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Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching

Volume 6, Number 2, pp: 454-461, December 2022

e-ISSN: 2580-9962 | p-ISSN: 2580-8672
DOI: 10.30743/ll.v6i2.6176


Puji Hariati
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia (UPMI), Medan, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]

Received: 2022-11-11 Accepted: 2022-12-05 Published: 2022-12-29

This study was aimed at finding out whether or not English movie can
improve students’ speaking skills. This study was conducted by using
Classroom Action Research. The population and the sample were the first
grade students of AMIK Medicom in 2022/2023 academic year. This
research applied quantitative and qualitative methods. The results showed
improvements. The students' scores improved from cycle 1 to cycle 2. In
pre-test, the mean score was 33.52. In the first cycle, meeting 1 the mean
score was 37.35, in meeting 2, 42.64 and meeting 3, 52.64. In the second
cycle, meeting 1 the mean score was 64,41, in meeting 2, 80 and meeting
3, 91.17. The improvements were seen in the percentage of the student’s
achievement in speaking by using English movie; in pre-test, none of the
students got 75 points. In the first cycle, in meeting 1, and meeting 2, there
was also no student who got 75 points, but in meeting 3 there was 23,52%
(8 students) got 75 points. This means there was an improvement of about
23.52%. In the second cycle, in meeting 1 there was 29.41% (10 students)
got 75 points, it means that there was an improvement of about 5.89%. In
meeting 2 there was 79.41% (27 students) got 75 points, which means that
there was an improvement of about 50%. It means that English movie
helped the students in speaking, listing supporting points, and making a
simple outline to write events, places, or objects related to the topic.

Keywords: classroom action research; English movie; improvement speaking skill

1. Introduction
English is an International Language, serving as a lingua franca. English is a language,
which is spoken, learnt and understood in countries whose mother language is not English.
In Indonesia, students of college usually have difficulties in learning English, especially in
speaking. There are still many students in Indonesia who are unable to speak English,
although in theory they can master English. One of the factors of the interference is the
presence of fear and lack of confidence.
In studying English, there are some skills that have to be mastered by the students,
namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. In this case, the researcher chose speaking
to be investigated. Speaking is a person’s ability to share information verbally according to
the context used. In speaking teaching, especially in Indonesia, especially at college,
lecturers still use oral conversations and explanations that make the atmosphere of

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Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through English Movie, Puji Hariati

learning monotonous and less attractive. In addition, this system also misses the
development of technology.

2. Literature Review
2.1 Speaking Skill
Speaking is one of the basic skills in English subjects that must be mastered by
students, because speaking is very important in communicating. Speaking skill is a
productive skill that cannot be separated from other skills, especially listening skill. When
someone speaks, he/she must be able to issue a significant sentence. In everyday
conversation, we may find several things new when doing conversations. Speaking skill
also has a close relationship with vocabulary, because when we talk we will definitely issue
appropriate words.
According to Nunan (1999), speaking is a person’s activities to be able to express
things based on existing circumstances, or can be said to be an activity to report behavior,
or to express ideas briefly and clearly. In addition, according to Tarigan (1990), speaking is a
way to communicate in everyday life, which means that speaking greatly affects a person’s
social life.
Fulcher (2003) states that speaking is an ability obtained from the results of
socializing when communicating. Furthermore, Linse (2005) states that speaking is one of
the important skills in the development of young students’ progress. Speaking is an
important part of learning English as a second language. Without speaking skill, a
conversation will not be able to occur correctly (Kayi, 2012). Darmuki, Andayani, Nurkamto,
and Saddhono (2018) argue that speaking is a skill that must be learned by students, due
to the great use of speaking in the implementation of communication for various purposes.
When students have good speaking skills, they will be able to express desires, ideas, and
share their knowledge to others.
Wallace and Larsen (1978) state that speaking is a skill that needs full attention
from the speakers. Thus, when students can pay attention to what they say, other people
will be able to accept the meaning of what they say. Larsen-Freeman (2000) states that
speaking is one of the complex skills and is more difficult than other skills. But in practice,
speaking happens naturally. Based on some of the opinions above, the researcher can
conclude that speaking is a person’s ability to express his/her opinions, ideas, thoughts, and
knowledge in an interaction to others orally. In teaching speaking in the field of education,
speaking will enable students to speak English when they are in the school environment
and outside of school.

