On The Design of An Ohmic RF MEMS Switch 2

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M. Spasos, N. Charalampidis, N. Mallios, D.

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS K. Tsiakmakis, P. Tsivos Soel, R. Nilavalan


(1) Department of Electronics,
Alexander Technological Educational Institute
Sindos, Thessaloniki

(2) Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Brunel University
Uxbridge, London

This paper presents the analysis, design and simulation of a direct contact (dc) RF MEMS switch specified
for reconfigurable microstrip array antennas. The proposed switch is indented to be built on PCB via a monolithic
technology together with the antenna patches. The proposed switch will be used to allow antenna beamforming in the
operating frequency range between 2GHz and 4GHz. This application requires a great number of these switches to be
integrated with an array of microstrip patch elements. The proposed switch fulfills the switching characteristics as
concerns the five requirements (loss, linearity, voltage/power handling, small size/power consumption, temperature),
following a relatively simple design, which ensures reliability, robustness and high fabrication yield.

Ohmic, resistive, direct contact, switch, RF MEMS, PCB, reconfigurable, microstrip antenna array

FETs and RF MEMS 5 Summarizing and comparing

The exponential growth of wireless communications their characteristics, Table 1, shows that RF MEMS
increased the need for more sophisticated system design, excels to Pin Diodes and GaAs FETs switches as
to achieve higher integration, power saving and concerns Isolation, Insertion loss, linearity and power
robustness. Great effort is paid in developing high consumption. Regarding switching speed, which appears
frequency 7 low scale designs to follow the trends of the poor in the table below, it is considered more than
market for smaller, technologically more advanced sufficient for RF control circuit applications.
applications. Technological advances in radio7frequency
(RF) front7ends, such as reconfigurable antenna arrays, Table 1. A comparison among different types
require state7of7the7art system design to allow operation of RF Switches
in cognitive wireless networks.
Generally, a reconfigurable antenna should be able to # " !$
vary the operating frequency, polarization, ! " $
beamforming, impedance, bandwidth and radiation
pattern to fulfill the requirements of the application. # Good Good Poor Good Poor Good
Nevertheless, the system cost is often determined not
from the actual antenna, but from the surrounding & ' Good Good Good Excellent Poor Poor
technologies that provide reconfigurability [1].
The design diversity of reconfigurable antennas, as
far as beamforming is concerned, demands the use of Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor Excellent Poor
variable7geometry configuration, which should be
precisely controlled via high quality switches. This is the
approach followed in this work [2, 3, 4]. The electrostatic RF MEMS switches are divided in
In the frequency range between 2 and 4 GHz where two main categories, Capacitive and Ohmic (also
we intend to work at, there are three kinds of switches referred as resistive or direct contact). Capacitive RF
that can be used for multiple element reconfigurable MEMS switches operate on frequencies beyond 4 GHZ
microstrip antenna implementations, Pin Diodes, GaAs due to the low dielectric constants of the insulating

ISSN: 1109-2742 153 Issue 1, Volume 8, January 2009

M. Spasos, N. Charalampidis, N. Mallios, D. Kampitaki,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS K. Tsiakmakis, P. Tsivos Soel, R. Nilavalan

