D9U001AM0-0101 11pdf

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Instructions for Use

and Technical Description

Image 3

Hospital bed for acute care


Version: 11

Publication Date: 2021-04


L I N E T spol. s r.o.
Želevčice 5
274 01 Slaný

Tel.: +420 312 576 111

Fax: +420 312 522 668

E-mail: [email protected]
Service department: [email protected]

Image 3
Hospital bed for acute care

Author: L I N E T, s.r.o.
Related links: www.linet.cz

Version: 11
Publication Date: 2021-04

Copyright © L I N E T, s.r.o., 2021

Translation © L I N E T, 2021

All rights reserved. All trademarks and brands are the property of the appropriate owners. The manufacturer reserves the right to
changes in the contents of the instructions for use that relate to the product´s technical regulations. It is for this reason that the con-
tents of the instructions for use may indicate differences from the current manufacture of the product. Reproduction, also excerpts,
only with prior permission of the publisher. Subject to changes due to technical developments. All technical data are rated data and
are subject to construction and manufacturing tolerances.

2 D9U001AM0-0101_11
Table of Contents 11 Accumulator................................................................38
11.1 Status Faulty Accumulator..........................................39
11.2 Status Discharged Accumulator................................. 39
1 Symbols and Definitions..............................................4 11.3 Removing the Bed from Service............................... 39
1.1 Warning Notices...........................................................4 11.4 Deactivating the Accumulator.................................... 40
1.1.1 Types of Warning Notices.........................................4 12 Manipulation................................................................40
1.1.2 Structure of Warning Notices....................................4 12.1 Attendant Control Panel (ACP).................................. 41
1.2 Instructions...................................................................4 12.1.1 Central STOP Button..............................................41
1.3 Lists..............................................................................4 12.1.2 Activating GO Button...............................................42
1.4 Symbols on the Package.............................................5 12.1.3 Function Buttons.....................................................42
1.5 Symbols and Labels on the Bed..................................6 12.1.4 Lock Buttons (2)......................................................42
1.6 Serial Label with UDI...................................................10 12.1.5 Mains Power LED (17)............................................42
1.7 Acoustic signalisation (Image 3 with PB43 control unit) 12.1.6 Position Buttons......................................................43
..........................................................................................10 12.1.7 Night Bed Illumination.............................................44
1.8 Acoustic signalisation (Image 3 with PB21 control unit) 12.2 Attendant Control Panel with SafeSense® 3 Control.45
..........................................................................................10 12.2.1 Central STOP Button..............................................46
1.9 Visual signalisation......................................................11 12.2.2 Activating GO Button...............................................46
1.9.1 Mains Power LED (Attendant Control Panel)............ 11 12.2.3 Function Buttons.....................................................46
1.9.2 Accumulator Indicator (Attendant Control Panel)...... 11 12.2.4 Lock Buttons (17, 18 and 19).................................. 46
1.9.3 Lock LED (Attendant Control Panel)......................... 11 12.2.5 Mains Power LED Signalisation (4)........................ 47
1.10 Definitions..................................................................12 12.2.6 Accumulator Charge Status LED Signalisation (6).47
1.11 Abbreviations..............................................................13 12.2.7 Position Buttons......................................................47
2 Safety Instructions........................................................14 12.2.8 SafeSense® 3 Display (21).....................................49
3 Intended use..................................................................17 12.3 Handset......................................................................51
3.1 User population............................................................17 12.3.1 Standard version.....................................................52
3.2 Contraindications.........................................................17 12.3.2 Handset with Plug and Play connector (optional).. 52
3.3 Operator.......................................................................17 12.3.3 Washable version....................................................52
4 Incorrect Use.................................................................17 12.4 CPR backrest release................................................54
5 Product Description......................................................18 12.5 Siderails.....................................................................56
5.1 Image 3 with split Telescopic Siderails......................... 18 12.5.1 Telescopic Siderails...............................................56
5.2 Image 3 with Collapsible Siderails (3/4 Siderails)........ 19 12.5.2 Collapsible Siderails (3/4 Siderails)....................... 58
6 Technical Specification................................................20 12.6 Mechanical Bed Extension.........................................60
6.1 Identification of Applied parts (Type B)....................... 20 12.6.1 Bed Extension Adjustment...................................... 60
6.2 Mechanical Specification (Standard Version)............. 20 12.7 Calfrest Extension (optional)...................................... 62
6.3 Mechanical Specifications (Washable Version)........... 21 12.7.1 Calfrest Extension Adjustment................................ 62
6.4 Environment Conditions (Standard and Washable Version) 12.8 Castor Control and Bed Transport............................. 63
..........................................................................................21 12.8.1 Bed with Castor Control Levers.............................. 63
6.5 Electrical Specification (Standard and Washable Version) 13 Equipment...................................................................64
..........................................................................................22 13.1 Accessory Rails..........................................................64
6.6 Electromagnetic compatibility......................................22 13.2 DIN rail (optional).......................................................64
6.6.1 Manufacturer instructions - electromagnetic emissions 13.3 Green light (optional).................................................64
..........................................................................................23 13.4 The Fifth Castor.........................................................64
6.6.2 Manufacturer instructions - electromagnetic susceptibility 13.5 Brake Signal (Signalization of Unbraked Bed)........... 64
..........................................................................................23 13.6 USB connector (optional)..........................................65
7 Use and Storage Conditions........................................24 13.7 Linen Shelf.................................................................66
8 Scope of Delivery and Bed Variants............................ 25 13.8 SafeSense® 3 ready bed...........................................67
8.1 Scope of Delivery.........................................................25 14 Mattress.......................................................................67
8.2 Bed Variants.................................................................25 15 Accessories.................................................................68
8.2.1 Standard version: Image 3 – 1AM............................ 25 15.1 Lifting Pole.................................................................69
8.2.2 Washable version: Image 3 – 1AMW....................... 26 15.2 Infusion Stands..........................................................70
9 Putting into Service......................................................26 15.3 Additional hooks for accessories................................ 71
9.1 Accumulator Activation.................................................27 15.4 Oxygen bottle holder..................................................71
9.1.1 Position of Accumulator............................................27 15.5 Cannula holder...........................................................72
9.1.2 Removing the Isolating Foil.......................................27 15.6 Urinary bottle holder...................................................72
9.1.3 Isolating Foil..............................................................27 15.7 Redon bottle holder....................................................72
9.2 Head Board and Foot Board........................................28 15.8 Siderails Extension – Extender®............................... 73
9.2.1 Foot End of the Washable bed..................................28 15.9 Image 3 Protector®....................................................74
9.2.2 Aluminium Head Board and Foot Board................... 29 15.10 SafeSense®.............................................................75
9.2.3 Plastic Head Board and Foot Board (Clean&Clear design) 15.11 SafeSense® 3..........................................................76
..........................................................................................30 16 Cleaning/Disinfection.................................................77
9.2.4 Plastic Head Board and Foot Board (design Eleganza 1 16.1 Safety Instructions for Cleaning and Disinfection of the Bed
and Eleganza 3)................................................................32 ..........................................................................................78
9.2.5 Powder coated Head Board and Foot Board............ 33 16.2 General Instructions for Cleaning and Disinfection.... 78
9.3 Mattress Support Platform...........................................35 16.2.1 Daily Cleaning.........................................................78
9.4 Potential Equalisation..................................................36 16.2.2 Cleaning before Changing Patients........................ 78
9.5 Before Use...................................................................37 16.2.3 Complete Cleaning / Cleaning before First Use...... 78
9.6 Transport......................................................................37 16.2.4 Cleaning of Spilled Fluids.......................................78
9.7 Firmware......................................................................37 16.2.5 Damaged Foam Mattress....................................... 78
10 Power Supply Cord (Mains Power Cable)................. 38 16.3 Modes of Cleaning and Disinfection.......................... 79

D9U001AM0-0101_11 3
16.4 Machine washing.......................................................79
16.4.1 Preparing for cleaning.............................................80
16.4.2 Machine washing....................................................81
16.4.3 After machine washing............................................81
16.4.4 Washable Image 3 bed with SafeSense................. 81
17 Troubleshooting..........................................................85
18 Maintenance................................................................86
18.1 Regular maintenance.................................................86
18.2 Spare Parts................................................................86
18.3 Safety Technical Checks............................................86
18.4 Beds designed for machine washing......................... 87
18.4.1 Recommended places for greasing........................ 87
19 Disposal.......................................................................89
19.1 Environment Protection..............................................89
19.2 Disposal.....................................................................89
19.2.1 Within Europe.........................................................89
19.2.2 Outside Europe.......................................................89
20 Warranty.......................................................................90
21 Standards and Regulations.......................................90

1 Symbols and Definitions

1.1 Warning Notices
1.1.1 Types of Warning Notices
Warning notices are differentiated by the type of danger using the following key words:

► CAUTION warns about the risk of material damage.

► WARNING warns about the risk of physical injury.
► DANGER warns about the risk of fatal injury.

1.1.2 Structure of Warning Notices

Type and source of danger!
► Measures to avoid the danger.

1.2 Instructions
Structure of instructions:

► Perform this step.

Results, if necessary.

1.3 Lists
Structure of bulleted lists:

■ List level 1
□ List level 2
● List level 3

4 D9U001AM0-0101_11
1.4 Symbols on the Package







D9U001AM0-0101_11 5
1.5 Symbols and Labels on the Bed













6 D9U001AM0-0101_11













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8 D9U001AM0-0101_11

D9U001AM0-0101_11 9
1.6 Serial Label with UDI
Serial label of the Image 3 is placed on the right foot end side of the mattress support platform frame. The serial label contains
information about Address of Manufacturer, Manufacturing Date (Year-Month-Day), Product Reference Number, Product Serial
Number, Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), Unique Device Identification (UDI), symbols, weight specifications and electrical speci-

1.7 Acoustic signalisation (Image 3 with PB43 control unit)

accumulator overcurrent
actuator overload
REPEATED BEEP: 0,6s sound / 2,6s silence STOP error (all STOP buttons are disabled)
REPEATED BEEP: 0,1s sound / 3s silence switching of the transformer winding error (Brazil)
BEEP lasting 0,3s confirmation
stopping or locked function
optionally: transition from tilt (Trendelenburg, Antitrendelenburg)
to horizontal position
BEEP lasting 0,5s lowering to the lowest position
start of service mode or end of service mode
keyboard error (positioning blocked)
BEEP lasting 3s system error
REPEATED BEEP during 3 minutes: 1,1s sound / 1,1s silen- Brake Signal (only version with Brake Signal)

1.8 Acoustic signalisation (Image 3 with PB21 control unit)

accumulator overcurrent
actuator overload
REPEATED BEEP: 0,6s sound / 2,6s silence STOP error (all STOP buttons are disabled)
BEEP lasting 0,3s locked positioning
3 TIMES REPEATED BEEP lasting 0,3s positioning powered by the accumulator
BEEP lasting 0,5s keyboard error (positioning blocked)
lowering to the lowest position
start of service mode
BEEP lasting 3s system error

10 D9U001AM0-0101_11
1.9 Visual signalisation
1.9.1 Mains Power LED (Attendant Control Panel)


lit connected to the mains

flashing: 0,6s lit / 0,6s not lit keyboard error (flashing inverted to Lock LED)
error (first fault)
flashing: 0,1s lit / 0,1s not lit service mode
not lit disconnected from the mains power
transformer switching error

1.9.2 Accumulator Indicator (Attendant Control Panel)


lit accumulator disconnected or faulty

flashing: 1,6s lit / 0,2s not lit accumulator deeply discharged
flashing: 0,1s lit / 0,1s not lit accumulator discharged
flashing: 0,2s lit / 1,6s not lit accumulator is charging
not lit accumulator charged

1.9.3 Lock LED (Attendant Control Panel)

lit 0,6s lit / 0,6s not lit not lit


Thighrest Lock LED locked lock keyboard motion unlocked

error error blocked
Backrest Lock LED locked lock keyboard motion unlocked
error error blocked
Bed Height, Trendelenburg and An- locked lock keyboard motion unlocked
titrendelenburg Tilt Lock LED error error blocked

D9U001AM0-0101_11 11
1.10 Definitions
Basic Bed Configuration the pricelist model configuration, not including a mattress
Bed Weight The value depends on the product configuration, accessories or customer
Clearance of Undercarriage the height from the floor to the lowest point of the undercarriage between
the castors, for the manipulation of accessories under a braked bed in the
standard position
Duty Cycle cycle of operation of the motor: time of activity/time of rest

Ergoframe Ergoframe is the kinematic system of Mattress support platform Adjustment

whose effect is the elimination of pressure on the patient´s abdomen and pel-
vic area and frictional forces on the patient‘s back and legs.
Maximum Patient Weight Maximum Patient Weight depends on the application environment according
to IEC 60601-2-52. For application environment 1 (intensive/critical care) and
2 (acute care) reduce Safe working Load by 65 kg. For application environ-
ment 3 (long-term care) and 5 (ambulatory care) reduce Safe working Load
by 35 kg.
Safe Working Load the highest allowable load on the bed (patient, mattress, accessories and the
load supported by those accessories)
Siderail Height the height of the upper crossbar or the edges of the siderails (not the highest
point of the siderail controls) from the patient surface
Standard Bed Position ■ The height of the patient surface with regard to the floor is 400 mm
■ The mattress support platform, including the individual parts, has to be in a
horizontal (level - 0°) position.
■ The siderails are always locked in the upper position.
■ The basic position of the integrated extension.
Adult Patient having a physical size equal to or more than 146 cm, a mass equal
to or more than 40 kg and a body mass index (BMI) equal to or more than 17
(according to IEC 60601-2-52).

12 D9U001AM0-0101_11
1.11 Abbreviations
AC ( ~ ) Alternating Current
ACP Attendant Control Panel
CE European Conformity
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
dBA Sound Intensity Unit
DC ( ) Direct Current
CUC Configuration number
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
FET Field-effect transistor
HF High Frequency
HPL High Pressure Laminate
HW Hardware
ICU Intensive Care Unit
INT. Duty Cycle
IP Ingress Protection
IV Intravenous
LED Light Emitting Diodes
ME Medical Electrical (Equipment)
ON Activation
OFF Deactivation
ppm parts per million, millionth (1000 ppm = 0,1%)
REF Reference Number (product type depending on configuration)
SCU System Control Unit (active mattress)
SN Serial Number
SW Software
SWL Safe Working Load
UDI Unique Device Identification (for medical devices)
USB Universal Serial Bus
WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

D9U001AM0-0101_11 13
2 Safety Instructions
Image 3 bed should be left in its lowest position when the patient is unattended in order to reduce risk of injury
due to falls!

