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Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10

Teacher: Narcilen G. Lariba Subject: Mathematics

Teaching Date: April 03, 2024 Quarter: 4
Course & year: Grade 10- Ampere Time: 7:40AM-8:40AM
(1 hour)
I. Objectives:
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of measures of
Standards: position.
B. Performance The learner is able to investigate thoroughly the mathematical relationship in
Standards: various situations, formulate real-life problems involving measures of position
and, solve them using a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Illustrate the following measures of position: quartiles, deciles, and
Competencies: percentiles. (M10SP - IVa - 1)
D. Learning At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Objectives:  illustrate the measures of position (Quartiles);
 identify the score of lower, middle and upper quartile; and
 display cooperation in the group activity.


III. Learning Resources
A. References:
1. Teachers’ Guide Mathematics 10 TG p 323-326
2. Learners’ Mathematics 10 LM p 362-367
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional N/A
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources
1. Instructional Flip chart, 4Pics1Word images, jumbled letter, paper cabbage, mystery box
2. ADM LAS Mathematics 10 Quarter 4 Module 1
IV. Procedures Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer Everybody is requested to stand for a (The students will pray)
prayer. In the name of the father, the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
2. Greetings Good morning class! I believe that Good morning, Ma’am Nars!
you’re doing great and making a
Yes, ma’am! We’re doing great
wonderful today.
3. Checking of Okay, before anything else. Let’s have
first our attendance checking.
Who is absent today? No one is absent ma’am.
Very good!
4. Revisiting the A gentle reminder class. Please be
Class House guided with our classroom rules.
1. Listen when others are talking.
2. Follow directions.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects
to yourself.
4. Work quietly and do not
disturb others.
5. Show respect for school and
personal property.
6. Work and play in a safe
Yes, ma’am.
Are all these rules clear?

Okay, very good! I hope that you will

follow all of these class rules.
Let us start our lesson by first
B. Review (ELICIT) reviewing the concept of median,
which is one of the concepts needed in
(Extracts or draws
this lesson.
attention to prior
understanding of When you were in Grade 7, you
knowledge) encountered one of the measures of
central tendency: the median. It is the
middle number in a distribution. It can
be illustrated by using a line shown

The median divides the distribution

into two equal parts. It is a point in the
distribution where one-half of the
distribution lies below it and one-half
above it. One-half of the
distribution lies below B and one-half
lies above it. Hence, B represents the The middlemost value is 5. Hence,
median. it is the median of the data, ma’am.
So, if you are given the following data:
2, 4, 5, 6, 7, what is the median?
Very good!
It is important to note that the values in
a data must be arranged in ascending
order before looking for the median.
However, if there are two middlemost
values in a data, how we will find the The two middlemost values in the
median? given data are 6 and 7, so the
For example, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, what is median is (6+7)/2 =13= 6.5
the median?
Very good!
(Activity which will
focus student’s I will group you into 4 groups. Count
attention, stimulate off 1-4. Group 1 occupy the 1st and
their thinking, and 2nd row, group 2 stay in the 3rd and
4th row, group 3 1st row and 2nd row (Students will participate)
access prior
knowledge) in this side and group 4 occupy the 3rd
row and 4th row in this side. I want
Indicator No. 6-
you to play this game.
Manage classroom
This game is what we call “4 pics 1
structure to engage
word”. The mechanics are easy, just
learners, individually or
in groups, in
use the jumbled letters to have the
meaningful exploration, right answer and then write it on the
discovery and hands- board. The group who will finish first
on activities within a and got it right will be given 1 point.
range of physical The group that has the highest point
learning environment. will get a price and draw it from a
mystery box after the discussion. Are
you ready?
D. Activity
Before playing the game, I will give
(EXPLORE) first a sample set of data.
(Activity which A group of students obtained the
(Students will participate)
gives students time following scores in their Science quiz.
to think and 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, 5, 8, 8, 7, 9
test/make I have here a paper cabbage in which
decisions/problem it will be passed from one student to
another by singing Leron-Leron Sinta.
solve, and collect
Inside this cabbage, there are tasks
related to our topic for today. When
Indicator No. 3&4- the song stops, whoever the student
Use effective verbal who holds the cabbage will peel one
and non-verbal leaf and do the task.
communication Tasks:
strategies to support
1. Arrange the scores set in
learner understanding,
ascending order.
2. Identify the lowest and the highest
engagement and score.
achievement. 3. Find the middle score and label it
as Q2.
4. Identify the value between the
middle score and lowest score and
label it as Q1.
5. Identify the value between the
middle score and highest score
and label it as Q3.

