Hassan Benedict Yonathan Edward Tyr
Hassan Benedict Yonathan Edward Tyr
Hassan Benedict Yonathan Edward Tyr
The undersigned, certifies that she has read and hereby recommends for acceptance
Liwale district” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Degree of
Dr. Theresia J. Shavega
recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the author or The Open
I, Hassan Benedict Y. Edward, declare that, the work presented in this dissertation is
original. It has never been presented to any other University or Institution. Where
other people’s works have been used, references have been provided. It is in this
regard that I declare this work as originally mine. It is hereby presented in partial
I dedicate this dissertation to the almighty God, who is the source of all the
knowledge for enabling me to pursue the higher level studies at the Open University
of Tanzania. I also dedicate to my lovely wife Janeth and my children, Salma, Scola,
Anna, Fortunatus and Huruma for their tolerance, moral and spiritual support
I would first like to acknowledge the support I received from my supervisor, Dr.
Theresia J. Shavega who was always ready to respond to me. She was devoted and
tireless going through my report and made constructive criticisms, guidance, advice
encouragement and guidance provided during preparation of this study I also extend
gratitude to Liwale District Executive Director for allowing me to conduct this study
in her District.
secondary school for his regular advice, encouragement and positive criticism.
secondary schools; they enabled me to obtain the necessary information for success
The general objective of this study was to investigate effectiveness of school rules
rules and regulations, to investigate factors that school rules and regulations should
effectiveness of school rules and regulations. A case study research design was
interview, Focused Group Discussion and Key informant Interview. Four schools
were selected. The sample size used were 46 participants. 4 were heads of schools,
controlling students’ indiscipline, factors that school rules and regulations should
rules and regulations. The validity of the study was determined by triangulation. The
study concluded that school rules and regulations were ineffective in controlling
indiscipline in schools. The study recommended for the review of rules by the
rules in secondary schools, be conducted in other areas of the country, since this
study was conducted in Liwale District, it may not be applicable to other areas.
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................xiii
CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................1
1.9 Limitations.......................................................................................................7
1.10 Delimitation.....................................................................................................7
1.10.1 Immoralities.....................................................................................................8
1.10.7 Interventions....................................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................10
LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................10
2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................10
2.5.2 Factors that School Rules and Regulations should Focus in Order
to Control Indiscipline...................................................................................18
CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................30
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................30
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................30
3.3 Population......................................................................................................30
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................36
4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................36
Students’ Discipline.......................................................................................36
4.3 Factors that School Rules and Regulations should Focus in Order to
Control Indiscipline.......................................................................................42
4.3.3 Globalizations................................................................................................46
CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................52
5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................52
5.3 Factors that School Rules and Regulations should Focus in order to
Control Indiscipline.......................................................................................54
CHAPTER SIX.........................................................................................................59
6.2 Conclusions...................................................................................................60
6.3 Recommendations.........................................................................................61
1.1 Introduction
This chapter presented the background to the problem, statement of the research
problem, general and specific objective of the study, research questions as well as
School rules and regulations are official directive and guidelines, offered by school
and the ministries responsible for education in general, with the aim of controlling
behavior of students (Suru, 2012). They are principles for conduct, aimed at
effective teaching and learning process. They are necessary and vital support for
Rules and regulations are needed in schools for controlling students’ discipline,
maintenance of order, safety, and respect for authority. They give moral instructions;
provide guideline for proper execution of duties, and for students’ academic
performance. Also, School rules and regulations are the backbone of proactive
given power to establish school rules and regulations and both, teachers and students
should act in accordance to these rules (Nzokurum, 2017). School rules and
regulations can be compared to National Laws; they are like civil education because
they teach students the norms of citizenship. The Government of United Republic of
1978, with the similar aim to control the problem of students’ indiscipline, such as
truancy, theft, fighting, pregnancy, dropout, vandalism and others. Rules and
regulations also aim at having responsible citizens and human resources in the
Students are expected to abide to all school rules and regulations by following school
greetings and others. When there is discipline at the school, it means there are order,
peace and harmony, hence conducive teaching and learning environment (Suru,
2012) Despite the presence of school rules and regulations in secondary schools with
its importance, disruptive behavior among secondary school students, have been and,
are still, a common challenge facing many secondary schools all over the world
(Alli, 2014). There are many cases of classroom indiscipline among students in the
United Kingdoms (Kagoiya, 2018). More students’ indiscipline had also been
Province of Sierra Leone, where there are violence, students defy teachers and break
school rules (Moigua, 2019). Also in South Africa, since the passage of legislation
reported in Kenya, Ghana, Botswana and Nigeria. (Ongaki, 2016) In Tanzania, The
(Semali, 2016). Indiscipline problems in some schools, have been main hindrance to
effective teaching and learnig, due to student violations to school rules and
regulations (Yaghambe, 2013). It was also found that majority of students and
The challenge of students’ indiscipline, has raised a concern for teachers, policy
makers, society and the educational stake holders in general. This is because In the
the most important question is about the effectiveness of school rules and regulatios
used to control students’ discipline in secondary schools. This is crucial and critical
task for teachers and the society in general (Ngwokabuenui, 2015). The word
discipline here implies respect to the school authority, to observe school rules and
for creating positive school climate conducive for academic performance (Agak,
regulations in controlling students’ discipline. One common idea from those studies
is that, rules and regulations create good discipline, and good discipline creates good
image of the school, and prepares the learners for the future (Kounin, 2013). Good
discipline also help students to govern their own behaviour (Galabanwa, 2020),
indiscipline has several effects to the nation, the school itself and to individual
student. Such effects includes a school cannot be successful if students do not obey
School rules and regulations are paramount of all types of learning. A student will
not follow the routine without rules, and without discipline will not know what is
good and what is not good, and there will be a misuse of resources in educational
sector (Mehta, 2016). It is from this background that this study investigated the
secondary schools.
