SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited: REGD OFFICE: 185, Chennimalai Road, Erode - 638 001

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REGD OFFICE : 185, Chennimalai Road, Erode - 638 001



(TIDCO Nominee)











Chartered Accountants,
199, Agraharam Street,
ERODE – 638 001.


Commercial Branch,
ERODE - 638 003.

REGISTERED OFFICE : 185, Chennimalai Road,

Erode - 638 001.

FACTORY : Erode to Karur Main Road,

Punjai Kilambadi Village,
REGD OFFICE : 185, Chennimalai Road, Erode - 638 001


Notice is hereby given that the Fifteenth Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company will be
held on 30th, September, 2010 at 4.00 p.m at Kongu Kalaiarangam, E.V.K.Sampath Nagar, Erode – 638011
to transact the following business:



1. To receive, consider and adopt :

a. The audited Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2010.
b. The audited Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2010.
c. The Directors’ and Auditors’ Report thereon.

2. To appoint a Director in the place of Dr.L.M.Ramakrishnan, who retires by rotation and being eligible,
offers himself for re-appointment.

3. To appoint a Director in the place of Sri. M.Chinnayan, who retires by rotation and being eligible,
offers himself for re-appointment.

4. To appoint Auditors to hold office from the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting till the
conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and to fix their remuneration. The retiring Auditors
M/s. N.C.Rajagopal & Co., Chartered Accountants are eligible for re-appointment and confirmed
their willingness to accept the office, if re-appointed.

Place : Erode By order of the Board

Date : 30.07.2010
Managing Director
Notes :

1. A Member entitled to attend and vote at this Annual General Meeting may appoint a proxy to attend
and vote on his/her behalf. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. The instrument appointing
the proxy duly completed shall be deposited at the Registered Office at 185 – Chennimalai Road,
Erode – 638 001 not later than 48 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting.
2. Explanatory Statement pursuant to Section 173(2) of the Companies Act, 1956 in respect of Special
Business as set out above is annexed hereto.
3. The Register of Members, Share Transfer Books will remain closed from 25.09.2010 to 30.09.2010
(both days inclusive) for the purpose of payment of dividend, if any, approved by the Members.
4. Consequent upon introduction of Sec 109A of the Companies Act, 1956, shareholders are entitled
to make nomination in respect of shares held by them. Shareholders desirous of making
nominations are requested to send their request in FORM 2B to the Registrar and Transfer Agents,
M/s.S.K.D.C. Consultant Ltd., Ganapathy towers, IIIrd floor, 1391/A-1, Sathy Road, Ganapathy,
Coimbatore – 641 012.
5. Members holding shares in DEMAT form are requested to incorporate Client ID Number and DPID
Number in the attendance slip/proxy form for easy identification.
6. All documents referred to in the accompanying Notice Explanatory Statement are available for
inspection at the Registered Office of the Company all working days between 11.00 a.m. and 2.00
p.m up to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
7. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 205A read with Section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956, as
amended, any dividend which remains unpaid/unclaimed for a period 7 years will be transferred to
the Investor Education and Protection Fund of the Central Government. Shareholders who have not
encashed dividend warrant(s) so far for the financial year ended 31st March 2004, 31st March 2005,
31st March 2006, 31st March 2007, and 31st March, 2008, 31st March, 2009 are requested to approach
the company for obtaining payments thereof.

8. Members are requested to notify any change in their address, mandate etc to:
i. The Company’s Registrar and Transfer Agents, M/s.S.K.D.C. Consultants Ltd., Ganapathy towers,
IIIrd floor, 1391/A-1, Sathy Road, Ganapathy, Coimbatore – 641 012, in respect of shares held in
physical form.
ii. Their depository Participants (DPs) in respect of shares hold in dematerialized form.
9. Brief particulars of Direct proposed for re-appointment of Directors are given in Report on Corporate

By order of the Board

Date : 30.07.2010 Managing Director

Date and Venue of Annual General Meeting

On 30th September 2010 at Kongu Kalaiarangam, E.V.K.Sampath Nagar, Erode - 638 011.

Tentative Financial Calender :

Fourth quarter and unaudited results 2009-2010 : April 29 2010.
First quarter results for 2010-11 and audited
Results for 2009-2010 : 30.07.2010.
Fifteenth Annual General Meeting : 30.09.2010
Second quarter results for 2010-2011 : On or before October 31, 2010.
Third quarter results for 2010-2011 : On or before January 31, 2011.
Date of book closure : 25.09.2010 to 30.09.2010

Listing on Company’s Equity Shares

The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited .

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers
Dalal Street
Mumbai – 400 001

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., .

Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
Bandra – Kurla Complex
Bandra (E)
Mumbai – 400 051.

In the Eleventh Annual General Meeting of the company, special resolution was passed for delisting the
shares of the company from Madras and Coimbatore Stock Exchanges. The company informed the decision
of the shareholders to the above two stock exchanges and the stock exchanges are yet to inform the
company about their formalities for delisting.

Annual listing fees has been paid to all Stock Exchanges for the year 2010-11 except to Coimbatore
Stock Exchange and Madras Stock Exchange in view of the decision of the share holders to delist shares
of the company.
Share Price Movements
The high and low prices of the Company’s share on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and the National
Stock Exchange between April, 2009 and March, 2010 are as under:

Month Bombay Stock Exchange Limited National Stock Exchange Limited

High Low Quantity High Low Quantity
Apr-2009 16.28 13.50 69,778 16.50 12.15 1,11,858
May-2009 26.54 13.35 6,99,336 26.25 13.00 14,34,456
Jun-2009 32.05 16.85 4,20,791 31.80 16.80 9,29,930
Jul-2009 18.80 15.25 55,391 18.90 15.15 1,28,887
Aug-2009 19.70 15.40 1,11,387 19.70 15.80 1,90,979
Sep-2009 19.45 17.40 1,32,223 19.30 17.25 1,89,481
Oct-2009 18.40 15.85 70,345 19.00 15.75 1,31,950
Nov-2009 21.40 14.90 1,63,237 20.50 14.30 4,29,113
Dec-2009 29.75 17.80 30,30,193 29.65 17.50 26,21,802
Jan-2010 25.45 17.70 3,02,813 24.90 18.15 7,90,062
Feb-2010 20.65 17.10 85,432 20.40 16.45 2,33,003
Mar-2010 22.80 17.90 3,33,197 22.80 17.60 9,17,952

Stock Code :

National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) SKMEGGPROD

The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd 532143

NSDL & CSDL INE 411 D 1015

The Equity Shares of the company are under the process of delisting from the Madras Stock Exchange Ltd
and the Coimbatore Stock Exchange Ltd.

Share Transfer System :

The Board delegated its authority to transfer shares to Committee of Directors called as Share Transfer
Committee. The details of share transferred are being placed before the Board of Directors and duly ratified.
The Committee oversees transfers, transmissions, dematerialization, and rematerialisation of shares and
issue of duplicate share certificates.

Compliance Officer :
S.Raghuraman, B.A. FCA. FCS.
General Manager Finance & Company Secretary,
M/s.SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited,
185, Chennimalai Road,
Erode – 638 001.
Distribution of shareholding as on :

31.03.2010 31.03.2009
No. of Equity
No. of No. of % of No. of No. of % of
Shares held Share % Shares Share Share % Share
holders held holding Holders held holding

1 - 500 6,786 69.24 20,647,370 7.84 6,656 68.48 20,79,369 7.90

501 - 1000 1,539 15.70 13,202,660 5.01 1,557 16.02 13,31,732 5.06
1001 - 2000 403 4.11 6,155,790 2.34 429 4.41 6,58,977 2.50
2001 - 3000 694 7.10 17,262,180 6.56 724 7.45 17,96,718 6.82
3001 - 4000 61 0.62 2,211,940 0.84 51 0.52 1,85,729 0.71
4001 - 5000 152 1.55 7,392,230 2.81 144 1.48 7,00,196 2.66
5001 - 10000 100 1.02 7,846,610 2.98 87 0.90 6,97,008 2.65
10001 and above 65 0.66 188,581,220 71.62 72 0.74 18,880,271 71.70
Total 9,800 100.00 2,63,30,000 100.00 9,720 100.00 2,63,30,000 100.00

Registrar and Transfer Agent

M/s.S.K.D.C.Consultants Limited, Ganapathy towers, IIIrd floor, 1391/A-1, Sathy Road, Ganapathy,
Coimbatore – 641 006, Phone: 0422-6549995, 2539835 2539836 , Fax:0422-2539837 is the Share Transfer
Agent for Physical and Electronic transfer of Company’s Shares.

Categories of shareholding as on:

31.03.2010 31.03.2009

No. of No. of % of No. of % of

Category No. of
Share % Shares Share Share % Share
Shares held
holders held holding holders holding

Promoters 10 0.10 16,461,793 62.52 9 0.09 16,428,993 62.40

Corporate 206 2.10 5,66,371 2.16 208 2.14 469,133 1.78
Individuals 9,545 97.40 80,44,887 30.55 9,468 97.41 8,163,238 31.00
NRI’s / OCB’s 39 0.40 12,56,949 4.77 35 0.36 1,268,636 4.82

Total 9,800 100.00 26,330,000 100.00 9,720 100.00 26,330,000 100.00

Dematerialisation of shares:

As per SEBI’s instruction the Company’s Equity Shares can be sold through Stock Exchanges only in
Dematerialised form.

Extent of Dematerialisation as on 31.03.2010

Name of the Depository No.of Shares %

National Securities Depository Ltd 13,456,702 51.108

Central Depository Services (India) Ltd 7,047,586 26.766

Physical 5,825,712 22.126

Total 26,330,000 100.000

Plant location:

Erode – Karur Main Road
Pasur Post
Erode District
Pin: 638 154

Registered Office and Address for Correspondence:

Due to Administrative reasons the company shifted the Registered Office at 156, Gandhiji Road,
Erode - 638 001 to the following new address.

185 Chennimalai Road,

Erode - 638 001.
Phone : (0424) 2262963
Fax: (0424) 2258419
e-mail :


Date : 30.07.2010 EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN

Your directors are pleased to present the FIFTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT and the audited accounts of the
company for the year ended March 31, 2010.


DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2008-2009

Net Sales 11361.34 12222.21

Profit Before Interest and Depreciation 1373.30 2153.42
Less : Interest 811.84 540.33
Depreciation 531.89 418.09
Profit before tax 29.57 1194.99
Add: Earlier Year Mat Provision credit entitlement 239.25
Less: Provision for Deferred Tax 174.30 550.83
Profit after tax and available for appropriation 94.51 644.16

Proposed dividend 0 131.65
Corporate dividend tax 0 22.37
Balance carried to Balance Sheet 94.51 490.13


Since the company has earned a meager net profit of Rs.94.51 lakhs, the Board has not recommended
the dividend during the year 2009-10.


Your directors wish to state that during the year recorded a turnover of Rs.113.62 crores as against
Rs. 122.22 crores in the previous ended 31st March 2009.The profit before tax has gone down to Rs.0.30
crores, compared to Rs.11.95 crores during the corresponding previous year .PAT stood at Rs. 0.95 crores
as on 31.03.2010 as against Rs. 6.44 crores in the previous fiscal.

During the current year under review, the average egg price stood at Rs.2.28/egg when compared to
Rs.1.92/egg during the previous year ended 31st March, 2009. The average realization of egg powder had
also shown decline from Rs 316.23/kg during the corresponding previous year 2008-09 to Rs.258.70/kg
during the current year under review. Despite worldwide recession, the quantity sold during the current
year stood at 4391.67 MT, when compared to 3865.01 MT during the previous year. The Interest &
Finance charges increased to Rs.8.12 crores due to expansion of Feed Mill and Egg Powder unit and
increase in average borrowings.


The Capital Expenditure incurred and funded for the year is Rs.4573.10 lakhs of which Rs.1096.70 lakhs
pertain to plant and machinery.
The steep recession continuing in the countries where the company is predominantly exporting its products,
is restricting the increase in sales volume and reducing the price realization. Therefore, the sales outlook
for the year 2010-2011 will remain the same as that of the previous year. The shell egg price in Europe is
low and there is no increasing trend, as expected. But the egg prices in US after the financial crisis has
fall in drastically. Hence due to low cost eggs in US, we are facing stiff competition on price front in Japan
and Europe. In order to sustain our volume of business, our company has also reduced the selling price.
However, there are signs of recovery of shell egg price in the future. The company is evolving strategies,
in such a way, to retain at least the present price levels and volume. Because of this, the margin continues
to be under pressure, as we do not want to lose the customers. The customers are happy with our quality
and strict adherence to time schedule.
Egg processing industry is a raw material intensive industry and hence fluctuation is egg price widely
influences cash position and operating margin of this industry. The egg price was ruling at high throughout
the year and this factor had a substantial adverse effect on the bottom line of the company for this year
also. Indian egg processing industries do not have any domestic market for processed eggs and therefore
the performance of the company is having a direct correlation to the performance of the global economy,
The slow down in the performance of the US economy resulted in appreciation of Indian Rupee against US
dollar and as a consequence the operating profit of the company during this year was lower as against the
previous year.
The company has been working very hard on value added products to get a premium prices from the
market price. The company has identified Russia as an important destination for Egg yolk powder. It is in
the process of establishing the branch office in Moscow.
With our standing experience in overseas for over years, we had indentified few sources who will be able
to help us in our operations at Russia. We believe that our direct contact with end users will give us
better realization and relationship. We plan to make use of different agents in Russia to service our
customers and pay a commission to them on the business provided by them. With our experience in
Europe Union and other markets, we are confident of establishing a market share in Russia, taking
advantage of better unilateral relationship our Country had developed over these years.
During the recent visits, we have started opening dialogue with the prosperous buyers there and we have
received encourage response. Our credibility can be easily established with the fact that our products
exported to Europe are further value added and exported to Russia. The biggest step now is to further
value add our product to suit the Russian Market, which needs a lot of time and effort technically and
commercially. These measures are absolutely required, if we want to retain our position in the overseas
market. We are confident that our efforts will bear results in about a year or so.
We are also closely monitoring the political situation in that country and the payment terms of the customers
also. Since the market is booming and the realization is better than any other overseas country, we are
serious about this market. As the entire situation is in a fluid state, we will be able to firm up our assumptions
with solid figures over a period of time.
In addition to our efforts in Russia, our exclusive offices SKM Europe and SKM Japan are continuously
working to expand our market with better realization.
We are confident of increasing our volume and realization in the coming years with the help of the economic
recovery in the US and the EU.