layers which are available today. This makes them that could result in several drawbacks regarding cost and
inappropriate for the frequency range we intend to work compatibility, especially when designing topologies with
at. significant number of switches.
On the other hand Ohmic RF MEMS switches In general, the cost of a single RF MEMS switch is
operate on frequency range between DC and 60 GHz. very low, thanks to the similar to VLSI design and batch
Consequently they considered the appropriate type of processing methodology and tools. Nevertheless, the
MEMS Switch for the operating frequency range of our cost is increased dramatically due to the devise7level
application. hermetic packaging. In addition to that, there are real
Criteria on the choice of the better type of Ohmic RF estate problems due to the relatively great size of the
MEMS switch for this application is the simplicity, the packaging and the large number of the switches which
compatibility with the microstrip lines, the robustness have to be used for the complete antenna configuration.
and the long term reliability since the switch has to be Another important drawback of the hybrid mode is
able to perform millions/billions of switching cycles the impedance mismatching, during the packaging and
[6,7]. assembling process. RF MEMS switches require wire
Microstrip antenna fabrication techniques use the bonding in the package introducing impedance
well7established printed circuit board (PCB) technology. mismatch and consequently signal loss. Besides, further
Thus, a microstrip antenna can be small in size and low signal loss is introduced during the assembling, between
in profile as well as robust with a smooth surface, the package and the board. Last but not least, additional
suitable for mobile communications. In addition, when signal loss is introduced because of the incompatibility
used in arrays they provide reconfigurability in terms of between the substrates of the RF MEMS switch (usually
operating frequency, bias mode and beamforming. high permittivity materials such as Si and GaAs) and the
The design of a reconfigurable antenna using RF microstrip’s antenna element (usually microwave
MEMS switches could be implemented either based on laminate PCB) due to the difference in the electrical
the hybrid mode, that is using individual RF MEMS properties of their materials [5].
switches which should be bond in the PCB as shown in Hence, to maintain an overall good performance in
Fig. 1, or the integrated mode, where each switch is hybrid mode design it is vital to use extra adapting
fabricated on the same substrate with the antenna circuitry to reduce the undesirable RF signal reflection.
patches in a single manufacturing process, as shown in In monolithic configuration, the RF MEMS switches
Fig. 2. are built on the PCB substrate, under the same process
with the antenna patches. Using the integrated mode we
eliminate problems regarding cost, since the fabrication
process needs only one packaging procedure for the
whole application, real estate problems, due to the small
size of the RF MEMS switches without the packaging
cells and matching as the switches are parts of the
microstrip antenna structure.
The main drawback of this configuration is the yield
of the design, since both antenna and RF MEMS
switches are built simultaneously. Thus, the
manufacturing cost is increased since a single RF
MEMS switch failure would result in wasting the whole
structure. Some other typical technology obstacles of the
integrated mode are the planarization of the high aspect
ratio microstrip waveguide Cu layers, the profile and
surface roughness and the compatibility requirement of
the temperature (250 C) [8, 9,].
This paper presents the design and process
considerations of an ohmic RF MEMS Switch,
implemented in the integrated mode. The design
Fig.1 Hybrid configuration of the microstrip array approach followed in this work was mainly towards the
antenna and the expanded view of a packaged RF simplicity of the RF MEMS switch and its compatibility
MEMS Switch with the substrate material properties (mechanical,
thermal, chemical, electrical, etc) of the antenna. The
With the current technology, it is possible to fabricate new configuration is designed to be fully integrated in
such an antenna using the hybrid method. Nevertheless, the RF system, minimizing the main drawbacks of both

ISSN: 1109-2742 154 Issue 1, Volume 8, January 2009

M. Spasos, N. Charalampidis, N. Mallios, D. Kampitaki,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS K. Tsiakmakis, P. Tsivos Soel, R. Nilavalan

the hybrid and integrated design modes. The elements, extra consideration should be paid in biasing
investigation of the proposed design has been carried out each switch, since the bias lines will be constructed at
using Coventorware 2008 [10] as well as FEKO 5.4 [11] the same level. It is important that they should not affect
for the full electromagnetic wave analysis. the operation of the antenna, either by creating any type
of radiation or by affecting the operation of their
adjacent switches.
On the other hand, special effort should be paid in
designing a switch with the least possible bias voltage
avoiding extra circuitry.
It is also important to investigate on the use of
dielectric in the switch structure which prevents from
sort7circuit although it may create stiction phenomena.

