Collagen Types Analysis and Differentiation by FTIR Spectros
Collagen Types Analysis and Differentiation by FTIR Spectros
Collagen Types Analysis and Differentiation by FTIR Spectros
DOI 10.1007/s00216-009-3019-y
Received: 7 May 2009 / Revised: 17 July 2009 / Accepted: 29 July 2009 / Published online: 16 August 2009
# Springer-Verlag 2009
Abstract Abnormal formation and organization of colla- histology, which would be very helpful for the diagnosis of
gen network is commonly observed in many organ a wide range of pathologies.
pathologies, but analytical techniques able to reveal the
collagen biodistribution are still lacking. In this study, Keywords FTIR spectroscopy . Collagens .
Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been Connective tissue . Molecular structure . Classification
used to analyze type I, III, IV, V, and VI collagens, the most
important compounds of connective tissues. A robust Abbreviations
classification of 30 FTIR spectra per collagen type could FTIR Fourier-transform infrared
be obtained by using a combination of four spectral RMSE Root mean square error
intervals [ν(C=O) absorption of amide I (1,700–
1,600 cm−1), δ(CH2), and δ(CH3) absorptions (1,480–
1,350 cm−1), ν(C–N), and δ(N–H) absorptions of amide
III (1,300–1,180 cm−1), and ν(C–O) and ν(C–O–C) Introduction
absorptions of carbohydrate moieties (1,100–1,005 cm−1)].
Then, a submolecular justification of this classification Understanding the enormous complexity of the human body
model was sought using a curve fitting analysis of the four is one of the great challenges facing science; however, a
spectral intervals. Results demonstrated that every spectral major simplification is to divide the body into “cells” and
interval used for the classification contained highly dis- “extracellular matrix.” Cells perform the basic processes of
criminant absorption bands between all collagen types life including generating energy, transporting oxygen, and
(multivariate analysis of variance, p<0.01; Dunnett's T3 making proteins, while the extracellular matrix (ECM)
post hoc test, p<0.05). All conditions seem thus joined to provides the scaffolding to house the cells themselves and
make FTIR spectroscopy and imaging major tools for also their support network of blood and lymph vessels.
implementing innovative methods in the field of molecular Likewise, many painful and debilitating medical conditions
have their origin not in a malfunction of the cells but rather
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article in defects of the ECM. This is an insoluble macromolecular
(doi:10.1007/s00216-009-3019-y) contains supplementary material, network, whose structure varies with organ. However,
which is available to authorized users.
different ECMs comprise the same few types of macro-
K. Belbachir : R. Noreen : G. Gouspillou : C. Petibois (*) molecules (mostly collagen, elastin, proteoglycans) plus
Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2,
water (65%). ECM does not migrate, proliferate, synthesize
146 rue Léo Saignat,
33076 Bordeaux-Cedex, France proteins, or even contain DNA. Although this field initially
e-mail: [email protected] focused on the more static structural nature of the matrix and
the adhesive properties of cell–cell and cell substratum
K. Belbachir : R. Noreen : C. Petibois
receptors, the past 10 years have seen an explosion in our
2 rue Robert Escarpit, understanding of the dynamic nature of both the matrix and
33607 Pessac-Cedex, France receptor functions. Now, it is recognized that it gives and
830 K. Belbachir et al.
takes of signals with cells and partly determines the state of istry is the most widely used technique to study the
differentiation of cells. ECM is composed chiefly of biodistribution of collagen types [8, 9]. However, this
collagen, the body's most abundant structural protein and a technique suffers from the few parameters that may be
very strong “biopolymer,” the network organization of which analyzed at the same time since antibody compatibility and
takes the form of long and cross-linked fibers that give specificity are limited. Thus, alterations of collagen type
tissues such as skin and cartilage their tensile strength. There networks in organ pathologies cannot be completely studied
are about 30 types of collagen types actually referenced, at present. There is thus a real need for implementing a
which vary in amount in each of the body's tissues. molecular imaging technique allowing the study and the fast
Every collagen type consists of three polypeptide chains, diagnosis of pathologies involving collagens type alterations.