discipline in secondary schools. All secondary schools in Tanzania have rules and
regulations that are made by school administration and those made by the ministries
responsible for education. The role of school rules and regulations is to control
conform to acceptable and desired norms at the school and outside the school, to
make them good future citizens and human resources and to ensure effective
adhere to school rules and regulations by respecting teachers, attending to the school
daily, keeping school properties safe, stop involving in cultism and show good
Despite school rules and regulations being made and available in secodary schools in
Many students were found walking around outside classesrooms during lessons, they
were explicitly improperly dressed their school uniform. There were also, cases of
truncy, dropout, cultism and disobedience of the students. These behaviors violated
school rules and regulations, hence indiscipline of students (Maing, 2017). From this
gap, this study, investigated the effectiveness of rules and regulations used to
1.4.General Objective
The general objective of this study was to investgate the effectiveness of school rules
ii. To investigate factors that rules and regulations should focus in order to
Liwale district.
The study intends to address the following research questions which also will be the
ii. What factors should school rules and regulations focus in order to control
iii. What are the ways of improving effectiveness of school rules and
Liwale district?
scools. The study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of school rules and
improving effectiveness of school rules and regulations. In this case, the researcher,
This study will be beneficial to teachers, educational officers, parents, policy makers
and the government in general, as will disclose the status of effectiveness of rules
the research mainly being teachers, students and educational officer. It is expected
that; the study will also help all school administrators and educational stake holders
The study will persuade the governent to rethink and revise banning of corporal
Finally, the study will help other writers on the cases of school rules and regulations
1.9. Limitations
In doing this research, the researcher expected to face a problem of time to reach and
meet the selected samples and respondents. Geographical background was another
limitation anticipated by the resesarcher, this is due to reality that roads in Liwale
Are not interconnected , they are one way traffic with only one means of transport
1.10. Delimitation
The problem of time was met by doing sampling to select schools with high
where four schools which; apart from having high students population, can also be
easily reached were selected, two schools from rural and another two from urban.
research, in order to provide a common understanding among readers and about the
phenomenon dealt by the study. The definitions were for the purpose of this study
1.10.1 Immoralities
Immoralities in this study means; types of behaviour which are not appropriate
according to school rules and according to norms of the family and society. It is the
In this study unplesant school rules, are the rules with restrictions for its
Educational Stakeholders in this study are the parents, teachers, students and
In this study, School climate means relationship among teachers, students and other
workers of the school . School climate can be friendly that is good relationship, or
As applied to this study means, moral norms that govern ways of leaving and
behaving in the family. Every member of the family must live accoding to these
In this study, peer group means fellow secondary school students with similar age,
interest and behaviour. They are age mate companions or fellow students, girls or
1.10.7 Interventions
In this study, intervention implies the trend where someone else; interferes with the
In this study it implies that, the school rules and regulations are not availlable to
students and teachers, making them not to understand what and, how it is supposed
to be. Students and teachers are unaware of the rules and regulations.
2.1 Introduction
This chapter covered the theoretical and empirical reviews about causes of
rules and regulations, factors that school rules should focus in order to control
students’ discipline and how to improve effectiveness of school rules and regulations
secondary schools. The study adapted Social Bond Theory, recently known as Social
Control Theory. The theory was developed by Travis Hirschi in 1969. This theory
maintained that criminal behaviors are either learned or caused by the environment
As adapted in this study, students’ behavior in schools, is either learned from one
another among students, or from other members in the society where students are
coming from, or it may be caused by the school through various circumstances such
individual student is not interested in schooling hence do not value norms of the
school. The theory further contended that, all the people are likely to commit
criminals, and these criminals must be controlled by laws in order to keep the society
in check. Those who have weak bond to societal controls end up in deviant or
criminal behaviors. In school environment this implies that, a student may commit
offences, and whenever this occurs, disciplinary measures should be taken by the use
of school rules and regulations in order to keep a school a favorable teaching and
learning environment.
The theory explained four types of social bond. The first is attachment bond, which
refers to affection that an individual has to societal issues. Relating to this study it
implies that students must cope willingly to the school. The second is commitment
bond. This implies good relations among members in the society. Relating to school
environment it means that students should build good relationship with teachers and
fellow students as well as abiding to school rules. The third bond is involvement
bond. This relates to willingness to spend your time for societal matters and
activities. The fourth one is belief bond, which implies adherence to school rules and
Generally, Hirschi’s Social Control Theory, assets that humans are not born with
conscience, but rather it is developed over time through interaction with other people
in various places in our lives. In the school environment, when students arrive and
admitted, they don’t know the norms, rules and regulations. It is believed that
The theory also affirmed that, we are taught laws and societal norms by parents,
school, court, police and religious institutions in order to influence our behavior and
decisions. This is true for the case of school, students are taught about school norms,
rules and regulations. It is students themselves who are ultimately end up committing
deviant behaviors. Therefore, students should refrain from indiscipline behaviors and
follow school rules and regulations to avoid legal consequences which can cause
School rules and regulations are guiding principle for actions and for the evaluation
of actions in terms of good and bad, or right and wrong, and therefore a part of moral
or value education in the school (Thornberg, 2008). School rules and regulations are
the systems of set of laws for conduct, aimed at developing self discipline in students
and creating a harmonious environment where effective teaching and learning can
take place successifuly. They are disciplinary policies regarding students conduct
Other literature explained that rules and regulations forces individuals to forgo their
schools, school rules and regulations helps to maintain harmony, good discipline and
conduct for students. Positive discipline is based on rules and regulations, they
The major goal of schools is to provide quality education. Rules and regulations
provide guidance to schools to follow their path in order to reach their goal, they
establish standards and provide safety for both teachers and students. Rules and
school level, there are environmental rules, classroom rules, dormitory rules,
laboratory rules, examination rules and dinning-hall rules (Source: Researcher’s own
experience).Generally speaking, rules and regulations are the support and tools,
and regulations, and provision of punishment to create fear to make students obey
diligence, cooperation, and fear for God and consideration for others. Discipline
involves Training of students to obey rules and code of behavior, use of punishment
to correct disobedience, adhering to rules and regulations which entail the learners’
Dscipline may also imply to obey rules and regulations ,without it, there will be
chaos and disorder everywhere in our societies (Mehta, 2016). From this point of
atmosphere, needed for teaching and learning processes at the school, thus enebles
us to achieve the best educational outcome in our schools (Salifu, 2012). From the
literature above, it is apparent that, there is a close relationship between school rules
and regulations on one side, and students discipline on the other side.
