Energy and Respiration Part 2
Energy and Respiration Part 2
Energy and Respiration Part 2
Link Reaction
It take place in the matrix of the mitochondria
When oxygen is present Pyruvate passes by active
transport (using energy from ATP) from the cytoplasm,
through the outer and inner membranes of a
mitochondrion and into the mitochondrial matrix
It is the decarboxylated (that is carbon dioxide is
Then it is dehydrogenated
Then Combined with coenzyme A (CoA) to give acetyl
coenzyme A.
The link Reaction
In Plants
Glycolysis takes place normally
Then pyruvate is decarboxylated to ethanal and then
the hydrogen from reduced NAD is passed to ethanal
and then its reduced to ethanol by the enzyme alcohol
This releases the NAD and allows glycolysis to continue.
Reaction can not be reversed
This conversion is called alcoholic fermentation
IN Animals
Pyruvate is reduced to lactate by the
enzyme lactate dehydrogenase
Reaction could be reversed also by
the same enzyme
This happens by transporting the
lactate produced to the liver by the
blood plasma and is converted back
to pyruvate
Some (about 20%) is oxidized directly
to form CO2 and H2O in the liver
when oxygen is available
The remained is converted by the
liver to form glycogen
The oxygen needed to allow this removal of lactate is called
the oxygen debt
Adaptations of rice for wet fields
Can respond to flooding by growing taller; always has
parts such as leaves and flowers above water
Contains loosely packed aerenchyma cells in the
of stems (formed by cell death) allowing diffusion for
oxygen to be transported easily to areas deprived
Contains ridges to trap oxygen underwater
Can tolerate high levels of ethanol
Produce more alcohol dehydrogenase
which breaks
down ethanol
Ethanol stimulates gibberellin, which in
turn stimulates
cell division hence increasing length
A detailed account of the
total yield of ATP from the aerobic respiration of
glucose is not
(required) I just included it for extra information