978 1 137 58432 8 PDF
978 1 137 58432 8 PDF
978 1 137 58432 8 PDF
edited by
The Palgrave Macmillan History of International
Series editors
Brian Schmidt
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
David Long
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
The Palgrave Macmillan History of International Thought book series
(HIT) publishes scholarly monographs and edited collections on the intel-
lectual, conceptual, and disciplinary history of international relations. The
aim of the series is to recover the intellectual and social milieu of individual
writers, publicists, and other significant figures in either the field of
International Relations or international political thought more broadly,
and to assesses the contribution that these authors have made to the devel-
opment of international theory. HIT embraces the historiographical turn
that has taken place within International Relations as more and more
scholars are interested in understanding both the disciplinary history of
the field, and the history of international thought. Books that historically
analyze the evolution of particular ideas, concepts, discourses, and promi-
nent, as well as neglected, figures in the field all fit within the scope of the
series. HIT is intended to be interdisciplinary in outlook and will be of
interest to specialists and students in International Relations, International
History, Political Science, Political Theory, and Sociology.
Progressivism and US
Foreign Policy
between the World
Molly Cochran Cornelia Navari
Department of Social Sciences University of Buckingham
Oxford Brookes University Buckingham, Buckinghamshire
Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom United Kingdom
and Navari’s schema, there are the post-progressives, that is, those authors
whose progressive ideas or reactions to such ideas took them beyond the
pale of their colleagues to arguments that foretold versions of realism and
more critical theories of international relations.
There are several fascinating threads that run through the book besides
the main theme. We read about responses to the American rise to power
and explore different views of world order that emerged and were debated.
We see gender, the influence of activist-scholars, and unfortunately also
their continuing marginalization in our telling of the history of interna-
tional theory. There are also lessons in the ways in which scholars, activists,
and officials negotiated the policy-academic relationship. And despite the
individual focus of the various chapters, the volume as a whole brings to
light the mutual influence of these writers and the cross-fertilization of
their ideas.
This superb volume opens the door to more research in this area, and
as such, it is a welcome addition to the History of International Thought
Series. We welcome and encourage further work as we look to broaden
and deepen the range of scholarship in the burgeoning field of disciplinary
Index 315
Cornelia Navari and Molly Cochran
Since the Iraq war, discussions concerning the content and direction of
American foreign policy have revolved around three fundamental antino-
mies. These are, in no particular order, unilateralism versus multilateral-
ism, regionalism versus globalism, and military engagement versus military
restraint. There was nothing novel in their appearance—they had first
entered into public debate during and after the Spanish American War.
But, their contrapositions were the legacy of the period between World
War I and II, in the context of the Progressive Movement, and the debate
as to how much and what kind of Progressivism should guide American
foreign policy. They were reactions to the progressive program as had
been enunciated by Herbert Croly and The New Republic (TNR) in the
run-up to World War I, which had established the conditions of America’s
entry into the European war. All discussion of the basis of American for-
eign policy between the world wars, and the direction it should take in
C. Navari (*)
Department of Economics and International Studies, University of Buckingham,
Buckingham, UK
M. Cochran
Department of Social Science, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
confronting the fascisms, took off from the progressive program and were
presented either as amendments to it or its necessary overthrow.
Progressivism in foreign policy had been laid down in Woodrow
Wilson’s speech to Congress of April 2, 1917, laying out the direction that
the Democratic administration would take in prosecuting the war. His
avowals represented the conditions that the progressively minded con-
gressmen, who held the balance of power in Congress, had demanded to
secure their support for the war effort—conditions that formed the basis
of the war consensus. It was a hard-won consensus—America was not yet
prepared for an active foreign policy in peacetime, and the war resolutions
had been gained on the promise that the war would conclude with a lib-
eral peace—a peace that would ‘make the world safe for democracy’. That
consensus broke down after the announcement of the provisions of the
Versailles treaty, when it became clear that Wilson could not forge a liberal
peace. Herbert Croly, its leading intellectual, announced in November
1920 that ‘when liberalism shakes hands with war, it is liberalism that is
defeated’, marking the end of the brief-lived progressive orthodoxy on the
war question. After Versailles, the movement split between a reinvigorated
pacifist wing, led by Salmon Levinson and supported by John Dewey, and
a collective security wing, led initially by the Committee on Disarmament,
organized and engineered by James Shotwell.
In other respects, however, the progressive program strengthened—it
became more elaborate and more institutionally specific, and it scored
victories. America committed itself to the new World Court, and support
for international institutions and for the enhancement of the rule of law
came to be backed by a strong popular movement whose leadership was
determined on internationalism and its institutionalization in treaties and
organizations. The scope of the progressive program also widened, nota-
bly in the direction of engagement in a world economy. When America
came to Bretton Woods in 1945 to institutionalize a New World Order, it
was a reformed Progressivism that was speaking.
Land was untaxed in the America of the open prairies, and American tax
reformers were arguing that tax on land was the most just form of tax as
well as the most rational. By association, the tax reform movement in
America became known as ‘progressive’.
As a political movement, Progressivism was initially associated with the
Republican Party, notably with President Theodore Roosevelt (later to
head the US Progressive Party) and his ‘Square Deal’. He explained his
program in 1910, halfway through his second term in office:
When I say that I am for the square deal, I mean not merely that I stand for
fair play under the present rules of the game, but that I stand for having
those rules changed so as to work for a more substantial equality of oppor-
tunity and of reward for equally good service.2
Volume 2, 40, History of the Year 1892; https://archive.org/stream/quarterlyregist-
00johngoog; accessed 17 May 2017.
Speech, August 31, 1910, Osawatomie, Kansas.
State of the Union speech, 8 December 1908.
Message Communicated to the two Houses of Congress, 31 January 1908.
party went into rapid decline and had virtually disappeared by 1916, while
the split with the progressives allowed conservative elements to take con-
trol of the Republican Party—a control they would maintain for decades.
Progressivism retained its status as a movement, but without the ortho-
doxy that a party platform had, briefly, bestowed upon it.
Behind Roosevelt’s New Nationalism, and the source of many progres-
sive ideas, was Herbert David Croly (January 23, 1869–May 17, 1930)—
the main intellectual leader of the progressive movement who was an
editor, political philosopher, and co-founder of the magazine The New
Republic. His political philosophy influenced not merely Theodore
Roosevelt but other leading progressives including Walter Lippmann,
Judge Learned Hand, and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. His
book, The Promise of American Life (1909), combined Alexander
Hamilton’s ideas of a strong national government with the democracy of
Thomas Jefferson. Croly agreed with Jefferson that democracy was the
defining American trait, but argued that democracy did not mean merely
a government devoted to Jefferson’s equal rights. Government should be
committed to ‘bestowing a share of the responsibility and the benefits,
derived from political economic association, upon the whole community’
(p. 194). Jeffersonian democracy was ‘tantamount to extreme individual-
ism’, suitable only for pre-Civil War America when the ideal Americans
were pioneers pursuing individual wealth (pp. 48–49).
Croly’s contribution to American political thought was to synthesize
the two thinkers into one theory of government. Calling upon Alexander
Hamilton’s concern ‘to giving the magistrate a proper degree of authority,
to make and execute the laws with vigour’,5 he argued that government
could no longer be content with merely protecting negative rights; it
needed to actively promote the welfare of citizens. Hamilton had intended
a stronger federal government to restrain the powers of the various states,
whereas Croly wanted big government to address citizen welfare directly.
In The Promise of American Life, he proposed a three-pronged program:
the nationalization of large corporations, the strengthening of labor
unions, and a strong central government. In addition, there had to be a
reassessment of the role of the president. According to Croly, the presi-
dent should be more than an executive of the congressional will; he should
lead the nation toward a new political consensus that had as its core
The Continentalist, No.1, published in The New-York Packet, and the American
Advertiser, 12 July 1781.
nationalism, but with a sense of social responsibility and care for the less
fortunate—he called it the ‘new nationalism’. The book was one of the
most influential in American political history, shaping the ideas of many
intellectuals and political leaders. It is also widely credited with influencing
the New Deal—liberal historians who tout the triumph of New Deal lib-
eralism, as well as Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, routinely cite Croly as
part of the ‘brains trust’ that produced what came to be regarded as the
‘New Liberalism’. More immediately, it attracted the attention of
Theodore Roosevelt; they became friends, and when Roosevelt ran for
president in 1912 as a candidate for the Progressive Party, he took the
slogan ‘New Nationalism’ directly from The Promise of American Life.
But the most quoted progressive tract with the most immediate impact
was Walter Lippmann’s 1915 Drift and Mastery, a swingeing critique of
‘old Republic’ patronage and parochialism. Lippmann argued that
America’s multi-ethnic democracy was adrift, lacking intentionality and
discipline, unable to confront the social problems facing it. What American
democracy required was an extensive social program based on deliberate
and scientific governing, which Lippmann termed ‘mastery’. His recipe
for the ‘new nationalism’ rejected Marxist, Utopian, and Christian think-
ing, and proposed a form of social democracy in which government would
oversee key industries, give votes to women (to widen the consumer basis
of modern industry, he argued), and democratize industry through trade
unions. Strong government with a national program would bring the dis-
parate elements of American society together and forge the new national-
ism. Theodore Roosevelt—who had met and consulted with Lippmann
during the writing—announced that ‘No man who wishes seriously to
study our present social, industrial and political life can afford not to read
it through and through and ponder and digest it.’6 But the religious com-
munity was offended by the rejection of traditional values, and the Jesuit
journal America (1915, 12, 173) charged that Lippmann had arrogantly
ignored the achievements of a Christian past in forging America’s unique
democracy, and underrated the vitality of contemporary religion.
Political Progressivism’s main public voice was TNR—founded by
Herbert Croly, with Walter Lippmann and Walter Weyl through the finan-
cial backing of heiress Dorothy Payne Whitney whose husband, Willard
Straight, a J.P. Morgan banker, maintained majority ownership. The
In a widely quoted review joining Croly’s Progressive Democracy with Drift and Mastery;
Outlook, 18 November 1914.
of the war and its consequences, there will be a chance to focus the thought
and will of the country on high and fruitful purposes such as occurs only
once in many hundred years.’7 In short, the war had become the anvil on
which the New Nationalism would be forged.
Woodrow Wilson’s address to Congress on April 2, laying out America’s
war aims, formed the foundational statement of Progressivism in foreign
policy and could have been lifted straight from the pages of TNR. Wilson
declared (in the following order) that:
Our motive will not be revenge or the victorious assertion of the physical
might of the nation, but only the vindication of right, of human right, of
which we are only a single champion. …
Our object now, as then, is to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in
the life of the world as against selfish and autocratic power and to set up
amongst the really free and self-governed peoples of the world such a con-
cert of purpose and of action as will henceforth insure the observance of
those principles. …
We are at the beginning of an age in which it will be insisted that the same
standards of conduct and of responsibility for wrong done shall be observed
among nations and their governments that are observed among the indi-
vidual citizens of civilized states. …
The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon
the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve.
We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves,
no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make.
The famous five declarations were, in effect, Croly’s and TNR’s condi-
tions for support of Wilson’s war effort.
When it came to planning the peace, relations became even closer.
Colonel House, charged by Wilson to set up the Inquiry, first called on
Croly to recommend personages. (His first recommendation was Columbia
The full text is in D. Seideman, The New Republic (London, Praeger, 1986) p. 49.
The issues on which he broke with Wilson were the ‘peace of annihila-
tion’: that is, the terms against Germany; the redistribution of German
colonies to the other imperialist powers, in effect expanding the empires;
and the half-finished ‘structure of peace’ that was the League of Nations,
Progressivism Redirected
The contestations between progressives in the 1920s and 1930s, and
Progressivism’s relations with American foreign policy, turned on the rela-
tionship between the law and the use of force, ‘going it alone’ as opposed
to ‘going it with others’ and what democracy required of foreign policy.
Above all, it was about the use of the war instrument and how democratic
wars should be fought. We have identified 12 key thinkers on American
foreign policy between the wars who addressed these questions. They
were not all progressives (although most were), but they all operated
within or were compelled to confront the progressive mindset, in the
course of which they redefined Progressivism, redirected its purposes, and
Lippmann’s 14-page analysis was published as a Special Supplement to The New Republic
on 22 May 1919.
As the book was on its way to the publisher, Felix Frankfurter persuaded Croly to with-
draw the manuscript; it has never been published.
articulated the choices of role that would guide American foreign policy
making into the mid-twentieth century and beyond. All were public intel-
lectuals as well as policy intellectuals; all put forward systematic proposals
for the direction, aims, and instruments of American foreign policy; all
were listened to, in varying degrees, by the policymakers of the day; all
were influential in policy terms or in setting the terms of contemporary
debate. They are divided into the thinkers who kept faith with the
Progressive agenda, but with new governance techniques (Elihu Root,
Nicholas Murray Butler, Isaiah Bowman, and Leo Pasvolsky); those that
sought to engage society more widely with foreign policy and who saw in
an engaged and active citizenry the key to the accomplishment of the
Progressive agenda (John Dewey, Jane Addams, James Shotwell, and
Harold Laswell); and, finally, those who sought to overturn Progressivism
or to redefine some of its central planks (the Niebuhr Brothers, Charles
Beard, Walter Lippmann, and Hans Morgenthau). These thinkers demon-
strate important continuities, as well as breaks, within Progressivism in
America. In what follows are 12 accounts of the tributaries into which
Progressive thought flowed between and after the world wars.
Keeping the Faith
In ‘Elihu Root, International Law and the World Court’, Greg Russell
analyzes Root’s campaign for the creation of a World Court and his defense
of international law. Root made essential contributions to the understand-
ing of both an international court’s powers and its relevance for the devel-
opment of international law and compliance, but also how it would have
to operate in an international community composed of both great and
small powers. Proposing the two most critical matters for the founding of
an international court—the selection of judges and reservations against
national interests—Root showed how both could be made consistent with
democracy and, indeed, how democracies would, in the end, require an
international court. A World Court had an important moral and n ormative
underpinning but also had to reflect, in Root’s judgment, important polit-
ical realities in a world which had been torn apart by war, unrestrained
arms races, and the vagaries of raison d’état. At the same time, Root’s
defense of the Court illustrated important tensions among peace progres-
sives, some objecting to a Court tied to the League of Nations dominated
by imperial-minded and militaristic nations. Russell also illuminates
another progressive dimension of Root’s work: a long-standing belief in
Unleashing Society
Charles Howlett launches the section with ‘John Dewey’s Search for Peace
in the Aftermath of World War’. Disillusioned and dismayed at the failure
of Wilsonian progressive ideals during and following the world war,
America’s pragmatic philosopher converted his energies to peace educa-
tion and pacifism. He became actively involved in the post-war peace
movement, particularly in terms of his strong support for the Outlawry of
War crusade. This campaign, which sought to outlaw war as an instrument
of national policy, witnessed Dewey writing numerous articles and debat-
ing critics of the plan. The Outlawry movement culminated with the sign-
ing of the 1928 Pact of Paris, or Kellogg–Briand Pact as it was called in the
United States, but Dewey was dismayed that it did not fulfill his own pro-
gressive hopes for full citizen participation as part of a global democratic
Dismantling the Consensus
In ‘The Niebuhr Brothers (1936) Debate and the Ethics of Just War vs.
Pacifism’, Cecelia Lynch introduces both Reinhold Niebuhr and his
brother, H. Richard Niebuhr, as prominent theologians and thinkers of
their times, presenting H. Richard as at least as well known in theological
circles as Reinhold is in International Relations. The brothers had strong
theological and political disagreements on the ethics of war: H. Richard,
the pacifist, and Reinhold, the Christian realist who would break with
Christian Progressivism to defend wars to extirpate evil. Brought into
focus in a debate on whether the West should intervene to block Japanese
aggression in Manchuria, the brothers’ debate, published in “The Christian
Century,” illustrates different roads that the progressive Christianity of the
Social Gospel could take and the dystopian character of both Christian
pacifism and Christian realism during the interwar period. Reinhold even-
tually ‘won’ the debate in the public arena, giving a Christian gloss to the
forces confronting communism in the Cold War, while also demonstrating
the range of theo-political interpretations of the common good possible in
post-progressive America. Contextualizing the ethical tensions in the
Niebuhr brothers’ debate, Lynch argues, opens up Progressivist and Social
Gospel tensions regarding questions of war, the possibilities of peace, and
the use of force.
Chapter 11, ‘Beyond Hemispherism: Interwar Progressive Foreign
Policy and Charles Beard’s Vision of World Order’ by Christopher Nichols,
reveals the contours of Beard’s policy advocacy of ‘continentialism’ as he
sought to prevent FDR and the United States from further engagement in
the brewing crisis in Europe. Beard trumpeted an isolationist-inflected
desire to keep the United States out of power politics. Often and vigor-
ously invoking the lessons of World War I and the Wilson years, Beard went
beyond ‘hemispherism’ even as he advocated a circumspect, ‘continentalist’
foreign policy stance, echoing lofty Wilsonian aims. Starting in the mid-
1920s and reaching an apex late in the 1930s, Beard developed a series of
historically informed arguments for why the nation should go to war only
‘for grand national and human advantage,’ via open democratic delibera-
tion and debate, unlike the sort of secret and constrained policy debates
and politics beholden to the so-called ‘merchants of death’ of the Wilson
years. In a different context and two decades later, a progressive perspective
on Wilsonianism was used by Beard (along with others) to attack Wilson’s
own policies and the trajectory of ‘progressive’ internationalism.
Greg Russell
G. Russell (*)
Department of Political Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA
troversy involving the United States and Mexico. This was only a first,
small step—far from the idea of a permanent court as envisioned by the
American delegates. The court amounted to little more than “a panel of
persons suitable to sit in a court” (usually numbering about 150 names),
“appointed by all the countries taking part, and from that panel may be
selected the members of a tribunal…to try a particular case.” Serious dif-
ficulties would arise about this method when parties with reference to a
particular controversy selected judges. “Human nature being what it is,”
as Root (1923, 4) pointed out, the judges “cannot help…becoming nego-
tiators for the parties that select them, and they negotiate separately
instead of deciding upon legal rights.”
As Secretary of State, Root, with President Roosevelt’s approval, sought
to remedy this shortcoming at the Hague Conference of 1907. Accordingly,
he instructed the American delegation to gain support for “a permanent
tribunal composed of judges who are judicial officers and nothing else,
who are paid adequate salaries, who have no other occupation, and who
are devoting their entire time to the trial and decision of international
cases by judicial methods and under a sense of judicial responsibility.” The
conferees agreed upon and adopted a draft treaty for such a court, albeit
with one conspicuous omission: they omitted any paragraph of the treaty
dealing with the method of electing judges. The court never came into
existence, owing to differences between large and small states over how to
ensure the equitable selection of judges. James Brown Scott (1924, 15),
an expert on international law and adviser to the American delegation at
the conference, summarized the conference outcome:
Arbitration was rendered more effective, and a project had been proposed
and accepted for the establishment of an international prize court, and a
draft convention for the establishment of a permanent court had been
adopted under the name of a Permanent Court of Arbitral Justice. The dif-
ficulty then and now [1924] is that no nation can be hauled before a t ribunal
of arbitration or an international court of justice without its consent, given
in advance, or at the time of the dispute. If nations have taken position—one
insisting upon the settlement of the dispute in accordance with its concep-
tion of justice, the other refusing such settlement—they stand face to face
with force, if the methods of diplomacy and its derivatives…have failed.
Root, Well, I should think so, because I found very little difficulty in the
Senate. You will remember I took up Mr. Hay’s treaties, which were based
upon the treaty between France and England, for the arbitration of all ques-
tions of international law arising from the interpretation of treaties (except-
ing honor and vital interests). I found practically no difficulty in the Senate
about that. The only reason why Mr. Hay’s series of treaties failed was that
the Senate did not want to be ousted of its part of the treaty-making power.
There still remained an important treaty-making function, and the Senate
was not willing to be ousted of that. Mr. Hay did not want any of their
interference, and that is where the treaties stopped. I brushed that aside and
left the Senate to continue to discharge its functions as part of the treaty-
making power, and the Senators were perfectly willing to arbitrate those
things. Now the question of national honor is a mere camouflage. I appre-
hend that it found its place in the original treaty to satisfy some special sus-
ceptibilities. As to the question of “vital interests, why, no questions which
can arise upon the interpretation of a treaty, or under the law of nations, can
be a question of vital interest.
Root, No. So I think the Senate would agree. I have more doubt as to
whether the Senate would leave the court to decide upon its own jurisdic-
tion. I was opposed to that without the definition, but I am in favor of it
Article 2 of the Hay arbitration referred to the compromis required by Article 31 of the
1899 convention by using the word agreement, a term that might have permitted a president
or secretary of state to conclude an arbitral compromise with a foreign government by the
simple exchange of diplomatic notes, without seeking advice and consent from the US
Senate. The Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification of ten of the Hay arbitration
treaties, although it formally amended them by substituting the word treaty for agreement in
Article 2. This required an arbitral compromise be submitted to the Senate for its advice and
consent. For more on the Hay arbitration treaties, see Boyle (1999).
There is only one way to keep them straight, and that is to agree on the
principles of law, to formulate rules of action when passions are not excited;
and then when questions arise that are likely to excite passions, to say, ‘This
is the law which you yourselves have agreed upon’; and then the members
of a democracy will bow to law, because that is the habit of their political
existence. (Root 1919, 63–63)
Root who put forward what became the basis of an acceptable solution
that, for all practical purposes, mirrored the processes of the US Supreme
Court and the Great Compromise of 1787. Carefully outlining his plan in
remarks before the Committee on June 17, 18, 21, and 22, he identified
the problem as “the unwillingness of the large states to permit the mem-
bers of the court to be named by the majority, which would always be
composed of representatives of the smaller states, and, on the other hand,
the unwillingness of the smaller states to permit the larger ones a prepon-
derance of power and authority” (Root 1920c, 2). The smaller states
would not accept any remedy “inconsistent with the theory of the equal
rights of sovereign states” (Root 1920c, 2). That Root would speak about
equal rights as “theory” is an important clue to how he would proceed in
his argumentation, holding open the possibility of some qualification.
Courtesy, moderation, and a spirit of accommodation in negotiations,
however, meant everything to Root. He stated “that both views are, in a
broad sense, right,” and that “the equal rights of every sovereign state…
is the foundation of the law of nations” (Root 1920c, 3). But, the norm
of equality had to be balanced “with the inequality of practical interests
which depend, not upon the grouping of individuals into states, but upon
their production, their trade, their commerce, their activity” (Root
1920c, 3). He explained to the other jurists “the two do not fully agree
and each has some rights to its view” (Root 1920c, 3). Taking as his point
of departure the cases brought to the Arbitration Court at the Hague,
Root (Root 1920c, 3) pointed out that “only few countries have been
concerned, and doubtless there are many countries whose mode of life
and whose international affairs are such that they will seldom…have
recourse to any court.”
Root could not openly say, even as he clearly understood, that no court
would ever be created without deference to the interests of the great pow-
ers. Yet, progress might be possible if there were some way “to reconcile
these two views…the one coming from the…indisputable point of legal
equality of states, and the other from the practical point of view of a deep
and extensive practical interest in the subject” (Root 1920c, 3). It was
natural, he said, that citizens of free countries would seek to resolve some
issue “because they are equal politically with equal voice in the affairs of
their country” (Root 1920c, 3). At the same time, Root (1920c, 3) had
represented in American courts clients who “have a much greater interest
in the matter which is to be disposed of than” others less directly impacted
in a contentious case. Root was treating the election of court judges as one
ment be applied to the relationship between the League and the formation
of the Court? Root (1920c, 5) suggested “for the consideration of my
colleagues, whether possibly the election of judges by the concurrent vote
of the Assembly and the Council might not point out…the same solution
of this difficult question, which has already been accomplished on the
political side?” Root (1920c, 5) had an answer ready:
The effect of the practical working [of this arrangement] would be that in
the Assembly, where the smaller Powers are in the majority, they would
protect the interests of the smaller states, and in the Council, the larger
Powers having a preponderance, would protect such practical interests of
their greater trade and their greater production as would be submitted to
the court.
1. That such adherence shall not be taken to involve any legal relation
on the part of the United States to the League of Nations or the
assumption of any obligations by the United States under the treaty
of Versailles.
2. That the United States shall be permitted to participate through
representatives designated for the purpose and upon an equality
with the other states, members, respectively, of the council and
assembly of the League of Nations, in any and all proceedings of
either the council or the assembly for the election of judges or dep-
uty judges of the Permanent Court of International Justice or for
the filling of vacancies.
3. That the United States will pay a fair share of the expenses of the
court as determined and appropriated from time to time by the
Congress of the United States.
4. That the United States may at any time withdraw its adherence to
the said protocol and that the statute for the Permanent Court of
International Justice adjoined to the protocol shall not be amended
without the consent of the United States.
5. That the court shall not render any advisory opinion except publicly
after due notice to all states adhering to the court and to all inter-
ested states and after public hearing or opportunity for hearing
given to any state concerned; nor shall it, without the consent of the
United States, entertain any request for an advisory opinion touching
any dispute or question in which the United States has or claims an
interest [emphasis added] (Lien 1926, 47–48).
conceding “it is not clear that it was intended to bear any such meaning.”2
The signatories met in conference six months later to consider the
American reservation in order to determine if acceptance of the reserva-
tion would entail modifications of the court statute. The United States,
although invited to the conference, declined to send anyone, with Secretary
of State Frank Kellogg expressing the view that the reservations were clear
and unequivocal.
The conference report ended up accepting unconditionally the first
four reservations, but stipulated that the right of vetoing advisory opin-
ions be the subject to further discussion with the United States. The sig-
natories agreed that the court should not render any advisory opinion
without American consent in any case that the United States was a party.
What had to be clarified was America’s role in objecting to any advisory
opinion in cases where the United States claimed an interest. The Final
Act of the signatories suggested a draft protocol that contains the follow-
ing, “The manner in which the consent provided for in the second part of
the fifth reservation is to be given, will be the subject of an understanding
to be reached between the Government of the United States with the
Council of the League of Nations” (Root 1931a, 4).
More than two years would pass before Senator Frederick Gillett would
introduce a resolution (submitted to the Foreign Relations Committee)
suggesting to the President that an exchange of views be undertaken in
order to establish whether the differences between the United States and
the signatory states could be harmonized. Before the resolution could be
acted on, President Coolidge, on November 24, 1928, announced that he
intended to reopen the negotiations. A little more than two weeks later,
the League Council invited a committee of experts to Geneva to deliber-
ate on the desirability of making changes in the Statute of the Court. Root
was invited to serve as a member of that committee (Jessup 1938, 2/434).
Root, joined by his friend and biographer Philip Jessup, made the
Transatlantic crossing in his eighty-fifth year, arriving in Geneva at the
beginning of March 1929. In his mind, the trip represented maybe the last
opportunity to bring the United States into the World Court. He had no
powers to negotiate with the League Council, the administration prefer-
ring that any agreements be negotiated with the individual signatory
states. Yet, the evidence seems clear that, during the last days of the
The full text of Chamberlain’s 1926 statement is published in League of Nations Official
Journal 7 (4), 536.
The Council would…have sent its request without knowing whether the
question was objectionable to the United States, for it had no means of get-
ting direct and authentic information on the subject. It would have no
opportunity to seek from the United States its consent and the Court would
give an advisory opinion on the subject. The result would probably be that
the Council would be rebuffed by the Court, the plans for settlement of an
international controversy…would be frustrated and the whole use of advi-
In addition to the reservations protocol with the Root formula, the signatory states in
September 1929 approved amendments to the Court statute and, in December, approved a
protocol of signature of the Statute of 1920.
sory opinions, very important for the prevention of war, especially during the
readjustments following the World War, would be doubtful and uncertain.
Root (1931a, 17) and the other Jurists, in their final report, concluded
that it was impossible “to allay the apprehensions of either side…by the
elaboration of any system of paper guaranties or abstract formulae.” The
better route “is to deal with the problem in a concrete form, to provide
some method by which such questions as they arise may be examined and
views exchanged, and a conclusion… reached after each has made itself
acquainted with the difficulties and responsibilities which beset the other”
(Root 1931a, 17).
Root’s (1929, 10) formula was embodied in Article 5 of the reserva-
tions protocol. What he described as the “only door there is for the appli-
cation of the fifth reservation” is enumerated in the first four paragraphs
of the Article in question (Root 1929, 10). Any proposal requesting an
advisory opinion of the Court, made in either the Assembly or the Council,
would require the Secretary General to notify the United States, “and
thereupon there shall be an exchange of views between the proponents of
the request and us as to whether an interest ours is affected” (Root, n.d.,
The United States And The World Court, 5).
The formula goes on to provide that, in case the Secretary General
should not get the notice around in time, or should there be a special
exigency on the last day of Council, a second notice should be forthcom-
ing from the Registrar of the Court stating a reasonable time limit within
which the United States is afforded the opportunity to advise the Court
on whether its interests are affected. “Further, the proceedings of the
Court shall be stayed for a period sufficient for an exchange of views
between the Council or the Assembly and the United States” (Root 1929,
There follows a provision stipulating that, in any case in which the
United States objects to an advisory opinion, there shall be attributed to
that objection “the same force and effect as attaches to a vote for the opin-
ion by a Member of the League of Nations in the Council or in the
Assembly” (Root 1929, 11). If no agreement can be reached, and were
the United States to persist in its objection to an advisory opinion, then,
in the language of the Treaty, “the exercise of the powers of withdrawal
provided for in Article 8 hereof will follow naturally without any imputa-
tion of unfriendliness or unwillingness to cooperate generally for peace
and good will” (Root 1929, 11–12).
Root (1931b, 13), testifying for two and a half hours before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee in 1931, could not “envisage a disagree-
ment regarding a question which is likely to lead to the abandonment of
the entire enterprise.” He reminded Senators of the importance of nego-
tiating in good faith. “Cooperation must be between people who treat
each other in a friendly manner. It cannot exist between enemies who treat
each other in a hostile manner” (Root 1931b, 13). A refusal to treat that
acceptance as an acceptance “would require a finding on the part of the
Senate that the United States cannot consent to be frank and truthful and
sincere about its views in the course of its cooperation in support of this
great agency of peace” (Root 1931b, 12).
Although Root was circumspect about the duties of the Senate in his
testimony, he was more explicit in private exchanges with like-minded
friends and associates. The Senate would do itself a cardinal disservice in
the eyes of the world if it were suddenly to depart from the five reserva-
tions, with Root convinced that there was nothing in the protocol for
adherence to the Court that would justify a failure to approve. It would
impair the constitutional authority of the President to negotiate treaties if,
after having the advice and consent of the Senate, “the Senate considers
that it can withdraw its own conditions and propose other and further
conditions” (Root 1929, 13). For the sake of the Senate’s own self-respect,
and “for the exercise of its own power hereafter, it is bound to say that,
‘More sacred than the Constitution is our own word, which we have
pledged here’” (Root 1929, 14).
“Slow and Laborious”
At the close of his testimony to the Senate committee, Root returned to
the relationship between the Court and the development of the law of
nations. He pointed out that, prior to the first Hague conference in 1899,
international law typically was made by the treatment of concrete cases
through the foreign offices. The problem is that these cases “came up
very far apart” and, “as the relations of nations have become so compli-
cated…this slow method of making international law was lagging far
behind” (Root 1931b, 16). His own experience taught him that legal
rules are almost always never agreed to “by the representatives of govern-
ments in the conferences under their own steam” (Root 1931b, 16).
Precedents and customs always had to be studied beforehand by experts,
“and here or there…comes a rule of international law,” although usually
“of an academic variety” (Root 1931b, 16). But what they have really
agreed to is “a conception or rule of international law by students or pro-
fessors” that may not outlive a conference presentation or an obscure
article publication (Root 1931b, 16). By contrast, the World Court would
be called upon frequently “to pass upon rules of international law and
apply them in specific cases,” a process that “follows the course by which
our law was created, the course by which all law must be created”—that
is, “in conformity to the life of the people who are affected” (Root 1931b,
16). Root (1931b, 16), for one, strongly desired that his own country,
“which has certain conceptions of ordered justice …shall have its hand in
this development and do its duty to the future of civilization by bringing
its own conception of justice to bear upon it.”
While Root (1931b, 15) would try to convince reluctant Senators
(and more reluctant than he likely appreciated) that membership in the
Court was in keeping with the best “idealism of America,” and that
nations and ambassadors the world over “are beginning to conform their
feelings toward the existence of new ideas,” he never wavered from his
conviction that improving “foreign relations…is necessarily very slow
and laborious and difficult” (1932, 1) No amount of brilliant speeches,
professional meetings, or impressive books could substitute for “steady,
continuous, and unspectacular labor” (Root 1932, 1). Nothing of last-
ing value would come from reformers “who are impatient, the people
who are in a hurry, and who want everything done at once” (Root 1932,
1). This temperament would have the not surprising outcome of the
excited reformer, once an immediate outcome is not forthcoming, con-
clude, “Oh, well, it does not amount to anything” (Root 1932, 1).
Questions of legal reform, he believed, could not be taken up without
discussing “international feeling, international manners, international
morals”—all of those being “necessary to complete the picture” (Root
1932, 1). Moral improvement in the conduct of nations would not come
from reaching “written or oral agreements…making treaties…[or from]
intellectual reasoning” (Root 1932, 1). What mattered for Root (1932,
1) is “the enlargement and elevation of standards of conduct in all coun-
tries.” Institutionalizing new standards of conduct was not just about
settling controversies. If nothing has been done but settle differences,
“you start the future just where you started years before” (Root 1931b,
16). If international law is to be effective, it must rest upon “concurrent
judgment and condemnation,” and the only way to make general judg-
ment possible in contentious cases “is by bringing them to the decision
of a competent court which will strip away the irrelevant, reject the false,
and declare what the law requires or prohibits in a particular case” (Scott
1924, 21).
Reinforcing the progressive dimension of Root’s promotion of inter-
national law, as well as his support for American membership on the
World Court, was the conviction (sustained over long years of public
service) that “the theoretical postulate of all diplomatic discussion
between nations is the assumed willingness of every nation to do justice”
(Root 1912, 7). And, although Root’s discussion of justice centered
most often upon judicial procedures for clarifying rights and obligations,
it figured prominently in his own efforts to promote the popular under-
standing of international law. Serving as the first president of the
American Society of International Law, he wrote, “The increase of popu-
lar control over national conduct, which marks the political development
of our time, makes it constantly more important that the great body of
people of each country should have a just conception of their interna-
tional rights and duties” (Root 1907, 1).
Root tied his discussion of international law to the advancement of
democracy and globalization. “The existence and assured continuance of
development of democracy,” he wrote in 1917, “is the great fact forecast-
ing the future conditions under which the effort to reinstate the law of
nations is to be made” (Root 1917, 5). A law-governed international sys-
tem depended, therefore, on creating a community of democracies. Within
this community of nations, Root (1917, 7) envisaged “standards of con-
duct…being established, and a world-wide public opinion…holding
nations to conformity or condemning them for disregard of the estab-
lished standards.” From this angle, and a view endorsed years later by
Anne-Marie Slaughter (2006, 203), Root was making the case that the
advance and spread of democracy was necessary for international law to
survive. While Root (1917, 7–8) knew perfectly well the “great wrongs”
that democracies are “liable to commit,” law “in a democracy…is an
expression of the people’s own will, self-respect, and personal pride, and
patriotism demand its observance.”