each one composed of at least one Gly–X–Y sequence Since last decade, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR)
structured in left-handed -like helices and where the X and spectroscopy and imaging emerged and developed rapidly
Y positions are often proline and hydroxyproline, respec- in the ex vivo diagnostic field [10]. The FTIR technique is
tively. These three -like helices are organized together to based upon the absorption of IR radiation by vibrational
form the characteristic structure of collagens, a right-handed transitions in covalent bonds of the biomolecules in
triple helix [1]. However, distinctive features also character- presence. The intensities of IR absorptions provide quan-
ize every collagen type. For example, type VI collagen is titative information about the sample contents, depending
made of one short central triple helical domain flanked by on the nature of the molecular bonds, their structure, and
large N- and C-terminal globular domains [2], whereas type I their environment. In complex systems, such as biological
collagen is mainly composed of a triple helical region samples, the FTIR spectrum is the sum of the contributions
flanked by two small N- and C-telopeptides (Fig. 1). gathered mainly from the proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and
Abnormal formation and organization of collagen net- carbohydrates. It has been shown that IR spectra provide
work is commonly observed in several pathologies such as useful diagnostic information in the case of different
myopathies [2, 3], liver fibrosis [4], cardiac diseases [5], and pathologies, such as tumors [11–13], multiple sclerosis
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome [6]. However, only a few analytical [14], and osteoarthritis [15]. Another advantage of the FTIR
methods are able to provide information about collagen type spectroscopy approach is that a spectrum may be obtained
biodistribution and assembly. In vivo imaging techniques, within a few seconds [16], and with the recent development
such as MRI, may be used to study connective tissues, but of FTIR spectroscopic imaging systems having multiple
the spatial resolution achieved is not sufficient for determin- detectors, the analysis of tissues became possible. Only a
ing the collagen networks organization [7]. Among the few minutes are now required to obtain a high-quality and
available ex vivo analytical techniques, immunohistochem- functional FTIR image of a 1-mm2 area from a tissue
heterogeneity within clusters remained globally stable every spectral interval were determined using the second
(range: 0.6≤h≥0.8). This result provided evidence that derivative spectrum of type I collagen (Fig. 5). The results
adding new series of spectra strengthened again the potential obtained from the averaged type I collagen FTIR spectrum
of the classification model. Moreover, the stability of this were further used as a model to apply on all FTIR spectra of
classification was not altered whatever the order of intro- the five collagen types. The curve fitting procedure applied
duction of test spectra (added all together or type by type). on the 1,720–1,480 cm−1 spectral interval allowed determin-
ing the secondary structure parameters of collagen types as
Spectral curve fitting previously described [17]: -like helix (1,658 cm−1), -sheets
(1,679, and 1,626 cm−1), -turns (1,691 and 1,669 cm−1),
The four spectral intervals used in our classification model triple helix (1,637 cm−1), side chains (1,608 cm−1), and
were then studied by curve fitting. The absorption bands of unordered structure (1,647 cm−1) [10, 25–27]. Secondary
structure parameters were expressed as percentages of the classification presented significant differences between the
total amide I absorption (1,700–1,600 cm−1). five collagen types (p<0.01). Dunnett's T3 post hoc tests
Curve fitting was also performed on the 1,500–1,300, allowed to determine the secondary structure parameters
1,350–1,150, and 1,130–950 cm−1 spectral intervals, and and other absorption bands for collagen types discrimina-
the absorption bands corresponding to the four spectral tion (detailed statistical results are available as Electronic
intervals used in our classification model were numbered 9 Supplementary Material). Secondary structure parameters
to 16, 17 to 21, and 22 to 27, respectively, which were (see Electronic Supplementary Material Table S1) revealed
further considered for data treatments. The area for every that types I, III, and V collagens were differentiated from
absorption band was expressed as a percentage of the total other types by higher triple helix contents (p<0.05). Type I
area of its corresponding spectral interval (Fig. 5). For all could be differentiated from type III by a higher content of
curve fittings performed on the four spectral intervals -like helix (p<0.05) and from type V by a lower content
studied, the RMSE values were lower than 1%. of -turns (p<0.05). Type V collagen presented higher -
Statistical tests (MANOVA) performed on curve fitting turn content than type III (p<0.05). Type IV collagen
results showed that all spectral intervals used for the spectra contained a higher percentage of -sheets than types I, III,
Collagens analysis by FTIR spectroscopy 835
and V but also a smaller one than type VI collagen (p< obtained using only the amide I spectral interval. Previous
0.05), which possessed the smallest content of triple helix studies have clearly shown that this spectral interval allows
