DLP On Preposition

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Calapan City

Detailed Lesson Plan

Subject: English 4

Date: February 20, 2020

Content Standard Demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English

grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Performance Standard uses the classes of words aptly in various oral and written

I. Objectives
At the end of the period, the pupils must be able to:

 differentiate “among” and “between”;

 use prepositions in sentences -among and between (EN4G-IVc- 3); and
 participate actively in class activities.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Prepositions of Place/Location
Among and Between
B. Reference: English 4 Learner’s Material
C. Materials: Teacher-Made Visuals
Powerpoint Presentation
D. Values Integration: Teamwork and Cooperation

III. Procedure

A. Daily Routines

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Prayer
Stand up everyone. (Everyone will stand)
The assigned leader, please lead the prayer. (The leader will lead the prayer.)

2. Greetings
Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon Maam!

How are you today? We are fine Ma’am.

That is good to hear.

3. Classroom Management
Before you sit down, kindly pick up the pieces of
trash and throw them on the trash can or keep them (The students will pick up trashes and
on your bags for a while. After that, arrange your arrange their chairs.)
chairs properly. Thank you Ma’am.
You may now sit down.
4. Checking of attendance
Do we have absentees today None Ma’am.

5. Checking of Assignment
Kindly exchange your assignment with your (The students will exchange their
seatmate, sign it if they have an assignment. After assignments and sign it.)
that, return the notebooks to the owner.

Does everybody have an assignment? Raise your (Everyone will raise their hands.)
hands if you have assignment.

Very good! Keep it for now and we’ll be using that (The students will keep their
later. notebooks.)
B. Review/Recall of Past Lessons

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Yesterday, we have discussed about prepositions. What are

prepositions again? Ma’am, prepositions are words that are
used before a noun to show its relation
to other nouns.
Excellent! We also discussed yesterday two examples of
preposition. Who can give me the first one? Ma’am, the first one is “to”.

Correct! What else? The second one is “from”.

Right. So when do we use to? It is used to show direction Ma’am.

Yes of course! How about from? From means where something comes
from or is taken.
Let us give everyone a round of applause. (The students will clap.)

Thank you! It seems like you are all ready for our today’s
C. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Before we go on to our topic for today, We will have an

activity. It’s called Decipher the Code. The class will be
grouped into five. Each group will be given a coded word.
Your task is to decipher the code to discover the hidden
words because we will encounter them in our discussion
later. I will post the code converter on the board once
everyone is settled.
Now, start counting 1 to 5 for the groupings. (The students will start counting.)

Now, each group must quietly gather around. The first

group will stay at the front left, group 2 at the front right,
group 3 at the middle, group 4 at back left, and group 5 at
the back right. Once settled down, the group will clap as
many times as their group number. Do you have any None Ma’am.
Everybody move now. (Everyone will go to their designated
Settle down now. Are you all ready?
Yes Ma’am.
Take note that I will only give you two minutes to decode
the words. After that, you will post your chart on the board.
Here are your codes. (The students will do as told.)

Code Converter

(After 2 minutes.)
(Each group will have a representative
Post your chart now on the board and let us check if you
to present their work.)
deciphered the words correctly.
(Group 1 – among)
(Group 2 – people)
(Group 3 – between)
(Group 4 – object)
(Group 5 – preposition)

D. Presentation

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Everyone please read our objectives for today. (Everyone will read.)
At the end of the lesson, the pupils must
be able to:
 dfferentiate the use of the
prepositions “among” and
 use the prepositions “among”
and “between” in sentences; and
 participate actively in class
E. Discussion

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Before we start, open your books at page 357. (The students will open their book.)

Now fix your eyes on Find out and Learn. We have there
four sentences. Read the first one ___________. The kite is between the two boys.

Thank you. How about Anthony shared his kite among all his
the second one? friends.

She distributes the cake among all the

How about the third one? Go ahead _______. visitors.

He walked between the two lines of

And for the last one, please read _________. soldiers.

What are the underlined words in the sentences? “Among” and “between” Ma’am.

Right. How about the encircled words? What part of speech Noun Ma’am.
do they belong?

Take a look at sentences numbers 1 and 4. How many

persons are referred to? Two Ma’am.

And what preposition is used? Ma’am they used the preposition

Correct! How about in sentences numbers 2 and 3? How
many persons are referred to? More than two Ma’am.

Now, when do you think the prepositions between and Ma’am, between is used when referred
among are used? too only two persons while among is for
more than two persons.

Very good! Everyone read this. (Everyone will read.)

Between is used when referring to two
persons or objects.

(Everyone will read.)

Among is used when referring to more
than two persons or objects.

Another one. (The students will create their own

Let us try the following exercises. Create your own sentences based on the pictures.)
sentences based on the pictures.
Picture 1 Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4

Picture 5

F. Application

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Let us now try the activity in your book.

Try and learn at page 359. (The students will open their book.)

Everyone please read the directions. (Everyone will read.)

Read the following sentences. Fill each
blank with between or among.

Write your answer on your notebooks. After 3 minutes, we (The students will answer the passage.)
will check it. Start answering now.
(After 3 minutes)
Are you done? Yes Ma’am.
Let us now check your answers. Exchange notebooks with
your seatmate. (The students will exchange
I will read the passage and then I will call someone to state
their answer.
Our family watched a concert last Friday. I sat __________
my mother and my father. What is the answer on the first
one ______?
Between Ma’am.
Correct! Did everyone have it right?
Yes Ma’am!
Very good. Let us continue.
_________ all the singers, I liked Sarah Geronimo the most.
What is the answer to the second one?
Right! Next. Among Ma’am.
We enjoyed the performance of the singers. After the
concert, we ate in a restaurant.
Each of us ordered delicious food. I chose _________ a
beef or chicken dish. What is the answer to the third one?
Correct! Ma’am between.
Mother also ordered fruits in season. All the fruits were
sweet but the mango was the sweetest __________ all.
What is the last answer? Among Ma’am.

Excellent! Raise your hand for those who got it all right.
(The students will raise their hands.)
Do you have any question or clarification?
None Ma’am.

G. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

So when do we use the preposition between again? Yes

________? Between is used when referring to two
person or objects Ma’am.
Very good! How about among?
Among is used when referring to more
than two persons or objects.
Very good! Do you have any question? Don’t be afraid to
ask questions okay. None Ma’am.

H. Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Let us try now if you really learned.

Everyone, please read the direction. Copy the following sentences in your
paper. Supply the appropriate
preposition at the blanks provided.
Do you have any questions?
You may start answering now. We’ll check it after five None Ma’am.
minutes. (The students will answer.)

1. The house is ___________ two narra trees.

2. This attitude is common ___________ all
teenagers nowadays.
3. In the English alphabet, B comes _________ A and
4. The little girl is the most graceful dancer ________
all the other ballerinas.
5. _________ all The Disney princesses, Belle is my

(After 5 minutes.)

Let us now check your answers. Exchange papers with your (The students will exchange papers.)

Who wants to write their answer on the board? Let us have

five who will write their answers on the board. (Five students will write their answer on
(The teacher will call 5 students.) the board and explain their answers.)
Key to answer:

1. Between
2. Among
3. Between
4. Among
5. Among

I. Agreement

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Get your notebooks and copy your assignment.

(The student will copy their

Read your assignment in your notebook.

(Two students will read their
assignment from their notebook.)

You will pass that tomorrow. Stand up everyone.

(Everyone will stand up.)

Goodbye Ma’am!
Goodbye class.

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