78707-Article Text-184533-1-10-20230426
78707-Article Text-184533-1-10-20230426
78707-Article Text-184533-1-10-20230426
Tạp chí 14
Kinh doanh và Công nghệ
No 15E/2021
remember well, but he/she also needs to They can themselves summarize the
choose the ones that have new words or storyline of the movies after watching it
content related to the lesson of that day. so that they can memorize it deeply.
Sari and Sugandi (2015) also claimed Teachers should choose short movies.
that “Since a good movie is a movie In order to save the class time,
that contains good moral value, teachers teachers can use short movies or divide
need to preview the movies first before the movie into short cuts and spend the
playing the movies in front of students”. first 15 minutes of the lesson to show
Learners should always remember the the movie. This will warm up the class
main goal of learning English while atmosphere, give the students a chance
watching movies and Teacher should to get used to this method and also have
remind students of it as well. the instruction on how to accomplish this
Watching movies for the learning method at home.
purpose requires learners to focus on the III. CONCLUSION
sounds, the spelling of the words and The development of the media has
slangs, idioms,... However, watching given us a huge opportunity to approach
movies may be distracting sometimes. and enhance our English in many different
To keep the students concentrating, after ways. Over a decade, movie viewing has
the movie viewing time, teacher can give been considered as the most useful and
students some exercises asking them about convenient way to bring about when people
the plot, new words in the movies, and also learn English as a second language. Movie
let them do the role-play game to remember viewing is not only the solution for the
the story in an interesting way. learners’ financial problems and the fear
towards English, but also a very creative
way for the teachers to apply to their
teaching methods. However, due to some
disadvantages that it carries, in Vietnam,
this method has not had a chance to enter
the English official educational system.
In my humble opinion, if this method is
applied to the English classes in the right
way, it will give countless benefits that
will change our future as the students will
not feel afraid or hate English anymore,
and they will absorb and use it naturally.
After doing my research into the effect of
movie viewing on learning English as a
While watching movies, learners second language, and also giving some
should be aware that they are studying, recommendations to modify and apply it
and they have to take it seriously to get into the English teaching-learning, I really
the best result. Listening to the characters’ hope this method will be approached
dialogues, imitating it a couple of times to every English learners in Vietnam in
will fasten the learners’ learning process. general and in HUBT in particular./.
Tạp chí 15
Kinh doanh và Công nghệ
No 15E/2021
Tóm Tắt: Bài báo chỉ ra các thuận lợi và bất lợi của việc xem phim đối với việc
học tiếng Anh. Mục đích chính của bài viết là đưa ra một vài gợi ý nhằm giải quyết
những mặt hạn chế và qua đó giúp cho việc học dễ dàng hơn. Hi vọng rằng kết quả
của bài viết sẽ giúp cho người học có thể cải thiện việc học tiếng Anh và trên một khía
cạnh nào đó giúp cho cả hệ thống giáo dục Việt Nam.
Từ khóa: xem phim, thuận lợi, khó khăn, học tiếng Anh
Tạp chí 16
Kinh doanh và Công nghệ
No 15E/2021