Bitter Eur J Heart Fail 2009 11 602
Bitter Eur J Heart Fail 2009 11 602
Bitter Eur J Heart Fail 2009 11 602
Aims In patients with systolic heart failure (SHF) a high prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) has been documen-
ted. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and type of SDB in patients with heart failure with
normal left ventricular ejection fraction (HFNEF).
Methods Two hundred and forty-four consecutive patients (87 women, aged 65.3 + 1.4 years) with HFNEF underwent capil-
and results lary blood gas analysis, measurement of NT-proBNP concentrations, echocardiography, cardiopulmonary exercise
testing (CPX), cardiorespiratory polygraphy, and simultaneous right and left heart catheterization. Sleep-disordered
breathing was defined as an apnoea–hypopnoea-index (AHI) 5/h. Sleep-disordered breathing was documented in
69.3% of all patients, 97 patients (39.8%) presented with OSA and 72 patients (29.5%) with CSA. With an increasing
impairment of diastolic function the proportion of SDB, and CSA in particular, increased. Patients with SDB per-
formed worse on CPX and six-minute walk test. Partial pressure of CO2 was lower in CSA, whereas AHI, left
atrial diameter, NT-proBNP, LVEDP, PAP, and PCWP were higher.
Conclusion There is a high prevalence of SDB in HFNEF. In parallel to SHF, CSA patients in particular are characterized by a more
impaired cardiopulmonary function. Whether SDB is of prognostic relevance in HFNEF needs to be determined.
Keywords Heart failure with normal left ventricular ejection fraction † HFNEF † Diastolic heart failure † Sleep disordered
breathing † Prevalence
* Corresponding author. Tel: þ49 5731 97 1258, Fax: þ49 5731 97 2194, Email: [email protected]
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2009. For permissions please email: [email protected].
SDB in patients with HFNEF 603
Table 1 Baseline demographic and clinical data for the study population
P , 0.05 OSA vs. noSDB.
ÐP , 0.05 CSA vs. noSDB.
P , 0.05 OSA vs. CSA.
SDB in patients with HFNEF 605
and 72 patients (29.5%) with CSA. Only 75 patients (30.7%) had no and 39 patients (40.6%) with noSDB. Of the patients with a pseu-
relevant SDB. Severity of SDB was mild in 21 patients with CSA donormal left ventricular filling pattern, 30 had a CSA (29.1%), 48
(8.3%) and in 40 patients with OSA (40%), moderate in 15 patients an OSA (46.6%), and 25 patients (24.3%) had noSDB. Of the
with CSA (6.0%) and 36 patients with OSA (36%), and severe in 41 patients with a restrictive left ventricular filling pattern, 18 had
patients with CSA (16.3%) and 24 patients with OSA (24%). In the CSA (40.9%), 16 had OSA (36.4%), and 10 had noSDB in 10
group with an impaired left ventricular relaxation filling pattern, 24 (22.7%) (Figure 2). Additional findings are presented in Table 2.
patients (25%) presented with CSA, 33 patients (34.4%) with OSA, The AHI in the restrictive and pseudonormal left ventricular
filling pattern group was higher than in the impaired relaxation
left ventricular filling pattern group. In addition, patients with a
pseudonormal left ventricular filling pattern had longer apnoea
and hypopnoea periods compared with the other subgroups.
Echocardiographic parameters
Echocardiographic findings are presented in Table 3. Left atrial
enlargement was more pronounced in the CSA group than in
the OSA and noSDB groups (P , 0.05). Patients with OSA had a
larger left atrial diameter compared with patients with noSDB
(P , 0.05). E wave was higher in the CSA group than in the
noSDB group (P , 0.05), E/A ratio was higher in the CSA group
compared with OSA (P , 0.05) and DT was higher in the
noSDB group than in the OSA group (P , 0.05).
P , 0.05 pseudonormal vs. impaired relaxation.
P , 0.05 restrictive vs. impaired relaxation.
606 T. Bitter et al.
Table 3 Results from echocardiography, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, and invasive haemodynamic measurements
P , 0.05 OSA vs. no SDB.
ÐP , 0.05 CSA vs. noSDB.
P , 0.05 OSA vs. CSA.
