Caroline Kayombo Dissertation - 13-11-2017
Caroline Kayombo Dissertation - 13-11-2017
Caroline Kayombo Dissertation - 13-11-2017
The undersigned certifies that she has read and hereby recommends for acceptance,
Administration, Planning and Policy Studies - M.Ed. (APPS) of the Open University
of Tanzania.
Date …………….
This dissertation is copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the
Copyright Act of 1999 and other international and national enactments, in that
behalf, on intellectual property. No part of this thesis may not be reproduced by any
means, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means ,
permission of the author or the Open University of Tanzania (OUT), in that behalf.
work and that it has not been submitted for a similar degree Master of Education in
Administration, Planning and Policy Studies, in any other degree in any other
who took me to school, the first day. I hated them for sending me to school that day.
What you did laid foundations for what I have achieved today. I thank you all for
your their continued love and support towards my present academic achievement.
In many ways, this study could not be written successfully without some direct or
indirect contributions from certain people and institutions. First and foremost, I am
grateful to the Almighty God for the gift of life and enabling me to accomplish the
I am also indebted to my supervisor Dr. Theresia Shavega for her valuable guidance
and encouragement and technical assistance despite her busy schedule. This
dissertation would not have reached this stage without her extended support. Finally,
beloved husband Vincent Mpepo, my son Harris and lovely daughter Herswida who
the moment I was supposed to travel and spent some time away. Thanks should also
would like to take this opportunity to thank them dearly for their support. May God
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of parents’ involvement in
teachers, parents and pupils. This study was intended to address three specific
research objectives namely to; explore the school modalities through which parents
between primary school pupils who receive parental support from pupils who
completely do not receive it. A Case study design was used to collect data from the
subjective views and simple percentages from the frequent responses for descriptive
purposes. The SPSS 22.0 version was used for data analysis of simple for descriptive
statistics and content analysis for qualitative data. The study indicated that there were
several methods used in public schools to involve parents and guardians into
order to test hypotheses by comparing results from public and private schools for
LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................xii
LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................xii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................xiv
CHAPTER ONE......................................................................................................... 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................1
CHAPTER TWO........................................................................................................ 9
Performance.................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................22
3.6.1 Questionnaires.................................................................................................26
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................31
4.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................31
4.3 The School Modalities through Which Parents Are Involved in Supporting
Receive It........................................................................................................52
CHAPTER FIVE...................................................................................................... 58
5.2 Conclusions.....................................................................................................61
5.4 Recommendations........................................................................................... 64
Table 4.7: The Primary School Children Academic Performance for 2014 and
2015 PSLE 53
Figure 4.1: Were the Parents Involved in Supporting Primary School Children
Figure 4.2: How Many Times A Week Do Your Teachers Provide You With
(N=42) 45
This study examined the role of parents’ involvement in educational processes and its
Dar es Salaam region. This sub-section presents the background information to the
problem, statement of the problem, main objective and specific objectives of the
study, and significance of the study. The study also involves limitation, scope of the
study and organization of the study. Pupils’ academic performance in schools has
been in crisis for a long time because school processes have been wrongly considered
to be teachers’ responsibility. The question might be what could be the role of the
parents’ involvement in school processes that can facilitate school children academic
Education is both a human right in itself and indispensable means of realizing other
human rights (Tanzanian Human Rights Report, 2010). This is why the government
of Tanzania has been struggling to improve educational access, equity and equality in
involvement takes many forms including good parenting in the home, including the
discussion, good models of constructive social and educational values and high
aspirations relating to personal fulfilment and good citizenship; contact with schools
school; and participation in school governance (Desforges & Abouchaar, 2003). Such
influence indirectly through shaping the child’s self concept as a learner and through
setting their aspirations. Such studies require local made investigation to describe
things including creating a home environment that encourage learning and to express
high expectations for their children’s achievement and future careers. It is important
for this reason through the current study to investigate the role of parents’
parental involvement in school life, which has enabled closer ties to be developed
between the home and the school, translating into enhanced attendance and higher
school achievement is well documented in numerous studies. It has also been showed
(Gadsden, 2003). Thus, the families whose children are doing well in school exhibit
providing time and a quite place to study with the children and assigning
responsibility for house hold chores: to monitor out-of-school activities, for example
setting limits on television watching, reduce time of playing, monitor the groups of
friends the pupils walk with; and therefore encourage children’s development and
progress in school; that is maintaining a warm and supportive home, showing interest
in children’s progress at school, helping him or her with home work, discussing the
and as a way of making the educational system more self-governing and developing
more power at the local level, allowing for greater accountability by schools to the
society (Hung, 2007). This suggests that in general, society needs to increase its level
of educational involvement, and that this starts with the support by the parents.
requires the commitment from the school staff, families and communities (Machen,
Wilson & Notar, 2005). In this regard, parent-teacher relationship can be enhanced
through the teacher-parent relationship. Since teachers work closely with parents on
the school matters, the teacher-parent relationship is critical to pupils’ success and
Thus, there is a needed to support teachers and convince both parents and schools of
the value of mutual cooperation. If there is positive contact between parents and
teachers initially, future negative incidents are not likely to change the initial positive
notion (Mirons, 2004). Moreover, research findings suggest that parents’ attitudes,
along with their behaviour and activities with regard to their children’s education, do
affect academic achievement in a positive way (Hui-Chen Huang & Mason, 2008). It
is evident that parents have vital roles to play in the life of a child and thus the
parents in the home are children’s first teachers source (Desforges & Abouchaar,
2003). Therefore, there is a need to conduct a study in Tanzania to explore the role of
from schooling they would need the full support of their parents. Thus, the degree of
& Abouchaar, 2003). When parents support teachers on pupils’ academic studies,
children tend to do better in their academic activities. However little is known about
the parental involvement and extent to which it has influenced the academic
areas, parents’ involvement in school processes has been given little considerations.
in Tanzania?
