Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Problem Statements
Can the video media improve the students pronounciation at the
VIIA students of SMPN 1 Sukomoro? 2.
How is the students progress by
using video media in learning english pronounciation at the VIIA students
of SMPN 1 Sukomoro?
The use of video media in teaching english pronounciation, 2.
The students achievement after and before using video media in learning
process. 3.
The effectiveness of the use video media in teaching
english pronounciation. V.
Objectives of The Research 1.
To obtain
the effectiveness of video media in teaching english pronunciation. 2.
To analyze the students development in using video media to improve the
students pronounciation.
Theoritical significances a)
Teacher This media can be used by
the teacher to develop their teaching technique. Hopefully, it can give
inspiration to the teacher to make some variation in teaching english, so
the students wouldnt feel bored with the lesson. b)
It is hoped to make
the VII A students of SMPN 1 Sukomoro Magetan be more interest and give
more attention in learning english. They should get the new experience
about learning english especially pronounciation in speaking with this
media. And they shouldnt feel bored in learning english. c)
The writer
hopes it can be usefull for the readers particularly the students of english
department of STAIN Ponorogo to teaching english pronounciation in the
class at the future. 2.
Practical significances(jangan gunakan bahsanya
berulang) a)
Teacher The english teachers, particularly at SMPN 1
Sukomoro Magetan can use video media in teaching english. They can
use video media to improve the students pronounciation skill. The
teacher is able to use the video by sending the material of the lesson to
the students. Hopefully makes the students be more interest with the
teacher and easy to catch the materials. b)
Students The students,
especially VIIA students of SMPN 1 Sukomoro Magetan in academic year
2013/2014 are expected to practice learning english pronounciation by
themselves by using video media. They can learn by themself at home
when they watching movie or an english video just like when they learn at
the school. Hopefully it can help the students to solve their problem in
learning english pronounciation.
Theoretical Background Theoretical background involves overview of
teaching English pronunciation and the use of video media in teaching
Video media is one of media that can be use as the tool in learning and
teaching process. There are many definition of video media. According to
the oxford dictionary, video is the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting
of moving visual images.[13] We can understand that video is the picture
that be moved and taken from the record, video also has sound. We can
hear and watch the information toward this media. According to Suyatno,
audiovisual media (video) is hear and view media as well as can be
viewed and can also be heard.[14] In spite of those theory, we can take
conclusion that video is the media that produce visual and sound that can
be watch and listen. At the other opinion, audiovisual (video) media is
the media that bring out the message or information through the sound
and visual from examine video, cassete, film, etc. [15] In spite of those
statement, we can conclude that video is the media that use picture and
sound to inform the message or information.
Beside of the literature that explained above, the writer conduct this
thesis from the research before. It is written by Tarfiyatul Marah titled
The Implementation of Teaching Listening by Using Audio Visual Media in
MAN Paron. In this thesis shows the effectiveness of teaching listening by
using audiovisual media. So it makes the writer wants to try to implement
the audio visual media in teaching pronunciation. In this thesis the
researcher explained detail about the video media in teaching listening.
And the conclusion of those thesis is video media is able to be
implemented and can improve the students listening skill. It can show the
students activeness, cooperativeness, and the students achievement
from the first until the end of the cycle. They are also following;
The use of video media in teaching speaking is suitable. It is
because the students attract with the use of video media in their learning
The students speaking achievement can be improve by using video
media. In this case, the writer knows that the result of the students
This thesis has some weaknesses. The first is about its structure.
There are many fragment sentences, so it makes the reader not easy to
understanding the contents of the thesis. The next is about the
explanation. The researcher explanation in this thesis is few complicated.
It makes the reader be confused when they understanding the thesis
Theoretical Framework
Research Methods
Research Design Research design is plans on how to collect and
analyze data in order to be economically feasible and in line with the
research objectives. Thus, research design is a plan of gathering and
analyzing data in order to fit with the research objectives.[16] The
purpose of research design is guiding and helping the researcher in
conducting the research activities. In term of research methodology, the
writer uses the Classroom Action Research as the method of the research.
Classroom Action Research usually called CAR is used to identified the
problem in the class than find out the way to solve thats problem. CAR
also can be use to improve the teacher proffesionalism in teaching. Action
research is an investigation, where, as a result of rigorous self appraisal of
current practice, the researcher focuses on a problem (or topic or an issue
which needs to be explained), and on the basis of information (about the
up-to-date state of the art, about the people who will be involved and
about the context), plans, implements, then evaluates an action then
draws conclusions on the basis of the findings.[17] We can conclude that
the purpose of the Classroom Action Research is to find out, analyze, and
solve the problem that found at the class in order to improve the quality of
educational process in the class. 2.
Classromm Action Research Object
Classroom action research object of this research is on the improving the
pronounciation by using video media to the VIIA students of SMPN 1
Sukomoro in academic year 2013/2014. 3.