important component of human behavior, which not only helps to regulate people's
reactions to various situations, but also their relations with others. Thus the
limits to help them learn, to take care of themselves, other people and the world
govern the behavior of members of a group. Norms lay down the agreed forms of
behavior, within a particular culture, society or group and this kind of Prescription
brings order, to the social environment (Manoin,1986). All social organizations have
rules governing their procedures, which also, serve as an overall framework that
organization. The school being a social organization, has norms which regulate
students' behavior as well as staff behavior, that is school discipline which means,
students when their behavior breaks the school rules. Discipline enables students to
develop an orderly conduct and self control as well as self direction (Egwunyenga,
As an active processing agency, the school takes the parental role of enabling
which they are expected to conform (Mwaniki, 2018). A clear compliance to school
rules by student would mostly occur, when they have expressed their agreed moral
behaviors that comply with those rules and regulations, and have consequently
valued them. This agreement reinforces their commitment to those rules (Tattum,
School rules and regulations are the disciplinary policies regarding students’
conduct, they are strategies intended to control students’ discipline and create self-
control, and obedience of students to their teacher and authority in general (Godfrey,
2016) School rules and regulations are the back borne of proactive strategy to reduce
learning and in the human life in general. For secondary schools to achieve its goals,
effectiveness of school rules and regulations is very urgent (Adam, 2003). Bearing in
mind that students are future human resources of the nation, it is very important to
guide them to have good and desired discipline, positive attitude and behavior
Different studies affirmed that school rules and regulation are means of making
students comply with school norms. On the other side, all sample schools in this
study, were found with rules and regulations to which, students and teachers were
schools’ commitment towards students’ behavior, is for every student to acquire self
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, provided rules and regulations that
help to control students’ discipline and maintain conducive teaching and learning
important document that every secondary school must posses. The document
contains all school rules and regulations and every student must be provided a copy.
schools, and The Education and Training Policy are also documents that provide
Apart from these documents, every secondary school must have other disciplinary
documets and records like The Black Book, in which the names of culprits with their
offences, and measures taken upon them, are recorded. The Reward Book, in which
students with good discipline are entered, and discipline file to keep indiscipline
cases. Others are School Board file, Students government file, and Parents file. All
Despite presence and the use of rules and regulations in secondary schools,
disruptive behaviors had been reported from different parts of the country. This
situation raised different questions and opinions on the effectiveness of school rules
2012). For school rules and regulations to be Effective, they should be stated in
should be specific and not ambiguous. Furthermore, it should be written in brief and
Other studies advised that, the school authority must act accordingly, and since there
is no limit of school rules and regulations made by the government, school authority
has the power to establish additional rules relevant to their environments with the
aim to achieve effective control of students’ discipline. But agreed that it is not
possible to document all the rules, some of them will emerge as conventions and
traditions, hence they will be accepted as conducts of the school culture (Nzokurum,
environment you would like to maintain. That is, what school climate do you want to
establish, consider age and maturity of students in order to be realistic and fair in
An organization cannot exist without rules and regulations. And that this rules and
rules and regulations depends on wheather rules are consistently applied, and if the
similar ideology regarding the role of education. The literature further maintains that,
resolving and taking measures. Or village executive officers may not take cases to
the court for the reason that they live together with the offender, and they come from
the same clan. Also, there is a tendence of parents to favour their daughters to the
extent of accepting marriage and receive dowry. Even the rule itself , it tends to pin
the man only who impregnated the girl, and leave freely the impregnated girl. This
makes other girls relax, taking it easy and continue as usual (Komba, 2012). Most
school rules and regulations were formulated without students’ participation; hence
corporal punishment has increased students’ indiscipline and weakened rules and
regulations. Generally, there had been calls to rethink the decision (Mulwa, 2017)
2.5.2 Factors that School Rules and Regulations should Focus in Order to
Control Indiscipline
rudeness, stealing and rioting (Gitome, 2013). Other actions includes fighting, noise
making during class sessions, bullying, sexual harrassment, use of abusive language,
possession of mobile phone at the school (Simatwa, 2013) . All these acts are against
This section, explored factors that school rules should focus in order to control
secondary schools. Knowing the causes of indiscipline problem, is one step towards
solving that problem. According to the history, traditions and culture, every school
set the tone for students’ discipline (Ndaita, 2016), Different studies had been
students’ indiscipline. The causes of indiscipline are therefore, the factors that rules
and regulations should focus in order to curb the problem. Indiscipline of students is
caused by lack of democracy and freedom to students and failure of adults to set
Other studies explained that students’ indiscipline is caused by emotional factors and
communication and injustice (Barongo, 2016). Other studies claimed that students’
staff behaviours, society and the peer groups (Mwaniki , 2016). Some researchers
declared that, the declining rate of discipline in many schools, has contributed to the
erosion of high academic attainment, demoralized teaching staff, and brought sorrow
factors, that is, if at home there is no social orders, values and practices, students
deficiencies in the school and to the teachers (Ndaita, 2016). While others
concluded that, the causes of indiscipline among students were, societal factors,
Government factors, parental factors, school factors and students’ factors (Odebode,
that may be solved by havig necessary and required resources at the place (Belle,
Other studies explained that, indiscipline disruptions arises from many schools,
despite the availlability of School and classroom rules and regulations, which exists
disciplinary system to which all students and teachers must understand and
conform. To make this possible there must be clearly stated school rules and
regulations (Masiga, 2012). For the efficient functioning of the school, the school
management must reserve power to control the conduct of the students through the
application of rules and regulations which are rather friendly (Temitayo, 2013)
Students are the key stakeholders and the most essential resource in Education. It is
In order to achieve this, the school management must again specify clearly the rules
and regulations that will be friendly to students (Othman, 2017). The school
commitment towards discipline is for every student to acquire self discipline and
regulations that help to control students discipline, and maintain conducive teaching
learning environment (Training, 2002). Such rules and regulations includes The
Year) regulation.