Following the failure of the United States to support the League of
Nations or to adhere to the World Court, Root increasingly emphasized
how international law served as a disciplinary restraint on the parochial
political loyalties and ideological excesses of democracies themselves. Root
questioned whether any society, democratic or otherwise, had a special
claim to universal values or a right to impose such standards (democratic
We are the last nation who should adopt that doctrine, for we think we are
the most powerful of all. We could play the bully, claiming we never could
be wrong…and refuse to submit any quarrel to an impartial tribunal. But
decency, self-respect, American love of fair play, and American tradition and
history would reject any such selfish and obsolete doctrine…If we have,
more than any other nation, advocated this doctrine throughout all the days
of our weakness, shall we abandon it now, in the day of our might? Are we
to submit disputes to courts when we are weak and refuse to do it when we
are strong? (Root, n.d., 15)
Adams, Charles Francis. 1915. Letter to Elihu Root. (Manuscript Division, Library
of Congress, Washington, DC, Container 126), February 6.
Boyle, Francis Anthony. 1999. Foundations of World Order, The Legalist Approach
to International Relations, 1898–1922. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
———. n.d. The United States and the World Court. (Manuscript Division, Library
of Congress, Washington, DC, Container 195).
Scott, James Brown. 1924. Elihu Root’s Services to International Law. Proceedings
of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting 18: 2–42.
Slaughter, Anne-Marie, Charles N. Brower, Anthony Carty, and Jonathan Zasloff.
2006. Rereading Root. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting—American Society of
International Law 100 (March–April), 203–216.
Zimmerman, Warren. 2002. First Great Triumph, How Five Americans Made
Their Country a World Power. New York: Farrar, Straus and Girioux.
David Clinton
In his day, the name of Nicholas Murray Butler was one to be reckoned
with. The longest-serving president in the history of Columbia University
(1901–1945), he also served as Director of the Division of Intercourse
and Education of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace from
its founding in 1910 to 1945 and President of the Endowment itself from
1925 to 1945. With Jane Addams, he shared the Nobel Prize for Peace in
1931. He was the acquaintance of presidents, prime ministers, and popes,
and his speeches, lectures, and articles on international topics filled more
than a dozen volumes. Yet today he is little known and, if known at all, is
remembered as the unnamed but, nevertheless, obvious target of George
Kennan’s attack on the “legalistic-moralistic approach to international
problems” in American foreign policy (Kennan 1951, 82–87).
More a publicist than a scholar of international politics, Butler never
published a sustained book-length analysis of international relations or any
other subject. His many edited volumes, along with his two-volume mem-
oir, do, however, give a picture of his beliefs about the workings of the
society of states and his convictions about the method of solving what he
saw as the greatest problem in international relations—the phenomenon
D. Clinton (*)
Department of Political Science, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA
of war. These works show that, in pursuing the goal of protecting the
world against “the havoc and cruel disaster of international war” (Butler
1928, I: vii), Butler considered many alternatives, among them a world
state, international law, international organization, and diplomacy. Some
of these expedients he concluded would be ineffective, at least if relied on
as the sole method of preserving peace; others might hold the risk of posi-
tive harm. The one constant refrain in his analyses of the causes and pre-
vention of war was the education and enlightenment of public opinion,
and, to be more specific, the promotion of a cooperative and generous
attitude toward the solution of all international disputes. Butler termed
this attitude the “international mind,” and, either in combination with
these other avenues to peace or as a superior substitute for them, he advo-
cated for change in the way that populations thought about international
affairs. To this end, he employed every position of influence that he held
to explain and propagate the international mind, including channeling
funds from the Carnegie Endowment into projects that symbolized inter-
national cooperation and influenced public thinking.
Among the three strands of Progressivism that this volume explores,
then, Butler appears to stand squarely with those who continued to
advance the Progressive agenda through the interwar years, emphasizing
the introduction of innovative techniques of governance. His Progressivism
was never radical; he had more in common with those he terms “melior-
ists,” or those who “believe that while the world is not the best possible,
and is not even tending toward absolute perfection, yet it is improving
year by year and generation by generation” (Butler 1926a, viii). In the way
of techniques, for example, he wished diplomats of all democratic coun-
tries to do what he assiduously sought to do as a private citizen—leaven
his private meetings with influential policymakers in other countries with
a multitude of public addresses, interviews, and articles in the press advo-
cating for the international mind. He placed in the background schemes
for the coercive enforcement of international law, while emphasizing his
belief that an educated public opinion would bring states voluntarily to
abide by law and to adopt a view of the world characterized by compro-
mise and conciliation, going beyond the minimum of what international
law required them to do. Still, it must also be said that Butler’s program
had much in common with those who relied on a thoughtful and politi-
cally aware citizenry to bring about progressive change. Reform would, in
this sense, be led by those, like Butler himself, who occupied positions of
influence; but, in the end, its motive power would come from mass opin-
ion and ballots cast by voters imbued with the international mind.
Among his many other roles, Butler served as president of the American Branch of the
Association for International Conciliation and presided over the annual Lake Mohonk con-
ferences in 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, and 1912.
What that society was to be—how it was to be instituted and how it was
to operate—will be discussed below; the point for the moment is that
Butler evolved a far-reaching critique of international politics as it was
practiced in his day, a critique that painted states as unwisely hostile to
international cooperation, particularly in economic matters; irrationally
determined to see such cooperation as inherently corrosive of their sover-
eignty; and immorally reliant on force to deal with the conflicts that arose
among them. The states-system as it existed then failed to serve their true
interest in prosperity, and, even more serious, it was positively dangerous
in an era of increasing destructiveness in the technology of warfare (See
Howlett 1983–1984).
One alternative, of course, to a states-system prone to catastrophe
would be no states-system at all—or in other words, a world government.
Butler often compared the rivalry among states in the international system
to the rivalry that had existed among the states of the United States under
In the case of the federal framework of the government of the United States, Butler advo-
cated great watchfulness to ensure that the federal government did not slip the constitutional
restraints on its limited powers. He applauded the failure of a constitutional amendment in
the 1920s outlawing child labor, arguing that this matter was a state responsibility and that
there was no evidence that the several states had not fulfilled it (See Butler 1938, 339–46).
Presumably, the states of the world would be equally vigilant in scrutinizing the global fed-
eral government and any dangerous appetite for power that it might develop.
the creation of the German Empire in 1871, he referred most often by far
to the American experience (Butler 1938, 317, 322; Butler 1940b, 18–20).3
The noteworthy aspect of his analysis is that he never described the
Constitutional Convention as an example of diplomacy—of bargaining,
give-and-take, and compromise among political communities that, while
prizing their separate existence and holding differing interests, found that
their common interests and their inescapable interaction required them to
take some common actions. The instructive lessons of the Convention were
for him, on one hand, the institutional superstructure that resulted from it,
and, on the other, the underlying spirit of national unity that brought the
delegates of several states to eventual agreement.
Yet the Butler of world federalism was not the only Butler who took the
world stage. Along with the hope that a properly limited global legal entity
could solve some world problems, there was the fear that such an institu-
tion could become the vehicle of an ideology that would burst its retrain-
ing framework and threaten both community and individual freedom.
When this fear was his dominant, Butler not only failed to endorse world
federalism, he strongly denounced it. “We are [asked] to displace patrio-
tism,” he told the American Society in London on the sesquicentennial of
the Declaration of Independence, “by a vague internationalism that will
take no account of history or tradition or inheritance (Butler 1932, 334).”
Two possible “extremes of misfortune …might conceivably overtake the
civilized world,” he observed to the Cobden Memorial Association five
years later. One was a continuation and intensification of the present state
of affairs—“a state of selfish struggle for individual and national enrich-
ment.” The other, equally calamitous, would occur if there “spread from
a single center over the whole world, like an irresistible glacier, some single
form of political, economic, and social order and domination,” resulting
in “a fabric so spread out and so brittle that it must shortly crack and break
(Butler 1930, 220–21).”4 It would be brittle and, therefore, stave off col-
Butler, thus, tended in these statements to emphasize the aspiration for unity over the
management of diversity.
The single ideological model that Butler decried in this case was Soviet Communism,
while the rigidity of the League in the form that he criticized Wilson for proposing was the
basis of Butler’s distrust of a combination of legal forms and coercive enforcement, without
the more supple influence of public opinion. Throughout the interwar period, it seems,
Butler was reacting against events in the latter stages and immediate aftermath of the Great
War, whether the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 or the bitter dispute in the United States
over the League in 1919–1920.
Butler sometimes attempted to square this circle by suggesting a form of regionalism
under which, through international agreement, the globe could be divided into three areas,
and only for the states within each area would any obligation to enforce collective security
through military action exist. In this plan, while “a single code of principles of international
law and international conduct” would exist throughout the world, the duty to uphold those
principles would—in all cases other than “great and unusual emergencies”—fall on the states
within each of three “administrative areas”: “first, Europe, Africa, and those parts of Asia
immediately adjoining Europe and Africa, or which have for a long time past been directly
dependent upon Europe; second, the American continents; and, third, the Orient, including
Japan, China, and Siam.” With such a scheme, “in the ordinary life of nations” a state would
be called on actively to uphold collective security only within its own area, freeing states from
the risk of being expected to intervene anywhere in the world (see Butler 1923, 20).
Butler had long been of two minds about world government. In a statement in 1910 he
conflated prescriptions of an international armed police force and of a voluntary adherence
to law sustained by pacific public opinion. He hoped that “great sovereign nations, like feder-
ated states, may live and grow and do business together in harmony and unity, without strife
or armed conflict, through the habit of submitting to judicial determination all questions of
difference as they may arise, the judicial decree when made to be supported and enforced—
after the fashion in which judicial decrees are everywhere supported and enforced—by intel-
ligent public opinion and by an international and neutral police” (see Butler 1910, 172).
August 27, 1928, opens a new era in the world’s history, an era quite as
revolutionary as that which opened on October 12, 1492, and of far greater
For an early expression of this stance, see Butler’s opening address as chairman of the
Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration in 1907, in which he recommended
that, at the second Hague Conference then assembling, “the Permanent Hague Court [the
Permanent Court of Arbitration, a product of the first Hague Conference in 1899] be trans-
formed from a semi-diplomatic into a truly judicial tribunal. … [and] judges be substituted
for arbitrators” (Butler 1919, 12).
moral significance …Gone is the fear for national security; gone is the argu-
ment for compulsory military service and huge standing armies; gone is the
plea for the protection of sea-borne commerce and a navy as powerful as any
in the world; gone is the haste to build bombing planes and to store up huge
supplies of poison gas to suffocate the combatant and the non-combatant
alike; gone is the whole gospel of preparedness for a war which is promised
never to be fought. (Butler 1930, 163–64)
With the coming into force of this legal instrument, the major step had
been taken, because the renunciation of force became “the supreme law of
the world and effective everywhere if people will only obey it.” To skeptics
who doubted that governments would, in fact, obey the strictures of the
Pact unless they were threatened with dire consequences if they did not do
so, Butler had a ready answer: “The alternative to war is simple, ordinary,
common honesty: that is all. All that is necessary has been done. We do
not need any more talk, any more declarations. We only need honesty. We
want these men [national leaders] to keep the word to which they have
pledged our governments (Butler 1938, 11–13).” As international legal
instruments were negotiated or legislated or declared by judicial processes
to cover increasing parts of the international agenda, the scope for war
would be correspondingly reduced and eventually eliminated.
Butler wrote his MA thesis on Kant, and he always insisted that his own
ideas on international peace rested directly on Kant’s “Perpetual Peace
(Butler 1939b, vii–ix).” What has been said of Kant might also be said of
Butler: that he “was not a pacifist, but rather a passionate legaliser, or
prophet or evangelist of legalisations, in international relations (Gallie
1978, 20).” The spread of peace was certainly something to be worked for
(as Butler assiduously did), but it was also providential in the sense that it
was inevitable—as economic interdependence and the very destructive-
ness of war itself brought leaders and citizens alike to see that their true
self-interest lay in peace. Nonetheless, law unaided was incapable of
accomplishing the necessary transformation of international relations, in
Butler’s view. “Few proposals could be more futile than that merely to
outlaw war,” he insisted. “Such outlawry would only last until human pas-
sion broke down its fragile barrier…It is quite idle and meaningless to plan
to purge human nature of its less admirable traits by the enactment of any
statute, whether national or international (Butler 1930, 10–11).” A peace
resting solely on international legal agreements would require coercive
enforcement mechanisms to deter or defeat law-breaking states, and this
Butler held out some hopes for economic sanctions as a coercive substitute for war in
enforcing the pledges under the Pact of Paris to abjure war, but, short of that step, he
granted that law-enforcing states “cannot use armed force against this pledge-breaker, either
singly or unitedly, without re-establishing war as an instrument of policy” (Butler 1935, 92).
Such allusions never entirely disappeared from Butler’s public statements, but they
became far less numerous and conspicuous, and less connected to the reasoning of his
with law. “If …laws are to be truly effective, they must be, not enforced,
but obeyed. They are only obeyed, and they only will be obeyed, when
they reflect the overwhelming public opinion of those whom they directly
affect (Butler 1930, 11).”
Here, one turns to a psychological element, which was for Butler the
linchpin of his hopes for “international understanding and international
cooperation.” He acknowledged that “an international police may from
time to time have to be called upon,” but this expedient would be needed
primarily for the interregnum “until a controlling world public opinion is
developed.” Once public opinion in each member state of the interna-
tional federal union had been brought to accept, or, indeed, to demand,
that its government abide by the decisions of those authorized to declare
international law, the need for coercive force applied by the other member
states would largely fade away; it was in this manner that Butler sought to
escape the charge brought by all critics of collective security—that such an
effort to abolish war rested on the threat to launch greater, worldwide
wars against offending states. Butler did accept the logic of collective secu-
rity and, for that reason, he became increasingly critical of the legal and
moral status of neutrality, which he contended represented, at least in the
contemporary world, an abdication of the responsibility owed to fellow
members of international society, but if democratic electorates could
enforce on their own political leaders a respect for the rights and interests
of other states, then the dilemma of war-to-end-war could be avoided
(Butler 1938, xii–xiii, 384).11
Butler’s answer was a free association of nations that would voluntarily
renounce the resort to war among themselves. There were at least two
central elements to this proposal that Butler saw as distinguishing his
method of promoting peace from the plans of others, and made it superior
to them. The first was that this association would have no direct legal
authority over the member states. In such a form of what Butler was later
to term “a nationalistic internationalism”, states would remain the sover-
eign arbiters of their future, for “There is no need to establish a super-
state” or “to displace patriotism by a vague internationalism (Butler 1932,
289–90, 334).” Indeed, as we have seen, Butler found “some single form
of political, economic and social order and domination” exercised “from a
Butler’s conception of peace achieved through accountability to pacifically inclined pop-
ular opinion is indicated by the title of the 1937 radio address from which the latter quota-
tion is taken: “The Rule of Morals or the Rule of Force?”
Between nations in which free public opinion exists and eventually domi-
nates public policy, the most successful ambassador in this twentieth century
Butler’s foremost effort to illuminate the term was his opening address as Chairman of
the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration in 1912. Entitled “The
International Mind,” the talk is reprinted in the book of the same title on pp. 97–114.
Butler entitled this lecture, “The Development of the International Mind.”
When it is recalled that these remarks constituted part of an address delivered at a dinner
in honor of the Marquess of Lothian, newly arrived as British Ambassador to the United
States in 1939, Butler’s dedication of the propagation of the international mind by diplo-
matic representatives receives new emphasis.
The reference here is to the school of thought in international relations known as “con-
structivism”—the contention that what is taken as unalterable “reality” is often a mental
construct created by assumptions about the nature of one’s relations with other actors in
international life—whether they are assumed to be friends, enemies, or partners. In advocat-
ing the “international mind,” Butler wished to reconstitute these mental images in a more
hopeful, cooperative direction.
Butler, “American Public Opinion and International Affairs,” International Affairs
(Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931–1939), 11 (September 1932): 618–632 (618,
122). In all their work, the staffs of the Division of Intercourse and
Education—and its two Carnegie counterparts, the Division of
International Law and the Division of Economics and History—would
serve as “a veritable faculty of peace (Butler 1911, 155; see also Herman
1969, 22–54; Marrin 1976, 150–55).”
Assessments of the efficacy of this activity have varied. Butler himself
concentrated on the sheer scope and scale of the work of the Division of
Intercourse and Education. In remarks delivered to the Students
International Union in 1934, for example, he described the International
Relations Clubs as groups of people of all ages who met weekly or biweekly
to discuss international affairs, to whom the Division sent “advice, sugges-
tions, courses of readings, topics to discuss, and occasionally …an out-
standing personality.” He reported that “more than six hundred” such
clubs existed in the United States, and “I do not know how many we have
in Europe, in South America and in Asia (Butler 1938, 16).” By the time
he published his memoirs in 1935, Butler increased his estimate of the
number of International Relations Clubs in the United States to “over a
thousand,” but confined their participants to “students and faculty advis-
ers …generally in the smaller institutions of learning, colleges and high
schools.” He added that the Division also sent speakers to address regional
conferences of the clubs, of which there had been 12 in the preceding
academic year. In addition to the counterpart clubs established in the
United Kingdom, Butler pointed to the work of “some hundred and fifty
Clubs in colleges and universities of Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
South Africa, India, China, Japan, the Philippine Islands, and throughout
the Latin-American countries.” As for the “International Mind” alcoves,
Butler counted over 900 “in public libraries in small communities in the
United States” and described them as consisting of books—“thirty, forty,
fifty, sometimes one hundred in number”—of fiction or non-fiction on
other peoples or by authors not from the United States. He gave special
attention to the Inter-American Section of the Division, which “put into
the high schools and colleges throughout Latin America Spanish transla-
tions of standard textbooks on the government of the United States and
works of our American literature,” which he asserted had “made an
immense impression on the rising generation of Latin Americans.” His
one disappointment was that it had not proved “easy or even possible to
organize in France or in Germany or in Italy the International Relations
Clubs,” because the clubs “were obviously suspected by the governments
of the Continental Countries as possible sources of disturbing propa-
Butler’s conception of the route to world peace was a multilayered one.
He accepted—and in the end endorsed—a world of many sovereign states.
He accepted that, among these states, differing in culture, perspective, and
interests, conflict would occur. He accepted that the resolution of these
conflicts would at times require some form of coercion, although that
coercion might take forms other than armed force, such as economic sanc-
tions or even the pressure of outraged public opinion. He believed that
coercion would be best and most justly applied when it was exercised
through international institutions, but he dismissed institutions that
served merely as the arena of contending national interests. He endorsed
institutions that created and were put at the service of impartial law rather
than those interests, but he was convinced that law was inadequate unless
it reflected and was ultimately enforced by public opinion. He had faith in
the efficacy of enlightened public opinion, but he feared that opinion was
as yet far from the enlightenment of the international mind, and that gov-
ernments were still further. He devoted his career in all its aspects—as
When one recalls that only nine years after Butler spoke these words, these
very countries suffered precisely the fate from which Butler had pro-
claimed that they were safe, the possibilities of the international mind may
begin to appear somewhat more circumscribed than Butler had predicted.
Perhaps there was a reason why Kennan chose Butler as his target.
Butler, Nicholas Murray. 1907. An Auspicious Moment for the Cause of
International Arbitration. The Advocate of Peace (1894–1920) 69: 143–145.
———. 1909. The Present Anglo-German Situation. The Advocate of Peace
(1894–1920) 71: 157–161.
———. 1910. The Dilemma which Confronts the World To-day. The Advocate of
Peace (1894–1920) 72: 169–172.
———. 1911. The Carnegie Endowment and International Peace. The Advocate
of Peace (1894–1920) 73: 152–157.
Howlett, C.F. 1983–1984. Nicholas Murray Butler’s Crusade for a Warless World.
The Wisconsin Magazine of History 67: 99–120.
Kennan, George F. 1951. American Foreign Policy, 1900–1950. New American
Marrin, Albert. 1976. Nicholas Murray Butler. Boston: Twayne Publishers.
Rosenthal, Michael. 2006. Nicholas Miraculous: The Amazing Career of the
Redoubtable Dr Nicholas Murray Butler. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Wendt, Alexander. 1999. Social Theory of International Politics. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Lucian M. Ashworth
Interestingly, Huntington’s work on the ideal climatic temperatures for work was a major
influence on the air conditioning industry in the United States. The ideal temperatures set
for air conditioners used Huntington’s estimates for the best climate. In later life, Huntington
would turn to racial explanations.
On the possibilist French geography, see Parker (2000).
create world orders during the twentieth century were driven by the desire
to create a world in America’s image (Williams 2007).
Because imperialism, driven by economic motives of resource and mar-
ket control, was seen by Wilson as the major cause of great power rivalry
and war, decoupling territorial boundaries from economic expansion was
central to the Wilsonian new order. Not only would this remove the eco-
nomic imperative to imperialism, it would also open up opportunities for
American economic expansion beyond state boundaries through free trade
and transnational investments—in other words, an American Lebensraum
to challenge the German Ratzelian one that had been fixated on territory.
Ratzel’s Lebensraum, despite the interest in it amongst geographers from
industrial countries, was to a large extent still wedded to agrarian ideas of
land and territory as wealth and, as a result, fused territory with economic
power (Smith 1980). The concept of Lebensraum that Bowman would
create out of his synthesizing of Ratzel and Wilson was one linked to an
industrial age dependent on hydrocarbons and industrial raw materials.
American Lebensraum would be about transnational industrial and finan-
cial expansion through a world order that allowed capitalist expansion
despite national borders (see Smith 2003, 27–8).
This, though, did not mean that borders were not important. Both
Wilson and Bowman spent much of their time on this issue and, in fact,
according to Shotwell, Bowman was responsible for much of the final
German-Polish border arrived at in Paris (Martin 1980, 92). Borders, and
concepts like national self-determination, have to be seen within a larger
goal of spreading a democratic spirit that would be friendly to American
aspirations. The new peace settlement had to also deal with the continued
threat that Germany might pose to a new order (Martin 1980, 89–90).
The end result for Wilson and the American delegation was to replace the
overly territorial ‘balance of power’ with a ‘community of power’ through
institutions like the League and collective security. This order would be
more susceptible to American economic expansion (Williams 2007, 35).
The new community of power would require a new diplomacy, made
famous by Wilson in the first of his Fourteen Points on ‘Open covenants
of peace, openly arrived at… in the public view’. Bowman would return to
the importance of the new diplomacy in his second major book on inter-
national affairs (Bowman 1930).
As the Peace Conference drew to a close, it was less the new diplomacy
that initially interested Bowman, but rather the relationship of this new
post-war world to the physical and geographical environment. While so
many of the participants at the Peace Conference had come with high
hopes and left disillusioned (Harold Nicolson, J. M. Keynes and Robert
Lansing come to mind amongst those who wrote memoirs of the event),
Bowman seems to have done the opposite. The book that he was to start
in spare moments at the Hotel Crillon in Paris would become his best-
known work. And although he was to tell Shotwell in 1921 that his book
built “no rainbows of hope” (Martin 1980, 100–3), it did keep alive the
tradition of Wilsonian Progressivism, albeit within geographic
A New World
Bowman’s The New World is about both limits and possibilities. True to
the spirit of Ratzel, it lays out the environmental limits to human global
action. Yet, true to the spirit of Wilson, it was also a discussion of the new
world of possibilities opened up by the Peace. Its opening line was a nod
in the direction of Wilsonianism, even if the rest owed more to his training
as a geographer: “In the eventual history of the period in which we live, it
is reasonable to think that the greatest emphasis will be put not upon the
World War or the peace treaties that closed it… but rather upon the pro-
found change that took place in the spirit and mental attitudes of the
people that compose this new world” (Bowman 1928, 1).
At the heart of Bowman’s analysis of the world after the peace treaties
was a fundamental problem of political geography: the uneven distribu-
tion of raw materials across the globe. In this immutable fact lay the
causes of both imperialism and war, while it was in our ability to rethink
how we organize our society that the solution to the problems of inter-
national order lay. Here at the heart of his analysis of the world after
1919 was Bowman’s view of a spatial reality that dictated certain forms
of behaviour, though tempered by our ability to use our intellect to
change the form that behaviour would take. A world became new when
changes to ‘spirit and mental attitude’ led to new ways of reacting to the
physical realities we confronted. For modern industrial society—reliant
on a host of naturally occurring, but unevenly distributed, raw materi-
als—the first task was to find new ways to deal with an otherwise destabi-
lizing reality.
In the appendix to The New World, Bowman listed 24 necessary raw
materials produced within the British Empire while, in the main body of
the text, he discussed how the need for raw materials had led to the
expansion of the British Empire (1928, 777–8, 37ff). But the British
experience was not singular. The need to guarantee a full supply of materi-
als to modern urban centres, he wrote, led to the growth of colonial
empires in the nineteenth century, and also explained why colonies
remained important to the great powers, and it explained why colonialism
persisted, despite the large deficits that colonial administrations experi-
enced. Although Bowman conceded that national prestige also played its
part in colonial expansion, it was the need to guarantee resources for
industrial production and modern urban living that he saw as largely
responsible for the coercion of colonized peoples into a subservient extrac-
tive labour force (Bowman 1928, 12–14; 1930, 18–21). Thus, the physi-
cal realities seemed to support Ratzel’s earlier pre-war contention that, in
order to be a world power, a state needed to control a colonial empire that
spanned different regions of the globe, and there was something almost
inevitable about the clash between world powers over colonial territories.
Here, though, is where Bowman parted with Ratzel’s logic.
Environmental realities, such as the location of raw materials, could not be
so neatly separated from human social factors in a simple independent-
dependent variable relationship. In fact, the importance of raw materials
was itself the product of rapid social change, rather than some ahistorical
objective factor. A good example of this was the rise of the importance of
oil. Oil had only become important as a result of rapid industrial change
(Bowman 1928, 735–7). He would spend much of the interwar period
laying out the problem posed by raw materials to global security, and
showing how the construction of different international institutions and
relationships could turn a potential for violent imperial conflict into a sta-
ble and prosperous global order. Political geography might illuminate the
problem, but it was in the choices of political order that we would find the
Bowman was not alone in worrying about the destabilizing role of raw
materials. The subject was prominent in the discussions at the 1937
International Studies Conference (ISC)—the global organization that
coordinated the study of international affairs during the interwar period
(Long 2006). Bowman took part in the deliberations, editing a report on
land settlement for the conference (Bowman 1937). The 1937 ISC
Conference dealt directly with the role of raw materials in war, and
Bowman may have had a hand in the US memorandum to the confer-
ence. “Just as disarmament is a hopeless ideal save through the prior or
concurrent achievement of collective security against aggression”, the US
role. While, for example, the availability and location of raw materials are
very real physical constraints, the fact that those raw materials are needed
is a result of the actions of humans who have created a society dependent
on certain products. On top of this, physical realities do not, in and of
themselves, dictate certain courses of action. Rather, changes to the human
spirit give us choices about how we want the physical to influence us. We
can choose to play up the role of boundaries and state institutions, in
which case the distribution of raw materials will lead to imperialism and
conflicts between world powers. We could, though, choose to develop
institutions that would allow these same raw materials to be distributed
peacefully without state conflict. Bowman was clear which he thought was
the more efficient as well as (no small consideration for Bowman) in the
national interests of the United States, and that was the approach associ-
ated with the new diplomacy. The start of this process towards a more
stable and less competitive global order could, for Bowman, already be
found in the concepts and institutions of the new diplomacy.
It was the threat of a violent return of the old diplomacy in the form of
fascism that spurred Bowman on in the 1940s to come up with concrete
ideas for a new global order. His ideas, in turn, came to inform the post-
war planning of the Roosevelt administration as Bowman was, once more,
brought back in to the inner circles of government after 1941. While
Bowman’s ideas were internationalist at their root, they were also about
creating a peaceful order in which the United States (and its interests)
could expand without necessarily threatening other societies. In this sense,
what Bowman was advocating was Lebensraum for the United States, even
if (for sound political reasons) he did not directly use the German word.
Yet, unlike the German Lebensraum associated with Ratzel and Haushofer,
this American Lebensraum would be built into a system of peaceful
American Lebensraum
When the United States entered the Second World War, political geogra-
phers were mobilized for the war effort. For Bowman, this meant advisory
roles for the State Department. From 1942, he was a member of
Department of State Advisory Committee on Post-War Foreign Policy,
and also acted as a special advisor to two wartime secretaries of state. A
member of Secretary Stettinius’ 1944 London mission, he was also a
member of the US delegation to Dumbarton Oaks, and an advisor to the
For an analysis of German geopolitics, and the myths surrounding it see Murphy (1997).
For a summary of the story see Ashworth (2014).
Progressivism Triumphant
Thanks to people like Bowman, many of the principles of the earlier pro-
gressive generation found their way into the principles of the informal yet
internationalist ‘American Empire’ that emerged out of the Second World
Ashworth, Lucian M. 2014. A History of International Thought. From the Origins
of the Modern State to Academic International Relations. London: Routledge.
Bowman, Isaiah. 1927. The Pioneer Fringe. Foreign Affairs 6: 49–66.
———. 1928. The New World. Problems in Political Geography. 4th ed. Yonkers-
on-Hudson: World Book Company.
———. 1930. International Relations. Chicago: American Library Association.
———, ed. 1937. Limits of Land Settlement. A Report on Present-Day Possibilities.
New York: Books for Libraries.
———. 1941. Peace and Power Politics. Vital Speeches of the Day 7 (12): 383.
———. 1942. Geography vs Geopolitics. Geographical Review 32: 646–658.
Burton, John W. 1972. World Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dawley, Alan. 2003. Changing the World American Progressives in War and
Revolution. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Andrew Williams
A. Williams (*)
School of International Relations, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK
would think given its importance, on the writing of the Charter of the UN
(Schlesinger 2004; Hoopes and Brinkley 2000). To give some idea of his
importance in the drafting of the Charter, we can quote the contemporary
Chicago Tribune of July 1944: “he knows more about the new league of
nations to preserve peace than any other person in the world. That’s
because he wrote the first draft of the charter… and attended it… all the
way from the lust (sic) of the Dumbarton Oaks Conference to the last day
of the San Francisco Conference”.
But he also had his detractors, and herein partly lies his interest for a
book that looks for the influences of ‘progressivism’ on American foreign
policy. Pasvolsky was very influenced by what Neil Smith calls the “new
middle-class liberalism that grew out of the Progressive Era, carried
Woodrow Wilson to power and pervaded places like Harvard”. One of
Pasvolsky’s most virulent critics at the heart of the Roosevelt Administration,
Isaiah Bowman, the celebrated geographer and important architect of
American world order thinking in 1919 and the Second World War, was
not so influenced by Wilsonian liberalism but by a more conservative
(Theodore) Roosevelt version. This was partly, says Smith, because he
spent a great deal of time during the height of the Progressive Era before
1914 in South America where he “had to find a way of reconciling his sup-
port for conquest and his embarrassment at the brutality it involved”.
Bowman was a supporter of Theodore Roosevelt’s more muscular liberal-
ism, and was also an advocate of Wilson’s ideas of economic aggrandize-
ment for the United States, what Smith calls “fixing the global geography
of modernity”, and he was at the heart of a liberalism that “reinvented
itself as the antithesis of both communism and conservatism”. But the
chaos Bowman encountered in Paris persuaded him that a lot more than
idealistic progressive liberalism was necessary to achieve that a “global
expansionist vision” was necessary (Smith 2003, 79, 144–145 and 181).
Pasvolsky was also wedded to such a vision, but he disagreed with Bowman
on a number of occasions about how to do it. One area where fireworks
resulted was in Bowman’s increasing belief in the need to have a strong
Western Europe to stand up to Soviet aggression after the war, and
Pasvolsky’s counter-belief in the need to accommodate Russia. This ulti-
mately erupted into a frank mutual dislike, with Bowman on one occasion
accusing Pasvolsky of having “communistic ideas” due to his “foreign
racial origin” (Smith 2003, 385).
But a far more important sub-text to such arguments was inevitably
what role could be given to pure American power politics, and what to a
Pasvolsky was one of what David Engerman points out were very few
‘American Soviet Experts’ in the 1920s and 1930s in American
universities, another being Philip Mosely—before the war a lowly assis-
tant Professor at Cornell, and promoted to a fairly lofty position in the
State Department during the war. He was also to be the Rapporteur on
the CFR’s War and Peace Studies Project after February 1941 and worked
with Ambassador John Winant in London as his Russian specialist on the
European Advisory Commission (EAC) after October 1943. There were
also very few fluent Russian speakers in the State Department before
1940, one obvious exception being George Kennan. Possibly the greatest
Russian expert in the State Department, Robert Kelley, Head of the State
Department’s Division of Eastern European Affairs, was to see his
Division disbanded and himself demoted by FDR in 1937 to be made the
US Ambassador to Ankara (Engerman 2011, Chap. 1; Williams 1992,
174–175). So Pasvolsky also had a use during the ongoing discussions
with the Russians after June 1941—as one of the few high-ranking offi-
cials who spoke Russian.
He was also the author of some works on Russia (recently re-pub-
lished), and in particular on the Soviet economic experiment as it emerged
in the 1920s. In one, ostensibly on Russia’s ‘Far East’, Pasvolsky made a
strong point that Bolshevik Russia’s exclusion from the discussion of it by
the Allies at both Paris in 1919 and at the Washington Naval Conference
in 1922 was a mistake as Russia “had vital and direct interests at stake”,
yet “[w]hat the [Paris] Conference really did was to make every effort to
push the Russian question into the background and leave it there hang-
ing in the air” (Pasvolsky 2016; Pasvolsky 2015, 1–2). In this capacity he
was, albeit in 1921, quite positive about the new Russia. But so were
many others, including impeccable establishment economists like John
Maynard Keynes, who had a Russian ballerina wife. Keynes also wanted
Russia to be included in the ‘comity of nations’ as soon as possible after
the war; both were to be disappointed. Pasvolsky shared Keynes’ view
that to ignore any major player in a peace settlement was to make this
settlement incomplete. In 1940–1945, both men were to have a determi-
nate role on both sides of the Atlantic, trying to make sure that no such
error was repeated.
However, the main obsession of the thinking classes of the West in the
1920s was the twin challenge of the wartime reparations bill that could or
should be handed to Germany to pay for the destruction of the First World
War and the linked question of who should pay the massive inter-Allied
war debts bill (Trachtenberg 1980; Clavin 2000). The collapse of the
German economy, and its attendant hyperinflation (Fergusson 2010) was
to have a profound effect on the generation of American and British econ-
omists who wished to avoid the errors of the 1920s in the post Second
World War discussions. Of course, the French, absent from those discus-
sions after the defeat of 1940, were often conveniently blamed for the
breakdown of European order in the 1920s (Mantoux 1946). The essen-
tial problem, which exculpates none of the main Allies of 1919 was, in a
nutshell, that the United States had loaned huge amounts of money to the
Western Allies (and in particular Britain, France and [Tsarist] Russia) in
their fight against the Axis Powers. These states could not pay the debts
back, partly because Soviet Russia repudiated its debt (see below) and a
deadlock emerged over how to cajole or force Germany to pay reparations
for the cost of the war—which Keynes asserted was an impossibility
(Keynes 1920; Markwell 2006). That was only partly solved by the debt
re-scheduling schemes of the 1920s, notably the Dawes Plan of 1924 and
the Young Plan of 1929. In any event, Adolf Hitler repudiated the remain-
ing German debt in 1933.