Reserch Variable Based on the observation in learning and teaching
process at the VIIA class of SMPN 1 Sukomoro in academic year
2013/2014, there found many problem, especially related to the students
english pronunciation. In this research, the writer conduct the observation
on some variables. The variable of this research are;
Technique Collecting Data In this research, the research applied
interview, questionaire, observation, and documentation as the technique
in collecting data. a.
Interview Interview is a technique of collecting
data through conversation. Interview is a face-to-face interaction which
allow the interviewer asks carefully prepared questions and in addition to
cope problem of the respondent so that further information is obtained.
[18] The writer uses interview to know research subject characteristics.
Questionaires The questionaire is a survey of differet opinions from
large numbers of people who provide anonymous replies. The question are
standarized, the questionaire should be attractive, clearly set out, with a
title on crisp paper.[19] In conclusion, questionaire will help us in
gathering information from population or in big number of people. c.
Observation Observation is a very usefull means of gathering objective
data in the classroom. It can be used in different ways, to record aspects
of both teaching and learning. The recordings can tell when and where as
well as how often and so provide a rich source of information for reflection
and evaluation .[20]
Documentation Documentation is a method of collecting data that
use to save all of information among the research. Documentation also
can be use to monitoring all of the research process. In this research,
documents that be used are the result of assesment, students
attendance, photo, video, and the others relevan documents.
Data Analysis Data analysis is the process of arranging data
sequence, organize into a system, category and set of the breakdown of
base. In this research, researcher analyzing the data quantitatively. The
data from test is analyzed by using calculating the mean. The formula is;
M = M = Mean
f = frequency fx = total
x = Total score = Sum of the
N = Number of students It is also analyzed by using
percentage method such as follows; P = P = percentage F = frequency of
answer n = number of respondent 6.
Research procedure This research
is classroom action research which is used to increase students speaking
ability. The process of action research implementation is done in the
stages until it succeed. Generally, there are four procedures in the CAR.
Planning is the step in which the researcher plans every things to be
applied in the classroom.
Observing is the observation activities when the teaching and
learning process in the classroom.
Reflecting is the step which the researcher analyzes the all result of
observation of the study after conducting the research.[21] The
procedures of action research are devided in the form of cycles. Which
each cycle consists of four main activities: planning, action, observation,
and reflection.[22] a.
Cycle I
Identifying the problem, the teacher asked the students to make
some critics and suggestion in the pronunciation class. Then the teacher
conclude the problem based on critics and the suggestions.
Planning the action, in the first cycle the writer planned to apply the
use visual media in teaching english themed Greeting and Asking for
Choosing subject material, the writer choose the material as the
subject of material by the title Greeting and Asking for Permission
Making instrument, such as media, teaching aid, etc. f)
Assesment, at the end of the meeting the teacher asks the students to
pronounce the words or sentences based on the video given. Its used to
evaluate for the next meeting.
Acting To get an accurate data, the writer conducts the action
research in two cycles. Each cycle will be done in two meeting. In the first
meeting, the writer used a simple teaching and introduces video media to
the students. In this case, the teacher explain about greeting and asking
for permission. In the second meeting, the teacher reviews the material in
the first meeting. The teacher invites the students to recognize and
identify the greeting and the asking for permission expression in the
different video. Then the teacher asks the students to pronounce the word
that recognized.
Observing The writer observes the teaching pronunciation process
and recorded the students activities, progression, and situation in each
Reflecting The writer analyzes the activities during the teaching
process. Looking for the result of the assignment, and write considered
what should be done. The writer goes to second cycle because to analyze
the result of teaching learning process and rebuilt the better teaching
learning process. b.
Cycle II 1.
Planning a)
Identifying the
problem, the writer identified the weaknesses and the problems that
occured during the aplication of first cycle, and set up the revise plan.
Planning the action, the writer apply video media in teaching english
Saying thanks and Asking forgiveness expressions. c)
subject material, the writer choose the material as the subject of material
by the title Saying thanks and Asking forgiveness. d)
lesson plan. e)
Making instrument. f)
Assessment, at the end of
meeting the teacher asks the students to practice pronounce the words,
sentences, or expressions founded in the video. 2.
In first
meeting, the teacher asks the students to recognize and identify the
expression that shown in the video. After that the teacher asks the
students to read the expression was found in the video by the well
pronnunciation based on the video.
In the second meeting, the
teacher reviews the material previously, and give some questions orally
need to be answer by the students directly. After that, the teacher play the
video and give some exercises. After students done the exercises, the
teacher asks the students to read the answer by the well pronunciation.
The answer of the questions is based video. 3.
writer observes the teaching pronunciation process and recorded the
students activities, progression, and situation in each meeting. 4.
Cycle II is the last cycle. If the use of video media was
considered to be successfully in teaching english, the researcher
determined that the technique was effective in improving students
pronunciation skill.