Blog File
Blog File
Blog File
The emergency and growth of blogs in the late 1990s consisds with the
advent of web publishing tools that facalities the posting of comtent by non -
technical users . ( previusly , a lnowldge of such as a technology as HTML and
FTP had beeen required to publish content on web .)
There are many diffrent types of blog , diffrent not only in the
content , but also in the way that content is deleverd or written .
The personal blog is an ongoinf diary or commentry written bt an
indivisual .
Microblogging is the prectise of posting small pieces of digital
content - which could be text , pictures , links ,, short videos , or other media -
on the internet . Microblogging offers a portable communication mode that feels
organic and spontanous to many and has captured the pu8blic imagination . friends
use it to keep in touch , busssiness associated use it to corinate meetins or
share usefull resources , and celebration and polititions ( or their publics )
microblog about concert dates, lectures , book , lectures, book realese , or
tour shedules . A wide and growing range pf add - on tols enable sophistacated
and intrection with other application , and their resulting profusion of
functionlity is helps ti define new possiblites for the type of communication .
Example of these includes Twiter , facebook and Tumbler.
Some blogs focus on a particular subject , such as plitical
blogs, health blogs , trevel blog, ( also known as travlog) , gardning , blogs ,
house ,blogs , fashion blog, project blog education blog , niche blogs,
classical music blog , quizzing blog and legal blog . ( ofen refered to as a
blawgs ) or dream logs . Two common ttpes pof genre blogs art are blogs and
music blogs .a blog featurinf disscution , espaccially about home and family
is not uncommanly . calles a mom blog and one made popular is by ERICA Dimnd
who created Womenthefence. com. which i syndicated to over two million readers
montly . while nat a legimate type of blog , one used for the sole purpose of
spamming is known as a SPlog
A Blog comprmise videos is called a vlog , one compermising
links is called a linklog , a site containig a portfolio of sketches is called a
sketchblog . or one comprising photo is called a photoblog . Blogs with
shorter called typecast or typecast blogs; see Typecasting (blogging) ..
Blogs can also be definded by which type of device is used to
compose it . it blogs writen by a mobile device like a mobile phone or PDF could
be called a moblog . one early blog was wearable wireless webcam an online shared
dairy of a person's personal life combining text, vide, and pictire transmitted
live from a wearable computter and eyeTAP device to a web site This practice of
semi - autoted blogging with live video together with text was refered to as
Sousveillance. such journals have been used as evidence un legal matters.