BP Marble Quarrying
BP Marble Quarrying
BP Marble Quarrying
Piter-Consult, +7(962)684-4580, @Piter_Consult
Business plan on mining and pro-
cessing marble, granite and gypsum
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
Table of Contents
1. Summary ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. Short overview ........................................................................................................... 3
2. Products and services .................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Products and services ................................................................................................ 5
2.3. Related products and services................................................................................... 5
3. Market and industry analysis ........................................................................................ 5
3.1. The use of product and services ................................................................................ 5
3.2. Demographic analysis ............................................................................................... 8
3.3. Competition ............................................................................................................... 9
3.4. SWOT - analysis....................................................................................................... 10
4. Target markets .............................................................................................................. 11
4.1. Target consumers ..................................................................................................... 11
4.2. Geographic target market ........................................................................................ 11
4.3. Pricing ....................................................................................................................... 11
5. Advertising and promotion strategies ........................................................................ 12
5.1. Promotion strategy .................................................................................................. 12
5.2. Means of advertising ............................................................................................... 12
5.3. Sales forecast ........................................................................................................... 12
6. Management ................................................................................................................ 12
6.1. The company and its key staff ................................................................................. 12
6.2. Constant consumption of assets ............................................................................. 12
6.3. Preproduction costs ................................................................................................. 12
7. Financial analysis......................................................................................................... 13
7.1. Cost of goods sold .................................................................................................... 13
7.2. Break-even analysis ................................................................................................. 13
7.3. Quantitative analysis ............................................................................................... 13
7.4. Gains and losses....................................................................................................... 14
7.5. Cash flow .................................................................................................................. 14
7.6. Enterprise balances ................................................................................................. 14
7.7. Risks ......................................................................................................................... 14
8. Annex. The effectiveness of the project ...................................................................... 16
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
1. Summary
1.1. Short overview
Within the framework of this project it is planned to create a large enterprise for
producing marble, granite and gypsum, as well as their processing into building prod-
ucts and materials with further their implementation including all installation services
in construction and reconstruction objects in the various countries of the world. This
enterprise is planned to locate in the Republic of ХХХ and based on local mining com-
panies and deposits of non-metallic raw materials.
Summary analysis of market factors showed that the market situation is favorable
for implementation of the project in question. In this context, the implementation of the
project in question seems to be a rational and timely decision.
1.2.Offered products and services
It is planned to achieve the following indicators on output:
• On the basis of ** pits it is planned to produce up to *** *** cubic meters of
marble blocks, *** *** cubic meters of granite, up to *** *** tons of gypsum
per year.
• On the basis of two refineries the following yearly production rates are
planned: ** *** *** square meters of marble tiles, ** *** *** square meters of
granite tiles, * *** *** square meters of marble slabs, * *** *** square meters
of granite slabs, ** *** square meters of breccia marble slabs, *** *** square
meters of granite slabs breccia, and * *** *** **kg bags of dry marble and
granite flooring.
• On the basis of processing gypsum production plant it is planned to manufac-
ture ** *** *** square meters of drywall slabs, and package * *** *** **kg bags
of gypsum.
1.3.Mission, goals and objectives
The project mission is to meet the growing global building sector demand for
construction materials.
The goal of this investment project is to create modern production facilities for
extraction and processing of non-metallic minerals on the basis of marble, granite and
gypsum deposits in ……… regions of the Republic of ХХХ.
The objective of the project is to achieve performance targets. The project is ex-
pected to achieve the following parameters of economic efficiency.
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
Global consumption growth was due to the intensive development of the con-
struction industry. More than **% of the total consumption of stone falls on the con-
struction industry.
The following diagram shows the data for countrywide production of stone
The analysis of projects in Russia at present and in the future gives grounds to
make an assumption about continuation of growth in demand for stone products in the
2 ...............................................................................................................................
3 ..............................................................
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
Creation of the park "Zaryadje" with a concert hall right in the center of Moscow
will require investment of **,* milliard Roubles.8
*** milliard Roubles will be invested in construction of facilities for the FIFA
World Cup in ****, and *,* milliard Roubles - in preparation of the XXIX Worldwide
Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk in ****.9
Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the plenary session of the Interna-
tional Economic Forum ****, said that the funds from the National Security Fund will
be used for:
• construction of the Central Ring Road (CRR),
• modernization of Transsib.
New highways will require construction of stations and other large infrastructure
To ensure sustainable growth of rail traffic on the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline)
and Transsib (Trans-Siberian Railway) they intend to be spend *** milliard Roubles.10
In connection with creation and reconstruction of new touristic and balneother-
apeutic centers in Dagestan, Sochi and Crimea, new hotels and balneotherapeutic
complexes are going to be built.
