Cost Premise - 2011
Cost Premise - 2011
Cost Premise - 2011
March 2011
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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1. Objective ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Basis and Assumptions for Premises ............................................................................................. 4
2.1. Basis for the Estimation of Projects Costs and Costs Phasing............................................... 4
2.2. General Assumptions ............................................................................................................. 4
2.3. Application ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.4. Definition of terms ................................................................................................................. 5
3. Facilities Cost Guidelines .............................................................................................................. 6
3.1. Flowstations ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. Temporary Oil and Gas Production Facilities (TPF) ............................................................. 7
3.3. Multiphase Pumps (MPP) ...................................................................................................... 7
3.4. Major Flowstation modifications/extensions ......................................................................... 7
3.5. Gas facilities:.......................................................................................................................... 8
3.5.1. Gas Processing ............................................................................................................... 8
3.5.2. Surge Vessel (SV), Low Pressure (LP) and Export Gas Compression .......................... 9
3.5.3. Compressor Rentals ....................................................................................................... 9
3.6. Water Injection Plant ............................................................................................................. 9
3.7. Power Systems ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.7.1. Power Generation & Utilities ....................................................................................... 10
3.7.2. Power Transmission by Submarine Cables/Overhead Pylons ..................................... 11
3.8. Pipelines ............................................................................................................................... 11
3.9. Flowlines .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.10. Other Oil & Gas Infrastructure Projects .............................................................................. 12
3.11. Non Oil/Gas and Common Infrastructure Projects (Including Drilling Locations)............. 13
3.12. SCD Projects: General Guidelines ....................................................................................... 16
3.13. Abandonment ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.14. Land Acquisition .................................................................................................................. 16
4. Inflation Factors ........................................................................................................................... 16
5. Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 16
5.1. Power Formular For Calculating Facility Costs .................................................................. 16
5.2. Reference Projects/Contracts ............................................................................................... 16
5.3. Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 16
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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1. Objective
To provide a consistent and transparent basis for estimating the costs and phasing of oil & gas facilities for the
BP11 Programme. Document also gives quick cost information for Screening (Type 1) Capital Expenditure
(CAPEX) estimates.
2.1. Basis for the Estimation of Projects Costs and Costs Phasing
The cost data provided herein are 50/50 estimates (i.e. inclusive of contingencies) suitable for Type 1 cost
estimates, with an accuracy of +40%/-25%. Costs are in Estimate Date Money (EDM) with a reference date of
1/7/2010. They are to be used as basis for input to the SPEED Project Proposal Sheet (SPPS) for project
economics. The estimates are majorly for Onshore (land/swamp) developments, valid for the East and the West
unless specifically noted otherwise. For offshore development cost estimates, the CES should be used.
The estimates are in line with the Shell Group 2011 Capital Cost Outlook for Projects and also reflect the impact
of current security situation in the Niger Delta.
It should be noted that unless otherwise stated, the cost estimates contained herein are deemed to cover all phases
necessary for the completion of the full scope of the project as presented in the SPPS including the cost of studies,
design, project management, procurement, construction and commissioning up to project hand over and project
close-out as appropriate, with exclusions as noted in 2.2 below. Owners costs, customs duty, VAT and EPC
Premium are included in line with Group guidelines.
These costs are for the specific purpose of producing estimates for economic analysis, business planning
and portfolio analyses and reflect the current market within the oil and gas capital project industry. They
are not targets for contract negotiation nor should they be used in discussions with contractors or suppliers.
Indeed it should be the aim in awarding any new contracts, to achieve lower costs than indicated here.
Project timing is calculated from the approval of the Basis for Design to the facility on stream date (post
2.3. Application
This document aims to cover the most repetitive projects; engineers can apply the figures from this document
directly in the SPPS sheet. For facilities not contained in this document, advice can be sought from the SPDC
Central Cost Estimating Team.
This document does not replace the cost estimating tools available, it only pools together high level estimates for
elements commonly encountered during selection of evaluation options, including oil & gas infrastructure and
location preparation, at Screening and Study project phases. Its purpose is to facilitate consistency and
transparency of cost estimating for the SPPS for the BP11 programme.
Projects which make the Screening criteria will need to have the facilities estimates revised to Types 2 & 3
estimates for study and budget purposes. For brownfield projects (typically from Asset Engineering) which are
normally planned and executed within one full planning cycle, it is advised that a detailed estimate (+ 10%/-5%
accuracy) be prepared for input into the SPPS.
In case an estimate prepared using one of the Shell recommended cost estimating tools is available, such estimate
should be used in the SPPS.