We are taking about 450000 eggs from our farm on daily basis. It is expected that this project would
make a significant contribution to the bottom line of the company in the ensuing years. In addition to the
monetary benefits, this project will enable the company’s tracking system to extent upto the stage of feed
ingredients level. The advantage of poultry farm is that we can purchase good quality salmonella free
chicks from known source which is pre requisite for food safety. The company has a very good bio
security control in our premises and strict monitoring of health of birds. We can also produce good quality
residue free eggs by giving good quality feed & water to birds. Traceability is much easier in our own

Poultry, in fact, is one of the fastest growing segments of the Agricultural sector in India. A significant
feature of India’s poultry has been its transformation from a backward activity into a major commercial
activity in just four decades. This transformation has evolved sizable private sector investments in breeding,
hatching, rearing and processing.

Particularly the investments in Layer farming is expected to be much better and we can visualize it at the
rate of 7.5% increase every year and this increase is directly proportional to the population and the per
capita consumption. National Eggs Coordination Committee has already projected a poultry plan for the
year 2015 based on the target of achieving 180 eggs as per capita consumption. This will have a thrust on
developing the rural consumption which is the focal point at the pace of 20% per annum.

The Indian Egg price has been historically very close to the American prices of around 0.4 Euro per Kg.
but from 2006-07 onwards it has gradually increased to 0.55 Euro per Kg. in 2008-09. In the last year the
egg prices are dramatically increased to reach a level of 0.75 Euro per Kg.


The company started production on 04/06/09 and the capacity of the plant is 200 mt/day. Feed cost
constitutes a major component in the cost of producing eggs and the benefits out of the poultry farm can
be improved. Also the cost of feed ingredients fluctuate widely and the company is not able to take
advantage of the price movements of feed ingredients which can be achieved by implementing efficient
purchasing system and the company hopes that it would make a considerable savings in the feed ingredients
and processing cost. In addition the company is receiving enquiries for supply of various kinds of egg
powders which can be possible if eggs are produced in the farm by changing feed composition mix on trial
basis. The purpose of extending its tracking system from present system up to feed ingredients stage is
possible. In view of the reasons cited, the company established a feed mill at Ayyempalayam village at
Aravakkurichi Taluk, Karur District.

For utilizing the maximum capacity from the present level, we have adopted a new strategy by which the
feed mill is given for lease to the prospective customers, for use of specific hours only, without compromising
use for our own consumption, which will improve the revenue generation of the company in the long run.
We have got offers from local farmers and other sources also.


During this year under review the company’s marketing subsidiary SKM Europe BV, Netherlands earned a
profit of Rs. 2.31 lakhs. The subsidiary helps the company in a big way in identifying new customers in
Europe and improved the confidence level of customers through timely and qualitative services. The subsidiary
is also taking initiatives to explore into markets which are untapped by the company till now. The Annual
Accounts of the subsidiary company for the financial year under review are attached with this report.


Your company continues to lay great stress on its most valuable resources – people. Continuous training,
both on the job and in an academic setting, is a critical input to ensure that employees at all levels are fully
equipped to deliver a wide variety of products and services to the rapidly growing customer base of your
company. In spite of the difficult business environment, your company has undertaken a number of training
initiatives during the year and a special enabling programme on “ Born to Win “ was organized during the
year. The department heads & Section heads and the official second in position of every department were
given opportunity to undergo this programme. This programme has given much emphasize on achieving
Company’s goal through individuals growth. It also gave the employees an immense opportunity to mingle
with other department heads for better understanding their roles for the growth of the Company.


As part of the effort to evaluate the effectiveness of the internal control systems, your company has set
up internal audit department which would review all the control measures on a periodic basis and commends
improvements, wherever appropriate. The internal audit department would report directly to Audit Committee
of the Board. The Audit Committee regularly review the audit findings as well as the adequacy and
effectiveness of the internal control measures. Additionally, your company has proposal to avail information
assurance services from independent professionals. Based on their recommendations, your company
would implement control measures both in operational and accounting related areas, apart from security
related measures.


The directors, Dr.L.M.Ramakrishnan and Sri.M.Chinnayan retire by rotation in the forthcoming Annual
General Meeting. The retiring directors, being eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment. Necessary
resolutions are being moved to seek your approval at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the


The company has not accepted deposits from the public during year under review.


In compliance with the requirements of Clause 49,(V) of the listing agreement entered into with the Stock
Exchanges, the Managing Director has submitted to the Board a certificate relating to financial statements
and other matters as envisaged in the said clause.


The status of delisting the equity shares of the company remains the same on the strength of the decision taken
by the share holders at the Eleventh Annual General Meeting of the company from the Madras Stock
Exchange Limited and from Coimbatore Stock Exchange Limited remain same and unchanged. The request
of the Madras Stock Exchange to continue listing of the company’s equity shares with it was turndown by
the company and their confirmation is yet to be received. However, no response received from the Coimbatore
Stock Exchange on the decision of the members to delist its equity shares from their exchange.



Pursuant to Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956 the Directors confirm that:

1. In the preparation of Annual Accounts the applicable Accounting Standards have been followed and
there were no material departures;

2. The Accounting policies selected are being applied consistently and judgements and estimates
made are reasonable and prudent and gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company
at the end of the financial year ended 31st March 2010 and of the Profit and Loss of the Company for
that period;

3. Proper and sufficient care had been taken for the maintenance of adequate Accounting Records in
accordance with provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing
and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

4. The Annual Accounts prepared on a going concern basis;


Your company reaffirms its commitment to the good corporate governance practices. Pursuant to Clause 49
of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges, Corporate Governance Report is annexed to Directors’
Report and Auditors’ Certificate regarding compliance of the Corporate Governance is made a part of this
Annual Report. The Certificate from the Auditors of the Company, M/s.N.C.Rajagopal & Co, confirming
compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement is
annexed to the Report on Corporate Governance.


The Statutory Auditors, M/s.N.C.Rajagopal & Co, Chartered Accountants, holds office until the conclusion
of the ensuing Annual General Meeting and are eligible for reappointment. The retiring auditors
M/s.N.C.Rajagopal & Co, Chartered Accountants informed the Company that their reappointment, if made,
would be within the prescribed limits under Section 224(1B) of the Companies Act, 1956 and they offer
themselves for reappointment.


A qualified Practicing Company Secretary carries out a secretarial audit on a yearly basis to reconcile the
total admitted capital with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services
Limited (CDSL) and the total issued and listed capital. The audit confirms that the total issued/paid up
capital is in agreement with the total number of shares in physical form and the total number of dematerialized
shares held with NSDL and CDSL.


Your company adheres strictly to all the statutory and other legal compliances. Your Company has been one
of the first to implement any initiatives for shareholder benefit directed from SEBI. On occurrence of any
event, which has a bearing on the share price or otherwise, your company intimates the stock exchanges,
within the stipulated period. Your company has in place regulations for preventing and regulating insider
trading and has adhered to a code of conduct and business ethics by which the shareholder is treated at par
with an employee on availability of information about the company.

Your company has been prompt and regular in its replies to your queries. Your company also replies within
the stipulated time to all legal and statutory authorities. The total numbers of shares dematted as on 31 st
March 2010 are Shares which represent 77.87% of the shares of the Company.


The Company strives to maintain healthy and harmonious relationships with all its employees. Efforts better
ideas for a better plan are ongoing to build and renew the relationship with the workforce.


The company continues to put its effort to adopt various energy saving measures for conservation of energy
even though it is not a power intensive industry.

Particulars of employee’s remunneration u/s 217 (2A) of the Companies Act.1956.


( Rs)
Shri.SKM. 66 Executive 33,64,001 S.S.L.C. 24 Years 26.06.96 Managing Director,
Maeilanandhan Chairman SKM Animal
Feeds and Foods
(India) Ltd.,

The information required as per Section 217(1) (e) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Companies
(Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of the Board of Directors) Rules, 1988 is given in the Annexure
forming part of this report.

As required by Section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956, a statement showing the Company’s interest in the
subsidiary is enclosed to the Balance Sheet of the Company.


Corporate Social Responsibility continues to assume an important role in the activities of the Company.
Afforestation, Water Management, Waste water recycling, Literacy and Health continue to be the chosen
areas of work by the Company and its employees.


Your Directors wish to express their appreciation of the continued co-operation of the Central and State
Governments, bankers, customers, agents and suppliers and also the valuable assistance and advice
received from shareholders. The Directors also wish to thank all the employees for their contribution, support
and continued co-operation throughout the year.

By order of the Board

Place : Erode
Date : 30.07.2010

Information under Section 217(1) (e) of the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of Board of
Directors) Rules, 1988.

PARTICULARS 2009-2010 2008-2009


(1) Electricity
a. Purchased units (Kwh) 29,15,280 4,055,064

Total Amount (Rs.) 12,36,28,36 19,307,614

Rate / Unit (Rs.) 4.24 4.76

b. Own Generation through Diesel Generator

Units (Kwh) 28,24,146 2,047,624

Total Amount 27,74,28,24 17,966,433

Units per litre of Diesel Oil 2.84 3.24

Cost/Unit (Rs.) 9.82 8.77

(2) Furnace Oil

Quantity (Litres) 2,27,100 190,600

Total Cost (Rs.) 54,64,575 39,59,427

Average rate (Rs.) 24.06 20.77

(3) Fire Wood

Quantity (Metric Tonnes) 9,340 11,720

Total Cost (Rs.) 23,22,10,90 25,574,455

Average Rate (Rs.) 2,486.20 2,182.20


Product - Egg Powder (Metric Tonnes) 4,248 4,156

Electricity (Rs. Per Metric Tonne) 9,441 8.969

Fuel (Rs. Per Metric Tonne) 6,753 7,107


Earnings : 10,173.92 11,435.20

Outgo : 769.83 858.96


Various energy saving measures are under consideration and the same would be implemented in the ensuing
years. During this year under review the company has adopted energy saving techniques for improving
power factors. The outcomes of the initiatives taken by the company is the improvement in power factor.


The company is using the technology acquired from BELOVO, Belgium. Over the years the company’s
personnel have acquired thorough knowledge and make required modification for producing various kind of
new products to meet the market demands.


Research and Development wing of the company developing new enzyme for manufacturing heat stable
yolk powder which involves process reengineering and refixation of production parameteres. In tune with the
customers requirement of egg powders with a changed free fatty acid pattern and with a better lipid profile,
the company is doing trials in its poultry farm to produce different quality of eggs by making changes in
feed formulation to meet the above requirements.


Date : 30.07.2010 EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN


Management Discussion and Analysis forming part of this Report is in compliance with Corporate Governance
Standards incorporated in the listing agreement with Stock Exchanges and such statements may be “forward-
looking” within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations. Actual results could differ laws
and regulations. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied. Important factors
that could make a difference to the Company’s operations include economic conditions affecting demand/
supply and price conditions in the domestic and overseas markets in which the Company operates, changes
in the Government regulations, tax laws and other statutes and other incidental factors.


The company is engaged in processing of shell eggs for export markets. The company already started a
poultry farm for captive use of the egg processing plant situated at Cholangapalayam village in Erode
District. As the business of the company is export oriented, movements in local currency against major
currencies have a severe bearing on the performance of the company.

India is one of the leading players in egg production and the cost of producing egg in India is also cheap.
India ranks fifth in the world. India is exporting egg powder, frozen egg yolk and albumen powder to Europe,
Japan and other countries. Table eggs are mostly exported to middle east. The company uses predominantly
local inputs and exporting its final products, changes in economies both locally and at international level
affect the growth and performance of the company. The abnormal increase in the cost of ingredients used in
the manufacture of poultry feeds put a tremendous pressure on the cost of producing eggs which will in turn
have a direct bearing on the profitability of the company.


As only few companies in India are engaged in processed eggs business, data relating to performance of
this industry are not available. The company operated its plant and produced 4549 MTs of egg powder as
against the installed capacity of the plant 6300 Mts. As rupee strengthened against US dollar unexpectedly,
the operating margin during this year is not commensurate with the increased volume of sale of 4391.67
MTs. However in the current financial year the situation of INR v US dollar took a reversed trend and it is
expected that the company’s operating margin would be improved to a significant level.


Pronouncements by several leading economists and Central Bankers across the world would suggest that
the worst is over for the global economy, There are early, if feeble, signs of recovery in the US economy,
which as a significant bearing on the other major economies including India. Even though headline inflation
has been brought under control, the projected increase in government borrowing is likely to have a adverse
impact on market liquidity and consequently, on interest rate. Your company, as in the past, will continue to
pursue its objective of grow with quality; Your Company also continues to focus on new opportunities to
improve profitability.

The year under review faced with the problem of unprecedented increase in egg prices in this current financial
year also the trend of increase in raw material price continued as there is a spurt in feed ingredients cost.

As the increase in feed ingredients cost experienced through out the world there is a corresponding upward
movement in the final product price which neutralized the thread posed due to raw material price movements.
The outlook of this industry appears to be bright by considering the present trend in movements in the end
product price and raw material cost.

The entire production process of the company is well documented which helps the company to track causes
for product complaints up to raw material sources level. The company has started poultry farm for captive
consumption and the tracker system of the company will be extended up to the feed ingredients level. The
company also made significant investment in process related and residue labs to be at par with international
standards and now the company is resourced with facilities to make sample analysis in its lab and thereby
obviating the need to get the sample analysis done in outside laboratories. The company’s marketing subsidiary
at Netherlands helps the company in servicing its customers and also provides required vital inputs for price
negotiation and finalization of new contracts. The company’s supply chain management is so effective
which made the company to register itself as one of the preferred suppliers of renowned customers.


The steadily increasing oil price remained the overriding concern of the company. In order to overcome this,
the company is taking initiates to shift to some other cheap fuels.

The recovery in international prices will happen in tandem with the economic recovery in the US and the EU.
The economic recovery will lead to higher demand for eggs pushing the price of eggs in these markets.
Consequently the egg product prices will go up. On the other hand the egg producers are losing money which
will affect the production capability, resulting in lower supply which will also lead to increase in egg prices.
But the most important factor will be the economic recovery. Based on the past experience the industry will
correct itself in the supply side in 6 months to 1 year time period to have better realization. Considering the
economic situation we expect normal price situation in two years.