In all of the above construction sites, marble and granite will be used. For exam-
ple, only the restoration of the Main (Mykolaiv) stairs of the State Hermitage Museum
in St. Petersburg needs *** square meters of marble.
4 .........................................
5 .....................................
6 ......................................................
7 ....://............/........-.../........-.....
8 ....://............/....../..../2013/04/19/........._....._._........
9 ....://................./.../2997097
10 ....://......03.../23202-260-..........-......-..-.............-.........
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
Until now, many stations of Moscow and St. Petersburg metro, as well as a num-
ber of other facilities in these cities were lined with marble and granite from deposits,
assigned to "........" and "........" enterprises to be developed.11
Thus, it is around * trillion Roubles and **,* milliard US dollars should be invest-
ed only for implementation of the above listed objects in the Russian Federation.
The current practice of the actual costs for construction of such facilities shows
that approximately **% of the amount, that is *,** milliard US dollars constitute costs
for finishing works. **% of the last, that is *,* milliard US dollars – costs for lining with
marble and granite.
Consumption of stone products will grow not only in Russia but also worldwide.
According to the market experts,12 there will be a steady growth in the consumption of
stone products in the United States in the coming years. The main growth drivers will be
the post-crisis economic recovery and growth in construction, as well as real estate mar-
ket recovery.
The same factors are expected to cause growth of consumption in the traditional
European markets, in particular - in Spain, France and Portugal. Spanish market is
growing even now, despite not pre-overcoming crisis phenomena in the economy of this
It is expected that the global market of stone products will increase by **% over
the next three years.
3.2. Demographic analysis
The following chart presents data on average per capita consumption of stone
products by country. 13
The world average per capita consumption of stone products in the country is *,**
square meters per capita. As can be seen from the above chart, China's consumption
(despite its record volumes of production and consumption, as well as the intensive con-
struction) is below the world average almost twice. This creates the preconditions for
further growth in consumption in the region and puts China in a number of prospective
customers. This is confirmed by the forecasts of market experts who expect further
growth in consumption of stone products in the region, with growth rates of *-*% per
11 ......... .... .... ..... .... . ......., ..... ....... .. ... ......... .. ... ....... .. .........
12 «...-1590: ......., ...... ... ..... – . ...... ......... ........ ......», ....://................./........-1590....
13 .... ......., .... ......., "... ........ .... .. ... ..... ........ .. ... .....", ... ........ "..... ...... .." .. 37, 2014
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
Per capita consumption of stone products in Russia is below the global average at
more than * times that, in addition to the previously submitted economic preconditions,
creates conditions for the growth of the market in the country.15
The following table provides a summary analysis of market factors.
Table 2. Summary analysis of market factors
Summary analysis of market factors showed that …………...
3.3. Competition
According to experts,16 there are large reserves of natural stone in the world, but
distribution of its deposits is uneven. If in the early **-ies of the XX century, the market
was dominated by European countries (Italy, Greece, Spain, etc.), then it is the third
world countries who are at the forefront now (China, India, Brazil and others), that are
in course of transformation from suppliers of raw materials into the largest suppliers of
finished products in the world market.
Currently, the market of decorative stone is in the process of globalization, which
leads to escalating competition. This market has several unique features that distinguish
it from other minerals market. First of all, it is a very long list of uses, standards and
stone processing technologies that determines the diversity of the industry’s quality re-
quirements applied to raw materials.
The fact of preparation of commercial products out of natural stone of any degree
of redistribution and of good quality, as a rule, is not a guarantee of its successful sales
at market prices. Sale of goods requires application of appropriate marketing efforts.
An essential aspect of this business is quite high competition on the market. It is
European market, which is the most highly saturated with stone facing due to the pres-
ence of a large number of producing countries (Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Norway,
Finland, Sweden and so on).
Analyzing the experience of countries that have succeeded in the development of
its own industry for the production of facing stone, there are three main components of
success visible in this direction:
• ……...
All three components listed above will be used in the project under consideration.
Tax benefits of enterprises, attracting foreign investment, are accompanied by the
following deductions:
• ……...
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
Enterprises attracting direct private foreign investments are exempt from operat-
ing activities income (profit) tax, property tax, tax for social infrastructure and land-
scaping, ecological tax, single tax for micro and small enterprises, as well as mandatory
contributions to the Republican Road Fund.
These tax benefits are granted for * years in case when the amount of direct for-
eign investment is over ** million USD.
The following items are exempt from customs duties:
• ……….
In the field of production of building materials:
• ………..
Human resources. ……….
Other factors. ………..
The above analysis of the competitive factors allows coming ………..