2.2 English Movie

Movies can be referred to as motion picture, or more commonly called as film.
According to Arsyad (2002), movie is a series of images that live and can be played. A movie
can be played using technology tools, such as TV and also a big screen in the cinema.
Movies can be used to teach in class. Teachers or educators can use short movie to shorten
time, and can also ask students to watch certain movies as reference to improve their
vocabulary and their reference to be able to speak in English. By using movie, the learning
situation will be fun and students can learn while looking at the things that attract their

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Nationally Accredited SINTA 3, and indexed in DOAJ and Copernicus
Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching
Volume 6, Number 2, pp: 454-461, December 2022
e-ISSN: 2580-9962 | p-ISSN: 2580-8672
DOI: 10.30743/ll.v6i2.6176

Movie is one form of visual communication, in which there are images moving or
called video, and also contains story that can arouse tastes and the attention of the
audience (Summer and Della, 2005). Through English movie, students can receive
information and be able to entertain themselves with the stories in the movie. Thus, a
movie can be used to improve students’ speaking skills. By watching English movie,
students can see directly how the native speakers (the actors and actresses) in speaking
using English as their mother tongue. In addition, the situation of learning with friends
while watching movie will make them interested and can enjoy the learning process.
Kalean (2013) says that teaching English by using movie, especially for foreign
learners is a good strategy. English movie can help students improve their abilities by
identifying the way the actors or actresses speak in the movie. Asnawir & Usman (2002)
claim that there are several kinds of movie, such as documentary movie, episodic movie,
provocation movie, animation movie, fictional movie, and experimental movie.
1. Documentary movie
Documentary movie is a kind of movie that contains reality and facts. In a
documentary movie, there is no fictitious story that is made to dramatize the scene
throughout the film. It means that documentary movie is used to represent the reality and
re-display the facts of life events made more structured in the duration of the movie.

2. Episodic movie
Episodic movie is a kind of movie that contains a series of videos. It means that
episodic movie does not end in one part. It is divided into several parts of sequences, or can
be said that episodic movie has its own short edition in every sequence.

3. Provocation movie
Provocation movie is a kind of movie that contains message or lesson, and may
contain social analysis. Provocation movie can be used in the classroom to stimulate
students in making discussion.

4. Animation movie
Animation movie is a kind of movie, which is different than others. Animation
movie is a movie that comes from several pictures processed in such a way then becomes
moving pictures in order to tell stories.

5. Fictional movie
Fiction movie is a kind of movie that comes from an essay or beyond real events.
Fictional movie usually has two characters, protagonist and antagonist. In addition, fictional
movie also has scenes that have been designed from the beginning of the making. Unlike the
documentary movie that does not accentuate the element of entertainment; fictional movie
tends to be a means of entertainment.

6. Experimental movie
Experimental movie or commonly referred to as experimental cinema is a method
of making movie that re-evaluates cinematic conventions. In addition, this type of movie
also explores non-narrative forms and as alternatives in being traditional narrative.