Siderails of Image 3 should be located in the „up“ position to reduce the risk of the patient accidentally sli-
pping or rolling off the mattress!

Incompatible siderails and mattresses can cause an entrapment hazard!

Inappropriate handling of the power supply cord e. g. by kinking, shearing or other mechanical damages is

When routing cables from other equipment in the Image 3 bed avoid squeezing those between parts of the
Image 3 bed!

Image 3 bed should not be used with bed hoists and bed lifts!

The Image 3 bed is intended for adults.
► Follow chapter Intended use.

Incompatible mattresses can create hazards!

To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected to a supply mains with protective

No modification of this equipment is allowed!

Do not modify this equipment without authorization of the manufacturer.

If this equipment is modified, appropriate inspection and testing must be conducted to ensure continued safe
use of the equipment.

Risk of injury or death due to use of incorrect equipment!
► Always conduct the risk assessments required for the selection of suitable equipment.

14 D9U001AM0-0101_11
An additional multiple socket-outlet or extension cord shall not be connected to the medical electrical system.

During specific investigations or treatments the significant risks of reciprocal interference posed by medical
electrical equipment may occur.

Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the device should be reported to the manufacturer and the
competent authority of the Member State in which the user and/or patient is established!

Only authorised and trained person using the tool is allowed to change fuses and power supplies!

This medical device is not intended for oxygen enriched environment!

This medical device is not intended for use with flammable substances!

This medical device is not portable medical electrical equipment!

Make sure the duty cycle (2 min ON/18 min OFF) is not exceeded during bed positioning!

Patient is allowed to use selected control elements only if hospital personnel had assessed that the patient´s
physical and psychological state is in accordance with use of them and only if the hospital personnel had
trained the patient in accordance with the instructions for use!

D9U001AM0-0101_11 15
Additional Instructions for Correct Use:

► It is necessary to read the instructions for use before operating the bed.
► Follow the instructions carefully.
► Use the bed exclusively in its original condition.
► If necessary, check the bed functions daily or at each staff rotation.
► Use the bed exclusively with the correct mains supply.
► Ensure that the bed is operated exclusively by qualified personnel who have been trained according to the instructions for
► Ensure that the patient (health permitting) has been informed about the operation of the bed and all applicable safety
► Ensure the bed is only moved or positioned upon even, hard floor surfaces.
► Replace any damaged parts immediately with original spare parts.
► Ensure maintenance and installations are performed only by qualified personnel who have been trained by the
► Do not apply excess weight or load to the bed according to SWL (safe working load).
► Only one adult patient can use the bed at any time.
► Take care to avoid injuries or squeezing when operating moving parts.
► When using lifting poles or infusion stands, ensure nothing will be damaged when you move or adjust the bed.
► Ensure castors are braked when the bed is not being moved, regardless of whether the bed is occupied or empty.
► Keep the mattress support platform in the lowest position at any time when the healthcare personnel are not treating the
patient in order to prevent the patient from falling or sustaining injuries.
► Ensure that siderails are operated by healthcare personnel only.
► Never use the bed in areas where there is a hazard or risk of explosion.
► Enable or disable functions on the handset using the Attendant Control Panel as appropriate for the patient’s physical
and mental state. Verify that the function is actually disabled.
► Never handle the mains plug with wet hands.
► Unplug the mains cable by pulling on the plug only.
► Position the mains cable so there are no loops or bends in the cable; protect the cable from mechanical wear and tear.
► Incorrect handling of the mains cable can cause an electric shock hazard, other serious injuries or damage to the bed.
► Ensure the specified duty cycle is not exceeded (see INT. on serial label).
► Ensure moving parts of the bed are not blocked.
► To prevent failures, use exclusively the manufacturer’s original accessories and mattresses.
► Ensure the safe working load is not exceeded.
► Adjust bed height to approx. 20 cm below maximum height when transporting the bed in order to facilitate overcoming
possible obstacles.
► Do not exceed the 75 kg safe working load of the mattress support platform extension.
► Ensure the bed and its components are exclusively modified with the manufacturer´s approval.
► Any non-observance of this manual may lead to injuries or material damage.
► Ensure there is no risk of crushing or otherwise injuring the patient’s limbs (e.g. between siderails and mattress support
platform, between movable parts etc.) before positioning the bed or folding down the siderails.
► Close linen shelf before using the Antitrendelenburg or Cardiac Chair Position.
► Do not put any objects (e.g. accessories, infusions, cables) between or on siderails and movable parts. Or between
mattress support platform and undercarriage of the bed.
► Ensure that nobody can get injured while folding the siderails.
► Ensure no injuries will occur when folding the siderails.
► Use exclusively split plastic or split telescopic siderails for confused or disoriented patients or add Protector to the single
collapsible siderails.
► Before setting the extra-low position, ensure there is no risk of any parts of the bed colliding with servers, accessories or
body parts.
► Ensure there is no risk of damaging the cables of the Attendant Control Panel or handset when they are stored on side-
rails or on head board and foot board.
► To prevent collisions, do not put oxygen bottle holders directly under the mattress support platform.
► Always set mattress support platform to its lowest position and single parts of mattress support platform to horizontal
position in case the patient is left on the bed without supervision of personnel and if his health and mental status may indicate inc-
rease risk of falling out of the bed or entrapment.
► Personnel must consider overall adjustment of the bed and locking all of the positioning functions in accordance to health
and mental status of patient, especially if the patient is left without supervision (even for short period of time) of the personnel.
► Manual positioning of parts of the bed which are designed for electronic positioning (e.g. backrest) is forbidden. Otherwise
there is a risk of damaging and dysfunction of the backrest actuator or unprompted fall of the backrest.

16 D9U001AM0-0101_11
3 Intended use
The intended use is the hospitalization of the patient in the acute and long-term care units, which includes above all the
following aspects:
► Adjustment of the specific positions needed for the preventive reasons, routine nursing, treatments, mobilization, physio-
therapy, examinations, sleeping, and relaxation. These positions are further specified and described in the clinical evaluation of this
device, together with their potential clinical outcomes and benefits.
► Providing the safe environment for the patient during all relevant procedures. The particular requirements on patient safety
are the subject of the clinical evaluation, including evaluation of the risk/benefit ratio. The relevant safety issues are the part of the
risk management file.
► Patient in-bed indoor transport out of the patient room.
► Providing the suitable working conditions for the caregivers to perform the routine and specific tasks during the patient

3.1 User population

► Adult patients (weight >= 40 kg, height >= 146 cm, BMI >= 17) in the acute and long-term care units (Application Environ-
ment 2 and 3, as in IEC 60601-2-52)
► Caregivers (nurses, doctors, technical personnel, transport personnel, cleaning personnel)

3.2 Contraindications
► The medical device is not intended for the pediatric patients use.
► Certain positions are not suitable for specific diagnoses/medical conditions (e.g. spinal cord injuries vs. Fowler position,
higher ICP patients vs. Trendelenburg). Staff expert assessment / nursing consideration is needed in all individual case of contrain-

3.3 Operator
► Caregiver
► Patient (based on individual patient status assessment by caregiver the patient can utilize dedicated device functions)

4 Incorrect Use
Image 3 is not suitable for:
■ Patients
□ Not fulfilling conditions stated in chapter “Intended use”
■ Use
□ Other than described in the instructions for use

NOTE For information concerning uses other than those outlined in the “Intended use” section above, please contact LINET®.
LINET®’s efforts in research, design and manufacture ensure LINET® products are of the highest quality and fit
for their intended purpose. However, LINET® can take no responsibility for any damage to the products or any harm to patients,
staff or other individuals resulting from:
► Not following the instructions in the manual, including warning notices.
► Using the product for a purpose other than the intended purpose stated in the relevant documentation provided by LINET®
(see Intended use).

D9U001AM0-0101_11 17
5 Product Description
5.1 Image 3 with split Telescopic Siderails

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


16 9

15 14 13 12
Fig. Image 3 with split Telescopic Siderails

1. Aluminium Head Board 11. Linen Shelf

2. Accessory Adaptor for Lifting Pole or Infusion Stand 12. Bed Extension Handle
3. Mattress Holder 13. Siderail Release Mechanism
4. Backrest 14. CPR Lever (Backrest Release)
5. Telescopic Siderail 15. Castor
6. Thighrest 16. Central Castor Control System Lever
7. Calfrest 17. Removable Plastic Segment of the Mattre-
8. Aluminium Foot Board ss Support Platform
9. Foot Board Lock
10. Corner Bumper

NOTE For safe, easy handling, LINET® recommends that two technicians put the bed into service.

18 D9U001AM0-0101_11
5.2 Image 3 with Collapsible Siderails (3/4 Siderails)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7



14 13 12 11
Fig. Image 3 with Collapsible Siderails (3/4 Siderails)

1. Plastic Head Board 11. Corner Bumper

2. Accessory Adaptor for Lifting Pole or Infusion Stand 12. Siderail Release Mechanism
3. Mattress Holder 13. CPR Lever (Backrest Release)
4. Backrest 14. Castor
5. Collapsible Siderail 15. Central Castor Control System Lever
6. Thighrest 16. Removable Plastic Segment of the Mattre-
7. Calfrest ss Support Platform
8. Plastic Foot Board
9. Foot Board Lock
10. Linen Shelf

NOTE For safe, easy handling, LINET® recommends that two technicians put the bed into service.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 19
6 Technical Specification
6.1 Identification of Applied parts (Type B)
All part of the bed (and accessories) the patient can reach are type B Applied Parts.

► ACP Attendant Control Panel

► Handset
► Siderails
► Head Board and Foot Board
► Mattress support platform

6.2 Mechanical Specification (Standard Version)

Parameter Value
Dimensions (length x width)
Version 1 (BD01) 221 cm x 99,8 cm
Version 2 (BD00) 221 cm x 104 cm
Siderail Height above Mattress support platform
with split telescopic siderails (version 1) 6,5 cm (MIN), 40 cm (MAX)
with split telescopic siderails (version 2) 8,5 cm (MIN), 42 cm (MAX)
with collapsible siderails 4,7 cm (MIN), 39 cm (MAX)
Siderail length
split telescopic siderails 98,5 cm
collapsible siderails 146,5 cm
Maximum mattress height
with split telescopic siderails (version 1) 18 cm
with split telescopic siderails (version 2) 20 cm
with collapsible siderails 17 cm
Mattress dimensions 200 cm x 86 cm (90 cm - depending on configu-
Bed extension 0 cm / 10 cm / 22 cm / 30,5 cm
Mattress support platform height adjustment 28 cm – 80 cm (85 cm - depending on configu-
Maximum Backrest Angle 70°
Maximum Thighrest Angle 34°
Ergoframe® 10 cm / 6 cm
Maximum Trendelenburg/Antitrendelenburg Tilt 14° / 14°
Weight of bed 160 kg (depending on configuration)
Max. Lifting Pole Load 75 kg
Safe Working Load (including Mattress and Accessories) 265 kg
Maximum patient weight
Application environment 1, 2 200 kg
Application environment 3, 5 230 kg

20 D9U001AM0-0101_11
6.3 Mechanical Specifications (Washable Version)
Parameter Value
Dimensions (length x width)
Version 1 (BD01) 221 cm x 99,8 cm
Version 2 (BD00) 221 cm x 104 cm
Siderail Height above Mattress support platform
with split telescopic siderails (version 1) 6,5 cm (MIN), 40 cm (MAX)
with split telescopic siderails (version 2) 8,5 cm (MIN), 42 cm (MAX)
with collapsible siderails 4,7 cm (MIN), 39 cm (MAX)
Siderail length
split telescopic siderails 98,5 cm
collapsible siderails 146,5 cm
Maximum mattress height
with split telescopic siderails (version 1) 18 cm
with split telescopic siderails (version 2) 20 cm
with collapsible siderails 17 cm
Mattress dimensions 200 cm x 86 cm (90 cm - depending on configu-
Bed extension 0 cm / 10 cm / 22 cm / 30,5 cm
Mattress support platform height adjustment 28 cm – 80 cm (85 cm - depending on configu-
Maximum Backrest Angle 70°
Maximum Thighrest Angle 34°
Ergoframe® 10 cm / 6 cm
Maximum Trendelenburg/Antitrendelenburg Tilt 14° / 14°
Weight of bed 160 kg (depending on configuration)
Max. Lifting Pole Load 75 kg
Safe Working Load (including Mattress and Accessories) 265 kg
Maximum patient weight
Application environment 1, 2 200 kg
Application environment 3, 5 230 kg

6.4 Environment Conditions (Standard and Washable Version)

Environmental Conditions - Operation
Ambient Temperature 10 °C — 40 °C
Relative Humidity 30 % — 75 %
Atmospheric Pressure 795 hPa — 1060 hPa
Environmental Conditions - Storage and Transport
Ambient Temperature -20°C — +50°C
Relative Humidity 20% — 90% (non-condensing)
Atmospheric Pressure 795 hPa — 1060 hPa

D9U001AM0-0101_11 21
6.5 Electrical Specification (Standard and Washable Version)
Danger to life due to electric shock!
► Ensure that maintenance and service of electrical parts are performed only by qualified personnel if the bed is
connected to the mains.

Parameter Value
Input Voltage
Version 1 230 V~, 50/60 Hz
Version 2 100 V~, 50/60 Hz
Version 3 110 V~, 50/60 Hz
Version 4 120 V~, 50/60 Hz
Version 5 127 V~, 50/60 Hz
Version 6 110 - 127 V~, 50/60 Hz or 230 V~, 50/60 Hz
Maximum Power Input max. 370 VA
Ingress Protection for 1AM (standard version) IPX4
Ingress Protection for 1AMW (washable version) IPX6
Safety Class Class I (with type B applied parts)
Duty Cycle max. 2 minutes ON / 18 minutes OFF
Accumulator Pb AKU 2 x 12 V / 1,2 Ah / Fuse 15A
Fuse 2x T1.6A L 250 V for 230 V version
2x T3.15A L 250 V for 100-127 V version

NOTE Upon request, LINET® can deliver hospital beds with electrical specifications that comply with regional standards (custom
voltage, different mains plugs).