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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2.4. Definition of terms
Common terms encountered during the portfolio generation stage are defined as follows for clarity and
c) OPEX recurrent
These are recurring expenditure necessary to operate and maintain existing facilities.
k) 50/50 Estimate
A cost estimate which includes all the known and predictable costs, including estimating allowances and
contingency. It has a 50% confidence level (i.e. an equal chance of the built cost of the project being exceeded or
being lower).
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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l) 90/10 Estimate
The term 90/10 estimate is the 50/50 estimate onto which an allowance has been included to allow for the risk of
overrunning this estimate (overrun allowance). The overrun allowance caters for exceptional factors, which can
affect project costs e.g. major exchange rate movements, political factors, technological innovation, etc. This
estimate has a 10% chance of final expenditure being greater than the estimate.
15% 90/10
50/50 50/50
40% 28% 15% 10%
-5% 10/90
10/90 -25%
m) Contingency
Contingency is added to the base estimate to allow for incomplete project definition and specific project risks to
bring the estimate to a 50/50 level. It generally decreases over the project phases as the scope definition and
execution strategies mature.
Note that the contingency Types (40%, 28%, etc.) indicated for Types 1 to 4 estimates in above figure are
representative levels derived in SPDC using the deterministic method for assessing contingency, which takes into
account the generic risk profile of the project based on the TECOP aspects.
For general cost estimating guidelines please visit the Project Guide 03 (Capital Cost Estimating).
3.1. Flowstations
The cost estimates presented are for flowstations with and without integrated associated gas (AG) booster (3.5 to
12Barg) compressor. They were derived from the CES.
Table 3.1
FACILITIES – Land Flowstation, USD Flowstation with AG Remarks
Million Booster, USD Million
30Mb/d with 5MMscf/d AG 60 85
30Mb/d with 10 MMscf/d AG 60 90
45Mb/d with 15 MMscf/d AG 70 110
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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60Mb/d with 20 MMscf/d AG 80 140
90Mb/d with 30 MMscf/d AG 100 170 Two trains as basis
120Mb/d with 40 MMscf/d AG 125 200
Costs are typically phased in a four year period as follows: 2:13:45:40. Above costs should be assumed for an
equivalent concrete barge flowstation.
Table 3.2
Total Cost, USD Million
Site Preparation/Installation
OPEX: Lease rate/mth (30MBD/10MMscf/d – suction/discharge of 1.0
OPEX: Lease rate/mth (45MBD/10MMscf/d suction/discharge of 1.2
These costs are for concrete barge mounted facilities and same costs should be assumed for installation on land.
For rental periods in excess of four years 50% of monthly lease rate should be applied from end of the fourth year.
Apply a single year cost phasing for the site preparation and installation.
At least $4mln. of above costs is for site preparation/piling which can be discounted for installation on land.
Number of MPP units required is less with higher suction pressure i.e. 6 barg or reduced GOR. Please note that
electric driven pumps can be deployed as larger pump units and hence less number of pumps. There may however
not be a big cost difference from gas engine if cost of power generation is included in the consideration. Cost
phasing is 10:50:40.
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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Table 3.4
6 x 4" Inlet manifold skid (600#); 6 x 4" Ligaments, 3 x 10" Headers 1.6
6 x 4" Inlet manifold skid (1500#); 6 x 4" Ligaments, 3 x 10" Headers 2.3
Standard 30MBD HP/LP separator 1.4
Standard 30MBD Test/XHP separator 1.7
Standard 30 MBD Surge Vessel 1.5
Flare Knockout Vessel Type C 1.1
Closed Drain Vessel 0.9
6" PD Meter (30 MBD) 0.05
10 MBD Crude oil reciprocating pump gas engine (FOB) 0.3
20 MBD Crude oil reciprocating pump gas engine (FOB) 0.6
20 MBD Crude oil reciprocating pump electric engine (FOB) 0.4
30 MBD Crude oil reciprocating pump gas engine (FOB) 1.2
Std. Air compressor (start up) unit (FOB) 0.08
16" Smokeless Flare Tip with RIS (FOB) 0.04
24" Smokeless Flare Tip with RIS (FOB) 0.07
30" Smokeless Flare Tip with RIS (FOB) 0.07
Horinzontal flare unit c/w flare tip with pilots and thermocouples and c/w flame
front generator & ignition panel - 5MMscfd 0.9
Horinzontal flare unit c/w flare tip with pilots and thermocouples and c/w flame
front generator & ignition panel - 50MMscfd 1.7
Elevated flare unit c/w flare tip with pilots and thermocouples and c/w flame front
generator & ignition panel - 5MMscfd 1.1
Elevated flare unit c/w flare tip with pilots and thermocouples and c/w flame front
generator & ignition panel - 50MMscfd 2.5
Enclosed flare unit c/w flare tip with pilots and thermocouples and c/w flame front
generator & ignition panel - 5MMscfd 1.8
Enclosed flare unit c/w flare tip with pilots and thermocouples and c/w flame front
generator & ignition panel - 50MMscfd 4.5
For centrifugal pumps above costs for equivalent capacity should be used with a 10% mark-up.