Interest in Russia developed, as it did for many in the United States,
Britain, Europe and beyond, out of a conviction that classic liberal think-
ing about economics had failed to make the transition from the ‘normal’
conditions prevailing before 1914 to the post-war realities. But to study
Russia was to study a renegade state. The new state established under
Lenin in 1917 perpetrated what Sean McMeekin has aptly called ‘History’s
Greatest Heist’ (McMeekin 2008), both of its own citizens and of count-
less banks and individuals worldwide who had invested in Tsarist era
Russian railways and other infrastructure. The United States was to refuse
to recognize the Soviet state until 1933, partly because of these egre-
giously unpaid debts, even if the United States and its citizens were far less
affected than were those of France and even Britain (Saul 2006; White
1979). US Secretary for Commerce, and later (1928–32) President
Herbert Hoover, took a diametrically opposed view to Pasvolsky on Russia
in refusing to recognize it until the debts were acknowledged. When
British Prime Minister David Lloyd George had tried to involve the new
Soviet state in a programme of European reconstruction at Genoa in Italy
in 1922, Hoover and the American Government refused to attend, and
the Soviet delegates used the opportunity to sign a secret treaty at Rapallo
with the other recent enemy of the West—Germany; a treaty that it trans-
pired had clauses which included military cooperation with the express
these ideas, but unable to countenance them in a sea of crisis, as the British
were only too aware.
So, FDR was now staking his reputation on being able to lead at home
and abroad, his first act of international leadership and one that was to lead
to American economic hegemony in the Second World War. Cordell Hull
also started, initially timid, attempts at redressing the trade situation after
1934, and also exercised more and more leadership over such matters as
the 1930s wore on, culminating in the discussions at Bretton Woods about
the putative world trade organization. Admittedly, it was not until much
later in the 1930s that this trade liberalization machine really revved up.
But Pasvolsky had seen the beginnings of what a determined President
could do to influence not just American politics in a progressive way, but
also international politics. This was to become most evident in his role
during the Second World War.
“Hull men” under Leo Pasvolsky had been puttering along throughout
1942 and the early Spring of 1943, distracted by their turf wars, and mak-
ing plans on what the veteran peace activist James T. Shotwell diplomati-
cally termed “more of an academic level”” (Borgwardt 2005, 115).
Shotwell was himself a (Columbia) academic, and appropriately himself
engaged in ‘academic’ activity through much of the war, as his papers sug-
gest. ‘The Committee to Study the Organization of the Peace’, was essen-
tially one that urged a use of the market to establish peaceful relations
between states and of “sharing economic sovereignty”. Shotwell worked
very closely with Clark Eichelberger and Sumner Welles on providing yet
more input into what became the United Nations, as well as being a tire-
less publicist for a global organization (Shotwell 1943). But to dismiss
disagreements between such disparate characters who represented such
different approaches to international relations, is to miss the point that
there was no real consensus about these. Bowman’s geopolitical ‘realist’
approach, echoed elsewhere in Nicholas Spykman’s work, (Spykman
1942; Rosenboim 2015) was in stark contrast to those who still believed
in ‘world peace through law’ (like Eichelberger) and the progressive views
of Hull, Pasvolsky, Shotwell and others who had also been marked for life
by the inter-war chaos.
Pasvolsky’s personal contribution to this activity is often swamped in
the archival record. Even in his own papers, there is often little clue as to
what he himself suggested and how it was received, and they are largely
made up of a list of discussion points, with some exceptions, which will be
referred to below. But he did express his views forcefully enough when
necessary. His ‘turf war’ with Bowman was far from being ‘academic’—in
that Bowman was an early advocate of a regional solution to post-war
security issues, while Pasvolsky was in favour, as was FDR, of a more global
approach. In discussions about a ‘Danubian Federation’ in mid-1942 that
was attended by Welles, CFR Chairman Armstrong suggested that it
should be large and primarily economic ‘with an incipient political federa-
tion’, as suggested by Polish leader General Sikorski, though Welles said
another smaller grouping might work. This potential ‘Hapsburg solution’
had obvious problems surrounding a danger of one hegemonic European
actor emerging, probably Poland. Bowman criticized the link between the
‘economic’ and the ‘political connections’, but how otherwise, asked
Armstrong, to make it strong enough? Pasvolsky then issued a “protest
against the whole regional idea.” The issue was not one of making a region
work, but of “the relationship of the group as a whole towards the outside
world. Who was going to determine that?” He felt that “no group of
nations would be better off as a group than they would be individually,
and that the solution is for large countries to follow sound economic poli-
cies and therefore permit and encourage the smaller countries to practice
them also”.
The next meeting saw Bowman suggest a bigger regional grouping
that also included Germany and Austria—a theme that was clearly con-
troversial and might also upset the Russians. Their view said Welles would
depend on whether “Russia decided in favor or against an imperialistic
course after the war.” Maybe they could be persuaded that such a union
“was not a potential menace to her, and that, if it were sufficiently strong,
it would help keep Germany in check. Furthermore, a prosperous area
would be advantageous to her economically for trade purposes.” Pasvolsky
at this point was asked to prepare ‘a memorandum on the question of
Russia’s attitude towards these matters’ as head of the Research Division.
He responded with the astonishing claim that maybe “if a less decidedly
Communist regime came into being in Russia, Estonia and Latvia might
wish to join Soviet Russia of their own accord”. Armstrong’s view was
that “nationalism, properly limited by the membership of sovereign
nations in an international organization, was a natural defense against
international Communism”. Welles concluded a long discussion by saying
he favoured a ‘League’ as a regional grouping, of which there would be
many in the future, and that the “relations of the… [political] and the
[economic] councils was one of the most difficult problems to solve”,
and that all of these “regional groupings might have a functional place in
the world organization”. The last two meetings of this subcommittee
that Armstrong recorded saw Bowman installed as Chairman in Welles’s
absence “due to illness” and the tone turned markedly to security issues
immediately, especially as regarded Eastern Europe, Poland and
Germany’s fate. There was little or no discussion of the links between the
political and the economic, and much more about the United Nations
(by which was meant the Big Three) and the use of military force
(Armstrong 1942b). It was clear that Pasvolsky stood for a gentler
approach that saw cooperation as the goal.
Bowman’s irritation with Pasvolsky was shared by others. By April
1944, Norman Davis, a veteran American diplomat, intimate of Bowman
and by then President of the American Red Cross as well as the CFR, put
far more emphasis on American global assertion after the war than on the
UN project. Pasvolsky was seen by Davis as an impediment to this objec-
tive and told State Department staffer Joseph E. Green, a close aide to
Secretary of State Hull, that “things could not be fully straightened out
without letting Leo [Pasvolsky] go”. Green tried to get Davis to relent, by
arguing “Leo… could be kept fully occupied with speech-writing and
research and the numerous other tasks that the Secretary imposed on
him” (Armstrong 1944). In other words, Pasvolsky annoyed a lot of
people, but was still seen as a hard worker who could be very useful. And
however much, some like Davis and Bowman felt hostile to him, Pasvolsky
was present for some of the most interesting discussions and participated
in the most important meetings that decided the future not only of IO,
but also of global order. He left so much behind for the researcher of these
matters that to summarize them in a brief paper like this would be impos-
sible, but we can try and tease out some of the key moments of this pro-
cess as he saw it.
One such key moment came with the initial decisions about what to
emphasize in the study of ‘Post-war Problems’. In this ‘plan of work’ of
early 1941 (there is no exact date recorded for us) the emphasis was the
need to “not sow the seeds of another war”. Hence it was “essential to
think out in advance, in so far as that is possible, the principles upon which
[the peace] should be based.” They had in particular to avoid “build[ing]
imaginary castles in the air”, but at the same time “the future must be
built on the past”. That required a clear understanding of what had caused
the present war. The clear message was that it was economic forces, includ-
ing demography and business cycles, that had caused it, but mainly “the
tragedy of the last pre-war decade, a decade which began with the financial
collapse in the autumn of 1929”. So, had the League of Nations and its
myriad economic committees helped? Might a ‘different procedure’ in
international conferences have helped? Were these “tendencies and phe-
nomena… likely to repeat themselves”? This would all require detailed
analysis of trade flows and problems since 1919, and “especially of America
and the British Commonwealth of nations” and of Europe. For “Wars
accentuate depressions and depressions in their turn lead to revolution
and war”, so “there is nothing to prevent us proceeding boldly with this
question of policy”. That would then have to be followed by a consider-
ation of why ‘reconstruction’ had failed in the aftermath of 1919, and
draft policies to remedy “whether there were any defects that might be
avoided in the future”. In short, this was a blueprint for what became the
Bretton Woods accords and United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration (UNRRA) (Pasvolsky 1941a).
Pasvolsky was thus not just a note taker, and his interpretation of events
in the notes that became the official record is vital. What was needed, he
thought, was a ‘reorientation of American Foreign Policy’ in a paper of
January 1941, if the United States was to win the ‘ideological conflict’ and
the ‘epochal developments’ that they have engendered. If Britain won the
war, the main need would be ‘economic and political reconstruction’. If
Britain lost, how was the United States to deal with “a new type of inter-
national order dominated by Germany”? Or maybe the British Empire
might survive in a ‘stalemate’? (Pasvolsky 1941b). This was followed by an
important memorandum for Ambassador John Winant who replaced the
arch-appeaser Joseph Kennedy in London in March 1941, again reflecting
the view that Britain was seen at that point as the key collaborator in any
potential new order. Pasvolsky made clear to Winant that the FDR
Administration had to be very careful “as to the nature of international
economic policies which a victorious Britain might decide to pursue”.
Although he wrote that Winston Churchill’s predecessor, Neville
Chamberlain, had made very welcome speeches about the need for multi-
lateral trade agreements after the war, a course pursued doggedly by Hull
throughout the 1930s, it would be “of first-rate importance at this time”
if ‘Mr. Churchill and Mr. Bevin’ made such a ‘restatement’. Pasvolsky
thought the British should make statements about the “rights of all
nations, large and small, to independent existence and to freedom from
intervention”, as well as “to use all its influence toward establishing an
effective international machinery for peaceful settlement of disputes and
for peaceful and orderly adjustment of differences, maybe as ‘part of a
large program of social justice and social progress, of a new order of human
welfare… and by the growth of social responsibility”. This statement pre-
figures both the Atlantic Charter of August 1941, which Winant did much
to organize, and the beginning of both demands for British decoloniza-
tion and the new project of the welfare state (Pasvolsky 1941c).
This need to agree with the British on what the post-war world would
look like dominated the documentary record throughout 1943 and into
1944, whatever may have been the parallel need to accommodate the
Russians and Chinese. Pasvolsky had a great number of contacts with
Arnold Toynbee, the then pillar of the British Chatham House, as he had
been since its inception at the same time as the CFR, the Anglo-American
think tank universe in action (Hall 2014, 23–36). Talks with the British
were pretty well constant, especially in the areas of peace and security, eco-
nomic collaboration (led by John Maynard Keynes) and the “treatment
economic and social fields”. Equally, the Russians could not agree with the
British and Americans about what constituted ‘aggression’, a debate that
is still not properly resolved, and maybe never will be. The Russians also,
unlike the Americans and British, put little emphasis on the Assembly. For
them only hard, security issues counted (Pasvolsky 1944d).
These fundamental disagreements were of course to stymie all mean-
ingful East-West cooperation on such issues as human rights, trade and
other issues in the context of the Cold War. The San Francisco Conference
mainly served to rubber stamp the decisions made at Dumbarton Oaks,
and is a step too far for this chapter.
When Woodrow Wilson’s Progressive help-mate Colonel Edward House
had foreseen a role for the United States as a leader of a more liberal world
and then attempted to develop this role at the Paris Peace Conference in
1919, he would have been unaware that a successor President, a ‘realistic
Wilsonian’ FDR, would achieve much of what he failed to do. Although
others have a good claim on the mantle of that success, Leo Pasvolsky
arguably has the major claim on being the implementer, and in some
respects the creator, of the vision of a Rooseveltian New World Order. As
this chapter has tried to establish, he was the NWO’s back-room boy par
excellence. There is scarcely a document in the archives of the State
Department and the CFR, the two key institutions that did the detailed
work of FDR’s grand design, that does not either bear his name or show
his influence, and usually both. So why has he been forgotten? A key rea-
son must be that the ideals of the UN in 1945 were almost immediately
overtaken by the realities of Containment and the Cold War. That is maybe
one reason why no one has written a biography of Pasvolsky in the style of
the (magnificent) volume on Bowman by Neil Smith. Another is that,
unlike Smith, he left a fairly meagre documentary trail behind him. Apart
from his papers in the Library of Congress, and those of Armstrong of the
CFR (which are far more copious and mostly about himself naturally), he
has not left anything as engaging as, say, Adolf Berle’s, Henry Stimson’s
or Henry Morgenthau Jr’s Diaries—all literary masterpieces in their own
right. While they have been a delight to peruse for many happy hours by
many historians, Pasvolsky’s papers are by comparison dry and largely
impersonal. They need to be decoded to see what he contributed.
Pasvolsky did not leave a legacy that was the one he would have wanted.
But then, neither did FDR and the rest of the PWP complex of organiza-
tions and individuals. He did make a disproportionate impact nonetheless.
His papers are a precious record of what can be achieved in the midst of a
vicious war and they still stand as witnesses to what might have been. Very
few statesmen or bureaucrats can claim as much.
Armstrong, H. F. 1940. Memorandum of a Meeting Between Members of the
Council on Foreign Relations and the State Department. Hamilton Fish
Armstrong Papers Box 73. Princeton: Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library
(hereafter, Armstrong Papers), May 1.
———. 1942a. Department of State: Department of Special Research, ‘Problems
of General Security’. Armstrong Papers, Box 72, February 19.
———. 1942b. Notes May 9th, May 30th, July 11th and July 18th, Political
Subcommittee of the State Department. Armstrong Papers, Box 79.
———. 1944. Joseph E. Green (State Department) to Armstrong (CFR).
Armstrong Papers, Box 79, April 6th.
Borgwardt, Elizabeth. 2005. A New Deal for the World: America’s Vision for
Human Rights. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
Chollet, Derek, and Samantha Power. 2012. The Unquiet American: Richard
Holbrooke in the World. New York: Public Affairs.
Clavin, Patricia. 2000. The Great Depression in Europe, 1929–1939. London:
Engerman, David. 2011. Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America’s Soviet
Experts. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fergusson, Adam. 2010. When Money Dies: The Nightmare of Deficit Spending,
Devaluation and Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany. London: Public Affairs.
Fink, Carole. 1984. The Genoa Conference. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North
Carolina Press.
Gardner, Richard N. 1956. Sterling – Dollar Diplomacy: Anglo – American
Collaboration in the Reconstruction of Multilateral Trade. Oxford: Clarendon
Hall, Ian. 2014. ‘Time of Troubles’: Arnold J. Toynbee’s Twentieth Century.
International Affairs 90 (1): 23–36.
Harbutt, Fraser J. 2010. Yalta 1945: Europe and America at the Crossroads.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Holbrooke, Richard. 2003. “Last Best Hope”, a Review of Schlesinger’s The
Founding of the United Nations. New York Times, September 28.
Hoopes, Townsend, and Douglas Brinkley. 2000. FDR and the Creation of the
U.N. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Keynes, John Maynard. 1920. The Economic Consequences of the Peace. New York:
Harcourt, Brace and Howe.
Kindleberger, Charles. 1973. The World in Depression, 1929–1939. London: Allen
Mantoux, Etienne. 1946. The Carthaginian Peace, or the Economic Consequences of
Mr. Keynes. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Markwell, Donald. 2006. John Maynard Keynes and International Relations:
Economic Paths to War and Peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mazower, Mark. 2009. No Enchanted Palace: The End of Empire and the Ideological
Origins of the United Nations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
McMeekin, Sean. 2008. History’s Greatest Heist: The Looting of Russia by the
Bolsheviks. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Millis, Walter. 1937. Road to War: America, 1914–1917. London: Faber and
Moulton, Howard G., and Constantine E. McGuire. 1923. Germany’s Capacity to
Pay. New York: Brookings (institute of Economics).
Notter, Harley. 1949. Post-War Foreign Policy Preparation, 1939–1945.
Washington, DC: US Department of State.
O’Sullivan, Christopher D. 2007. Sumner Welles, Postwar Planning and the Quest
for a New World Order, 1937–1943. New York: Columbia University Press.
Pasvolsky, Leo. 1933. Current Monetary Issues. Washington, DC: The Brookings
———. 1941a. Plan of Work, in ‘Post–War Plans’. Leo Pasvolsky Papers, Box 7.
Washington, DC: Library of Congress (hereafter Pasvolsky Papers).
———. 1941b. Reorientation of American Foreign Policy. Pasvolsky Papers, Box
7, January 28.
———. 1941c. Memorandum for Ambassador Winant. Pasvolsky Papers, Box 7,
February 15.
———. 1943. Memorandum for the President. Pasvolsky Papers, Box 3, August 11.
———. 1944a. Progress of Our Discussions with the British on United Nations
Organization and Organized International Relations in General. Pasvolsky
Papers, Box 7, March 15.
———. 1944b. International Economic Collaboration. Pasvolsky Papers, Box 7,
March 20.
———. 1944c. Memorandum for the Secretary: Summary of Official Statements
and Views Pertaining to Permanent International Organization. Pasvolsky
Papers, Box 3, August 28.
———. 1944d. Memorandum for the Secretary: Progress of Conversations at
Dumbarton Oaks. Pasvolsky Papers, Box 3, August 24.
———. 2015 (1921). The Economics of Communism: With Special Reference to
Russia’s Experiment (Classic Reprint). New York: Forgotten Books.
———. 2016. Russia in the Far East. Kyiv: Leopold Classic Library (Originally
Pasvolsky, Leo, and Howard Moulton. 1926. War Debt Settlements. New York:
Macmillan Company.
Pasvolsky, Leo, and Harold Glen Moulton. 2012 (1924). Russian Debts and
Russian Reconstruction: A Study of the Relation of Russia’s Foreign Debts to Her
Economic Recovery. New York: McGraw-Hill Company/Institute of Economics.
Pollard, Robert. 1985. Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War,
1945–1950. New York: Columbia University Press.
Reynolds, David. 2006. From World War to Cold War: Churchill, Roosevelt and the
International History of the 1940s. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rosenboim, Or. 2015. Geopolitics and Empire: Visions of Regional World Order
in the 1940s. Modern Intellectual History 12 (2): 353–381.
Saul, Norman E. 2006. Friends or Foes? The United States and Soviet Russia,
1921–1941. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas.
Schlesinger, Stephen C. 2004. The Founding of the United Nations: A Story of
Superpowers, Secret Agents Wartime Allies and Enemies and Their Quest for a
Peaceful World. New York: Basic Books.
Shotwell, James T. 1943. 11th Meeting of the ‘Committee to Study the
Organization of the Peace’. Shotwell Papers, Box 242, April 20.
Smith, Neil. 2003. American Empire: Roosevelt’s Geographer and the Prelude to
Globalization. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Spykman, Nicholas. 1942. America’s Strategy in World Politics: The United States
and the Balance of Power. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company.
Trachtenberg, Mark. 1980. Reparation in World Politics, France and European
Economic Diplomacy, 1916–1923. New York: Columbia University Press.
White, Stephen. 1979. Britain and the Bolshevik Revolution. London: Macmillan.
Williams, Andrew J. 1992. Trading with the Bolsheviks: The Politics of East-West
Trade, 1920–1939. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
———. 2007. Failed Imagination? The Anglo-American New World Order from
Wilson to Bush. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
———. 2017. France and the Origins of the United Nations, 1944–45: “Si La
France ne compte plus, qu’on nous le dise”. Diplomacy and Statecraft 28 (2):
Woolner, David. forthcoming. Searching for Cooperation in a Troubled World:
Cordell Hull, Anthony Eden and Anglo-American Relations 1933–38. New York:
take the story up to 1970. His other recent works include Liberalism and War: The
Victors and the Vanquished (2006) and Failed Imagination? The Anglo-American
New World Orders from Wilson to Bush (2nd edition 2007). He was Editor of the
International History Review from 2010 to 2016.
Unleashing Society
Charles F. Howlett
A philosophy addressing both the needs of the individual and society, one
uniting thought and action, defines the true meaning of progressive
reform. At least that is what America’s foremost philosopher of the twen-
tieth century, Columbia University Professor John Dewey, consistently
argued. He linked his form of philosophy, which he called pragmatism, to
the ideology of Progressivism—the political and social reform movement
to improve the human condition—by describing it as the intellectual
expression of a conflict in culture with the vital function of helping human-
kind understand social change. Creative intelligence and the potentialities
for growth of the human mind through advances in science, technology,
economic development, and social organization were far more significant
than any static conception of the mind as nothing more than a mental
storehouse of past understanding. Pragmatism, according to Dewey, was
an active process for reconstructing society through continual experimen-
tation; it was as important as the ends that such reconstruction aimed to
accomplish. Simply put, the means—creative intelligence—could deter-
mine the ends in the name of progress.
White uses the term “destructive intelligence” as distinguished from “creative intelli-
gence”. His purpose is to point out Dewey’s ambivalent stand regarding his philosophical
support for the war.
consist not in money nor in men, but in the final determination of peace
policies which is made possible by the contribution of men and money”.
Here—in these four articles—was the pragmatic manifesto of Dewey’s
philosophy placed at the service of the country at war (Dewey 1929g,
Dewey shared the pro-war progressives’ dream of a world based on
international cooperation and democratic understanding. This military
adventure, he initially felt, provided a means for the development of “a
new social consciousness”, which would unite the collective will of the
populace in favor of democratic reforms at home and abroad (Dewey
1929e, 746). In another article entitled “What Are We Fighting For?” he
argued forcefully that “if we are to have a world safe for democracy and a
world in which democracy is safely anchored, the solution will be in the
direction of a federated world government and a variety of freely experi-
menting and freely cooperating self-governing local, cultural, and indus-
trial groups.” This, according to Dewey, “is the ultimate sanction of
democracy, for which we are fighting” (Dewey 1929h, 559–60).
Not everyone, however, was willing to accept Dewey’s position on mili-
tarism and war. Instead of democracy serving the cause of world peace, it
became the rallying cry for America’s most militant patriots. It became not
an international ideal or domestic social goal, as he had hoped, but an
expression of national value and patriotic fervor. Critics were quick to
point out that military intervention would result in a virulent war psychol-
ogy that would politically incapacitate any chance for rational tolerance
and understanding given demands for national conformity.
Take, for instance, Randolph Bourne. As a former Columbia student,
Bourne was a sympathetic admirer of Dewey’s pragmatic philosophy.
Bourne praised Dewey’s philosophy of progressive education and spread
his ideas on the subject, the core concept of which was instrumentalism:
that the individual pupil was an instrument shaped by the school and the
educational process was the force necessary for changing society and redi-
recting it toward democratic ends. Thus, it was a shock and major disap-
pointment to Bourne when Dewey began arguing for American military
participation in Europe since it seemed to him as an abandonment of the
moral values central to Dewey’s philosophy. Bourne criticized Dewey’s
argument that war might be guided to a constructive conclusion. It was
not so much the pragmatic method of intelligence that irritated Bourne
but the casting aside of values such as nonviolence, social justice, commu-
nal cooperation, and human understanding in the win-the-war rush for
Ratner used the title “Force and Ideals” in his edited book but the original title is “The
Discrediting of Idealism”.
his wartime critics: “The defeat of idealistic aims has been, without exag-
geration, enormous. The consistent pacifist has much to urge now in his
own justification; he is entitled to his flourish of private triumphing”
(Dewey 1929f, 631). The defeat of idealism, he sadly concluded, was due
to a failure of intelligence: an optimistic belief that physical energy in uni-
son with morals and ideals could have a self-propelling and self-executing
Moreover, his New Republic article “Our National Dilemma” pictured
the country as faced with the dilemma that isolation was impossible and
participation was perilous. Having discredited his own idealism, Dewey
now maintained that the foreign policies of France and England were
completely “non-democratic” and bent upon the destruction of Germany.
The United States had an obligation, Dewey vigorously warned, “not to
engage too much or too readily with them until there is assurance that we
shall not make themselves or ourselves worse, rather than better, by what
is called sharing the common burdens of the world” (Dewey 1929i, 619).
Quite clearly, this line of reasoning would have been more appropriate to
the pragmatist argument at the beginning of the war than at its
Marchand also notes that “The identification of peace with order was not unrelated to the
predominance of conservative and moderates in the peace movement in the prewar years.
Conservatives occasionally carried the precepts of the peace movement back into their dis-
cussions of industrial conflicts, their encomiums of judges and the domestic judicial system,
and their general defenses of constitutionalism and legalism. The more radical social reform-
ers of the period, by contrast, were inclined to ignore the prewar peace movement, finding it
too abstract, too far removed from pressing internal problems, and too much the province of
groups unsympathetic to fundamental social reform” (381–382). See also, Wiebe, 1967,
DeBenedetti also pointed out that “progressives looked upon law not as a means of social
control as much as an instrument for purifying democratic processes and abolishing perni-
cious social institutions. Law provided a regenerative means for expanding democracy’s
opportunity to do good, not for checking its excesses. Law imparted progress to change and
sealed the success of popular reform efforts” (1978, 59). Outlawrists, like Dewey, accepted
the existence within American institutions of a moral framework operating according to
objective norms in the best interests of democratic understanding.
diplomatic process moving forward. The daily lives of citizens were con-
sumed by tasks related to their own survival; it was too much to expect
them to appreciate, too, the complex political issues confronting the
United States and the world. Accurate information and dispassionate
judgment on the part of the elites must guide public opinion. Unlike
Dewey, Lippmann did not believe the public was capable of engaging in a
forum where effective decisions could be made after open debate and
Dewey, as Levinson’s acknowledged intellectual spokesman, responded
to Lippmann’s charges. Two articles, published in the New Republic, com-
prised Dewey’s rejoinder. “What Outlawry of War is Not” and “War and
a Code of Law”, subsequently published in pamphlet form as Outlawry of
War: What It Is and Is Not, were ringing defenses of the Outlawry posi-
tion. “It does not say that law and war are the only methods of settling
disputes,” he pointed out in his first article, “but the only way of compel-
ling their settlement-quite a different proposition, and one that I shall
continue to believe until I am shown the contrary”. Conference, concilia-
tion, and mediation, according to Dewey, could be employed more effec-
tively if recourse to war was recognized as a public crime. Here, in this
particular article, it is readily apparent that Dewey was attempting to com-
bine the traditional methods used in international diplomacy with the new
instrument of Outlawry (Dewey 1923, 3–4).
Moreover, a code of law, readers were informed in the second article,
was indeed “manageable”, necessary, and workable if war was to be
declared illegal. Only when people realize the differences between “the
present system of lawless and anarchic international political action and
political action as it would become when associated with law”, he vigor-
ously maintained, could any hope for lasting peace be counted on. Just as
significant, this broadside did not propose to use the threat of force to
produce peace. To Dewey, Lippmann’s argument that Outlawry could
never be enforced was based on a false assumption about the concept of
peace as workable only if backed by use of sanctions or military force.
Peace should become a working disposition of the mind and not consid-
ered achievable only through use of arms—a willingness to use law as the
arbiter for settling international disputes (Dewey 1923, 4–6).
Dewey wanted to highlight the fact that the European powers that
established the League and supported the use of sanctions for enforce-
ment purposes had not entirely abandoned their imperialistic ambitions, as
evidenced by the territorial mandates they had established. Making war
illegal would be the precedent for the world to follow once the public was
sufficiently educated to that fact; his goal was to unite international pub-
lics as an instrument to shape a more inclusive politics in lieu of leaving it
solely to the discretion of state leaders. Outlawry, being a proactive instru-
ment, would establish a worldly minded citizenship through the rule of
law and moral awareness to prevent autocratic and militaristic regimes
from existing in the future. The old idea of Progressive collectivism, as
political action, would now be at work through a world supreme court,
which would bring to justice—surrendered to it by acclimation of a
nation’s citizenry—any government or leader that ignores the wishes of its
people by choosing military force instead of diplomatic reconciliation
(Westbrook 1991, 452–58).
While Lippmann’s criticisms had to be taken seriously, the matter of
collective security clearly challenged the credibility of the Outlawry move-
ment. This challenge came from a respected and close colleague: James
T. Shotwell, Professor of History at Columbia University and the general
editor of the Economic and Social History of the World War. Shotwell, in
two articles, “The Problem of Security” and “What is Meant by Security
and Disarmament”, advocated armament reduction and support for the
utilization of League sanctions as the most effective means for guarantee-
ing national security and international peace. The use of sanctions,
Shotwell believed, would provide for national security by acting as a deter-
rent to future international conflicts. Equally important, he maintained,
was that aggression and self-defense were terms which had to be defined
and held firm in his position that collective security was the best means
presently available for insuring national security and world peace. The
Outlawrists’ unwillingness to support the use of sanctions, while at the
same time maintaining that their movement was not a pacifist one, proved
extremely perplexing to Shotwell. Outlawing war without any stipula-
tions, Shotwell believed, was not only unrealistic but also very unprag-
matic (Shotwell 1925, 159, 1926, 8, 1961, 190–212).
Adding to Dewey and the Outlawrists’ angst was Shotwell’s decision to
introduce a new twist to the Outlawry idea when he urged that a more
practical proposal for achieving peace would be “to renounce war as an
instrument of policy, not, as some pro-court proponents seemed to imply,
‘to renounce war as an instrument of justice’” (Shotwell 1927, 62). The
idea of renouncing war as an instrument of national policy was a term
whose words were commonly used within diplomatic circles, capable of
practical application. Considering himself a realist and one who believed
that the past must be viewed in terms of current economic and social
issues, including their effects on present-day political institutions, Shotwell
was attempting to inject into the debate some measure of harmony. He
clearly thought he could bridge the intellectual differences between the
two camps—Dewey’s effort to make Outlawry more acceptable to public
sentiment as a “non-defensive war” concept and his own support for the
idea of collective security banning wars of aggression.
Unmoved by Shotwell’s efforts in this regard, Dewey wrote another
article firmly supporting the Outlawrists’ position. “As an Example to
Other Nations” was not only a direct attack upon League supporters but
also an appeal urging all American lovers of peace to back American
Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg’s proposal for a “general treaty of
renunciation of war, and thereby executing the spirit of Briand’s [French
Foreign Minister Aristide Briand] original idea of setting an example to
the nations of the world” (Dewey 1929j, 702).5 Briand, initially, seized on
the idea of Outlawry in an attempt to secure a bilateral security pact with
the United States in order to protect France’s own national interests
against future acts of aggression by other European powers, particularly
Finally, on March 28, 1928, Dewey and Shotwell finally came to
sword’s point in an editorial debate in the New Republic entitled “Divergent
Paths to Peace”. The debate centered about what the definition of self-
defense in relationship to acts of aggression and whether or not there is an
obligation to put down aggression. “The enforcement of peace”, Dewey
argued, “is quite another problem from that of defense or aggression”. He
could not accept Shotwell’s argument that there is a distinction between
commitment to a definition and the question of what acceptance of the
definition implies. Calling Shotwell’s argument merely an “academic exer-
cise”, Dewey went on to conclude, “It is part of any realistic devotion to
the cause of international peace to trust to future developments rather
than to any magic inhering an antecedent definitions” (Dewey and
Shotwell 1928, 194–96).
On March 3, Kellogg wrote the following words to Levinson: “I am very glad that men
who are giving deep thought to this subject approve of my stand on the Briand proposal. I
cannot bring myself to the position of undertaking to define aggressive warfare or to make
all kinds of exceptions and reservations as to when nations should go to war. I think when we
get into that field we are in an interminable tangle and I thought it best to cut the Gordian
knot and simply say we renounce war for the settlement of international disputes” (quoted
in Levinson to Dewey, February 8, 1928, 1996, electronic edition). See also, Ellis (1961).
Dewey also took his case directly to the people. In an article entitled
“Outlawing Peace by Discussing War”, which appeared in mid-May,
Dewey gave his own reasons why the public must be well informed if the
treaty was to have any impact on world peace. The public must be edu-
cated as to the possibilities of what Outlawry involves, he told his New
Republic readers. “The American public, and possibly some Senators”,
Dewey contended, “need to be prepared for subsequent efforts that will
have to be made in order to provide the necessary pacific means of
adjustment of disputes. Discussion in terms of what would happen in
case of war distracts attention from the essential need” (Dewey 1929k,
704). The public mind had to be educated, he believed, to offset the
political rhetoric urging support for defensive wars. “If discussion does
not prepare the public mind for the necessity and we are caught unaware,
then when the treaty has been negotiated, we may well be in for another
failure, a failure humiliating to national self-respect and tragic in its con-
sequences for the world” (Dewey 1929k, 706). For Dewey, society
remained a by-product of collective action of rational human beings
composing society. Outlawry represented an educational instrument
designed not for structural change but to inculcate further the habits of
rational, critical, and reflective thought necessary for change. In keeping
with his modality of critical thinking, Outlawry, as a reflection of liberal
internationalist thought, was a method for assimilating “problems of
political power and moral goods to a statement of thinking, of method,
to a model of action and thought” (Mills 1966, 418). Unfortunately,
Dewey’s plea went unheeded. The public, he felt, had not been and was
not being properly informed.
Ultimately, on August 27, 1928, in Paris, the Pact of Paris, or the
Kellogg-Briand Pact, was signed. The day the pact was signed, however,
Dewey sadly told a friend that “he was convinced the Pact would hinder
not help the realization of the Outlawry objective” (Dewey to Levinson,
June 8, 1928, Levinson papers; Ferrell 1953). In Dewey’s opinion, the
Outlawrists had failed to adhere to their abiding principles. In their haste
to sign a treaty, the Outlawrists allowed the politicians to manipulate their
idea, thus, giving further proof that they did not really believe that the
“means” they proposed—educating the moral sentiments of human-
kind—were integrated with the “end” they originally hoped to attain. The
signing of the pact, he felt, which talked of outlawing war as an interna-
tional crime while guaranteeing the “right” to wage defensive wars, was
indeed paradoxical (Ratner 1939, 547).