The main objective of this study was to investigate the role of parents’ involvement
i) To explore the school methods through which parents are involved in supporting
pupils who receive parental support from pupils who completely do not receive it
i) What are the school’s methods through which parents’ are involved in supporting
iii) Is there any difference in academic performance between primary school pupils
who receive parental support from pupils who completely do not receive it?
specific the role of the parents’ involvement in educational processes for the
communities to analyze the need to improve parents’ involvement and the need to
improve home environment and determine best strategy for the school and the
performance. Briefly, the study is expected to Firstly, the study is expected to reveal
academic performance between primary school pupils who receive parental support
from pupils who completely do not receive it. This would finally raise public
Fourthly, it may inspire other researchers in similar topic to carry out further studies
This in turn may contribute to the raising of community awareness concerning the
role the parents can play in enhancing school academic through parents’
The study was carried out in Ilala municipality in four public primary schools out of
all public primary schools in Ilala Municipal. The study did not include the parental
A number of limitations were anticipated during the study. First, various cultural
Moreover, the local community had little regard for girls ‘education it was difficult to
share positive views with researcher on importance of girls’ education. Second, the
nature of traditions and professional carriers was a reason for selected schools were
located far remote from the main road. The researcher was forced to walk on foot and
sometimes to hire the motor cycle to take her to the field. Thus, parents’ involvement
Some parents hesitated to provide some sensitive family issues such as gender role
i) Academic performance refers to, the ability to study and remember facts,
being able to study effectively and see how facts fits together and form large
performance was taken to mean the results of pupils from Standard Seven
ii) Parental involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has when
learning and other school activities, including ensuring that parents play an
their academic activities both at school and at home. Decision making role
The study consists of five chapters. Chapter one presents background information,
statement of the problem, the purpose and specific objectives of the study. It further
elaborates the research tasks and questions, significance of the study, limitations of
the study, delimitations of the study, as well as detailing the conceptual framework
of the study and ending up with definitions of terms. Chapter two reviews related
literature. Chapter three presents the methodological procedures for the study.
Chapter four is about data presentation, analysis and discussion while lastly, chapter
This chapter presents literature review related to the problem of the study which is
presented under the section dealing with the concept of parental involvement in
education. The chapter discusses the theory of community participation, the global
studies on parental involvement in educational matters of their children and its effect
parental involvement. The chapter also provides empirical studies at global level,
policy (Stukas & Dunlap, 2002). Community participation may include some form of
involvement of people or parents, in decisions making that affects their lives and
argues that it is only rational to give control of affairs and decisions to people most
benefits to people instead of only a means of getting things done. Arnstein (1969)
associates citizen participation with citizen power and control as the redistribution of
power that enables the have-not citizens, presently excluded from the political and
among them. For the same reason, the schooling of our children should be owned and
from Wilson and Wilde suggests the importance of partnerships in which parents
take their active role in all decision making and direct support to children academic
the partnerships through effective ways of sharing information with the parents. The
resources required from the parents in terms of both material and moral support to
successfully managed to provide the academic world with a quicker view and grasp
current study utilizes the theory of community participation to describe how parents
activities and how they could participate in promoting academic performance of their
The theory of community participation does not adequately explain how the
However, the theory is still useful because it considers parental contribution in terms
of other attributes such as financial and material support which can be used to
opportunity for accessing private tuition classes which can academically support the
children. This capitalizes on the importance of involving the parents as part of the
schools (Epstein, 2001; Henderson & Mapp, 2002). Parents can support their
encouragement, arranging for appropriate study time and space, modelling desired
behaviour such as reading for pleasure, monitoring homework, and actively tutoring
their children at home. Studies show that children whose parents are involved show
greater social and emotional development (Allen & Daly, 2002), including more
resilience to stress, greater life satisfaction, greater self-direction and self control,
greater social competence, more positive peer relations, more tolerance, more
2003). These studies however do not specify how did the parents attending school
schooling. In addition, most of these literatures reflect more on issues related to the
developed countries experience. There has been limited empirical studies conducted
However this belief has a firm foundation both in the literature concerning parental
involvement and in the school improvement research base (Harris, 2007). The
empirical evidence shows that parental involvement is one of the key factors in
achieving higher student achievement and sustained school performance (Harris &
Chrispeels, 2006). It would appear that involving parents in schooling leads to more
(Timkey, 2015). This evidence shows that there are different elements of parents’
Unfortunately however, the literature does not clearly specify how home
educational achievement.
Different studies indicate that the parental involvement on student achievement has
had mixed results (Desforges, 2003; Epstein 1992; Lareau 1989; Muller 1995). Some
methodology along with some technical weaknesses located in certain studies. For
example, different definitions of parent involvement were used across the early
studies; some took it to be ‘good parenting’ activities which went on in the home
the school. However, the contemporary empirical evidence points towards a powerful
achievement (Sacker et al., 2002). However, the literature does not specify how does
A study by Epstein (1990) on School and family connections that was conducted in
the united states of America showed that parental involvement always has such
positive effects as it is clear that there are many factors which impinge upon the
education. The impact of parental involvement arises from parental values and
and positive parenting. Yet it is clear that levels of involvement vary considerably
depending on the parents and the context in which they find themselves. It was found
that the impact varies across different groups and cultures. The research shows that
aspirations that are continuously exhibited through parental enthusiasm and positive
parents and the context in which they find themselves. According to study by Harris
& Goodall ( 2007) the impact varies across different groups and cultures. For
example, Harris and Goodall indicate that men are less likely help with their child’s
homework because of work patterns and cultures than women. Similarly, Tanzania
has population with different cultures and work patterns. The literature reviewed in
(1990). Furthermore, some studies revealed some inconsistencies with the effect of
Lareau (1989) and Muller (1995; 1998) revealed that parental involvement had no
parental support and family education on pupil achievement and adjustment indicated
that parental involvement takes many forms including good parenting in the home,
and high aspirations relating to personal fulfilment and good citizenship; contact with
connection between literary resources in the homes and children’s reading skills
(Sheldon, 2009; Sanders & Sheldon, 2009; Glasgow & Whitney, 2009). Children
who come from reading oriented homes, where books are readily available to them
and their parents are avid readers, have a tendency to score higher on reading
achievement tests than children from less reading oriented homes. It also affects their
literacy skills to have their parents read to them. Thus, parents can have positive
effects on their children’s reading skills and boost their reading comprehension by
reading to them and making sure there are always books available.