Also, school joining instruction contains all school rules and regulations and every
guide for Heads of secondary schools, and, The Education and Training Policy are
among the documents that provide rules and regulations about the secondary school.
Apart from all these documents, every secondary school must have disciplinary
case records like The Black Book, in which the names of culprits with their offences
and measures taken upon them are recorded. The Reward Book, in which students
with good discipline are entered, and Discipline File to keep indiscipline cases
proceedings. Others are School Board file, Students government file, and Parents
file. All these aimed at ensuring effective control of discipline and fairness in
Despite availlability of all these documents and records in the schools, yet the
aimed at investigating about school rules and regulations used to control discipline in
schools, were they accessibe to both students and teachers and if they were
meaningful education that could be achieved, and without rules and regulations no
In other studies, clear rules and regulatuons had been mentioned as a necessary
case school rules and regulations must be clearly stated and emphasized. The
situation in our schools was that, there were school rules and regulations offered by
the government for managing secondary schools, they had been stipulated in
Education Acts number 25 of 1978 (Training, 1978). But it was not exactly known if
students understoodnd well those rules. There were also teachers, parents, and school
boards, all these were responsible to control students’ discipline in schools. Ministry
of Education (1979) stated that in a secondary school context, the head of school has
secondary schools, there had been several complaints about their effectiveness. This
the pupils who violates them, and taking to the court parents, who fail to fulfill their
Other studies suggested involving students in making of rules in order to increase its
effectiveness. However many schools did not involve students in the process of
formulation of school rules and regulations in public secondary schools, this perhaps
Sugestion from other studies insisted that school rules and regulations should be
emphasized, and enough awareness be aroused within students. This will help to
raise their awareness to rules and regulations, hence their perception of good
the one that needs to be inculcated. It should refer to an observable behavior that can
that will come as a result of violating them (Ukpabio, 2016). Other studies
suggested cooperation between teachers and students. teachers should care about
students, this will make students trust teachers and therefore willingly obey school
teachers.This will not only make rules effective, but also, provide practical and
education. On the other side, the long process involved in dealing with disciplinary
agent for students. But students are not passive receivers in their socialization
process. They need to be involved in decision making of some matters like making
If students are not involved, they can question some rules and reject others, thus
Effectiveness of school rules and regulations can also be improved by doing various
variors contries in the world. Findings from those studies were significant because
they revealed the knowledge that could help to control students’ behaviour in
secondary schools. In this section, examples of studies related to school rules and
regulations are presentd both those conducted outside Tanzania and those conducted
in Tanzania
investigated and described the content of school rules, developed five categories of
school rules; relational, structural, protecting, personal and etiquette rules. The
finding of the study revealed that, school rules categorization better clarifies the
content of indistinct sets of rules and thus offering easiest access and understanding
in schools. The study agreed that school rules helped teachers to manage and
content, logic and function to make them more clear hence promote conscioussness.
revealed that the process of formulation of school rules had a significant and
students were criticaly involved in the process of formulation of school rules, created
The study recommended that students should be involved in the school rules
climate that will promote high level of students’ discipline. (Kindiki, 2009) carried
in secondary schools in Kenya. Findings of this study indicated that training of the
curriculum, the study recommended that schools should strive to provide pre-
In another study (Asare, 2015) conducted a study on Managing school discipline, the
respondents comprising of 12 teachers and 24 students from two public junior high
schools were used. The study finding revealed that teachers use judgemental to
punishment, they preferred to encourage students who were not showing iterest in
classroom activities. The study recommended that techers should cultivate the habit
of involving students in rule setting in order to promote ownership of the rules and to
encourage them to take more responsibility for their own behavior and also employ
2012).This study was conducted in Tanzania. The study atempted to answer three
research questions; What are the school rules and sanctions which are used to
encourage pupils’ regular school attendence and completion? Are these rules and
households attend school regularly and complete their primary schooling? What
should be done to improve school attendence and completion of the pupils from
The study concluded that, on one hand, rules were helpful because without them
some pupils would have never attended school, on the other side , rules were less
useful since, despite them majority of pupils practiced indiscipline behaviours, the
extent to which rules were helpful depends on their implementers. The study
revealed the difficulty in implementing rules because in the villages all the
Boards discuss discipline issues in secondary schools, but they do not take
issues, warning or suspending them. The study recommended that apart from
disciplinary actions such as discontinuing and giving warning the students with
disciplinary issues.
On the other hand (Yaghambe, 2013) in her study; discipline networks in secondary
secondary schools, accounting for 50 teachers, and 104 students using descriptive
culture should play a pivotal role in developing students socially and towards
responsible citizen.
The literature review explained about various aspects pertaining to school rules and
regulations, as guiding principle for actions and for evaluation of actions in terms of
good and bad, or right and wrong, and therefore, a part of moral or value education
in the School. Rules and regulations are helpful and necessary support in
The literature review also explained about students’ disruption which occurs in
various secondary schools despite the presence of school rules and regulations. The
rudeness, stealing, rioting and others just to mention a few (Ouma, 2013).