India exported around 1500 reefer containers of table eggs in the year 2004 mostly to the gulf market. Much
of these Exports are made from Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Every Year there was an increase of 100
containers. We hope trend will continue and from our side we have to develop markets in South East Asian
and remaining Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt where the consumption is also quite high. The
local usage of egg powder in Bakery products, baby food and defense supplies will substantially increase
the production.

The overall development of the Layer poultry sector is continuing its pace and heading for a very bright future.


Indian economy has been, more or less, able to withstand tremors of global financial melt down. Even
though the rate of GDP growth has slowed down considerably it is expected to be around 6% The Company
has plans to penetrate into new markets which are untapped. Vast market for processed egg products is in
existence in Russia and the company is taking efforts to enter in to such markets. The company is in the
process of taking strategic action for tapping Russian markets.

The company’s consistent quality in products and services was very much appreciated by our customers
and we achieved good capacity utilization. We realized that we could get a better price from the customers
directly instead of invoicing through the collaborator Belovo. We had established our own subsidiary company,
SKM Europe in the Netherlands to cater to the EU Market. Simultaneously an exclusive distributor was also
appointed in the name of SKM Japan to cater to our Japanese customers. The rest of the market was
serviced through several distributors and agents.

With the efforts of our partners in Europe and Japan the company was able to realize better prices and
service the customers more precisely.

The company recognizes that threats are inevitable in business and believe in identifying and reviving risks
on an on going basis. Un-intercepted supply of raw materials at a competitive price is one of the threats that
will pose risk on the profitability of the company. As the raw material cost is having direct correlation with
feed cost, which predominantly uses agricultural commodities, climatic changes will affect the availability
of feed ingredients. Supply of raw material will be affected during the period of monsoon failure and the
company by making investment in its own farm resulted in de-risking the threat to a greater extent. It is
forcing companies to plant operations effectively and produce quality products at lower costs.


The change in exchange rate plays a major role in determining the realization in Rupee. The cross currency
between Dollar and Euro also has an impact on the competitiveness of US offers in Europe and the
exchange rate between Euro and Dollar to the Japanese Yen also plays an important role in deciding the

The price realized in Rupee has not increased proportionately to the price increase Euro and Dollars terms.

Despite of all these risks, overall prospects for the Indian poultry industry in general appears positive,
considering government stimulus packages and the Indian economy recovering faster.

The impact of risks will be reduced through continuous monitoring, timely action and control measures by
the company.


Risk is an integral part of the business process.

To enhance the risk management process, the company has mapped the risks. A system has been formulated
based on Balanced Score Card with various appropriate measures and accountabilities to identify, assess,
prioritise and mitigate the risks. Reports generated from the system are monitored regularly to ensure that
appropriate corrective actions are taken.


The company has proper and adequate systems of internal control to ensure protection of assets, proper
financial & operating functions and compliance with the policies, procedures, applicable Acts and Rules.
The company’s internal controls are supplemented by sound internal audit practices. The Audit Committee
at their meetings regularly reviews the financial, operating, internal audit & compliance reports to improve
performance. The heads of various monitoring / operating cells are present for the Audit Committee meetings
to answer queries raised by the Audit Committee.


The relationship between the management and employees are continued to be cordial. The company is in
the process of developing system for identification of contribution made by individual employees for rewarding
them commensurate with their performance. Restructuring salaries and wages are also under taken for
remunerating employees linked to the performance of the company.


Date : 30.07.2010 EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN


The Company is committed to high standard of Corporate Governance in all its activities and processes.
Through its Corporate Governance measures, the company aims to maintain transparency in its financial
reporting and keep all its shareholders informed about its policies performance and developments. The key
elements of Corporate Governance viz transparency, internal controls, risk management and communications
are being scrupulously followed and being practiced.

The company formed various committees to oversee the functions of the management. The committees
meet regularly and transact the business assigned to it.


The details of composition of the Board, attendance of each Director at the Board meeting held during the
year under review as well as last Annual General Meeting and the number of other Directorship / Committee
Membership held by them are as follows.

No. of other Committee

Companies in which
Chairman/ Independent/
S.No. Name of Directors in which he is a
Director Nominee
he is a member /
Director Chairman

1 Shri.SKM. Maeilanandhan Chairman Promoter 3 Nil

2 Shri.SKM. Shree Shivkumar Director Promoter 3 Nil

3 Shri.B. Ramakrishnan Director TIDCO–Nominee 9 5

4 Shri.S.M. Venkatachalapathy Director Promoter Nil Nil

5 Dr.L.M. Ramakrishnan Director Independent 3 Nil

6 Shri.M. Chinnayan Director Independent Nil Nil

7 Shri.P. Kumarasamy Director Independent Nil Nil


Board Meeting Last Annual General Meeting

S.No. Name of Directors
Held Attended Attended Not Attended

1 Shri.SKM.Maeilanandhan 5 5 Yes -

2 Shri.SKM.Shree Shivkumar 5 5 Yes -

3 Shri.B.Ramakrishnan 5 3 Yes -

4 Shri.S.M.Venkatachalapathy 5 5 Yes -

5 Dr.L.M.Ramakrishnan 5 4 Yes -

6 Shri.M.Chinnayan 5 3 Yes -

7 Shri.P.Kumarasamy 5 5 Yes -


Dr.L.M.Ramakrishnan M.B.B.S. aged 68 years is a member of the Board of the Company since 28.02.1997.
Dr.L.M.Ramakrishnan’s indepth knowledge & past experience helps the company in solving many issues.
He is the Chairman of the Remuneration committee and a member in the shareholders and Investor’s
Grievance Committee.

Shri M.Chinnayan,, FCA, aged 70 years is a practicing Chartered Accountant. He holds directorships
in this Company since 28.02.1997 and he is co-opting as Chairman of Audit Committee. Shri M.Chinnayan’s
tax knowledge & audit experience helps the company in solving many issues.


All the three member of the Audit committee are Non-Executive and Independent Directors. The Chairman of
the Committee is a Chartered Accountant. The Committee met four times on 29.04.09, 30.07.09,27.10.09
and on 30.01.10 during this year. The name and the attendance of members are given below.

Audit Committee Meetings

S.No. Name of Members Category
Held Attended

1 Shri.M.Chinnayan Chairman 4 2
2 Shri.B.Ramakrishnan Member 4 2
3 Shri.P.Kumarasamy Member 4 4

The Audit Committee periodically reviews the adequacy of the internal control system of the company and
reviews the reports of the Statutory Auditors and discussed their findings. The terms of reference made by
the Board to the Audit Committee are in accordance with the items listed in clause 49(II)(D) of the Listing
Agreement, inter alia, including
a. Review of financial statement before submission to the Board of Directors.
b. To initiate steps for implementing effective internal control systems to safeguard the assets of the
c. To investigate in to any matter, either in relation to the terms specified in section 292A of the
Companies Act, 1956 or referred to it by the Board.
d. Review the company’s financial and risk management policies.
The Statutory Auditors of the company were invited to attend the meeting.
The Board of directors constituted this committee on 29.04.2002, which comprises of 3, Non-Executive
Directors and the composition of the Board is given below:

Name of Members Chairman / Member

Dr. L.M. Ramakrishnan Chairman

Shri. S.M. Venkatachalapathy Member

Shri. P. Kumarasamy Member


The Committee reviews and determines the company’s policy on remuneration of Executive Chairman and
Managing Director so as to ensure that they are fairly rewarded for their individual contribution to the company’s
overall performance and their remuneration is in line with industry standards.


The broad terms of reference to the Remuneration Committee are to recommend to the Board regarding
salary (including annual increments), Perquisites, commission/incentives to be paid to the company’s
Executive Chairman, Managing Director / Whole Time Director.

Details of remuneration paid to Executive and Non-Executive Director for the year 2009-2010 are given
(Amount in Rs.)
Name of Directors Salary and Total

Shri.SKM.Maeilanandhan 22,80,000.00 10,84,001.00 — 33,64,001.00

Shri.SKM.Shree Shivkumar 21,60,000.00 10,96,539.00 — 32,56,539.00
Shri.B.Ramakrishnan(TIDCO) Nil Nil 2000.00 2000.00
Shri.S.M.Venkatachalapathy Nil Nil 4000.00 4000.00
Dr.L.M.Ramakrishnan Nil Nil 2000.00 2000.00
Shri.M.Chinnayan Nil Nil 1000.00 1000.00
Shri.P.Kumarasamy Nil Nil 4000.00 4000.00


The shareholder and investor Grievances committee specifically looks into redressing of shareholders and
investors complaints such as transfer of shares, non-receipt of share certificates, non-receipt of dividends
and to ensure expeditious share transfer process. The committee endeavors to settle all shareholders
complaints in the minimum possible time.

The committee consists of the following independent directors:

S.No. Name of Members Chairman / Member

1. Shri. P . Kumarasamy Chairman
2. Shri. S.M. Venkatachalapathy Member
3. Dr. L.M. Ramakrishnan Member


a. Location and time, where last three Annual General Meeting were held:

Details of Special
AGM Location Date Time
Resolution, if any, passed

Kongu Kalaiarangam
No Special Resolution was
2007 - 12th AGM E.V.K. Sampath Nagar 11.09.2007 4.00 p.m.
Erode - 638 011

Kongu Kalaiarangam No Special Resolution was

2008 - 13 th AGM E.V.K. Sampath Nagar 09.09.2008 4.00 p.m. passed
Erode - 638 011
Kongu Kalaiarangam
2009 - 14 th
AGM E.V.K. Sampath Nagar 25.09.2009 4.00 p.m. No Special Resolution was
Erode - 638 011 passed
b. Whether special resolutions were put through postal ballot last year? : No
i. If Yes, details of voting pattern : Not applicable
ii. Persons who conducted the postal ballot exercise : Not applicable
iii. Procedure for postal ballot : Not applicable

Details of non-compliance by the company, penalties, stcritures imposed

on the Company by Stock Exchange or SEBI or any authority on any matter
related to capital markets, during last 3 years : Nil


1. Half yearly report sent to each household of Shareholders No

2. In which newspaper quarterly results normally published in Daily Thanthi (Tamil)Business Line
3. Any website where displayed Electronic Data information filing
and retrieval (EDIFAR)
4. Whether it also displays official news releases Nil
5. Presentation made to institutional investors or to the analysts Nil
6. Whether Management Discussions and Analysis is part of Yes, it is part of the annual report
annual report or not


Date : 30.07.2010 EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN

To the members of SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited,

We have reviewed the implementation of Corporate Governance by SKM Egg Products Export
(India) Limited, during the year ended 31 st March 2010, with the relevant records and documents
maintained by the company, furnished to us for our review and report on Corporate Governance as
approved by the Board of Directors.

The compliance of conditions of corporate governance is the responsibility of the management.

Our examination was limited to procedure and implementation thereof, adopted by the company for
ensuring the compliance of the conditions of the corporate governance. It is neither an audit nor an
expression of opinion on the financial statements of the company.

We have conducted our review on the basis of relevant records and documents maintained by
the company and furnished to us for review and the information and explanation given to us by the

Based on such a review, in our opinion, the company has compiled with the conditions of Corporate
Governance, as stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of the said company with stock

We state that no investor grievances are pending for a period exceeding one month against the
Company as per the records maintained by the Shareholders / Investors Grievance Committee.

We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the
company nor the efficiency of effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of
the company.


Chartered Accountants

Membership No.009592.


We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of SKM EGG PRODUCTS EXPORT (INDIA)
LIMITED, 185, Chennimalai Road, Erode – 638001 as at 31st March 2010 and also the Profit and Loss
Account for the year ended on that date annexed thereto and cash flow statement for the period
ended on that date. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with audit standards generally accepted in India. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also
includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management,
as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides
a reasonable basis for our opinion.
1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 (As Amended) issued by the Central
Government of India in terms of Section 227(4A) of the Companies Act, 1956, we enclose in the
Annexure a Statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 & 5 of the said order.
2. Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to in paragraph (1) above:
a. We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge
and belief where necessary for the purpose of our audit.
b. In our opinion, proper books of accounts as required by law have been kept by the company,
so far as it appears from our examination of the books.
c. The Balance sheet and Profit and Loss Account dealt with by this report are in agreement
with the books of accounts.
d. On the basis of Written confirmation received from the directors as on 31.03.2010 and taken
on record by the Board of Directors, we report that none of the Directors are disqualified as
on 31.03.2010 from being appointed as a director in terms of clause (g) of sub section (i)
of section 274 of the Companies Act 1956.
e. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us,
the said profit & loss account and the balance sheet read together with the notes thereon give
the information required by the companies Act 1956 in the manner as required and give a true
and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India :-
i. In the case of the Profit and Loss Account, of the Profit for the period ended 31st March 2010
ii. In the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st March 2010
iii. In the case of cash flow statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date.

Place : Erode For N.C. RAJAGOPAL & CO.,

Date : 30.07.2010 Chartered Accountants,

Membership No.009592.