(p<0.05). characterizing secondary structure of these proteins [17, 25,
The curve fitting of the 1,500–1,300 cm−1 spectral 28], but a curve fitting method was employed to highlight
interval (see Electronic Supplementary Material Table S2) small intensity changes (a few percents) in two over the
revealed that all collagen types could be differentiated by eight IR bands found within the amide I spectral interval for
the contribution of the 1,452 cm−1 band (p<0.05) except two collagen types (I vs. IV) [17]. Therefore, these small
for types I and IV, which were differentiated by the absorption differences were not likely to be sufficient for a
contribution of the 1,440 cm−1 band (p<0.05). successful classification of five collagen types while using
The curve fitting of the 1,350–1,150 cm−1 spectral the whole amide I spectral interval. Thus, as already shown
interval (see Electronic Supplementary Material Table S3) for the study of complex biological samples [21], only a
demonstrated that the 1,234 cm−1 absorption band allowed classification based on a combination of several spectral
the differentiation of all collagen types (p<0.05), except for intervals is likely to allow reaching a high level of
types IV and V, which were differentiated by the 1,203 cm−1 discrimination. To this end, we used a combination of the
absorption band (p<0.05). three absorption bands that provided a correct classification
The curve fitting of the 1,130–950 cm−1 interval (see of collagen types, which slightly increased the discriminant
Electronic Supplementary Material Table S4) showed that potential of the classification model. However, we found
the 1,033 cm−1 absorption band allowed the differentiation that adding also the amide I region improved significantly
of the five collagen types (p<0.05), except for types V and the result of this classification model. This was probably
VI, which were differentiated by the 1,081 cm−1 absorption due to the introduction of discriminant structural informa-
band (p<0.05). tion, notably one of the most characteristic collagen
absorptions, the triple helix, which is clearly different
between collagen types [17, 29]. Thus, by using four
Discussion spectral intervals, each one providing a discriminant
information giving strength to the classification model, we
The aim of this study was to determine which discriminant could obtain that all FTIR spectra per collagen type entered
submolecular parameters might be used for the analysis by in a single cluster. Furthermore, this classification model
FTIR spectroscopy of the major collagen types that may be exhibited a small internal heterogeneity for every cluster
found in connective tissues. To address this issue, it was while inter-clusters heterogeneity was high. To our knowl-
first proposed to use a classification method providing the edge, this study is the first to show that five complex
discrimination of five collagen types. FTIR spectra of the biomolecules presenting small structural differences may be
types I, III, IV, V, and VI collagens were thus classified differentiated using a simple and easy-to-run classification
using the complete mid-infrared wave number range method of FTIR spectra.
(4,000–600 cm−1), which failed to separate the five types. However, the aim of this study is to provide evidence
This lack of performance in this classification could be that FTIR spectroscopy allows to isolate the discriminant
expected since most of IR absorptions in spectra are very information at the submolecular level, i.e., the characteristic
similar between collagen types. The use of a single spectral IR absorptions, which might be further used for implement-
interval for which the highest discriminant potential could ing FTIR spectroscopic imaging as new analytical tools to
be expected, i.e., the areas 1,480–1,350 cm−1, 1,300– study the molecular organization of connective tissues. To
1,200 cm−1, and 1,100–1,005 cm−1, seemed successful for isolate this discriminant information from every spectral
differentiating all collagen types. However, the use of a interval used in the classification method we obtained, we
single spectral interval could have been criticized since any used a spectral curve fitting method. This one allowed a
change in the whole spectrum intensity, which is strictly separate analysis of the IR absorption bands contained in a
correlated to the amount of organic contents absorbing the given spectral interval [17], revealing small structural
IR radiation, leads to an absorption intensity increase for differences between molecules. To identify all absorption
most of spectral regions. This is particularly true for tissue bands present in a given spectral interval, the second
samples, whose contents (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and derivative spectrum of type I collagen was used as a model
sugars) give rise to major absorptions in the mid-infrared to be applied on every FTIR spectrum of the database. As
interval. As a consequence, there is evidence that a indicated by the RMSE values obtained, all FTIR spectra
classification model of pure product spectra of collagens could be correctly curve-fitted. The curve fitting models
and based on a single spectral interval is not likely to be could thus be applied on every FTIR spectrum of the five
further transferred on the analysis of tissue samples. One collagen types, which opens the way to the systematization
should also note that no correct classification could be and automation of FTIR spectra treatment. Thus, it