Dewey’s reservations that the peace pact was too much of an official
diplomatic act without enough previous popular education were subse-
quently borne out with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in September
1931. The pact had failed to prevent acts of aggression by military dicta-
torships including Japan, which had been one of the original 15 nations to
sign it. In response to this event, Dewey wrote another article “Peace by
Pact or Covenant”, encouraging all Americans to pledge their support for
the Pact of Paris. Pointing out that the pact had been prematurely adopted
and that it represented the “termination of the maneuvers of diplomats”
instead of the conclusion of “an irresistible public demand”, Dewey cau-
tiously warned that “there has…always been the danger that official adop-
tion of the Outlawry idea would turn out to be an embalming of the idea
rather than an embodiment of it” (Dewey 1932, 145). Japan’s recent
action in Manchuria was clear evidence that “the public’s grasp of and
belief in the Kellogg-Briand Pact is still lamentably superficial” (Dewey
1932, 146). In an impassioned way, Dewey pleaded for lovers of peace to
concentrate their attention upon the peace pact. “They should deny them-
selves”, Dewey reasoned, “the use of all methods of agitation and appeal
which are contrary to its letter and spirit” (Dewey 1932, 146). If this
were done, he believed that the work of public education, “which was
interrupted by the more or less premature official adoption of the Pact”,
could be resumed and undertaken more vigorously than before (Dewey
1932, 147).
In hindsight, however, it is obvious that Dewey’s defense of Outlawry
as a popular democratic mandate presented two contradictory reactions as
seen through a critical historical lens—a lens that labeled the movement
naïve and idealistic. Perhaps the crux of the matter was trying to convince
the public that Outlawry could meet all individual and emotional needs
without imposing any additional intellectual investments. It was because
of its simplicity that the Outlawry idea was supposed to win out, having
the weight of public morality behind it. But according to one Dewey biog-
rapher, “The difficulty of squaring instrumental rationality in the manage-
ment of public affairs with the affective and emotional commitments and
needs of individuals and groups in modern society is a common theme, as
is the search for a kind of ‘intelligence’ in self-government that does not
boil down to economic, cost-benefit calculation on the one hand, or float
up toward an appeal to a Hegelian or Platonic Reason on the other.”
When it came to the matter of making war illegal based on popular will,
moral conviction, and the role of intelligence, it was “hard to repress the
thought that Dewey may simply have been asking too much of democratic
politics” (Ryan 1995, 217–18).
Dewey’s emphasis on persuading public opinion also accounts for the
other reactions. The question became how to convince the public that
making war illegal by injecting the law with a dose of morality—which
would then immunize nations from relying on the means of enforce-
ment—was a reasonable choice to make. The attempt to push American
foreign policy makers into getting nations to agree not to use instruments
of power led to an unforeseen outcome: peace became associated with
avoiding war instead of an ongoing process of political and diplomatic
accommodation. Relying on the weight of world opinion to make it real-
ity, rather than a means of enforcement for those who violated the pact—
Dewey’s objections aside—and not addressing what constituted
self-defense and when self-defense could be lawfully claimed, proved
insurmountable. Those in the public sector favoring collective security as
part of political and diplomatic negotiations, for instance, disagreed with
Dewey’s logic. Realistically, the only knowledge and experience embedded
in the popular mind was reliance on military measures, in the name of self-
defense, once a nation is attacked (Ryan 1995, 219–220). At that point,
ironically, the conventional diplomatic process to negotiate an end to the
fighting in the name of peace gets underway.
Nevertheless, in keeping with the pragmatic process of experimental-
ism, Dewey considered Outlawry as both an end to the war system and the
means for the democratization of international politics. Philosophically, it
was in Outlawry—the instrument to educate world opinion of its moral
responsibilities to reject war and militarism—that Dewey, the thinker,
placed his hopes for pragmatism’s postwar effectiveness as a working dis-
position of the mind; Outlawry, as a process, would thus enable the public
to reach an intelligent decision forsaking the use of military force perma-
nently. There would be no need then for nations to support the concept
of defensive war or any form of armed combat for that matter. The rule of
world law, as demanded by global opinion and reinforced by moral obliga-
tion, would insure a nation’s security, not the call to arms—this is what
citizens, when educated to the fullest extent, would demand of their dip-
lomats. This process, to him, represented Progressivism’s fulfillment of an
engaged citizenry.
From the very beginning of his involvement in the movement, Dewey
unflinchingly and unreservedly argued that “[t]he outlawing of war pro-
vides a common centre for the expression of this community of moral
emotion and desire. International law against war would produce the same
condensing, precipitating, crystallizing effect for morals with respect to
international relations that law has supplied everywhere else in its historic
development.” Continuing his argument, he went on to insist that “the
existing legal sanction of war inevitably confers upon it a moral sanction
which in the end encourages war. What law authorizes is a powerful influ-
ence in determining moral ideas and aspirations in the mass of men…. [U]
ntil war is outlawed by conjoint international action there is no opportu-
nity for existing moral sentiments to function effectively in international
relations, and next to no hope for the speedy development of a coherent
and widely accepted body of moral ideas which will be effective in deter-
mining international relations” (Dewey 1983a, 63–64).6
Thus, the movement to outlaw war, regardless of its political shortcom-
ings and charges of naiveté, clearly illustrated Dewey’s readiness to reinter-
pret his World War I distinction between force and violence; he finally
admitted that using military force as an instrument for peace was in reality
accepting the employment of violent means. His previous support for the
fulfillment of democratic idealism through the use of force no longer was
pragmatically justifiable. “In arguing for the removal of the sanction of law
from war”, one historian convincingly explains, “Dewey was now banning
war from the realm of efficient means to anything other than morally inde-
fensible ends. In terms of his earlier distinction between force and vio-
lence, war was now inevitably violence” (Westbrook 1991, 274).
Where the peace pact proved effective as an instrument of American diplomatic policy was
when the Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson protested Japan’s 1931 invasion of Manchuria.
Its last application occurred at the Nuremberg war-guilt trials after World War II as a basis
for prosecution; all wars, preventive or defensive, just or unjust, were regarded as illegal only
if waged after the signing of the Pact of Paris. In the last case, a moral c ondemnation was
attached to the legal judgment rendered—a point Dewey all along had encouraged.
We have heard much of late of the international munitions trade, and of the
fact that international organizations in the armament and munition indus-
tries supply, for a profit, even their potential enemies in war. While we blame
the munition-makers let us recall that these “merchants of death” are symp-
toms of the present disorder and anarchy in international relations. If we
really want to put an end to this one flourishing form of international trade
we must establish that cooperation among nations that will cut the ground
out from under their feet. As long as nations fear each other, and every
nation sees in other nations, and with good reason, danger of lowered stan-
dards of living in their home population, governments will have no difficulty
in persuading even an impoverished nation to buy the arms and munitions
by which the merchants of death wax fat and bloated. (Dewey 1935a, 6–7)
Dewey was convinced that the current economic disorder would inevi-
tably pave the way for a growing martial spirit which would, in a matter of
time, gradually take hold of the American mind. What was needed imme-
diately, he believed, was to establish an international conference to work
on the problems of free trade and world cooperation. The popular notion
Eventually, the United States would be dragged into another world war.
This time, Dewey chose not to unite a romantic national idealism with a
realistic Progressivism as he had done in World War I. The lessons he
learned from that war would serve a more constructive purpose, which he
hoped could still be applied once the current conflict ended. Indeed,
between the world wars, Dewey called for a more civic engagement against
war, noting that democracy is a disposition that seeks to bridge differ-
ences, form common interests, reflect critically on beliefs and values, and
promote knowledge addressing the core challenges of a “global village”.
As a public intellectual, Dewey used his understanding of progressive
reform to separate himself from the application of disciplinary knowledge
and expertise and to insist, instead, that passive communities become part
of the public debate.
That was certainly the message he previously delivered in what many
consider his best interwar political commentary, The Public and Its
promotion of human freedom were cast onto the global sphere. His
thoughts and actions were in line with the progressive peace ideology of
the interwar period, which “searched for alternative conceptions of power
that would allow the United States to achieve the foreign policy goals…
without transforming the nation into a militarized state that practiced the
traditional power politics of eighteenth-and nineteenth-century Europe”
(Johnson 1995, 5).
Dewey’s own search for ideological definitions of power, suspicions of
the growth of a garrison state accompanying America’s rise to world
power, and the formal diplomatic practices of the time, one historian has
noted, were representative of the “Peace Progressivism [that] came into
existence as a self-conscious left-wing alternative to Wilson’s foreign pol-
icy agenda,” one advocating an “alternative to corporatism, combining
disarmament and anti-imperialism with elements of American moral, dip-
lomatic, and economic power” (Johnson 1995, 314; Ekirch 1956). And
as Cochran also observes regarding Dewey’s political journalism, “…
Dewey wrote on many themes important to liberal internationalists….
What unifies these writings is an underlying concern that the moral inclu-
sion of individuals be made effective in the relations between states, that a
new diplomacy should arise out the destruction of World War I…[giving]
recognition to the humanity of each individual and assist in the develop-
ment of human capacities, making manifest the idea of democracy in inter-
national affairs” (Cochran 2012, 141). Dewey, the public thinker and
progressive social democrat, recognized the importance of the individual’s
moral commitment to peace and attempted to apply it to the art of inter-
national diplomacy. The time had come to replace traditional political
demands for war with contemporary social needs for democratic
Bourne, Randolph. 1964. Twilight of Idols. In War and the Intellectuals, ed. Carl
Resek, 3–14. New York: Harper & Row.
Boydston, Jo Ann, ed. 1969–1991. The Collected Works of John Dewey, 1882–1953.
Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1969–1991. They are cata-
logued as The Early Works, The Middle Works, and The Latter Works.
Cochran, Molly. 2010. Dewey as an International Thinker. In The Cambridge
Companion to John Dewey, ed. Molloy Cochran, 309–336. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
———. 1929i. Our National Dilemma. In Characters and Events: Popular Essays
in Social and Political Philosophy, ed. Joseph Ratner, vol. II, 615–619.
New York: Henry Holt & Co.
———. 1929j. As an Example to Other Nations. In Characters and Events:
Popular Essays in Social and Political Philosophy, ed. Joseph Ratner, vol. II,
697–702. New York: Henry Holt & Co.
———. 1929k. Outlawing Peace by Discussing War. In Characters and Events:
Popular Essays in Social and Political Philosophy, ed. Joseph Ratner, vol. II,
703–706. New York: Henry Holt & Co.
———. 1932. Peace by Pact or Covenant? New Republic 70: 145–147.
———. 1935a. International cooperation or International Chaos. People’s Lobby
Bulletin 4: 6–8.
———. 1935b. Liberalism and Social Action. New York: Capricorn Books.
———. 1983a. Ethics and Internatinal Relations. In The Middle Works, ed. Jo Ann
Boydston, vol. 15, 53–64. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
———. 1983b. “Shall the United States Join the World Court” Part II. In The
Middle Works, ed. Jo Ann Boydstoin, vol. 15, 87–104. Carbondale, IL:
Southern Illinois University Press.
Dewey, John, and James T. Shotwell. 1928. Divergent Paths to Peace. New
Republic 54: 194–196.
Dykhuizen, George. 1973. The Life and Mind of John Dewey. Carbondale, IL:
Southern Illinois University Press.
Ekirch, Arthur A., Jr. 1956. The Civilian and the Military. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Ellis, Ethan. 1961. Frank B. Kellogg and American Foreign Relations, 1925–1929.
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Ferrell, Robert E. 1953. Peace in Their Time: The Origins of the Kellogg-Briand
Pact. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Hickman, Larry, ed. 1996. The Collected Works of John Dewey, 1882–1953 and the
Correspondence of John Dewey, 1882–1953. Electronic ed. Charlottesville, VA:
Intelex Corp.
Howlett, Charles F., and Audrey Cohan. 2016. John Dewey, America’s Peace-
Minded Educator. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Johnson, Robert David. 1995. The Peace Progressives and American Foreign
Relations. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Levinson, S.O. 1923. Papers, Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago,
April 27.
Lippmann, Walter. 1923. Outlawry of War. Atlantic Monthly 132: 245–253.
Marchand, C. Roland. 1972. The American Peace Movement and Social Reform,
1898–1918. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Martin, Jay. 2002. The Education of John Dewey. New York: Columbia University
Molly Cochran
Jane Addams was born in 1860, to an affluent and political Illinois family1
and died in 1935, winning the Nobel Peace prize in 1931 for her social
reform work as co-founder of the Hull House Settlement in Chicago and
her leadership of the Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom
(WILPF). Recognizing her symbolic significance to Americans on matters
of social justice, the reform-minded Progressive Party asked Jane Addams
to second Theodore Roosevelt’s nomination for President in 1912. She,
like fellow American progressives—many of whom were children of the
American Civil War—experienced a turbulent era of rapid industrial
change, mass immigration, and the Great Depression as well as global
conflict. Her response was directed involvement and experimental activity
toward improving social, economic, and political conditions—making
better, the lot of ordinary people.
Her father, to whom Addams was devoted, was a founding member of the Illinois
Republican Party and an Illinois State Senator, who in that office supported the campaign of
his friend, Abraham Lincoln, to the US Senate.
M. Cochran (*)
Department of Social Science, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
World War I would impel the USA to draw upon American national ideals
in remaking the ways international politics would be managed and con-
trolled, Addams disagreed. The most useful aspect of the American experi-
ence was its internationalism, rather than its nationalism, on which to
model a new mode of diplomacy; that is, the immigrant experience, immi-
grant communities, and their integration into American society, which laid
out what an engaging community with all its diversity, demands of a citi-
zenry morally. Finally, Addams held that, what American pragmatism
intended by democracy as a way of life was not in accord with either US
imperialism or its entry into World War I. Whereas Croly would argue that
imperialism was an important phase in the unfolding of America’s poten-
tial as a nation, and Lippmann would offer a geostrategic logic for US
entry into World War I to protect the USA, UK, and France from the
dangers of a German controlled Atlantic, Addams saw these as unworkable
attitudes and institutions, ill-equipped to deliver democratic ends.
This chapter will illuminate Addams’s distinctive progressivism and
pragmatism. It will reveal Addams to be unique among the progressive
thinkers in shaping its humanism into a working cosmopolitan ethos that
met human ills through an “on-the-ground” international activism
across a wide-range of domestic and international social reform issues.
Addams chose to steer “new diplomacy” toward concern for human
social relations rather than the foreign relations of states. In an age of
thought and action for radical social justice at home, Addams outlined a
realistic utopia of cosmopolitan justice, rooted in actually existing inter-
national social relations. However, this nascent internationalism needed
nurturing. Addams would leave it to neither philosophical reasoning,
nor interest-based reasoning anchored in some proposed sense of inter-
national interdependence, to do that work. Primarily, it required motiva-
tion. It needed relational work which focused on sources of
motivation—primitive, emotional, and sentimental—to inspire compas-
sion for distant others and see them as worthy subjects of social justice.2
It is Addams’s take on pragmatist method—inseparable from her lived
A recent edited volume by Susan Dieleman, David Rondel, and Christopher Voparil,
Pragmatism and Justice (2017, 6) addresses the “conspicuous silence” in Pragmatism on
the idea of justice. The editors are convincing on the why of it, writing that its focus on
the concrete over the abstract, its distaste for a priori theorizing, and its “deep and persis-
tent pluralism, both in respect to what justice is and requires, and in respect to how
real-world injustices are best recognized and remedied” all contribute. However, justice
remains a prominent feature of Addams’s thought and activism despite its failure to reso-
nate with what one finds on the concept in the twentieth century literature that John
Rawls’s Theory of Justice (1971) spawned. This chapter will illuminate justice consider-
ations at the center of her radical social ethics.
In accordance with her father’s wishes, Addams attended Rockford Seminary, a school
that trained girls for teaching and missionary work. It had been her aim to attend Smith
College and earn a BA. However, a year after her graduation from the Seminary she returned
to be one of the first of its students confirmed with a BA after it became Rockford College.
Her lifelong health problems began when she contracted tuberculosis of the spine as a
child, leaving her spine curved and partly rigid (Knight 2005, 36).
Dewey named his daughter Jane after Jane Addams and dedicated his 1935 book
Liberalism and Social Action to Addams’s memory. When Dewey’s young son Gordon died
overseas, Addams held a memorial service at Hull House; her eulogy for Gordon is printed
in The Excellent Becomes the Permanent (Addams 1932).
matisms of all kinds, so that inquiry into human problems can be generally
open. What counts as a good idea cannot be determined in advance or
stipulated as a rule or abstract principle. Instead, it is discovered in an
experimental process of social interaction and inquiry which ebbs and
flows and has no natural end, reflecting the contingent nature of truth.
Nonetheless, it will have this essence: an attitude of commitment to
engage one another in solving shared indeterminacies, and inclusively so
amidst all those affected—no matter differences in race, ethnicity, class,
and gender. For Dewey, problem-solving is best done in publics (Dewey
1927), which cohere through the knowledge that individuals are “in it
together”, so to speak; the more inquirers investigating doubts in relation
to shared indeterminacies, bringing their particular experience and knowl-
edge to it, the better for critical inquiry. In other words, pragmatism is
oriented to treating individuals equally as subjects of justice, for both
democratic and epistemic reasons. Addams found value in the link between
democratic virtues and epistemic virtues in pragmatist method.
However, it was Addams’s experience as a woman, and the fact that she
was as much an activist across a range of social issues as she was a thinker, that
generated her contribution to pragmatist method.6 Her method was forged in
the Settlement movement that had its start as a Christian social reform move-
ment in England. Addams found inspiration there when she visited Toynbee
Hall in London’s East end in 1888. The settlement house was something
apart from other charitable organizations working to extend resources to the
poor; instead of charity, college-educated middle- and upper-middle-class
young men7 lived among the poor, engaging them in a range of educational
and cultural pursuits to address the whole person and not just his or her mate-
rial requirements. When Jane Addams took the Settlement idea home to
America and co-founded Hull House with Ellen Gates Star, less than two
years later, it would be staffed by college-educated women rather than men,
with privileges and outlooks—religious and humanist—that generated in
them a sense of social responsibility. Addams’s take on the Settlement house
was less about charitable “improvement” as such. Her unique impact within
the Settlement movement was to conceive of Hull House as an experimental
The significance of Jane Addams for her contributions to the intellectual tradition of
American pragmatism has received considerable attention in recent decades. See Deegan
(1988), Mahowald (1997), McKenna (2001), Seigfried (1991, 1996, 1999), and Sarvasy
These were Oxford and Cambridge graduates typically, since Settlement houses in
England were sponsored by these Universities.
site for multicultural exchange that could potentially uplift all through the
sympathetic knowledge imparted by their mutual interaction, feeding demo-
cratic life.
Thus, Addams’s take on pragmatist method was feminist and relational
(Seigfried 1999, Sarvasy 2010), and it was socially radical (Lynd 1961,
Deegan 1988, Hamington 2004). In the context of the Progressive era,
Addams lived the method in Hull House and in the immigrant neighbor-
hoods of the 19th Ward of Chicago,8 inquiring into not only political,
rights-based disparities, but economic, social, and cultural barriers that
impeded effective democratic participation for African-Americans, immi-
grants, women, and the working poor generally. Her concerns with inclu-
sion and exclusion, entitlements, and the cultural and material wherewithal
for democratic participation are justice concerns, and radical for their criti-
cal epistemic and emancipatory social content. Her practical judgments in
relation to this experience led her to the belief that real and wide social
inclusion was necessary for intelligent social inquiry. Dewey would have
agreed, but Addams went further to argue that what generates the requi-
site democratic social ethics—and here she had something to teach
Dewey—was plural and diverse human interaction and the reconstruction
it affects upon our sympathies and attitudes. For Addams, it is through
seeking diverse relational experience in day-to-day living that democracy
better equips itself for adjustment in the face of rapid societal change.
Indeed, Dewey would credit Addams with bringing to pragmatism the
idea of democracy as “a way of life”.9
Addams writes that between Halsted Street, where Hull House was located, and the river
“live about ten thousand Italians: Neapolitans, Sicilians, and Calabrians, with an occasional
Lombard or Venetian. To the south on Twelfth Street are many Germans, and side streets are
given over almost entirely to Polish and Russian Jews. Further south, these Jewish colonies
merge into a huge Bohemian colony, so vast that Chicago ranks as the third Bohemian city
in the world. To the northwest are many Canadian-French, clannish in spite of their long
residence in America, and to the north are many Irish and first generation Americans” (1892,
In his 1902–03 “Lectures on the Sociology of Ethics”, Dewey recommends reading
Addams’s Democracy and Social Ethics for its presentation of “a series of concrete social-
ethical problems, in a very concrete way, and at the same time in a way that presupposes
general principles” (Lecture 9, October 16, 1902, 2303). In Lecture 22, Dewey returns to
the point, saying, “the most original and powerful part of this book is the clear statement, -
which I cannot recall as ever having been stated before so definitely, - that democracy means
certain types of experience, - an interest in experience in its various forms and types…You set out
with an interest in life,—in experience; in life because it is the experience of people. Hence the
demand for becoming acquainted,—for making that a part of your experience” (emphasis
added; November 18, 1902, 2379–80). Dewey was well acquainted with democracy as “a
way of life” lived in Hull House, serving on its board and providing lectures there. He wrote
to Addams of his first visit in 1892, “[m]y indebtedness to you for giving me insight into
matters there is great…Every day I stayed there only added to my conviction that you had
taken the right way” (quoted in Davis 1973, 96–7).
who repudiated the language and customs of their elders and counted
themselves successful as they were able to ignore the past” (Addams 1923,
37). Here too Addams worked to make Hull House a site for mediation
of this divide. She writes of “an overmastering desire to reveal the humbler
immigrant parents to their own children”, leading to the creation of the
Hull House Labor Museum with Saturday evening exhibits of varieties of
spinning performed by immigrant women and lectures on industrial his-
tory (Addams 1923, 235). The aim was to foster a “sense of relation” and
meaning between the generations through revealing the connection of
traditional crafts with industry of the day. “Could we not interest the
young people working in the neighboring factories, in these older forms
of industry, so that, through their own parents and grandparents, they
would find a dramatic representation of the inherited resources of their
daily occupation” and perhaps, “a foundation for reverence of the past”.10
The general social unease of this era was being shaped not only by cul-
tural and generational change, but also by profound social and economic
changes connected with industrialism: extreme poverty, poor working
conditions, few workers’ rights, uninteresting and dispiriting work, a rise
in consciousness of class divisions, and dislocation, crime and delinquency
connected with urban life in industrial cities. According to Lewis Feuer,
radical intellectuals in America were “discovering sociological determin-
ism, the operation of impersonal historical forces … finding that poverty
had social causes” linked to the social environment and the economic sys-
tem (Feuer 1959, 547). Daniel Levine writes that a new outlook on pov-
erty was emerging in the early twentieth century, which linked it not to
differences between individuals but to an “evil economic system or an evil
social system”, and that not just “the dying needed help, but also those on
the edges of impoverishment” (Levine 1964, 11). Accompanying this out-
look was the idea that there was new scope for human action.
Hull House was, for all intents and purposes, a cooperative of women
sociologists led by Addams, who sought knowledge of, and assisted exper-
imental activity in, the ways of democratic life as they understood it; that
is, as having ethical and radical social intent. As Staughton Lynd writes,
they sought to prove “the scope and exact proportions of their society’s
sickness” (1961, 57). They gathered statistics, investigated factories, con-
It is perhaps interesting to note that another interest of Addams’s in relating the story of
this activity is to share, “[t]here has been some testimony that the Labor Museum has
revealed the charm of woman’s primitive activities” (Addams 1923, 243).
Addams writes that this idea was associated with the original Settlement movement in
England where inspiration for Hull House was found (1923, 38).
Addams was a co-founder with Chrystal Eastman of the American Civil Liberties Union
and a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Dewey and Addams both accepted Darwinism and were influenced by his theory of
evolution. Peter Kropotkin, the anarchist and follower of Darwin who saw in evolution
cooperation as well as struggle, spent time at Hull House in 1901.
This was a view consistent with the evolutionary anthropology of her day. More on the
imprint of ancient race memory can be found in her book, The Long Road of Women’s Memory
(Addams 1916). Marilyn Fischer (2004, 87) notes in her review of the 2002 edition with
introduction by Charlene Haddock Seigfried that mention is made in a Los Angeles Times
review of The Long Road of a blurb on its slipcover saying, “[t]he underlying purpose of the
book is to show wherein modern civilization goes back to old tribal customs, to explain, in
other words, the scientific theory of race memory”. Fischer critiques Seigfried for not provid-
ing in her introduction, context for this science known at the time of publication, which is
not as recoverable today for the contemporary reader.
The essay is based on a lecture Addams gave at a summer school in Plymouth
Massachusetts with those involved in the early days of the American Settlement movement
(Addams 1923, 113). The essay was originally published in Philanthropy and Social Progress,
but much of it is reproduced as Chapter VI of Twenty Years at Hull House she says, because
it was “impossible to formulate with the same freshness those early motives and strivings, and
… it was received by the Settlement people themselves as a satisfactory statement. Here I will
refer to the original published essay” (Addams 1893).
which failed to secure the good of all. “We are forced to acknowledge that
it is only in our local and national politics that we try very hard for the
ideal [of democracy]…We have almost given it up as our ideal in social
intercourse” (1893, 3), where Addams believed it was sorely needed. The
second was Addams’s invocation of the “primordial” motives within us to
assist in the development of our race life; that is, how “[o]ur very organ-
ism holds memories and glimpses of that long life of our ancestors which
still goes on among so many of our contemporaries” (1893, 12), the will
to helpfulness, to act, especially among the youth who are as “yet so undi-
rected” and to her mind was “as pitiful as the other great mass of destitute
lives”; indeed, “[o]ne is supplementary to the other” (1893, 16). Thirdly,
she sees evident “a certain renaissance of Christianity” (1893, 2), a move-
ment resembling Christianity’s early humanitarianism which over the ages
saw that fellowship with others in social relationships had fostered “a deep
enthusiasm for humanity” and in sharing “the common lot that they
might receive the constant revelation” (1893, 18). Writing in a more con-
temporary idiom, Addams says this humanism takes on “simple and natu-
ral expression in the social organism itself” (1893, 19). The Settlement
movement was evidence of a growing humanitarianism for Addams and
arguably, Hull House was a manifestation of realistic utopia as she envi-
sioned it.16
This essay of 1893 anticipates the global turn her thought and action
would take: the exploration of what could generate the dynamic demo-
cratic social ethics needed at this level of interaction too. There she writes
that “the good we secure for ourselves is … floating in mid-air; until it is
secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life” (1893, 7).
With America’s entry into the club of imperial powers and World War I,
social conditions had shifted in another set of troubling directions that
produced in her a will to cultivate a democratic attitude for living globally.
However, our social relatedness in this arena required illumination, and
again she turned her attention to the motivations that might generate a
global ethics of this kind.
Drawing upon McKenna (2001, 86), Hamington (2007, 173) identifies Hull House as
a feminist, process utopia. A process utopia is context in which a series of realistic goals are
set out in a manner such that once fulfilled, possibility for the next among the “ends-in view”
to be achieved is enhanced (McKenna 2001, 86).
WILPF’s work was as relational as Hull House had been. WILPF said
to its membership in 1919, the “importance of a movement like ours is
measured, not by numbers but by moral power and the genuine devotion
of each individual member…. New courage and growing confidence in
and affection for one another are our best assets.”17 That relational work
was conducted over many thousands of miles, with none of the advantages
of social media today. There was interaction within separate national orga-
nizations of WILPF and between national organizations, which were
orchestrated through the National and International Executives. In addi-
tion to cherished time together at bi-annual (or at times tri-annual)
International Congresses—were speaking tours among members—news-
letters linking national sections and educational programs like the WILPF
summer schools. And WILPF too had a house, La Maison Internationale;
its International Headquarters at 6, rue du Vieux College in Geneva, from
which the International Secretary worked in coordinating its lobbying of
the League of Nations, and hosted lectures and events. WILPF members
were always welcome to visit and take rooms when available.
Jane Addams was central to the sense of community WILPF achieved,
and her leadership style infused the organization with her pragmatic
method. Under Addams’s leadership, the first Congress at The Hague put
into effect deliberative and democratic methods of procedure that opera-
tionalized values of inclusivity, openness to difference, critical debate, and
an experimental attitude.18 Resolutions issued at their Congresses and
International Executive meetings were not only deliberatively and consen-
sually arrived at, but they were, in the minds of these women, their best
efforts at knowledge creation in relation to effective solutions to real prob-
lems. They offered themselves as a knowledge community, expert in the
sensibilities that can be derived from women’s experience as mothers,
nurses, social workers, and teachers whose experiences were underex-
plored and who were unrepresented in the international political dis-
courses of the day. The WILPF was an international testing ground for the
pragmatist notion of “pooled intelligence”.19
WILPF News-sheet 1, May 26, 1919. Swarthmore College Peace Collection Microfilm
Reel 102:128.
Anne Marie Pois (1988) provides a compelling account of the democratic organizational
process exhibited in US WILPF during these years with insights into the workings of its
International Executive as well.
As Dewey (1937, 220) wrote of it, “what we call intelligence be distributed in unequal
amounts, it is the democratic faith that it is sufficiently general so that each individual has
something to contribute whose value can be assessed only as it enters into the final pooled
intelligence constituted by the contributions of all”.
WILPF would grow to 33 countries with national sections. From its early history,
WILPF strived for diversity; however, it was not successful in altering the overwhelming
majority of its white, well-off, and well-educated American and European membership.
For example, Emily Balch, International Secretary of WILPF, wrote to President
Franklin D. Roosevelt on 15 November 1934 urging him to use the power of his office to
end lynching in America (Balch to Roosevelt 1934). This was a matter of the peace work of
the WILPF, because as Balch argues in the letter, “every example of lawlessness and violence
in one country reacts in every other” and closes by saying that the Nazis justified their per-
secution of the Jews with reference to the treatment of Negros in America.
According to Emily Balch, WILPF was the first international body to issue “considered
criticism” of the Covenant of the League of Nations and condemnation of the Peace Pact
(Balch 1938, 9–10). Their critique is reported in the New York Times, 15 and 16 May 1919.
political terms of the Allied victors, WILPF decided at the Zurich Congress
to work with the new organization. The League was an important resource
for them, since the League employed a rhetoric of democracy consistent
with the liberal internationalism born of the Progressive era, and was, like
the WILPF’s, expansive. The rights of small nations and minorities gained
new acceptance through the League, but also the social and economic
needs of individuals were to be part of its purview. The League’s Social
Section addressed issues such as fair labor standards, the control of disease,
and action in relation to the traffic in women, children, and drugs. WILPF
attached itself to the League offices, catching League officials in corridors
if not in meeting rooms, pressing its views.
WILPF began with food politics, taking up concerns related to food
shortages and relief work. They enjoyed early success in helping to per-
suade the League to take on humanitarian relief work in the case of thou-
sands of Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek women and children who were
being held captive in conditions of slavery and forced prostitution in
Turkey. WILPF also engaged in political democratic reform work, urging
that the League make the Covenant more easily amendable, advocating
German membership, lobbying for the direct representation of peoples,
and keeping channels of communication open with voluntary or non-
governmental organizations. It pressed the League to make good on its
claim to be representative of women, and to protect minorities and native
peoples within its Mandates system. With other international women’s
organizations, it urged that a place on the Mandates Commission be per-
manently reserved for a woman. The first, and only, two women to serve
were WILPF members.
Addams’s approach to the WILPF reflected the three subjective neces-
sities of the Settlement movement, and mirrored the activity at Hull
House. First, Addams insisted that democracy should be interpreted in
social terms for the global realm. This was reflected in her insistence that
the human factor must be brought into the foreground of the relations
between states and any new forms of international organization. Whether
a dynamic social democracy of the nation or for the world, the basic idea
was the same for Addams: an attitude of respect for all persons was
required, motivated through the relations of global neighbors engaged in
the daily practices of life-sustaining activities. Diplomacy that made indi-
viduals and not only states—subjects of justice—and a justice that was
conceived not only in political terms but in its economic, social, and cul-
tural aspects was also a requirement. For Addams, states placed limits on
For Addams, the moment was ripe for investing women’s experience
and primal sympathies with epistemic authority. War “had forced the
nations to consider together the primitive questions of famine and pesti-
lence” (Addams 1922, 85), enabling new ethical possibilities. The practi-
cal work of women managing global food needs, cross-border health
issues, and the suffering of refugees—as happened in the war years and
immediately after, would make contributions to internationalism like
those she attributed to the networks of immigrants she lived and worked
with at Hull House, which were “interlacing nation to nation with a thou-
sand kindly deeds” (Addams 1916, 132). Thus, Addams transformed the
starvation struggle into a global politics in which she encouraged women
to seek out new inter-societal outlets for fulfilling this age-old
Finally, this new global social ethic was grounded in humanitarian sen-
timent, into which Addams channeled much democratic hope.27 It was a
cosmopolitanism ethos that understood all human beings as linked in
community—regardless of nation, race, religion, or sex—and deserving of
equal moral respect. Judith Green argues that Addams’s “renascent
Christianity” impelled her “expansive social interpretation of the demo-
cratic ideal” (2010, 229). However, this cosmopolitan outlook was, as
Wendy Sarvasy (2010, 297) points out, also part of what Addams believed
to be the college-educated woman’s inheritance—to become, in Addams
words, “a citizen of the world”, taking on the responsibility of “the human
claim” (Addams 1898, 4). Allen F. Davis (1973, 52) argues that Addams’s
decision to start a Settlement house and to live among the working poor
was “essentially a religious act”, despite never resolving her religious
doubts. I believe this holds for her international involvements through
WILPF too. As much might be read from her tombstone which bears the
words: “Jane Addams of Hull House and the Women’s International
League for Peace and Freedom”. The work of WILPF in Geneva was a
I use the words “democratic hope” intentionally to signpost a title by one of the most
important “new” pragmatists, Richard Rorty (2005), who turned to the international—
invoking sentiment and its uses in cultivating a global “human rights culture” (Rorty 1993).
Like Addams, he is looking forward, positing an idea of social justice contingently held, and
sources for affecting understanding in relation to it. There are good reasons to think about
the parallels between the democratic social ethics of Addams’s pragmatism and Rorty’s own,
both locally and globally, and their radical, critical intentions. Rorty credits Dewey’s influ-
ence on his thought, but he forgets Addams’s influence on Dewey. For a comparison of
Addams and Rorty on “ameliorating injustice”, see Voparil (2017).
Addams believed that war’s end would be best won by a neutral US brokering peace. See
Addams, Balch, and Hamilton (2003).
that is best fueled and tested through plural and diverse perspectives. It is
in these situations of seeking out diverse perspectives that the mettle of our
ideas gets tested. When our arguments meet opposition, unless blinded by
dogma, we are forced to give pause.29
Addams’s take on pragmatist method aimed to create connections and
explore the sentiments women held, projecting them outward into civic
and international realms, enlarging sympathy and a sense of social respon-
sibility. Her method was both a relational epistemology and a call to dem-
ocratic social advocacy. Making good on this aim meant seeing from the
margins of society—from the vantage point of women, poor, immigrants,
minorities, and native peoples—looking for what spurs a democratic atti-
tude in matters of everyday life—not normally invested with democratic
significance internationally. For Addams, these groups, and the particular
complex of inequalities each experienced, carry a different form of embod-
ied knowledge from which we find alternative ways into knowledge
creation for coping with social change. This knowledge is good in and of
itself, but as a knowledge felt it triggers a sense of responsibility to engage
others in working cooperatively toward not just better coping, but cosmo-
politan justice. As Addams writes in Newer Ideals of Peace, we are changed
through the relational process as we seek “diversified human experience
and resultant sympathy” (1907, 7). It is the thesis of this book, but the
idea is suffused throughout her life’s work as well: that just social institu-
tions are humane institutions built on “sympathetic knowledge” fostered
in immediate relational experience.
