Simple & Multiple Regression

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Selecting the Correct Multivariate Method


Dependence Interdependence
Methods Methods

Multiple relationship of
One Several dependent &
Metric Nonmetric
Dependent Dependent independent
Variable Variables Variables


Factor Cluster
Metric Nonmetric Metric Nonmetric Analysis Analysis
Canonical MDS and
Multiple Discriminant MANOVA Correspon-
Regression Analysis and Metric dence
and Conjoint and Logit Canonical MDS
Copyright ©Analysis
Variables 1-2
Pearson Education, Inc.,
Simple Regression Defined

Simple regression analysis . . .

is a statistical technique that can be
used to analyze the relationship
between a single dependent
(criterion) variable and a single
independent (predictor) variable.
Multiple Regression Defined

Multiple regression analysis . . .

is a statistical technique that can be
used to analyze the relationship
between a single dependent
(criterion) variable and several
independent (predictor) variables.
Simple Regression

Y = b0 + b1X1

Y = Dependent Variable
b0 = intercept (constant)
b1 = regression coefficient
X1 = independent variable
Multiple Regression

Y = b0 + b1X1 + b2X2 + . . . + bnXn

Y = Dependent Variable
b0 = intercept (constant)
b1, b2 , = regression coefficient
X1 , X2....... Xn = independent variable
• Variabel dependen = variabel tergantung =
variabel terikat = variabel kriterion = variabel
• Variabel independen = variabel bebas = variabel
prediktor = variabel eksogen.
• R atau r = koefisien korelasi (untuk mengetahui
kuat atau lemahnya hubungan antar variabel,
serta untuk mengetahui arah hubungan antar
variabel = + atau -)
• R2 = koefisien determinasi (untuk melihat
perubahan variasi variabel dependen yang
dapat dijelaskan oleh variasi variabel-variabel
Multiple Regression Decision Process
Stage 1: Objectives of Multiple Regression
Stage 2: Research Design of Multiple Regression
Stage 3: Assumptions in Multiple Regression Analysis 
outlier, linearity, normality, multicollinearity (uji
tidak ada korelasi antar variabel bebas), heteroscedasticity
(uji kesamaan varians residual dari satu pengamatan ke pengamatan
yang lain), autocorrelation (uji tidak adanya korelasi antara
kesalahan pengganggu pada periode t dengan kesalahan
pengganggu pada periode t-1).
Stage 4: Estimating the Regression Model and Assessing
Overall Fit
Stage 5: Interpreting the Regression Variate
Stage 6: Validation of the Results

• Sebuah penelitian menguji pengaruh

penggunaan iklan di koran, iklan di radio,
jumlah outlet, dan jumlah SPG pada
volume penjualan produk.
– Volume penjualan (juta Rupiah/bulan)  Sales
– Iklan koran (juta Rupiah/bulan)  Koran
– Iklan di radio (juta Rupiah/bulan)  Radio
– Jumlah outlet (unit )  Outlet
– Sales Promotion Girl (orang)  SPG
Sales Koran Radio Outlet SPG
300.12 26.23 12.23 6.00 3.00
312.25 25.12 12.88 6.00 3.00
362.02 29.80 15.26 6.00 2.00
400.25 34.55 14.23 9.00 4.00
412.60 33.45 13.02 10.00 5.00
423.00 32.26 13.56 5.00 5.00
320.14 23.45 12.03 8.00 3.00
366.25 34.76 15.26 9.00 3.00
451.29 40.12 14.32 8.00 2.00
430.22 36.21 13.33 10.00 5.00
265.99 25.89 12.05 4.00 2.00
254.26 22.98 15.26 4.00 2.00
352.16 36.25 12.89 8.00 4.00
365.21 36.87 12.45 8.00 3.00
295.15 22.41 13.44 4.00 3.00
354.25 26.25 13.67 6.00 4.00
415.25 36.99 19.25 8.00 5.00
400.23 32.79 18.78 9.00 5.00
423.22 33.98 16.59 8.00 4.00
452.62 23.21 18.45 9.00 5.00
512.33 44.98 13.45 10.00 6.00
435.23 35.99 15.78 8.00 5.00
302.21 25.00 16.35 9.00 3.00
330.92 23.25 19.58 6.00 3.00
254.25 24.86 13.87 4.00 2.00
265.21 26.23 15.87 5.00 3.00
215.36 20.98 13.23 4.00 3.00
235.26 24.88 15.69 5.00 3.00
222.32 25.87 18.97 4.00 2.00
323.45 28.94 18.29 7.00 3.00



Sales = 22,693 + 5,147 koran + 1,209 radio
+ 10,840 outlet + 22,665 SPG


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