836 K. Belbachir et al.
becomes possible to make FTIR spectroscopic imaging a the classification model contained IR absorption highly
functional imaging technique based on reliable molecular discriminant between all collagen types. Since collagen
parameters. It should be noted that this work is out of step structure has not been sufficiently described at the
with the current use of the FTIR spectroscopic imaging submolecular level, the IR absorption band differences
technique, which is based above all on the statistical found in these spectral intervals could not be precisely
treatment of global absorptions [30], which relate to larger assigned to substructure parameters characteristic to every
families of biomolecules. Therefore, since tissues have collagen type. Nevertheless, since the combination of these
different molecular compositions, the results obtained using spectral intervals strengthened the classification model, one
global statistical methods on a particular tissue cannot be may consider that combining several discriminant IR
transferred to another biological medium (another organ, absorption bands will also strengthen a data treatment
another tissue…). Another strong limit at using global method for FTIR spectroscopic imaging applications on
absorptions treated statistically, between healthy and path- tissue analyses. There is also evidence that using only the
ological tissues for example, is that tissue composition most discriminant IR absorptions isolated from these
changes due to pathophysiological processes cannot be spectral intervals will allow proposing data treatment
managed, such as for tissue inflammation, edemas, cell methods much more specific to given biomolecules. This
dehydration, molecular changes due to enzymatic and non- approach will first require chemometrics and software
enzymatic processes…etc. These water and molecular developments, notably for obtaining that all raw spectral
content changes are evenly heterogeneous and unpredict- data from a FTIR image are curve-fitted and that selected
able in the tissue volume and may thus change dramatically IR absorption bands are further used to rebuild a functional
the size and the absorption patterns of FTIR spectra image providing the biodistribution of the data specific to a
between the pixels of a FTIR tissue image. It follows that given biomolecule.
the statistical treatments of such spectra will present Taking in consideration the results obtained in this study,
increasing roots of error with this increasing heterogeneity we suggest that the substructure differences revealed from
of tissue contents. the FTIR spectral intervals that present a discrimination
In our submolecular approach, the analysis of the amide potential between collagen types should be considered in
I region allowed highlighting the adequacy between the the identification of collagen types for analyzing connective
known structural biochemistry and the spectral character- tissue organization and assembly in histological sections.
istics of the five collagen types. Type IV collagen presented
a higher percentage of -sheet and smaller percentages of
triple helix and -like helix compared to type I, which was Conclusion
in accordance with previous works [17]. These differences
may be explained by the presence of globular domains at Our results gave molecular bases for a functional investi-
the ends of the triple helix in the type IV collagen [31], gation of connective tissues in normal and pathological
which are notably assembled by -sheet structures. Type III conditions. The combined use of the submolecular param-
collagen could be differentiated from types I and V by a eters which appeared the most discriminant should allow a
smaller percentage of -like helix and from the other types strong improvement of the identification capacity of the
by a higher percentage of triple helix. The type V collagen collagen types composing a given tissue by FTIR spectro-
presented a lower percentage of -sheets compared to the scopic imaging. All conditions seem thus joined to make
other types, which could be explained by the particular FTIR spectroscopy and its imaging-related technique major
organization of its NH2-terminal domain, which is attached tools for implementing innovative methods in the field of
to the triple helical domain by a kink structuring [32]. It molecular histology, which would be very helpful for the
was also expected that type VI collagen presented the most diagnosis of a wide range of pathologies.
evident spectral differences regarding other collagen types.
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helix and the highest percentage of -sheets, whose Française contre les Myopathies” (AFM) for their financial support.
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