Factors rendering school rules ineffective in controlling discipline, and the ways of
The literature review didn’t reveal anything about effectiveness of school rules and
an attempt to bridge the gap, this study intended to investigate the effectiveness of
school rules and regulations used to control students’ discipline in secondary schools
3.1. Introduction
This chapter discussed about approach, population, study area, sampling procedure
and sample size, methods of data collection, data analysis, validity and ethical
The study employed qualitative approach. Qualitative approach was appropriate for
this study because it was interpretive, you could interpret what was seen, heard and
understood. It was also natural setting that is; it enabled the researcher to collect data
in the field where participants experienced the problem. Also qualitative approach
enabled the researcher to collect multiple forms of data. Another reason is that, the
researcher learned the problem directly from the participant, and it was possible to
3.3. Population
Research Population is the large group of people or objects that have common
characteristics which the researcher intends to study and generalize the results. (R.
Liwale district.
Area of study is the place where the study was conducted. This study was conducted
at Liwale District in Lindi region in Southern Tanzania. The reason for the selection
Several students were found roaming in the streets during class hours; they also
looked improperly dressed in their school uniform. It was common to find students
in those restricted places like in social Halls. Most parents were heard lamenting
about their child’s bad behaviors. On the other side, there had never been any
research related to students’ discipline that had been conducted in this district.
study used purposive selection method to obtain the samples. Purposive sampling
the needed sample from the population of a study. The researcher deliberately
selected Heads of schools and District Education Officer because, these can meet up
with the objectives of a study due to their position and the role they play (Etikan,
The researcher also selected teachers responsible for discipline, Guidance and
counseling, academic and Girls matron. These teachers were selected because the
issue under investigation was students’ indiscipline problems; these individuals have
better information and immediate relations with students. Students were included in
the study basing on the inclusion criteria of age, sex, health and mental ability. Four
(Kindsiko, 2019). The sample size of this study comprised of 46 respondents which
secondary schools were involved in the study out of 17 secondary schools in the
In this study, the researcher collected data by using in-depth Interview for the heads
of school and teachers, Focused Group Discussion (FGD) for students and Key
conducted between one people with another, with the aim of obtaining information
about the particular phenomenon. The purpose of using this method was to get the
firsthand information about the study. This technique was used to collect data or
structured interview was used where, a list of questions based on interview guide
was constructed. (TROMP, 2006). The data were recorded by use of digital audio
recorder and; notes were taken in the field note book. The researcher expected to
used 30 minutes to conduct indepth interview with each respondent. The researcher
selected this instrument due to its flexibility as they consist of open-ended questions.
Also the instrument provided the firsthand details about the study.
purpose of using this method was to get new ideas from respondents through free
and open discussions. (Morgan, 1988). This method was aplied to students. A
indiscipline among secondary school students in Liwale district. The discussion was
free and open. The reercher was responsible to guide the discussion. The discussion
record discussions and digital audio recoder for recording. This was done by a
use of Educational officers who are believed to have a wider knowledge on matters
using this method was to get detailed information, suggestions and recommendations
from expert sources. The researcher used the District Educaton officer for secondary
schools who is believed to be skilled and experienced with secondary school matters.
This key informant provided more information and deeper insight into what is going
around in secondary schools. The duration of 45 – 60 minutes was planned for one
key informant. All interviews were recorded in the notebook and by using a digital
audio recorder.
Data analysis is the editing, coding, classifying and tabulating the collected data,
(Kothari 2004), it is ordering, summarizing and organizing the collected raw data for
easy use in responding to the question in the study problem, (Smith, 2011). In this
study, qualitative content data analysis was used to analyze all information that was
collected. This involved construction of interview guide for collecting data in the
field. Data were collected using audio recorder and field notes, then recorded and
measure (Kidder, 1986), and it shows realistic evidence and theoretical justifications.
triangulation where more than one method of data collection was used, these were
In-depth Interview, Focused Group Discussion and Key Informant Interview. Also
accuracy, using rich descriptions, clarifying the bias by creating open and honest
(CRESWELL, 2009). Also instruments for data collection were constructed carefully
Ethical consideration is one of the most important parts of the research, without this
part, the research can be doomed failure (Bryman, 2007). In this research, the
considerations:- Full consent and permit letter was obtained from Open University of
them, and confidentiality was observed. Deceptions and exaggerations about the
aims and objectives of the research was avoided, any type of communication in
relation to the research was done with honest and transparency. Furthermore,
plagiarism in this study was avoided. There was appropriation of other people’s
intellectual work. Citation and acknowledgement for the use of other people’s ideas
and work was done. Again, age and sex of participants was considered.
4.1. Introduction
This chapter presented the findings and analysis of the study following the objectives
which was set before. Those were; to investigate the effectiveness of school rules
district, to investigate factors that rules and regulations should focus in order to
The first objective of the study was to explore, whether school rules and regulations
that task. Three subcategories were developed under this main category, those were;
teachers don’t have access to school rules as presented in Table 4.1 above. The study
revealed that even though rules and regulations were helpful in controlling discipline
of students, but they were not very much known by both students and teachers. This
could be the reason behind for persistence of students’ indiscipline. This information
was obtained from in-depth interview by teachers and Focused Group Discussion
from students.
schools, most participants explained that these important documents are available but
they are kept in the Headmaster’s office. This was learned from 26 students out of 26
read school rules from only joining instruction sent to them while joining the school
and nowhere else. Therefore most students requested the rules and regulations be
reproduced and re-distributed to them so that they keep on reading and re-reading.