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Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through English Movie, Puji Hariati

The purpose of experimental movie itself is to realize a personal vision of an artist or to

promote interest in new technology. This kind of movie is usually made independently and
does not work in the film industry

3. Research Method
This study applied quantitative and qualitative method. The quantitative data were
taken from the mean of the students in taking speaking test. The qualitative data were taken
from questionnaire sheet. This research was conducted in one class of exactly 30 students.
It was accomplished in two cycles. Every cycle consisted of four stages of action research.
They were planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The first cycle including Pre-test was
conducted in four meetings. The second cycle was conducted in three meetings altogether.
The students were given writing tests at the end of each cycle.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1 The Quantitative Data
The Quantitative data were taken from the result of speaking tests which was carried
out into cycles. The improvement of students’ achievement in speaking through teaching
English movie can be seen from the mean of the students from the Pre-test, Cycle I and Cycle
II as follows.
NO Students’ Pre Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Initial Test
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 FR 30 30 40 50 60 70 80
2 HY 40 40 40 50 60 80 90
3 OL 40 50 50 75 80 90 100
4 MN 20 20 30 40 60 80 90
5 KI 30 40 40 75 80 90 100
6 LI 30 30 30 40 50 70 80
7 GH 40 40 50 60 70 80 90
8 UI 50 60 60 75 80 90 100
9 HI 30 40 50 75 80 90 100
10 KI 20 20 30 40 50 70 80
11 OU 30 40 40 50 60 80 90
12 RF 30 30 40 50 60 80 90
13 ER 40 50 50 60 80 90 100
14 WE 40 40 40 50 60 80 90
15 TI 40 40 50 60 70 80 90
16 UH 20 20 30 40 60 80 90
17 KP 30 30 30 40 50 70 80
18 TR 40 50 50 60 70 80 90
19 FI 30 30 30 40 50 70 90
20 SA 40 40 40 50 60 80 90
21 PI 50 60 60 75 80 90 100
22 EW 40 40 50 75 80 80 90
23 TU 30 30 40 50 70 80 90
24 RE 40 40 40 50 60 80 90

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Nationally Accredited SINTA 3, and indexed in DOAJ and Copernicus
Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching
Volume 6, Number 2, pp: 454-461, December 2022
e-ISSN: 2580-9962 | p-ISSN: 2580-8672
DOI: 10.30743/ll.v6i2.6176

25 SA 20 30 40 50 60 80 100
26 US 40 40 40 75 80 80 90
27 IR 40 40 40 50 60 80 100
28 AR 20 20 30 40 50 70 90
29 YI 40 40 50 75 80 80 90
30 PL 30 30 40 50 60 80 90
Total Number ( x ) 1020 11 1250 1550 1910 2400 2740
Means ( x ) 34 37 41.66 51.66 63.66 80 91.33
Table 1. The Score Result from the First Meeting until the Seventh Meeting

Test Students’ score got 75 Percentage

Pre-test 0 0%
First Cycle 8 26,6%
Second Cycle 30 100%
Table 2. The students Score from the First until Last Meeting

4.2 The Qualitative Data

The Qualitative data were taken from the result of questioner sheet.

4.2.1 Questioner Sheet

From the questioner which was done in the last meeting, it was found that most of
the students were difficult in speaking before they knew English movie technique and after
the lecturer used English movie in speaking class, the students were very easy in speaking.
The scores of the questioner sheet are presented below.
(A) Very easy (B) Easy (C) Difficult
No. Questions A B C Number Word
1. Before you are taught by using English 0 5 25 30 Difficult
movie, what do you think about

2. Before you know about English movie, 0 7 23 30 Difficult

what do you think about speaking?

3. After you know about English movie, 16 14 0 30 Very

what do you think about speaking? Easy

4. After you know English movie, how do 20 10 0 30 Very

you make speaking? easy
5. What do you think of English movie in 27 3 0 30 Very
speaking? easy

Table 3. Questioner Sheet

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Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through English Movie, Puji Hariati