Studies among school students demonstrated that those students whose parents have
high educational expectations for their children, discuss with their children their
school and future plans and monitor their homework, have a tendency to earn a
higher grade in English and to score higher in reading achievement tests (Sanders &
Sheldon, 2009). Such studies confirm that parents’ support and interest for reading
high school.
Studies have shown that parental involvement directly affects their children’s math
achievement (Sanders & Sheldon, 2009; Yan & Lin, 2005). Students whose parents
are involved in their education are more likely to perform better in math and achieve
more than other students. Sirvani (2007) agrees with this and claims that parental
school students in math. In addition, these students are more likely to continue
further in mathematics (Sheldon, 2009). Yan and Lin (2005) also claim that the
higher the expectations parents have for their children’s mathematics achievement
In addition, there appears to be a large body of evidence that suggests the home
environment not only affects students’ achievement, but also their abilities and
attitudes towards math (Sheldon, 2009) Sanders and Sheldon (2009) claim that
partnership and cooperation between homes and schools are important. Therefore, it
When it comes to homework, parents generally feel that it is important. Studies have
shown that homework was an important factor in the children’s education. For
States, 90% of parents make sure their children have a place to do their homework. In
addition, 85% of them inspect whether their children have finished their homework
or not. It also concurs with Van Voorhis (2003), that parents generally agree on the
participating in their education. This type of involvement will both stimulate and
motivate students to do their best. Monitoring their children’s homework may also be
regarded as a tool for parents to gain information as to what their children are
learning at school. These studies suggest that successful students come from a
has been done to indicate such influence of parents’ involvement in school academic
constructs that are expected to interact on actual settings and experiences that form a
foundation of a good research study (Le Compte, 1984). The conceptual framework
which is used in this study is intended to explain the effects of parental involvement
figure 2.1.
involvement in involvement in
school activities school activities
Financial support Contribution of Effect on
activities Parental involvement examination
Academic support in school activities pass rates and
activities Increased financial test scores
Managerial support increasing
activities Increased
reading, writing
learning facilities
and arithmetic
Support in
The conceptual framework provides clear links of three major components that are
assumed to have been influencing one another; firstly, the forms of parental
involvement which include the parental financial and academic support. The parents
educational resources and facilities such as uniforms, teaching and learning facilities
such as text books and transport costs to and from school. The academic support by
the parents is supposed to include supporting their home works, creating conducive
environment for their children when they are at home. It has been a tradition for
teachers to give their children home work to do especially during the weekends.
Thus, the parents are expected to also provide educational materials in the form of
Parental involvement in school activities. This is the value that parents are expected
support to meet school related facilities and demands; increased teaching and
learning materials for their children including textbooks, pens, pencils; and increased
Therefore the academic qualifications of the parents and the patterns of their business
they are engaged in daily basis are assumed to have influence on whether or not they
assumed that the parental involvement in school activities would contribute to the
increased financial support, increased teaching and learning materials for their
the parents are assumed to have influenced their contribution towards school
activities. Thus, the more educated are the parents; the better is their chance to
The third component in the conceptual framework identifies the effect of parental
school activities may finally enable improve pupils’ academic achievement in both
school terminal tests and final examinations. The pupils are usually tested at the end
of each term and examined at the end of their studies, which is standard seven. Thus,
scores in their terminal and final examinations, reading and writing abilities. The
more parents are actively involved in supporting their children academically; the
countries particularly from the United States of America and Australia suggested that
there were several forms of parental participation in school matters concerning their
children. The studies suggest that parents who were involved in assisting their
study time and space, modelling desired behaviour (such as reading for pleasure),
monitoring homework, and actively tutoring their children at home (Allen & Daly,
2002: Harris and Chrispeels 2006). Thus, it would appear that involving parents in
studies however, did not prove the significant effect of parental involvement on
parental involvement could not always have such positive effects as there were many
factors which impinged upon the quality and nature of parental involvement
Moreover, given different cultures of the parents and nature of their businesses in
Tanzania, it has been difficult to predict the influence of the parental contribution in
the academic achievement of their children is still low (Haki elimu, 2012). The
parents and guardians have continued to provide limited assistance to their children’
academic matters due to the nature and types of their economic activities. As a result,
little is known whether and how such tendency could affect children academic
and how useful they were in improving pupils’ academic achievement in Tanzania in
This chapter presents research methodology which was employed in the study,
research approach, research design study area, study population, sample and
sampling techniques, instrument for data collection, validity and reliability of the
instrument for data collection. The validation of research instruments and ethical
The study used mixed approach in which both quantitative and qualitative
approaches were adopted. With quantitative approach the study was expected to
(Kothari 2009); it used to show the number of students enrolled in public primary
schools (frequencies) and the number of students who perform better in their final
standard seven examinations from five public primary schools in Ilala municipality.
The study also determined the difference in students’ academic performance between
those received academic support from their parents and those without parental
support. This would demand quantitative approach and methods. The need for
exploring the views and opinions from the subjects, the study demanded the
The cross sectional research design was used in this study. The design was suitable
for this study because the study demands opinions from various segments of
population such as the parents, primary school teachers and school committee
activities. Since Ilala municipality is a large area with many public primary schools
scattered, this design and methods could facilitate the collection of data concerning
failure of students in community primary schools. This design will allow you to
The study was conducted in Ilala Municipality. The area was randomly selected
because the three municipals of Kinondoni, Temeke and Ilala almost share the same
random sampling technique, the names of the three municipals were obtained for the
regional authorities and were listed in a piece of paper before a child was requested
to randomly pick one paper. The procedure for the selection of Ilala Municipality was
generalize the result of the study (Hrankel, 2000). The study population included
primary school teachers, head teachers, parents, school committees’ chairpersons and
standard seven pupils from four selected public primary schools in Ilala
Municipality. Public primary schools in Ilala count for more than 98% of all the
primary schools thus, representing the majority of the children from various socio-
economic backgrounds. This also suggests that most parents had their children
enrolled in public primary schools where researcher obtained additional and relevant
study and it represents the characteristics of the population. For the purpose of
suiting the purpose of mixed research approach, the study utilized a sample size of
120 subjects. The mixed research approach accommodates both qualitative and
population (Kothari (2009). In this study, a researcher used three types of sampling
According to Cohen, et al (2000), simple random sampling appears when each unit
of the sample has been selected entirely by chance where each subject or unit in the
population has an equal chance of being selected. This technique was used to select
four public primary schools from Ilala Municipality. The researcher prepared twenty
pieces of paper on which names of each school in Ilala Municipal were labelled.