6.6 Electromagnetic compatibility

Bed is intended for hospitals except for near active HF surgical equipment and the RF shielded room of a medical system for mag-
netic resonance imaging, where the intensity of EM disturbances is high.

Bed has defined no essential performance.

It is recommended to avoid the use of this device next to or in block with other device, because it could lead to
improper operation. If such use is needed, this device and the other equipment should be under surveillance
to verify proper operation.

List of used cables:

1. Mains cable, maximum length 6 m
2. ACP Attendant Control Panel, maximum length 3m
3. Handset, maximum length 3m

Use of the accessories, converters and other cables, than specified and provided by manufacturer of this bed
could lead to increase of electromagnetic emission or lower the electromagnetic immunity of this bed and lead
to improper operation.

Mobile RF communication device (including end use devices like antenna cables and external antenna) should
not be used closer than 30 cm (12 inches) from any part of this bed Image 3, including cables specified by
manufacturer. Otherwise this could lead to deterioration of functionality of this bed.

Do not overload the bed (SWL), respect the duty cycle (INT.) and consider chapter 18 Maintenance in order to
maintain the basic safety with regard to electromagnetic disturbances for the expected service life.

22 D9U001AM0-0101_11
6.6.1 Manufacturer instructions - electromagnetic emissions
Emission Test Compliance
RF emissions Group 1
RF emissions Class A
Harmonic emissions Class A
IEC 61000-3-2
Voltage fluctuations / flicker emissions Complies
IEC 61000-3-3

NOTE: The EMISSIONS characteristics of this equipment make it suitable for use in industrial areas and hospitals (CISPR 11 class
A). If it is used in a residential environment (for which CISPR 11 class B is normally required) this equipment might not offer ade-
quate protection to radio-frequency communication services. The user might need to take mitigation measures, such as relocating
or re-orienting the equipment.

6.6.2 Manufacturer instructions - electromagnetic susceptibility

Immunity Tests Compliance level
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) ± 8 kV for contact discharge
IEC 61000-4-2 ± 15 kV for contact discharge
Radiated RF 3 V/m
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz – 2,7 GHz
80 % AM at 1 kHz
Proximity fields from RF wireless communications equipment
IEC 61000-4-3 See Table 1
Fast electrical transients / burst ±2 kV for power line
IEC 61000-4-4 repetition frequency 100 kHz
Surge ± 1 kV Line-to-line
IEC 61000-4-5 ± 2 kV Line-to-ground
Conducted RF 3 V (0,15 MHz – 80 MHz)
IEC 61000-4-6 6 V in ISM bands between 0,15 MHz and 80 MHz
80 % AM at 1 kHz
Power frequency (50/60 Hz) magnetic field 30 A/m
IEC 61000-4-8
Voltage dips, short interruptions on power supply input lines 0 % UT; 0,5 cycle
IEC 61000-4-11 At 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270° a 315°
0 % UT; 1 cycle and 70 % UT; 25/30 cycle
Single phase: at 0°
0 % UT; 250/300 cycle

D9U001AM0-0101_11 23
Table 1 - IMMUNITY to RF wireless communications equipment

Test frequency (MHz) Band (MHz) Service Modulation Immunity Test Level
385 380 - 390 TETRA 400 Pulse modulation 18 Hz 27
450 430 - 470 GMRS 460, FRS 460 FM ± 5 kHz deviation 1 28
kHz sine
710 704 - 787 LTE band 13, 17 Pulse modulation 217 9
745 Hz
810 800 - 960 GSM 800/900, TETRA Pulse modulation 18 Hz 28
870 800, iDEN 820, CDMA
930 850,
LTE band 5
1 720 1 700 - 1 990 GSM 1800; CDMA Pulse modulation 217 28
1 845 1900; GSM 1900; Hz
1 970 DECT; LTE band 1, 3,
4, 25; UMTS
2 450 2 400 - 2 570 Bluetooth, WLAN, Pulse modulation 217 28
802.11 b/g/n, RFID Hz
LTE band 7
5 240 5 100 - 5 800 WLAN 802.11 a/n Pulse modulation 217 9
5 500 Hz
5 785

NOTE There are applied no deviations to requirements of IEC 60601-1-2 ed. 4

NOTE There are no known other measures for keeping the basic safety based on EMC phenomena.

NOTE Beds equipped with communication module meet standard for IEEE 802.11 b/g/n (2400,0 MHz – 2483,5 MHz, modulation
DSSS (IEEE 802.11 b ), OFDM (IEEE 802.11 g/n) 20MHz bandwidth, EIRP = 0,34 W).

7 Use and Storage Conditions

The bed may not be used and stored in indoor environments:
■ Where there is a risk of explosion.
■ Containing inflammable anaesthetics.
The bed is designed for use in rooms for medical purposes. Electrical installations must therefore meet local standards laying down
the necessary conditions for electrical installations.
► Disconnect the bed from the mains in exceptional cases (i.e. lightnings, earthquake).

24 D9U001AM0-0101_11
8 Scope of Delivery and Bed Variants
8.1 Scope of Delivery
■ Upon receipt, check that the shipment is complete as specified on the delivery note.
■ Notify the carrier and supplier of any deficiencies or damages immediately as well as in writing or make a note on the
delivery note.
■ The bed is delivered with deactivated accumulator. To activate accumulator see chapter “Accumulator Activation”.

8.2 Bed Variants

8.2.1 Standard version: Image 3 – 1AM
Features – Image 3 Model 1AM (model no. see product label):
■ Mattress Support Platform
□ Mattress support platform consisting of removable plastic segments
■ Siderails
□ Without siderails
□ Split telescopic siderails
□ Single collapsible siderails, powder coated
■ Head board and foot board
□ Aluminium headboard/foot board with fixed coloured HPL panels
□ Plastic head board and foot board, Clean&Clear design
□ Plastic head board and foot board, design Eleganza 1 and Eleganza 3
□ Head board and foot board light design - powder coated tube with HPL
□ Removable head board and foot board design A+ hotel look with HPL panels
■ Castors
□ 125 mm Tente Linea with central braking system
□ 150 mm Tente Linea, with central braking system
□ 150 mm Tente Linea with 5th castor
□ 150 mm Tente Integral
□ 150 mm Tente Integral with 5th castor
■ Control Elements
□ ACP Attendant Control Panel
□ Handset with illuminated keyboard
□ Handset without illuminated keyboard
■ Other
□ Linen shelf
□ Vertical safety bumpers
□ One pair of universal accessory holders
□ One pair of urine bag holder
□ CPR emergency backrest release
□ Segufix holders
■ Colour concept
□ Powder coated metal parts RAL 9006 (light grey) + RAL 7043 (dark grey)
□ Powder coated metal parts RAL 9002 (white)
□ Powder coated metal parts RAL 9006 (light grey)
■ SafeSense® 3 ready bed

D9U001AM0-0101_11 25
8.2.2 Washable version: Image 3 – 1AMW
Features – Image 3 Model 1AMW (model no. see product label):
■ Mattress Support Platform
□ Mattress support platform consisting of removable plastic segments
■ Siderails
□ Split telescopic siderails
□ Single collapsible siderails, powder coated
■ Head Board and Foot Board
□ Aluminium head/foot board with fixed coloured HPL panels, stainless bar on the head/foot board
□ Plastic head board and foot board, Clean&Clear design
□ Plastic head board and foot board, design Eleganza 1 and Eleganza 3
□ Removable head board and foot board design A+ hotel look with HPL panels
■ Castors
□ 125 mm Tente Linea with central braking system
□ 150 mm Tente Linea, with central braking system
□ 150 mm Tente Linea with 5th Castor
□ 150 mm Tente Integral
□ 150 mm Tente Integral with 5th castor
■ Control Elements
□ ACP Attendant Control Panel
□ Handset with illuminated keyboard
□ Handset without illuminated keyboard
■ Other
□ Linen shelf
□ Vertical safety bumpers
□ One pair of universal accessory holders
□ One pair of urine bag holder
□ CPR emergency backrest release
□ Segufix holders
■ Colour concept
□ Cataphoresis-coated metal parts RAL 9006 (light grey) + RAL 7043 (dark grey)
□ Cataphoresis-coated metal parts RAL 9002 (white)
■ SafeSense® 3 ready bed

9 Putting into Service

Risk of injury when working on the bed!
► Ensure that the bed is disconnected from the mains connection prior to putting into service, putting out of service
and maintenance.
► Ensure that the castors are locked prior to putting into service, putting out of service and maintenance.

Material damage due to incorrect putting into service!
► Ensure that putting into service is performed exclusively by manufacturer´s customer service or trained hospital

Set up the bed as follows:

► Unpack the bed.
► Check the delivery (see Scope of Delivery and Bed Variants).
► Remove isolating foil from control unit (see Accumulator Activation).
► Install equipment and accessories.
► In case of delivery with dismounted head board and foot board, mount the head and foot board (see Head Board and
Foot Board).
► Set-up the bed only on a suitable floor surface (see Transport).
► Ensure the mains cable does not collide or get stretched when adjusting the bed. Check the plug is inserted correctly.
► Do not leave any extension cords or power strips loose on the floor.
► Ensure all the required mechanical and electrical prevention mechanisms are available on site.
► There is no mains switch on the bed, i.e. the mains cable is the only means to isolate the bed from the mains.
► Ensure the mains cable is always accessible.
► The plug on the mains cable should only be changed and maintained by qualified and trained service technicians
authorised by the manufacturer.

26 D9U001AM0-0101_11
9.1 Accumulator Activation
9.1.1 Position of Accumulator

Fig. Position of Isolating Foil

9.1.2 Removing the Isolating Foil


9.1.3 Isolating Foil

Check if isolating foil is complete and undamaged as shown:

If isolating foil is damaged, contact the manufacturer’s service department immediately.

NOTE: Isolating Foil is sharp-edged. Remove it carefully not to cut yourself.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 27
9.2 Head Board and Foot Board
Risk of injury when inserting the head board and foot board!
► To insert head board and foot board into corner posts, hold them by the corner handles on top with both hands.
► Install head board and foot board before the first use.

Risk of injury due to incorrectly installed head board and foot board!
► Ensure head board and foot board are correctly inserted, especially when moving the bed.
► Ensure head board locks and foot board locks are locked, especially when moving the bed.

Risk of injury when removing the head board and foot board!
► Before removing head board or foot board, ensure the head board and foot board do not collide with any acces-
sories or cable.
► If a patient is lying in a bed with the head board and/or foot board removed, supervise the bed at all times.

Material damage due to excess load!
► Ensure nobody sits on the head board or foot board.

NOTE: The head board and foot board may be delivered in several decor colour variants.

9.2.1 Foot End of the Washable bed

Fig. Label indicating Washable Image 3 bed on the crossbar of its foot end

28 D9U001AM0-0101_11
9.2.2 Aluminium Head Board and Foot Board

Image 3 bed compatible with aluminium Head

Board and Foot Board is equipped with two
Head Board Locks and two Foot Board Locks.

Manipulation with head board

and foot board
Insert the head board or foot board as follows:
► Unlock safety locks at corner posts.
► Slide head board or foot board into slots
on corner posts.
► Lock safety locks at corner posts.

Remove the head board or foot board as fo-

► Unlock safety locks at corner posts.
► Pull head board or foot board upward.

Fig. Positions of head board locks (aluminium head board)

1 2
Fig. Locks at the foot end of the bed (with removed foot board)
1. Locked Lock
2. Unlocked Lock

D9U001AM0-0101_11 29
Fig. Correctly inserted Head Board (Top View)

Fig. Incorrectly inserted Head Board (Top View)

9.2.3 Plastic Head Board and Foot Board (Clean&Clear design)

Image 3 bed compatible with plastic Head
Board and Foot Board (Clean&Clear design) is
equipped with two Head Board Locks and two
Foot Board Locks.

Manipulation with head board

and foot board
Insert the head board or foot board as follows:
► Unlock safety locks at corner posts.
► Slide head board or foot board into slots
on corner posts with coloured panel on the outside.
► Lock safety locks at corner posts.

Remove the head board or foot board as fo-

► Unlock safety locks at corner posts.
► Pull head board or foot board upward.

Fig. Positions of foot board locks (plastic foot board - Clean&Clear design)

30 D9U001AM0-0101_11
1 2
Fig. Locks at the foot end of the bed (with removed foot board)
1. Locked Lock
2. Unlocked Lock

Fig. Correctly inserted Plastic Foot Board (Top View)

Fig. Incorrectly inserted Plastic Foot Board (Top View)

D9U001AM0-0101_11 31
9.2.4 Plastic Head Board and Foot Board (design Eleganza 1 and Eleganza 3)

Image 3 bed compatible with plastic Head

Board and Foot Board (design Eleganza 1 and
Eleganza 3) is equipped with two Head Board
Locks and two Foot Board Locks.

Manipulation with head board

and foot board
Insert the head board or foot board as follows:
► Unlock safety locks at corner posts
(green lock - unlocked, red lock - locked).
► Slide head board or foot board into slots
on corner posts.
► Lock safety locks at corner posts.

Remove the head board or foot board as

Fig. Positions of foot board locks (plastic foot board - design Elegan- ► Unlock safety locks at corner posts.
za 1 and Eleganza 3) ► Pull head board or foot board upward.

1 2

Fig. Locks at the foot end of the bed (with inserted Foot Board)
1. Locked Lock
2. Unlocked Lock

Fig. Correctly inserted Head Board (Top View)

32 D9U001AM0-0101_11
9.2.5 Powder coated Head Board and Foot Board

Image 3 bed compatible with powder coated

Head Board and Foot Board is equipped with
two Head Board Locks and two Foot Board

Manipulation with head board

and foot board
Insert the head board or foot board as follows:
► Unlock safety locks at corner posts
(green lock - unlocked, red lock - locked).
► Slide head board or foot board into slots
on corner posts.
► Lock safety locks at corner posts.

Remove the head board or foot board as

Fig. Positions of head board locks (powder coated head board) ► Unlock safety locks at corner posts.
► Pull head board or foot board upward.

