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Oral Communication

Video Self-Evaluation
Review the videotape of your speech. As you watch, answer the following questions. 1. How did you try to get the audiences attention? How effective was it?

This time I asked very ridiculous question which is hilarious! I hope I got everyone's attention.
2. Did you clearly communicate your purpose (e.g. I am going to inform/convince you about/to)? How did you motivate your audience to listen to you?

Yes, and my reason is so clear. I said it directly that you can hang out with a girl more easily and make it for your girlfriend.
3. How was your speech organized? How clearly/logically did it progress? Could I stop paying attention to you and read your outline instead and still follow along easily?

I'm pretty sure my speech is clear. I did it in order. Materials---> steps---> alternatives
4. What were some of the transition words you used in your speech? Did you clearly indicate movement from one part of your speech to another? Why/why not?

I used later on, then. Not much this time because it's a demonstration speech.
5. Explain why your main points were/were not clearly presented.

I explained my main point in the introduction which was very clear!

6. Evaluate your conclusion. Did it connect seamlessly with the introduction and body? Did you give a clear sense of ending?

Yes, I almost answer the question which I asked at the beginning!

7. Evaluate your delivery. Were you loud enough/clear enough/energetic enough/varying your tone enough/connecting to your whole audience enough?

I feel like I had less power than usual, and not as loud as the previous speeches. I think the reason was because I was sick.


How did your use of voice, gestures, and bodily action enhance (or detract) from the message of your speech? What will you do to enhance the message of your speaking opportunities?

I was coughing on the speech day, so I can't speak loud enough. For gesture, during the whole speech I was basically holding the materials that I needed, therefore gesture part can be regardless.
9. Did you appear sincerely interested and enthusiastic in the topic (your classmate) and in your talking with your audience? What did your body language and eye contact say to your audience? Give examples to support your answers.

Yes, I even take myself as the example. I think this time my eye. Intact was kind of bad, I took a long time glancing on my vase and flower stuffs.
10. Evaluate the overall success of this speech. What grade (A-F) would you assign this presentation? Why?

I will give myself B this time, because my voice and eye contact did not reach the level where I supposed to be.
11. Describe what you have learned from this speaking opportunity, and how you will use this information in the future.

The speech for this time was kind of different from other previous one. I took myself as an example, and this was interesting. Maybe in the future I can make fun of myself which can lead to the totally unlikely result.
12. What did you learn from this presentation that will help you prepare your future speech? List at least three things that you plan on working on. (To just practice is not a specific step exactly how will you practice?) a.

Although is a demonstration speech, I should make sure my eye contact still exist clearly.



care my health before the speech!



out how to have proper gestures during a demonstration speech.


Describe, in detail, the areas you will improve your public speaking and exactly how you will improve. Include a variety of specific steps you will take to improve your public speaking skills.

I will write the word "gesture" on my notecard next time. I will memorize the steps better. I will watch the YouTube videos which recorded by ourselves, and do the pre-self-evaluation.

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