As required by the Companies (Auditors’ report) Order, 2003, made by the central Government under section
227 (4 A) of the Companies Act, 1956, we state that:

1. a. The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars including quantities details
and situation of fixed assets.
b. The fixed assets have been physically verified by the management at reasonable intervals and no
material discrepancies were noticed on such verifications
c. Fixed assets of a substantial part, affecting the going concern, have not been disposed off during
the year.
2. a. The Management has carried out physical verification of inventory at reasonable intervals.
b. The procedure of verification of inventory followed by the Management is reasonable and adequate
in relation to the size of the Company and the nature of its business.
c. The Company is maintaining proper records of inventory and no material discrepancies were noticed
on physical verification.
3 a. The Company has not granted any secured or unsecured loans to Companies, firms or other parties
covered in the Register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies act, 1956.
b. The Company has taken Unsecured loan of Rs. 4.30 crores from Managing Director and Rs.2.49
Crores from SKM Universal Marketing Company (India) Limited. The interest paid on the loans
being Rs.25.85 lacs/- to the Managing Director and Rs.5.46 Lacs to the SKM Universal Marketing
Company (India) Limited. The Balance outstanding as on 31.3.2010 is Rs.90.89 Lacs in respect of
the Managing Director and Rs.2.49 Crores in respect of SKM Universal Marketing Company (India)
c. The rate of Interest and other terms and conditions of the above loan taken by the company are
prima-facie not prejudicial to the interest of the company.
4. There is an adequate internal control system commensurate with the size of the Company and the
nature of its business for the purchase of inventory, fixed assets and for the sale of goods and services
and there is no continuing failure to correct major weaknesses in internal control system.
5. a. The particulars of contracts or arrangements referred to in Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956,
have been entered in the register maintained under that section.
b. Transactions made in pursuance of such contracts or arrangements have been made at prices
which are reasonable, having regard to the prevailing marker prices at the relevant time.
6. The Company has not accepted any deposits from the public.
7. The company has an internal audit system commensurate with its size and nature of its business.
8. We have been informed that the Central Government has not prescribed maintenance of Cost Records
under section 209(1)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956.
9. a. According to the records of the company, Undisputed Statutory dues including Provident Fund,
Investor Education and Protection Fund, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Custom
Duty, Excise Duty, Cess and other material statutory dues, to the extent applicable, have been
generally regularly deposited with the appropriate authorities. According to the information and
explanation given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect of the aforesaid dues were
outstanding as at March 31, 2010 for a period of more than six months from the date they became
b. According to the information and explanation given to us, there are no undisputed amounts payable, in
respect of Income Tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Sales Tax, Customs duty and Cess, were in arrears as
at March 2010, for a period of more than six months from the date they become payable except the
following payments, the details for which are given below:
Period to which it Amount Due Forum where the appeal
Particulars Relates to be paid is preferred
Excise Duty 1.8.2002 to Duty-Rs.23,156/- CESTAT, Chennai against the order of the
30.4.2003 Interest – Rs.2,605/- Commissioner of Central Excise, Salem
Excise Duty May 2004 to Rs.49,650/- Commissioner of Central Excise, Salem
March 2005

Excise Duty June 2006 to Rs.54,245/- Commissioner of Appeal, Salem

Feb 2007
March 2006 to Rs. 73,874/- Commissioner of Appeal, Salem
Excise Duty
December 2007
Service Tax April 2006 to Rs. 1,97,293/- High Court of Madras
September 2006
Service Tax October 2006 to Rs. 3,63,898/- High Court of Madras
December 2006
Service Tax January 2007 to Rs. 4,36,775/- High Court of Madras
March 2007
Service Tax April 2007 to Rs. 4,89,366/- High Court of Madras
September 2007
Service Tax July 2005 to Rs.3,10,489/- High Court of Madras
December 2005
Service Tax July 2005 to Rs.1,01,786/- High Court of Madras
December 2005
Service Tax January 2006 to Rs.4,82,328/- High Court of Madras
March 2006
Excise Duty June 2005 to Rs.29,230/- Commissioner of Central Excise Appeals,
May 2005 Salem
Excise Duty Jan 2008 to Rs.45,034/- Commissioner of Central Excise Appeals,
June 2008 Salem
Service Tax Oct 2007 to Jan Rs.4,33,443/- Proceedings stayed by the Madras High
2008 Court Vide WP No.26418 of 2008
Excise Duty April 2009 to Rs. 83,904/- Commissioner of Central Excise Appeals,
November 2009 Salem
Service Tax February 2008 to Rs.6,05,640/- Proceedings stayed by the Madras High
March 2008 Court Vide WP No.17194/2009
Excise Duty July 2008 to Rs.58,364/- Commissioner of Central Excise Appeals,
March 2009 Salem.
Income Tax Asst. Year 2004-2005 Rs. 31,33,992/- Commissioner of Income Tax Appeals (I),

Income Tax Asst. Year 2007-2008 Rs. 12,42,210/- Commissioner of Income Tax Appeals (I),
10. The Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to Financial Institution or banks.

11. The Company has not granted loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of
shares, debentures and other securities and hence maintenance of adequate documents and records for
such cases does not arise.

12. The Company does not have any Accumulated losses. The Company has not incurred cash losses
during the year covered by our audit and the immediately preceding financial year.

13. The Company has not given any guarantee for loans taken by others from banks or financial institutions.

14. The company is not a chit fund, Nidhi or Mutual benefit Society. Hence the requirements of item (xiii)
of paragraph 4 of the Order is not applicable to the company.

15. In our opinion, the company is not dealing in or trading in shares, Securities, Debentures and other
Investments. Accordingly the provisions of clause 4[xiv] of the companies [Auditor’s Report] Order 2003
are not applicable to the company.

16. As per the information and explanations given to us, Term Loans borrowed by the company were applied
for the purposes for which the loans were obtained.

17. As per the information and explanations given to us, funds raised on short Term basis have not been
used for Long Term Investments.

18. On the basis of the information and explanations furnished by the company no fraud on or by the
Company has been noticed or reported during the year.

19. According to the information and explanations given to us no preferential allotment of shares has been
made by the company to companies, firms, or parties listed in the register maintained under section 301
of the Companies Act 1956.

20. The company has not issued any debentures. Hence the requirement of clause (xix) of paragraph 4 of
the Order is not applicable to the company.

21. During the period covered by our audit report, the company has not raised any money by public issue.


Chartered Accountants,

Place : Erode
Date : 30.07.2010 N.C. SAMPATH
Membership No. 009592.
BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH, 2010 (Amount in Rs.)

Particulars Schedule 2009- 10 2008- 09

Share Capital A 263,300,000 263,300,000
Reserves & Surplus B 318, 031,800 308,580,183
Deferred Tax Liability 108,870,853 91,440,418
Secured C 829,997,305 466,891,659
Unsecured 33,978,604 33,889, 357

1,554,178,562 1,164,101,617
Fixed Assets D
Gross Block 1,375,751,269 1,097,920,266
Less:Accumulated Depreciation 310,017,793 256,934,460
Net Block 1,065,733,476 840,985,806
Investment E 832,779 832,779
Current Assets, Loans
and Advances:
Inventories F 301,126,316 184,834,566
Sundry Debtors G 73,772,496 37,172,709
Cash & Bank Balance H 29,592,968 26,763,781
Loans & Advances I 173,972,952 188,203,931
578,464,732 436,974,987
Less: Current Liabilities and
Current Liabilities J 90,110,425 67,005,577
Provisions K 742,000 47,686,378
90,852,425 114,691,955
Net Current Assets 487,612,307 322,283,032
Notes on Accounts S 1,554,178,562 1,164,101,617
1. Significant Accounting Policies 17(a) to 17 (t).
2. Notes to the Accounts (Schedule S) Form part of this Balancesheet
3. This is the Balance Sheet referred to in our report of even date.
For and on behalf of the Board


Chartered Accountants Executive Chairman Managing Director
Membership No. 009592 General Manager - Finance &
Company Secretary
Place : Erode
Date : 30.07.2010
(Amount in Rs.)

Particulars Schedule 2009-10 2008-09

Sales L 1,136,134,879 1,222,220,726
Other Income L 56,384,259 65,189,836
Increase in Stock M 106,986,011 54,223,000
Total 1,299,505,149 1,341,633,562
Purchases and Manufacturing Expenses N 984,464,125 815,839,281
Employees’ Cost O 66,469,146 59,268,318
Administration & Other Expenses P 105,113,952 234,619,658
Marketing Expenses Q 6,127,843 16,564,500
Sub total 1,162,175,066 1,126,291,757
Profit / (Loss) Before Interest & Depreciation 137,330,083 215,341,805
Interest & Financial charges R 81,184,408 54,033,321
Profit / (Loss) After Interest 56,145,675 161,308,484
Depreciation D 53,188,669 41,809,352
Profit / (Loss) after Interest & Depreciation 2,957,006 119,499,132
Provision for Income Tax 15,000,000
Current Year 742000
Less : MAT Credit Entitlement 742000
Provision for Fringe Benefit Tax 574,925
Provision for Deferred Tax 17,430,435 39,508,541
Add: Earlier years MAT Provision Trd. To MAT Credit Entitlement 23,925,044
Profit / (Loss) after income Tax and availble for appropriations 9,451,615 64,415,666
Less : Appropriations
a. Provision for Proposed Dividend -- 13,165,000
b. Provision for Corporate Dividend Tax -- 2,237,392
Balance Carried to Balance Sheet 9,451,615 49,013,274
Earnings Per Share - Basic 0.36 2.45
Earnings Per Share - Diluted 0.36 2.45
Notes on Accounts S
1. Significant Accounting Policies 17(a) to 17 (t).
2. Notes to the Accounts (Schedule S) Form part of this Balancesheet
3. This is the Balance Sheet referred to in our report of even date.
For and on behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants Executive Chairman Managing Director


Partner General Manager - Finance &
Membership No. 009592 Company Secretary

Place : Erode
Date : 30.07.2010
Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

Schedule- A - Share Capital

Authorised Capital:
3,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- Each 300,000,000 300,000,000
Issued, Subscribed & Paid-up:
263,30,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid-up 263,300,000 263,300,000
263,300,000 263,300,000
Schedule - B - Reserves & Surplus
Share Premium Account 400,692 400,692
General Reserve:
Revenue Reserve 115,124 115,124
Profit & Loss Account:
Opening Balance 308,064,369 259,051,093
Less: Provision for Grauity for earlier years
Less: Deferred Tax Liability for Earlier Years
Add: Current Year Balance after appropriation 9,451,615 49,013,274
Closing Balance 317,515,984 308,064,367
318,031,800 308,580,183
Schedule - C - Loans
a. Secured
i) Working Capital Finance From
a. State Bank of India Commercial Branch, Erode 306,089,614 203,173,944
b. ICICI bank Ltd * 100,000,000
Corporate Foreign Currency Term Loan - 2,786,850
ii) ICICI Bank, Term Loan - 1,049,951
iii) SBI Bank, Term Loan 421,641,786 256,821,794
iv) Kotak Mahindra ( Vehicle Loan ) 259,579 482,083
v) Corporation Bank ( Vehicle Loan ) 1,631,326 1,897,870
vi) Reliance 375,000 679,167
b. Un Secured
Loan from Managing Director 9,089,357 33,889,357
SKM Universal Marketing Company (I) Ltd 24,889,247
863,975,909 500,781,016


a. Hypothecation of stocks consisting of raw materials, semi-finished goods, finished goods and stores and
spares and other current assets of the Company.
b. First charge on the entire fixed assets of the Company.
c. Personal guarantees of Executive Chairman and Managing Director
d. Pledge of shares of the company held by the Managing Director.
DEPRECIATION FOR 2009-2010 (A.Y. 2010-11)

Gross Block Depreciation Net Block

Description As at Additions Adjustment / Adjustment /
As on Depreciation
31.03.2009 During the Deductions Depreciation During the Deductions Depreciation As on As at
year During the 31.03.2010 up to Year During the Upto March 31.03.2010 31.03.2009
Year 31.03.2009 Year 2010

Land 54,457,149 4,543,592 3,510,306 55,490,435 - - - - 55,490,435 54,457,149

Building 276,418,310 93,408,342 - 369,826,652 33,924,867 11,358,034 90,562 45,192,339 324,634,313 242,493,443
Plant & Machinery 537,508,337 109,670,426 1,022,378 646,156,385 200,437,103 35,458,693 - 235,895,796 410,260,589 337,133,855
Office & Other
Eqiupment 40,796,867 777,583 - 41,574,450 11,250,758 2,524,060 - 13,774,818 27,799,632 29,546,109
Computers 8,079,305 1,980,916 - 10,060,221 5,062,614 1,454,082 6,516,695 3,543,526 3,016,691

Furniture & Fixtures 5,416,698 22,635 - 5,439,333 2,815,422 347,813 - 3,163,235 2,276,098 2,601,276
Motor Vehicles 20,415,753 761,952 373,075 20,804,630 3,443,699 2,045,987 14,774 5,474,912 15,329,718 16,973,771
Work In Progress 147,434,242 246,144,711 175,060,150 218,518,803 - - 218,518,803 147,369,905

GROSS TOTAL 1,090,526,661 457,310,157 179,965,909 1,367,870,909 256,934,462 53,188,668 105,336 310,017,794 10,57,853,115 833,592,200

PREVIOUS YEAR 771,414,503 352,230,012 (33,117,855) 1,090,526,661 215,078,291 41,809,352 81,856 256,934,460 833,592,200 556,336,212

Description Value of Live Stock Accretions to the cost Cost Amortised Cost Unamortised Value of Live Stock
as on 1.04.2009 as on 31.03.2010
Live Stock 7,393,605 96,309,720 48,579,533 47,243,432 7,880,360

GROSS TOTAL 7,393,605 96,309,720 48,579,533 47,243,432 7,880,360

PREVIOUS YEAR 3,337,566 197,880,079 172,785,326 21,038,714 7,393,605

Notes : -
Figures in adjustment / deductions column for “working in progress” represents assets capitalised during the year.
Figures in adjustment / deductions column for “Land” includes inter head adjustments and land sold during the year.
(Amount in Rs.)
Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

Schedule - E - Investments

Unquoted :
SKM Europe BV , The Netharlands - Subsidiary Company 832,779 832,779
832,779 832,779

Current Assests,Loans and Advances

Schedule F -Inventories
(As Valued & Certified By the Management)
Raw Material 19,106,760 14,831,448
Additives, Stores, Spares and Consumables 33,187,759 30,928,291
Finished Goods 242,080,713 136,261,000
Feed & Medicines 2,045,166 316,488
Egg Trays 1,783,402 1,478,003
Plastic Crates Stock 1,495,240 476,229
Display Stand 381,911 363,235
Shrink - 126,268
Packing & Display Stand Sticker 1,045,365 53,604
301,126,316 184,834,566
Schedule G - Sundry Debtors
Unsecured & Considered Good
Sundry Debtors - Considered Good
a) More Than Six Months
b) Others 73,772,496 37,172,709
73,772,496 37,172,709
Schedule - H Cash and Bank Balances
i. Cash on hand 1,335,452 243,143
ii. In Current Account with Scheduled Banks 20,832,678 15,134,877
III.Fixed Deposit with SBI, Commercial Branch Erode. 7,424,838 11,385,761
29,592,968 26,763,781
Schedule - I Current Assets and Loans and Advances
Loans and Advances
i. Advances Recoverable in Cash or in kind for value to be
received - Unsecured and Considered Good
81,526,090 101,172,666
ii.Deposits - Considered Good 11,620,281 5,037,848
iii.MAT Credit Entitlement 25,999,771 21,239,623
(Amount in Rs.)
Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