1 2

Fig. Locks at the foot end of the bed (with inserted Foot Board)
1. Locked Lock
2. Unlocked Lock

D9U001AM0-0101_11 33
Fig. Correctly inserted Head Board (Front View)

Fig. Incorrectly inserted Head Board (Front View)

34 D9U001AM0-0101_11
9.3 Mattress Support Platform
Image 3 bed has 4-part Mattress support platform consisting of Backrest, Seat section, Thighrest and Calfrest. The Mattress supp-
ort platform has 8 removable plastic sections of Mattress support platform (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




Fig. 4-part Mattress support platform

To remove/insert plastic sections of the mattress support platform:

► Pull out mattress support platform plastic sections.
► Place mattress support platform plastic sections in directions indicated by the orientation of the picture of person on the
plastic sections.
► The correct fitting of the plastic section is signalized by hearable “click”.
► Ensure that mattress support platform plastic sections are fitted correctly by trying pull the plastic sections up with little

D9U001AM0-0101_11 35
9.4 Potential Equalisation
The bed is equipped with a standard protective connector. This connector is used for potential equalisation between the bed and
any intravascular or intracardiac device connected to the patient to protect the patient from static electric shocks.

Fig. Potential equalisation connector -


Fig. Potential equalisation connector – male

Use equalisation connector if:

■ The patient is connected to any intravascular or intracardiac device.

Before connecting the patient to an intravascular/intra-cardiac device:

► Connect the ground wire of the device to the potential equalisation connector on the bed on which the patient in question
is lying.
► Use a standard hospital connector.
► Make sure the connectors match.
► Make sure there is no possibility of accidental disconnection.

Before moving the bed:

► Disconnect the patient from the intravascular or intracardiac device.
► Disconnect the potential equalisation connector.

36 D9U001AM0-0101_11
9.5 Before Use
Material damage due to temperature difference!
► If there is a considerable temperature difference between the bed and the place of operation
(after transport/storage), leave bed unconnected for 24 hours to allow the temperature to equalise.

Prepare the bed for service as follows:

► Dispose of all packaging (see Disposal).
► Connect the bed to the mains.
► Charge the accumulator.
► Raise the mattress platform to the highest position.
► Remove the isolating foil from control section.
► Lower and tilt the mattress platform to the lowest position.
► Check the castors and main brake work correctly.
► Check the bed extension works correctly.
► Check it is possible to remove the head and foot boards.
► Check all of the functions on the control elements (Attendant Control Panel etc.).
► Check the siderails function properly.

9.6 Transport
For safe transport, observe the following:
► Ensure no cables are run over when moving a bed.
► Ensure the mains cable is attached with a hook (at the head end of the bed).
► Ensure the castors are unlocked before moving the bed during the loading/unloading process
(see Castor Control and Bed Transport).
► Ensure the siderails are lifted and locked while the patient is on the bed during the transport.
► Move the bed only on suitable floor surfaces.

Suitable surfaces:
■ Tile
■ Hard linoleum
■ Hard flooring

Unsuitable surfaces:
■ Soft, unsealed or defective flooring
■ Soft wooden flooring
■ Soft and porous stone floors
■ Carpeted floors with underlay
■ Soft linoleum
□ For longer distances, ensure the castor steering function (main control) is activated.
□ Ensure the brakes are released while moving the bed.

9.7 Firmware
The bed includes firmware that can be updated only by an authorised service technician.
This firmware is protected against unauthorised access by mechanical housing (tool is needed to access), by seal (com-
ponents with processor are sealed), by exclusive compatibility with an authorised software tool and by check of compati-
bility of the new firmware with the bed.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 37
10 Power Supply Cord (Mains Power Cable)
Disconnecting bed from the mains does not stop motions of the bed!
► Stop the bed before disconnection bed from the mains.

Attachment plug is means of connecting and disconnecting bed from the mains.
Power supply cable (mains power cable) must be attached with a hook at the head end of the bed during transport.

Where the integrity of the external protective conductor in the installation or its arrangement is in doubt
► operate the bed from internal accumulator only.

11 Accumulator
Risk of reducing accumulator durability due to incorrect use!
► Use bed on accumulator only in crisis situations (e.g.: power blackout, patient complications during transport,
► After reconnecting bed to the mains charge accumulator to full capacity (see chart Accumulator charge status).

Risk of damage or destruction of accumulator!
► If the accumulator is faulty, degassing may occur. In rare cases this might cause deformations of the accumulator
case, control panel housing or cable.
► If this occurs stop using the bed immediately (see Removing the Bed from Service).
► Inform the manufacturer’s service department immediately.

For declared lifetime period of leaded accumulators is recommended during storage:

1. To prevent accumulators from deep discharging and to keep accumulators at least partly charged by regular recharging
2. To store accumulators on the dry places with temperature from 10°C to 40°C
3. To prevent accumulators from being in the sunshine

Accumulator lifetime could be up to 5 years if operated under optimum conditions.

Accumulator capacity can be significantly reduced if:
► too high ambient temperature
► many accumulator charge/discharge cycles
► recurrence of deep discharge
► bed is often powered only by the accumulator

The accumulator supplied with the bed is delivered uncharged. The accumulator serves as a backup during power failures or while
transporting the patient.

► Use only accumulators approved by the manufacturer.

► The manufacturer provides a 6-month warranty for the full function of accumulators.
► Check the accumulator functionality at least once a month in accordance with the user and service manuals and have the
accumulator changed if necessary.
► The manufacturer will assume no responsibility for any damage to the bed or the accumulator caused by:
o Non-observance of the manufacturer’s instructions in the instructions for use.
o Using accumulators not approved by the manufacturer.
o Accumulator replacement non-qualified service organisation.

NOTE: Some bed adjustment options are not available without a accumulator, for example, height adjustment under a load of
above 200 kg.

To charge the accumulator:

► Connect the bed to the mains and check the yellow LED on the Attendant Control Panel according to the following table.
► Charging and accumulator capacity is indicated by the yellow LED placed on the Attendant Control Panel.

38 D9U001AM0-0101_11
The LED indicating the accumulator charge status:

Yellow LED Accumulator charge status

Not lit Accumulator capacity is sufficient (charging completed)

Short flashing (short, intermittent illumination) Accumulator is charging - continue charging until the LED is
(circa 1.8 sec.) extinguished. In emergency cases, the accumulator can be
used as a backup power source for a short period. If LED is still
flashing after 12 hours of charging or stops flashing, but you
cannot position with bed, accumulator is defective or broken.
Contact manufacturer.
Long flashing (long illumination) (circa 0.2 sec.) Low accumulator voltage - accumulator cannot be used as a
backup power supply even for a short period; accumulator is
completely discharged or defective (if this type of signalisation
persists, it is necessary to replace the accumulator - service
Long, intermittent illumination for several hours (circa 10 Accumulator absence or failure condition (accumulator is
hours), when bed is connected to the mains. connected incorrectly, line between the power supply and
accumulator is broken or accumulator fuses are faulty); contact
service department of the manufacturer in case of such signa-

To maintain maximum functionality of the accumulator:

► Unplug the bed from the mains as rarely as possible.

In case the accumulator cover or control section is deformed by heat

► Unplug the bed from the mains.
► Do not use the bed (see. Removing the Bed from Service).
► Contact service of the manufacturer.

11.1 Status Faulty Accumulator

The accumulator is regarded as faulty if at least one of the following conditions applies:
► Accumulator charging constantly
► Low voltage on accumulator
► Low charging current of accumulator

Status “faulty accumulator” is indicated:

► By the accumulator status indicator being constantly lit.
► A fault accumulator status can be cancelled by pressing the STOP button.
► Accumulator status data is saved to the black box in the control unit.

11.2 Status Discharged Accumulator

The accumulator is regarded as discharged if the following condition is met:
► Defined decrease of voltage depending on discharging current

Status “discharged accumulator” is:

► Status is indicated by the accumulator status indicator flashing quickly.
► The electric CPR position is the only possible position.
► This status will be cancelled automatically when the bed switches to sleep mode.

11.3 Removing the Bed from Service

How to remove the bed from service:
► Disconnect the bed from the mains.
► Disconnect the ground wire.
► Deactivate the accumulator (see Deactivating the Accumulator).
► Remove accessories.

To prevent damage during storage:

► Pack or cover the bed and accessories.
► Ensure storage conditions are the same as the operating conditions.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 39
11.4 Deactivating the Accumulator
To avoid damaging the bed and the environment during storage:
► Deactivate the accumulator on the Attendant Control Panel.
To deactivate the accumulator on the Attendant Control Panel:
► Disconnect the bed from the mains.
► Disconnect the ground wire.
► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button on the Attendant Control Panel.
► Press the Thighrest Up + Thighrest Down + Trendelenburg Position buttons at the same time and hold
them for three seconds.
► The accumulator is deactivated.

NOTE: Try some functions to ensure the accumulator is deactivated.

To activate the accumulator again:

► Connect bed to the mains.

12 Manipulation
Risk of injury when adjusting the bed!
► Ensure there are no body parts between the mattress platform elements and the mattress platform frame when
adjusting the bed.
► Ensure there are no body parts below the mattress platform frame before adjusting the bed.
► Secure or remove any items on the bed.

The bed is operated by different control elements.

Control elements:
► Attendant Control Panel
► Attendant Control Panel with SafeSense® 3 Control
► Handset

Disabling individual functions on the Attendant Control Panel affects all of the control elements.

If the bed does not react to individual position settings:

► Check whether the function is disabled on the Attendant Control Panel.

40 D9U001AM0-0101_11
12.1 Attendant Control Panel (ACP)
Attendant Control Panel is main control panel of the bed. Attendant Control Panel can be placed in the shelf. We recommend pla-
cing ACP panel on the head board or foot board or hold it in the hands while controlling the bed.

Fig. Attendant Control Panel

1. Lock indicators
2. Lock Buttons for respective functions
3. Thighrest Adjustment Buttons
4. Backrest Adjustment Buttons
5. Height Adjustment Buttons
6. Auto-Contour Buttons (simultaneous setting of back- and thighrest)
7. Central STOP Button
8. Trendelenburg Tilt Button (mattress support platform tilt only)
9. Antitrendelenburg Tilt Button (mattress support platform tilt only)
10. Examination Position Button
11. Extra Low Position Button
12. CPR (Resuscitation) Position Button
13. Emergency Trendelenburg Position Button
14. Cardiac Chair Position Button
15. Mobilisation Position Button
16. Accumulator charge status LED (only for beds with backup accumulator)
17. Mains Power LED
18. Activating GO Button
19. Bed Lights Control Button (ON/OFF)

NOTE: In case that the bed is not equipped with bed light control, button 19 is not on the controller.

To set positions:
► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button.
► Press and hold corresponding button until required position is reached.

12.1.1 Central STOP Button

The central STOP button 7 immediately interrupts all bed movements.
Pressing central STOP button 7 for at least 0.3 seconds immediately stops all electronic bed movements.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 41
12.1.2 Activating GO Button
The GO button 18 activates the keypads on all control elements except the foot control.
A GO button is included on a number of different control elements. The function of the GO button is identical on all control ele-
After pressing GO button 18, the keypad will remain active for 3 minutes. It is possible to control every function on the bed except
the locked functions.
Pressing a function button will keep the keypad active for another 3 minutes.
It is necessary to activate the keypad again if the 3 minute period without pressing any function is passed.

12.1.3 Function Buttons

Function buttons 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 allow the setting of different positions, for example the height and tilt of the mattress platform,
adjust individual mattress support platform elements, etc.

NOTE: The bed can be stopped by pressing two different buttons even on two different controllers. If the press of the buttons is
longer than 0,5 second the bed will stop all the movements immediately.

To set a position:
► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button.
► Press and hold the respective button until required position is reached.

Backrest Adjustment (4)

During continuous positioning Backrest stops automatically in 30 degrees. To continue in positioning release the button, then press
and hold button until the desired position is reached.

Trendelenburg Tilt (8) and Antitrendelenburg Tilt (9)

During positioning from Trendelenburg Tilt to Antitrendelenburg Tilt (or vice versa) the bed stops in the horizontal position (0°). To
continue tilting, press the Trendelenburg Tilt or Antitrendelenburg Tilt once more.

12.1.4 Lock Buttons (2)

Lock button 2 allows disabling individual functions on the Attendant Control Panel.

To disable functions:
► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button 18.
► Press respective lock button.
The respective LED flashes to indicate the lock.

NOTE: The individual functions are locked in the central control panel, the satellite control and the handset.

To enable disabled functions:

► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button.
► Press the respective lock button.
The respective LED goes out. The function is enabled.

12.1.5 Mains Power LED (17)

Status Meaning
lit LED connected to the mains
unlit LED disconnected from the mains
flashing LED system error

42 D9U001AM0-0101_11
12.1.6 Position Buttons
Risk of injury due to moving parts!
► Ensure that no body parts are trapped between moving parts of bed and mattress platform.
► Ensure that no persons or body parts are close to bed or accessories (e.g. infusion stand, lifting pole) when
mattress platform is moving

Material damage due to moving parts!
► Ensure that no objects (e.g. cables) are trapped between moving parts of bed and mattress support platform.
► Ensure that no objects are close to bed or accessories (e.g. infusion stand, lifting pole) when mattress support
platform is moving.

The therapeutic and safety-related positions are pre-programmed. When a position is set, several parts of the bed and mattress
support platform will move simultaneously.

Programmed positions:
► Cardiac Chair Position
► Emergency Trendelenburg Position
► CPR (resuscitation) Position
► Examination Position
► Mobilisation Position
► Extra Low Position

To set the programmed positions:

► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button.
► Press and hold corresponding function button until the desired position is reached.

Cardiac chair position (14)

The cardiac chair position is suitable for patients with cardiac arrhythmia and breathing difficulties.

Settings after pressing and holding the Cardiac chair button (15):
► Calfrest tilts into lowest position, thighrest moves into the upright position (34°).
► 6 second after positioning calfrest and thighrest the backrest will move into an upright position (62°).

Emergency Trendelenburg Position (8)

The Emergency Trendelenburg Position serves as an anti-shock position. All parts of the mattress support platform are flattened.
Mattress support platform tilts head down.

CPR (Resuscitation) Position (12)

The CPR Position is for resuscitating the patient in an emergency.

Settings after pressing and holding the CPR button (12):

Mattress support platform moves into a horizontal position.

NOTE: For quick mechanical positioning, see CPR Backrest Release.

