Group 3
Group 3
Group 3
Group presentation by :
Gurliv 26037
Guneet 26030
Yashvi 26028
Samarjot 26004
Sunita 26025
Regression analysis is a statistical
method used to examine the relationship
between one dependent variable
(usually denoted as 𝑌Y) and one or more
independent variables (usually denoted
as 𝑋1,𝑋2,...,𝑋𝑛X1, X2, ...,Xn) .
The purpose of regression analysis is to
understand how changes in the
independent variables are associated
with changes in the dependent variable.
in Statistical Variable Selection
A linear regression model is a specific form of regression A nonlinear regression model is a type of regression
analysis where the relationship between the dependent analysis where the relationship between the
variable and one or more independent variables is dependent variable and the independent variables is
assumed to be linear. not assumed to be linear. It allows for more flexible
Mathematical expression : functional forms, such as exponential, logarithmic,
polynomial, or other nonlinear relationships.
𝑌=𝛽0+𝛽1𝑋1+𝛽2𝑋2+...+𝛽𝑛𝑋𝑛+𝜖Y=β0+β1X1+β2X2+...+βn Mathematical expression :
Xn+ϵ 𝑌=𝑓(𝑋1,𝑋2,...,𝑋𝑛,𝛽)+𝜖Y=f(X1,X2,...,Xn,β)+ϵ
OF This term represents the error in
your model, basically the
REGRESSION unexplained variance. Ideally,
this term should be random and
The interpretation of estimated parameters depends on the context of the statistical model
being used. Here's how parameters are typically interpreted:
1. Linear Regression:
Intercept (𝛽^0β^0): Represents the estimated value of the dependent variable when
all independent variables are zero. In some cases, this may not have a meaningful
interpretation, especially if the independent variables cannot logically be zero.
Coefficients (𝛽^1,𝛽^2,…β^1,β^2,…): Represent the estimated change in the dependent
variable for a one-unit change in the corresponding independent variable, holding
all other variables constant.
1. Logistic Regression:
Coefficients: Represent the estimated log-odds of the occurrence of the event of
interest for a one-unit change in the corresponding independent variable, holding
all other variables constant. Exponentiating these coefficients gives the odds ratio
2. Poisson Regression:
Coefficients: Represent the estimated log-relative rate of occurrence of events for
a one-unit change in the corresponding independent variable, holding all other
variables constant.
3. Exponential Distribution:
Parameter (𝜆λ): Represents the estimated rate at which events occur. It indicates
the average number of events occurring per unit of time or space.
1. Normal Distribution:
Mean (𝜇μ) and Standard Deviation (𝜎σ): Represent the estimated location and spread of
the data, respectively. The mean is the center of the distribution, while the standard
deviation measures the dispersion or variability of the data.
2. Generalized Linear Models (GLMs):
The interpretation of parameters in GLMs depends on the specific link function used.
The coefficients typically represent the estimated change in the response variable for a
one-unit change in the corresponding predictor variable, adjusted for other variables in
the model.
Robust regression methods
Regression analysis is a powerful tool for modeling relationships between variables.
However, traditional regression techniques can be sensitive to outliers and violations
of assumptions such as normality and homoscedasticity. Robust regression methods
offer solutions to these challenges by providing more reliable estimates even in the
presence of outliers and non-normal data distributions. Two commonly used robust
regression methods are Huber regression and M-estimation.