Other respondents requested teachers to read the rules and regulations for students
educated as much as possible about the school rules, emphasizing on the benefits of
obeying them and the effects of not obeying. Also students should be reminded
Further, the study revealed that even teachers in secondary schools, most of them
were just assigned duties like discipline master, academic master, matron or patron,
domestic and cultural affairs master, and others. However, despite being assigned
execute their duties. Furthermore, not even seminars for them. This indicated that
school rules and regulations were available but not thoroughly well accessible to
both students and teachers who were responsible to enforce rules to students.
followed by teachers. For instance a student was not even given an opportunity to
explain on his side or to be interrogated. The exercise did not abide to rules and
Generally, the study revealed that in most schools, rules and regulations were
available but they were not accessible to both students and teachers. This made rules
students, because the rules and regulations were not clear to them. Also it made
Regarding the support of rules and regulations, respondents agreed that rules were
among students. Despite this fact, 16 teachers out of 16 which is equivalent to 100%
expressed their concern about rules that seemed unpleasant to them. Example of such
rules includes; Truancy rule, which states that a truant student shall not be expelled
from the school until his truancy has reached ninety days consecutively. Most of the
teachers responded about this rule, complaining that it favored the action of truancy
and rendered difficulty to teachers in their effort to curb the habit. A respondent
commented that:-
that which denied a teacher the right to punish a notorious student until he secured a
written permit from the head of school. This rule had been explained as demoralizing
and discouraging to the teachers and most of them suggested to be reviewed. One
Respondents expressed another rule that it’s not friendly to them and to the school,
secondary schools. It was the one which protected a registered student for national
offence. Participants found it risky because such a student could cause a big danger
at the school knowing that no disciplinary measures could be taken upon him.
Furthermore, the study revealed challenges which were facing teachers in enforcing
resolutions upon students indiscipline cases, antagonism from parents, lack of fence
for schools, poor cooperation among educational stakeholders and low awareness of
It was also learned from discussions that, these challenges to a larger extent
influenced the effectiveness of school rules and regulations, because there was no
school in order to ensure Conducive teaching and learning environment. They had to
make rules for good order of the school and the discipline of the students.
Generally schools had power to enforce rules and regulations by taking disciplinary
teachers had been administering manual work, corporal punishment and expelling
seriously bad students in order to avoid others to copy from them. One key
Regarding the issue of cooperation from parents and students, for a case where a
student was affected, for example, of pregnancy, when the case had been taken to the
court, parents and the child changed, they joined with the man who impregnated the
girl on one side. They withheld the name of the true alleged and mention a name of a
person who is not around the area. This became a big challenge because the affected
girl and the parents resisted giving the truth so that the rule could take its current.
Another challenge was brought by those rules which were not pleasant to the
teachers those disagreeable rules which included students’ truancy rule of ninety
days; teachers are not allowed to punish a student until they get written permit from
head of school and that regulation which protects a registered student for national
examination not to be charged. These rules discouraged teachers from going on with
4.3. Factors that School Rules and Regulations should Focus in Order to
Control Indiscipline
This was the second objective which explored the root causes of indiscipline so that
school rules and regulations should focus on them. Under this, three subcategories
were also formulated; those were immoralities within the society, society
The study revealed that immoralities were the first factors causing indiscipline in the
study area. This was shown by 46 respondents who were 100% of respondents in the
study. Regarding the issue of immoral behaviors and economic roots of culture, the
study revealed that most parents were living under low economic status, and they
normally left their houses and residents to establish temporary settlement for faming
at a distant location. Others woke up early in the morning and left for shamba, both
got back home as late as eight post meridian. In this situation, children were left
These trends dragged children into learning indiscipline practices from other
children who were morally already decayed. Also parents failed to provide their
children with necessary requirements for school and for living in general. Sometimes
parents instructed their children to find their own means to secure basic needs. In
that situation, children existed under constraints; despite the truth that they were
students. Some children were left at home as heads of clan, controlling themselves
and their young sisters and brothers in finding basic needs for survival and
schooling. These situations drove those children to fall into bad behaviors including
truancy, prostitution, joining bad peer groups and others drop out from the school
“The parent also tells her female child that she doesn’t have soap to
give her, therefore asked her daughter to get soap from her own
means. This is an indication that the parent is allowing indirectly her
daughter to engage in prostitution behavior if she wants to get soap”
(KI Participant #2).
Findings also revealed that when both parents and children were at their normal
residence, most families had detached accommodation style where parents gave
freedom to their grownup children to sleep separate from their parents. So children
dwelt in their own apartment, this implied giving children freedom to invite any
friend at any time. In doing all these, children adapted immoral behaviors. One in-
Regarding the issue of parents’ role to students’ disciplinary matters, the study
further revealed the habit of parents to play favoritism to their children. Whenever
school children were found guilty against school rules, and disciplinary actions was
about to be taken upon them, Parents protected and defended their children bitterly.
because parents gave bold and audacity on their children. One participant disclosed
Regarding the issue of power in the family, the finding revealed that children in most
families override their parent that is; children were spokesmen in the family. In this
manner, even if children became loose, parents could not dare to control them.