Examination Position (10)

Examination Position is designed for personnel and allows comfortable patient examination.

Settings after pressing and holding the Examination Position button:

The mattress support platform will move into the most appropriate position for patient examination and the mattress support plat-
form will flatten.

Mobilisation Position (15)

The Mobilisation Position makes it easier for the patient to get out of the bed. Mattress support platform is in the lowest position and
backrest is upright.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 43
Extra Low Position (11)
The bed stops above Extra Low Position during lowering, mattress support platform is adjusted to flat position and beep is perfor-
med. After this adjustment the lowering continues to Extra Low Position.

12.1.7 Night Bed Illumination

It is possible to equip Image 3 with undercarriage illumination. The lighting helps the patient or hospital personnel to better orientate
in room with lowered or turned off light. The lowered intensity of lighting is set up after turning the bed on.

The bed is equipped with three-phase illumination:

1. Full intensity of illumination
2. Lowered intensity of illumination
3. Illumination is turned off

The lowered intensity of illumination is set up after the bed is turned on.

After pressing the GO button:

► The handset and bed illumination will light up at full intensity.

After elapsing the GO period:

► The illumination intensity of handset will be lowered.

7 minutes after GO period has elapsed:

► The intensity of bed illumination will be lowered.

In the event any button is pressed (Attendant Control Panel, Handset) outside of GO period:
► The bed illumination will light up at full intensity for 10 minutes and after that, the illumination will be lowered.
► Simultaneously, the handset will light up at full intensity for 7 seconds. After that the illumination will be lowered.

Turning off all illumination:

► Press Bed Lights control Button (19) on the Attendant Control Panel and all illumination on the bed (handset and bed
illumination) will be turned off. This function is not blocked by the activation GO button.

44 D9U001AM0-0101_11
12.2 Attendant Control Panel with SafeSense® 3 Control

The Attendant Control Panel with SafeSense® 3 Control is a control element for Image 3 medical bed. The Attendant Control Panel
with SafeSense® 3 Control indicates Bed Exit Monitoring, Motion Monitoring, Decubitus/Movement Notification and Wetness Mo-
nitoring. This Attendant Control Panel can be hung on the foot board or on the siderails if required or it can be stored in the Linen
Shelf. It is possible to hold this Attendant Control Panel in the hand while operating.

► Ensure that exclusively trained nursing staff operates the Attendant Control Panel with SafeSense® 3 Control.

17 18 19 20 21


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
Fig. Attendant Control Panel with SafeSense® 3 Control for Image 3 medical bed

1. Activating GO Button
2. Central STOP Button
3. CPR (Resuscitation) Position Button
4. Mains Power LED
5. Emergency Trendelenburg Position Button
6. Accumulator Charge Status LED
7. PLAY and STOP Button (SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System)
8. SELECT and TIME Button (SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System)
9. Examination Position Button
10. Autocontour Buttons (simultaneous adjustment of Backrest and Thighrest)
11. Mobilisation Position Button
12. Backrest Adjustment Buttons
13. Cardiac Chair Position Button
14. Thighrest Adjustment Buttons
15. Antitrendelenburg Tilt Button
16. Height Adjustment Buttons (UP or DOWN or EXTRA LOW)
17. Lock Button for Bed Height Adjustment with respective LED indicator
18. Lock Button for Thighrest Adjustment with respective LED indicator
19. Lock Button for Backrest Adjustment with respective LED indicator
20. Bed Lights Control Button (ON/OFF)
21. SafeSense® 3 Display (SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System)

D9U001AM0-0101_11 45
To set positions:
► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button (1).
► Press and hold corresponding button until required position is reached.

12.2.1 Central STOP Button

The central STOP button 2 immediately interrupts all bed movements.
Pressing central STOP button 2 for at least 0.3 seconds immediately stops all electronic bed movements.

12.2.2 Activating GO Button

The GO button 1 activates the keypads on all control elements except the foot control. A GO button is included on a number of
different control elements. The function of the GO button is identical on all control elements. After pressing GO button 1, the keypad
will remain active for 3 minutes. It is possible to control every function on the bed except the locked functions. Pressing a function
button will keep the keypad active for another 3 minutes. It is necessary to activate the keypad again if the 3 minute period without
pressing any function is passed.

12.2.3 Function Buttons

Function buttons 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 allow the setting of different positions, for example the height and tilt of the
mattress platform, adjust individual mattress support platform elements, etc.

NOTE: The bed can be stopped by pressing two different buttons even on two different controllers. If the press of the buttons is
longer than 0,5 second the bed will stop all the movements immediately.

To set a position:
► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button.
► Press and hold the respective button until required position is reached.

Backrest Adjustment (12)

During continuous positioning Backrest stops automatically in 30 degrees. To continue in positioning release the button, then press
and hold button until the desired position is reached.

Antitrendelenburg Tilt (15)

During positioning from Trendelenburg Position to Antitrendelenburg Tilt (or vice versa) the bed stops in the horizontal position (0°).
To continue tilting, press the Antitrendelenburg Tilt Button once more.

12.2.4 Lock Buttons (17, 18 and 19)

Lock buttons allow disabling individual functions on the Attendant Control Panel.

To disable functions:
► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button 1.
► Press respective lock button.
The respective LED flashes to indicate the lock.

NOTE: The individual functions are locked in the central control panel, the satellite control and the handset.

To enable disabled functions:

► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button.
► Press the respective lock button.
The respective LED goes out. The function is enabled.

46 D9U001AM0-0101_11
12.2.5 Mains Power LED Signalisation (4)


lit connected to the mains

flashing: 0,6s lit / 0,6s not lit keyboard error (flashing inverted to Lock LED)
error (first fault)
flashing: 0,1s lit / 0,1s not lit service mode
not lit disconnected from the mains power
transformer switching error

12.2.6 Accumulator Charge Status LED Signalisation (6)


lit accumulator disconnected or faulty

flashing: 1,6s lit / 0,2s not lit accumulator deeply discharged
flashing: 0,1s lit / 0,1s not lit accumulator discharged
flashing: 0,2s lit / 1,6s not lit accumulator is charging
not lit accumulator charged

12.2.7 Position Buttons

Risk of injury due to moving parts!
► Ensure that no body parts are trapped between moving parts of bed and mattress platform.
► Ensure that no persons or body parts are close to bed or accessories (e.g. infusion stand, lifting pole) when
mattress platform is moving

Material damage due to moving parts!
► Ensure that no objects (e.g. cables) are trapped between moving parts of bed and mattress support platform.
► Ensure that no objects are close to bed or accessories (e.g. infusion stand, lifting pole) when mattress support
platform is moving.

The therapeutic and safety-related positions are pre-programmed. When a position is set, several parts of the bed and mattress
support platform will move simultaneously.

Programmed positions:
► Cardiac Chair Position
► Emergency Trendelenburg Position
► CPR (resuscitation) Position
► Examination Position
► Mobilisation Position
► Extra Low Position

To set the programmed positions:

► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button.
► Press and hold corresponding function button until the desired position is reached.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 47
Cardiac chair position (13)
The cardiac chair position is suitable for patients with cardiac arrhythmia and breathing difficulties.

Settings after pressing and holding the Cardiac chair button (13):
► Calfrest tilts into lowest position, thighrest moves into the upright position (34°).
► 6 second after positioning calfrest and thighrest the backrest will move into an upright position (62°).

Emergency Trendelenburg Position (5)

The Emergency Trendelenburg Position serves as an anti-shock position. All parts of the mattress support platform are flattened.
Mattress support platform tilts head down.

CPR (Resuscitation) Position (3)

The CPR Position is for resuscitating the patient in an emergency.

Settings after pressing and holding the CPR button (3):

Mattress support platform moves into a horizontal position.

NOTE: For quick mechanical positioning, see CPR Backrest Release.

Examination Position (9)

Examination Position is designed for personnel and allows comfortable patient examination.

Settings after pressing and holding the Examination Position button:

The mattress support platform will move into the most appropriate position for patient examination and the mattress support plat-
form will flatten.

Mobilisation Position (11)

The Mobilisation Position makes it easier for the patient to get out of the bed. Mattress support platform is in the lowest position and
backrest is upright.

Extra Low Position (16)

The bed height adjustment stops above Extra Low Position during lowering, mattress support platform is adjusted to flat position
and beep is performed. After this adjustment the lowering continues to Extra Low Position.

48 D9U001AM0-0101_11
12.2.8 SafeSense® 3 Display (21)

8 1 2 1. Activation Symbol (selected type (or types) of

monitoring is (are) activated)
2. Indicator of communication between Hub and
Attendant Control Panel (black arrows - communication
works, orange cross over black arrows - communication
does not work)
3. Indicator of discharged Hub battery
4. Indicator of activated Motion Monitoring
3 5. Period during which the absence of patient
movement on the bed is tolerated. Countdown to the
selected time (e.g. 4 hours) starts again from the begi-
nning after patient movement on the mattress.
7 4 6. Period during which the Bed Exit alerts are
not triggered unless patient is on the bed (e.g. no alert
during 30 minutes)
7. Indicator of activated Bed Exit Monitoring (pati-
ent presence on the mattress is monitored)
8. Indicator of Wetness Monitoring (Wetness Mo-
6 5 nitoring is activated)

Fig. SafeSense® 3 Display - monitoring ON

7 1 2 1. Deactivation Symbol
2. Indicator of communication between Hub and
Attendant Control Panel (black arrows - communication
works, orange cross over black arrows - communication
does not work)
3. Indicator of activated Decubitus/Movement
4. Period after which nursing staff is notified to
check position of the patient
5. Period during which the Bed Exit alerts are
not triggered unless patient is on the bed (e.g. no alert
during 30 minutes)
6 3 6. Indicator of activated Bed Exit Monitoring (pati-
ent presence on the mattress is monitored)
7. Indicator of Wetness Monitoring (Wetness Mo-
nitoring is activated - The more black symbol of drop,
the higher degree of the wetness is monitored.)
5 4

Fig. SafeSense® 3 Display - monitoring OFF

Orange square symbol is displayed instead of the green activation symbol when no monitoring is activated.
Indicator of Wetness Monitoring is not displayed when Wetness Monitoring is not activated.
Indicator of Wetness Monitoring changes according to the degree of monitored wetness. The more black symbol of drop, the higher
degree of the wetness is monitored.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 49
Fig. Bed Exit Alert (monitored patient is not present
on the mattress)

Fig. Motion Monitoring Alert (expired period during

which the absence of patient movement on the
mattress was tolerated)

Fig. Decubitus/Movement Notification Alert (nursing

staff is notified to check position of the patient)

50 D9U001AM0-0101_11
12.3 Handset
The handset is included as a standard feature. The handset is available with and without button illumination. The button illumination
of the illuminated handset is active when the bed is connected to the mains. The functions of both handsets are identical. Where
the handset is to be stored on the bed depends on the patient’s condition.

1. Thighrest Adjustment Button

2. Thighrest/Backrest Lock LED
3. Backrest Adjustment Button
4. Activating GO Button
5. Auto-Contour Button
6. Height Adjustment Button
7. Height Lock LED
8. Flashlight Button
9. Flashlight

Fig. Handset

To switch on the flashlight:

► Press and hold flashlight button 8 and flashlight 9 on the top of the handset will light up.

Set the positions as follows:

► Activate the keypad by pressing the GO button.
► Press and hold the function button until the desired position is reached.

NOTE: Depending on the patient’s condition, the nursing staff decides whether the patient is allowed to adjust the bed’s position.

If required, prevent the patient from adjusting the bed as follows:

► Disable functions.
► Unplug handset (if the bed is equipped with Plug and Play).

NOTE: The handset can be plugged into another LINET® hospital bed with the Plug and Play slot.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 51
12.3.1 Standard version
Standard version is not equipped with Plug and Play connector.

12.3.2 Handset with Plug and Play connector (optional)

The Plug and Play connector allows the use of the handset on the right or left side of the bed according to staff or patient needs.

The Plug and Play connector is located on both sides of the bed.

To connect the handset on the opposite side of the bed:

► If the handset cable is plugged into the Plug and Play connector, unplug it.
► Cover the free Plug and Play connector on this side of the bed with a plastic cap.
► Plug the handset cable into the Plug and Play connector on the opposite side of the bed.

12.3.3 Washable version

The Plug and Play connector is located at the end of a cable that can be attached to both sides of the bed.

Fig. Handset and Plug and Play connector

1. Handset
2. Cable holder
3. Plug and Play connector

Fig. Handset and Plug and Play connector

1. Handset
2. Cable clamps
3. Plug and Play connector

To connect the handset on the opposite side of the bed:

► If the Plug and Play connector is slotted into the side holder on the side of the bed, turn it to the right and remove.
► Pull the cable with the handset between the mattress support platform sections towards the cable clamp.
► Remove the cable from the cable clamp and secure it in the cable clamp on the opposite side of the bed.
► Pull the cable with the handset between the mattress support platform sections towards the side holder on the opposite
side of the bed.

52 D9U001AM0-0101_11
Pulling the cable with the handset between the mattress support platform sec-

► Insert the Plug and Play connector into the metal holder and secure it by turning left.

Fig. Securing the Plug and Play connector into the side holder

Fig. Releasing the Plug and Play connector from the side holder

D9U001AM0-0101_11 53
12.4 CPR backrest release
Risk of injury due to lowering the backrest too quickly!
► Ensure collapsible siderails are in their lowest position or ensure telescopic siderails are in their highest position.
► Ensure there are no body parts between siderails and backrest.
► Press the backrest down only by the mattress guard handle or the siderail.

The bed permits quick mechanical lowering of the backrest for emergency resuscitation (CPR) procedures.

Fig. Position of CPR lever (version with telescopic siderails)

Set the CPR position as follows:

■ Pull and hold CPR backrest release lever and simultaneously press backrest down by the mattress holder.

NOTE: In some cases (e.g. with bed in Emergency Trendelenburg Position without power supply) it is possible to use the CPR
lever to raise the backrest.

54 D9U001AM0-0101_11
Fig. Position of CPR lever (version with collapsible siderails)

Set the CPR position as follows:

■ Pull and hold CPR backrest release lever and simultaneously press backrest down by the mattress holder.

