Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Chisinau 2018
Subject: English
Grade: 5th “C”
Date: 26.11.2018
Teacher: Covali Natalia
School: IPLT “P.Rares”
Topic: Present Progressive
Type of the lesson: mixed (fixation knowledge)
Specific Competences & Sub-Competences:
2.2 Participating in a dialogue on a known topic to exchange the simple information.
3.3 Extracting the main information from an unknown text.
Using the Present Progressive tense.
Using the Prepositions of time.
Operational Objectives:
1.to revise the usage of prepositions of time.
2. to introduce Present Progressive Tense.
3. to practice and consolidate Present Progressive Tense.
4. to develop reading and writing skills.
5. to give students more practice on grammar and pronunciation.
Resources (materials used):
Computer, worksheets with different activities,
1.Methods & Techniques:
Song, power point presentation, explanation, exercises, miming, reading, unscramble the sentences.
2.Forms of activities:
Group work, whole class work, individual work.
Time of lesson: 45 minutes
Iulia IGNATIUC, Lara ALADIN, Ludmila FOCA, Dina PUIU, Ana MUNTEANU. “Magic English. Pupil’s book.
5th Form”. Editura Prut International, Chisinau. 2015.
Stages Objectives Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Time Methods Resource
Evocation -to create a Teacher greets the students, checks Students answer and greet the teacher: 1 Whole class conversation
pleasant the presence and creates the -Good morning. We are glad to see min. discussion
atmosphere for atmosphere saying: you.
the lesson -Good morning, pupils! How are you
today? I hope we will have a good
and warm atmosphere during our
lesson. Are you ready to start?
Let’s start the lesson.
-to repeat the At the previous lesson we travelled in Students watch a PPT with prepositions 5 Whole class Power point
usage of AT, the world of prepositions IN, AT, ON of time and fill in blanks with missing min.
IN,ON and at this lesson we repeat it. prepositions.
-to introduce the Today we will visit one magic city Students listen to the song “What are 2 Whole class Video
pupils in the from Grammar’s country. To find out you doing”. min. listening
new topic what is the name of this city, we have After watching the video students try to
to listen to a song. guess the topic of the lesson.
After that teacher asks the pupils to
guess what they are going to talk
Yes, you are right. The name of our
magic city is Present Progressive.
Teacher presents the objectives and
writes the title of the lesson on the
Meaning -to introduce I am sure that you are excited to know Students listen very attentive and make 10 Whole class PPT
realization new grammar what Present Progressive expresses, notices about Present Progressive min. Explanation
topic how we form this tense. Tense.
Listen very attentive and make some
notices in your copybooks.
Teacher explains the grammatical
-to practice Teacher gives to students a worksheet Students read in chain (one by one). 7 Whole class Worksheet 1
pronunciation with the text “A letter to the parents” Students select from the text all min. work
For the first time teacher reads the sentences with verbs in Present Individual
text, then teacher asks pupils to read Progressive tense and read once again. work
in chain (one by one), correcting the Chain
mistakes, if it is need and to select reading
sentences with verbs at Present Selective
Progressive. reading
-to practice and Teacher asks pupils to unscramble Students open envelops and match 5 Group work Worksheet 2
consolidate some sentences. Each group receives pictures with words, make up sentences min.
grammar envelops with necessary materials. and glue them on a A3 sheet of paper,
Worksheet 2 then read sentences.
Reflection -to write Teacher pass out copies of a picture Students (work in groups) have to write 10 Group work Worksheet 3
Present (same picture for all groups) with as many sentences as possible and then min.
Progressive many different activities to each to read them.
sentences group.
Extension -to revise the Teacher gives to each group to choose Students (3 volunteers) come in front of 3 Miming Worksheet 4
lesson some miming activities. the class miming the activities that are min.
written on the paper that they receive
and the rest of the class trying to guess
the action.
Teacher sums up the lesson, asking 2 Information
the following questions: Students get marks and evaluation and min. explanation
1.Have we learnt how to form Present listen to explanation for homework.
2.When we can use Present
Progressive in everyday life?
And evaluates student’s work.
-you were very active today. Your
marks are:…
-Your homework is written on the
leaves you received at the beginning
of lesson.
Our lesson is over. See you next time.