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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3.5.2. Surge Vessel (SV), Low Pressure (LP) and Export Gas Compression
Installed costs presented are for 1 x 100% compression facilities, including required power generation (except for
the SV gas compression). The SV and LP Compression costs are based on use of electric drives while the HP
Compression costs are for gas turbine driven. For installation in the land area, 95% of the costs should be used.
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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Graph 3.6 – Cost Curve for Water Injection Facilities
Cost, US$ Million
30Mbpd 60Mbpd 90Mbpd 120Mbpd
Water Flowrate, Mbd
(Cost = Total project Cost) includes share of utilities common facilities etc.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Cost = Total project Cost, includes share of utilities, common facilities etc.
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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3.7.2. Power Transmission by Submarine Cables/Overhead Pylons
These are installed costs and cover engineering, procurement, installation and project management.
Table 3.7.2
Cable Rating (kV) Total Cost, $ Mln./km
Submarine cables Overhead Pylons Cables
33 1.6 2.8
11 1.5 2.7
6.6 1.45 2.65
The submarine cable rates are based on the cost of recent submarine cable projects and are for 4-core buried cable
with fiber optic core installed in a swamp environment. For submarine cable installation in the creek or river
discount above values by 10% and 15% respectively. Pylons costs are based on piled 26m high pylons in the
3.8. Pipelines
The estimates include materials, installation (incl. Mob/demob), pig launchers/receivers, CP costs, etc. and are
valid for class 600# carbon steel pipelines > 8" in diameter. The offshore pipeline costs presented do not include
Shore approach downstream connection which is quite expensive.
Graph 3.8.1 – Cost/inch/km for Pipelines – Land/Swamp/Offshore Terrain, CS and Various Sizes
CS Pipelines
Cost/Inch/Km, US$ x 10^3
300 Swamp
0 10 20 30 40 50
Diameter (Inches)
Cost/in/km for pipelines that are 5km or less is at least 30% higher than above rates. For a 20km pipeline the rates
are approximately 20% lower. This is largely due to relatively heavy impact of mob/demob cost on the shorter
For class 900# and 1500# pipelines above cost/in/km in the chart are higher with approximately 5% and 10%
respectively for an 8” swamp pipeline. These factors are about double for equivalent land line and increase with
increasing pipeline size. Consult the cost estimating team for guidance as necessary.
Please note also that above rates include the cost of any river crossing less than 50m. Cost(s) of river
crossings wider than 50m should be estimated using Graph 3.8 below, and added to estimated costs.
Installed costs for duplex steel pipelines are higher than for carbon steel pipelines by a factor ranging between 1.8
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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and 3.2 for 8” to 40” pipelines with an almost linear increase in the factor, with pipe size. Please note that for
linepipe procurement cost alone, this factor is from 2.7 to 4. Please note however that the high volatility in the
steel market may affect the accuracy of the stated factors.
Project phasing is dependent on the size and length of the pipeline. Typical cost phasing for pipelines of L> 40km;
D> 24" is 5:15:45:35 while that for others is 10:50:40. For special circumstances such as major river crossings,
reference should be made to the CES.
Graph 3.8.2 – Cost Curve for Pipeline River Crossing
3.9. Flowlines
Total equivalent figures are derived from contracts held in the Engineering Hub benchmarked between the
Divisions and materials costs from SCM. Cost phasing is typically 20:80 mainly due to linepipe material
procurement lead time.