4.3 The Analysis of the Quantitative Data

Seven meetings were conducted in this research and one of them was for the Pre-
test. The researcher gave speaking tests in each meeting. It was decided to take the result of
test in the third meeting as the sample of the students speaking tests in the first cycle and
the second cycle was taken from the seventh meeting. From the beginning of first cycle until
the end of second cycle of this research, students’ speaking scored improved.
NO Students’ Pre Cycle I Cycle II The Improvement of
Initial Test Students’ score
1 FR 30 50 80 30
2 HY 40 50 90 40
3 OL 40 75 100 25
4 MN 20 40 90 50
5 KI 30 75 100 25
6 LI 30 40 80 40
7 GH 40 60 90 30
8 UI 50 75 100 25
9 HI 30 75 100 25
10 KI 20 40 80 40
11 OU 30 50 90 40
12 RF 30 50 90 40
13 ER 40 60 100 40
14 WE 40 50 90 40
15 TI 40 60 90 30
16 UH 20 40 90 50
17 KP 30 40 80 40
18 TR 40 60 90 30
19 FI 30 40 90 50
20 SA 40 50 90 40
21 PI 50 75 100 25
22 EW 40 75 90 15
23 TU 30 50 90 40
24 RE 40 50 90 40
25 SA 20 50 100 50
26 US 40 75 90 15
27 IR 40 50 100 50
28 AR 20 40 90 50
29 YI 40 75 90 15
30 PL 30 50 90 40
Total Number ( x ) 1020 1550 2740
Means ( x ) 34 51.66 91.33
Table 4. Student Score during Conducting the Research

1. The highest and the lowest scores of the first cycle were 75 and 40 points.
2. The highest and the lowest scores of the second cycle were 100 and 80 points.
3. The total score of the first cycle was 1550 and in the second cycle 2740; so, the total score
of the second cycle was higher than the first cycle.

https://jurnal.uisu.ac.id/index.php/languageliteracy 459
Nationally Accredited SINTA 3, and indexed in DOAJ and Copernicus
Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching
Volume 6, Number 2, pp: 454-461, December 2022
e-ISSN: 2580-9962 | p-ISSN: 2580-8672
DOI: 10.30743/ll.v6i2.6176

The improvement the students’ score in speaking through English movie could be
seen from the mean of the students’s score during the research; the researcher applied the
following formula.
Where :
x  Class mean score
x  Total score
N = The total number of student

In Pre-test, the total score of the students was 1020 and the number of the students
was 30, so the mean was:
x  34

In test of the cycle 1, the total score of the students was 1550 and the number of the
students was 30, so the mean was:
x  51,66

In test of the cycle 2, the total score of the students was 2740 and the number of the
students was 30, so the mean was:
x  91,33

The mean of the students’ score in the cycle 2 was the highest, so it could be said
that the students’ speaking through English movie increased from 34 to 91,33. The number
of master students was calculated by applying the following formula.
P  x100%
Where: P = Percentage of student getting score 75
R = Number of student getting score 75
T = The total number of student taking the test
P1 = the percentage of the students who got point 75 to 100 in Pre-test
P2 = the percentage of the students who got point 75 to 100 in cycle 1
P3 = the percentage of the students who got point 75 to 100 in cycle 2

The percentage of the improvement of students’ writing descriptive paragraph could

be seen as follows:
P1  x100%  0%
P2  x100%  26,6%
P3  x100%  100%

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Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through English Movie, Puji Hariati

The result showed the improvement of the students score from the Pre-test to
second cycle. The pre-test got 0%, no one of the students got 75 point. The first cycle was
26,6% (eight students) who got 75 points; it means there was an improvement about 26,6%.
In the second cycle there was 100% (thirty students) who got 75 points the
improvement was 73,4%. It can be concluded that English movie could improve students’
speaking ability.

5. Conclusion
English movie is a good strategy to be used in teaching speaking skill. As Nunan (in
Zumam and Fujiono, 2020) state that one of the indicators of successful teaching of
speaking is the students can speak English. It means that the lecturer must be able to
ensure that the students understand about speaking and are able to speak after following
the learning process. Thus, based on research, the researcher finds that the application of
learning strategy by utilizing English movie can improve students’ abilities in speaking.
Therefore, the researcher suggests the lecturers or educators to use this technology- based
media in teaching speaking to the students. The researcher also advises the students to use
their technology tools, such as smartphone, laptop, computer, and so on, in accessing
English movies in order to help them to improve their vocabulary and their knowledge in

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