Other Current Asset :

i. Unamortised Value of Chicks 47,243,432 21,038,714
ii.VKUY Licence - 27,797,246
iii.Pre-Operative Expenses - 11,917,834
iv.Licence - Focus Products Scheme Receivable 2,300,000

v. Duty Drawback (Eggs) Receivables 5,283,378

173,972,952 188,203,931
Schedule J-Current Liabilities
i) Trade Creditors * 61,937,235 43,163,985
(Refer note 3 in Schedule S)
ii)Creditors For Expenses & Others 10,610,229 3,650,921
iii) Unpaid Dividend 2,959,434 2,312,842
iv) Advance from debtors 1,597,052
iv. Liability for Expenses
Earned Leave Encashment Payable 1,768,122 1,951,935
Sales Commisssion Payable 1,956,839 2,694,104
Other Expeness Payable 6,032,848 9,305,394
Bonus Payable 2,555,000 2,000,000
Egg Yolk Powder Short Supply Payable - 1,156,490
Net Gratuity obligation 693,666 769,906
90,110,425 67,005,577
Schedule - K
1. Provision for Income tax - Minimum Alternative Tax 742,000 28,597,038
2. Provision for Proposed Dividend - 13,165,000
3. Provision for Corporate Dividend Tax - 2,237,392
4. Provision for Fringe Benefit Tax - 1,958,948
5. Provision for Genshed Tax - 1,728,000
742,000 47,686,378
SCHEDULE -L—Sales & Other Income
Export Sales 1,032,182,210 1,143,520,038
Domestic Sales 103,952,669 78,700,688
1,136,134,879 1,222,220,726
Sale of Shell Egg & Scrap 4,764,095 989,928
Interest Receipts 3,001,801 4,126,986
Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojana - Subsidy 18,294,529 47,901,224

Egg Drawback 27,962,791
Miscellaneous Income 61,043 58,003
Focus Products Scheme 2,300,000
Prior Period Item - 12,113,695
Other Income 56,384,259 65,189,836
SCHEDULE M (Increase) /Decrease in Stock
Opening Stock - Finished goods 136,261,000 82,038,000
Semi Finished Goods
Add:Egg Powder Purchase
Closing Stock - Finished goods & 243,247,011 136,261,000
Semi Finished Goods
Increase / (Decrease) in Stock 106,986,011 54,223,000
Raw Material- Eggs Consumed 774,655,953 358,575,814
Other Purchases 1,257,639
Egg Purchases 14,955,982 162,087,522
Amortised Value of Birds 48,579,533 172,785,326
Feed & Maize Consumption 47,959 162,505
Vaccine & Medicine Consumption 776,700
Packing Material - Consumed 23,833,987 18,876,710
Power & Fuel 70,158,637 68,501,608
Transport Hire & Cooli 1,504,992 1,304,463
Additives & Consumables 45,441,041 33,132,826
Egg Stand 2,622,649 335,017
Egg Paper Tray 629,053 77,490
984,464,125 815,839,281
Salaries & Wages 40,290,086 38,957,386
PF Contribution 2,115,647 1,952,078
Contractors’ Payment 20,928,552 15,980,886
Grauity Expenses 391,427 202,582
Welfare Expenses 2,743,434 2,175,386
66,469,146 59,268,318
(Amount in Rs.)
Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

SCHEDULE - P- Administration & Other Expenses

Repairs & Maintenance
a) Building 5,272,748 4,525,879
b) Plant & Machinery 9,194,693 12,053,730
d) Fly Control Expenses 1,684,955 13,603,040
c) Others 7,448,496 6,670,093
d) Vehicle 8,418,627 7,356,315

32,019,519 44,209,057

Stores & Spares Consumption 9,260,683 21,819,810

Analysing Charges 3,630,236 6,520,841
Rent, Rates and Taxes 2,369,522 2,080,978
Postage, Courier & Telephone Charges 2,899,834 2,829,585
Printing & Stationery 1,422,508 1,006,007
Insurance Premium 1,769,830 1,838,716
Advertisement and Publicity 3,639,318 7,609,272
Travelling Expenses 4,036,465 5,402,576
Freight, Insurance and Forwarding Charges 27,079,575 28,510,936
Professional Charges 2,331,887 3,102,325
ISO / HACCP-expenses. 250,435 158,726
Stock Exchange Listing Fee 219,335 169,042
Miscellaneous Expenses 3,149,495 798,260
Audit Fees 603,500 417,500
Donation 2,939,605 2,829,539
Foreign Exchange Fluctuation 5,684,817 79,907,805
Loss on Sale of Assets 580,122 134,507
Loss on sale of Import Licence - 4,156,274
Registration and Renewal 404,453 168,522
Annual General Meeting Expenses 394,277 366,320
Directors’ Sitting Fee 13,000 27,000
Subscription 132,646 110,632
Inauguration - Best Eggs 282,890 504,428
Extra Ordinary Item - 19,941,000

73,094,433 190,410,601
(Amount in Rs.)

Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009


Foreign Trip Expenses 1,979,559 3,463,515
Sales Commission to Foreign Collaborator & Others 1,671,282 10,905,502
Foreign Exhibition Expenses 1,009,515 495,016
Sales Promotional Expenses 1,267,718 1,562,152
Foreign Delegates Expenses 199,769 138,315
6,127,843 16,564,500
SCHEDULE - R - Interest & Financial Charges
Working Capital Loan Interest 12,666,095 14,967,969
Bank Charges & ECGC Charges 10,174,007 6,819,996
Export Bills Discount Interest 3,197,617 4,456,322
Export Bills Overdue Interest 1,130,989 1,507,167
Interest Paid - Others 138,776 543,652
Bill Discount & Collection Charges 747,398 2,083,985
SBI- Term Loan Interest 30,382,760 15,862,096
Interest paid Preshipment 9,601,572 5,143,948
Interest paid on ICICI Working capital Loan 10,559,578 2,589,878
Interest paid to Managing Director 2,585,616 16,301
Interest Paid Centurian Bank - 42,007
81,184,408 54,033,321

1. Previous year figures are regrouped, rearranged and reclassified wherever necessary to facilitate
comparison with current year’s figures and figures have been rounded off to nearest rupee.
2. Contingent Liability :
a. Export Bills discounted with the State Bank of India, Commercial
Branch, Erode Rs. 2,093.31Lacs. (Previous year Rs. 1,477.44Lacs).
b. Income Tax Liability Rs.43.76 Lacs
c. Service Tax Liability Rs.34.21 Lacs
d. Excise Duty Liability Rs.4.20 Lacs
3. Balances of Sundry creditors and Sundry debtors are subject to confirmation.
The company has not received any intimation from the suppliers regarding status under the Micro,
Small and Medium enterprises development Act, 2006 (The Act) and hence disclosure regarding:
a) Amount due and Outstanding to suppliers as at the end of the accounting year.
b) Interest paid during the year.
c) Interest payable at the end of the accounting year.
d) Interest accrued and unpaid at the end of the accounting year, have not been provided.
The company is making efforts to get the confirmations from the suppliers as regards their status
under the Act.
4. Additional Information pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4D) of part – II of schedule VI to
Companies Act, 1956 :
I. Details of Licensed Capacity, installed capacity.
a. Licensed Capacity not applicable.
b. Installed Capacity 6,300 Metric Tonnes per annum.
II. Quantitative particulars of sales : (in Metric Tonnes)

2009-2010 2008-2009

Egg powder sales 4391.67 3,865.01

III. Stock and Production (in Metric Tonnes)
a. Opening stock 750 459
b. Production & Purchase 4,549 4,156
c. Closing stock 908 750

IV. Consumption of Raw materials.

a. Egg (Nos. in lakhs) 3781.35 3,629.21

2009 - 2010 2008 - 2009

Particulars % %
Rs. in lacs Rs. in lacs
Raw Material
Indigenous 8552.85 100 6760.00 100.00
Imported Nil Nil Nil Nil
Packing Material
Indigenous 252.06 97.82 186.22 100.00
Imported 05.62 2.18 0.00 Nil
Consumable, Stores and SparesI
Indigenous 508.48 57.95 143.05 48.14
Imported 369.04 42.05 154.06 51.86
Indigenous 586.42 100 480.26 100.00
Imported Nil Nil Nil Nil
VI. Expenditure in Foreign Currency : (Rs in Lacs)

Particulars 2009 - 2010 2008 - 2009

A. Packing Material & Additives 175.95 173.83

B. Stores and Spares 539.30 458.27
C. Foreign Travel Expenses 5.04 11.14
14.32 36.23
D. Analysing Charges
35.17 109.05
E. Sales Commission
0.07 1.43
F. Others
Total 769.85 789.95

VII. FOB Value of goods exported 10,148.16 11,269.04

VIII.NRI Dividend 5,56,600 5,56,600
5. Remuneration to Executive Chairman and Directors: (in Rs.)
Salary, Allowances and Perquisites: 2009-2010 2008-2009
Executive Chairman 33,64,001 29,99,761
Managing Director 32,56,539 27,57,761
Commission: 2009-2010 2008-2009
Executive Chairman NIL 36,39,000
Managing Director NIL 38,81,897

(i) The Executive Chairman and Managing Director’s remuneration is covered under part II of Schedule
XIII of the Companies Act, 1956.
6. Details of Statutory Audit Fee: (in Rs.) 2009-2010 2008-2009
(i) For Statutory Audit Fee 2,50,000 2,50,000
(ii) For Taxation Matter 1,00,000 1,00,000
(iii) For Certification Services 53,500 57,500
(iv) Appeal, Representation 2,00,000 NIL
(v) Sales Tax Matters NIL 10,000

7. Related Party Disclosures:

i. Sale of Egg Shell grits to SKM Animal Fees and Foods (India) Limited – Rs.10.15 lacs. (Tonnage
1,083.815 Tons)
ii. Loan received from SKM Universal Marketing co.(India) Ltd., Rs.2.49 crores (Balance payable as
on 31.03.2010, Rs. 2.49 crores)
iii. Loan received from Managing Director during the year Rs.4.30 crores (Opening Balance Rs.3.39
crores) and repayment made during the year Rs.6.78 Crores (Balance payable as on 31.03.2010,
Rs.90.89 lacs)
iv. Interest paid to Universal Marketing, Rs.5.46 lacs for the year 2009-2010
v. Interest paid to Managing Director, Rs.25.03 lacs.
vi. Energy Consumed (Electricity) from SKM Siddha & Ayurvedic Medicines India Pvt. Limited - Rs.6.36
lacs and Honey purchased Rs.44,554/- (200gms 504 bottle, 100gms 504 bottle, 50gms 504 bottle).
vii. Purchase of Feeds from SKM Animal Feeds and Foods (India) Limited during the year amounting to
Rs. 05.10 Crores (Tonnage: 3,891 Tonnes) and Purchased DOB for Rs.19,580/- (3.04 Tonnes).
Description of the Relationship Between the Parties – Presumption of significant influence
8. Loans and Advances includes advance of Rs. 1.86/- Crores (Last Year - Rs.1.69 Crores) to subsidiary
company of SKM Europe BV, the Netherlands.
9. Provision for Income Tax, Fringe Benefit Tax and Deferred Tax Liability:
Income Tax:
Provision has been made in respect of Income Tax Liability under the Provisions of Section 115 JB
(Minimum Alternate Tax) of the Income Tax Act 1961, since there is no Tax liability under the normal
provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961, in view of the fact that the company’s income when computed
in accordance with the normal provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961 is less than 10% of the Book
Profits of the Company because of the higher rate of Depreciation provided at rates specified in the
Income Tax Act 1961. The Provision thus made for MAT Liability for the current year as well as for
the earlier years have been transferred to MAT Credit Entitlement Account shown under the Current
Assets in the Balance sheet, since the company is entitled to adjust the asset against the future Tax
Deferred Tax Liability recognised in the Profit and Loss Account:
2009-2010 2008-2009
Depreciation(DTL) Rs.1,51,61,882/- Rs. 84,41,903/-
Carried Forward Depreciation Losses(DTL) Rs. 21,69,150/- Rs.3,11,35,495/-
Gratuity Liability/(DTA) Rs. NIL Rs. (68,858)/-
Gratuity Liability (DTL) Rs. 99,403/- Rs. NIL
Total Rs.1,74,30,435/- Rs.3,95,08,541/-

10. No provision has been made in respect of demand of Excise Duties of Rs.4.20 Lacs and Service Tax
of Rs.34.21 Lacs, for which the company has filed appeals with various Higher Appellate Forums,
against the orders of the Lower Authorities and the company is confident of coming out successful
in the Appeals. Similarly no provision has been made in respect of Income Tax Liability of Rs.43.76/
- for the Assessment years 2004-2005 and 2007-2008 since appeals have been filed against the
order of the Assessing Officer with the Honourable Commissioner of Income Tax, Appeals – II,
Coimbatore and the company is confident that the appeals would be decided in favour of the company.

11. The Cess specified under Sub-Section (2) of Section 441A of the Companies Act 1956, has not been
provided for nor paid, in view of the rate and manner of payment having not yet been notified by the
Central Government.

12. There are no impairment of assets in terms of Accounting Standard No.28 issued by The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India.

13. Financial and Derivative Instruments:

a. Nominal amount of Derivative contracts entered into by the Company for hedging currency and
outstanding as on 31st March 2010 amounts to Rs.28,97,03,790/- (Previous Year – 7,14,18,666/-)
Particulars As at 31st March 2010 As at 31 st March 2009

Forward Contracts 28,97,03,790/- 7,14,18,666/-

b. Financial and Derivative contracts entered into by the company during the year are for only for
hedging purposes.

c. Foreign Currency exposure that are not hedged by derivative or forward contracts as on 31st March
2010 amounts to Rs.Nil (Previous Year Rs.27,86,850/-)

d. During the year company not entered in any contract for Speculation.