After the pieces of papers have been mixed up in a basket and researcher asked any
teacher from a public to randomly pick up four pieces of papers one at a time until a
Purposive sampling technique was used to obtain head teachers from the selected
public primary schools who are expected to provide information on how parents’
used to sample school committees’ chairpersons who are responsible for the
management of the schools. Purposive sampling was also be used to select primary
school teachers because they are responsible for providing the children with
this study because it best enabled researcher to answer the research questions. The
respondents for the purpose of this research. For example, head teachers were
selected based on their administrative and leadership roles they play. Thus, the
Convenience sampling is a method in which for convenience sake the study units
that happen to be available at the time of data collection are selected (Degu &
Yigzaw, 2006). This technique was employed to obtain sample for parents who were
expected to support their children’s academic development both at home and while
in school. The parents were asked to participate in the study based on their
availability and willingness to do it. Researcher recorded the names of the parents
and their localities from the head teachers’ office before making follow up in their
homes based on head teachers’ directives. Five parents from each public primary
In order to obtain wide range of information for the purpose of the study, three
documentary review.
3.6.1 Questionnaires
A questionnaire involves the use of written down items or questions to which the
standard seven pupils from selected public primary schools on the effect of parental
collect adequate data within the shortest time possible. They were expected to
achievement and its effect through their levels of agreement, disagreement and
This is a face to face interaction between a researcher and the respondents on one to
one basis (Enon, 1998). This instrument was administered to the school committees’
chairpersons, head teachers and the parents. The respondent views on the modalities
promoting primary school children academic performance. The method was preferred
Documents are written or recorded materials which are prepared after the request in
the inquiry for the purpose of the evaluation (Guba & Lincloln, 1985). The method
head teachers’ offices especially for the purpose of the objective three which
measure what it sought to measure (Best and Kahn, 2004). Reliability of the
instrument is the measure of consistence over time and over similar sample (Cohen
et al., 2007). The following methods were used for validation of the questionnaires;
tested to 5 teachers and 8 pupils before the larger actual survey was conducted in
Ilala municipality. It was possible to discover the ambiguities and some grammatical
errors in the question items before they were corrected. This helped to cross check
the validity and reliability of the instruments (interviews and questionnaires). The
order to rephrase or delete them. In addition, the researcher sought for expert advice
from her supervisor who helped to improve the clarity on the items from the
produces to meet its predetermined specifications and quality attributes (Best and
Khan, 2003). The instruments were validated through technical advice from the
inconsistencies and ambiguities were corrected in order to establish the face, content
and construct validity. Finally, the use of more than one instruments for data
Data analysis is a systematic process involving working with organizing data and
breaking them into manageable unity (Bagdon & Biklen, 1992).It is also concerned
with systematizing data ,searching for patterns, discovering what is important, what
is to be leant and deciding what to tell others (Cohen et al, 2007). All information
that was collected from interviews and documentary review was subjected to content
analysis which involved identifying coherent and important examples, themes and
patterns in data collected from the field work. Qualitative approach therefore was
analyzed through thematic analysis where data were categorized according to their
Quantitative data from the questionnaires were analyzed through simple descriptive
statistics after tabulation and conversion into frequencies and percentages for
descriptive purposes. In the first place data were cleaned for errors and then coded.
After coding data were analyzed through content analysis to examine its influence on
The researcher obtained prior permission from all relevant government authorities
and institutional administrators before conducting the study. In the first place,
researcher sought clearance letter from thee Vice Chancellor to issue research
Secretary (RAS) and District Administrative Secretary (DAS), from the Dar es
Salaam region and Ilala Municipality respectively. Moreover, the researcher will
explain clearly to the respondents the objectives of the study before they could take
part. Respondents were informed that their participation was voluntary and that the
information they give would be treated confidentially and used for the intended
purpose only. The researcher made sure that the information collected was kept in a
researcher also ensured that the respondents` names are not mentioned anywhere in
the study. Names of schools were substituted by alphabetical letters A-D in no order
that could ordinarily relate the letters and real names of the school.
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter the results of the study is presented and discussed. The data is divided
discussed. The purpose of the study was to examine the role of parents’ involvement
performance in Ilala Municipality. The data were analyzed around key objectives of
the study; exploring the school modalities through which parents are involved in
school pupils who receive parental support from pupils who completely did not
receive it.
In a surveyed schools, the analysis of sex and age of the respondents found that
majority of respondents were males 68(56.7%) and 52(43.3%) were females. Such
respondents included the primary school pupils, parents and head teachers and
chairpersons from the school committees. This implies that males made up the
majority of respondents for the study. Males were presented in the school
posts such as school headship. An analysis by age revealed that more than two thirds
(66.7%) of the population sample was in age group below 20 years. The population
in the middle age from 21 to 60 accounted for 29.1%). There was a small group of
aged sample group whose ages was above 61 years accounted for only 4.2% of the
respondents as summarized in Table 4.1. This implies that the school age children
constituted the majority of population in the sample study .The age and sex
characteristics of the population were important factor for this study because female
parents or guardians were considered to spend more time at home with children than
male parents. Thus, it was expected to determine their roles in supporting their
Data summarized in table 4.1 imply that the male respondents outnumbered female
respondents, thus research involved more males than females. The cultures and
traditions of African families could have contributed to this effect. Family issues are
The study categorized the respondents’ level of education into the following sub-
possessed tertiary and university education, 4.2% did not attain formal education.
provide academic support to their children. It was assumed that educated parents
stood a better chance in supporting their children academically than less educated
Data summarized in Table 4.2 shows that the majority of respondents had primary
education. The cultures and traditions of African families could have contributed to
this effect.