NOTE: In some cases (e.g. with bed in Emergency Trendelenburg Position without power supply) it is possible to use the CPR
lever to raise the backrest.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 55
12.5 Siderails
Risk of injury due to crushing!
► Ensure that there are no objects or body parts between siderail and mattress platform when folding the siderail
up or down.
► Ensure that no body part or object are under the siderail when folding the siderail down.
► It is necessary to take extra care and attention when locking the siderails in the top position. Hospital staff must
ensure the siderail is locked in its highest position by pushing the siderail to head and foot end of the bed. The risk of
spontaneous folding of the siderail may occur when the siderail is not properly locked and it can injure the patient, staff
or the third parties.

12.5.1 Telescopic Siderails

The hospital personnel is responsible for locking the siderails in the highest position when the patient is on
the bed or when the bed is transported.

Hospital staff is responsible for assessing if the physical and psychological state of the patient is
in accordance with use of the telescopic siderails in middle positions!

Split telescopic siderails are components of the bed. The siderails cannot be dismounted. Telescopic siderails can be adjusted to
the lowest position, the highest position and to the two middle positions. The middle positions are intended for making work of the
hospital personnel easier and for facilitating mobilization of the patient in good mental condition.

1 1 1 1

Fig. Description of telescopic siderails

1. Siderail Release Mechanism

(with red button)
2. Check Latch (with yellow

56 D9U001AM0-0101_11
To fold the siderail up or down:
► Hold release mechanism and push red buttons at both
upper ends of selected telescopic siderail.
► Fold telescopic siderail up or down to the required position.

The siderail will click into place and lock automatically.

Arrows on the figures below show positions of yellow

catches in relation to the telescopic siderail positions.

Fig. Buttons of Siderail Release Mechanism

3 4

Fig. Positions of telescopic siderails (Version 1)

D9U001AM0-0101_11 57
12.5.2 Collapsible Siderails (3/4 Siderails)
The hospital personnel is responsible for locking the siderails in the highest position when the patient is on
the bed or when the bed is transported.

Ensure that there are no objects or body parts between the bars of siderail when folding the siderail up or

Collapsible siderails are situated on both sides of the bed. Both collapsible siderails are integral parts of the bed in contact with pati-
ent and cannot be removed.

2 2 2 1

3 1. Release Mechanism
Fig. Collapsible Siderail (3/4 Siderail) 2. Siderail Bars
3. Siderail Stop

58 D9U001AM0-0101_11
Fig. Release Mechanism (inner side of collapsible siderail)

To fold siderail down:

► Take release mechanism and push siderail towards head end (1).
► Press button placed on the inner side of the siderail (2) to unlock the siderail.
► Fold siderail down as required (3).

Do not let the siderail fall down when it is unblocked!

To fold siderail up:

► Take an upper edge of the siderail and push the siderail up.

Siderail will click into place and lock automatically.

► Check if the siderail is fixed in place.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 59
12.6 Mechanical Bed Extension
Risk of trapping between foot board and foot siderail due to incorrect use of the bed extension!
► Fold foot siderail down to avoid the risk of trapping between foot board and foot siderail when the first or the
second extended position is set!

It is possible to adjust 3 fixed extended positions of the mattress support platform.

Use at least one Bed Extension Handle on the bottom part of the foot board to set the extended positions.

Fig. Bed Extension

12.6.1 Bed Extension Adjustment

To extend the bed:
► Pull Bed Extension Handle to you and keep it in this position.
► Extend the bed by pulling the foot board to you.
► Push the foot board to fix it in the required extended position (3 options).
► Move the foot board inwards and outwards to check if it is fixed.

To shorten the bed:

► Pull Bed Extension Handle to you and keep it in this position.
► Shorten the bed by pushing the foot board backwards to the required position.
► Move the foot board inwards and outwards to check if it is fixed.

60 D9U001AM0-0101_11
Fig. Foot End with Bed Extension Handles

D9U001AM0-0101_11 61
12.7 Calfrest Extension (optional)
Risk of material damage due to incorrect use!
► Avoid overloading the wire construction of calfrest extension and avoid shaking the wire construction of calfrest
extension up and down violently when pulling calfrest extension holders out and pushing calfrest extension holders
back to the original position.
► Avoid overloading the wire construction of calfrest extension and avoid shaking the wire construction of calfrest
extension up and down violently when wire construction of calfrest extension is in extended position.
► Avoid collisions between wire construction of calfrest extension and cover of control unit or between wire con-
struction of calfrest extension and installed infusion stand.

Calfrest extension allows mattress support platform to be extended by 20 cm for use of the 220 cm long mattress on the Image 3
bed. It is allowed to use also 200 cm long mattress in combination with 20 cm long mattress extension. It is necessary to adjust bed
extension before adjustment of the calfrest extension. Safe Working Load of the wire construction of calfrest extension in extended
position is 75 kg.

Fig. Adjustment of calfrest extension holders

12.7.1 Calfrest Extension Adjustment

To adjust calfrest extension:
► Adjust bed extension to the second position.
► Pull both calfrest extension holders to the maximum position.
Mattress support platform is prepared to be used with 220 cm long mattress or with 200 cm long mattress in combination with 20
cm long mattress extension.

To prepare Image 3 bed for use with 200 cm long mattress again:
► Push calfrest extension holders back to their original position.
► Adjust bed extension as required.

62 D9U001AM0-0101_11
12.8 Castor Control and Bed Transport
Material damage due to incorrect transport or involuntary movement!
► Prior to assembly, disassembly and maintenance, ensure the castors are locked.
► Ensure the castors are locked while the bed is occupied and/or not being transported.
► Prior to transport, ensure that bed is disconnected from mains.
► Put mains cable on hook provided for transport.
► Have the bed transported only by nursing or trained personnel.

Damage to the bed due to incorrect use!
► Use 125 mm castors exclusively on flat, even surfaces without any gaps.

12.8.1 Bed with Castor Control Levers

The castor control levers are located on both sides of the foot end.

Castor control:
1 1. Forward Movement: A castor is arrested. The bed moves
straight ahead. If the bed is equipped with a fifth castor, this castor
2 determines the direction of movement.
2. Unrestricted Movement: All of the castors are unlocked.
3 3. Braked: Both castors are locked.

The central braking system facilitates movement of the bed by a

single person. The bed has a main lock control lever for the four
castors. The brakes are at the foot end of the undercarriage.

Fig. Central braking system lever

Variants of centrally operated castors

Standard: 2 levers, foot bed side operated, push from the foot side
4 levers, foot bed side operated, push from the foot side
4 levers, head bed side operated, push from the head side
2 levers, foot bed side operated, push from the head side
4 levers, foot bed side operated, push from the head side

To move the bed:

► Adjust the bed height to at least 20cm below maximum height.
► Push the bed using handles on head board or foot board.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 63
13 Equipment
13.1 Accessory Rails
Load capacity:
► Maximum load of 5 kg without leverage.
► Maximum load of hook pair 10 kg.

Accessories for hanging on the accessory rail:

► Cannula holder
► Urinary bag holder
► Urinary bottle basket
► DIN steel bar

Fig. Accessory Rail

13.2 DIN rail (optional)

Siderail can be equipped with DIN rail intended for accessories approved by the manufacturer.

13.3 Green light (optional)

Green light indicates the lowest position of the mattress support platform. After pressing GO button the green light has full intensity
in the lowest position of the mattress support platform for 3 minutes.
After elapsing the GO period (3 minutes) the green light has lowered intensity in the lowest position of the mattress support plat-

NOTE: The green light is not lit when the bed is not connected to the mains power. When the bed is powered just by the accumula-
tor the green light has full intensity for 3 minutes after pressing of the GO button and it is not lit in the other cases.

13.4 The Fifth Castor

The bed can be equipped with a 5th castor to make it easier to manoeuvre and control the bed. The standard locking castor will
automatically be excluded from the bed specification if the 5th castor is requested as this will replace the need for this function.
The control lever for the 5th castor is identical to the control lever for the braking system. To activate the 5th castor, press the foot
operated lever shown in Figure Central braking system lever.

Damage to the fifth castor may occur during movement across ridges (incline greater than
► Make sure you avoid movement with the bed over ridges.

13.5 Brake Signal (Signalization of Unbraked Bed)

It is possible to equip Image 3 with signalization of unbraked bed. The signalization of unbraked bed signalizes, that bed is connec-
ted to the mains but is not braked. This status is signalized by acoustic signal. To shut down acoustic signal brake the bed or unplug
bed from the mains.

64 D9U001AM0-0101_11
13.6 USB connector (optional)
Risk of injury due to incorrect use!
► Ensure that accessory plugged in USB connector is in pristine condition!
User of the bed is responsible for meeting of this requirement.

Risk of injury due to squeezed cable!
► Ensure that cable of the plugged accessory is not squeezed by the head siderail or by the foot siderail or by parts
of the mattress support platform!
User of the bed is responsible for meeting of this requirement.

Risk of material damage due to incorrect use!
► Ensure that plugged accessory is prevented from falling down!
User of the bed is responsible for meeting of this requirement.

Risk of material damage due to incorrect use!
► Do not plug any heating element into USB connector!
User of the bed is responsible for meeting of this requirement.

USB connector situated between the head siderail and the foot siderail is intended for charging mobile phones and tablets.

NOTE: Maximum electric current for this device is 2 A.

Fig. USB connector between the head siderail and foot siderail

Fig. USB label with electric


D9U001AM0-0101_11 65
13.7 Linen Shelf
Linen Shelf is intended for storing the things corresponding to its dimensions (e.g. linens or sheets).
Wire construction assists in keeping linens and sheets on the Linen Shelf.
The Attendant Control Panel can be stored in the Linen Shelf.
The Linen Shelf is located at foot end under the Foot Board.
Safe Working Load of the Linen Shelf is 15 kg.

Fig. Linen Shelf (at foot end)

66 D9U001AM0-0101_11
13.8 SafeSense® 3 ready bed
Before use of the SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System with Image 3 medical bed read the instructions for use for
SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System!

Material damage due to machine washing with SafeSense® 3 installed on the bed!
► Remove each part of the SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System from the Image 3 bed before each machine washing!
► Plug the connector of the Power Supply/Data cable to the safety position behind the accessory rail on the right
side of the Image 3 bed!

Specific configuration of the Image 3 medical bed is compatible with SafeSense® 3 Monitoring system.
SafeSense® 3 ready Image 3 medical bed includes Attendant Control Panel with SafeSense® 3 Control, accessory rail with Power
Supply/Data cable in safety position, holes for Holder of the interconnecting elements for Nurse Call cable and LAN cable in the
crossbar at head end of the Image 3 bed, 2 interconnecting elements for Nurse Call cable and LAN cable and plastic holders on the
frame of the mattress support platform.

Fig. SafeSense 3 ready Image 3 bed

14 Mattress
The manufacturer recommends the use of the following mattress systems on the Image 3 bed:
■ EffectaCare 10, EffectaCare 20, PrimaCare 10, PrimaCare 20, CliniCare 10, CliniCare 20, CliniCare 30, ViskoMatt 2,
ViskoMatt 3 and MicroMatt 7
■ Air2Care, CliniCare 100 HF, ProphyCair

D9U001AM0-0101_11 67
15 Accessories
Risk of injury due to incompatible accessories!
► Only the manufacturer’s original accessories can be used.

Risk of injury due to damaged accessories!
► Use exclusively accessories in perfect condition.

Risk of injury or material damage due to incorrect use!
► Compatible accessories manufactured by different manufacturers have their own instructions for use. It is
necessary to read instructions for use of a compatible accessory with instructions for use of the compatible
LINET product to respect especially technical parameters, warning notifications, cleaning and maintenance
instructions of LINET products and their compatible accessories!

NOTE: The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of accessories not approved by the manufacturer.

NOTE: All accessories conform to EN 60601-2-52:2010.

The following accessories are suitable for the Image 3:

■ Lifting pole
□ powder-coated
□ chrome-plated
■ Triangular holder, grey plastic
□ for lifting pole
□ for lifting pole, adjustable by retractor
■ IV holder
□ for lifting pole, 3 hooks, powder-coated
□ for lifting pole, 3 hooks, stainless steel
□ for lifting pole, 4 hooks, chrome-plated
■ Telescopic IV pole
□ 4 plastic hooks, chrome-plated
□ 4 plastic hooks, chrome-plated, S-shaped top part, with lock against unwanted rotation
□ 4 metal hooks, chrome-plated, lock against unwanted rotation
□ 4 metal hooks, stainless steel, S-shaped top part, lock against unwanted rotation
■ Infusion bottle basket
□ for IV pole, stainless steel
■ IV pump holder
□ cross-shaped, chrome-plated
■ Pole for devices and accessories
□ chrome-plated
■ Urinary bag holder
□ self-adjusting level, powder-coated
■ Writing shelf
□ white, for plastic or metal head/foot board
■ Name holder
□ plastic, for plastic head/foot board
■ Chart holder
□ plastic, for plastic head/foot board
■ SafeSense®
■ SafeSense® 3

NOTE: Detailed information on SafeSense is available in the instructions for use for this product. Detailed information on Safe-
Sense® 3 is available in the instructions for use for this product.

68 D9U001AM0-0101_11
15.1 Lifting Pole
It is possible to equip the bed with lifting pole. The lifting pole must be placed only to the bushing on the head end.

Fig. Bushing for lifting pole and infusion stand

Lifting pole variants:

■ Lifting pole for beds with fixed bed end

To ensure safe use of the lifting pole:

► Never exceed the maximum load of 75 kg of lifting pole.
► Never use the lifting pole for rehabilitation exercises.
► To prevent the bed from tipping over, ensure the lifting pole does not project out from the bed.
► Replace plastic grab handle when this replacement is recommended by its manufacturer.

Lifting pole positions:

■ Over the backrest (working position).
■ Parallel to the head board (when not in use).

To install the lifting pole:

► Insert lifting pole into corresponding bushings at the head end of the bed (corners).
► Ensure the safety pin locks are in place.

A plastic grab handle with an adjustable strap is attached to the lifting pole.

NOTE: The date of manufacture is marked on the grab handle.