Dewey posed the problem of the public, but it was Addams whose
thought and action worked toward assisting publics in finding themselves.
She illuminated at domestic and global levels the nature and scope of shared
social ills, applied and tested what her idea of democratic social ethics might
contribute to alleviating those ills, and looked all the while for what gener-
ates social sentiment and importantly, what turns sentiment into moral
energy and democratic action of this kind. Addams was unique among prag-
matists for the focused attention she gave to the motivations required to
nurture any emergent possibilities for cosmopolitan justice and what associ-
ated feeling and accompanying knowledge can contribute to it.
At a speech on the occasion of Dewey’s 70th birthday, Addams said, “[o]nly once in a
public crisis did I find my road taking a sharp right angle to the one he recommended. That
fact, in and of itself, gave me pause to think and almost threatened my confidence” (Addams
WILPF, like Hull House, worked as a knowledge community, appointing referents to
become experts in areas of League policy that WILPF wanted to influence; referents would
conduct research, and organize site visits and conferences with relevant experts.
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WILPF News-sheet 1. 1919. Swarthmore College Peace Collection Microfilm
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Cornelia Navari
To the Nobel Prize Committee, 26 Nov 1951, Shotwell Papers, Columbia University (JTS
Papers) Box 25 (Josephson, 290).
C. Navari (*)
Department of Economics and International Studies, University of Buckingham,
Buckingham, UK
To JP Chamberlain, 13 June 1919, JTS papers Box 113 (Josephson, 94).
1905. Columbia was the home of the “New Historians”, the rising his-
torical school in America that looked to history to provide lessons for
solving present problems—it was Progressivism applied to historical stud-
ies. John Dewey had moved to Columbia in 1904 where he formed the
“X” club, which met weekly. Members besides Shotwell were Lincoln
Steffens, Walter Weyl, to become the editor of The New Republic, H. E.
Barnes, to become the leading revisionist historian on German war guilt,
and Charles Beard, to produce An Economic Interpretation of the
Constitution. The lecturers at Columbia were part of the new breed of
“public intellectual”, determined to bring intelligence into government
(see Shotwell 1921).
The technical term for the New History was “presentism”—an
approach by which the past is viewed in terms of present concerns and
treated as a laboratory for political, social and economic experimentation.
The New History focused on economic and social factors as they affected
political institutions. Trained in medieval history, Shotwell’s thesis on the
Eucharist was not in the least theological. It was on the development of a
critical medieval institution and its influence on politics, economics and
philosophy, as well as on literature and art. In philosophy, the New
History was rationalist and utilitarian: lecturing on religion in the latter
years of the war, Shotwell announced that “we are not dealing with the
theological problem of the reality of God, but with the historical and
psychological data of how men react” (Shotwell 2013, 132–33). He
located religion in human psychology—in the reaction of awe to danger
and the unknown, as opposed to science, which emerged from the mental
faculty of curiosity. Science was accordingly bound to circumscribe reli-
gion, as it gradually narrowed the realm of the unknown—as he put it,
“the irrational is henceforth doomed to yield up the command of the
motive forces of conscious conduct.” In his lectures, he taught that
Reason [sic] is “the valid critic of our lives” and “the only critic we have”
(2013, 118, 117).
Presentism was prepared to “adjust history” in its service to current
tasks. During the First World War, Shotwell convened and directed the
National Board for Historical Service, a voluntary organisation which
put itself at the service of the Committee on Public Information—the
Creel Committee, which had over 20 bureaus at the height of the war,
issued a daily bulletin reporting on all aspects of the war effort and made
films, all of which were frankly propagandistic. (The best known is
“America’s Answer to the Hun”.) The Board issued a series of “red,
white and blue pamphlets”—“The War Message and the Facts Behind it”
was one of its first and more successful efforts and was, in the words of
his historian-biographer, “by no means a sound or an accurate historical
statement” (Josephson, 57).3
A prolific contributor to public histories and historical associations (to
whom he provided the material for teaching “Social History and Industrial
Revolution”), on a sabbatical year in Europe in 1904 (and in need of a
supplement to his income), he offered his services to the new edition then
in preparation of the Encyclopedia Britannica, an offer seized upon by its
new owner4 who appointed him as the managing editor of what became
the famous 11th edition. In London, through the winter of 1904–1905,
he reviewed the whole of the ninth edition, suggesting those changes and
amendments to “bring the Britannica up to recent scholarship” (Shotwell
1961, 62). Shotwell wrote over 250 articles for the 11th edition, creating
much of “the contemporary standpoint” for which the edition became
known. In 1914, he proposed to the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace “something entirely new, a co-operative history of the
impact of the world war on the economic and social life of nations”
(Shotwell 1961, 134).
Shotwell identified the New History with “realism” and called himself
a realist, because in the words of his biographer, “he linked realism with an
objective search after the facts.” In 1928, in “The Slogan of Outlawry”
(718), he castigated “the kind of idealism that prefers to march to its goal
of peace singing a militant hymn, rather than to risk the mental struggle
which confronts it in an analysis of its premises”. Contrasting The Hague
with Geneva, he charged that future historians would find “schooling in
the conference method which is going on at Geneva … a more important
element in the safeguards of peace than the application of juristic methods
at The Hague” (719). He summarised his realism on the present dangers
in “The Problem of Security”: “[t]he French have long been trying to
Shotwell argued that if historians did not serve the American public, those of a “journalist
cast of mind” would, with even greater distortions, failing which the American people would
be “forced to accept the prejudicial statements of the various European belligerents”. JTS to
Westerman 21 July 1917 (Josephson, 60–61); Westerman was Professor of History at
Wisconsin, who objected to the NBHS’ readiness to “adjust history” to make it more rele-
vant to the war.
The Britannica had been bought by an American publisher who was seeking to
“Americanise” it.
teach us the simple lesson that there must be security before disarma-
ment” (1925, 159). The New History insisted on empirical foundations
for political slogans.
It was Shotwell’s historical understanding that led him to oppose Dewey
on the war question. After 1919, when progressive attention centred on
the League, American internationalists cast the organisation in terms of a
self-standing international court with power to formulate and codify inter-
national law and with very limited sanctions. The position attracted many
progressives, among them John Dewey, who opposed any sanctioning sys-
tem based on the League and proffered America’s adherence to a World
Court “As an Example to Other Nations” (Dewey 1928, 88–89). For
Shotwell, however, the history of war taught that a system was what war
prevention required (Shotwell 1929). The different approaches became
clear when Shotwell debated Dewey in The New Republic on the need for
a definition of aggression (Shotwell 1928a; 1928b). (Although they were
close friends, their friendship was strained by the disagreement.)
The text is in his memoirs (Shotwell 1961, 95).
East European volumes and settled him in an office in Malet Street,6 giv-
ing Shotwell a base with easy access to Geneva, where he presented himself
as a “consultant” specialist. He took legal advice on the possible applica-
tion of the Logan Act forbidding private citizens from engaging in diplo-
macy contrary to American official efforts: as Williams remarks, “Shotwell
never showed any modesty about his role” (1998, 117).
The project that followed concerned Article 8 of the League Covenant,
which directed a Commission to make proposals on reducing armaments
to levels compatible with national security; the Commission had worked
up a draft of the Treaty of Mutual Assistance, the Cecil-Raquin draft,
which, in effect, outlawed war: if a country was attacked, all countries of
the League would send troops to defend it. It was discussed at the League’s
Assembly of September 1923. Lt Col Raquin, the leader of the French
group on the Commission, asked Shotwell to prepare a paper on the
American viewpoint, who, immediately on returning to New York that
same autumn, convened a committee to “find a solution to the problem
of disarmament and national security” that would “harmonize US and
European points of view” (Bouchard 2001).
Shotwell copied the Inquiry in setting up the American Committee on
Disarmament and Security—a group of “specialists” who brought knowl-
edge to social and political problems, but he added people of influence.
The members were David Hunter Miller, lawyer of the Inquiry and close
associate of President Wilson, General Tasker H. Bliss of the Supreme War
Council, Isaiah Bowman, Dr Pritchett, President of the Carnegie founda-
tion, Joseph Chamberlain, Professor of Law at Columbia, and John Clarke
of the Carnegie Endowment. (Mitrany served as a “technical assistant”.)
It met for the first time in January 1924. The product was part “group
think” and part Shotwell—as his memoir records, “the drafting was done
by Miller and myself, in fact I think all of it” (Shotwell 1961, 183). At its
first meeting, Miller was musing that if aggressive war was to be consid-
ered a crime, there should be a determination by a court. “As he was talk-
ing”, reports Shotwell, “the thought developed in my mind that this
willingness to go to court or refusal to accept the court’s determination
and resort to force instead, was the key to the definition of aggression. At
once the whole group took it up as a way out of our impasse” (182).
Mitrany records both the value of the appointment to him and its chance nature (1975:
38, 65).
To Miller, he gave credit for the idea of the permissive sanction. Drafted
by Miller, it read that in the event of a contracting party being judged an
aggressor, that party “would cease to be entitled … to any privileges, pro-
tection, rights of immunities accorded by either international law, national
law or treaty”. Countries could thus choose their “sanctioning level”,
avoiding the impasse of Article 16 of the Covenant.7 It was the first exam-
ple of the “facultative” arrangements that Mitrany came to proffer as
“international functionalism”, and it won the support of Eric Drummond
who presented it to the League Council. The Miller-Shotwell draft became
the basis of the definition of aggression used by the famous fifth session to
establish the Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes.
Unlike the Treaty of Mutual Assistance, the Protocol established a kind
of “presumption of aggression” in relation to the parties in a conflict,
reflected in the provision requiring the aggressor state to pay economic
reparations. There was no definition of aggression; rather, the aggressor
was to be judged by whether it would accept arbitration.8 The more dura-
ble legacy was the concept of an international crime: Shotwell and Miller
developed the concept, relating it to a wrongful act and thereby interpret-
ing the war of aggression as a crime committed by a state. The formula
read, “In the absence of a state of war, measures of force by land, by sea or
in the air taken by one State against another and not taken for purposes of
defense or for the protection of human life shall be deemed to be acts of
aggression.” It was published by International Conciliation, Carnegie’s
documents journal, under Shotwell’s authorship as A Practical Plan for
Disarmament (Shotwell 1924) and everywhere hailed as a major break-
through. It died in the League Chamber when it became clear that Britain
would not accept it and was effectively replaced by the Locarno Agreements
between Britain, France and Germany.
Article 16 demanded “the severance of all trade or financial relations, the prohibition of
all intercourse between their nationals and the nationals of the covenant-breaking State, and
the prevention of all financial, commercial or personal intercourse between the nationals of
the covenant-breaking State and the nationals of any other State, whether a Member of the
League or not”.
“Any signatory which claims that another signatory has violated the terms of this Treaty
shall submit its case to the Permanent Court of International Justice. Any Signatory refusing
to accept the jurisdiction of the Court in any such case shall be deemed an aggressor within
the terms of this Treaty. Failure to accept the jurisdiction of the Court within four days after
submission of a claim or violation of this Treaty shall be deemed a refusal to accept the
See Howlett on Dewey in Chap. 6, this volume.
Their importance has been little recognised. The relevant memos are in Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace archive at Columbia University and include the
“Confidential Memorandum of the German Committee on Arbitration and Security” and
the “Memorandum on the Creation of a French Committee of Arbitration and Security”
(Josephson, 131, who notes that they ‘strongly influenced the negotiations’; see also Shotwell
“Where one of the Powers … refuses to submit a dispute to peaceful settlement or to
comply with an arbitral or judicial decision, the other Party shall bring the matter before the
Council of the League of Nations, and the Council shall propose what steps shall be taken;
the High Contracting Parties shall comply with these proposals.”
Shotwell did not claim much credit, noting only in his memoirs that “[b]ehind the
Locarno agreements lies an untold story” (Shotwell 1961: 197–98).
See also Locarno and the Balkans: The Possibility of a Balkan Locarno by Shotwell and
Mitrany with a foreword by Nicholas Murray Butler, published in the April 1927 issue of
International Conciliation.
however not to be ignored; recalling his 1925 article that defensive war
needed to be accommodated in a security system, he presented the use of
force as an international legal obligation and a common undertaking. In
conclusion, Locarno should be considered the first step in the creation of
a security system that allowed for the use of force within a legal framework
and that promised a sanction for aggression. He repeated the call a few
days later at another large lecture in Cologne hosted by then mayor,
Konrad Adenauer, who had been a member of the German committee,
before a raft of fellow historians.
The lack of enthusiasm (particularly, he noted, among the historians)
led him to conclude that despite the “Locarno spirit”, “Germany was not
in a position to take up this idea.” He then turned to French colleagues,
first to Andre Fontaine, an old friend from the ILO days and administrator
of the mines of the Saar, and then to Albert Thomas, another Frenchman
who first chaired the ILO, presenting the plan in terms of a general renun-
ciation of war. Shotwell presented Thomas with the idea that renouncing
“war as policy” might let France off the hook of being anti-disarmament.
(It had been announced that France would not take part in the 1927
Disarmament Conference.) It was Albert Thomas who arranged the meet-
ing with Briand.14
In addressing Briand, Shotwell adopted what he later described as “a
firm approach”, warning him that France’s disarmament posture “would
make no impression on any foreign national” and how it needed a “deci-
sive step of another kind”. “Outlawing war” had “attained a definite place
in the thinking of the Middle West”, he explained, whereupon he pro-
ceeded to argue the case that “the real outlawry of war lay along the lines
of the Locarno Treaty and that a broad and general acceptance of this
principle specifically inviting the United States to accept the Locarno prin-
ciple without becoming involved in its sanction would be a working basis
for which popular support could be mobilised” (Shotwell 1961, 209). He
proposed in short that Briand entice the United States into the Locarno
system, using the popularity of the anti-war movement in America. (His
initial hesitation to provide Briand with a memorandum “to use as the
basis” was probably genuine, given his recent experience with Secretary of
States Hughes; the meeting ended with Shotwell agreeing to provide
The standard account is in Ferrell 1952.
Shotwell had never aimed at a bilateral pledge between France and the
United States; he wanted America in a system, and a system with some
bite. Opening with references to “second” or subsequent signatories to
prepare the way for a multilateral pact, the draft played to American sensi-
bilities by deliberately excluding wars of self-defence (and the Monroe
doctrine) from the renunciation of war clauses. But Clause 2 deliberately
invoked Locarno in naming as the aggressor the party that broke treaty
pledges, and Article 3 went further than Locarno, requiring signatories to
pledge that in the event of the breach of the treaty “or any other Covenant”,
they would offer no aid to the aggressor, a position that would circum-
scribe neutrality, since it would forbid neutral enterprises from trading with
the named aggressor. Nicholas Murray Butler summarised the three prin-
ciples at the American Club in Paris on 20 June as the renunciation of war
as an instrument of policy, that the United States accept the definition of
aggression embodied in Locarno and third, that “if there is a war of aggres-
sion we will not aid the aggressor” (reported by Shotwell 1961, 214).
Neither the French nor the Americans were prepared to go so far. The
Pact of Paris took shape on the basis of a French draft, based on the Polish
resolution, and it was presented as a multilateral declaration as much at the
insistence of the Americans, who wished to avoid the impression that
America was being constrained by a bilateral treaty relationship as from
any hopes for a wider Locarno. It was signed by 15 nations on 27 August
1928. In his memoirs, Shotwell dismisses the two short articles of the pact
with the reflection that “[h]istory was soon to show that a renunciation of
war without a provision for its enforcement was nothing more than a pious
declaration of good intentions.” And he pledged to continue his efforts to
secure “the organization of peace at Geneva” (1961, 215).
J.T.S to Robert S. Lynd, 11 Dec 1930, J.T.S. Papers Box 241 (Josephson, 189).
The same Condliffe who in 1931 joined the economic secretariat of the League of
Nations, where for six years he compiled its World Economic Survey, on which he based his
argument, influential for decades, that continued expansion of world trade, was a necessary
condition for peace and prosperity.
financial and academic support. It was closed in 1960, many of its func-
tions being taken over by the Association for Asian Studies.) As its research
director, Shotwell undertook an extended three-month tour, engaging
officialdom and lecturing at universities in Japan, Korea and China, partly
with an eye to the 1930 disarmament conference, where he wished to
promote the Locarno formula, and partly to explore Japanese intentions
with regard to Manchuria.
In 1930, after the signature of the Hawley Smoot tariff, and in prepara-
tion for the World Economic summit, he opened a new line of activism,
and a critical one, with the American Chamber of Commerce, through its
chair Thomas Watson, a close friend and fellow trustee in the LON
Association. It represented America’s major industries and business lead-
ers. The joint effort resulted in a formal link between the Chamber and
the Carnegie Endowment. Shotwell organised the joint conference of the
International Chambers of Commerce and the Carnegie Endowment, in
November 1935, “World Peace Through World Trade” (which a young
Dag Hammerskjold, a Swedish monetary expert, attended), following
which the Carnegie Endowment initiated an Advisory Economic
Committee, with Shotwell as chair and John Condliffe, then at Berkeley,
as the editor. It published 12 studies under the Carnegie imprint, on the
relevance of imports for the American economy and the gains from trade.
Shotwell used the link to support his security efforts with the administra-
tion, getting “the United States chamber of Commerce to poll their local
chambers on the question whether they would support an international
sanction against an aggressor … and the response was over 60 per cent in
the affirmative”. He took it immediately to Hull, the then secretary of
state (Shotwell 1961, 304).
Shotwell was a member of the LON Association, serving on the
Council, but it had been of little use to him during the 1920s, being
largely dominated by “Wilsonians” and pacifists. “Wilsonians” objected
to any efforts to redraft the organisation and Shotwell barely mentions it
in his memoirs. With the growing crisis of the depression, however,
together with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria and the fateful League
Council of 1931 (when the Chinese appealed in vain to the League
Council under Article 11), he lost patience with its conservatism. In the
autumn of 1932, he went to the Democratic Convention to personally
lobby the party for a resolution on joining the League, and at the
December LON Association Council meeting, he began a vocal cam-
paign, insisting the leadership press more strongly for US membership of
The revised League would be organised around (1) the Kellogg-Briand treaty, (2) peace-
ful change, (3) graded obligations (4) and the extraction of the Covenant from the Versailles
Treaty (Josephson, 216).
Shotwell and the CSOP
Shotwell and his cohorts set up the Committee (later Commission) to
Study the Organization of the Peace (CSOP) in November 1939, six weeks
after Britain mobilised and days after the passage of the first revision of the
neutrality acts.21 The onset of the Second World War “had left nothing of
the structure of peace … so we began over again” (Shotwell 1961, 311).
The administration seems to have felt the same: four weeks later, Cordell
Hull on a recommendation of his assistant Leo Pasvolsky (see Williams
above) created the Committee on Problems of Peace and Reconstruction
within the State Department chaired by Undersecretary of State Sumner
Welles to “draft a post war policy” in Shotwell’s understanding; to consider
“problems of peace and reconstruction” and to consider the fundamental
principles of a “desirable world order” (it took on several names: Advisory
Committee on Problems of Foreign Relations and Advisory Committee
on Post-war Foreign Policy) (Josephson, 245). Shotwell and Eichelberger
were invited to sit on the small committee as “civilians” and specialists, and
they fed it with CSOP studies, reports and recommendations. The CSOP
acted in effect as a research bureau for the several Advisory Committees,
with a direct link to Pasvolsky, who was to draft the organisational recom-
mendations that the United States put forward at Dumbarton Oaks. (It
also served as a link between the work proceeding in the State Department
and the public; for 15 minutes every Sunday evening from January 1940,
90 Columbia Broadcasting System stations broadcast “Which way to last-
ing peace” at which CSOP people presented their views.)
The CSOP agenda reflected how far thinking on the problems of a
post-war world and on war and peace had developed since Versailles. The
Inquiry, influenced largely by Lippmann’s reading of Mahan and political
realism (see Milne below), had brought what was in essence a geo-political
reading to the problem of containing Germany within a post-imperial
Europe, whereas the CSOP ignored geo-politics and focused instead on
the nature of political systems, political ideas, social conditions and eco-
nomic requirements. The Commission’s Preliminary Report, published in
1940 (CSOP 1941), raised immediately and directly the question of the
political organisation of a post-war world, which the administration did
not want to touch and something which not even the LON mission at
The 1939 revision allowed belligerents to buy arms, which meant that the United States
could aid the allies.
In September 1940, eight employees of the economic and financial section (EFO) of the
League arrived at Princeton’s Advanced Institute for Study, under the directorship of
Alexander Loveday, British economist and long-time member of the EFO, to become a “mis-
sion” of the League to the United States. But it had no official status other than that which
the US administration wished to give it, and the administration did not want to receive any
plans for a revived League from it. It was an important source of technical information that
led to the IMF and the World Bank (Clavin 2013).
Possibly drawn from Clarence Streit’s Union Now, published the previous year and call-
ing for a federation of the democracies.
It was this place that was taken by Morgenthau, initially on a temporary appointment
(see Jackson below).
The care with which the Commission worded its “mission statement”
had not a little to do with its relations (or more accurately Shotwell’s and
Eichelberger’s) to the State Department. As America was still neutral in
1939, the Advisory Committee was instructed by Welles to keep all its
reports and transactions strictly secret, and “still more important”,
Shotwell recorded in his memoirs, “was the fact that every time Mr. Welles
came back from the White House he warned us against planning anything
like a revival of the League of Nations” (1961, 312). But Shotwell did not
perceive this as a limitation, as his intervention over the idea put forward
by Welles and Bowman that Germany be dismembered after the war makes
clear.25 For Shotwell, the American government was finally on track; the
idea now was to steer it. Thus, the CSOP should not pull ahead of the
State Department but rather anticipate it, guided by intelligence and
Accordingly, the work of the Commission tended to shadow what was
proceeding in the State Department. Thus, the publication of the Atlantic
Charter of August 1941 was followed shortly by the second report,
worked through July and August of 1941 and published after America
had entered the war, which covered “the practical problems which must
be faced from now” and calling up a “transitional period” dealing with
migration, food shortages and economic dislocation (CSOP 1941). The
third report appeared shortly after the Moscow Conference of November
1943 (at which the three powers had agreed to a permanent international
organisation) and was given over entirely to possible transformational
routes from the UN as a war-time coalition to the UN as a permanent
organisation. (The report makes it clear that the CSOP supported
Pasvolsky’s view that a new UN should be a universal organisation, as
opposed to Hull’s and occasionally Welles’ support for a set of regional
bodies loosely joined together: see Williams above.) The fourth report
contrasted the League method of creating a political organisation, a top-
down method beginning with a constitutional statement, to “a second
method”—“something that must be more than a mere enlargement of
the scope of the League”. It recommended a “bottom-up” approach,
where great power guarantees of the peace “must be built upon eco-
nomic and social as well as political justice” (CSOP 1944, 8). At the time,
the State Department was rapidly evolving immediate functional bodies,
Shotwell stated flatly that “a lasting peace” would be impossible, implying that the job
of the committees was to search out such a peace (Shotwell 1961, 312).
the UNRRA for relief and rehabilitation and a Food and Agriculture pro-
gramme, and contemplating other transitional arrangements on currency
controls, along with the administrative bodies that would be required by
them. The fourth report was essentially a contemplation on how these
might be knit together with the existing international organisations (pri-
marily the Permanent Court and the ILO) into a coherent whole. The
process came to a head in May 1944 with the Design for a Charter of the
General International Organisation.
The Design was classic Shotwell, anticipating the policy trend, in this
case, by a fair amount. The previous November, the Senate had passed
its resolution authorising an “international authority with the power to
prevent aggression”, the Conally Resolution, opening the door to
American participation in a post-war international organisation. As a
result, the design process in the administration had begun to move for-
ward, and Roosevelt had signed off on a “tentative draft”, generally
credited to Pasvolsky, that proposed a unitary rather than regional
organisation (see Williams above). It went so far as to propose a Great
Power Council responsible for security and a General Assembly with
responsibility for everything else but had not got much further
(Hearden, 160). In the meantime, Hull had reconvened the Advisory
Committee, with civilians Shotwell and Eichelberger again in atten-
dance and a tentative date for a conference among the big three to agree
to the main provisions of a “Charter” that had been set for late August,
at Dumbarton Oaks. If the CSOP, Carnegie and the LON organisations
were to influence the process at Dumbarton Oaks, they would have to
move quickly.
The main issue, as the Design was to make clear, was the ordering
among the new bodies and their precise legal relationships. The legal
issues had been brought to the fore with considerable éclat by the publica-
tion in April of “The International Law of the Future” by 200 American
and Canadian lawyers, judges and political scientists, under the initiative
and leadership of Manley Hudson, whose initial meeting in February
1942 had been sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment (Hudson 1944).
Their draft was ready in February, and Shotwell seized upon it and Manley
Hudson to convene another committee. This was “the New York Group”
under Hudson’s directorship, which was to apply the lessons of “the law
of the future” to the Design for a Charter of an International Organisation
with multiple purposes. The group in New York was mostly a sub-
committee of the CSOP (with members Boudreau, Davis, Eichelberger,
Nash, Shotwell, Slausson, Sweetser and Wright) joined by some of the ILF
group members (Hudson, Jessup and Rublee) (Design 1944, 524–26).
The New York group must have had knowledge of Pasvolsky’s “tenta-
tive draft”, since the Design followed his basic architecture closely, but it
widened the conception and clarified the relationships. There was to be a
single organisation made up of a Security Council “in which a relatively
small number of states would be represented”, some of them “continu-
ously”, to “deal with any specific situation in which the peace is threat-
ened” (Design 1944, 522). The detail specified 11 and suggested duration
for those with “chief responsibility for the maintenance of peace” (529).
An Assembly “in which all states would be represented” would “not be
bound by the traditional rule of unanimity”. A “General Commission”,
control of which would be vested in the Assembly, would deal with eco-
nomic and social matters and to it would be assigned the ILO as well as
“other existing organisations”, with the Assembly controlling their bud-
gets. The Assembly would be empowered to create special agencies in vari-
ous fields; it could move on disarmament. But the Council had full powers
in respect of keeping peace, and every state would have the “general obli-
gations to keep the peace which the Charter ordains”. The Charter was
not to propose solutions to problems. “Instead, it would create agencies,
procedures, and methods by which solution might be sought” (Design
1944, 524).
The details anticipated much of what would appear in the UN Charter.
A secretary general could present before the relevant bodies “any interna-
tional matter which he may deem appropriate”. The Assembly should
require “a special majority vote with regard to certain matters”. The
Council could take cognisance, on its own initiative, “of any dispute
between States which is not pending before the court”. A state should not
have a vote in the Council on “any occasion in which its unauthorized use
of force is in question”. The Charter should proclaim the duty of each
state to cooperate in measures “for the extension of human freedom and
for the satisfaction of human needs”. It foresaw some that lay far into the
future, such as the “duty of each State to treat its own population in a
manner which will not violate the dictates of humanity and justice”
(Design 1944, 539). The Charter should prevail over all agreements
between states.
A month before Dumbarton Oaks, Pasvolsky, credited with most of
the drafting of the Charter (see Williams above), prepared a paper com-
paring the tentative proposal circulating in the State Department with
The three “significant unofficial proposals” are in Pasvolsky Papers Box 4 Folder 8;
Pasvolsky’s comparison is in Pasvolsky Papers Box 4 folder 7 (Shinohara, 185).
The Official List of Consultants, Department of State Bulletin 22 April 1945, 724–25;
there were 42 official consultants, each representing one organisation but few came entirely
education, where some ideas emerging from the consultants were attached
to the Charter as aspirations for future action.
Accounts of these initiatives sometimes give the impression that they
emerged suddenly out of the heat and excitement of the moment. The
case of human rights is illustrative: the story is often told of the Jewish
delegate Proskauer’s impassioned plea to Stettinius, who had succeeded
Hull as the secretary of state and who agreed to carry it “with all my
heart” to the rest of the US delegation (e.g. Loeffler 2013). Shotwell
himself credited the account. But it was Shotwell adjusting history and not
Shotwell the participant-observer. He knew probably better than anybody
among the consultants that human rights first appeared in international
policy-making as the rights of the worker within the ILO, which he him-
self had stressed when editing the official account of the negotiations in
1934. And the person probably most responsible for the emerging inter-
national legal understanding of human rights was Quincy Wright, who
had chaired the political committee of the CSOP and had written “Human
Rights and World Order” for the CSOP in 1943, outlining the problems
of procedure and definition such an endeavour must confront (also in
Pasvolsky’s files and noted by him as the “most extended treatment of the
subject”28). The concern with human rights would be carried forward in
1944 by the American Law Institute in a project,29 which explored the
different ways that human rights were understood globally and would
eventually influence the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights. There are
numerous ways to understand such engagements, but not least would be
as democratic intelligence applied to government.
Anderson, Lisa. 2005. James T. Shotwell: A Life Devoted to Organising Peace.
Bouchard, Carl. 2001. Le “Plan Américain” Shotwell-Bliss de 1924: Une initiative
méconnue pour le renforcement de la paix. Guerres Mondiales Et Conflits
Contemporains 202/203: 203–225. Accessed May 10, 2017. http://www.
To appear as the 1946 “Statement of Essential Human Rights” (Committee of Advisors
Clavin, Patricia. 2013. Securing the World Economy. Oxford: Oxford University
Committee of Advisers on Essential Human Rights, American Law Institute.
1946. Statement of Essential Human Rights. The Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science 243: 18–26.
CSOP. 1941. Preliminary Report. International Conciliation 369: 195–202.
———. 1942. Second Report: The Transitional Period. International Conciliation
379: 149–167.
———. 1943. Third Report: The United Nations and the Organisation of Peace.
International Conciliation 389: 203–235.
———. 1944. Fourth Report: Fundamentals of the International Organization.
International Conciliation 396: 5–29.
Design. 1944. Design for a Charter of the General International Organisation. By
Manley O. Hudson et al. International Conciliation, Documents for the Year
1944 402: 521–42.
Dewey, John. 1928. As an Example to Other Nations. The New Republic 54:
Eichelberger, Clark. 1977. Organizing for Peace. New York: Harper and Row.
Ferrell, Robert H. 1952. Peace in Their Time: The Origins of the Kellogg-Briand
Pact. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Heardin, Patrick J. 2001. Architects of Globalism: Building a New World Order
During World War II. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press.
Hudson, Manley O. 1944. The International Law of the Future. American Bar
Association Journal 30 (10): 560–591.
Josephson, Harold. 1975. James T Shotwell and the Rise of Internationalism in
America. London: Associated University Presses.
Loeffler, James. 2013. The Conscience of America: Human Rights, Jewish Politics,
and American Foreign Policy at the 1945 United Nations San Francisco
Conference. Journal of American History 100 (2): 401–428.
Mitrany, David. 1975. The Functional Theory of Politics. London: Martin
Shinohara, Hatsue. 2012. US International Lawyers in the Interwar Years: A
Forgotten Crusade. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shotwell, James T. 1921. Intelligence and Politics. New York: The Century Co.
———. 1924. A Practical Plan for Disarmament. International Conciliation 201:
———. 1925. The Problem of Security. Annals of the American Academy of
Political and Social Science 120: 159–161.
———. 1927. Are We at a Turning Point in the History of the World. Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace Yearbook 16: 101–112.
———. 1928a. Divergent Paths to Peace. The New Republic 54 (March): 194–196.
———. 1928b. The Slogan of Outlawry. Century 116 (October): 713–719.
Mikael Baaz
M. Baaz (*)
Department of Law, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
For a detailed critique of Lasswell’s Freudian approach to politics, see, for example,
Horowitz (1962 ). In this essay, Horwitz characterizes Lasswell as a propagandist for “social
control through science”. Put somewhat differently, as an early advocate of what today con-
stitutes a “bio-political” approach to the social sciences.
The overall aim was to make the study of politics more scientific (see fur-
ther Almond 2002, Ch. 3). Merriam’s profound influence on his young
student is clearly displayed in Lasswell’s doctoral dissertation, Propaganda
Technique in the World War, which was published in 1927. It was his inter-
est in the importance of morale, propaganda, and civic training in the
exploration of political behavior that triggered Lasswell to write on the
topic (Almond 1987, 250–52; Merriam 1921, Muth 1990, 3–8; Smith
1969, 49, 52–57).
The dissertation is a systematic effort to place the experience of war
propaganda between 1914 and 1918 in the context of a theory of politics.
The work is partly based on field research in Europe—in London, Berlin
and Geneva—where Lasswell had interviewed governmental officials as
well as scholars on various aspects of this propaganda experience. By this
book, with its combination of intellectual innovation and realism that is
characteristic for all of his later work, Lasswell basically invents “propa-
ganda analysis”, that is, a set of techniques for studying manifest and latent
content of collective communication flows. This initiative later grew into
the greater fields of “content analysis” and “communication theory”. The
book was widely recognized by his contemporaries and, today, is still con-
sidered to be an important study in communication theory (Almond
1987, 252; Smith 1969, 56–57). Many years later, Lasswell described his
dissertation as:
and safety—by and among elites”, allowed for making inquiries into every
aspect of the activities of individual human beings in world social process,
political as well as other (Almond 1987, 257). Based on lectures given at
the University of Chicago in 1932 and 1933, it is in this book that he
proposes the formula that is so closely associated with his name—“politics
is the study of who gets what, when, and how” (1935, v, 3, italics added). A
much briefer book, Politics: Who Gets What, When, and How, was pub-
lished a year after, in 1936. As the title indicates, it presents the key argu-
ments from World Politics and Personal Insecurity in a more concise and
schematic form and is the closest Lasswell ever came to writing a
The four books—(1) Propaganda Technique in the World War; (2)
Psychopathology and Politics; (3) World Politics and Personal Insecurity; and
(4) Politics: Who Gets What, When, and How—were written over a period
of ten years and constitute Lasswell’s most important contribution to
political theory (cf. Almond 1987, 259).
During this productive first phase of his research career, Lasswell also
did a number of other things. While in China as a visiting professor at
Yenching University in 1937, he published the article “Sino-Japanese
Crisis: The Garrison State Versus the Civilian State” (1937b; Muth 1990,
13). He returned to the idea of the garrison state—that is, a state that is
organized to primarily serve its own needs for military security—in a well-
known article from 1941 entitled “The Garrison State”. It considered the
possibility that the world was moving toward a world of “garrison states”,
that is, “a world in which the specialists on violence are the most powerful
group in society”, leaving the specialist on bargaining, “the businessman”
(and also by extension the diplomat) behind, and moving toward the
supremacy of “the soldier” (Lasswell 1941a, 455).
Beyond this, he carried out two bigger projects from the mid-1930s
onward. On the one hand, in 1935, Lasswell consolidated his earlier inter-
est in propaganda research and published Propaganda and Promotional
Activities: An Annotated Bibliography, together with Ralph D. Case and
Bruce L. Smith. On the other hand, in an effort to further develop the
ideas that were elaborated in World Politics and Personal Insecurity, he,
together with some of his graduate students, undertook a thorough field
study of Communist propaganda and political agitators and organizers
among the unemployed in the city of Chicago between 1929 and 1934.
