RBI - Multiple Banking Forma-3
RBI - Multiple Banking Forma-3
RBI - Multiple Banking Forma-3
Date of sanction
A. Miscellaneous Details
(Rs. in crore)
Part – I
* Allied Service ..
I. IRAC Classification
(Rs. in crore)
(Rs. in crore)
Part – V
Un-hedged foreign currency exposures of the borrower with currency-wise details
(Rs. in crore)
Part – VI
Experience with the borrower
V. Quality of management
VI. Overall Assessment
(The above to be rated as good, satisfactory or below par only)
(*) Broad guidelines for incorporating comments under this head is furnished in the next page
Broad Guidelines for Incorporating Comments under Part - VI
(Experience) of the Credit Information Report
Part - I
Diligence Report
The Manager,
I / We have examined the registers, records, books and papers of Aditya MotoCorp Private Limited
(the Company) as required to be maintained under the Companies Act, 1956 (the Act) and the rules made
thereunder, the provisions of various statutes, wherever applicable, the provisions contained in the
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company as well as the provisions contained in the
Listing Agreement/s, if any, entered into by the Company with the recognized stock exchange/s, as may
be applicable for the half year ended on 30-09-2023 . In my / our opinion and to the best of my / our
information and according to the examination carried out by me / us and explanations furnished to me / us
by the Company, its officers and agents. I / We report that in respect of the aforesaid period :
1. (a) The management of the Company is carried out by the Board of Directors comprising the
following persons :
(b) During the period under review the following changes took place :
(b) During the period under review the following changes took place:
(i) the Memorandum of Association during the period under review and has complied with the
provisions of the Act.
(ii) the following Articles of Association during the period under review and has complied with
the provisions of the Act.
4. The company has during the period under review, entered into the following transactions with
business entities in which directors are interested.
5. The company has during the period under review, advanced loans, given guarantees and provided
securities amounting to Rs. to its directors and / or persons or firms or
companies in which directors are interested.
6. The Company has during the period under review, made loans and investments; or given
guarantees or provided securities to other business entities as under :
7. The amount borrowed by the Company from directors, members, public, financial institutions,
banks and others during the period under review is / are within the borrowing limits of the Company.
The break-up of the company's borrowings is as under:
8. The Company has during the period under review, not defaulted in the repayment of any public
deposits or unsecured loans and the Company or its Directors are not under the Defaulter's list of
Reserve Bank of India or in the Specific Approval List of ECGC.
9. The Company has during the period under review, created, modified or satisfied charges on the
assets of the company as under :
10. The Forex Exposure and Overseas Borrowings of the company are as under"
11. The Company has issued, offered and allotted all the securities to the persons entitled thereto
and has also issued letters, coupons, warrants and certificates thereof to the concerned persons and also
redeemed its preference shares / debentures and bought back its shares (wherever applicable) in
compliance with the specified procedures and within the stipulated time.
12. The Company has insured all its assets including the secured assets.
13. The Company has complied with the terms and conditions, set forth by the lending institution at
the time of availing the facility and also during the currency of the loan and has utilized the funds for
the purposes for which these were borrowed.
14. The Company has declared and paid dividends to its shareholders as per the provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956.
15. The Company has paid all its statutory dues and that there are no arrears.
16. The Company has complied with the provisions stipulated in Section 372 A of the Companies
Act in respect of its Inter Corporate loans and Investments.
17. The Company has complied with the applicable and mandatory Accounting Standards issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
18. The Company has credited and paid to the Investor Education and Protection Fund all the unpaid
dividends and other amounts required to be so credited.
19. A list of prosecutions initiated against or show cause notices received by the Company for
alleged offences under the Act and also the fines and penalties or any other punishment imposed on the
Company in such cases is attached.
20. The Company has complied with the various clauses of the Listing Agreement, if applicable.
21. The Company has deposited both Employees' and Employer's contribution to Provident Fund
with the prescribed authorities.
Note : The qualification, reservation or adverse remarks, if any, may be stated at the relevant place(s).
Place : Signature :
Part - II
i. Terms of reference for stock audit are to be spelt out clearly by the Banks, so that the Chartered
Accountants can give focused attention to such areas.
ii. End-use verification of funds lent, if certified by Statutory Auditors, will be a good comfort to the
iii. As Banks quite often deal with unlisted companies, disclosure requirements for such companies
above a specific turnover may be made akin to those for listed companies, viz. consolidated balance sheet,
segmental reporting etc. Information on large shareholding also will be useful.
iv. Further, the following additional certification either from Chartered Accountant or Company
Secretary may also be thought of :-
(a) Company Directors not figuring in defaulters list (RBI / ECGC) / willful defaulters list etc.)
(c) A specific certificate, probably from the Company Secretary, regarding compliance with Sec.
372 (a) of the Companies Act.
(d) Details of creation / modification / satisfaction of charges on the assets of the company, position
regarding insurance, show cause notices received, finds and penalties awarded.
v. As regards rotation of Auditors, for the sake of operational convenience, it is suggested they may be
changed once every 5 years instead of every 3 years.
vi. In order to avoid concentration, group companies may have different Statutory / Internal Auditors in
case group turnover exceeds Rs.100 crores.