More than half 32(69.6%) of the respondents were employed in the formal sector.
The respondents in this category included the primary school teachers and few other
employees whose main sources of their income was monthly salaries. The rest of
source of income were well defined. The respondents in this sub-group engaged in
various manual work and other professional jobs such as domestic electricians, civil
engineering, small farming, petty business, mechanics and carpentry. Based on this
clarification, majority of respondents 66.9% had monthly income of more than 700,
001 Tsh. They had generally reliable source of their income that is the monthly
salary. 19.7% of the respondents had average monthly income between Tsh.300, 001
and 700,000. The study assumed that parents’ formal and informal economic
school matters.
The findings revealed that, some respondents were not in the formal employment due
to low education they possess that means they lack skills and experience to work in
It was also observed that 4.3% of respondents earned below 100,000 Tsh. as their
monthly income. The formal employee and entrepreneurs earned more than 700,000
Tsh as their monthly income as shown in Table 4.3. The contribution of the parental
monthly income on pupils’ academic achievement has been presented in the next
4.3 The School Modalities through Which Parents Are Involved in Supporting
Research objective one examined the school’s modalities through which parents’ are
questions were posed to solicit the information for the research objective namely;
development?; secondly what are the school’s methods through which parents’ are
Series1, NO,
10.90%, 11%
Figure 4.1: Were the Parents Involved in Supporting Primary School Children
The responses were collected from the teachers, school committee members and head
teachers. The statistics were also collected from official records available at head
Figure 4.1 indicates that the majority of the respondents (63.0%) said that parents and
guardians were not involved in various programs meant to support primary school
children in their academic development. Some respondents (26.1%) were not sure
children. A small number of the respondents (10.9%) said that parents were not
Data on Table 4.4 indicates that there was several school modalities used to promote
development. Showing their greater concern on the matter, one of the head teachers
were discussing with teachers on children school matters including school attendance
performance and attendance]. In this way, the parents make close follow ups on
Some respondents (63.0%) said that another modality through which parents’ are
through providing direct support to pupils in the forms of finance and learning
materials. The respondents maintained that there was direct support in terms of
finance and learning materials or resources such as text books, attending private
tuition classes, providing school uniforms and transportation costs. It was learned
that successful learning demanded resources which partly was the responsibility of
both the government and the parents. They said that before the government abolished
the school fees and other financial contributions from the parents for primary
education, it was the responsibility of the parents to pay them. However, some costs
such as transport expenditure, costs for school uniforms were still the expenditure to
It is true from the quotation above that for effective learning in schools; pupils need
support for the learning resources. The findings revealed that the willingness and
levels. The study noted that well educated parents with at least a minimum of
secondary education were much more supportive to their children than those without
it. The entrepreneurial parents or business people were also well supportive to the
educational resources for their children because they had high level of awareness on
the importance of education for their children. Moreover, it was noted that some
In addition, the study findings revealed that provision of food supply while at school
was another modality through which parents were involved to support their children.
Nearly half of the respondents 21(45.7%) mentioned that parents were involved in
the provision of food supply while at school. The provision was directly or indirectly
helpful in motivating the children to stay at school and maintain record on school
attendance and keep the students academically active and alive. In explaining the
importance of food supply through contribution of various food items such as maize
flour, sugar and finance, one of the parents had this to say;
The quotation above indicates that formerly before the government could establish
free primary education policy; it was common practice that parents contributed
certain amount of finance and food items to support their children academically.
According to the respondents, the provision of food supported their children because
respondents worried whether the government could implement the policy effectively
and offset the gap left by abolition of financial contributions from the parents.
A small number of the respondents (34.8%) mentioned the idea that some parents
supported their school children when doing their home work assignments. It was
therefore found that some teachers had tendency of providing their pupils with home
work assignment in a week. The researcher wanted to know the number of times in a
week that the teachers provided their students with home work assignments. The
question and responses to the question were recorded and summarized as shown in
Figure 4.2.
Series1, Twice a
Week, 21.70%,
Figure 4.2: How Many Times A Week Do Your Teachers Provide You With
The school pupils were asked to mention the number of days teachers provided them
with home work assignments. More than half of the respondents (52.7%) said that
their teachers provided home work assignments once a week usually the last day in a
week days (Friday). They said that the purpose was that pupils could spend weekends
doing their home work assignment and submit them to their teachers early in the
Monday morning. Some respondents (21.6%) said that their teachers provided them
with home work assignments twice a week (on Tuesdays and Fridays). Some few
pupils 07(9.5%) admitted that they were provided with home work assignments more
than twice a week while some other respondents (16.2%) said that they were never
provided any home work assignment by their teachers. These statistics suggest that
the routines through which students were provided with home work assignment were
not consistently maintained. So whether the students were to be provided with home
work was determined by a teacher that is why some teachers did not bother to
Moreover, the researcher investigated whether parents provided any support to their
children when doing their home work assignments. The pupils were asked whether
their parents or other family members provided any academic support when doing
their homework assignments at home. The responses to the question were recorded
Series1, NOT
SURE, 14.50%,
15% Series1, YES ,
38.70%, 39%
The researcher wanted to know whether the pupils received any parental support or
any other family members’ academic support when doing your homework
assignments at home. The responses showed that nearly half of the respondents
(46.8%) received no academic support from either their parents or any family
members when doing their home work assignments. When they were asked why their
parents did not support them in doing their home work assignment, one of the
I am the first born in my family and my parents are always very busy
with their daily routines. They usually came very late at home, the time
when I would be asleep or very tired. I rarely received academic support
from them. Instead my parents would assign me with private instructors
in the form of private tuition and remedial classes. I would rather go to
consult my private tuition teacher for help, when I needed it (Pupil from
school C).