This research was reported in World Revolutionary Propaganda: A Chicago
Study, which Lasswell co-authored with Dorothy Blumenstock. At the
time of its publication in 1939, he had already resigned from his associate
professorship at the University of Chicago and left the city (Almond 1987,
One profound transformation that occurred during the war years was
that Lasswell changed his thinking about values in relation to democratic
society. Before 1940, he was, David Easton (1950, 452) writes, “reluctant
as a social scientist to state that he preferred one political system or set of
goals to another”. After 1940, on the contrary, “he believes passionately
that the social sciences are doomed to sterility unless they accept the con-
temporary challenge and say something about our ultimate social
social arena. But his ideas developed from the individual first and then to
the collective. Lasswell’s doctoral dissertation, Propaganda Technique in
the World War (1927), was a study of collective communication in relation
to the experience of war propaganda. In his next book, Psychopathology
and Politics (1930), Lasswell adapted psychoanalytic methods to political
analysis, in contra-posed dimension, and brings the study of individual
personalities to touch on inquiry in collective political behavior. In the
preface to the book, he writes:
In Chaps. 2–6, Lasswell then relates conflicts among and within nations
not only to human aggressive tendencies but also to the structural condi-
tions of international relations, as well as domestic societies. Chapters 7–9
discuss “conditions”—in particular the consequences of economic and
class structure as well as the media of communication. The next chapter
examines personality, politics, and culture in relation to trends in American
society, including “the possibilities of the emergence of right-wing extrem-
ism and fascism and the approach of political psychiatry in a politics of
prevention”. In Chap. 11, which is entitled “In Quest of a Myth; The
Problem of World Unity”, Lasswell, in psychoanalytical and sociological
terms, discusses the prospects of social justice and peace.
Over and above everything, the book is an illustration of the Lasswellian
approach to politics. He concludes this, in several respects, important
book as follows:
the struggle among elite groups over such representative values as income,
deference, and safety. The actors in these conflictual processes are groups
organized around skill, class, personality, and attitude characteristics; they
employ in different ways and with different effects the political instrumen-
talities of symbol manipulation, material rewards and sanctions, violence,
and institutional practices. (Almond 1987, 259)
208 M. BAAZ
is a scholar divided against himself. The traditional social scientist in him fights
for the positivistic conception of values as objects of desire: the emerging
210 M. BAAZ
social scientist of the future, in a sense, make statements that lead in the direc-
tion of a scientific validation of values. The futurist seems to be defending the
thesis that social science can indicate whether, for example, the ultimate goals
embodied in the western tradition are superior to those of fascism or of dicta-
torial communism. (p. 453)
[i]n the writings of Lasswell there is adumbrated the most extreme claim
that social science can make. The suggestion appears that to convert political
science to a policy science, a discipline contributing to the solution of social
problems, new referential principles are required; there appears in embryo
the further claim that even the goals upon which social policy must be based
can be established with the procedures of a fully developed science of man—
The claim is broad and perhaps arrogant and premature, but it has a history
in the last three centuries that cannot be ignored. It is a challenge to the
social sciences that they cannot avoid or escape. (1950, 476–77)
Ultimately, the two scholars were attracted to one another other due to
dissatisfaction with their own separate disciplines, Lasswell with political
science and McDougal with law. They were both convinced, if on some-
what different grounds, that the law could not be understood in isolation
from the context in which it appeared and also that the law could play a
crucial role in social engineering (Hathaway 2007, 553). In 1946, Lasswell
was appointed Professor of International Law at Yale and moved to New
Haven, Connecticut.
By this, the third phase of his research career had begun. During this
phase, the focus of his work changed (Marvick 1980, 226). From propos-
als for reform in legal education to studies in world public order and
human dignity, the Lasswell-McDougal collaboration culminated in the
“creation” of the so-called New Haven School of International Law (see
further e.g. Duxbury 1995; Lasswell and McDougal 1992). In “Legal
Education and Public Policy”, which is today still one of the most quoted
and cited American law review articles ever published, the two associates
presented a new legal theory, which they describe as “configurative” and
“policy-oriented” (Falk et al. 1998, 729–730; Hathaway 2007, 554).
Their process-oriented policy science inspired an approach to jurispru-
dence that was truly interdisciplinary and sought to integrate law with
212 M. BAAZ
various social sciences, as well as to bring all available tools and skills to
solving legal problems with the ultimate goal of constructing a “world
community of human dignity”.
In contrast to the, then dominant, theory of legal Positivism, the juris-
prudence developed by Lasswell and McDougal does not view law as a
“body of rules” but rather as a process of authoritative decision-making
about how preferred values—“power, wealth, enlightenment, skill, well-
being, affection, respect and rectitude”—are to be produced and distrib-
uted in society. For a follower of legal Positivism, who defines a “problem”
as basically a conflict between two or more parties, the main objective of
legal analysis is to separate the legal aspects of a conflict (situation) and
then to look for answers on how it can be solved by reference to the given
rules, applied by means of logical derivation. The role of the legal scholar
is thus, put simply, to understand and apprise, not to influence the produc-
tion and distribution of values in society (see Falk et al. 1998, 730).
Lasswell and McDougal started from completely different premises and
argued that the law should serve human beings and promote a public
order of “human dignity”—that is, a public order that “approximates the
optimum access by all human beings to all the things they cherish”. The
aim is not simply to understand the way the world works but rather “to
shape it” (Hathaway 2007; Reisman et al. 2007, 576).
Even though Lasswell and McDougal (1943) initially envisioned the
comprehensive application of their theory to reform the entire law school
curriculum, it rapidly came to focus on international law. The ultimate aim
of the NHS of International Law, the name that Lasswell and McDougal’s
theoretical approach and its proponents now generally refer to, is to pro-
duce and distribute a “universal order of human dignity”, which reduces
individual insecurity in world politics by securing the widespread enjoy-
ment of the preferred values (Scobbie 2010, 71).
The research program that Lasswell developed in Chicago under the
supervision and influence of Charles Merriam during the 1920s and 1930s
was questioned, criticized, and resisted by traditional political scientists
from the very beginning. But from late 1940s onward, Lasswell found
new supporters in a younger generation of scholars who argued in favor of
a behavioral revolution. By the 1950s he was a giant within political sci-
ence—in many eyes “the most original and productive scholar of his day”
Almond, Gabriel A. 1987. Harold Dwight Lasswell 1901–1978. Biographical
Memoir. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.
———. 2002. Ventures in Political Science: Narratives and Reflections. London:
Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Baaz, Mikael. 2013. Beyond Order versus Justice: Middle Ground Ethics and the
Responsibility to Protect. In Ethical Reasoning in International Affairs:
Arguments from the Middle Ground, ed. Cornelia Navari. London: Palgrave
———. 2015. Aiden Warren and Ingvild Bode: Governing the Use-of-Force in
International Relations: The Post-9/11 Challenge on International Law.
Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 2 (1): 163–169.
———. 2016. International Law Is Different in Different Places: Russian
Interpretations and Outlooks. International Journal of Constitutional Law 14
(1): 262–276.
214 M. BAAZ
Catlin, George E. G. 1935. Giving Economics a Shot of Psychology. The Saturday
Review of Literature, April 20. Accessed April 7, 2016. www.unz.org/Pub/
Clark, Richard C. 1973. Lasswell. The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World
Biography 6: 345–346.
Clarke, James W., and Marcia M. Donovan. 1980. Personal Needs and Political
Incentives: Some Observations on Self-Esteem. American Journal of Political
Science 24: 536–552.
Dryzek, John S. 1989. Policy Sciences of Democracy. Polity 22: 97–118.
Duxbury, Neil. 1995. Patterns of American Jurisprudence. Oxford: Clarendon
Easton, David. 1950. Harold Lasswell, Policy Scientist for a Democratic Society.
Journal of Politics 12 (3): 450–477.
Eulau, Heinz. 1968. Political Behavior. In International Encyclopedia of the Social
Sciences, ed. David L. Sills, vol. 12, 203–214. New York: Macmillan.
———. 1969. The Maddening Method of Harold D. Lasswell: Some Philosophical
Underpinnings. In Politics, Personality and Social Science in the Twentieth
Century, ed. Arnold A. Rogow. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Falk, Richard A., Rosalyn C. Higgins, W. Michael Reisman, and Burns H. Weston.
1998. Myres Smith McDougal 1906–1998. The American Journal of
International Law 92: 729–733.
Farr, James, Jacob S. Hacker, and Nicole Kazee. 2006. The Policy Scientist of
Democracy: The Discipline of Harold D. Lasswell. American Political Science
Review 100 (4): 579–587.
Hathaway, Oona A. 2007. The Continuing Influence of the New Haven School.
The Yale Journal of International Law 32: 553–558.
Horowitz, Robert. 1962. Scientific Propaganda: Harold D. Lasswell. In Essays on
the Scientific Study of Politics, ed. Herbert J. Storing. New York: Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, Inc.
Kratochwil, Friedrich. 2009. Ten Points to Ponder About Pragmatism: Some
Critical Reflections on Knowledge Generation in the Social Sciences. In
Pragmatism in International Relations, ed. Harry Bauer and Elisabetta Brighi.
New York: Routledge.
Lasswell, Harold D. [1927] 1938. Propaganda Technique in the World War.
New York: Peter Smith.
———. 1929a. Problem of Adequate Personality Records: A Proposal. American
Journal of Psychiatry 8 (1): 1057–1066.
———. 1929b. The Study of the Ill as a Method of Research into Political
Personalities. American Political Science Review 23 (4): 996–1001.
———. 1930. Psychopathology and Politics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
———. 1932. The Triple Appeal Principle: A Contribution of Psychoanalysis to
Political and Social Science. American Journal of Sociology 37: 523–528.
Merriam, Charles. 1921. The Present State of the Study of Politics. American
Political Science Review 15 (2): 173–185.
Muth, Rodney. 1990. Harold Dwight Lasswell: A Biographical Profile. In Harold
D. Lasswell: An Annotated Bibliography, ed. Rodney Muth, Mary M. Finley,
and Marcia F. Muth. New Haven: New Haven Press; Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
Postelnicu, Monica. 2008. Lasswell, Harold (1902–1978). In Encyclopedia of
Political Communication, ed. Lynda Lee Kaid and Christina Holtz-Bacha, vol.
1. London: Sage.
Reisman, W. Michael, Siegfried Wiessner, and Andrew R. Willard. 2007. The New
Haven School: A Brief Introduction. The Yale Journal of International Law 32:
Roazen, Paul. 1987. Review of Psychopathology and Politics. With a New
Introduction by Fred I Greenstein, by Harold D. Lasswell. Political Psychology
8: 453–456.
Rogow, Arnold A. 1969. Towards a Psychiatry of Politics. In Politics, Personality
and Social Science in the Twentieth Century, ed. Arnold A. Rogow. Chicago:
The University of Chicago Press.
Rosten, Leo. 1969. Harold Lasswell: A Memoir. In Politics, Personality and Social
Science in the Twentieth Century, ed. Arnold A. Rogow. Chicago: The University
of Chicago Press.
Scobbie, Iain. 2010. Wicked Heresies or Legitimate Perspectives? Theory and
International Law. In International Law, ed. Malcolm Evans, 3rd ed. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Smith, Bruce L. 1969. The Mystifying Intellectual History of Harold D. Lasswell.
In Politics, Personality and Social Science in the Twentieth Century, ed. Arnold
A. Rogow. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Sproule, J. Michael. 2008. “Communication”: From Concept to Field to
Discipline. In The History of Media and Communication Research, ed. David
W. Park and Jefferson Pooley. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Torgerson, Douglas. 1995. Policy Analysis and Public Life: The Restoration of
Phronēsis? In Political Science in History: Research Programs and Political
Traditions, ed. James Farr, John S. Dryzek, and Stephen T. Leonard.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Turnbull, Nick. 2008. Harold Lasswell’s “Problem Orientation” for the Policy
Sciences. Critical Political Studies 2 (1): 72–91.
Whittlesey, Walter Lincoln. 1935. World Politics and Personal Insecurity By
Harold D. Lasswell. American Political Science Review 29 (3): 500–501.
Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004. Harold Dwight Lasswell. Accessed April
7, 2016. www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Harold_Dwight_Lasswell.aspx
Harold D. Lasswell and Myres S. McDougal: Jurisprudence for a Free Society.
London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
Harold D. Lasswell and Myres S. McDougal: Jurisprudence for a Free Society.
London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
Lasswell, Harold D., and Myres S. McDougal. 1992. Jurisprudence for a Free
Society. London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Lasswell, Harold D., and Myres S. McDougal. 1992. Jurisprudence for a Free
Society. London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Lasswell, Harold D., Ralph D. Casey and Bruce L. Smith. 1935. Propaganda and
Promotional Activities: An Annotated Bibliography. Minneapolis, University of
Minnesota Press.
Cecelia Lynch
The turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries witnessed not only
the burgeoning of the Progressive Era in American and British social and
political thought but also the heyday of the Social Gospel as Progressivism’s
theological companion. Reinhold and H. Richard Niebuhr, brothers, aca-
C. Lynch (*)
Department of Political Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
R. Harries, “Introduction,” in R. Harries, ed., Reinhold Niebuhr and the Issues of Our
Time, London: Mowbray, 1986:1.
Before, during, and immediately after World War I, the Social Gospel
movement represented the theological expression of Progressivism
(Rauschenbusch 1945). The Social Gospel movement, like Progressivism,
stemmed from the economic dislocations of late nineteenth- and early
twentieth-century capitalism and embraced the idea that science and pro-
fessionalization could help society progress, eventually curing the ills of
poverty and militarism. Both movements represented the apex of liberal
modernity, the desire for a kind of rationalization and systematization of
social and political life (in Weberian terms) that would equalize, to a
degree, gross social and economic inequalities. Labor and progressive
movements brought attention to growing economic inequities as a result
of industrialization and the concentration of wealth in their home coun-
tries and worked to bring organizing strategies and disciplinary knowledge
to bear on virtually all social, economic, and political questions. Progressives
attacked poverty (e.g., through Jane Addams’ Hull House in Chicago)
and advocated for political inclusion (e.g., the women’s suffrage move-
ment) and access to education for all. They also attacked militarism: World
War I had been the “unnecessary” war, fueled by a fruitless naval arms
race, ethnic divisions and discrimination, leaders’ intransigence and hubris,
and weapons merchants’ greed. A related problem concerned the ever-
expanding types of aggressive weapons: some weapons clearly transgressed
the just war requirements of proportionality and last resort. Bombing
planes, especially those that could drop chemical weapons, topped the list.
Still, World War I’s perceived irrationality did not eliminate the Progressive
belief that education, professionalization, logic, and rational action could
ameliorate the human condition; instead, it expanded the focus on ratio-
nalization to correct the irrationality of the behavior of nation-states, mili-
taries, and weapons manufacturers who traded on the possibility of future
Finally, Progressivism included divergent and extremely problematic
views on race, racial oppression, and racial progress. Imperialist apologists
continued to insist that colonization brought civilization (and hence,
“progress”) to the non-European world, while anti-imperialists vocifer-
ously resisted this construction of moral duty to focus on the unjust use of
indigenous labor, appropriation of indigenous lands, and continuing vio-
lence employed by imperialist elites in power. Similarly, some components
of Progressivism developed views and practices that resulted in extremely
racist forms of experimentation that were supposed to result in scientific
Bonhoeffer’s understanding of the necessity of following Christ even when it was unclear
what Christ himself would do, in contrast, returned to Germany from the USA to take part
in a plot to assassinate Hitler and was executed after spending several years in prison.
226 C. LYNCH
The Christian reflects upon the fact that his inability to do anything con-
structive in the crisis is the inability of one whose own faults are so apparent
and so similar to those of the offender that any action on his part is not only
likely to be misinterpreted but is also likely—in the nature of the case—to be
really less than disinterested.
The inactivity of radical Christianity is not the inactivity of those who call
evil good; it is the inaction of those who do not judge their neighbors
because they cannot fool themselves into a sense of superior righteousness.
It is not the inactivity of a resigned patience but of a patience that is full of
hope and is based on faith. It is not the inactivity of the noncombatant, for
it knows that there are no noncombatants, that everyone is involved, that
China is being crucified (though the term is very inaccurate) by our sins and
those of the whole world. It is not the inactivity of the merciless, for works
of mercy must be performed though they are only palliates to ease present
pain while the process of healing depends on deeper, more actual and urgent
but rather a too strong belief that salvation was possible on earth. Instead, he
argued, modern Christianity (like Progressivism and the Social Gospel move-
ment) lacked “appreciation of the tragic character of life,” and accorded with
the naïve, Progressive “assumption that the world will be saved by a little
more adequate educational technique.” The technique in question was what
Reinhold calls a “pure love ethic,” which he countered by questioning the
idea that God would intervene in history. In a powerful exposure of the con-
tradictions of his brother’s theodicy, he wrote,
Reinhold then outlined the basis of his own Christian realism, which por-
trayed human nature as a mixture of the ability to reason and selfishness: “I
find it impossible to envisage a society of pure love as long as man remains
man.” Regarding the relationship between faith and theology, Reinhold
acknowledged H. Richard’s theological strength, admitting, “I realize quite
well that my brother’s position both in its ethical perfectionism and in its
apocalyptic note is closer to the gospel than mine.” But he argued that such
ethical perfectionism was in the end irresponsible: while he could not com-
pletely “abandon the pure love ideal…I cannot use it fully if I want to assume
a responsible attitude toward the problems of society.” As a result, Reinhold
resolved the problem of theodicy by developing his strong distinction between
“this world” and “the absolute,” and by resorting to tragedy:
Perhaps that is why it is inevitable that religious imagination should set goals
beyond history.…Man cannot live without a sense of the absolute, but nei-
ther can he achieve the absolute. He may resolve the tragic character of that
fact by religious faith, by the experience of grace in which the unattainable
is experienced in anticipatory terms, but he can never resolve in purely ethi-
cal terms the conflict between what is and what ought to be.
Niebuhr’s later works continued to develop these themes. See, for example, Christian
Realism and Political Problems (1953).
232 C. LYNCH
The hope of attaining an ethical goal for society by purely ethical means,
that is, without coercion, and without the assertion of the interests of the
underprivileged against the interests of the privileged, is an illusion which
was spread chiefly among the comfortable classes of the past century. My
brother does not make the mistake of assuming that this is possible in social
terms. He is acutely aware of the fact that it is not possible to get a sufficient
degree of pure disinterestedness and love among privileged classes and pow-
erful nations to resolve the conflicts of history in that way. He understands
the stubborn inertia which the ethical ideal meets in history.
Both brothers, then, agreed with Progressive and Social Gospel critiques
of economic inequalities to a point, but each critiqued the liberalism of
their projects and moved to more radical solutions of their own that
focused on the recognition of class conflict. H. Richard, once again, put
his faith in a rigorous analysis that produced “cynicism” in the present, but
a “boundless faith” in a future in which God would realize the kingdom.
Reinhold again criticized his brother’s faith in bringing the transcendent
into the immanent: “At this point his [H. Richard’s] realistic interpreta-
tion of the facts of history comes in full conflict with his insistence upon a
pure gospel ethic, upon a religiously inspired moral perfectionism, and he
resolves the conflict by leaving the field of social theory entirely and resort-
ing to eschatology.” Reinhold later wrote about the possibility that force
would be necessary to overcome the sins of both economic oppression and
racism, but stopped short of spelling out his meaning on either (Fox 1985;
Harries 1986).
the pacifists are just as guilty as their less absolutist brethren of diluting the
ethic of Jesus for the purpose of justifying their position. They are forced to
recognize that an ethic of pure non-resistance can have no immediate rele-
vance to any political situation, for in every political situation it is necessary
to achieve justice by resisting pride and power. They therefore declare that
the ethic of Jesus is not an ethic of non-resistance, but one of non-violent
resistance, that it allows one to resist evil provided the resistance does not
involve the destruction of life or property.
His conclusion, that “There is not the slightest support in Scripture for
this doctrine of non-violence,” was problematic in terms of its theology as
well as its scriptural hermeneutics, according to numerous commentators,
and many theologians came to an opposite conclusion (Brown 1987, 107;
Harries 1986).
Reinhold’s view of politics gave an increasingly central role to state
power, which also built in a temporal component. As Gary Commins
argues, this gave an opening to Muste, who “insightfully accused Niebuhr
of smearing the pacifist as an ‘absolutist’ while [he, Niebuhr] made the
present order ‘eternal and absolute’” (Commins 1991, 64). Yet, despite
writing this critique in The American Scholar in the late 1930s, Muste’s
arguments did not reach as wide an audience as Niebuhr’s Christian real-
ism, much to his chagrin. Their debates represented “a thirty-year battle
for the soul of American Christendom,” but while Muste continues to be
celebrated by advocates of nonviolent resistance, Niebuhr’s career, posi-
tions, and connections made him by far the more famous of the two.7
Reinhold’s views, and perhaps confusion, regarding nonviolent resis-
tance has been more widely discussed than those of his brother. Still,
H. Richard’s pacifism might be compared to that of activists such as either
Muste or Dorothy Day. Day, a former communist, atheist, and journalist,
Gary Commins, Spiritual People, Radical Lives: spirituality and justice in four twentieth
century American lives. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications, 1996, Ch. 1.
236 C. LYNCH
converted to Catholicism and devoted her life to living with the marginal-
ized and destitute in New York City’s Bowery neighborhood. She, like
Muste, insisted on developing forms of nonviolent action against war,
militarism, and weapons build-ups that could be construed as moving
beyond H. Richard’s pacifist “inaction” while also maintaining his faith in
the possibility of divine intervention in history. Each of these examples
demonstrates the range of ethical perspectives on the use of force that
could both draw from the hope of Progressivism and the Social Gospel
while differing from the nature of its faith in social engineering.
Both Progressive reformers and Social Gospel proponents in the early
twentieth century attempted to come to grips with the inequalities as well
as what they perceived to be the promise of the modern era. Progressives
promoted the creation of new institutions in the form of global interna-
tional organization, while Social Gospel adherents articulated a major
turning point in conceptualizing both the cause and the solution to sin
and evil in social and institutional terms. Trying to address the poverty and
suffering bred by rapid industrialization, the legacy of slavery, and World
War I, Social Gospel adherents reflected the recognition of social disloca-
tions and the belief in improvement characteristic of the Progressive Era.8
Each of the Niebuhr brothers embraced aspects of the critique advanced
by Progressives and Social Gospel adherents, while rejecting many of their
During the 1930s, for example, Reinhold Niebuhr’s incipient Christian
realism redirected the concept of collective sin to the institutional failings
embodied in an “immoral society.” In Reinhold Niebuhr’s ethics, the
world was an imperfect place first and foremost for structural reasons—
society could never be held to the same ethical standards as the individual,
and while Christians had a duty to try to lessen the effects of war and
greed, they could not eliminate societal imperfections. Rather, they had to
reckon, realistically, with the world as it was in their attempts to grapple
with suffering and violence (Niebuhr 1953). Reinhold Niebuhr’s solution
differed from that of Progressives in dichotomizing the absolute and the
relative, individual and group sin and ethics, and the moral differences
between the City of God and the City of Man. As Gary Dorrien, named
Curtis, A Consuming Faith, 1991.
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. 1972. Letters & Papers from Prison. New York: Macmillan.
Brown, Robert McAfee, ed. 1987. The Essential Reinhold Niebuhr: Selected Essays
and Addresses. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Commins, Gary. 1991. Spiritual People, Radical Lives: Spirituality and Justice in
Four Twentieth Century American Lives. San Francisco: International Scholars
Curtis, Susan. 1991. A Consuming Faith: The Social Gospel and Modern American
Culture. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Dorrien, Gary. 2015. The New Abolition: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Black Social
Gospel. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Fox, Richard Wightman. 1985. Reinhold Niebuhr, A Biography. New York:
Pantheon Books.
Frei, Hans W. 1991. H. Richard Niebuhr on History, Church, and Nation. In The
Legacy of H. Richard Niebuhr, Harvard Theological Studies, ed. Ronald
F. Theimann, 1–23. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.
Gustafson, James M. 1963. Introduction. In The Responsible Self: An Essay in
Christian Moral Philosophy, ed. H. Richard Niebuhr, 6–41. San Francisco:
Harper Collins.
Halliwell, Martin. 2005. The Constant Dialogue: Reinhold Niebuhr & American
Intellectual Culture. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Harries, R., ed. 1986. Reinhold Niebuhr and the Issues of Our Time. London:
Hentoff, Nat. 1982. Peace Agitator: The Story of A. J. Muste. New York: A. J.
Muste Memorial Institute.
Christopher McKnight Nichols
After World War I (WWI), historian Charles Beard joined other disillu-
sioned liberal intellectuals, such as John Dewey and Walter Lippmann, in
mounting a critique of American militarism. In their dissent, they echoed
wartime critics Eugene Debs, Emma Goldman, Emily Balch, and Randolph
Bourne, who decried the war’s limitation of civil liberties, evisceration of
democratic ideals, and attenuation of progressive reform, all of which
demonstrated Randolph Bourne’s observation that “war is the health of
the state.” Scholars such as Manfred Jonas, Selig Adler, Thomas Kennedy,
Ellen Nore, Jackson Lears, David Milne, and Ronald Radosh have rightly
suggested that Beard’s economic criticisms lay at the heart of his foreign
policy analysis and dissent. As years passed after WWI, Beard increasingly
characterized militarized hard foreign policy as impossible to direct, argu-
ing that it exhausted the capacities of the United States, made it less safe,
and shifted focus from more important domestic concerns. “Only in rela-
tively recent times has the wholesale interference with foreign quarrels and
disturbances become a major concern of the intelligentsia, the press and
professional politicians in the United States,” Beard wrote in a Harper’s
Magazine essay in 1939 (338). Pointing to origins at the end of the nine-
teenth century, Beard went on to add that by the late 1930s “advocacy of
American interventionism and adventurism has become a huge vested
interest.” Though Beard was wrong that Nazi Germany and Imperial
Japan did not represent much of a threat to the United States, he astutely
apprehended the likely internal political, economic, and social repercus-
sions of expanded US–world relations with an enlarged and permanent
military capacity.
As part of the diverse New York America First Committee (AFC) lead-
ership, which included socialist Norman Thomas and former President
Herbert Hoover, Beard hoped to enhance national morality through
reform and to achieve greater equality of citizens and workers (more New
Deal, rather than less) and generally rejected all forms of military pre-
paredness (unlike famed aviator Charles Lindbergh’s “Fortress America”
vision that is often associated with the hawkish isolationism of the AFC).
Though Beard acknowledged that altruistic or defensive wars could be
justified, he maintained that, even with new modern technologies,
America’s national security primarily rested on the nation’s unique geo-
graphic position. Unlike most America Firsters who also rejected the for-
eign policies of the Roosevelt administration, Beard looked inward toward
social justice and a progressive sort of exceptionalism by late 1940
(Stenehjem 1976; Doenecke 2003; Nichols 2013).
Of course, Beard and his contemporaries could not have envisioned the
twenty-first-century dynamics of the global “war on terror”—policies
based on ideological and moral universalisms, and complex global eco-
nomic partnerships. But these were the sorts of entanglements Beard
warned about, particularly with respect to the “lessons learned” from the
United States’ entry into WWI and broader patterns of imperialism as they
impacted American domestic and foreign policy. Indeed, recent polling
and the startling results of the 2016 election seem to indicate a Beardian
renaissance, or backlash of sorts, against the active military, diplomatic,
and commercial engagement that the United States has pursued since the
terrorist attacks on US soil on 9/11. After 16 years, nationalism and pro-
tectionism, if not more rigid forms of isolationism and retrenchment, have
become ascendant in US politics. In light of these recent developments, it
seems particularly worthwhile to excavate the historical foundations upon
which this brand of isolationism rests. The rise of nationalism, trade pro-
tectionism, and unilateralism mirrors the attitudes of WWII revisionist
scholars and isolationists, a group into whose ranks Beard fit, though
uneasily. Yet, the historical development of such notions in the life and
thought of Charles Beard, one of the most prominent historians and pub-
lic intellectuals of his time, suggests the possibility that isolationist and
nationalist impulses might support progressive, instead of reactionary,
political agendas.
Focusing on Beard, this chapter examines the specific terms and con-
cepts at the intersection of foreign policy and domestic politics at a pivotal
stage in US and world history between the world wars. The major transi-
tion in Beard’s thought and writing involved a shift away from a Wilsonian
progressive perspective that emphasized interconnection, interdepen-
dence, and the United States’ ability to enact meaningful change around
the world. In the years following WWI, Beard’s nationalist liberalism cen-
tered around an ideal US “continentalism,” which he rooted in anti-
imperialism and premised on achieving a vibrant and largely self-sufficient
domestic economy. By turning its attention inward, he argued, the United
States would achieve more equal distribution of wealth and a broader basis
for popular rights and participation. Situated within a strong Western
Hemispheric sphere of influence and with few inextricable international
economic or political commitments, the United States would remain
unbound to the vicissitudes of European or Asian turmoil. The process by
which Beard arrived at this set of circumspect quasi-isolationist positions
largely from a close reading of historical precedents), the degree to which
these ideas extended previous perspectives, and responded to contempo-
rary exigencies expose the long-standing salience of ideas about isolation
in American foreign policy.
offer clear conceptual frameworks that underscored this history and the
ideas that undergirded these terms and debates. The sense that emerges in
his historical writing is that elites and financial powers corrupted American
democracy, particularly by embroiling the United States in a search for
markets and global economics that then necessitated a larger navy, more
ports, a larger army, and, eventually, military force abroad (as in the 1898
Spanish-American War and the 1900 Boxer Rebellion). According to
Beard, American anti-imperialism played out in strikingly similar debates
historically, even in starkly different eras, recurring in battles over expan-
sion (which Beard opposed beyond the confines of the continent), large-
scale foreign trade and investments (opposed), and principles of local
autonomy and popular sovereignty (which Beard supported so long as it
did not deviate from core Constitutional values or threaten the federal
government, a la secession).
pushed for a larger navy and new markets. Eventually, the US ascent in
world commercial and military power propelled the United States into
hemispheric conflict and war with Spain in 1898. According to Beard, this
extraordinary shift toward outward expansionism ignited the United
States’ extra-continental empire (beginning with annexations of territory
in both the Caribbean and the Pacific). He also argued that it made the
United States vulnerable to foreign aggression while simultaneously
undercutting Bryan’s populism and diluting democratic attempts for sig-
nificant domestic reforms (which Beard’s use of scare quotes in his histo-
ries signal that he preferred).
A close reading of Beard’s histories opens new vistas on his changing
views about the nature of international relations and United States’ proper
place within the world system. Beard deployed a progressive and expanded
understanding of the past to interpret patterns and events both as an his-
torian drawing on primary sources and also as a public intellectual who
shaped the historical narrative to support his claims for the best course for
present and future policy. The connections between the rise of progressive
thought and the development of a progressive orientation in foreign pol-
icy go beyond a shared historical era; they are indicative of new ways of
understanding, of creating and evaluating knowledge, and of effecting
change. In a classic definition, William Leuchtenberg has depicted this as
a view toward the perfectibility of man and his institutions based on “posi-
tive government, of a national government directing the destinies of the
nation at home and abroad” (1952, 483). And in more recent evaluations,
this general definition holds up well as a way to encapsulate an enormous
number of progressivisms.
When configured into foreign relations, their core premises tended to
default to a form of anti-imperialism, reminding the nation that it was
born in revolution against monarchy and oppression and therefore the
United States should not rule alien peoples against their wills. In assess-
ing the annexation of the Philippines, for example, most self-described
progressives urged rapid independence, at the very least, if not outright
independence and anti-imperialism (Kramer 2006). At the same time,
progressive reformers, politicians, and intellectuals disagreed on the pro-
cess or expedience of inculcating progressive reform into US foreign
policy, and whether their attempts to reform the sanitation, hygienic,
agricultural, and educational systems in the Philippines, Puerto Rico, the
Dominican Republic, and elsewhere manifested a progressive social sci-
ence managerial ethos, or if they merely amounted to a thinly veiled
neocolonial policy. Some of these claims were far from noble to the mod-
ern eye or ear, founded as they were on racist visions of a hierarchy of
civilizations in which the United States was modeled as Anglo-Saxon,
white, and highly civilized and thus should not be contaminated by other
groups and lesser races. Others made racially liberal cases for the sover-
eignty of states and peoples and their capacities for self-government. For
others, there was a more radical social critique at work. In assessing these
options, Beard tended to caution against meddling in the affairs of other
nations—in keeping with his vision of the Washington-Jeffersonian tradi-
tion—unless they directly threatened US security. Along similar lines,
progressive reformers and intellectuals, and their immediate heirs,
remained wary of the use of force—what William Borah termed the
“fetish of force”—that came with a large navy and military capacity than
were likely to tempt leaders and citizens alike (Johnson 1995; Renda
2001; Dawley 2005; Lears 2009; Nichols 2011).
Woodrow Wilson’s Democratic platform in 1912 had been an amal-
gam of progressive causes, as was Theodore Roosevelt’s. Both men
loomed large in the history and historiography of foreign policy in the
Progressive Era, and both were themselves authors well versed in US his-
tory. In fact, both had read Beard’s work and knew him personally. Beard’s
world-view can be best understood as progressive and historically
informed. Indeed, he likely agreed with Walter Lippmann, who remarked
in 1943 that “We can best separate appearance from the reality, the tran-
sient from the permanent, the significant from the episodic, by looking
backward whenever we look forward. There is no great mystery why this
should be … the successive generations of men tend to face the same
recurrent problems and to react to them in more or less habitual ways”
(Hunt 1987, 1). Wilson, however, who trained at John Hopkins, held
that there was more of a precise science to the study of history (and to
statecraft) (Milne 2015).
In contrast, Beard pioneered the “New History,” alongside fellow
Columbia University Professor James Harvey Robinson. This school
aimed to unmoor history from the German model of scientific history
associated with Leopold von Ranke, modeled on telling history from pri-
mary sources wie es eigentlich gewesen (“how things actually were”).
Instead, these so-called Progressive Historians aimed at faithful interpreta-
tion, challenging the very notion of objectivity and traditional specializa-
tions of history in politics and military affairs while expanding the range of
lenses of analysis and subjects available to historians to do their work. As
Peter Novick has shown, Robinson and the New Historians (as well as
progressive historians such as V. L. Parrington, Frederick Jackson Turner,
and Beard) sought interdisciplinary techniques and insights, including
economics, sociology, and psychology, and pushed to broaden the scope
of historical scholarship and teaching (Novick 1988; Hofstadter 1968).
