English DLL Qi W2 June 12-16,2017
English DLL Qi W2 June 12-16,2017
English DLL Qi W2 June 12-16,2017
I. OBJECTIVES (Independence Day) Identify the elements of a literary text Infer the meaning of unfamiliar Read aloud grade level appropriate Compose clear and coherent sentences
words (compound) based on text with an accuracy rate of 95 – using appropriate grammatical structures –
Infer the theme of the literary text. given context clues (synonyms, 100%. aspects of verbs.
antonyms, word parts) and other
Observe politeness at all times. Use appropriate body Plan a two or three paragraph composition
movements/gestures. using an outline or other graphic organizers.
Read aloud grade level
appropriate text with an accuracy
rate of 95 – 100%.
The learner...
Demonstrate understanding of the various forms and conventions of print, non-print and digital materials
A .Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding of various non-verbal elements in orally communicating information
Demonstrate understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend various texts
The learner...
B .Performance Standards
Evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts.
Orally communicates information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences using a variety of literary activities
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Picture of a thief, a stealing machine, chart containing compound pictures of body movements/gestures Chart of Aspects of verbs
deaf little girl using sign language, letter words.
soup flashcards containing polite words. picture puzzle of compound flashcards of action words (verbs) Pictures showing actions
Story Chart of “A Letter Soup”, “The Fox words.
in the Well”, and “Inside the Canteen” Story Chart of “A Letter Soup” Pictures of an outline and different graphic
Curriculum Guide: CG in English 5 Week 2 Curriculum Guide: CG in Curriculum Guide: CG in English 5 Curriculum Guide: CG in English 5 Week 2
A. References
English 5 Week 2 Week 2
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning
Sing: “Be Polite – Good Manner Song” Divide the class into 8-10 groups. Group the class into two groups. Sing “She’ll be coming round the
Give them the picture puzzle of Have them play a game of charades mountain”
compound words. using the words below.
A. Reviewing previous Ask them to solve the Call a representative from each group
lesson or presenting the puzzle and write the name of the to act out the word.
new lesson picture on a strip of paper.
Have a representative
from each group present the
picture and the word they have
Say: “Today we are going to learn Say: “Today we are going to Say: “Today we are going to study Say: “Today we are going to write
about the elements of a literary text.” study about compound words.” about body movements and gestures.” about the aspects of verb”
B. Establishing a purpose Present the story in the LM on page ____. Have the pupils read “Find Out “But first, what are verbs?”
for the lesson Call a pupil volunteer to read the story and Learn” from the LM page “What are the tenses of verbs?”
orally. ____.
Comprehension Check: Ask the questions Answer the questions below the
in the LM. Talk about the pupils answers. sentences.
C. Presenting examples / Unlocking of Difficult Words (using Read the story in the “Try and Have the pupils read “Read and Learn” Have the students read “Read and Learn”
instances of the new picture clues, context clues, and Learn” in the LM page ____. from the LM page on the LM page ____.
lesson examples. ____.
Answer the
questions below the sentences.
Unlocking of Difficult Words (using
picture clues, context clues, and
Ask: “What should you remember Identify the compound words in Read the story “The Homecoming” in Discuss the process on how to create an
D. Discussing new when listening to a story?” the story. the LM’s “Let’s Read More” page ___ outline and use other graphic organizers.
concepts and practicing “What are the things we should Write it down on your notebook. and answer the questions after.
new skills #1 know about the story?”
“What elements did you
remember from the story we read?”
Read the story again silently. Match the words in Column A to Have the pupils read “Try and Learn” Group the class into five groups and have
E. Discussing new concepts List down the elements of the literary the words in Column B in order to on the LM page ____. them answer “Try and Learn” on the LM
text you have read. Write your answer on create a compound word. Note page ____.
and practicing new skills #2
your notebook. that the words in Column B can Have them write their answer on a manila
only be used once. paper and have a representative present
their answer in front of the class.
F. Developing Mastery Read the story “The Fox in the Well” and Do “Do and Learn” in the LM Answer “Do and Learn” on page ____ Let the pupils answer “Do and Learn” on
answer the wh- questions page ____. of the LM. page _____.
(Leads to Formative
G. Finding practical What is the moral of the story? When do we use compound What do body movements convey? How do aspects of the verb make better
application of concepts words? writing compositions?
and skills in daily living
Teaching Points Compound words are two words Body movements refer to the actual The aspect of a verb is determined by
put together to create a new movement of the body. It is a kind of whether the action is on-going or
When listening to story being word. nonverbal communication where completed.
read, we should listen carefully and pay thoughts intentions or feelings are
attention to the details of the story. In They can be open, closed, or expressed by physical behaviour such The three aspects are:
this way we can identify the elements of hyphenated. as facial expressions, body posture, 1. The simple aspect is indefinite,
a literary text. Examples: gestures, eye movement, touch, and not sure if the action is on-going or
Open Compound use of space. completed. It may also indicate if the action
We could also take down notes Words Body movements maybe is habitual or repeated action.
H. Making generalizations while listening and reading. dog house, ice cream, six-pack, implied as a verbs or an adjective. 2. In the perfect aspect the task is
runner-up already completed.
and abstractions about the
The elements of a literary text 3. While in the progressive aspect,
lesson are the character, setting, and plot, Closed Compound the action is still taking place or on-going.
conflict, and theme. Words
ladybug, toothpaste, bedroom The same principle applies to the past form
The theme is the subject of the of the verb.
story and what the author wants to Hyphenated Compound
convey to the readers. Words
editor-in-chief, officer-in-charge,
The plot is made up of events life-saver
that happened in the story. It consists of
the beginning, the middle, and the
I. Evaluating learning Read the story “Inside the Canteen” and Answer “Learn Some More” Have the pupils read the following Write a three paragraph composition about
identify the elements of the literary text. on the LM page _____. sentences and have them identify the your daily routine before you go to school,
body movement/gesture used in the
sentence. while in the school, and during at night.
1. Terence Romeo shoots the
ball at the last second.
2. The athletes stretched their
body before doing the routine.
3. Mother rubs fathers back
when he is tired.
4. Squeeze it to get the
5. My sister likes pinching me
when she is mad.