When asked why indiscipline of students persists despite presence of school rules, 21
declared parents to be the major causing factor. Participants of this study explained
behaviors; this was because most people counted as less concerned that is, no one
seemed to care about immoral behaviors. Even the real parent of the child believed
that the teacher was the only person to take action against children indiscipline
4.3.3. Globalizations
communication technology like internet, television and the use of smart phones had
influenced most youths into European dressing styles, foreign music and European
way of talking. Thus disvaluing moral ethics and practicing immoral styles of life. It
was even more serious that children found sexual practices and various games in the
The third objective of the study was to investigate respondents’ opinions, on what
of teachers, proposed that some school rules should be revised in order to encourage
Those rules included truancy rule which states that, a truant student shall not be
expelled from the school, until she or he has stayed away for ninety consecutive
days. Another regulation mentioned by respondents as discouraging, was the one that
denies a teacher the right to punish a notorious student, until he has secured a written
permit from the head of school, and the third was, the rule that protected a registered
student for national examinations, not to be expelled from school regardless of the
Heads of schools and teachers complained that, these rules favored indiscipline
the rule of; banning of corporal punishment. Respondents had the following
“Some rules are annoying for example the regulation of truancy; you
cannot expel a student who has not attended the school for eighty
nine days, until his truancy reaches ninety days, but it is true that this
student will not perform well due to his truancy”. (ID Interview
Participant # 5)
necessitates him to get written permit from the head of school, this is
not pleasant to the teachers” (KI Respondent # 21)
The study revealed that 46 respondents which is equivalent to 100% pleaded for
cooperation among parents and teachers, teachers and students was required. Parents
and teachers antagonism was said to bring more indiscipline among students,
The findings further explained that, good relation among stakeholders to school
administration was also compulsory. This included relation among religious groups,
government officials including Village and Ward Executives, political leaders and
Parents were supposed to assist teachers by working hand and hand with them,
in-charge, that is; parents, teachers and students themselves; have to play their role
effectively. Parents were expected to satisfy their children with basic needs for
schooling, this could have ensured children to live comfortably and eventually
display moral behaviors One ID Interview Participant expressed his experience when
he said that:-
From the findings, it was learned that parents were not accountable; they left their
children to seek for the basic requirements for both schooling and survival. The
respondent commented that parents were required to be close to their children, but
children were left at home while parents left for farming at a distant place where they
stayed for up to three to four months. During that time, when children were left on
their own, they became tempted to engage with immoral practices hence turned to be
Therefore it was learned from these participants that in order to improve students’
discipline, parents had to be close to their children, this included staying together,
talking and teaching moral behaviors to their children. It was the responsibility of
parents to make a follow-up and provide appropriate guide to their children behavior,
noted from the study that most parents do not take these charges to their children;
instead they kept their children under free range system to which a child was free to
associate with whatever the group he feels interested and undertake movement
“The parent tells her female child that, she doesn’t have soap to give
her daughter, therefore asked her daughter to get soap from her own
means. This is an indication that the parent is allowing indirectly her
daughter to engage in prostitution behavior” (KI Participant #2)
The argument from participants, disclosed the truth that parents didn’t monitor their
parents had to play their role of monitoring their children in order to discover
abnormal and inappropriate behaviors. This could even enable the parent to take
preliminary control measures before the condition had become worse. The study also
Further finding revealed that for schools to achieve the desired discipline, students
were also responsible to adhere to school norms, respect teachers and resort to
Regarding students peer groups, the finding disclosed the presence of bad peer
groups that mostly influenced behavior of other students to fall into immoral
5.1. Introduction
The following were the discussions of the major findings of the study
The first objective of the study was; to investigate the effectiveness of school rules
district. Generally the findings of the study revealed that; school rules and
According to the finding of the study, effectiveness of school rules and regulations
(Adam, 2003).
The reasons for this were found to be inaccessibility of rules that’s students’
not obeying them, rules were not displayed on open places or given to students for
them to read and re-read. These findings, concured with the findings of (Komba,
2012), who attributed that when school rules are effective, helps in maintaining
Presence of unpleasant rules was another factor that made school rules ineffective.
student until they had obtained a written permit from the head of school, the truancy
rule of ninety days and the rule that prohibits a registered student for national
student. The result further revealed challenges faced by teachers as another factor
Also teachers lacked cooperation from parents as parents played a sort of antagonism
with teachers. In adition to this, all schools visted lacked a fence around schools.
The findings concurred to the study of (Anderson, 1992), who explained that without
regulations no discipline that could be developed among students. Also the study of
(Masiga, 2012) and (Othman, 2017) who held on the opinion that school rules and
regulations must be accessible, friendly and clearly stated to all members of the
Therefore there was a need for the school management to display different rules and
regulation in order to ensure its accessibility to students, This could made rules
effective. On its side, the ministries responsible with Education emphasized school
leaders to posses school rules and abide with them in managing their schools and
that, those rules and regulations were always been sent to respective schools. The
findings again revealed that, apart from making rules and regulations accessible,
members of the school. This finding was supported by (Ngwokabueni, 2015), who
noted that students’ indiscipline in most secondary schools were caused by lack of
contrary from those discussed by (Sadik, 2017) who commented that punishment
was intended to remove disruptive behavior, however, it offered only a short time
5.3 Factors that School Rules and Regulations should Focus in order to Control
Factors that school rules should focus, are those factors which cause students’
indiscipline in secondary schools. The findings of the study revealed factors related
children, instead gave the children freedom to find basic needs on their own, this
children even if they were found guilty and disobedient against school rules. Others
were peer pressure, biological changes and parents let their children be spokesperson
These findings had a support of (Odebode, 2019), who reported that, high rate of
indiscipline was caused by low parental control and moraly decayed society, and
(Mwaniki, 2008), who added that the main causes of students’ indiscipline in schools
were peer ressure, also (Eshatu, 2014) who explained that peer groups contributed to
indiscipline because some students considered going against school rules and
disrespecting teachers as a fashion, and those who didn’t perform these were
considered as inferiors. This findings also concured with the findings of (Jinot,
manifested indiscipline among the learners. On the other side, the policy of
education committed parents to play a key role in providing all the needs for their
children for schooling.Therefore it seemed that parents were not playing their role as
expected. Also our education and school rules and regulations seemed not to take
In this situation, school authority could have considered to have an active Guidance
and Counselling unit or adivisory organ that could be responsible in advising and
helping students to make informed choices. This was also in the line with
educatonal policy directives which wanted schools to have advisory bodies that
maintained tightly as stipulated in The Education Act of 2002. In which there were
Schools) Regulation. The school administration could have ensured the involvement
The results further revealed societal irresponsibility factors, which caused students’
indiscipline and therefore school rules should focus on them. These factors included
the tendence of members of the society other than parents around the school,
moral behaviors among the children, as most members of the society believed that
rebuking students was the responsibility of only teachers. This was revealed through
participants who claimed that, the entire society was irresponsible as most people
counted themselves out, that is, no one cared about immoral behavior of students.
This perspective was contrary to that of (Odebode, 2019) who noted that, the society
was supposed to have a strong hold on its members as members portrayed the image
of the society and the society breeds its members. Therefore to curb indiscipline
indiscipline of students.