Ultimately, they asserted that historical study should elucidate the present
and generate progress not just in knowledge production but in social and
political conditions, a contentious claim starkly evident in Beard’s later
Beard’s histories from the 1910s clarified the importance of the alterna-
tive represented by Bryan’s populist, reform-minded cause and how it
provoked, in part, the heightened “selling” of the hyperpatriotic cause for
war with Spain, and in the Philippines, for the large navy, and more. Beard
played with such themes as early as his 1914 Contemporary American
History, describing the United States’ 1895–96 meddling in the British
dispute over the boundaries of the Venezuelan Republic as “an echo of the
time-honored Monroe Doctrine … without any deeper economic signifi-
cance.” Although US perseverance in hemispheric advocacy seemed just,
Beard warned, there were “signs that the United States was prepared eco-
nomically to accept that type of imperialism that had long been dominant
in British politics and had sprung into prominence in Germany, France,
and Italy during the generation following the Franco-Prussian War”
(Beard 1914, 203). Even if a single instance of intervention belied eco-
nomic significance, it signaled the US willingness to step into power poli-
tics, and it required a military and economic infrastructure that would
compel continuous global engagement. After American interests fomented
revolution in Hawaii, and despite fits and starts, Beard determined, the
“Spanish War and the acquisition of the insular dependencies” brought
“imperialism directly into politics as an overshadowing issue” (Beard
1914, 205).
According to Beard, these competitive conditions brought about the
WWI. Because “newer imperialism does not rest primarily upon a desire
for more territory, but rather upon the necessity; for markets in which to
sell manufactured goods and for opportunities to invest surplus accumula-
tions of capital,” it drove countries inexorably toward conflict. The “pres-
ent economic system” propelled countries in “search for trade” and “safe
investment opportunities” to intervene in foreign territories to protect
their trade interests, to take those countries on as protectorates when
intervention failed to reap stable rewards, and, “finally, to annexation.”
The world has become one great body, and neither the United States nor
any other nation can live to itself or refuse to bear its share in the common
tasks of civilization. Far from meaning the entrance of the country into an
‘entangling alliance’ of the kind which Washington wisely warned against,
and whose probable consequence would be to involve us in war, accession
to the League of Nations means, for the moment, insurance against war,
and, for the future, a step toward cooperative world organization, and there-
fore toward an enduring world peace. (Ogg and Beard 1919, 590–591)
Drawing the connection to the United States of the post–Civil War era,
Ogg and Beard observed that today’s nations occupied the same position
as “frontier settlements in America half a century ago, before orderly gov-
ernment was set up.” Like those settlements, these nations “are, in the
main, well disposed. But in the absence of an authority that can enforce
order, they feel obliged to look out for their own security by arming them-
selves against possible insult or attack” (Ogg and Beard 1919, 585). In
these conditions, international law might provide a restraint with which
the League could assist, but only, in Beard’s view, if it was a league of “free
effort to “make the world safe for democracy” through a “creed of world
interventionism and adventurism.” He rebuked the Wilsonian project of
high-minded freedom of seas and trade as founded on self-serving lower-
ing of trade barriers and promoting constitutional government in part by
force, preparing for war, and transforming “backward places into man-
dated trusts for civilization” (Beard 1939, 340). Indeed, as historian
Erez Manela has shown, such a critique and disillusionment were imme-
diately felt around the world in 1919 and 1920. Anti-colonial nationalists
such as Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Syngman Rhee, and Jawaharlal
Nehru looked to the Wilsonian rhetoric of self-determination and were
thwarted in invoking it toward nationalist ends. Ultimately they, too,
were shaped by the disillusionment wrought by the empty promise of
Wilsonianism and the lack of US support, all in the wake of a war that the
United States had purportedly entered to support democracy worldwide
(Manela 2007).
Over time, Beard became one of the most prominent intellectuals
seeking to prevent FDR and the United States from further engagement
in the brewing crisis in Europe. After the war, he was reviled as an isola-
tionist revisionist. Still, like other renowned historians of the day such as
Charles Tansill and Henry Elmer Barnes, Charles Beard (and Mary Beard
must be included) made the case for the United States’ course of
financially-and-materially-involved “neutrality” from 1914 to 1917, and
its history as useable and urgent in the 1930s (Dallek 1979; Cohen
1987). To support the Neutrality Acts and press for binding the hands
of the president against rapid preparedness, they trumpeted an isolation-
ist-inflected, historically based case to keep the United States out of
power politics. Like other interwar foreign policy skeptics, Beard often
and vigorously invoked the lessons of WWI and the Wilson years.
“Neutrality” became the watchword of a policy based on historical
insight, and some scholars argue neutralism, not isolationism, best fit
such a view (Johnstone 2011; Blower 2014). It is worth noting that, at
the time, this view of history’s lesson (be it “isolation” or “strict neutral-
ity”) was persuasive and the positions it reinforced were popular
(Doenecke 2003). Gallup polls in 1937 consistently suggested roughly
three out of four Americans wanted to keep the United States out of the
Spanish Civil War. By 1940, half of the population wanted no formal
part in the European war or the Asian conflict (Johnson 1995; Nichols
2011; Reynolds 2014; Milne 2015).
Beard’s politics and progressive worldview deeply influenced his history.
But his was no static progressivism. Beard’s policy advocacy really began
as his history matured; he came to understand the development of the
United States from the imperial adventurism and excess at the turn of the
twentieth century to the Wilsonian project of world-making in entering
WWI in 1917. By the 1930s, Beard supported much of the New Deal as
essential but not sweeping enough in its changes. Indeed, in his Open
Door at Home, Beard consistently argued for greater state control and
centralized planning, noting historical examples of crises that required
strong progressive collectivization and central organization (Beard and
Smith 1934b, 305–320). In this emphasis on crisis and the conditions of
the Great Depression, Beard perceived the potential for gain or ruin.
In the “interwar years,” Beard developed and escalated his historically
informed arguments for why the nation should go to war only “for grand
national and human advantage,” via open democratic deliberation and
debate, and unlike the sort of secret and constrained policy debates and
politics beholden to the so-called merchants of death of the Wilson years.
Thus, Beard and a number of others turned Wilsonianism against Wilson.
They mounted a progressive, pragmatic attack on Wilson’s policies and
the recent history of a purportedly “progressive” internationalism to reject
the possibility of tying the United States to Europe as another war loomed.
In the 1930s, as Beard moved purposefully toward what we might
assess now to be a form of autarky—his “continental Americanism”—fig-
ures such as Lippmann tended to agree about the need to steer clear of
foreign entanglements but equivocated on how much “retrenchment”
and military “preparedness” was necessary to achieve national security.
Lippmann disagreed with Beard about the potential role for the people.
Lippmann was skeptical. In keeping with his observations in Public
Opinion (1922), Lippmann argued that the masses of people can be m isled
and their consent easily “manufactured” through propaganda. In contrast,
Beard was optimistic; he deemed an educated “plain citizen” best able to
direct democracy. By the late 1930s, their differences were manifest.
Lippmann ultimately came to support “preparing” for neutrality and
accepting the United States’ “decisive influence in the affairs of the world”
(Lippmann 1939, 47). Beard, on the other hand, rebuked Lippmann’s
claim of American “preponderant power” as an “illusion … anywhere out-
side of this hemisphere” (Beard 1939, 349). Beard pushed against military
Adler, Selig. 1957. The Isolationist Impulse: Its Twentieth-Century Reaction.
New York: Abelard-Schuman Limited.
Beale, Howard Kennedy, ed. 1954. Charles A. Beard. An Appraisal by Eric
F. Goldman and Others. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press.
Beard, Charles A. 1920. American Government and Politics, 3rd ed. New York:
———. 1913. An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States.
New York: Macmillan.
———. 1914. Contemporary American History, 1877–1913. New York: Macmillan.
———. 1925. War with Japan: What Shall We Get Out of It? Nation 25 (March):
Hunt, Michael. 1987. Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy. New Haven: Yale University
Johnson, Robert David. 1995. Peace Progressives and American Foreign Relations.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Johnstone, Andrew. 2011. Isolationism and Internationalism in American Foreign
Relations. Journal of Transatlantic Studies 9 (1): 7–20.
Jonas, Manfred. 1966. Isolationism in America, 1935–1941. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press.
Kennedy, Thomas. 1975. Charles A. Beard and American Foreign Policy.
Gainesville, FL: University Presses of Florida.
Kramer, Paul. 2006. Blood of Government: Race, Empire, the United States, and the
Philippines. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Lears, Jackson. 2009. Rebirth of a Nation, The Making of Modern America,
1877–1920. New York: Harper Books.
Leuchtenburg, William. 1952. Progressivism and Imperialism: The Progressive
Movement and American Foreign Policy, 1898–1916. The Mississippi Valley
Historical Review 39 (3): 483–485.
Lippmann, Walter. 1922. Public Opinion. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and
———. 1939. The American Destiny. Life Magazine 6 (June 5): 47, 72–73.
Manela, Erez. 2007. The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the
International Origins of Anticolonial Nationalism. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Milne, David. 2015. Worldmaking: The Art and Science of American Diplomacy.
New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Nichols, Christopher McKnight. 2011/2015. Promise and Peril: America at the
Dawn of a Global Age. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
———. 2013. The Enduring Power of Isolationism: An Historical Perspective.
Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs 57 (3): 390–407.
Nichols, Christopher, and Justus Doenecke. 2013. Isolationism. In Oxford
Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History, ed. Timothy Lynch
(Editor-in-chief), Christopher McKnight Nichols, and David Milne, 560–563.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Nore, Ellen. 1983. Charles A. Beard, an Intellectual Biography. Carbondale:
Southern Illinois University Press.
Novick, Peter. 1988. That Noble Dream: The ‘Objectivity Question’ and the
American Historical Profession. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Ogg, Frederic Austin, and Charles Austin Beard, eds. 1919. National Governments
and the World War. New York: Macmillan.
Osgood, Robert Endicott. 1953. Ideals and Self-Interest in America’s Foreign
Relations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Radosh, Ronald. 1975. Prophets of the Right: Profiles of Conservative Critics of
American Globalism. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Renda, Mary. 2001. Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture of
U.S. Imperialism, 1915–1940. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Reynolds, David. 2014. The Long Shadow: The Legacies of the Great War in the
Twentieth Century. New York: W.W. Norton and Company.
Rodgers, Daniel T. 1982. In Search of Progressivism. Reviews in American History
10: 113–132.
Rosenberg, Emily, ed. 2012. A World Connecting: 1870–1945. Cambridge, MA:
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Stenehjem, Michael Flynn. 1976. An American First: John T. Flynn and the
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Tooze, Adam. 2014. The Deluge: The Great War, America, and the Remaking of
the Global Order, 1916–1931. New York: Viking Press.
David Milne
Throughout his long career, Walter Lippmann was primus inter pares as a
journalist and foreign policy analyst who combined quality of insight with
quantity of readership. The most read, revered, and trusted print journalist
in America, from Calvin Coolidge to Lyndon Johnson, Lippmann was a
strong supporter of Woodrow Wilson during the First World War but
moved sharply away from his universalist worldview when it became appar-
ent that the Treaty of Versailles was no “peace without victory”. This chap-
ter traces the evolution of Lippmann’s thinking on foreign affairs from the
First World War to the end of the Second World War. The quality of his
journalism was consistently high but he was no mere distant observer of
events. Lippmann helped Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) formulate a persua-
sive rationale for providing Great Britain with material support—so much
so that a journalist from the St Louis Post Dispatch threatened to investigate
Lippmann’s role in “this plot to get America into the war”.1 From 1939,
he identified through his syndicated “Today and Tomorrow” columns a
See “The Reminiscences of Walter Lippmann,” Columbia University Rare Books Library,
D. Milne (*)
School of History, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
compelling strategic rationale for facing down Germany and Japan. Then,
in 1943, Lippmann published U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic, a
book that sold close to half a million copies (Lippmann 1943).
Rationalizing and encouraging American participation in the Second
World War was something that Lippmann worked toward skillfully, but
so too was ensuring that President Roosevelt did not botch the peace in
the fashion of Woodrow Wilson. To avoid this from happening,
Lippmann advised that America should work with the world’s other
powerful nations to ensure post-war stability—not through vesting any
serious hope in the League of Nations’ successor. Roosevelt should cer-
tainly resist making grandiose claims from connecting the spread of
democracy to the maintenance of peace. And while the president should
disagree with Moscow where necessary, he should always keep an eye on
the ultimate goal of avoiding another global war, to which contentious
issues of smaller stake—such as Soviet domination of Eastern Europe—
could be sacrificed.
Shedding his earlier Wilsonianism, Lippmann came to believe that
peace was best achieved through strength, that idealism should be stripped
from policymaking, that the arbitration of disputes was impossible to
achieve, and that the nation-state remained the principal actor in world
politics. The Progressivism of his early years gave way to something far
more hardheaded. It disappointed Lippmann that so many of his recom-
mendations went unheeded in the first few post-war years as ideological
hostility, not a dispassionate calculation of respective interests, soured
US-Soviet relations. Yet, Lippmann overestimated the ability of the United
States and Soviet Union to maintain a credible and workable post-war alli-
ance. It turned out that ideological differences between the two nations
Lippmann’s 1943 thesis that “a foreign policy consists in bringing into
balance, with a comfortable surplus of power in reserve, the nation’s com-
mitments and the nation’s power” was a classic expression of realism, but
its assumptions were scientistic—that he had discerned a fundamental and
systematic truth about the way in which states interact. (Lippmann 1943,
9). Lippmann’s theory held that Josef Stalin was a rational actor acutely
conscious of his nation’s strengths and weaknesses, which meant the
Soviet leader was unlikely to overstep the mark in projecting power if dis-
passionate analysis flagged the dangers of such a course. Yet, Lippmann
was only partly right. While Stalin’s goals in the early Cold War were not
as expansionary as some have portrayed, ideology did play a causal role in
shaping Soviet foreign policy.2 This made a modus vivendi between the
two nations difficult to achieve.
While this assessment was flawed and overconfident in certain respects,
there can be no doubt that Lippmann was a remarkably insightful observer
of international affairs in a tumultuous era and that he appropriately con-
tinues to command the interest of historians and scholars of international
relations. His worldview evolved and changed with the time; his intellec-
tual concerns were multifaceted. A clear strain of pragmatism is evident
throughout the entirety of his career. But it is with Lippmann’s
Progressivism—his first sustained political passion—that we must begin.
In October 1913, Herbert Croly invited Walter Lippmann to dine with
him at Players, a private club in New York City. Croly had published The
Promise of American Life to glowing reviews in 1909. An influential pro-
gressive tract, Croly argued that the United States’ affirming story of soci-
etal progress, and vast latent potential, might combine to perfect not just
America but other nations, like Panama, where “order and good govern-
ment” could be established with the right kind of tutelage (Croly 2001,
303). In respect to improving America, Croly believed that the govern-
ment must play a larger role in managing the economy, and redistributing
wealth, so as to ensure the nation’s continued vitality: “The Promise of
American life is to be fulfilled—not merely by the maximum amount of
economic freedom, but by a certain measure of discipline; not merely by
the abundant satisfaction of individual desires, but by a large measure of
individual subordination and self-denial” (Croly 2001, 28). Lippmann
admired Croly’s ambition to approach good governance and politics in
the scientific fashion.
When Croly invited him to join the editorial staff of a new progressive
weekly, funded by Willard and Dorothy Straight, he a Morgan banker and
she a Standard Oil heiress, Lippmann accepted on the spot. The magazine
was generously funded, strongly associated with Bull Moose Progressivism,
and afforded Lippmann a gilt-edged opportunity to interact with the most
powerful figures in the city. Thrilled by his new job, Lippmann wrote to
his friend Van Wyck Brooks, a prominent literary critic, to explain the
magazine’s purpose:
Vladislav M. Zubok’s Failed Empire: The Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to
Gorbachev (Chapel Hill: University of North Caroline Press, 2008) is particularly effective in
tracing the way in which ideology influenced Stalin’s ambitions. Geoffrey Roberts’ Stalin’s
Wars: From World War to Cold War, 1939–1953 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008)
lends support to Lippmann’s portrayal of Stalin as a pragmatic and rational actor.
272 D. MILNE
Walter Lippmann to Van Wyck Brooks, February 5, 1914, Papers of Van Wyck Brooks,
cal foreign policy”, in Karen E. Smith and Margot Light, Ethics and Foreign Policy
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Ibid., 72.
Walter Lippmann to Felix Frankfurter, August 2, 1914, Box 10, Folder 418, Yale
A victory on the high seas would be a triumph of that class which aims to
make Germany the leader of the East against the West, the leader ultimately
of a German-Russian-Japanese coalition against the Atlantic world. It would
be utter folly not to fight now to make its hopes a failure by showing that in
the face of such a threat the western community is a unit.9
Lippmann wanted Wilson to present his war aims with the clarity that was
his own journalistic hallmark. The war should serve America’s vital inter-
ests in preventing German naval domination of the Atlantic.
Lippmann performed significant wartime service for his nation. He first
served as a special assistant to the Secretary of War, Newton D. Baker,
second as the executive secretary of the president’s “Inquiry”, and finally
as a member of the Inter-Allied Propaganda Board in London, where he
drafted propaganda leaflets to be dropped behind enemy lines. Lippmann
played an important role in drafting the Fourteen Points. Here, Lippmann
was sympathetic to Wilson’s idealism, which chimed with The New
Republic’s perspective. Yet, once the war ended, and peace negotiations
commenced in Paris, Lippmann recalled a distinct sense of foreboding:
Walter Lippmann, “The Defense of the Atlantic World,” The New Republic, February 17,
1917. The historian Mary Beard recorded her appreciation for the article in a warm letter to
Lippmann. She wrote that it “is superb. Better than ever before you have proved your leader-
ship. I have been liking the New Republic immensely recently”. Mary Beard to Walter
Lippmann, February 19, 1917, Box 3, Folder 125, YUL.
“The Reminiscences of Walter Lippmann,” CURBL, 17.
storm”, Lippmann could not fathom how the president could mortgage
“peace without victory” for an untried international organization yet to
clear the significant hurdle of Senate confirmation (Ikenberry et al. 2009,
41). The pragmatic Wilson Lippmann had earlier identified seemed to
have disappeared from view. In a letter to Norman Hapgood, Wilson’s
unofficial press liaison, Lippmann observed pointedly and accurately that
the president had “bought the League from France and Britain with a bad
peace instead of selling it to France and Britain for a good peace” (Steel
1980, 158, 161). Wilson had become dogmatic, which was the major
political deficiency in Lippmann’s view.
When the Treaty of Versailles emerged into the harsh light of public
view, Lippmann felt an acute sense of betrayal. Usually so accurate when
judging the character of his interlocutors, Lippmann had erred in identify-
ing Wilson as a supple thinker. Lippmann was so riled by what had trans-
pired in Paris that he provided William Borah and Hiram Johnson, and
other “irreconcilables” in the Senate, with insider anecdotes and evidence
that helped undermine the peace accords.
Though let down by Wilson, Lippmann was less than enthused by his
presidential successors, however. He wrote to Graham Wallas, “Harding is
elected not because anyone likes him or because the Republican Party is
particularly powerful, but because the Democrats are inconceivably
unpopular.”11 On Calvin Coolidge, Lippmann recalled that his laconic
reputation regrettably did not tally with his own experience:
I … saw quite a lot of Calvin Coolidge in that period between 1922 and
1931, although we were opposing him rather strenuously. I used to go to
lunch with him alone and we had long interminable talks with him in his
study. He did all the talking. He was far from a silent man…. I had a strong
impression with Coolidge that he really had nothing very much to do—that
he was not at all a busy man. He always took a nap in the afternoon. His idea
was, “Let the government drift.”12
Yet, in the sphere of foreign policy, Lippmann was relaxed about drift—
compared to the misdirected energy of the war years at any rate. Though
never strictly isolationist, he welcomed US detachment from the League
of Nations. He also denigrated the “Dollar Diplomacy” that undergirded
Walter Lippmann to Graham Wallas, November 4, 1920, Box 33, Folder 1246, YUL.
bination of work, sleep, family, and leisure. Lippmann had first trialed this
distinction in The New Republic in 1915, when he wrote that “Only the
insider can make the decisions, not because he is inherently a better per-
son, but he is so placed that he can understand and can act” (Lippmann
1915b, 13). His ideal “democracy” would give insiders free rein to make
important decisions, permitting the mass of “outsiders” to exercise a veto
only if they felt the decision would unfairly injure the majority—a utilitar-
ian calculation that few were capable of making. Hence, Lippmann antici-
pated useful apathy.
Lippmann’s purpose in The Phantom Public was to ensure that “each
of us may live free of the trampling and the roar of a bewildered herd”
(Lippmann 1927, 155). It was a post-mortem on the corpse of his earlier
idealism and progressive faith in the capacity of people to self-govern and
pursue a sage foreign policy. He had lost faith in Wilsonianism and the
universalist optimism that justified the attempt to make “the world safe
for democracy”. Democracy in the United States was clearly not safe in
itself. Considerably more bracing and pessimistic than Public Opinion, the
book met with an icy reception among reviewers and readers. Lippmann
anticipated this when he observed that he was likely to be “put on trial for
heresy by my old friends on The New Republic” (Steel 1980, 213). John
Dewey’s 1927 book, The Public and Its Problems, was conceived as a
response to Lippmann, noted persuasively that the “world has suffered
more from leaders and authorities than from the masses” (Dewey 1927,
On foreign policy, Lippmann equivocated on the necessary dimensions
of diplomatic retrenchment. Intellectually, he was in flux. He became close
with Senator William Borah, the pseudo-isolationist chair of the Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations from 1924 to 1933. The two men col-
laborated in supporting naval disarmament, its attendant international
agreements, and in opposing military intervention in Latin America. Yet,
they also joined forces in calling for a renegotiation of Allied war debts and
supporting diplomatic recognition of the Soviet Union. Their endeavors
sometimes echoed internationalist goals and sometimes tended toward
diplomatic insularity. Borah even professed faith in the Kellogg-Briand
pact to outlaw war, which Lippmann found ludicrous in its detachment
Dewey, Beard, and Lippmann are expertly discussed in Thomas Bender, New York
Intellect: A History of Intellectual Life in New York City from 1750 to the Beginnings of Our
Own Time (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987).
278 D. MILNE
from reality. That “Europe should scrap its whole system of security based
on the enforcement of peace,” wrote Lippmann in the World in 1927,
“and accept in its place a pious, self-denying ordinance that no nation will
disturb the peace” was nonsensical. The support that Borah extended
toward such folly represented an “extraordinary spectacle”, in light of his
own well-recorded contempt for the League of Nations (Steel 1980,
253–254). Yet, by 1930, Lippmann’s foreign policy views appeared as
illogical in their entirety as Borah’s. Ronald Steel captures this well:
During the 1920s, and much of the 1930s as well, Lippmann was neither
consistent nor persuasive in his prescriptions for preventing war.
Simultaneously espousing disarmament and American naval strength, inter-
national cooperation and an Anglo-American domination of the seas,
American freedom of action and a ‘political equivalent of war,’ he reflected
the confusions of the age. (Steel 1980, 255–256)
mixed conclusion. While admiring his rhetorical facility and keen political
antennae, Lippmann found the generality and vagueness of FDR’s policy
interests unsettling, concluding that he was unqualified for high office.
“The two things that about him that worry me”, Lippmann wrote to
Felix Frankfurter after FDR secured his party’s nomination, “are that he
plays politics well and likes the game for its own sake and is likely to be
ultra-political to show his own virtuosity. The other fear I have is that he
is such an amiable and impressionable man, so eager to please, and, I
think, so little grounded in his own convictions that almost everything
depends on the character of his advisers.” Roosevelt’s forceful presidency
proved Lippmann to be wide of the mark on this second point. Nonetheless,
in the absence of any better options, Lippmann placed his reservations to
one side, stating his intention come Election Day to “vote cheerfully for
Governor Roosevelt” (Steel 1980, 295–296). Dire domestic circum-
stances suggested to Lippmann that change was essential.
Lippmann met President-Elect Roosevelt at a dinner in New York in
honor of the retiring President of Harvard, A. Lawrence Lowell. Conscious
of Lippmann’s rapt national readership, Roosevelt brushed off the earlier
criticism and invited Lippmann to visit him in Warm Springs, Georgia,
where doctors attended annually to the paralysis caused by polio. It was a
remarkable encounter by all accounts. “The situation is critical, Franklin,”
Lippmann observed darkly, “You may have no alternative but to assume
dictatorial powers.” According to Ronald Steel, “the starkness of the
phrase, particularly from Lippmann, took Roosevelt aback” (Steel 1980,
300). Over the space of a few months, Lippmann had gone from casting
serious doubt on Roosevelt’s suitability for high office to advising him to
assume the necessary role of an enlightened despot. Lippmann’s 1920s’
mercurialness continued well into the 1930s.
Lippmann was enthralled by the executive energy of the early stages of
Roosevelt’s presidency, writing that the nation “had regained confidence
in itself” and that “by the greatest of good fortune which has befallen this
country in many a day, a kindly and intelligent man has the wit to realize
that a great crisis is a great opportunity.”15 His vote against Hoover had
been vindicated in a short time. On foreign policy, Lippmann celebrated
President Roosevelt’s “Good Neighbor Policy” enunciated in his inaugu-
ral address—which promised non-interference in the affairs of Washington’s
280 D. MILNE
Walter Lippmann, “Today and Tomorrow,” International Herald Tribune, May 17,
Hitler’s territorial ambitions. The first was the French Army, which still
commanded respect from learned individuals steeped in Napoleonic his-
tory, oblivious to the hollowness of its contemporary military capabilities.
The second phenomenon that Lippmann believed might localize German
ambitions was the persecution of its Jewish population. In the spring and
summer of 1933, Nazi thugs organized the burning of books written by
Jews (and liberals) and visited violence and intimidation on a national
scale. The repression of Germany’s Jews, Lippmann wrote, “by satisfying
the lust of the Nazis who feel they may conquer somebody and the cupid-
ity of those Nazis who want jobs, is a kind of lightning rod which protects
Europe”.17 Here, Lippmann displayed considerable callousness and badly
underestimated the extent of Hitler’s ambitions. Felix Frankfurter
recorded his understandable dismay about the “implications and attitude
of feeling about that piece” (Steel 1980, 330).
Lippmann also called for the United States to retreat from those Pacific
interests that clashed most obviously with Tokyo’s regional ambitions. In
December 1936, Lippmann wrote that the “vital interests of Japan and
the United States do not conflict”, that war would be a “monstrous and
useless blunder” and that this might be a “very opportune moment for the
United States to withdraw gracefully from its Far Eastern entanglements”.
Uttering a sentiment that clashed with those of certain isolationists—that
Europe was beyond hope but that China was very much a wronged
party—Lippmann declared “we can well afford to say plainly that the
Chinese must defend their own country, and that we have no political
interests whatever in Asia.”18 Retrenchment became imperative. Lippmann
worried that the Philippines could become a source of contention with
A visit to the European continent in the summer of 1937 had left
Lippmann despondent about Anglo-French complacency regarding the
scale of the German threat. He was far ahead of his high-powered inter-
locutors in his understanding of the nature of Nazism and on the particu-
larities of Hitler’s psyche. In a far-sighted T&T column, Lippmann
observed perceptively that Hitler’s continued dominance of German
politics depended “not upon receiving tangible benefits by grace of his
Walter Lippmann, “Today and Tomorrow,” International Herald Tribune, May 12,
Walter Lippmann, “Today and Tomorrow,” International Herald Tribune, December
24, 1936.
282 D. MILNE
opponents, but upon taking things by the exercise of his own power … He
cannot be placated by gifts; he must appear to conquer what he seeks”.19
If France and Britain continued on the track of denial and ignorance,
Lippmann observed bleakly, “then the future of the Old World is in the
hands of warrior castes, and the civilian era, which began in the renais-
sance, is concluded”.20 In February 1938, during a meeting with Joe
Kennedy, the appeasement-inclined US Ambassador to the UK (and father
of a future president), Lippmann insisted that “democracies must not
delude themselves with ideas that there is any bloodless, inexpensive sub-
stitute for the willingness to go to war…” (Steel 1980, 370).
Lippmann’s prescience on the extent of Hitler’s ambitions, and his cri-
tique of Anglo-French irresponsibility in the face of this threat, became
more pointed between 1938 and 1939. Lippmann continued to make a
case to the American people that military preparedness was the number-
one political priority. The Assistant Secretary of War, Louis Johnson,
thanked Lippmann in December 1938 for his journalistic efforts to eluci-
date the national (Atlanticist) interest and his lucid warnings to Americans
to reject the type of complacency and wishful thinking that so consumed
Britain and France:
Your views on this vital subject are so eminently sane and sound and your
presentation of them is so forthright and so clear that I am impelled to the
belief that if the country does not realize the situation as you have so ade-
quately presented in your column, I greatly fear that bitter days may be in
store for us….21
Walter Lippmann, “Today and Tomorrow,” International Herald Tribune, October 16,
Louis Johnson [Assistant Secretary of War] to Walter Lippmann, December 22, 1938,
After the fall of France, President Roosevelt, unshackled from his usual
caution, declared that it was a “delusion” to believe that America might
remain “a lone island in a world dominated by the philosophy of force”
(Zelizer 2010, 45). Lippmann reveled in the speech’s force and clarity. In
his column, Lippmann further developed the president’s reasoning by
observing that isolationists had been “duped by a falsification of history”.
President Wilson failed to identify the primary reason America went to
war: because the “safety of the Atlantic highway is something for which
America should fight.” To shirk in this task 20 years later would be to
invite German aggression.22 And Lippmann was at pains to ridicule isola-
tionists who believed that the Atlantic was some form of magical barrier
that no belligerent nation could cross.
Lippmann played a major role in assuring Congressional passages of the
destroyers-bases deal, and he offered strong support for its more ambi-
tious successor, Lend-Lease. Acknowledging that sophistry and loopholes
were no longer required in rationalizing significant material support for
Great Britain, Lippmann wrote, “With aid to Britain, this country passes
from large promises carried out slightly and partially by clever devices to
substantial deeds openly and honestly avowed.”23 Unlike destroyers-bases,
Lippmann “had nothing to do with the idea, except by writing articles
explaining the need of making a contribution to aid the Allies”. Yet, a
national syndicated audience of ten million of America’s wealthiest and
most influential readers meant that his persuasive role was significant.
Having opposed FDR through the New Deal, Lippmann became
become a staunch supporter of his diplomacy during the Second World
War. Lippmann admired FDR’s deft and purposeful leadership over the
course of the Second World War. Roosevelt’s keen political skills—his cau-
tion, optimism, and eloquence—allowed him to prepare the American
public for participation in a world war and for a pivotal role in world
affairs thereafter. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the president
responded stirringly to this shocking turn of events, identifying “a day
which will live in infamy” that America would never let stand. His priori-
tization of defeating Germany first was sound and his appointment of
senior Republicans to his administration was tactically adroit and appro-
Walter Lippmann, “Today and Tomorrow,” International Herald Tribune, June 15,
Walter Lippmann, “Today and Tomorrow,” International Herald Tribune, December
19, 1940.
Walter Lippmann, “Today and Tomorrow,” International Herald Tribune, February 12,
Walter Lippmann to Wendell Willkie, July 30, 1940. In Blum, Public Philosopher, 395.
286 D. MILNE
Lippmann decided to reply with a book of his own. He halved the fre-
quency of his weekly column to write the book in just four months, aware
of the advanced stage of his adversary’s book in progress. While “Willkie’s
One World helped to educate the people of this country to a participation in
world affairs,” Lippmann wrote, “it also helped … to miseducate them to an
expectation about things which caused a furious resentment when it didn’t
come true…”28 America’s world position would be gravely harmed by the
unchallenged dissemination of such ignorance. Lippmann’s contribution to
public education, U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic, was published in
the spring of 1943, at the same time as One World. Rarely have two foreign
policy books combined so perfectly to capture the public’s imagination.
U.S. Foreign Policy was Lippmann’s best book on diplomacy. Lippmann
interrogated foreign policy with a sharpness and accessibility that few writ-
ers before or since have achieved. Consider Lippmann’s presentation of his
core thesis:
The thesis of this book is that a foreign policy consists in bringing into bal-
ance, with a comfortable surplus of power in reserve, the nation’s commit-
ments and the nation’s power. The constant preoccupation of the true
statesman is to achieve and maintain this balance. (Lippmann 1943, 9–10)
It was the dawn of the twentieth century that compelled the United
States to reconsider its foreign policy responsibilities with a clearer head:
“As soon … as Britain no longer ruled all the oceans—which was after
about 1900—our own strategic doctrine ceased to be adequate”
(Lippmann 1943, 97). Lippmann developed one instead: “we are com-
mitted to defend at the risk of war the lands and the waters around them
extending from Alaska to the Philippines and Australia, from Greenland to
Brazil to Patagonia” (Lippmann 1943, 109). That this represented a
major commitment—nearly half the world’s surface—was not lost on
Lippmann. But hostile encroachment into any of these areas could pose a
serious threat to the nation’s independence. Germany’s quest for hege-
mony in Europe, for example, made the continental United States consid-
erably more vulnerable:
The fall of France laid Spain and Portugal open to the possibility of invasion
and domination. This in turn opened up the question of the security of the
Spanish and Portuguese island stepping-stones in the Atlantic. The fall of
France gave Germany the sea and air bases from which Britain was besieged
and American shipping along our Eastern shore and in the Caribbean sub-
jected to a devastating raid. (Lippmann 1943, 131)
I think U.S. Foreign Policy has had by all odds the greatest circulation of
anything I’ve ever written. It’s been translated into almost every language.
Its virtue was that it had certain very simple and fairly obvious ideas which
just happened to be apropos. It was a time when people were beginning to
take foreign affairs seriously.29
This short volume of “simple and fairly obvious ideas” sold close to half a
million copies. A condensed version was published in Reader’s Digest,
while the Ladies Home Journal published a remarkable rendering of
Lippmann’s thesis in the form of seven pages of cartoon strips—testament
to his accessibility. The US Army distributed a version to its troops, priced
at 25 cents. (Steel 1980, 406) Yet, in spite of the global attention and
review plaudits, Lippmann viewed the book as a failure. In the final
calculation, U.S. Foreign Policy simply did not make good on its ambition
of educating Americans out of their tendency to view the world immod-
estly through an idealistic lens. As Lippmann noted:
The theory that the nation’s commitments and its power must be in balance
is really an obvious idea, but it was a new one. It’s one we haven’t learned of
course. The book is a complete failure in that respect, because we proceeded
right away to make more commitments than we had power to fulfil after the
Through the spring and summer of 1943, the first rumblings of grand
alliance fracture had become audible. Stalin believed that Britain and the
United States had been purposefully tardy in refusing to sanction a cross-
channel invasion to carve open a second front and relieve pressure of the
Red Army, which bore the overwhelming burden of fighting Germany.
For his part, Churchill had grave misgivings about the Soviet Union’s ter-
ritorial intentions in Eastern Europe. The prime minister had no desire to
sacrifice Polish independence—for which Britain had declared war on
Germany in the first place—for the sake of hypothetical post-war unity. At
this stage, Churchill did not view Eastern Europe as a sacrificial lamb. At
the Tehran Conference of November-December 1943, Churchill and
Roosevelt agreed to launch a cross-channel invasion the following spring.
But Stalin was relentless in holding the line that Moscow would assume a
“special” stake in the nations the Red Army occupied on its path to Berlin.