Note: The activity is only good for 10

E. Analysis Guide Questions:
1. How did you obtain the first
(Discussing quartile Q1?
information and (Students’ answers may vary)
2. How did you obtain the second
explaining the quartile Q2?
concepts associated 3. How did you obtain third quartile
with the student’s Q3?
Indicator No. 2-
Display proficient use
of English to facilitate
teaching and learning.

F. Abstraction Today, we will discuss Measures of

(EXPLAIN) Position. There are a lot of measures
(Discussing of position, but the most common are
information and the Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles.
explaining the But for today, we will only focus on
concepts Quartiles.
associated with
the student’s I want you to read our lesson (Reading)
objectives for today.
exploration) Now, what comes into your mind when (Students’ answers may vary)
you hear the word Quartile?

Measures of Position - they are

techniques that divide a set of data
into equal groups. It shows where a
certain data point or value falls in a
sample or array of distribution. It can
state whether a value is about the
average, or whether it is unusually
high or low compared to the data as a
Data analysis by dividing it into four,
ten, and hundred parts of
equal sizes and the corresponding
partition values are called quartiles,
deciles, and
percentiles, respectively. All these
values are also referred to as
quantiles and can be
determined in the same way as the
median. The only difference is their
The Quartile for Ungrouped Data
Quartiles- are points that divide the
ranked data into four equal parts. Each
set of data has three quartiles.
25% 25% 25% 25%
L Q1 Q2 Q3 H
L = lowest score
Q1 = First quartile or lower quartile
Q2 = second quartile or middle quartile
Q3 = third quartile or upper quartile
H = highest score
1.First quartile (Q1) is the value in the
data set such that 25% of the data
points are less than this value and
75% of the data set is greater than this
2. Second quartile (Q2) is the value in
the data set such that 50% of the data
points are less than this value and
50% of the data set are greater than
this value.
3. Third quartile (Q3) is the value such
that 75% of the values are less than
this value and 25% of the values are
greater than this value.
 25% of the data has a value ≤
 50% of the data has a value ≤
 75% of the data has a value ≤
4. Interquartile range is the
difference between the upper
quartile (Q3) and the lower quartile
(Q1) in a set of data.
Example 1:
The owner of a coffee shop recorded
the number of customers who came
into his cafe each hour in a day. The
results were 14, 10, 12, 9, 17, 5, 8, 9,
14, 10, and 11. Find the lower quartile
and the upper quartile of the data.
Step 1:
Arrange the results in ascending order.
 The data are 5, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11,
12, 14, 14, 17
Step 2:
Determine the least value and the
greatest value.
 The least value in the data is 5 and
the greatest value in the
data is 17
Step 3:
Locate the middle value in the data.
 The middle value in the data is 10
Step 4:
Identify the lower quartile in the data
 The lower quartile is the value that
is between the middle
value and the least value in the data
So, the lower quartile is 9
Step 5:
Identify the upper quartile in the data
 The upper quartile is the value that
is between the middle
value and the greatest value in the
data set.
So, the upper quartile is 14.
Example 2:
I want you to try this example.

The scores of 10 students in a

Mathematics seatwork are,
7, 4, 8, 9, 3, 6, 7, 4, 5, 8 (Students will answer)

 Revisit the students' answers in

their activity
Very good, class! Do you have any
questions regarding Quartiles? None, ma’am.
G. Application Think-Pair-Share!
(ELABORATE) Indicator No. 5- Design, adapt and
(Provides an implement teaching strategies that are
opportunity for responsive to learners with special (Students will participate)
students to apply educational needs that include giftedness,
talents and disabilities.
their knowledge to Answer the following.
new domains, which 1. The scores of 10 students in a
may include raising Mathematics seatwork are:
new questions and 7, 4, 8, 9, 3, 6, 7, 4, 5, 8, 5
hypotheses to a) What score illustrates the lower
explore) quartile?
b) What score illustrates the
middle quartile?
c) What score illustrates the
[Literacy Focus:
Able to explain the middle quartile?
process of obtaining d) How did you get your answers?
lower quartile, middle
quartile and upper Indicator No. 1- Use a range of
quartile] teaching strategies that enhance learner
[Numeracy Focus: achievement in literacy and numeracy
Finding the lower skills.
quartile, middle quartile
and upper quartile]

(Allows the teacher Directions: Identify the waiting time
to assess student that illustrates the following position.
performance and/or 1. Q1
understanding of 2. Q2
concepts, skills, 3. Q3
processes, and The list shows the waiting time (in
understanding) minutes) of a customer before his or
her call is answered.
5 8 3 1 2 9 4
10 15 12 4 12 11 8 7
6 12 14 15 6

 Checking of Papers
 Revisiting of Lesson Objectives if
they are achieved


(EXTEND) Study in advance the Decile for

(Learners will apply Ungrouped Data.
the concepts and
skills in new but
similar situations)

Prepared by: Checked by:

Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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