According to the finding of the study, it seemed that school administration, had not
been involved members of the society where it was necessary, in school activities
and events in order to educate them. This could have raised their understanding and
technology, through it’s mass media systems, magazines, internet and smartphones,
among major causes of indiscipline as it made students adapt foreign ethnicity and
critisized traditional moral values. This was also confirmed by (Gyan, 2015) who
commented that media was partly responsible for students’ immoralities through its
movies advertisements.
Despite all these, it is true that globalization had both positive and negative impacts.
Positive impact like shairing of the knowledge and skills, International relationship
and not. School administration and the society could play their role to guide students
towards the use of Television, Internet and Mobile phones as the government
regulations restrict students entering Social Halls. Also The Education and Training
The findings suggested to the entity responsible for making school rules and
teachers including the banning of corporal punishment. This finding concured with
the study by (Odebode, 2019) who suggested that, the government should reverse the
banning of the corporal punishment and to increase awareness of school rules and
promote good behaviors. This is also supported by (Sheldon, 2015) who insisted
that students and teachers should be familiar with school rules and regulations.
the headmaster and protecting a registered student for National Examinaton from
being expeled even if committed a serious offence. The study suggested these
regulations be reversed. These also concured to the study by (Ofori, 2018) which
explained that the removal of corporal punisment in schools had caused even more
emphasized that teachers are primary key holders who were supposed to continue
with new vigor in instilling good moral behaviors in students. The study also
between parents and teachers, teachers and students. This finding was in agreement
with the findings of (Gyan, 2015), which affirmed that cooperation among parents
parents and teachers, was very pathetic and this rendered difficulty to teachers to
curb indiscipline behaviors. This is contrary to suggestion from the study by (Ofori,
good venue to share ideas on how to deal with indiscipline problems in the school.
they didn’t care their children, they didn’t teach them good behaviors and they
abandoned their responsibilities to the teachers. It was found generally that parents
were not committed. This finding was supported by (Jinot, 2018) who commented
that parents did not take care of their children, the child was free to do whatever, go
The main purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of school rules
controlling students discipline, to investigate wht factors should school rules focus in
improve effectivenesss of school rules and regulations. The study was guided by
three reserch questions; to what extent school rules are effective?, what factors
should school rules focus in order to control indiscipline ? and what should be done
to improve effectiveness of school rules and regulations? . The study was conducted
in Liwale district Lindi region. The study employed in-depth interview, Focused
Group Discussion and Key informant interview as methods in collecting data in the
In the line with the specific objectives of this study, the following were presented as
the findings of the study; School rules were ineffective in controlling indiscipline of
students in secondary schols, this was due to inaccessibility of the rules, presesnce of
leaders. Factors that school rules should focus in order to control indiscipline, those
were immoralities within the society, societal irresponsibility and globalization. The
third finding was about what should be done to improve effectiveness of school
rules. Review of rules, cooperation and efficient of key responsible were presented
6.2 Conclusions
Basing on the findings and discussions of the study, the following were the
they obtain a written permit from the head of school, intervention by politicians and
On the other hand, Immoralities, societal irresponsibilities and globalization are the
ways of improving effectiveness of school rules and regulations, the study concluded
that, Schools should have mechanisms to enforce rules and regulations, such as
mentoring and educating students on the importance of respecting schools rules and
effects of not respecting them. On the other side, ministries responsiblr for education
should revise some school rules including abolition of corporal punishment. Also
parents and teachers should work to fulfil their responsibilities towards students with
6.3 Recommendations
Based on the findings, discussions and conclusions, the study presented the
following recommendations for both practical action and for further studies.
From the findings of the study, effectiveness of school rules and regulations were
school rules to each student and set forums such as school baraza, class meetings and
morning parade, in which they can educate students on the importance of respecting
and obeying those rules and regulations, and the consequences of breaching the
Also, the government should rethink and then reverse, the banning of corporal
punishment and other rules so that teachers could be able to discipline students. This
and the society at large, should continue playing their role of monitoring the
children and instil the culture of self respect and obedience to the laws of the school
and the country in general, because parents constitute the foundation of the life
values. Politicians and government officials on their part, should trust and respect
teachers resolutions and school rules in general, they should not intervene with
around the school, because these are the most influential to the life of the child.
Since this study was conducted in Liwale District in Lindi Region, the findings and
of the contry.
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The aim of this interview schedule is to collect information about the causes of
students’ indiscipline in secondary schools in liable district. All the information that
will be collected will be only for the purpose of this research, and will be kept
strictly confidential.
2. How can you explain the state of students discipline in this school?
Lengo la maswali haya ni kupata taarifa kuhusu nini chanzo cha utovu wa nidhamu
Dear teachers, this interview aims at collecting information about causes of students’
indiscipline in secondary schools in Liwale district and ways to control the situation.
Your answers will help to provide the real picture of the problem and the solution.
All information that will be collected will be only for the purpose of this research,
2. How can you explain about the state of students discipline in your school?
Ndugu walimu, maswali haya ya tafiti yanalenga kupata taarifa juu ya utovu wa
yatasaidia kupatikana kwa picha halisi ya tatizo na namna ya kuzuia. Taarifa zote
students’ indiscipline in secondary schools in Liwale district and ways to control the
situation. In this, you are free to share your views, perceptions and
answers will be used only for the purpose of this research, and will be kept strictly
Ahsante sana
The aim of these guiding questions is to collect information about causes of students’
indiscipline in secondary schools in Liwale district. All the information that you will
provide, will be only for the purpose of this research, and will be kept strictly
Lengo la maswali haya ni kupata taarifa kuhusu nini chanzo cha utovu wa nidhamu
Ahsante sana
I certifies that this Research Proposal titled “Effectiveness of school rules and
of Tanzania.
I have approved the proposal and it can be allowed for data collection.
Dr.Theresia J.Shavega