14. During the year the company has recognized the following amounts in the Profit and Loss Account:

Group Gratuity Group Gratuity

Scheme(Funded) 2010 Scheme(Funded)2009

a) Reconciliation of Opening and Closing

Balances of Defined Benefit Obligations

Present Value of obligation as at 1st April 2009 26,51,244 22,95,392

Current Service Cost 5,10,036 4,14,537
Interest Cost 2,12,100 1,58,331
Actuarial (gain) / loss (1,53,663) 99,239
Benefits paid (6,83,677) NIL
Present Value of obligation as at 25,36,040 26,51,244
31st March 2010
b) Reconciliation of Opening and Closing
Balances of Fair Value of Plan Assets:

Fair Value of plan assets as at 1 st April 2009 18,81,338 13,61,994

Expected return on plan assets 1,77,046 1,53,270
Contribution made 4,67,667 3,66,074

Benefits Paid (6,83,677) NIL

Actuarial gain / (loss) on the plan assets NIL NIL
Fair Value of plan assets as at 18,42,374 18,81,338
31st March 2010

c) Reconciliation of Fair Value of Assets and

Obligations as at 31st March 2010:
Present value of the obligation 25,36,040 26,51,244
Fair Value of plan assets 18,42,374 18,81,338
Funded Status (Surplus / (Deficit)) (6,93,666) (7,69,906)
Net asset / (liability) recognized in the (6,93,666) (7,69,906)
balance sheet
d) Expenses recognized during the year
(Under the head “Employees Cost – Refer
Schedule “O”)

Current Service Cost 5,10,036 4,14,537

Interest Cost 2,12,100 1,58,331

(1,76,046) (1,53,270)
Expected return on plan assets
(1,53,663) 99,239
Actuarial (gain) / loss
Net Cost (*) 3,91,427 2,02,582

e) Actual return on the plan assets:

Expected return on plan assets 1,77,046 -1,53,270

Actuarial gain / loss on plan assets NIL NIL

Actual return on plan assets 1,77,046 -1,53,270

f) Actuarial Assumptions:

Discount rate (Per annum) 8.0% 8.0%

Rate of escalation in salary (Per annum) 6.0% 6.5%

The Company made annual Contributions to the LIC of an amount advised by the LIC. The Company
has not informed by LIC of the investments made by the LIC or the Break-down of plan assets by
investment type.

15. Poultry Division:

All the Consumption of Feeds, Drugs and Vaccines and Medicines up to the Grower Stage were added
with the cost of Birds and shown as “Value of Live Stock” under the Fixed Assets in the Balance

The Cost of Birds thus arrived at is being amortised over remaining life time of the Birds and is recognized
in the Profit and loss account.

The remaining unamortized value of the Birds is shown as “Unamortised Value of Live Stock” under the
Current Assets in the Balance Sheet.
16. Segment Information

PARTICULARS 31.03.2010 31.03.2009

Segment Revenue
Net Sales / Income from
a. Egg Processing Division 12,094.38 13,094.10
b. Poultry Division 3,738.22 1,892.50
c. Branded Egg Division 242.38 28.45
d. Feed Mill Division 2,452.61 -
Total 18,527.59 15,015.05
Less: Inter Segment Revenue 5,532.54 159.86

Net Revenue from Operations 12,995.05 14,855.19

Segment Expenses

a. Egg Processing Division 11,856.71 11,148.54

b. Poultry Division 3,758.35 2,392.79
c. Branded Egg Division 396.57 128.73
d. Feed Mill Division 2,331.39 -

Total 18,343.02 13,670.06

Less: (i) Inter Segment Expenses 5,532.54 159.86

(ii) Interest - -
(iii) Other Unallocable Expenditure 155.00 150.00

Total Profit before Tax 29.57 1,194.99

Capital Employed (Segment Asset - Segment Liabilities)

a. Egg Processing Division 6,632.90 1,342.21

b. Poultry Division (686.35) 2,737.60
c. Branded Egg Division (254.45) (43.37)
d. Feed Mill Division 121.23 702.05

Total 5,813.33 4,738.49

17. Significant Accounting Policies:

(a) Accounting Convention:

The Financial statements have been prepared under historical cost convention. The Financial
Statements materially comply with the Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India.

(b). Estimates and Assumptions:

Preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities at the date of the Balance sheet and the reported
amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Examples include bad debts written
off, useful life of the assets, etc. Actual results may differ from these estimates.
(c). Inventories:
Inventories are valued as under:
Egg Products Division:
1. Raw materials : At cost following FIFO method.
2. Packing Materials : At weighted average cost.
3. Additives : At weighted average cost.
4. Stores & Spares
Imported : At weighted average cost.
Indigenous : At weighted average cost.
5. Semi-finished goods : At weighted average cost.
6. Finished goods : At weighted average cost.
Poultry Farm Division:
1. Eggs : At Cost following FIFO Method
2. Feeds : At cost or market price whichever is lower
3. Drugs : At cost or market price whichever is lower
(d). Cash Flow Statements
Cash Flow Statement has been prepared under “Indirect Method”, Cash and Cash Equivalents Comprise
Cash in Hand, Current and Other accounts (Including Fixed Deposit) held with bank.
(e). Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date
i. Assets and Liabilities are adjusted for events occurring after the balance sheet date that provide
additional evidence to assist the estimation of amounts relating to conditions existing at the balance
sheet date.
ii. Dividends, Which are proposed / declared by the company after the balance sheet date but before
the approval of the financial statements are adjusted.
(f). Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Polices:
i. Net Profit for the Period:
All the items of income and expenses in the period are included in the determination of net profit for
the period, unless specifically mentioned elsewhere in the financial statements or is required by the
Accounting Standard.
ii. Prior Period Items:
Income / Expenditure are disclosed in Prior period adjustments, only when considered by the
management to be material to impact the financial statement significantly.
iii. Extra - ordinary items:
Extra - ordinary items are accounted in accordance with the Accounting Standard – 5
iv. Wherever there is a change in the method of accounting followed by the company, the same is dealt
with and disclosed in accordance with the accounting standard - 5
(g). Depreciation Accounting

Depreciation is provided on straight line method as per the rates provided in schedule XIV of the
Companies Act 1956, except for imported plant & machinery for which the rate has been taken as
3.80%, based upon the technical evaluation by the expert committee on the useful life of the assets.
In respect of assets added/adjusted during the year, depreciation is provided on pro-rata basis.
(h). Revenue Recognition:

Egg Products Division:

Sales are recognised on accrual basis and are accounted for in the books of accounts on the dates
on which the goods are actually despatched from the factory.
Poultry Division:

Sales of Eggs and Birds are recognised on accrual basis and are accounted for in the books of
accounts on the dates on which the goods/Birds are actually despatched from the farms or Sold
(i). Accounting for Fixed Assets:
Fixed Assets:
Fixed Assets are stated at cost of acquisition inclusive of inward freight, duties and taxes and
incidental expenses related to acquisition. In respect of major projects involving construction, related
preoperational expenses form part of the value of assets capitalised. Expenses capitalised also
include applicable borrowing costs.
Capital Work-in-progress:
Advances paid towards the acquisition of fixed assets and the cost of assets under installation /
construction / not put to use before the year end are disclosed under capital Work-in-Progress.
(j). Foreign Currency Transactions and Forward Contracts in Foreign Currencies:
Foreign Currency Transactions:
Transaction in Foreign Exchange are accounted at the monthly average rates.
Foreign currency Liabilities / Assets at the close of the year are restated, adopting the contracted/
year and rates, as applicable. The resultant difference, if any, is suitably dealt with in the accounts.
Forward Exchange Contracts covered under AS 11, “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange

The Company uses foreign exchange contracts to hedge its exposure to movements in foreign
exchange rates. The use of these foreign exchange contracts reduces the risk or cost to the company.
Wherever the company uses the forwards to mitigate the business loss on account of foreign currency
fluctuations, the company records the gain or loss on effective hedges in foreign currency fluctuation
reserve until the transactions are complete. On Completion, the gain or loss is transferred to the
profit and loss account of that period. To designate a forward contract as an effective hedge the
management objectively evaluate and evidences with appropriate supporting documents at the
inception of each contract whether the contract is effective in achieving offsetting cash flows
attributable to the hedged risk. In the absence of a designation as effective hedge, the gain or loss
is recognized in the profit and loss account.
Forward Exchange Contracts not in the nature of AS 11, “The Effects of Changes in Foreign
Exchange Rates”:
The company also uses foreign exchange forward contract for trading or speculation purpose. Though
the Accounting standard No.30 issued by the institute of Chartered Accountants of India dealing
with “Financial Instruments and Derivatives – Recognition and Measurement “ becomes mandatory
only with effect from 1.4.2011 and is recommendatory for the current financial year, the company as
adopted the accounting Standard and has recognized the losses in the financial statements.
(k). Accounting for Government Grants:
Grants and Subsidies in the nature of revenue are treated as revenue income and credited to the
respective expenses accounts and subsidies in the nature of capital are adjusted to the value of
(l). Accounting for Investments:
i. Long Term investments are valued at cost. Provisions, if any, is made to recognize a decline other
than a temporary decline, in the value of long-term investments.
ii. Current Investments are stated at lower of cost and fair market value.
(m). Accounting for Retirement Benefits:
a. Defined Contribution Plans:
The company makes Provident Fund to defined contribution retirement benefit plans for qualifying
employees. Under the Schemes, the company is required to contribute a specific percentage of the
of the payroll costs to fund the benefits.
The company recognized Rs. 21.16/- Lacs (Previous Year Rs. 19.52 lacs) for provident fund Contribution
in the Profit and Loss Account. The Contributions payable to these plans by the company are at
rates specified in the rules of the Schemes.
b. Defined benefit plans:
The present value of the obligation is determined based on actuarial valuation using the Projected
Unit credit method, which recognizes each period of service as giving rise to additional unit of
employee benefit entitlement and measures each unit separately to build up the final obligation.
The estimates of rate of escalation in salary considered in actuarial valuation, take into account
inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors including supply and demand in the employment
market. This being the first year of implementation, previous year figures have not been given.
c. Accounting for Employment Benefits:
i. Short term employee benefit are charged off at the undiscounted amount in the year in which the
related service is rendered.
ii. Post employment and other long term employee benefits are charges off in the year in which the
employee has rendered services. The amount charges off is recognized at the present value of the
amounts payable determined using actuarial valuation techniques. Actuarial gain and losses in
respect of post employment and other long term benefits are charged to Profit and Loss Account.
(n) Borrowing Cost:
Borrowing costs attributable to acquisition and construction of assets are capitalised as part of the
cost of such asset up to the date when such asset is ready for its intended use. Other Borrowing
Costs are treated as revenue expenditure.
(o) Segment Reporting:
The Segment reporting is being done in accordance with the disclosure requirement as required by
the Accounting Standard 17 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Primary
format being Business segment (On the basis of nature of Business activities carried out by the
(p) Earning per Share:
i. Basic earning per share is being computed with reference to Weighted Average number of Shares
based on monthly rests.
ii. Diluted Earnings per shares is being computed based on the fully paid-up value of the shares issued.
(q) Accounting for Taxes on Income:
Provision for Current Tax is made after taking into Consideration benefits admissible under the
provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Deferred Tax resulting from Timing Differences between
taxable and accounting income is accounted for using the tax rates and laws that are enacted or
Substantially enacted as on the balance sheet date. The Deferred Tax asset is recognized and
carried forward only to the extent that there is a reasonable \ virtual certainty that the asset will be
realized in future.
(r) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets:
i. A present obligation, which could be reliably estimated, is provided for in the accounts, if it is
probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required for its settlement.
ii. All the liabilities have been provided for in the accounts except liabilities of a contingent nature,
which have been disclosed at their estimated value by way of notes in the Balance Sheet.
iii. Contingent Assets are neither recognised nor disclosed.
(s) Sundry Debtors / Loans and Advances:
Sundry Debtors and Loans and Advances are stated after making adequate provisions for doubtful
(t) Expenditure:
Expenses are accounted on accrual basis and provision is made for all known losses and liabilities.


Chartered Accountants Executive Chairman Managing Director


Membership No.009592. General Manager - Finance
Partner Company Secretary

Place : Erode

Date : 30.07.2010

1. Name of the Subsidiary Company : SKM Europe B.V.

2. Statement of holding Company’s

Interest in subsidiary company : As on March,31,2010
As on 31.03. 10
15,300 shares of Euro 1 each : Rs. 8,32,779/-

3. Financial year of the Subsidiary company : Period ended March 31, 2010

4. Net aggregate amount of Profit/ Loss

of the subsidiary as far as it concerns
the holding company

(a) Dealt with the accounts of SKM Egg

Products Export (India) Limited by way
of dividend on the shares held in the : Nil
Subsidiary for the period ending

(b) Not dealt within the accounts of SKM

Egg Products Export (India) Limited

For the period ended March 31, 2010 : Profit of Rs. 2.31 lakhs

For the previous financial years : Loss of Rs. 26.02 lakhs

Additional Informaion as per part IV, Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956.
( Thousands)

I. Registration Details
Registration No. 181-6025
State Code No. 18
Balance Sheet Date 31.03.2010
II. Capital Raised during the year
Public Issue Nil
Rights Issue Nil
Bonus Issue Nil
Private Placement Nil

III Position of Mobilisation and Deployment of Funds

Total Liabilities 15,54,178
Total Assets 15,54,178

Source of Funds
Paid up Capital 2,63,300
Reserves and Surplus 3,18,032
Share application money —
Secured Loans 8,29,997
Unsecured Loans 33,979
Deferred Tax Liability 1,08,870
Application of Funds
Net Fixed Assets 10,65,733
Investments 833
Current Assets 4,87,612
Misc.Expenditure (not written off) —
Accumulated Loss —

IV Performance of the Company

Turnover including Other Income 12,99,505
Total Expenditure 12,96,548
Profit Before Tax 2,957
Profit After Tax 9,452
Earning Per Share (in Rupees) 0.04
Dividend Rate % —

V Generic names of three Prinicipal Products of the Company

Item Code No. 4081100
Product Description Egg Powder

For and on behalf of the Board


Executive Chairman Managing Director

Place : Erode
Date : 30.07.2010


(Rs. in Lacs)
Particulars 2009-10 2008-09


Profit Before Tax 29.57 1,194.99
Adjustments for : -- --
Depreciation 531.88 418.09
(Profit) / Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 5.80 1.35
Loss on sale of Import Licence -- 41.56
Interest Expenses 435.27 184.68
Interest and Dividend (30.01) 942.94 (41.27) 604.41

Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes 972.51 1,799.41

Adjustments for :
Increase / (Decrease) in Trade and other Receivable (226.67) (454.60)
Increase / (Decrease) in Inventories (1162.92) (682.72)
(Increase) / Decrease in Trade and other payables (230.87) (1158.72) 459.34 (677.97)
Cash generated from operations -- (186.21) -- 1,121.43
Interest paid -- -- -- --
Gratuity Liability -- --
Direct Taxes paid (79.85) (83.57)
Cash Flow before Extra-ordinary Items (266.06) 1037.84
Extraordinary items - Reversal of Duty Draw Back Provision -- 199.41
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities (266.06) 1237.25
Increase in fixed assets (2,779.24) (3,233.17)
Proceeds from realisation of Investments 39.60 200.00
Sale of Fixed Assets and subsidy received 0.93 0.61
Interest and Dividend received 30.01 41.27
Net Cash (used in) received from Investing Activities (2,708.70) (2,991.29)
Interest paid for Term Loan (435.27) (184.68)
Increase in Bank Borrowings 3,631.94 2,021.80
Dividend paid (154.02) (154.02)
Net cash (used in) received from Financing Activities 3,042.65 1,683.10
Net increase / (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 67.89 (70.94)
Opening Cash and Cash equivalents 153.78 224.72
Closing Cash and Cash equivalents 221.67 153.78

For and on behalf of the Board

Executive Chairman Managing Director

General Manager Finance & Company Secretary
We have examined the Cash Flow Statement of M/s. SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited for the year ended 31st March 2010. The
statement has been prepared by the Company in accordance with the requirements of Clause 32 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock
Exchanges and is based on and is in agreement with the corresponding Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of the Company
covered by our report dated 30.07.2010 to the Members of the Company.
Chartered Accountants

Place : Erode Partner
Date : 30.07.2010 Membership No. 009592




We have audited the attached Consolidated Balance Sheet of SKM EGG PRODUCTS EXPORT (INDIA)
LIMITED (the Company) and its Subsidiary SKM Europe BV of the Netherlands, (Collectively called SKM
Group) as at 31st March 2010, and the consolidate Profit and Loss Account and the consolidated cash
flow statement for the year ended on that date, annexed thereto. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also
includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management,
as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides
a reasonable basis for our opinion.