The proposed ohmic RF MEMS switch is shown in
Fig.3. The design is using two different materials, i.e.,
copper for the anchors, biasing tracks and the electrode
and gold for the posts, contact and cantilever. The most
common materials that could be used for the fabrication
of the cantilever and contact surface were copper (Cu),
Fig.2 Integrated configuration of the microstrip array aluminum (Al) or gold (Au).
antenna and the expanded view of the ohmic RF MEMS Examining the trade7offs of each one of them, it has
Switch been decided that Au was the most appropriate material
for the following reasons:
i. The conductivity of Au is better than Al and
( % worse than Cu. Better conductivity implies less skin
The presented ohmic RF MEMS switch is intended to be depth, which is an important parameter for the lossless
used to control a microstrip antenna array built on PCB, RF signal transmission via the cantilever.
The advantage of these types of antennas is the (0.452.106/cm for Au, 0.377.106/cm for Al, and
ability to beamforming according to the requirements of 0.596.106/cm for Cu).
any application. The switch investigated here will be ii. The young’s modulus of Au is similar to that of
used to reconfigure the antenna geometry. Thus, it has to Al and much smaller than that of Cu. Consequently, the
present good performance in certain electrical stiffness of the cantilever made by Au will be lower
characteristics, as shown below: fulfilling the requirement for lower pull down voltages
i. Very low insertion loss in the “ON” condition. of the cantilever (78GPa for Au, 70GPa for Al, and
ii. Very high isolation in the “OFF” condition. 110GPa for Cu).
iii. Good linearity over a wide frequency range.
In addition, the structure of the switch should be as
simple as possible, to reduce the possibility of failure
during the manufacturing process, maintaining high
yield. Moreover, this process should take into account
the material characteristics of the antenna, such as:
i. The temperature employed during the
fabrication process should not exceed the glass transition
temperature (Tg) of the PCB material which is usually in
between 1257250°C depending on the PCB type [12].
ii. The chemical, mechanical and electrical
characteristics of the material used to form the contact
area of the switch should be the appropriate to maximize Fig.3 The proposed Ohmic RF MEMS Switch
the reliability of the RF MEMS device.
Due to the fact that the RF MEMS switches will be iii. Considering the nearly7hermetic packaging it is
developed by applying an integrated monolithic process inevitable to face contaminations issues in the long
simultaneously with the microstrip antenna array term. Au is the most chemically stable material among

ISSN: 1109-2742 155 Issue 1, Volume 8, January 2009

M. Spasos, N. Charalampidis, N. Mallios, D. Kampitaki,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS K. Tsiakmakis, P. Tsivos Soel, R. Nilavalan

the three materials since it does not form oxides or than 677%. As a result the actual contact resistance is
sulfides offering greater longevity. Au7Au ohmic much higher than the calculated.
contact switch has been shown that it can reach 108
cycles of lifetime [13, 14].
The pull down voltage of the switch must be as low *
as possible and it depends on the dimensions of the The proposed fabrication processes of the presented
cantilever (length and height), the distance from the design is using the RT5800 of Roger Corporation as a
electrode and the stiffness of the gold. The stiffness in substrate, which is a high performance microwave
turns mainly depends on the shape of the cantilever and laminate (er=2.2, tanδ=0.0009, copper thickness 9 or
the existence of perforation. Holes have been applied to 17.5 um (1/4 or 2/4 oz) and dielectric thickness
reduce some of the residual stress in the cantilever, 3.175mm). An important reason for choosing this
reducing the Young’s modulus of the RF MEMS specific substrate except of the excellent microwave
structure. The ligament efficiency (J) is 0.625 and characteristics was the increased rigidity since polishing
results to a reduction of the Young’s modulus of 25% steps will have to be used during the fabrication process.
[15]. Perforation will also contribute in the removal of A rough description of the proposed monolithic
the sacrificial layer and the release of the cantilever. antenna fabrication processes are presented below:
The width chosen matches that of the signal lines
(150um). The thickness of the cantilever affects
significantly the magnitude of the pull down voltage
[15]. In addition, it depends on the operating frequency
1. Mechanical7Chemical Polishing: The roughness
range (274GHz in our case), since it has been shown that
of Cu on the top of the laminate is in the range of 0.57
it has to be at least twice the skin depth of the material
1um, according to the manufacturer. As a result, this
used to provide low insertion loss [16]. Besides it has
area should be first polished down below 70nm, the
been proven that for operating frequencies below 4GHz
least acceptable roughness level for a DC RF MEMS
the skin effect is much less significant than the resistive
Switch. This first step is important in order to obtain a
loss of the signal lines [17]. The thickness of the
reliable and repeatable contact area, and is demonstrated
cantilever made by electroplated gold has been
in Fig.4.
calculated some 3um.
Due to the application, a bridge7type construction has
been designed to allow several biasing tracks to pass
underneath the switch. The width of those tracks is kept
small (20um each), so that they do not attract the beam
above them. Fig.4 The polishing step
Most of the ohmic RF MEMS applications use
dielectric layer on top of the electrode, to make sure that 2. Gold posts placement: Gold posts deposition
the cantilever will not touch the electrode which implies should be carried out in two phases (2u each) using
a sort circuit. Nevertheless, adding dielectric involves masks and photoresist layers to construct the anchors
high temperature processing steps. That is not an and the contact area, as shown in Fig.5 and Fig.6
important drawback using Silicon substrates. Since this respectively.
switch is using a PCB substrate, such a high temperature
process step is prohibited.
The lack of dielectric, although it demands greater
consideration as far as the pull down voltage is
concerned, simplifies the fabrication process and
prevents from stiction of the bridge due to dielectric Fig.5 First gold posts deposition
charging, a known failure reason of electrostatic
actuated RF MEMS switches [18].
Finally, the contact area of the switch had to be kept
relatively small to maintain high isolation during the
OFF state, in the highest operating frequency. Fig.6 Second gold posts deposition
Simultaneously, it should be large enough to provide
good conductance in the ON state. Another issue to be 3. Copper wet etching process: The antenna
concerned is the roughness of the contact area. An patches, the anchors, the electrode plates and the bias
acceptable figure for switch contact is about 50 nm, but tracks should be developed in the copper surface.
even then the effective contact area couldn’t be more