At Tehran, the disagreements that lurked beneath Allied bonhomie pre-
saged new rivalries, which Lippmann was keen to foreclose. Concerned
that US-Soviet post-war cooperation might founder on the marginal issue
of Polish or Czech independence, he began writing a follow-up to
U.S. Foreign Policy.
The sequel, U.S. War Aims, was published as Allied troops poured onto
Normandy’s beaches, establishing with considerable bravery, and grave
human cost, the second front promised at Tehran. It was a propitious
moment for the book to appear, as the Second World War in Europe was
entering its endgame. As with U.S. Foreign Policy, Lippmann criticized:
Pamphlet Collection, J. Stalin, Speeches Delivered at Meetings of Voters of the Stalin
Electoral District, Moscow (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1950), 23.
Bender, Thomas. 1987. New York Intellect: A History of Intellectual Life in
New York City from 1750 to the Beginnings of Our Own Time. New York: Alfred
A. Knopf.
Blum, John Morton, ed. 1985. Public Philosopher: Selected Letters of Walter
Lippmann. New York: Ticknor and Fields.
Carnes, Mark, ed. 2002. Invisible Giants: Fifty Americans Who Shaped the Nation
but Missed the History Books. New York: Oxford University Press.
Croly, Herbert T. 2001. The Promise of American Life. Rev. ed. New York:
Dewey, John. 1927. The Public and its Problems. New York: Holt.
Fink, Leon. 1997. Progressive Intellectuals and the Dilemmas of Democratic
Commitment. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Herring, George. 2008. From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations Since
1776. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ikenberry, G. John, Thomas J. Knock, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and Tony Smith.
2009. The Crisis of American Foreign Policy: Wilsonianism in the Twenty-First
Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Lippmann, Walter. 1915a. The Stakes of Diplomacy. New York: Henry Holt.
———. 1915b. Insiders and Outsiders. The New Republic, November 13.
294 D. MILNE
———. 1916. The Case for Wilson. The New Republic, October 14.
———. 1922. Public Opinion. New York: Harcourt, Brace.
———. 1927. The Phantom Public. New York: Macmillan.
———. 1943. U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic. Boston: Little Brown.
———. 1944. U.S. War Aims. Boston: Little Brown.
Roberts, Geoffrey. 2008. Stalin’s Wars: From World War to Cold War, 1939–1953.
New Haven: Yale University Press.
Smith, Karen E., and Margot Light. 2001. Ethics and Foreign Policy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Steel, Ronald. 1980. Walter Lippmann and the American Century. Boston: Little
Syed, Anwar Hussein. 1963. Walter Lippmann’s Philosophy of International
Politics. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Willkie, Wendell. 1943. One World. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Zelizer, Julian. 2010. Arsenal of Democracy: The Politics of National Security—
From World War II to the War on Terrorism. New York: Basic Books.
Zubok, Vladislav M. 2008. Failed Empire: The Soviet Union in the Cold War from
Stalin to Gorbachev. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Patrick Thaddeus Jackson
As in a peregrine falcon, so-called because it is migratory and caught while on migration
instead of being taken from the nest.
Against Idealism
To grasp the stakes of Morgenthau’s discomfort with Progressivism, it is
useful to follow recent revisionist studies of Morgenthau’s thinking and
relate his position to the disputes in German intellectual and political life
in which the young Morgenthau participated before ending up in the
United States. Chief among these disputes were a series of controversies
over the status and implications of the Weimar Republic’s constitution,
relating to the broader question of whether law was purely a question of
the formal dictates of the sovereign or whether law was a tool of gover-
nance with social implications beyond its official character. On the former
side stood legal “positivists” who wanted to confine the study of the law
to “the exegesis of positive law” and who regarded questions about legal-
ity as fundamentally technical or logical questions; on the other side stood
“realists” who wanted to incorporate “the sociology of law” into their
study and legal practice and take the social context of law into account in
their determinations of legality (Scheuerman 2009, 18–22). Morgenthau,
like his mentor Hugo Sinzheimer, was firmly on the “realist” side of this
dichotomy, skeptical of the notion that the challenges facing the Republic—
or the challenges facing any regime—could be adequately addressed
purely through formal, legal arrangements. Instead, analysis had to begin
with social and political arrangements as they actually existed, rather than
as they were envisioned to exist in positive law (Frei 2001, 117–19).
The legal positivist/legal realist dichotomy, in turn, was linked to a
number of other operative distinctions in German intellectual life, all of
which ultimately stemmed from various efforts to deal with the legacy of
Immanuel Kant’s philosophical labors (Friedman 2000, 27–28). Kant had
distinguished between “noumenal” and “phenomenal” realms, with the
former populated by things-in-themselves that could never be known
directly, and the latter populated by things as they were known and know-
able by us in terms of the basic intuitions that we knowers bring to our
perceptions. Philosophical reason could elucidate the shape of those basic
intuitions and thus reveal the transcendentally necessary a priori condi-
tions of knowability: notions like space, time, and causation. In Kant’s
system philosophical reason could also determine the contours of ethical
action, by elucidating the pure moral duties incumbent on people as ratio-
nal beings. The resulting ethical precepts would not be contingent empiri-
cal facts, but categorical rules without exceptions, rationally grounded in
a way that relates them to our noumenal rational selves rather than our
phenomenal actual situations.2 The key here is that whether we are dealing
with knowledge of physical objects or knowledge of ethical duties, that
knowledge is based not on any direct connection we have with the object,
but instead is based on assumptions we cannot help but make; claims
about those assumptions are logically prior to experience, and in turn
those assumptions set up any empirical claims that we might subsequently
As such, the distinction between legal positivism and legal realism was
first and foremost fraught with philosophical tension. Which is not to say
that German legal positivists like Hans Kelsen were precisely Kantians, but
they did sharply distinguish between the “pure” analysis of law and the
empirical sociology of law in a markedly neo-Kantian manner (Paulson
1992). For legal positivists, the logical analysis of existing legal norms
functioned in a way analogous to the Kantian and neo-Kantian elucidation
of the logically necessary prerequisites of empirical knowledge and allowed
a non-empirical account of law as a set of legal norms nested within a series
of ever-more-general norms until one reached the constitutional
Grundnorm for that particular legal system. The analysis of law thus estab-
lished the conditions of validity for actual or potential laws, in much the
same way that the analysis of pure reason established the conditions of
intelligibility for actual or potential phenomenal knowledge. In its syste-
maticity and in its rejection of normative notions derived from natural law
or divine command—knowledge of such supersensible standards would
not be commensurate with the notion that logical and philosophical analy-
sis could elucidate the most basic necessary presuppositions of knowledge
per se—legal positivism, therefore, sought to be a science of law, with
strong family resemblances not so much to Kant’s account of ethical
duties, but rather to Kant’s account of the physical sciences.
For legal realists, on the other hand, questions about the abstract logi-
cal validity of a given law or legal norm were somewhat beside the point.
Operating in the same intellectual landscape but taking a different tack,
legal realists like Sinzheimer were more concerned with the functional
Note that Kant never actually says that we can know anything for sure about our noume-
nal, rational selves; rather, as with other noumenal objects, we can transcendentally infer
certain basic things about them (such as their existence) from the phenomenal facts that we
construct as our a priori intuitions permit. In Kant’s system, the presumptions of rationality
and freedom of choice are transcendentally necessary for us, and this is as close to knowledge
of our noumenal selves as we can get. But in Kant’s view, this is sufficient to give us positive
moral duties.
Carl Schmitt is the clear target here, as Morgenthau devotes the better part of a chapter
of the book to criticizing Schmitt’s position that the friend-enemy distinction suffices to
define “the political.” Indeed, given Morgenthau’s skepticism about any such definition of
political matters based on content, I wonder whether “The Concept of ‘Politics’” might not
have been a better English title of a book that was titled in French La notion du ‘politique’.
this that this activity is the expression of their will to power,” which in turn
can mean maintaining power already acquired, increasing one’s power, or
“manifesting” and demonstrating power (ibid., 106).
Morgenthau extends this analysis of politics into an explicit criticism of
legal positivism by distinguishing between “disputes” and “tensions,” par-
ticularly although not exclusively in the international realm.4 Positive law,
Morgenthau observes, treats controversies as disputes: disagreements
about which legal norm applies or which party is in the right. Such dis-
putes can be resolved by a rational legal process. But some controversies
are not disputes, but tensions: conflicts between political objectives, such
as two states’ desire to possess the same coveted territory. Because each
state wants to prevail in the controversy, the tension ends up being expressed
as a dispute, since this is “a form susceptible to be recognized by the inter-
national community” (ibid., 129), but it is a tension nonetheless and thus
the apparent submission of the entire controversy to legal adjudication is
doomed to fail:
…the parties are not in a position to submit political disputes … to the deci-
sion of an international legal body, even though these disputes could in
themselves be susceptible to a legal solution. For the international legal
body would then have to adjudicate, in addition to the dispute, the tension
which is at the base of the dispute, and the body does not possess norms
susceptible to general application with which to make such a decision. (ibid.,
Morgenthau suggests that in the international realm, because of the involvement of mul-
tiple states with multiple objectives, political issues are even more prevalent and obvious than
in domestic life (2012, 119).
No ethic in the world can ignore the fact that in many cases the achievement
of “good” ends is inseparable from the use of morally dubious or at least
dangerous means and that we cannot escape the possibility or even probabil-
In vintage neo-Kantian fashion, legal positivists like Kelsen invariably began their analyses
with a sharp separation between what is and what should be, and located their own arguments
in the sphere of the “is.” Thus, the irony of their legal realist opponents insisting on the
determination of what is, as against what they understood to be the prescriptive idealism of
the legal positivists, is that both sides of the argument claimed to be “realistic.”
ity of evil side effects. And no ethic in the world can say when, and to what
extent, the ethically good end can “justify” the ethically dangerous means
and its side effects. (ibid., 84)
I have modified the English translation, which is “a slow, powerful drilling through hard
boards, with a mixture of passion and a sense of proportion” (Weber 2004, 93). The use of
“powerful” to translate “starkes” seems confusing because what Weber is talking about here
is not the politician’s power to persist, but her inner strength. And “slow boring of hard
boards” is so much a part of the vernacular now that modifying it without just cause seems
unwarranted. I also retained Weber’s original word order, which works as well in German as
it does in English.
The difference in targets can probably be explained by the circumstances each scholar was
writing in. For Weber in 1919, armed prophets were a present danger; for Morgenthau in the
1930s, the problem was making his readers recognize the inescapability of political tensions
despite an elaborate technical legal apparatus.
Among the Engineers
In many ways the aims and methods of the progressive movement in the
United States couldn’t be further away from Morgenthau’s understanding
of politics. The idea of providing technical solutions to political problems,
bolstered by an approach modeled on the natural sciences and seeking the
same degree of precision, was in many ways just what Morgenthau had
been arguing against before arriving in the United States in 1937. But
some of the categories had been shuffled around: the neo-Kantian context
that equated reason and universality was not dominant in the United
States, where the practical inventor rather than the theoretical scientist was
the cultural hero of the day (Luckhurst 2005, 21–24). So in Germany, the
turn to the social sciences was part of a critique of the idealist rationalism
of legal positivism, while in the United States, it was the social sciences
that upheld the banner of rationalism against the conservative and corrupt
actuality of machine politics and corruption.
Of course, methodologically Morgenthau and Weber also shared quite a bit in common
(Turner and Mazur 2009).
As such, the social sciences in the United States were reformist from the
start.9 “Social scientists could offer counsel not in the guise of wise, inter-
ested elites but as mere mouthpieces for a disembodied science. They
could disarm suspicions that their advice was self-interested by intoning
the phrase scientific method” (Porter 1994, 148). As John Gunnell (1993,
23) put it:
This discussion draws heavily on Jackson (2014, 274–76).
changed from the occult and the empirical to the scientific” (Macy 1917,
4). So political science in the United States was, from its earliest begin-
nings, animated by a commitment to providing a scientific corrective to
political practice. Remaining apart from the day-to-day press of politics
itself, and remaining firmly located in the university setting, was a means
to that end: a means to exerting some measure of influence over the course
of political controversies, by standing outside of them and pronouncing
their “scientific” resolution.
To Morgenthau, this kind of “faith in the scientific method” (Frei
2001, 190) which treated politics as merely a series of technical problems
to be resolved by experts must have looked just like a resurgence of legal
positivism outside of the legal sphere. Despite the claims of US political
scientists to be analyzing the reality of things in an effort to generate ratio-
nal prescriptions for improvement, the very fact that the entire approach
was premised on immense confidence in scientific reason’s capacity to
resolve all controversies placed mainstream US political science not on the
side of realism but on the side of idealism: the quest for rational progress
looked just as naïve as the quest for a non-ethical legal imperative, as poli-
tics per se was subordinated to the dictates of reason. Only if human
beings were fully rational creatures would such quests succeed, because in
that case the demonstration that some course of action was more rational
than another option would be sufficient to produce the former rather than
the latter. By contrast, in actual political life, considerations of power were
omnipresent, so the rationality of a course of action could not possibly be
decisive in bringing it about. The most quantitatively precise study of
human behavior could provide neither an ethical prescription for action
nor a reliable depiction of the context in which such action might take
place, and thus could contribute to neither component of a Weberian
“ethic of responsibility.”
Scientific Man Versus Power Politics is Morgenthau’s initial attempt to
make these points in English. Although he had started working on the
book while at the University of Kansas City in the early 1940s, the working
conditions there were so abysmal that he was unable to get much writ-
ten—between his teaching load, the fact that he had to teach two subjects
he had never taught before (American jurisprudence and contemporary
European politics), and the fact that his “office” was a converted bath-
room, it is no wonder that Morgenthau began looking for other positions
in earnest after only a year or two (Frei 2001, 66–68). In the summer of
1943, he was offered a short-term position at the University of Chicago,
is an art and not a science, and what is required for its mastery is not the
rationality of the engineer but the wisdom and moral strength of the states-
man. The social world, deaf to the appeal to reason pure and simple, yields
only to that intricate combination of moral and material pressures which the
art of the statesman creates and maintains. (Morgenthau 1946, 10)
This scientific element has become the dominating mode of political thought
in the Western world. Where, in times past, the irrational lust for power
pursued its violent games, now reason would reign supreme through the
medium of the political scientists, the economist, the sociologist, the psy-
chologist, etc. This political philosophy thus ends in a scientific1 theory of
society where politics has, at best, a place as the evil finally overcome. This
mode of thought has permeated the thinking of friend and foe alike. Whereas
the conservative of the modern age turns to the historic past and expects
from the science2 of history the answer to the riddle of the present, the lib-
eral sees in history only a process through which reason realizes itself in time
and space. The scientific2 approach is common to both. For the liberal, sci-
ence1 is a prophesy confirmed by reason; for the conservative, it [here he
means Wissenschaft] is the revelation of the past confirmed by experience.
Although Morgenthau does reserve a place for such analyses in his expanded science2 of
politics: they can help the decision-maker forecast consequences and anticipate contingencies
(Morgenthau 1946, 148–52). What they cannot do is replace politics with calculation.
Note that I am glossing over Morgenthau’s pronounced and sustained effort to ground
his notion of politics, and the implications of that notion for the question of just what a social
science could be other than a species of scientistic rationalism, in a philosophical anthropol-
ogy centered on inherent selfishness and the will to dominate others (Morgenthau 1946,
191–96). While this is clearly a different “model of man” (Moon 1975, sexism in original)
from that common in scientistic liberalism, I do not think that model is fundamental to
Morgenthau’s opposition to US progressivism. Indeed, I would suggest that the model itself
is co-constituted with Morgenthau’s skepticism about rationality, rather than serving as the
source of that skepticism—but this would take a much more elaborate reading to
Frei, Christoph. 2001. Hans J. Morgenthau: An Intellectual Biography. Baton
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Note: Page number followed by ‘n’ refers to notes.
Americanism, 18, 244, 246, 247, 258, Big Three, 104, 108, 186, 288
259 black churches, 226
American Law Institute, 189 Bliss, General Tasker H., 173
American Legion, 188 blockade, 234
American Society of International Law, bombing planes, 60, 224
29, 44 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 225, 225n2,
America’s Answer to the Hun, 169 237
Angell, Norman, 8, 10 Borah, William, 175, 178, 244, 246,
Anglo-American hierarchy, 235 249, 252, 255, 275, 277, 278
anti-imperialism, 138, 243, 244, Bourne, Randolph, 120, 121, 241
246–8 Bowery, 236
appeasement, 282 Bowman, Isaiah, 12–14, 73, 93, 94,
arbitration, 13, 25, 29, 30, 31n1, 33, 100–5, 109, 171, 173, 185
34, 51, 52, 54, 59, 59n8, 65n12, brains trust, 7, 146
122, 137, 168, 174, 176, 270 Bretton Woods, 2, 13, 85, 86, 100,
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, 103, 104, 105
109 Briand, Aristide, 14–16, 39, 129, 131,
Article 16, 174 167, 168, 177, 178
Assembly, League of Nations, 33, 36, British Commonwealth of Nations,
37, 39, 41, 109, 173, 186, 187 107
Association for Asian Studies, 181 Brookings, 14, 92, 94, 97, 98, 101
Atlantic Charter of 1941, 92, 102, Bull Moose Party, 5
106, 185 Burton, John, 88
Atlantic Monthly, 126 Bush, George W., 213
Augustine, 231 Butler, Nicolas Murray, vi, 12, 13,
Axis aggressions, 227 49–70, 178–80
Baker, Newton D., 10, 274 Calvinists, 223
balance of power, 2, 23, 74, 78, 100, capitalism, 88, 224, 231, 233, 292
107 Caribbean, 134, 248, 276, 288
Balch, Emily, 156n21, 156n22, Carnegie Endowment, 15, 50, 63, 69,
160n28, 241 70, 172, 173, 178, 180, 181, 186
Barnes, Henry Elmer, 169, 261 Carnegie Endowment for International
Beard, Charles, 12, 17, 18, 169, 241 Peace, 49, 67, 170
Beards, Mary, 257, 259–61, 274n9 Casey, William, C, 196
behavioralism, 196 Catholic Worker movement, 233
behavioral revolution, 16, 194, 212 CFR in the ‘Group on Peace Aims of
Berkeley, 181 the European Nations’, 102
Berle, Adolf, 107, 109 Chamberlain, Austen, 37, 38n2, 39,
Beveridge, Albert, 247 176
“Good Neighbor Policy”, 279 human nature, 23, 35, 60, 63, 82,
The Good Society, 280 151, 160, 230, 231, 272, 310
grand strategy, 13, 84, 259 human rights, 9, 16, 92, 109, 156,
Great Depression, 98, 143, 201, 227, 168, 188, 189
262, 264, 278 Human Rights and World Order, 189
great power, 8, 28, 34, 36, 64, 77, 78, human rights commission, 168
80, 88, 92, 185, 288, 291 Hundred Days, 98, 99
Great War, 56n4, 59, 61, 134, 253–64 Huntington, Ellsworth, 75, 76, 76n1
Green, Joseph E., 105
H idealism, vi, 77, 118, 119, 121, 122,
The Hague, 24, 29, 32–4, 36, 51, 133, 135, 136, 170, 237, 270,
59n8, 154, 155, 170 274, 277, 286, 296, 298–304,
Hague Conference 1899, 1907, 24, 302n5, 306
25, 33, 42, 59, 59n8 Illinois, 143, 143n1, 195, 223
Hamilton, Alexander, 6 ILO, 172, 177, 186, 187, 189
Hammerskjold, Dag, 181 immanent from the transcendent, 225
Hand, Judge Learned, 6, 11 imperialism, 3, 24, 77–9, 83, 85, 145,
Hawley Smoot tariff, 181 229, 232, 233, 242, 247, 250,
hemisphere, 245, 246, 251, 262 254, 259, 260, 286
hemispherism, 17, 241–64 imperialist apologists, 224
Herz, John, 87 India, 68, 232, 233
history, v–vii, 7, 15, 23, 45, 49, 51, industrialization, 223–6, 236, 247, 259
56, 59, 77, 79, 82, 92, 97, 150, inequality, 34, 81, 121, 152, 161, 223,
156n20, 168–72, 189, 193, 205, 231, 232, 236, 238, 245, 257
207, 210, 228, 230, 232, 233, injustice, 45, 145n2, 231–3
237, 243, 245, 247, 259–64, Inquiry, 13, 15, 18, 74, 76, 77,
281, 286, 309, 311, 312 146–8, 154, 198, 200, 202, 204,
Hitler, Adolf, 96, 180, 280–3 206, 209, 309
Ho Chi Minh, 261 Institute of Pacific Relations, 180
Hoover, Herbert, 39, 96, 99, 242, Institut für Geopolitik, 84
279 interdependence, 60, 81, 135, 137,
Howard Taft, William, 3, 5, 27, 260 145, 184, 243
Howlett, Charles, 14, 53, 118, 126 inter-disciplinary, v, 16, 194, 211, 250
Hudson, Manley, 186–8 International Conciliation, 174, 184
Huerta, Victoriano, 260, 273 international court, 12, 24, 25, 28, 31,
Hull, Cordell, 14, 91, 98, 100, 180, 51, 171
183 internationalism, 2, 16, 17, 56, 62,
Hull House Settlement, 143 65, 67, 74, 75, 77, 121, 136,
human dignity, 209, 211–13 145, 146, 157, 159, 175, 182,
human engineering, 225 205, 245, 254, 255, 262, 273
International Labor Organization, 168 Japan, 24, 57n5, 68, 69, 131, 180,
international law, vi, 12, 13, 16, 23, 181, 193, 227–9, 242, 254, 270,
50, 52, 57n5, 58, 59, 61, 62, 278, 281, 290, 291
123, 133, 171, 172, 174, 175, Japanese invasion of Manchuria, 131,
207, 210, 212, 213, 253 181
The International Law of the Future, Jebb, Gladwyn, 92, 108
188 Jeffersonian, 6, 273
international mind, 13, 49 Jefferson, Thomas, 6, 246, 247, 287
international organization, 13, 50, 52, Jennings Bryan, William, 247
58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 66, 88, 89, Jesus, 235
102, 104, 107, 122, 134, 144, Johnson, Hiram, 5, 244, 275
156, 157, 275 journalism, 5, 14, 126, 235, 258, 269,
international relations (IR), v–vii, 13, 273, 278
17, 18, 45, 49, 59, 60, 64, justice, 9, 25, 31, 32, 35, 43, 44, 51,
67n15, 75, 81, 87, 103, 119, 52, 61, 64, 67, 106, 123, 128,
122, 124, 133, 134, 172, 176, 143, 145–6n2, 168, 185, 187,
207, 222, 231, 238, 244, 245, 232–6, 276, 310
248, 255, 271, 296 Just War, 17, 221
International Relations Clubs, 67, 68
international social justice, 168
International Studies Conference K
(ISC), 80 Kaplan, Robert, D., 88
internship (of Japanese Americans), 285 Kellogg, Frank B., 38, 39, 129, 178
intervention, 3, 106, 118, 120, 122, Kennedy, Joe, 282, 283
185, 227, 232, 237, 244, 250, Kennedy, Joseph, 101, 106
259, 277 Keynes, J. M., 79, 95–7, 106
interventionism, 242 Kindleberger, Charles, 98
interwar, 17, 23, 50, 51, 56n4, 58, Kissinger, Henry, 77
63, 75, 80, 136, 138, 156, 223, Krock, Arthur, 278
226, 244, 260, 261, 264
IR. See international relations (IR)
Iraq war, 1 L
irrationality rational action, 224 La Follette, Robert, 3, 74, 87
isolation, 122, 167, 211, 243, 246, Lansing, Robert, 79
251, 252, 272, 290 Lasswell, Harold D., vi, 16, 193–213
isolationism, 77, 178, 242–5, 290 League of Nations, 10–12, 14–16, 27,
28, 37, 44, 52, 54, 58, 69, 74,
81, 101, 123, 125, 126, 144,
J 155, 156, 160, 167, 180n19,
James, William, 18, 272 185n, 244, 246, 252–4, 270,
Jane Addam’s Hull House, 15, 146n5, 274, 275, 286
147–9, 148n8, 149n9, 151–4, Levinson, Salmon, O., 2, 123, 175, 178
151n13, 157, 159, 162, 224 Levinson, Samuel, 2
new diplomacy, 73, 138, 144, 145 Paris Peace Conference, 13, 18, 76,
New Freedom, 5 77, 81, 109
New Haven School (NHS) of Pasvolsky, Leo, vi, 12, 14, 91–110,
International Law, 211 183, 185–9
New History, 168–79, 249 peace movement, 14, 69, 122, 123n3,
new nationalism, 5–7, 9 175, 184
The New Republic (TNR), 1, 6–9, The People’s Lobby Bulletin, 134
11n8, 14, 15, 119, 122, 127, permanent court, 25
129, 130, 144, 168, 169, 171, Permanent Court of International
251, 253, 263, 272–4, 274n9, Justice (PCIJ), 24, 32, 33, 37,
276, 277 51, 52, 54, 59
new world order, 2, 86, 100, 109, 184 The Phantom Public, 276, 277
the New York Group, 186, 187 Phelan, Edward, 172
New York World, 126, 276, 278 Philippine independence, 133
Nicolson, Harold, 79, 282 Philippines, 3, 24, 248, 250, 259,
Niebuhr, Gustav, 223 281, 288
Niebuhr, H. Richard, 17, 221, 222, Plan for Destruction, 84
227, 228, 237 policy science, 16, 194, 195, 208,
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 4, 17, 87, 222, 210, 211
225, 230, 231, 233, 236, 237 Polish resolution, 178, 179
Nobel Peace Prize, 143, 167, 176 political psychology, 16, 197–9
non-combatants, 60, 229 political realism, 183, 289
non-entanglement, 246, 263 political science, v, 16, 194–9, 201,
nongovernmental organizations 203, 208–13, 296, 297, 305–8,
(NGO), 137, 172, 180 311, 312
non-resistance, 235 political scientist, 18, 193, 194, 208,
Norris, George, 244 212, 252, 256, 306, 309
Nye Committee, 134, 256 politics of prevention, 198, 204, 207
Nye, Gerald, 134, 255–7 post-Reconstruction racial oppression,
post war planning (PWP), 75, 81, 83,
O 94, 97, 100–10
Obama, Barack, 213 poverty, 3, 149, 150, 224, 225, 236,
one world, 286, 287 257, 259
optimistic, liberal pacifism, 233 power, vii, 2, 4–6, 8–10, 12, 14, 18,
outlawing war, 63, 126, 128, 130, 177 23, 24, 26, 28–30, 32, 34–6, 38,
Outlawry of War, 14, 63, 122–33, 41, 42, 45, 51, 54, 55, 55n2, 57,
175, 177, 178 58n7, 61, 63, 64, 74, 75, 77–80,
83, 87, 88, 93, 94, 122, 126,
127, 129, 130, 132, 135, 138,
P 153, 155, 156n21, 162, 171,
Pact of Paris, 14, 59, 61n9, 130, 131, 180, 185–7, 205, 206, 211, 222,
179 224, 231, 233–5, 243, 246–8,
251, 257, 259, 260, 264, 270, propaganda, 10, 16, 68, 69, 84, 194,
276, 280, 282, 287–9, 291, 296, 197, 199, 200, 202, 204, 262,
300–6, 309, 310 274
power politics, 17, 18, 93, 94, 138, prophetic pacifism, 233
233, 250, 261, 297, 309 proportionality and last resort, 224
A Practical Plan for Disarmament, Proskauer, Jacob, 189
174 protectionism, 242
pragmatic feminism, 154 Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of
pragmatism, 8, 15, 16, 117–19, 121, International Disputes, 174
122, 132, 144–8, 145n2, 147n6, proxy arguments, 243, 244, 246
158n26, 159n27, 160, 196, 203, psychic coercion, 234
208, 271 psychoanalysis, 197, 203, 204
pragmatist method, 15, 145–8, 161 The Public and Its Problems, 136, 137,
Presbyterianism, 203 277
presentism, 169 public opinion, 13, 15, 28, 44, 45,
primordial motivations, 151 50, 54, 56n4, 57–8n6, 62–7,
privilege, 146, 147, 174, 232, 234 69, 70, 127, 132, 262, 272,
privileged classes, 232 276
problem-solving, 147, 160, 196, 202, Puerto Rico, 3, 24, 248
208, 211
professionalization, 224
progressive, vi, vii, 1–7, 10–15, 17, Q
18, 23, 44, 50, 53, 73, 74, 76, The Quarterly Register of Current
77, 86–8, 91, 93, 99, 100, 103, History, 4
117–20, 123–6, 128, 135–8,
143–6, 156, 160, 168, 171, 184,
195, 203–8, 210, 222–5, 227, R
228, 230–3, 236, 238, 241–3, racial equality, 226
245–53, 255–7, 259, 262–4, racial integration, 227
269–93, 297, 305 racist, 224, 249
progressive era, 2, 89, 93, 122, 144, radical Christianity, 229
146, 148, 157, 203, 221, 223, Ratzel, Friedrich, 74–80, 83, 84
236, 238, 249, 260 Rauschenbush, Walter, 224, 226
progressive movement, 1, 6, 11, 16, Rawls, John, 145n2, 160
23, 196, 224, 237, 304 raw materials, 14, 73, 78–81, 83, 85,
Progressive Party, 4, 5, 7, 143 86, 292
progressives, 171 realism, v–vii, 18, 23, 102, 170, 196,
progressivism, vi, 1–18, 50, 73–89, 197, 222, 230, 233–6, 270, 287,
93, 117–19, 122, 132, 136, 138, 292, 299, 306
143, 168–71, 208–10, 221, 248, realistic utopia, 143
262, 264, 270, 271, 285, 292, realists, 82, 87, 298, 299, 304
293, 298, 311n11, 312 realpolitik, 14, 88, 296
reason, 30, 45, 53, 62, 70, 83, 89, 99, 248, 249, 296, 297, 299, 300,
107, 109, 122, 125, 130, 131, 304–12, 311n10, 311n11
134, 147, 159n27, 169, 201, scientific progress, 224–225
227, 230, 231, 236, 259, 273, Scripture, 235
289, 297–9, 301, 304–7, 309, Second World War, 73, 82, 83, 86, 93,
310, 312 94, 96, 100, 183, 193–5, 202,
recognition of China, 180 269, 270, 284, 285, 288, 290,
redemption, 228 292, 305
regionalism, 1, 57n5 Secretary of States Hughes, 177
Reik, Theodor, 197 Secretary Stettinius, 83
relational epistemology, 158, 161 “secular” movement, 225
renunciation of war, 63, 129, 168, secular world, 225, 226
177, 179 security, 54, 57n5, 60–2, 78, 80,
reparations, 11, 29, 94–7, 101, 175 102–4, 106, 107, 109, 128, 129,
Republican Party, 4–6, 143n1, 275, 132, 135, 168, 171, 175–7, 181,
285 184, 186, 200, 245, 249, 253,
The Responsible Self, 237 263, 278, 288
Rhee, Syngman, 261 Security Council, 108, 167, 187
Robert, Hutchins, M., 201 self-analysis, 229
Robinson, James Harvey, 249, 250 self-interest, 55, 231, 286
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 11, 73, selfishness, 230, 231, 311n11
91, 156n21, 203, 278 Senate Committee on Foreign
Roosevelt, Theodore, 2–4, 6–8, 77, Relations, 277
93, 143, 246, 247, 249, 258–60 sentimental education, 162
Root, Elihu, vi, 12, 23–45, 51, 52 Settlement movement, 15, 146, 147,
Rotary club, 188 149, 151n11, 152, 152n15, 153,
157, 160
Seven Arts, 121
S Shaw, George Bernard, 272
salvation, 230 Shotwell, James Thomson, 2, 10, 12,
sanctions, 26, 28, 61n9, 69, 120, 127, 15, 16, 79, 103, 128, 129,
128, 133, 171, 174, 175, 177, 167–89, 258
178, 181, 205, 207, 289 Shotwell-Chamberlain, 178
San Francisco conference, 13, 84, 85, Sidney, Webb, 272
93, 109 sin, 226–9, 231–3, 236, 287, 297,
Sapir, Edward, 197, 201 309, 312
Scheuerman, William, 87, 298, 302, slavery, war, 226, 236
308, 311 The Slogan of Outlawry, 170
science, 16, 117, 119, 135, 151n14, Smoot-Hawley Act, 255
169, 193–8, 194n1, 201, 203, a Social Democratic realist, 238
205, 206, 208, 210–13, 224, social and economic inequalities, 224
social and economic justice, 136, 184, Supreme Court Justice Felix
223 Frankfurter, 6
social and political analysis, 232 Sweetzer, Arnold, 101
Social Darwinism, 3
social evil, 4, 226
Social Gospel, 3, 4, 17, 221 T
Social Gospel movement, 3, 223, 224, Tansill, Charles, 255, 261
226, 230 techniques, 8, 12, 13, 50, 121, 194,
socialist, 223, 227, 233, 242 197, 202, 203, 205, 207, 230,
social morality, 144, 152, 162 250, 272, 308
social psychiatrist, 204 Tehran Conference, 290
social revolution, 233 theodicy, 230
social structures, 194, 226 theological interpretation, 232
sociological determinism, 150 Thomas, Albert, 177
South Africa, 68, 232 TNR. See The New Republic (TNR)
sovereignty, 27, 35, 36, 53–5, 58n7, Today and Tomorrow, 269, 278,
103, 125, 136, 154, 184, 247, 279n15, 280n16, 281n17,
249, 286 281n18, 282n19, 282n20,
Soviet Russia, 96, 104, 133 284n22, 284n23, 285n24
Soviet Union, 18, 84, 86, 94, 97–9, Toynbee, Arnold, 106, 147
270, 277, 280, 286, 288, 289 transcendent and immanent, 228
Spanish American war, 1, 3, 24, 247 Treaty of Mutual Assistance, 173, 174
spirituality, 144, 223 Treaty of Versailles, 10, 18, 37, 58n7,
square deal, 4, 5 61, 121, 126, 269, 275
The Stakes of Diplomacy, 272 tripartism, 168, 172
Stalin, Josef, 18, 107, 270, 271n2,
289, 290, 292, 292n31
starvation struggle, 151, 158, 158n24, U
159 UN Charter, 14, 16, 187
the State Department, 14, 29, 39, 83, Under Secretary of State Sumner
91, 92, 94, 95, 100–2, 105, 108, Welles, 100
109, 179, 180, 183, 185, 187, 188 unilateralism, 1, 242, 244, 246
state power, US, 233, 235 Union Theological Seminary, 223,
state the terms movement, 182 237
Steffens, Lincoln, 169 United Nations (UN), 86, 91–3, 100,
Stettinius, Edward, Jr., 83, 108, 189 102–4, 108, 109, 167, 172, 185,
Stresemann, 39, 175 188, 291
Strong, Josiah, 226 United Nations Relief and
structural sins, 228 Rehabilitation Administration
suffering, 67, 159, 226, 229, 236, 283 (UNRRA), 105, 186
Sullivan, Harry S., 197, 199, 201 United States, 3, 24, 51, 73, 91, 122,
Sulzberger, 179 168, 241, 270, 296