We did not audit the financial statements of the subsidiary whose financial statements and other financial
information has been compiled by other auditors whose report has been furnished to us and our opinion is
based solely on the report of the other auditor.

We report that the consolidated financial statements have been prepared by the company’s management in
accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards (AS) 21, Consolidated financial statements,
issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants if India.

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the
said accounts give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted
in India :-

i. In the case of the consolidated Profit and Loss Account, of the Profit of the SKM Group for
the year ended on the date.

ii. In the case of the consolidated Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the SKM Group as
at 31st March 2010.

iii. In the case of consolidated cash flow statement, of the cash flows of the SKM Group for the
year ended on that date.


Chartered Accountants,
Place : Erode
Date : 30.07.2010 (PARTNER)
Membership No.009592.



(Amount in Rs.)

Particulars Schedule 2009-2010 2008-2009

Share Capital A 263,300,000 263,300,000
Reserves & Surplus B 317,888,149 308,205,444
Deferred Tax Liability 108,870,853 91,440,418
Loans C
Secured 829,997,305 466,891,659
Unsecured 33,978,604 33,889,357
Translation Reserve 2,776,889 1,773,912
Minority Interest D 1,21,612 80,831
1,556,933,412 1,165,581,621
Fixed Assets
Gross Block E 1,375,785,281 1,097,954,278
Less : Accumulated Depreciation 310,023,583 256,938,634
Net Block 1,065,761,698 841,015,644
Current Assets, Loans and Advances:
Inventories F 333,872,258 207,076,375
Sundry Debtors G 167,113,117 94,019,996
Cash & Bank Balance H 35,656,107 33,360,370
Loans & Advances I 157,441,317 177,824,308
694,082,799 512,281,048
Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions
Current Liabilities J 202,169,085 187,715,071
Provisions K 7,42,000
202,911,085 187,715,071
Net Current Assets 491,171,714 324,565,977
1,556,933,412 1,165,581,621
Notes on Accounts S
1. Significant Accounting Policies S1 to S3.
2. Notes to the Accounts (Schedule S) Form part of this Consolidated Balance Sheet.
3. This is the Consolidated Balance Sheet referred to in our report of even date.
For and on behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants Executive Chairman Managing Director
Membership No. 009592
General Manager-Finance &
Place : Erode Company Secretary
Date : 30.07.2010

( Amount in Rs.)

Particulars Schedule As at 31.03.10 As at 31.03.09

Sales L 1,189,067,064 1,295,975,063
Other Income L 62,815,825 66,602,856
Increase in Stock M 116,250,546 61,991,435
Total 1,368,133,435 1,424,569,354
Purchases and Manufacturing Expenses N 1,037,546,619 888,873,964
Employees’ Cost O 66,469,146 59,784,031
Administration & Other Expenses P 108,098,243 236,131,436
Marketing Expenses Q 18,203,403 27,319,338
Sub total 1,230,317,411 1,212,108,769
Profit / (Loss) Before Interest & Depreciation 137,816,024 212,460,585
Interest & Financial charges R 81,396,863 54,213,380
Profit / (Loss) After Interest 56,419,161 158,247,205
Depreciation E 53,190,285 41,810,968
Profit / (Loss) after Interest & Depreciation 3,228,877 116,436,238
Provision for Income Tax -- 15,000,000
Current Year 7,42,000
Less : MAT Credit Entitlement 7,42,000
Provision for FBT -- 574,925
Provision for Deferred Tax 17,430,435 39,508,541
Add : Earlier years MAT Provision MAT Credit Entitlement 23,925,044 --
Profit / (Loss) after income Tax and
availble for appropriations 9,723,486 61,352,772
Add (+) / Less (-) Minority Interest (40,781) 459,434
Less : Appropriations
a. Provision for Proposed Dividend -- 13,165,000
b. Provision for Corporate Dividend Tax -- 2,237,392
-- 15,402,392
Balance Carried to Balance Sheet 9,682,705 46,409,814
Earnings Per Share - Basic 0.37 2.33
Earnings Per Share - Diluted 0.37 2.33
Notes on Accounts S
1. Significant Accounting Policies S1 to S3.
2. Notes to the Accounts (Schedule S) Form part of this Consolidated Profit and Loss Account.
3. This is the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account referred to in our report of even date.
For and on behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants Executive Chairman Managing Director
Membership No. 009592 General Manager-Finance &
Place : Erode Company Secretary
Date : 30.07.2010


Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009


Authorised Capital:
3,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- Each 30,00,00,000 30,00,00,000
Issued, Subscribed & Paid-up:
263,30,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid-up 26,33,00,000 26,33,00,000
26,33,00,000 26,33,00,000
SCHEDULE - B - Reserves & Surplus
Share Premium Account 400,692 400,692
General Reserve:
Revenue Reserve 115,124 115,124
Profit & Loss Account:
Opening Balance 307,689,628 261,279,814
Less: Provision for Grauity for earlier years -
Less: Deferred Tax Liability for Earlier Years
Add: Current Year Balance after appropriation 9,682,705 46,409,814
Closing Balance 317,372,333 307,689,628
317,888,149 308,205,444
a. Secured
i) Working Capital Finance From
a. State Bank of India Commercial Branch, Erode 306,089,614 203,173,944
b. ICICI bank Ltd * 100,000,000
Corporate Foreign Currency Term Loan - 2,786,850
ii) ICICI Bank, Term Loan - 1,049,951
iii) SBI Bank, Term Loan 4,21,641,786 256,821,794
iv) Kotak Mahindra ( Vehicle Loan ) 259,579 482,083
v) Corporation Bank ( Vehicle Loan ) 1,631,326 1,897,870
vi) Reliance 375,000 679,167
b. Unsecured
Loan from Managing Director 9,089,357 33,889,357
SKM Universal Marketing Company (I) Ltd 24,889,247 -
863,975,909 500,781,016
a) Hypothecation of stocks consisting of Rawmaterials, semi
finished goods, finished goods and stores and spares and other
current assets of the company.
b) First charge on the entire fixed assets of the company.
c) Personal guarantees of Executive chairman and Managing director.
*d) Pledge of shares of the company held by the Managing Director.
Share Capital 146,961 146,961
Profit (25,349) (66,130)
121,612 80,831
DEPRECIATION FOR 2009-2010 (A.Y. 2010-11)

Gross Block Depreciation Net Block

Description As at Additions Adjustment / Adjustment /
As on Depreciation
31.03.2009 During the Deductions Depreciation During the Deductions Depreciation As at As on
year During the 31.03.2010 up to Year During the Upto March 31.03.2010 31.03.2009
Year 31.03.2009 Year 2010

Land 54,457,149 4,543,592 3,510,306 55,490,435 - - - - 55,490,435 54,457,149

Building 276,418,310 93,408,342 - 369,826,652 33,924,867 11,358,034 90,562 45,192,339 324,634,313 242,493,443
Plant & Machinery 537,508,337 109,670,426 1,022,378 646,156,385 200,437,103 35,458,693 - 235,895,796 410,260,589 337,133,855
Office & Other
Eqiupment 40,830,879 777,583 - 41,608,462 11,254,932 2,525,676 - 13,780,608 27,827,854 29,575,947
Computers 8,079,305 1,980,916 - 10,060,221 5,062,614 1,454,081 6,516,695 3,543,526 3,016,691

Furniture & Fixtures 5,416,698 22,635 - 5,439,333 2,815,422 347,813 - 3,163,235 2,276,098 2,601,276
Motor Vehicles 20,415,753 761,952 373,075 20,804,630 3,443,699 2,045,987 14,774 5,474,912 15,329,718 16,973,771
Work In Progress 147,434,242 246,144,711 175,060,150 218,518,803 - - 218,518,803 147,369,905

GROSS TOTAL 1,090,560,673 457,310,157 179,965,909 1,367,904,921 256,938,636 53,190,284 105,336 310,023,584 1,057,881,337 833,622,038

PREVIOUS YEAR 771,448,516 352,230,012 (33,117,855) 1,090,560,673 215,080,848 41,810,968 81,856 256,938,634 833,622,039 556,367,668

Description Value of Live Stock Accretions to the cost Cost Amortised Cost Unamortised Value of Live Stock
as on 1.04.2009 as on 31.03.2010

Live Stock 7,393,605 96,309,720 48,579,533 47,243,432 7,880,360

GROSS TOTAL 7,393,605 96,309,720 48,579,533 47,243,432 7,880,360
PREVIOUS YEAR 3,337,566 197,880,079 172,785,326 21,038,714 7,393,605

Notes : -

Figures in adjustment / deductions column for “working in progress” represents assets capitalised during the year.
Figures in adjustment / deductions column for “Land” includes inter head adjustments and land sold during the year.

Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

Current Assests,Loans and Advances

Schedule F -Inventories
(As Valued & Certified By the Management)
Raw Material 19,106,760 14,831,448
Additives, Stores, Spares and Consumables 33,187,759 30,928,291
Finished Goods 242,080,713 136,261,000
Feed & Medicines 2,045,166 316,488
Egg Trays 1,783,402 1,478,003
Plastic Crates Stock 1,495,240 476,229
Display Stand 381,911 363,235
Shrink -- 126,268
Packing & Display Stand Sticker 1,045,365 53,604
Goods in Transist (Outside Europe) -- --
Goods in Transist (within Europe) 1,239,542 --
Egg Powder at Netherlands 31,506,401 22,241,809
333,872,258 207,076,375

Schedule G - Sundry Debtors

Unsecured & Considered Good
Sundry Debtors - Considered Good
a) More Than Six Months
b) Others 167,113,117 94,019,996
167,113,117 94,019,996

Schedule - H Cash and Bank Balances

i. Cash on hand 1,335,452 243,143
ii. In current Account with Scheduled Banks 26,895,817 21,731,466
III.Fixed Deposit with SBI, Commercial Branch Erode. 7,424,838 11,385,761

35,656,107 33,360,370

Schedule - I Current Assets,Loans and Advances

i. Advances Recoverable in Cash or in kind
for value to be received - unsecured and
Considered Good 64,613,533 90,083,898
ii. Deposits - Considered Good 11,620,281 5,037,848
iii. MAT Credit Entitlement 26,380,693 21,948,768


Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

Other Current Asset :

i. Unamortised Value of Chicks 47,243,432 21,038,714
ii. VKUY subsidy received - 27,797,246
iii. Pre-Operative Expenses - 11,917,834
iv. Licence - Focus Products Scheme Receivable 2,300,000
v. Duty Drawback (Eggs) Receivables 5,283,378
157,441,317 177,824,308
Schedule J-Current Liabilities and Provisions
i) Trade Creditors* 4,463,872 93,881,229
(Refer note 3 in Schedule S) - -
ii) Creditors For Expenses & Others 180,142,252 4,689,827
iii) Unpaid Dividend 2,959,434 2,312,842
iv) Advance from debtors 1,597,052
Goods in Transist (Outside Europe) -- 820,466
Goods in Transist (within Europe) -- 10,843,782
iv. Liability for Expenses
Earned Leave Encashment Payable 1,768,122 1,951,935
Sales Commisssion Payable 1,956,839 8,340,110
Other Expenses Payable 6,032,848 13,262,108
Bonus Payable 2,555,000 2,000,000
Egg Yolk Powder Short Supply Payable - 1,156,490
Net Gratuity obligation 693,666 769,906

202,169,085 140,028,694

1. Provision for Income tax - Minimum Alternative Tax 742,000 28,597,038

2. Provision for Proposed Dividend - 13,165,000
3. Provision for Corporate Dividend Tax - 2,237,392
4. Provision for Fringe Benefit Tax - 1,958,948
5. Provision for Genshed Tax - 1,728,000

