaru shakaigenshou no ‘ijou’sa”

[What the Miyazaki-case projects – The “strangeness” of the social phenomenon that gathers
at the scene of the crime], Asahi Shimbun, 24 August 1989

“Youjo renzoku-satsujin wo jibun no kotoba de kataritai – Miyazaki-hikoku to onaji sedai ga

gimon” [Wishing to talk of the little girl serial killings in his own words – The same
generation as defendant Miyazaki is in doubt], Asahi Shimbun, 6 January 1990

“Otaku mo otaku-zoku shiteru? Chishiki yutaka na kodawari-ha – Shouhi saizensen ni

henka” [Do even otaku turn into an otaku-tribe? – The obsession-clique with abundant

knowledge – Changing into the foremost line in consumption], Asahi Shimbun, 10 March

“Kodomo-jouhoushi tobidasu – Kieru otona to kodomo no sa – Haikei ni gouka na

kosodate?” [Children’s info magazines appear – The dwindling differences between adults
and children – A splendid raising of children in the background?], Asahi Shimbun, 11 August

“Chuukou-sei no hayari kotoba – ‘Angou’ wo gakumon-suru (Kyouiku Tankentai)” [Middle-

and high school students’ fashionable language – Studying “codewords” (Education
Exploration Team)], Asahi Shimbun, 2 November 1992

“Mainaa no jidai – Aru seiyuu no ninki” [An era for minors – A certain voice actress’
popularity], Asahi Shimbun, 22 March 1997

“‘Nigaoe no otoko iru’ tsuuhou – Tokyo, Asakusa no tandai-sei shisatsu yougisha taiho” [”We
have a man matching the portrait” reported – Arrest of suspect of Asakusa, Tokyo Jr. College
student knife murder], Asahi Shimbun, 11 May 2001

“Shuhan-kaku, mimei no taiho – Douki kaimei isogu – Kuroiso no shou-2 yuukai-jiken”

[Principal offender arrested in early dawn – Scurry to clarify motive – The second-grader
kidnapping in Kuroiso], Asahi Shimbun, 23 August 2001

“Guuzen mikakete rachi – Yougisha kyoujitsu (Kyuuten – Kuroiso no Shou-2 yuukai)” [I

noticed her by chance and abducted her – The suspect’s testimony (Sudden change – The
second-grader kidnapping in Kuroiso)], Asahi Shimbun, 23 August 2001

“Kikai na kikai-go (Nippon no kotoba – dai-sanbu, jouhou-ka no naka de: 2)” [Strange
computer words (Japan’s words – Part 3, Within computerisation: 2)], Asahi Shimbun, 24
September 2001

“Morikawa Kaichirou-san – Akihabara, kaden no machi kara ‘shuto’ ni (youkoso)” [Mr.

Kaichirou Morikawa – (Welcome to) Akihabara, from a town of consumer electronics to the
“Capital of Hobbies”], Asahi Shimbun, 24 September 2003

“‘Joshikousei-go’ wakaru? – ‘Sugu wakarifueru’” [Do you understand the “language of
female high-school students”? – “Changes increase before long”], Asahi Shimbun, 15 May

“Otaku-ichiba 2600-oku en – Yonbunya 280-man nin, Nomura souken suikei” [The Nomura
Institute estimate the otaku market at 260 billion yen – 2.8 million people in the four fields],
Asahi Shimbun, 24 August 2004

“‘Tetsu’-kyara, oomote – Tetsudou-mania, dorama ya manga de – Shumi hitosuji ‘kakkoii’”

[“Iron”-characters in great popularity – Railroad enthusiasts in TV-drama and comics – An
earnest hobby is “stylish”], Asahi Shimbun, 21 May 2007

“Kangaku, soushoku danshi sukuname – ‘Ippiki ookami-kei; nikushoku-kei’ kenzai – Daigaku-

sei ga ronbun ni” [“Herbivore boys” somewhat few at Kwansei Gakuin Uni. – “Lone wolf-
style, carnivore-style” going strong – As stated by university students in a thesis], Asahi
Shimbun, 1 September 2010

“(Hasshin)Shun desu ☆ Go-touchi aidoru – Mezase kassei-ka! Uta de odori de PR” [It’s the
(dispatch) season ☆ The local idols – Aim for invigoration! PR by song and dance], Asahi
Shimbun, 3 December 2011

“Akiba no otaku-bunka wo ichido ni taiken – 8, 9-nichi ni 50-ten atsumari ‘matsuri’”

[Experiencing Akiba’s otaku culture all at once - A “festival” where 50 stores gather on the 8th
and 9th], Asahi Shimbun, 4 January 2012

“(Hyou; eiga) Uchuujin Pooru – Iseijin he no ai, takumi ni shouka” [(Movie commentary)
Paul the Alien – The love for space aliens, cleverly sublimated], Asahi Shimbun, 6 January

“Moe-guzzu, takara no yama – Figyua ya ishou ni chuuko juyou – Netto-tempa seikyou” [A

mountain of treasures of “moe”-goods – The demand for second-hand figures and costumes –
The success of an online store], Asahi Shimbun, 9 May 2012

Editorials, letters to the editor et al.

“Yuuwaku ni makete – Yamaguchi Yumiko (riree zuisou)” [Yield to temptation – Yumiko

Yamaguchi (relaying occasional thoughts)], Asahi Shimbun, 24 February 1996

Ooda, Satoru. “Otaku no kazakami nimo okenai – Kurosio, shoujo yuukaihan no ‘gyoukai’ de
no hyouban” [Otakus’ disgrace – The Kuroiso girl kidnapping’s fame at “the business
world”], Aera, 3 September 2001

“Otaku-sekai ga afureru (sakariba yonwa: sono 2)” [The otaku world overflows (Amusement
quarters, episode 4: No. 2)], Asahi Shimbun, 23 September 2003

“Sayonara renai kyousou shakai – Sekachuu-jidai no ai to saga” [Farewell, society of love

competition – The love and nature of the “Sekachuu”-generation], Aera, 2 August 2004

Katou; Koizumi; Nakamura; Fushida. “‘Yurusarezaru douki’ – Kodomo wo korosu na! - Shou-
1 joji zenra satsugai-jiken” [“Unforgivable motive” – Do not kill children! – The nude first-
grade schoolgirl murder case], Shuukan Asahi [Weekly Asahi], 16 December 2005

“(Koe) Wakai sedai – ‘Otaku-fuuji’ amari ni tanraku” [(Voice) The young generation –
“Otaku-restriction” is too hasty], Asahi Shimbun, 29 June 2008

Ootsuki, Akiko. “Konkatsu demo otaku ga kita!! – ‘Sanpei-joshi’ ga nerau yuruota-danshi”

[Otaku have shown up even at marriage hunting activities!! – The light-otaku boys aimed at
by the “three averages-girls”], Shuukan Asahi [Weekly Asahi], 15 June 2012


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