Fig. Positions for Lifting Pole

D9U001AM0-0101_11 69
15.2 Infusion Stands
Risk of injury due to use of incorrect accessories or due to incorrect use!
Infusion Stands must only be used for their intended purpose. Always read the instructions for use!
► Use infusion stands exclusively for accessories listed in the instructions for use.
► Only mount an infusion pump to the lower (wider) telescopic section of an infusion stand above the head board /
foot board.
► Never mount an infusion pump to the upper (thiner) telescopic section of an infusion stand.
► Ensure the infusion pump will not collide with any movable parts of the bed (especially Backrest part) or with the
patient. This must be verified during installation.
► Do not over tighten the infusion pump clamps when mounting. Over tightening may damage the infusion stand.
► Do not use the infusion stand as driving/pushing device during the bed transport.

It is possible to insert infusion stands in the sockets at the head end and foot end of the bed.
► Only use infusion stands with 4 hooks for hanging IV bags or baskets for intravenous solutions.
► Ensure the 2kg maximum Safe Working Load of individual hooks on the infusion stand is not exceeded.
■ Capacity per hook: 2 kg (4.41 lbs.).
► Ensure the 20kg maximum Safe Working Load of the infusion stand is not exceeded.
■ The total maximum load of the IV/Infusion pole must not exceed 20 Kg (44.1 lbs.).

Fig. Positions for Infusion Stand

Fig. . Infusion stand Fig. Infusion pump – correctly instaled

70 D9U001AM0-0101_11
15.3 Additional hooks for accessories
Risk of damaging the bed or injuring staff or patients due to incorrect use!
► Always install additional hooks on the lowest partition of the telescopic siderail!
► Never install additional hooks between movable partitions of the telescopic siderail!
► The manufacturer recommends placing a maximum of 2 hooks on one siderail!
► Ensure any accessories placed on the hooks do not collide with the bed or the patient.

Additional hooks are designed to be placed on the telescopic siderails or on the bed ends. It is possible to place additional bed
accessories on these hooks. The hook must be placed on the lowest partition of the telescopic siderail.

► Maximum load capacity per hook is 5 kg.

Install additional hooks on the telescopic siderail as follows:

► Place the hook on the lowest partition of the siderail.
► Ensure the hook is installed correctly.

15.4 Oxygen bottle holder

Risk of injury by the oxygen bottle holder due to incorrect use or due to careless transport!
► Ensure the oxygen bottle holder is correctly fitted in the correct position.
► The oxygen bottle holder (with or without O2 bottle) must be fitted before transport to secure the transport
► Be aware of people or objects in close proximity when moving or manipulating a bed equipped with an oxygen
bottle holder.
► Secure the oxygen bottle from falling or involuntary movement using the rubber strap.
► Place the oxygen bottle holder on the bed according to the instructions in the following text.
► Ensure the oxygen bottle valve is not damaged by careless or incorrect manipulation or placement.

Oxygen bottle holders are suitable for transporting oxygen bottles with a weight of up to 15 kg and a volume of 5 liters.

Fit horizontal oxygen bottle holder as follows:

► Place the oxygen bottle holder on the diagonal profile
at the head of the bed.
► Secure the oxygen bottle holder with rubber straps.
► Ensure the holder and bottle are fitted correctly.

Fig. Horizontal oxygen bottle holder

D9U001AM0-0101_11 71
15.5 Cannula holder
The cannula holder is designed to place cannulas on the holder.

The cannula holder can be placed on:

► the accessory rail
► the lowest partition of the telescopic siderail

15.6 Urinary bottle holder

The urinary bottle holder is designed for placing a urinary bottle in the wire basket. The urinary bottle holder must be placed on the
lowest partition of the siderail.

Place urinary bottle holder as follows:

For telescopic siderails

► Place urinary bottle holder on a hook on the lowest partition of the siderail.

Fig. Urinary bottle holder with a bottle on a hook on the siderail

15.7 Redon bottle holder

Risk of damaging the bed or injuring staff or patients due to incorrect use!
► Always install additional hooks on the lowest partition of the telescopic siderail!
► Never install additional hooks between movable partitions of the telescopic siderail!
► Ensure any accessories placed on the hooks do not collide with the bed or the patient.
► Ensure the length of the tube is long enough to prevent tearing the drain when manipulating the patient.

The redon bottle holder is designed to hold two redon bottles.

► Maximum load capacity of holder is 10 kg

The redon bottle holder can be placed on:

► The lowest partition of the telescopic siderail

72 D9U001AM0-0101_11
15.8 Siderails Extension – Extender®
Risk of injury or collision due to incorrect use!
► The Extender® can be used with single collapsible siderails only. The manufacturer will not be held responsible
for any consequences if the Extender® is used with other types of siderails.
► Movement of the bed must be considered if the Extender® is installed.
► Use of the Extender® in a manner other then stated in the instructions for use is on the responsibility of perso-
nnel. The manufacturer shall not be held liable for incorrect use!

It is recommended the siderail extension – Extender® be used if a mattress higher than the recommended height was placed on
the bed. The Extender® is used to raise the height of the siderails and helps to secure patients safety. The Extender® is designed
for single collapsible siderails only.

It is recommended that the Extender® be used with the following mattresses:

► Passive mattress: higher than 14 cm

► Active mattress: with maximum height 25 cm

Fig. Installing the Extender® on the siderail Fig. Inserting the screw

Fig. Securing the Extender® Fig. Image 3 with installed Extender®

Install the Extender® as follows:

► Place the Extender® on the upper edge of the siderail. Siderails must be in the upper position.
► Insert the screw from the inside of the bed thru the securing hole in the Extender®. The square hole is pointed into the
mattress support platform.
► Secure the screw with the plastic rosette nut and tighten. The rosette nut is pointed out from the bed.
► Check that the Extender® is secured correctly.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 73
15.9 Image 3 Protector®
Risk of injury due to patient falling out of bed!
► Ensure the Protector® is securely anchored to the housing.
► To check stability, push the Protector up without touching the release button.
► Always check that the siderail is properly locked.

Risk of damage to the bed or patient injury!
► Do not attach the head board or foot board to accessory housing (3).
► Do not use the Protector with bed extension.
► The Protector® can be used with powder coated head/foot board only.

The Protector® is not a component of the bed. The Protector® is an optional accessory.

Fig. Closed Protector Fig. Open Protector

Mount the Protector in the closed position as follows:

► Put the tube of the Protector (2) into the housing near the foot of the bed (3), so that the Protector is facing the siderail.
► The safety pin must be locked in place.

Mount the Protector in the open position as follows:

► Put the tube of the Protector (2) into the housing near the foot of the bed (3), so that the Protector is facing out from bed.
► The safety pin must be locked in place.

Dismount the Protector as follows:

► Press and hold the release button (1).
► Push the Protector up.

74 D9U001AM0-0101_11
15.10 SafeSense®

SafeSense system is intended for informing nursing staff as soon as the resident/patient leaves the bed or does not return to the
bed when expected.


SafeSense system consists of Sensor mat, Bed-Exit Box, Plug and Play adapter and connecting cables.


Bed-Exit Box and Plug and Play adapter are located on accessory rail on the right side of the bed.
Nurse Call connector is fixed on the crossbar of head end.
Sensor mat should be fixed on the seat section of mattress platform. Follow instructions for use for SafeSense®.

Fig. SafeSense (Sensor mat)

D9U001AM0-0101_11 75
15.11 SafeSense® 3
Image 3 bed is compatible with Stand-alone version of the SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System and with SafeSen-
se® 3 Monitoring System in Version for Image 3. Image 3 bed must be SafeSense® 3 ready for use with Safe-
Sense® 3 in Version for Image 3 so the compatilility depends on configuration of the bed.


The SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System is intended to use for the automated, contactless and unobtrusive continuous mobility detec-
tion of patients in bed, bed exit and continuous wetness detection in the context of healthcare and nursing facilities.

Description of the SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System in Version for Image 3:

■ SafeSense® 3 Hub
■ Comb-like part securing connectors connected to the Hub
■ Hub Holder
■ SafeSense® 3 Air Pad
■ Cover of the Air Pad for fixing the Air Pad on the Backrest
■ Air Hose
■ Cables (Nurse Call cable, LAN cable)
■ Holder of the interconnecting elements for Nurse Call cable and LAN cable
■ Wetness Pad with Wetness Pad Cable (optionally)


Hub Box must be safely placed on the accessory rail on the right side of the Image 3 bed. Air Pad must be fixed on the Backrest of
the Image 3 bed and under the compatible mattress. Wetness Pad must be placed on the seat section of the compatible mattress
and Air Hose and each cable must be safely installed according to the Instructions for use for SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System.

Image 3 Control Unit

3 15
Wetness Pad

ACP with Air Pad

SafeSense 3 Connectivity Hub Air
Control Box Hose
7 pin

Nurse Call System


Fig. Diagram of the SafeSense® 3 Monitoring System with Image 3 bed

76 D9U001AM0-0101_11
16 Cleaning/Disinfection
Risk of injury when working on the bed!
► Prior to assembly, disassembly, cleaning and maintenance, ensure that all adjustment functions are locked.
► Ensure the bed is disconnected from the mains during cleaning process.
► Pay extra attention when cleaning any movable or controlling mechanisms of the bed to prevent involuntary
activation, entrapping or crushing.
► Cleaning should be entrusted to the person who has been trained to control the bed.

Risk of damaging the bed due to use of incorrect cleaning detergents or cleaning processes!
► The bed is not designed for machine washing.
► The bed is not designed for cleaning by spraying, showering nor for pressure or steam cleaners.
► The selection of cleaning detergents/disinfections and their correct concentration is responsibility of responsible
person in charge of cleaning/disinfection in accordance with the informations provided in this manual.
► Never use germicidal or other radiants for disinfection of the bed, if those radiants act directly on the bed.
► Follow these instructions and follow the prescribed dosage by the manufacturer of cleaning detergents.
► Not following recommended processes may result in damaging or deterioration of the bed condition.
► Check if used cleaning agents and disinfectants are compatible with materials that the product consists
of! For information see the following table.


Do not clean what is not mentioned Competent user is responsible for check if used cleaning agents and disinfectants
in this column! are compatible with mentioned materials!
Head board and foot board plastic version: Polypropylene (PP) aluminium version with HPL board: Oxidized
+ Lacquered steel + Acrylonitrile aluminium alloy + Lacquered steel + Stainless
butadiene styrene (ABS) + Zinc-co- steel + High Pressure Laminate (HPL) + Polya-
ated steel mide (PA)
Head siderails and foot siderails telescopic siderails: Oxidized alumi- single collapsible siderails (3/4 siderails): La-
nium alloy + Lacquered aluminium cquered steel + Polyamide (PA) + Polyoxyme-
(Al) + Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene thylene (POM) + Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
(ABS) + Polyamide (PA) + Polypro- (ABS) + Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
pylene (PP) + Polyoxymethylene
(POM) + Stainless steel
Mattress support platform covers Polypropylene (PP)
Seat section Lacquered steel
Castors Polyurethane (PUR) + Polyamide (PA) + Polypropylene (PP)
Castor control levers Polyamide (PA6) + Lacquered steel
Frame of the mattress support plat- Polyamide (PA) + Lacquered steel + Stainless steel
Undercarriage Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) + + Lacquered steel
Corner covers Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
Corner bumpers Polypropylene (PP) + Polyamide (PA)
Keyboards (Attendant Control Panel, Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) + Polyoxymethylene (POM) + Polyethylene tereph-
Handset, control elements integrated thalate (PET)
in the siderails)
CPR levers Polyamide (PA6)
Labels Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Accessory rail Polyoxymethylene (POM) + Lacquered steel
Actuators Polyamide (PA6) + Aluminium (Al)
Linen Shelf aluminium Linen Shelf: Oxidized iron Linen Shelf: Lacquered steel + Zinc-coated
aluminium alloy + Zinc-coated steel + steel + Polyamide (PA)
Stainless steel + Acrylonitrile butadi-
ene styrene (ABS) + Polyamide (PA)
+ Polyoxymethylene (POM)

D9U001AM0-0101_11 77
16.1 Safety Instructions for Cleaning and Disinfection of the Bed
Preparation for cleaning:
► Drive the bed on a place where the cleaning process will be performed and then brake the bed.
► Position the mattress platform to its highest positions and also position the backrest and thighrest parts so the back side
of those parts are accessible for cleaning.
► Lock all adjustment functions of the bed to prevent involuntary adjustment of the bed or injuries during cleaning.
► Disconnect the bed from the mains.
► Check if all connectors are properly fixed (controllers, actuators and control unit).

Recommendations for cleaning:

► Only use detergents designed for cleaning the medical technologies.
► Dilute the detergents in accordance with instructions from manufacturer of detergents.
► Never use any strong acids or bases. Optimal pH range is 6-8.
► Never use abrasive powders, steel wool or other materials and detergents that may damage the surface of the bed.
► Never use detergents with solvents that may affect the structure and consistency of the plastic parts (benzene, toluene,
acetone etc.).

Cleaning process:
► Clean by wiping the bed with damp, well-wrung textile material.
► The detergent can be applied by spraying on bed or on the textile material.
► Perform cleaning and disinfection of the bed in the appropriate range. The range of cleaning and disinfection should be
distinguished according to the degree of contamination of the bed and the cleaning mode (daily, before changing patient or
► Electronic parts that may be contaminated clean carefully and only their outer side. Never open those connectors due to
cleaning or disinfection. Those components should not be exposed to prolonged or continuous exposure to moisture.
► Let the bed dry completely after cleaning or disinfection process.
► After drying the bed place the mattress back on the mattress support platform.
► After drying the bed check functions of the bed.

16.2 General Instructions for Cleaning and Disinfection

16.2.1 Daily Cleaning
It is recommended to clean all parts of the bed which are touched by patient or personnel (e.g. siderails, head board and foot
board, handset, lifting pole etc.) and all handles, all control elements and accessory rails.

16.2.2 Cleaning before Changing Patients

It is recommended to completely clean and disinfects all parts of the bed which are touched by patient or personnel (see Daily Cle-
aning), mattress platform, columns, undercarriage covers and mattress.

16.2.3 Complete Cleaning / Cleaning before First Use

It is recommended to clean the bed completely before the first use and then at least once in 4-8 weeks.

16.2.4 Cleaning of Spilled Fluids

Spilled fluids should be cleaned as soon as possible. Always disconnect the bed from mains before cleaning the spilled fluids.
Some fluids used in health care may cause permanent stains.

16.2.5 Damaged Foam Mattress

Mattress should be periodically checked for holes or cracks that may affect the integrity, water resistance or resistance to infections
of the cover. Contact the service department of the manufacturer according to scope of damage to cover.