ISSN: 1109-2742 156 Issue 1, Volume 8, January 2009

M. Spasos, N. Charalampidis, N. Mallios, D. Kampitaki,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS K. Tsiakmakis, P. Tsivos Soel, R. Nilavalan

Consequently, a wet etching process is necessary to be

followed, as shown in Fig.7.

Fig.11 Cantilever release and perforation

Fig.7 Copper wet etching process

4. Comprehensive Molding Planarization, 1st step: An alternative fabrication process confronts the
To confront high heights (some 17u of copper and 4u of increased copper height and differs only at steps 4 and 5
gold posts), a new method called Comprehensive from the pervious process. As referred by Bahram
Molding Planarization have been presented by H. P. Ghodsian et al [20], the Comprehensive Molding
Chang et al [19] which includes two steps. First a thick Planarization process that has been presented above has
photoresist layer spin coated, which is shown in Fig.8. generally a relatively low yield due to the formation of
voids in the photoresist mold during the fabrication
The process suggested by the author introduces a new
surface planarization in order to create a smooth planar
surface with roughness 30–50 nm. This process can be
Fig.8 Thick photoresist layer spin coated applied with temperatures lower than 220 oC, offers very
high fabrication yield and consists of two steps:
5. Comprehensive Molding Planarization, 2nd step: 4 Surface Planarization step: First, to planarize the
The second step is a molding step to planarize the surface, a thick polyimide layer is spin coated over the
photoresist in order to make it suitable for the gold patterned antenna area to a thickness of 22723 um,
membrane deposition to ensure mechanical integrity of 5. Polishing steps: Then a two7step polishing process
the deposited membrane, and is demonstrated in Fig.9. is applied for planarizing the polyimide material and
exposing the top surface for the cantilever deposition.

Fig.9 Molding 7 planarization step

The design and evaluation of the proposed ohmic RF
MEMS switch has been carried out using the
6. Deposition of the cantilever gold membrane: On
Coventoreware 2008 and FEKO 5.4 software packages.
top of the anchors a gold layer of 3um thickness will
A 3D view of the new design, produced in the Architect
form the cantilever of the RF MEMS Switch. This is
Scene 3D, with the switch in the ON state is shown in
shown in Fig.10.
Fig. 3. The bridge7shaped part of the switch allows at
least 4 biasing tracks to pass through the switch without
affecting its operation. The size of the cantilever is such
to maintain a good balance among weight, switching
time and pull7down voltage. The position and the size of
Fig.10 Deposition of the cantilever the electrode are chosen so that it will ensure full contact
at 28V and it will not attract the cantilever for any
7. Cantilever release and perforation: Final step in voltage7magnitude below 35V. For illustration purposes
the fabrication process is the remove of the sacrificial the z7axes has been magnified ten times. The biasing has
layer, which releases the cantilever. Prior to that, an been omitted, too.
array of holes defined in the cantilever will be created,
which not only will improve the stiffness of the
membrane but also will accelerate the removal of the
sacrificial layer. [14]. This is shown in Fig.11.