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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3.11. Non Oil/Gas and Common Infrastructure Projects (Including Drilling Locations)
C. Roads
Item Description $’000 per km $’000 per km Remarks
No Land Swamp
1 Surface Dressing 6m wide, 150mm thick 135 N/A
laterite base course
2 Ditto but for 300mm thick laterite 170 N/A
3 Ditto but for 450mm thick laterite 210 N/A
4 Surface Dressing 6m wide, 150mm 250 N/A
laterite with 10% cement stabilisation
5 Ditto but for 300mm thick laterite 300 N/A
6 Ditto but for 450mm thick laterite 360 N/A
7 Asphalt road 50mm thick, 150mm laterite 330 N/A
8 Ditto but for 300mm thick laterite 380 N/A
9 Ditto but for 450mm thick laterite 440 N/A
10 Asphalt road 50mm thick, 150mm laterite 430 N/A
with 10% cement stabilisation
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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11 Ditto but for 300mm thick laterite 480 N/A
12 Ditto but for 450mm thick laterite 530 N/A
13 Ditto but for 300mm thick laterite and 820 N/A
150mm thick crushed stone
14 50mm thick asphalt, 500mm sharp sand 1,200
fill & 200mm crushed stone Applies to
15 Ditto 1000mm sharp sand 1,500 marginal swamp
16 Ditto 1500mm sharp sand 1,900 only
17 Ditto 2000mm sharp sand 2,200
D. Drainage Works
Item Description $ per m $ per m Remarks
No Land Swamp
1 1m x (1- 1.5)m trapezoidal concrete drain 460 550
2 0.9m x 0.7m rectangular concrete drain 250 280
F. Fencing
Item Description $ per m $ per m Remarks
No Land Swamp
1 Blockwall fencing 3m high with top 150 200
concrete capping barbed tape or
2 Citadel welded mesh fence complete with 800 1300 Procurement cost
posts, barbed tapes, lintel bar and ground is about ($450/m)
3 Citadel welded mesh fence complete with 800 1850
posts, barbed tapes, lintel bar and ground
beam (including piling in Swamp)
G. Water Projects
Item Description $ per m $ per m Remarks
No Land Swamp
1 6” x 5mm 10 bar UPVC high pressure 30 45 $ per m
water line
2 Ditto 4’’ x 5mm 25 35 ditto
3 Ditto 3” x 5mm 20 25 ditto
4 Ditto 2” x 5mm 18 25 ditto
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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5 90,000 litres capacity Horsely bridge 250 350 $’000 per unit on
pressed steel tank on a 12m steel tower location
6 Ditto 136,000 litres 280 400 $’000 per unit on
7 Ditto 196,000 litres 320 450 $’000 per unit
8 90,000 litres capacity Horsely bridge 130 180 $’000 per unit
pressed steel tank on R.C. supports
600mm above floor level
9 Ditto 136,000 litres 190 260 $’000 per unit
10 Ditto 196,000 litres 250 350 $’000 per unit
H. Boreholes
Item Description $ ‘000 Remarks
No Land
1 Drilling of water bore hole 14” diameter x 110 $/m.
9-5/8”intermediate casing pipes for up to Please note that same rates apply for
50m deep – excluding screen and pump swamp however, cost of
2 Ditto up to 100m 120 accommodation, rig move, and other
3 Ditto up to 150m 130 logistics to be added. Obtain
4 Ditto up to 200m 140 assistance from the cost estimating
J. Electrical
Item Description $ ‘000 $ ‘000 Remarks
No Land Swamp
1 Distribution Transformer 12 500 550
MVA, including substation
2 Ditto, 10 MVA 450 500
3 Ditto, 2000 KVA 200 250
4 Ditto, 500 KVA 80 95
5 Ditto 100 KVA 35 45
6 HV Line stringing, 33kV 65 85 $ ‘000/km
7 HV Line stringing, 11kV 60 75 ditto
8 LV line stringing 45 60 ditto
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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9 Buried Armoured Cable, 33kV 180 210 ditto
1 Buried Armoured Cable, 11kV 170 200 ditto
1 Buried Armoured Cable, 6.6kV 145 170 ditto
3.13. Abandonment
General guideline is 10% of CAPEX and should be phased in the year the expenditure occurs.
4. Inflation Factors
Estimates should be prepared in Estimate Date Money (EDM 1/7/2010) as provided in this document. Where
more than one currency is involved, the estimates (phased) in each currency should be converted to MOD using
the respective country annual inflation rates. These can then be converted back to MOD in US Dollars by applying
the appropriate prevailing exchange rates.
5. Appendices
5.3. Abbreviations
1. CES Cost Engineering System
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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2. EDM Estimate Date Money
3. FOB Free on Board
4. HP High Pressure
5. JT Joule Thompson
6. LP Low Pressure
7. MBD Thousand Barrels of Oil per Day
8. MMscf/d Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day
9. TEG Tri-Ethyelene Glycol
10. TECOP Technical, Economic, Commercial, Organisational and Political.
Costs herein are much more than contracts costs. Contact the central cost estimating team for assistance with Company estimates.
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