78 D9U001AM0-0101_11
16.3 Modes of Cleaning and Disinfection
Risk of damaging the bed due to use of incorrect detergent!
► Always consult choosing of the detergent and its dilution with manufacturer of the detergents according to the
material table below.

Part of bed – Image 3 Daily C&D Changing patient C&D Complete C&D
Telescopic siderails
(stickers)   
Collapsible siderails
(stickers)   
Head board and Foot
board (stickers)   
Controllers (cables)   
Mattress support plat-
form covers   
Undercarriage cover   
Corner bumpers   
Mains cable   
Undercarriage frame   
Castors   
Actuators   

16.4 Machine washing

Material damage to the bed or its parts due to not following the instructions for machine washing!
► Always follow the instructions from manufacturer for machine washing due to securing maximal service life and
functionality of the bed designed for machine washing. Otherwise serious damage to the bed may occur.
► Not following those instructions may lead to the void of warranty.
► Do not use any strong acids or bases. Optimum pH range 6 – 8.
► Never use detergents with solvents that might affect the structure and consistency of the plastics.
► Never exceed the dosage prescribed by the manufacturer.
► Never use high pressure wap cleaner for cleaning the bed.
► The cooling of the bed with cold water is not allowed.

Material damage to the accessories due to incorrect use in the washing machine!
► In the washing machine use accessories intended for machine washing only.

Risk of damaging the accessories due to machine washing!
► Never place any accessories to the washing machine.
► The only allowed accessories for washing machine is lifting pole and infusion stand.
► Always check if the allowed accessory is not colliding with washing machine or if it is not preventing from its
trouble-free service.

If the bed is designed for the machine washing, then this symbol is located
on the frame under the foot board. Also it is labeled as 1AMW on the serial
label (serial label is located on the frame of the bed).

Fig. Image 3 bed intended

for machine washing

D9U001AM0-0101_11 79
16.4.1 Preparing for cleaning
► Disconnect the bed from the mains.
► Ensure all connectors are correctly plugged on its place.
► Ensure the plug&play connector is closed correctly.
► Allowed detergents:

Washing cycle Detergent Manufacturer

Cleaning and disinfection Sekumatic FDR Ecolab

Neodisher Dekonta AF Dr. Weigert

Rinsing Sekumatic FKN Ecolab

Neodisher TN Dr. Weigert

► Recommended position of the bed before machine washing:

■ Height of the mattress support platform: approx. 42 cm above the ground

■ Siderails: in the highest position
■ Linen shelf: pulled out, as much as the washing machine allows
■ Bed extension: pulled in
■ Mattress support platform: flat
■ Attendant Control Panel: placed on the head board or foot board
■ Handset: placed on the siderail
■ Mains cable: hanged on the head frame
■ Accesories: lifting pole, infusion stand (suitable for machine washing)
other accessories is not designed for machine washing

► Place the bed in the washing machine.

Fig. Recommended position of bed for machine washing

80 D9U001AM0-0101_11
16.4.2 Machine washing
The following conditions for machine washing must be met:
■ Maximal lenght of machine washing: 7 minutes
■ Maximal pressure of washing machine jet: 5-6 bar
■ Maximal water temperature: 85 °C
■ Maximal temperature of bed: 70 °C
■ Relative humidity: 100%
■ Maximal water hardness: 5 dH

16.4.3 After machine washing

► After finishing of the machine washing and before next use of the bed, check that:
■ Ensure the connector of network cable is dry. Dry if needed.
■ None of the electronic parts is visibly damaged.
■ Wait 5-6 minutes until the bed cools down to its working temperature.
■ Try some of the adjustment functions of the bed.

NOTE: It is recommended to visually check bed for any signs of damage after each machine washing (especially damage on the
painted parts). In case of that damage, repair it using paint. This will extend service life of the bed.

NOTE: After machine washing it is recommended to use Emergency Trendelenburg Position (headend is folded down) in order to
get rid of water from all parts of the bed.

16.4.4 Washable Image 3 bed with SafeSense

Material damage due to machine washing with SafeSense installed on the bed!
► Remove each part of the SafeSense system from the Image 3 bed before each machine washing.
► Plug the connector of the cable leading from the Control Unit to the corresponding place.

Two cables run from Bed Exit Box when the SafeSense system is installed on the washable bed. First cable (1) connects Bed Exit
Box with Control Unit of the Image 3 bed. Nurse Call cable (2) leads from the Bed Exit Box to the head board.

2 1

Fig. Positions of the cables running from the Bed Exit Box (SafeSense on the washable Image 3 bed)

D9U001AM0-0101_11 81

Fig. Bed Exit Box connected with Control Unit of Image 3 (cable 1)


1) To disconnect the cable leading from the Control Unit:
► Turn each half of the black connector to the opposite side (1).
► Disconnect the halves of the black connector (2).

Fig. Disconnecting the cable connecting Control Unit and Bed Exit Box

82 D9U001AM0-0101_11
2) To place the connector of the cable leading from the Control Unit to its safety position:
► Plug the black connector to its safety place (1).
► Fix the black connector by turning (2).

Fig. Pluging the cable leading from the Control Unit to its safety position

Fig. Safety position of the cable leading from the Control Unit

D9U001AM0-0101_11 83
3) To disconnect the Nurse Call cable from the bed:
► Disconnect the Nurse Call cable from the Bed Exit Box.
► Remove the Nurse Call cable from its fixing points on the frame of the mattress support platform.
► Release the connector of the Nurse Call cable at the head board.
► Remove the Nurse Call cable from the bed by taking it out carefully.

Fig. Placement of the Nurse Call cable on the bed

4) To prepare washable bed with SafeSense for machine washing:

► Remove the Bed Exit Box from the accessory rail.
► Remove the Sensor mat from the mattress support platform.
► Ensure the cable leading from the Control Unit is pluged in its safety position.
► Ensure the Nurse Call cable is removed from the bed.

The brief instruction how to prepare the washable bed with SafeSense for machine washing is written on the yellow label fixed on
the cable leading from the Control Unit.

Fig. Label with instruction how to prepare the washable bed before machine washing

84 D9U001AM0-0101_11
17 Troubleshooting
Danger to life due to electric shock!
► If a fault occurs ensure the actuator, control unit and other electrical parts checked by qualified personnel
► Do not open protective covers of the actuators or control unit.

Error/Fault Cause Solution

Adjusting with position buttons not possible GO button was not pressed Press the GO button.
Enable disabled function if
Function disabled on Attendant Control Panel
Actuators have no power Check the mains connection.
Defective actuators Notify the service department
Defective accumulator of the manufacturer.
Plug inserted incorrectly Insert the mains plug correctly.
Notify the service department
Faulty power box
of the manufacturer.
Notify the service department
Faulty control element
of the manufacturer.
Faulty mattress support platform height/tilt There is an object on the undercarriage cover Remove the object.
adjustment Function disabled on Attendant Control Panel Enable disabled function.
Actuators have no power Check the mains connection.
Defective actuators Notify the service department
Defective accumulator of the manufacturer.
Plug inserted incorrectly Insert the mains plug correctly.
Notify the service department
Faulty power box
of the manufacturer.
Notify the service department
Faulty control element
of the manufacturer.
Lowering backrest from the upright position Object under the backrest or in the drive mecha-
Remove the obstacle
not possible nism
Notify the service department
Locking handle is defective
of the manufacturer.
Adjusting siderails not possible The siderail lock is dirty Clean the locking mechanism.
Notify the service department
Locking handle is defective
of the manufacturer.
Faulty brakes The brakes are blocked by dirt Clean the brake system.
Notify the service department
The brake mechanism is defective
of the manufacturer.
Inserting head board and foot board not Check the locking mechanism.
The head board or foot board is in the wrong
possible Position the head or foot board
Notify the service department
Defective mechanism
of the manufacturer.

D9U001AM0-0101_11 85
18 Maintenance
Risk of injury when working on the bed!
► Ensure that the bed is disconnected from the mains power prior to installation, putting into service, maintenance
and deinstallation.
► Ensure that the castors are locked prior to installation, putting into service, maintenance and deinstallation.

Risk of injury due to defective bed!
► Have a defective bed repaired immediately.
► If the defect cannot be repaired, do not use the bed.

Material damage due to incorrect maintenance!
► Ensure that maintenance is performed exclusively by manufacturer´s customer service or by authorised service
personnel certified by the manufacturer.
► If the defect cannot be repaired, do not use the bed.

LINET ® recommends attaching the maintenance plaque to the bed.

18.1 Regular maintenance

► Check regularly movable parts for wear.
► Perform regularly visual check of the product (with delivery note if necessary).
► Ask service department of the manufacturer for addition of the original spare parts if some product parts are missing.
► Ask service department of the manufacturer for replacement of any damaged product parts by the original spare parts.
► Check that the accumulator is working properly. Disconnect the bed from the mains power to check signalisation of accu-
mulator indicator according to the instructions for use.
► Have the accumulator replaced if it is not working properly.
► Check regularly that all accessories are working properly.
► Replace damaged accessories immediately.

18.2 Spare Parts

The serial label is located on the frame of the mattress support platform. The serial label contains information for claims and orde-
ring replacement parts.

Information about spare parts is available from:

■ Manufacturer´s customer service
■ Sales department

18.3 Safety Technical Checks

Risk of injury due to incorrect safety technical checks!
► Ensure that safety technical checks are performed exclusively by manufacturer´s customer service or by authori-
sed service personnel certified by the manufacturer.
► Ensure that the safety technical checks are recorded in the service and maintenance log.

Safety technical check of the medical bed must be performed at least once every 12 months.

The procedure for performing the safety technical check is stipulated in EN 62353:2014.

NOTE On request, the manufacturer will provide service documentation (e.g. circuit diagrams, component part lists, descriptions,
calibration instructions etc.) for service personnel for the repair of ME equipment designated by the manufacturer as repairable by
service personnel.

86 D9U001AM0-0101_11
18.4 Beds designed for machine washing
The manufacturer recommends performing technical check regularly after machine washing.

The technical check must check the following:

■ Functionality of the adjustable functions of the bed
■ Rust on the bed components
■ Status of the accumulator

The technical check must grease the following:

Place on the bed No. Recommended grease Manufacturer

Siderail mechanism 1 BIO FLUID WEICON GmbH & Co. KG

Gliders of the linen holder 2 BIO FLUID WEICON GmbH & Co. KG

Bed extension 3 MOL Liton LT 2/3 MOL-LUB

Mechanism of the mattress support 4 MOL Liton LT 2/3 MOL-LUB
platform lift
Guideway of the slider 5 MOL Liton LT 2/3 MOL-LUB

18.4.1 Recommended places for greasing

D9U001AM0-0101_11 87
88 D9U001AM0-0101_11
19 Disposal
19.1 Environment Protection
The company LINET® is aware of the importance of environmental protection for future generations. Within this company the
environmental management system is applied in accordance with the internationally agreed standard ISO 14001. The compliance
with this standard is annually tested by the external audit executed by an authorised company. Based on the Directive No. 2002/96/
EC (Directive WEEE - Waste, Electric and Electronic Equipments) the company LINET, s. r. o. is registered in the List of Electric
and Electronic Equipment Producers (Seznam výrobců elektrozařízení) on the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
(Ministerstvo životního prostředí).

Materials used in this product are not environmentally hazardous. LINET® products meet valid requirements of national and Euro-
pean legislation in the areas of RoHS and REACH, so they do not contain any prohibited substances in excess quantities.
None of the wooden parts is made of tropical wood (such as mahogany, rosewood, ebony, teak etc.) or made of timber from the
Amazon region or from similar rainforests. Product noise (sound pressure level) meets requirements of the regulations for the pro-
tection of public health against undesirable effects of noise and vibration in protected interior spaces of buildings (according to stan-
dard IEC 60601-2-52). Used packaging materials are in accordance with requirements of the Packaging Act (Zákon o obalech).
For disposal of packaging materials after installation of products contact your sales representative or manufacturer´s customer
service about the possibility of a free take-back of packaging through an authorized company (more details on www.linet.cz).

19.2 Disposal
The main objective of the obligations arising from the European Directive No. 2012/19/EU on Waste, Electric and Electronic Equip-
ments (nationally regulated in Act No. 185/2001 Coll. as amended. On Waste and in Decree of the Ministry of the Environment No.
352/2005 Coll. as amended), is to increase the re-use, material recovery and recovery of electric and electronic equipment at the
required level, thereby avoiding the production of waste and thereby avoiding the possible harmful effects of hazardous substances
contained in electric and electronic equipment on human health and the environment. LINET® electric and electronic equipments
that have a built-in battery or accumulator are designed so that the used batteries or accumulators can be safely removed by LI-
NET® qualified service technicians. There is an information about its type on the built-in battery or accumulator.

19.2.1 Within Europe

To dispose of the electric and electronic equipment:

► The electric and electronic equipment must not be disposed of as household waste.
► Dispose of this equipment at designated collection points or take-back points.

To dispose of the other equipment:

► The equipment must not be disposed of as household waste.

► Dispose of this equipment at designated collection points or take-back points.

LINET® participates in a collective system with take-back company REMA System (see www.remasystem.cz/sberna-mista/).
By bringing electric and electronic equipment to a take-back point, you participate in recycling and you save primary raw material
resources while protecting your environment from effects of unprofessional disposal.

19.2.2 Outside Europe

► Dispose of the product or its components in accordance with local laws and regulations!
► Hire an approved waste disposal company for disposal!

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20 Warranty
LINET® will only be held responsible for the safety and reliability of products that are regularly serviced and used
in accordance with the safety guidelines.

Should a serious defect arise that cannot be repaired during maintenance:

► Do not continue to use the bed.

This product is covered by a 24-month warranty from the date of purchase. The warranty covers all material and manufacturing-re-
lated failures and errors. Failures and errors caused by incorrect use and external effects are not covered. Justified complaints will
be fixed free of charge during the warranty period. Proof of purchase, with the date of purchase, is required for all warranty service.
Our standard terms and conditions apply.

21 Standards and Regulations

Apllied norms are stated on Declaration of Conformity.

The manufacturer adheres to a certified quality management system in compliance with the following standards:
■ ISO 9001
■ ISO 14001
■ ISO 13485
■ MDSAP (Medical Device Single Audit Program)

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