742,000 47,686,378



Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

SCHEDULE -L—Sales & Other Income

Export Sales 1,085,114,395 1,217,274,375
Domestic Sales 103,952,669 78,700,688
Sales 1,189,067,064 1,295,975,063
Sale of Shell Egg & Scrap 4,764,095 989,928
Interest Receipts 1,790,687 3,014,526
Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojana - Subsidy 18,294,529 47,901,224
Egg Drawback 27,962,791
Miscellaneous Income 7,703,723 58,003
Focus Products Scheme 2,300,000
Prior Period Item - 14,639,175
Other Income 62,815,825 66,602,856
SCHEDULE M (Increase) /Decrease in Stock
Opening Stock - Finished goods 136,261,000 131,866,634
Semi Finished Goods
Add:Egg Powder Purchase
Closing Stock - Finished goods 252,511,546 193,858,069
Semi Finished Goods
Increase / (Decrease) in Stock 116,250,546 61,991,435
Raw Material- Eggs Consumed 774,655,953 358,575,814
Other Purchases 1,257,639 569,569
Egg Powder Purchases 29,762,764 47,029,750
Import Duty 7,763,341 9,887,323
Customs Clearance & Other Expenses -- 14,562,225
Egg Purchases 14,955,982 162,087,522
Transport Charges 5,020,206 985,815
Amortised Value of Birds 48,579,533 172,785,326
Feed & Maize Consumption 47,959 162,505
Vaccine & Medicine Consumption 776,700 --
Packing Material - Consumed 23,833,987 18,876,710
Power & Fuel 70,158,637 68,501,608
Transport Hire & Cooli 1,504,992 1,304,463
Additives & Consumables 45,441,041 33,132,826
Egg Stand 2,622,649 335,017
Charged Cost & Other Cost 10,536,182 --
Egg Paper Tray 629,053 77,490
1,037,546,619 888,873,964


(Amount in Rs.)
Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009


Salaries & Wages 40,290,086 39,473,099
PF Contribution 2,115,647 1,952,078
Contractors’ Payment 20,928,552 15,980,886
Grauity Expenses 391,427 202,582
Welfare Expenses 2,743,434 2,175,386
66,469,146 59,784,031
SCHEDULE - P- Other Expenses
Repairs & Maintenance
a) Building 5,272,748 4,525,879
b) Plant & Machinery 9,194,693 12,053,730
d) Fly Control Expenses 1,684,955 13,603,040
c) Others 7,448,496 6,670,093
d) Vehicle 8,418,627 7,356,315
32,019,519 44,209,057
Stores & Spares Consumption 9,260,683 21,819,810
Analysing Charges 3,630,236 6,520,841
Rent, Rates and Taxes 3,617,408 2,729,196
Postage, Courier & Telephone Charges 3,428,742 3,054,638
Printing & Stationery 1,422,508 1,006,007
Insurance Premium 2,033,850 1,910,250
Advertisement and Publicity 3,639,318 7,609,272
Travelling Expenses 4,057,868 5,480,928
Freight, Insurance and Forwarding Charges 27,296,430 28,510,936
Professional Charges 2,821,855 3,102,325
ISO / HACCP-expenses. 250,435 158,726
Stock Exchange Listing Fee 219,335 169,042
Miscellaneous Expenses 2,967,611 798,759
Audit Fees 891,882 737,074
Donation 2,939,605 2,829,539
Foreign Exchange Fluctuation 5,684,817 79,977,926
Loss on Sale of Assets 580,122 134,507
Loss on sale of Import Licence - 4,156,274
Registration and Renewal 404,453 168,522


(Amount in Rs.)
Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

Annual General Meeting Expenses 394,277 366,320

Directors’ Sitting Fee 13,000 27,000
Subscription 241,399 209,060
Inauguration - Best Eggs 282,890 504,428
Extra Ordinary Item - 19,941,000
76,078,724 191,922,380

108,098,243 236,131,436


Foreign Trip Expenses 1,979,559 3,463,515
Sales Commission to Foreign Collaborator & Others 13,594,829 21,660,340
Foreign Exhibition Expenses 1,145,430 495,016
Sales Promotional Expenses 1,283,816 1,562,152
Foreign Delegates Expenses 199,769 138,315
18,203,403 27,319,338

SCHEDULE - R - Interest & Financial Charges

Working Capital Loan Interest 12,666,095 14,967,969
Bank Charges & ECGC Charges 10,305,746 7,000,055
Export Bills Discount Interest 3,197,617 4,456,322
Export Bills Overdue Interest 1,130,989 1,507,167
Interest Paid - Others 219,492 543,652
Bill Discount & Collection Charges 747,398 2,083,985
SBI- Term Loan Interest 30,382,760 15,862,096
Interest paid Preshipment 9,601,572 5,143,948
Interest paid on ICICI Loan 10,559,578 2,589,878
Interest paid to Managing Director 2,585,616 16,301
Interest Paid Centurian Bank - 42,007

81,396,863 54,213,380


Schedule T


1. The consolidated statement has been prepared to include the results of “SKM Europe BV”,Utrecht,
The Netherlands, the Subsidiary of the company in which the company holds 85% of the Share
Capital of the Subsidiary Company.

2. Contingent Liabilities:

a. Export Bills discounted with the State Bank of India, Commercial

Branch, Erode Rs. 732.54 Lacs (Excluding the bills of the Subsidiary company) (Previous year
Rs. 733.95 Lacs).

b. Income Tax Liability Rs.43.76

c. Service Tax Liability Rs.34.21 Lacs

d. Excise Duty Liabiltiy Rs.4.20 Lacs

Significant Accounting Policies:

1. Basis of Preparation:

The Consolidated Financial statements of SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited and its Subsidiary
are prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with the according standards
issued by the “The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India”.

2. Principles of Consolidation:

a. The Financial Statements of the Subsidiary Company used in the Consolidation are drawn up to the
same reporting date as on the company.

b. The Consolidated financial statement have been prepared on the following basis:

i. The financial statement of the present company and its majority owned and controlled subsidiary
company have been combined on the line basis by adding together the book value of all items of
Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenses after eliminating inter – company balances / transactions
and unrealized gain / loss.

ii. Interest in a jointly control entity is reported using proportionate consolidation.

iii. The consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting polices for similar
transactions and other events in similar circumstances.

iv. Minority interest in the net assets of the consolidated subsidiary, consists of the amount of equity
attributable to the minority shareholders at the dates on which investments are made by the company
in the subsidiary company and further movements in their share in the equity, subsequent to the
date of the investments.


3. Use of Estimates:

Preparation of consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and

assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities, the disclosures of the Contingent
assets and liabilities on the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts
of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates.

Other accounting policies applicable for the holding company are equally applicable for the
consolidated financial statements wherever relevant.

Earning Per Share:

Particulars 2009 – 10 2008 - 09

1. Profit after Tax Rs. 96.83 Lacs Rs. 618.12 Lacs

2. Weight Average No. of Shares 2,63,30,000 2,63,30,000

3. Earning Per Share Rs. 0.37 Rs. 2.35


Chartered Accountants

Place : Erode
Date : 30.07.2010 (PARTNER)
Membership No. 009592


(Rs. in Lacs)
Particulars 2009-10 2008-09


Profit Before Tax 32.28 1,164.36
Adjustments for : -- --
Depreciation 531.90 418.11
(Profit) / Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 5.80 1.35
Loss on sale of Import Licence -- 41.56
Interest Expenses 435.27 184.68
Interest and Dividend Income (30.01) 1002.98 (30.15) 615.55

Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes 1035.26 1,779.91

Adjustments for :
Increase / (Decrease) in Trade and other Receivable (521.16) (1319.68)
Increase / (Decrease) in Inventories (1267.96) (406.85)
(Increase) / Decrease in Trade and other payables 621.40 (1167.72) 1065.44 (661.09)
Cash generated from operations -- (132.46) -- 1,118.82
Interest paid -- -- -- --
Gratuity Liability -- --
Direct Taxes provided (79.85) (86.11)
Cash Flow before Extra-ordinary Items (212.31) 1032.71
Extraordinary items - Reversal of Duty Draw Back Provision -- 199.41
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 212.31 1232.12
Increase in fixed assets (2,778.31) (3,233.17)
Proceeds from realisation of Investments 39.60 200.00
Sale of Fixed Assets and subsidy received 0.93 0.61
Interest and Dividend received (30.01) 30.15
Net Cash (used in) received from Investing Activities (2,767.79) (3,002.41)
Interest paid for Term Loan (435.27) (186.68)
Increase in Bank Borrowings 3,631.94 2,023.80
Dividend paid (154.02) (154.02)
Net cash (used in) received from Financing Activities 3,042.65 1,683.10
Net increase / (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 62.55 (87.19)
Opening Cash and Cash equivalents 219.75 306.94
Closing Cash and Cash equivalents 282.30 219.75

For and on behalf of the Board

Executive Chairman Managing Director

General Manager Finance & Company Secretary
We have examined the Cash Flow Statement of M/s. SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited for the year ended 31st March 2010. The
statement has been prepared by the Company in accordance with the requirements of Clause 32 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock
Exchanges and is based on and is in agreement with the corresponding Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of the Company
covered by our report dated 30.07.2010 to the Members of the Company.
Chartered Accountants
Place : Erode Partner
Date : 30.07.2010 Membership No. 009592

Balance Sheet As at 31st. March,2010
(Amount in Rs.)

Particulars Schedule As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

Authorised Capital A
90,000 shares of Euro 1 Each Euro 90000 Euro 90000
Paidup Share Capital

18,000 shares of Euro 1 Each 9,79,740 9,79,740

Reserves & Surplus B (168,999) (440,870)

Secured Loans C 16,912,558 16,912,558

(From the Holding Company)

Translation Reserve 2,776,889 1,773,912

20,500,187 19,225,340

Fixed Assets

Gross Block 34,012 34,012

Less: Accumulated Depreciation 5,790 4,174
Net Block 28,222 29,838
Current Assets, Loans
and Advances
Inventories D 31,506,401 22,241,809

Sundry Debtors E 92,793,764 56,847,287

Cash and Bank Balances F 6,063,139 6,596,589

Loans and Advances G 59,640,684 29,372,384

Total Current Assets 190,003,987 115,058,068
Less: Current Liabilities and
Provisions H 169,532,023 95,862,566

Net Current Assets 20,471,964 19,195,502

20,500,187 19,225,340

SKM. SHREE SHIVKUMAR For and on behalf of the Board

Director B.KLAWER
Place : Erode
Date : 30.07.2010



(Amount in Rs.)

Particulars Schedule Year ended Year ended

31.03.2010 31.03.2009


Sales I 548,050,152 598,013,316

Other Income I 7,851,843 2,525,480

Increase & Decrease in Stock J 9,264,536 7,768,435

Total Income 565,166,531 608,307,231


Purchases and other Expenses K 548,200,460 597,293,662

Employees Cost - 515,713
Administrive Expenses L 3,193,454 1,511,718
Marketing Expenses M 12,075,560 10,754,838

Sub total 563,469,474 610,075,991

Profit / (Loss) Before Interest & Depreciation 1,697,057 (17,68,760)

Interest & Financial charges N 1,423,569 12,92,519

Profit / (Loss) After Interest 273,488 (3,061,279)

Depreciation 1,616 1,616

Net Profit 271,872 (3,062,895)

For and on behalf of the Board


Director Director



(Amount in Rs.)
Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009
Schedule - A- Share Capital
90,000 Shares of Euro 1 each 4,898,700 4,898,700
Paid up Share capital
18000 Shares of Euro 1 each 979,740 979,740
5,878,440 5,878,440
Schedule - B - Reserves and Surplus
Profit & Loss Account (440,870) 2,622,024
Add Current year Balance After appropriation 271,871 (3,062,894)
(168,999) (440,870)
Schedule - C : Secured Loans
Term Loan from SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited 16,912,558 16,912,558
Current Assets, Loans and Advances
Schedule - D : Inventories
(As Valued & Certified by the Management)
Egg Powder 31,506,401 22,241,809
Schedule - E - Sundry Debtors
Unsecured and Considered Good
a) More than Six Months 92,793,764 56,847,287
b) Others
Schedule - F - Cash and Bank Balances
Cash Balances - -
in Current Account with Banks 6,063,139 6,596,589
6,063,139 6,596,589
Schedule - G - Current Assets, Loans and Advances :
Advance recoverable in Cash or in Kind for Value to be received -
Unsecured and Considered Good 546,857 5,823,790
Corporate Tax 380,922 253,950
Goods in Transit 58,712,905 22,839,449
VAT to be received back - 455,195
59,640,684 29,372,384
Schedule - H - Current Liabilities and Provisions :
i) Trade Creditors 154,536,226 85,220,940
ii) Creditors For Expenses & Others 972,351 1,038,906
VAT Payable 359,060 -
Others 4,031,454 -
Provisions :
Provisions for Expenses 3,858,162 3,956,714
Provisions for Commission 5,774,770 5,646,006

169,532,023 95,862,566

Particulars As at 31.03.2010 As at 31.03.2009

Schedule - I - Sales & Other Income

Egg Powder Sales 548,050,152 598,013,316
548,050,152 598,013,316
Other Income
Prior Period Items - 2,525,480
Reimbursement of Expenses 6,736,886 -
Fluctuation Income 209,163 -
Insurance Claim Received 905,794 -
7,851,843 2,525,480
Schedule - J - Increase / (Decrease) in Stock
Opening Stock - Finished Goods 57,597,069 49,828,634
Closing Stock - Finished Goods 66,861,605 57,597,069
9,264,536 7,768,435
Schedule - K - Purchase and other Expenses:
Purchase of Egg Powder 524,880,731 571,288,729
Import Duty 7,763,341 9,887,323
Transport Costs to Customer 3,196,095 9,85,815
Custom Clearing Charges 11,001,686 14,562,225
Other Purchases 1,358,608 569,569
548,200,460 597,293,662
Schedule - L- Administration and Other Expenses:
Postage 528,908 225,053
Subscriptions 108,753 98,428
Travel and Accommaodation 21,403 78,352
Auditors Fee 288,382 319,574
Lawyer and Advice costs 26,772 -
Bookkeeping 401,080 -
Insurances 264,020 71,534
Other General Costs 89,445 -
Godown Rent 1,247,886 648,218
Plastic Pallets GC Hahn 216,855 -
Fluctuation Difference - 70,121
Miscellaneous Expenses - 499
3,193,454 1,511,779
Schedule - M - Marketing Expenses:
Exhibition Costs 135,915 -
Advertising and Publicity 16,098 -
Sales Commissoin 11,923,547 10,754,838
12,075,560 10,754,838
Schedule - N - Interest and Financial Expenses:
Bank Charges 131,739 180,059
Other Interests 80,716 -
Interest Paid 1,211,114 1,112,460
1,423,569 1,292,519

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