The other respondent said that they could not received support from their parents
because their parents were both illiterate and busy with their bread earning routines
as she claimed;
The quotations above suggest that there were some predicaments when it came to
predicaments were related with the lack of academic capability among the parents
while other predicaments were related to the nature of work or professions their
parents engaged in. The parents who were self-employed were too busy to support
their children in academic matters, although some of them had good academic
qualifications or professions.
Some respondents (38.7%) said that their parents or siblings provided some forms of
academic support when doing their home work assignments. When they mentioned
the support they received from them, one respondent commented that;
The other pupil had similar argument to the previous one, when he commented that;
Moreover, the quotations above suggest that professions of the parents played an
important part when parents or siblings supported pupils academically in their home
work assignments. The study revealed that parents and family members provided
matters or issues, providing financial support for remedial teaching and private
tuitions for their children, providing educational resources such as school uniforms,
shoes, writing materials and supplying food items. Some parents and siblings went
further to checking and inspecting their children exercise books or assignments. This
could help the parents to satisfy that their children attend schools and do their
A small group of the respondents (30.4%) mentioned that the parental visits or tours
their children. It was found that parents discussing with teachers on children school
matters including school attendance and school dropout (frequently parents follow-
ups of their children on school performance and attendance). This helped the
parents/guardians to make close follow ups on children school exercise books every
These research findings concur with what Desforges and Abouchaar (2003)
suggested. They indicated that there were varied forms of parental involvement such
as good parenting in the home, including the provision of a secure and stable
constructive social and educational values and high aspirations relating to personal
For instance, a study conducted by Harris and Goodall (2007) on engaging parents in
raising achievement indicated that parental lack of skills was one of the commonly
cited barrier from within the data. It was also the case that for some parents, language
was a real barrier. This barrier was most clearly stressed by parents - they felt they
often did not have the right language to use in discussions with teachers. In addition,
parents’ lack of interest made parents parental attitude and interest is a barrier. some
people even if they do get like praise letters or bad letters the parents don’t really care
and I think that’s when you start going downhill a bit - if parents don’t really care if
you get good grades then you start to lose interest. It frequently became apparent that
the lack of interest was often lack of interest in the school, or in coming into school;
it is unclear whether or not this translates into lack of interest in the learning of the
academic performance in primary schools. The data was collected to assess whether
primary school pupils. Two questions were asked to tape information for these
questions namely; did the pupils academic achievement differed between those
receiving parental supports from those with less support? Secondly, how does
teachers and the parents. The responses were collected and summarized as shown in
Series1, NOT
SURE, 14.30%,
When the respondents were asked to comment on whether there was any difference
supports from those who did not receive it. The responses revealed that more than
half of the respondents (59.5%) said that the difference was obvious compared to
those (26.2%) who said that the difference was not obvious. A small number of
respondents (14.3%) were not sure whether parental support could make any
arguments and conceptions among the respondents were caused by many factors or
reasons. To support their views, researcher collected data from official documents
(school records) to examine the extent to which the pupils performed their final
academic performance, different views were provided. The respondents in this group
The data displayed on Table 4.6 indicated that the majority of the respondents had a
view that parental involvement in academic matters of their children contributed and
achievement they contributed were in the forms of pupils pass rates in terminal and
final examinations results. These statistics suggest that direct academic support had
participants to indicate the types of direct academic support that the parents provided
to their children and how they benefited from the support. The majority of pupils
who received direct support in the form of academic assistance on their home work
assignment, showed better academic achievement than those who received other
assistance the form of provision of other learning resources such as textbooks and
The quotation above connotes that the pupils who received academic assistance
benefited much more than not. In addition, not all assistance was valuable in the
same manner. It is therefore important to choose the useful support to our children if
Some participants (67.4%) said that parental involvement has increased parental
follow-ups about their children school achievement and got opportunity for
discussing with teachers about matters concerning the pupils school matters,
particularly pupils disciplinary issues and learning resources availability etc. The
study revealed that discussion between teachers and parents on matters concerning
pupils’ disciplines were important and provided opportunity for parents to examine
when learning resources were needed. This suggested that in some cases, some
pupils did not report to their parents when their learning resources became exhausted.
For such reason, lazy pupils would take it an advantage and they became idle in the
class. The findings indicated that most of such pupils could not excel in their
academic work.
parents in their children school matters promoted pupils school attendance and
finally increased achievement of their skills and knowledge. It was mentioned that
poor school attendance affected the pupils’ academic achievement especially in the
acquisition of life skills and knowledge. This indicated that students’ poor attendance
in schools, had minimum chance to learn and acquire the required knowledge and
skills that was supposed to be covered and achieved. To support this one of the
teachers remarked;
The quotation above indicates that parental involvement in school matters was
unconditionally very important for the academic well fare of the pupils. Therefore,
their responsibility was to ensure that educational resources were available for the
The parental involvement in school matters was unconditionally very important for
the academic well fare of the pupils. Their responsibility was to ensure that
educational resources such as the textbooks, school uniforms and other writing
materials were available. The researcher wanted to know whether parents ever
bought textbooks for their children personal usage. The responses from the parents
Based on the findings displayed on Figure 4.5, half of the parents or guardians
6(50%) said that they had never bought textbooks for their children compared to 4
(28.60%) participants who said their either bought only a single text book. only few
parents 2(14.30%) said that they bought several books for their children. Only a
single parent 1(7.10%) said they had bought all textbooks for all subjects for their
children. These statistics implied that, many parents had no tendency to provide
academic assistance to their children because they thought that the government was
responsible for the supply of all educational resources. However, the role of parents
in supplying educational resources for their children open up the cage of restricting
children from private study while at home because some schools do not allow pupils
The study investigate the frequency in terms of days by which parents make visits to
schools in order to meet and discuss with teachers on account of children academic
welfare. Majority of the parents (66.7%) said that they never visited schools to
discuss with the teachers on academic matters concerning their children academic
well fare. The researcher asked the parents the reason why they did not visit schools
for their children they said t was because they were busy with their personal
while few of them employed in the formal sector as medical doctor, teachers and
accountant. However, a minority of the parents (33.3%) said that they visited schools
only once a week to discuss with the teachers on academic matters concerning their
children academic well fare. There were no parents who visited schools more than
once a week for the well fare of the participants. This implied that most parents were
too occupied with their jobs to pay visits to school for their children academic well
fare. The study revealed other reasons why level of parental involvement varied.