ISSN: 1109-2742 157 Issue 1, Volume 8, January 2009

M. Spasos, N. Charalampidis, N. Mallios, D. Kampitaki,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS K. Tsiakmakis, P. Tsivos Soel, R. Nilavalan

Fig.3 The proposed ohmic RF MEMS switch simulated Fig.5 Contact area (nm) of the proposed switch
in Coventor Architect Scene 3D
The switch keeps the capacitance in the range of
The electrical and mechanical characteristics of the femptoFarrad in the OFF state, assuring very high
proposed switch have been obtained via Coventor isolation.
Cosmoscope. The switching time was some 37us, as
shown in Fig. 4.

Fig.6 Capacitance (fF) in the OFF state

Fig.4 Switching time of the proposed switch The switch presents very low resistance in the ON state,
obtained via transient analysis some 1.1P, at full contact, as shown in Fig.7.
The contact area, the capacitance in the OFF state
and the contactance in the ON state are illustrated in
Figures 578 respectively. The contact area graph
indicates a full contact considering the dimensions of the
touch (150um × 54um), at about 28V.

ISSN: 1109-2742 158 Issue 1, Volume 8, January 2009

M. Spasos, N. Charalampidis, N. Mallios, D. Kampitaki,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS K. Tsiakmakis, P. Tsivos Soel, R. Nilavalan

Fig.7 Conductance and Resistance of the proposed

MEMS switch Fig.7. Return loss of the proposed switch
in the ON state.
A DC analysis of the novel switch took place to
investigate the pull down voltage and the contact force.
The results, shown in Fig. 8, indicate a full contact
(2um) at 28V. The contact force under the same voltage
magnitude is some 10uN.

Fig.8. Insertion loss of the proposed switch

in the ON state.
Fig.8 Pull down voltage/Displacement and contact force
of the proposed RF MEMS Switch
As shown, the return loss at 2.4GHz is 722.11dB
while at 4GHz is 717.63dB. The insertion loss is also
A full electromagnetic wave analysis has been carried
worth mentioned with 70.039dB and 70.094dB at
out to further investigate the S7parameters of the switch.
2.4GHz and 4GHz respectively.
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 present the return loss and the insertion
The same parameters investigated in the OFF state of
loss of the design in the ON state. The design
the switch, presenting significant results. The return loss
characteristics and the performance results of the
was 70.014dB and 70.042dB at 2.4HGz and 4GHz
proposed switch are summarized in Table 1.
respectively. The results are illustrated in Fig. 9.

ISSN: 1109-2742 159 Issue 1, Volume 8, January 2009

M. Spasos, N. Charalampidis, N. Mallios, D. Kampitaki,
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS K. Tsiakmakis, P. Tsivos Soel, R. Nilavalan

Table 2. Parameters for the Ohmic RF MEMS Switch.

# , # ,
Length 440um Actuation 27.6V
(movable) Voltage
Width 150um Switch Time 37uSec
Height 2um Switch 1.13P
Cantilever Gold Capacitance 36fF
Type (off)
Thickness 3um Isolation 720.62dΒ
Holes Yes Loss (4GHz) 70.04dΒ
Conduct 150×54um Conduct 10uN
Area Force

Fig.9. Return loss of the proposed switch in the OFF

state. * $
A novel Ohmic RF MEMS switch built on PCB has
been presented. The new design is intended to be used in
Finally the isolation of the switch in the OFF state reconfigurable microstrip antenna arrays. The proposed
has been investigated and the results are shown in Fig. switch is specified to be developed with an integrated
10. The analysis results show excellent isolation, which monolithic process simultaneously with the microstrip
is 724.87dB at 2.4GHz and 720.62dB at 4GHz. Table 1 antenna array elements. The simplicity of the switch
summarizes the design characteristics and the assures high fabrication yield keeping the manufacturing
performance results of the proposed switch. cost relatively low. The electric, mechanical and
electromagnetic simulation of the design has presented
significant results for the insertion loss in the ON state
the isolation in the OFF state, the required pull down
voltage, the switching time, the conductance and
capacitance in the ON and OFF states respectively. All
the above make the RF MEMS switch suitable for many
antenna applications. This research work is still on7
going and the ohmic switch is being further investigated
via stochastic optimization programmes such as genetic
algorithms and PSO, to achieve lower pull down
voltage, smaller cantilever lengths, faster switching
time, elimination of the bouncing and settling time
phenomena while maintaining significant overall

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