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
The following is a comparison analysis of the strengths and weaknesses with op-
portunities and business threats (SWOT-analysis). In terms of this analysis, opportuni-
ties are considered as factors with positive impact on business, threats – as factors with
negative influence.
In each list the factors are compared with each other. The order of comparison is
shown in the table below.
Opportunities Threats
Whether these strengths allow taking any Whether these strengths help to avoid this
advantage thanks to this opportunity? threat?
Whether these weak points make difficult Whether these weak points make difficult to
using this opportunity? avoid this threat?
Positive answers to the questions listed in the above table are marked with the
symbol “√”.
Table 4. SWOT-analysis
On the basis of the SWOT-analysis performed, a list of strategic initiatives was
developed to make use of strengths and opportunities, to compensate for weaknesses
and minimize threats.
Table 5. Strategic initiatives
4. Target markets
4.1.Target consumers
4.2. Geographic target market
4.3. Pricing
19 ......... .... .... ..... .... . ......., ..... ....... .. ... ......... .. ... ....... .. .........
Business plan on mining and processing marble, granite and gypsum © Piter-Consult.ru
5. Advertising and promotion strategies
5.1. Promotion strategy
5.2. Means of advertising
• ……...
7. Management
7.1. The company and its key staff
Chart 6. Structural scheme of the JV under creation
Table 7. Distribution of shares in the authorized capital of the joint
• ………………….
Chart 7. Project schedule, by months
7.2. Constant consumption of assets
7.3. Preproduction costs
Table 8. Preproduction costs
© «Piter-Consult»
8. Financial analysis
8.1. Cost of goods sold
The following table presents the operating costs of the planned enterprise.
Table 9. Operating expenses
8.2. Break-even analysis
Calculation of break-even level is presented in the following table.
Table 10. Calculation of break-even level
As can be seen from the above table, the project makes it possible to preserve
profitability at a fall in revenue of up to *% of the planned one.
As seen in the chart below, the bulk of the revenue of the company is drawn on
the sale of tiles and slabs.
Schedule of costs is shown in the following chart.
Chart 10. Schedule of costs
As can be seen from the chart above, ……...
Structure of costs is shown in the next chart.
Chart 11. Structure of costs
© «Piter-Consult»
Table 12. Balance, $
8.7. Risks
Organizational and managerial risks
The risk of errors in selection of personnel
Measures to reduce (eliminate) these risks: ……..
Probability of this risk - average.
Degree of influence – high.
Possibility of risk management – complete.
© «Piter-Consult»
Measures to reduce (eliminate) this risk: …...
Probability of this risk - sub average.
Degree of influence – high.
Possibility of this risk management - partial.
Financial risks
Risk of non-payment
Measures to reduce (eliminate) this risk: ………...
Probability of this risk - low.
Economic risks
Risk of a significant change in the tax system
Measures to reduce (eliminate) this risk: ……..
Probability of this risk - sub average.
Degree of influence – high.
Possibility of risk management – not available.
© «Piter-Consult»
Criteria Values
For Project
Forecast period, years **
Post-forecast period, years *
Settlement terms Constant prices
Discount rate, % **,*%
For Investor
Forecast period, years *
Post-forecast period, years *
Settlement terms Constant prices
Discount rate, % **,*%
Table 13. Criteria for calculation of economic efficiency
Project performance indicators for the investor are calculated based on the fol-
lowing assumptions:
• The investor performs project contribution in amount of *** million US
dollars, obtained as a loan for * years at *% per annum.
• During the project implementation, the company reimburse the investor
with the amount of interest payments on loans and for the return of the
principal amount of the loan to the investor.20
• After seven years of the project the investor sells its share constituting
**,***%, and receiving the appropriate amount of the net assets of the en-
Indicators Measurement Value
For project
Planning period months ***
PV $ ** *** *** ***
IRR per year % ***,*%
NPV $ * *** *** ***
NPV with TV $ * *** *** ***
Payback period months **
Payback period with discount months **
For investor
Planning period months **
PV $ * *** *** ***
IRR per year % **,*%
NPV $ * *** *** ***
NPV with TV $ * *** *** ***
Payback period months **
Payback period with discount months **
Table 14. Indicators of project economic efficiency
The analysis of forecast indicators of the project economic efficiency indicates in-
vestment attractiveness, as evidenced by the following factors:
20 See «Payments to the shareholder for the interest and repayment of the loan» ……..
Table 11. Budgeted cash flow statement, $ cash flow statement
© «Piter-Consult»
• Positive net present value (NPV) constituting *,* milliard US dollars, ex-
cluding terminal cost, and *,* milliard US dollars, including terminal cost.