That means that some parents did not know the importance of parental involvement
in school matters thus, neglected to pay visits to schools. In addition, some parents
misunderstood or shifted their roles and responsibilities to teachers who were also
The study findings support what Epstein (in Richardson, 2009) argued that parental
involvement was the most powerful influence in a child’s education. It can have
on family involvement generally did not aim at differentiating between the effects of
student outcomes. For example, Henderson and Mapp (2002) reported that student
perception of their parents’ involvement and expectations are also highly effective
and influential in their education. Moreover, students who feel their parents’ support
for their education and have good communication are more likely to continue their
reading for their child, assisting with homework, and having regular discussions
about school or school work with their child. In addition, studies among secondary
school students demonstrated that those students whose parents have high
educational expectations for their children, discuss with their children their school
and future plans and monitor their homework, have a tendency to earn a higher grade
in English and to score higher in reading achievement tests (Sanders and Sheldon,
2009). Such findings were also confirmed by Sheldon (2009) that parents’ support
Receive It
school pupils who receive parental support from pupils who completely do not
receive it. The study was intended to reveal the difference in academic performance
between primary school pupils who receive parental support from pupils who
completely do not receive it. It was also important to reveal the way parental
responses from the primary school teachers, head teachers and the parents were
Table 4.6: Is There any Difference in Academic Performance between Primary School Pupils who
Receive Parental Support from Pupils Who Completely Do Not Receive It? (N=46)
Category Responses
Yes % No % Not Sure %
Parents 07 05 02
Primary school teachers 17 06 03
Chairpersons 2 1 -
Head teachers 03 - 01
Total 29 61.7 12 25.5 06 12.8
Source: Field Survey, 2016
Table 4.7: The Primary School Children Academic Performance for 2014 and
2015 PSLE
Based on PSLE pass rate criteria, the passing rates were set at a total score of more
than 41 scores while failure was rated at any total score less than 40 scores which are
usually graded E. Based on the results displayed on the Table 4.8, it was observed
that the primary school children academic performance were moderate. In average
the trends in pupils academic performance ranged from 59.1% to 87.9% in 2015
academic year. For the academic year 2014, the performance ranged from 60.1%
from school B to 74.7% in school A. Although the statistics in Table 4.6 do not
performance, they suggest that pupils’ performance was moderate. Therefore, it was
much better for the 2015 academic year compared to those in the 2014 academic
year. The pupils academic performance were higher in schools A and D than in
schools B and C where the respondents in schools B and C admitted that the levels of
parental involvement were lower in their schools for reasons elaborated above.
performance were not statistically measured. One of the explanations was that some
parents provided direct and indirect academic assistance to their children both at
home and at schools. This included providing academic assistance at home was in the
was that the parents provided learning resources such as textbooks, school uniforms,
writing materials etc). The third explanation was that some parents ensured close
pupils follow ups through frequent visits on matters related to their school
behavioural performance etc. In those visits, the parents and teachers conducted
The researcher asked the participants about what should be done to improve parental
response to such question, many participants pointed out the following as suggestions
useful discussions between the teachers and the parents on matters related to children
academic welfare. The parents and teachers need to establish common understanding
about the children academic welfare. Discussions would also help to find appropriate
and maintained against parents who neglect the academic well fare of their own
Thirdly, there is a need to raise parental awareness about their role and
responsibilities towards supporting for the academic growth and welfare. For
example the parents should check out their children exercise books every day after
school hours; check out the time they depart home or school. Minimal domestic
chores should be assigned to children so that they have time enough for personal
Fourthly, the parents need to provide adequate time for doing their homework
support wherever necessary. Thus, home environment should be made conducive for
learning including the provision of necessary resources such as textbooks for their
involvement directly affects their children’s math achievement (Sanders & Sheldon,
2009; Yan & Lin, 2005). Students whose parents are involved in their education are
more likely to perform better in math and achieve more than other students. Thus,
secondary school students in math. In addition, these students are more likely to
and Lin (2005) the higher the expectations of parents on their children’s mathematics
achievement the more the children achieve. In addition, there appears to be a large
body of evidence that suggests the home environment not only affects students’
achievement, but also their abilities and attitudes towards Math, thus partnership and
and Sheldon (2009) provided evidence that parental involvement does affect
children’s science achievement, and particularly those children that are at risk in the
subject. It was found that pupils whose parents make time to talk with them about
science, who have confidence in their children’s ability in science, and who have
engaging in science activities at home and by taking their children to visit museums
and libraries they help their children to develop a positive attitude towards the
Department of Education (2004) in the United States, 90% of parents make sure their
whether their children have finished their homework or not. The findings also concur
with Van Voorhis (2003), that parents generally agree on the importance of
This chapter presents the summary of the study, conclusions and recommendations
based on the study findings. The purpose of the study was to find out the modality of
parental involvement in educational processes and its effect on primary school pupils
objectives of the study were reformulated into the following research questions;
i) What are the school’s ways in which parents’ are involved in supporting primary
iii) Is there any difference in academic performance between primary school pupils
who receive parental support from pupils who completely do not receive it?
i) Research objective one examined the school’s modalities through which parents’
the teachers, school committee members and head teachers. The majority of the
participants (63.0%) agreed that parents and guardians were practically involved
development. The study revealed that there were several schools’ ways in which
materials; provision of food supply while at school; supporting pupils home work
assignments; and finally through the parental visits to school to discuss with
school committees as decision making bodies was mentioned by the most people
primary school teachers, head teachers and the parents. The findings indicated
between those receiving parental supports from those without family support. The
promoting primary school children academic achievement, the following were the
promotes pupils school attendance and finally increases achievement of skills and
were in the forms of pupils pass rates in terminal and final examinations results.