Cardiopulmonary exercise test about 50% of heart failure patients with reduced ejection frac-
Results from cardiopulmonary exercise testing are presented in tion.8 – 11
Table 3. VO2 at the aerobic/anaerobic threshold in the CSA group In contrast, data on patients with HFNEF are rare. In a small
was lower than in the noSDB group, whereas patients with CSA cohort of 20 patients, Chan et al.18 reported that 55% had signifi-
and patients with OSA showed a more severely reduced VO2 cant SDB, mainly OSA, which is mostly consistent with our results.
peak in comparison to patients with noSDB. While the OSA Furthermore, they demonstrated that E-wave deceleration time of
group presented with a lower maximum workload compared with mitral inflow, an index of diastolic relaxation, was more prolonged
patients with noSDB, the CSA group had a higher VE/VCO2-slope in the group with SDB. We could not show analogous results,
in comparison to patients with OSA or noSDB (P , 0.05). mainly because our study population included a higher proportion
of patients with pseudonormal or restrictive left ventricular filling
pattern which produces a faster E-wave deceleration time.
Invasive haemodynamic measurements However, our finding that with greater impairment of diastolic
Haemodynamic parameters are summarized in Table 3. Patients function the proportion of patients with SDB, and CSA in particu-
with CSA had higher LVDEP, a higher PAP, and a higher PCWP lar, increases is supported by similar findings for SHF, where a
compared with patients with OSA and noSDB (P , 0.05). greater impairment of systolic function is linked to a larger inci-
dence of SDB and CSA as well.8
Whether SDB occurs as a consequence of HFNEF or SDB
induces diastolic dysfunction has not yet been clarified.
Discussion On the one hand, Fung et al.19 investigated 68 OSA patients for
This is the first large-scale-study to show a high prevalence of SDB parameters of diastolic dysfunction and stated that more severe
in patients with HFNEF, with the proportion rising in parallel to an SDB was associated with a higher degree of diastolic dysfunction.
increased impairment of diastolic function measured by echocar- These results were supported by Otto et al.,20 who compared
diography. Patients with SDB and especially central sleep apnoea 23 otherwise healthy patients with OSA to 18 patients without
presented with more advanced symptoms and more impaired car- OSA and found an increased left atrial volume index as well as
diovascular function. abnormal diastolic filling parameters in the OSA group. Besides
In patients with CHF and reduced LV-function, a high prevalence an increased left atrial volume index, Romero-Corral et al. 21
of SDB is well documented. In a study of 700 patients with SHF, reported an association between SDB and an impaired myocardial
SDB was documented in 76% of patients, of whom 40% had performance index. Correspondingly Sidana et al.22 found a higher
central sleep apnoea and 36% OSA, using an apnoea– prevalence of diastolic dysfunction in moderate-to-severe OSA
hypopnoea-index cut-off of 5/h.8 Using an AHI cut-off of 15/h, than in those with mild or no OSA. The main reason for this
several studies have documented moderate-to-severe SDB in could be repeated nocturnal hypoxaemias leading to sympathetic
SDB in patients with HFNEF 607
nerve activation with a consequent increase in hormonal activation In conclusion, we found a high prevalence of SDB in patients
and arterial blood pressure,14 thus predisposing to wall thickening with HFNEF, with a correlation between impairment of diastolic
and compromised diastolic function. function assessed by echocardiography and frequency of SDB.
On the other hand, a mechanism of central sleep apnoea is said Patients with SDB presented with more advanced symptoms
to be based upon pulmonary congestion induced stimulation of and greater impairment of cardiovascular function. Controlled
pulmonary vagal irritant receptors and enhanced central and per- studies are now required to investigate the prognostic impact of
ipheral chemosensitivity leading to hyperventilation and respiratory SDB in HFNEF and to evaluate whether treatment of obstructive
instability.23 – 27 In HFNEF, pulmonary congestion may arise from a and central sleep apnoea in patients with heart failure with
compromised left ventricular filling pattern which supports the preserved left ventricular ejection fraction can ameliorate symp-
theory that SDB, and CSA in particular, could be a consequence toms of heart failure and improve cardiopulmonary exercise
of HFNEF. Our findings of a correlation between PCWP and tolerance.
AHI in the entire cohort and in the CSA-group specifically,
support this idea as do the findings of Bucca et al.28 that diuretic Conflict of interest: none declared.
treatment of HFNEF produces a significant decrease in AHI, poss-
ibly due to a reduction in pulmonary congestion.
Finally, the impaired clinical, haemodynamic, and echocardio-
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