The majority of the parents said that they had never bought textbooks for their
educational resources for their children open up the cage of restricting children
from private study while at home because some schools do not allow pupils to
On the other hand, majority of the parents said that they never visited schools to
discuss with the teachers on academic matters concerning their children academic
well fare. There were no parents who visited schools more than once a week for
the well fare of the participants. There were different levels of parental awareness
on the importance of education. That means some parents did not know the
responsibilities to teachers who were also too occupied with school activities.
between primary school pupils who receive parental support from pupils who
completely do not receive it. Majority of the participants agreed that there
receive parental support from pupils who completely do not receive it. Based on
PSLE pass rate criteria, school academic performances were much better for the
2015 academic year compared to those in the 2014 academic year. The pupils
where the respondents in schools B and C admitted that the levels of parental
receive parental support from pupils who completely do not receive it. Several
explanations for the difference in pupils’ performance were given. These included the
reason that some parents provided academic assistance at home was in the form of
learning resources such as textbooks, school uniforms, writing materials etc. Thirdly,
some parents ensured close pupils follow ups through frequent visits on matters
assignments and projects, behavioural performance etc. In those visits, the parents
and teachers conducted discussions on pupils’ academic well fare. Finally, some
parents provided infrastructural support in the form of financial contributions for the
5.2 Conclusions
Firstly, although schools used several modalities through which parents’ were
and promoted to their academic achievement. In addition, the frequent parental visits
Secondly, the pupils’ academic achievement differed between those who received
parental supports from those who did not receive academic assistance. Parents did
not have a tendency to buy textbooks for their children to facilitate their personal
private study. The parents in supplying educational resources for their children open
up the cage of restricting children from private study while at home because some
schools do not allow pupils to borrow such resources for their private usage.
Thirdly, the difference in academic performance between primary school pupils who
received parental support from pupils who completely did not receive it was clear.
The pupils’ academic performances were higher in those schools whose pupils
receive academic assistance from the parents than schools without such support.
Theoretically, the findings of this study are considered significant because it can help
Moreover, it is expected that the findings will help to explain the functionality of the
subjects. Family members should promote and make home conducive learning
Practically, the finding suggests that parents and family members and teachers to
work together and provide the pupils with appropriate guidance especially while at
home. The finding suggests that the teachers should realize the necessity of
In addition, the study suggest that parents and guardians should make good use of
spare time to support academically with pupils while at home. This will act as a
fact that some parents, teachers and counsellors do not have adequate
workable school policies and practices that would regulate and provide educational
5.4 Recommendations
In the light of the study findings, conclusion and the limitations of the study, the
following recommendations were made for administrative action and for further
adopted. For example, the parents should make frequent visits to school in order
In addition, the parents should participate in school committees’ bodies which are
closely concerned with children academic well fare than other school
development projects.
It was recommended that the parents should take up their responsibility to buy
resources such as textbooks for their children to facilitate their personal private
study. The provision of educational resources for their children open up the cage
of restricting children from private study while at home because some schools do
not allow pupils to borrow such resources for their private usage.
It was recommended that parental assistance to their children was the only step
school pupils who received parental support from pupils who completely did not
receive it.
Taking into account the limitations of this study, further research studies are
conduct a study that would cover both private and public schools in order to
Although the current study was mixed in nature, it largely contained qualitative
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i. What are the school management activities that the parents are
ii. What are the school curricular activities that the parents are involved
v. Is there any effect for parent not involving actively in their children’s
vi. In your opinion why some parents are not actively involved in their
i. What are the school management activities that the parents are usually
involved in?
iii. What are the school curricular activities that the parents are involved
iv. How does the parental involvement in the school curricular activities
vi. In your opinion why some parents are not actively involved in their
academic welfare?
conducting Research project titled the effect of parents involvement towards students
academic among public primary school in Tanzania a case study of Ilala municipals
as a part of the masters course accomplishment. I would like to assure you that your
responses will handled confidentially and for academic purposes only. Do not write
your name
Put a tick where you find convenience to support your opinion on the matter or
Category of responses
Sentence Agree Disagree Not
completely completely sure
Teachers and parents establish close relations in
support of children academic welfare
Parents provide their children with academic
support while at home and at school
The parents involve themselves actively in availing
educational materials to their children
Children from families where they receive family
academic support perform better than those from
families that do not
The parents make regular inspections of their
children academic exercise books shortly after
school hours
The parents make regular follow ups on account of
their children school attendance
The parents make regular visits to school to meet
and discuss with teachers on account of their
children academic welfare
2. Are there any school management activities that the parents are involved in to
3. Are there any academic activities that the parents are involved in to ensure
If your response is YES mention the academic activities that the parents are
involved in--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. In your opinion why some parents are not actively involved in their children’s
conducting Research project titled the effect of parents involvement towards students
academic among public primary school in Tanzania a case study of Ilala municipals
as a part of the masters course accomplishment. I would like to assure you that your
responses will handled confidentially and for academic purposes only. Do not write
your name
Put a tick where you find convenience to support your opinion on the matter or
Category of responses
Sentence Agree Disagree Not
completely completely sure
Teachers and parents work closely in support of
children academic welfare
Parents provide their children with academic
support both at home and in school
The parents involve themselves actively in
availing educational materials to their children
Your parents make regular inspections of your
academic exercise books shortly after school
Your make regular follow ups on account of
your school attendance
Your parents make regular visits to school to
meet and discuss with teachers on account of
your academic welfare
2. Do your parents or other members of family provide support to your
3. How many times a week, your parents come to visit school or teachers on
at all
4. How many times a week, does your parents make inspection of you
academic books?
Once a week every day twice a week
5. How many times does your parents make visits to school in order to meet and