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2:01 PM 7/21/2023


A blog ( a instruction of expression WRB LOG ) is a disscution or

information site published on the world wide web and consisting of discreat
entries ( post ) typically displayed in reverse chronology order ( the most
recent post appears first 0 Unit 20009 blogs were usally of a single indivisual
ccasionally of a small group , and often coverd a single subject . more recentiy
"" multy- author blogs (MABs have devloped, with posts written by large number
of authoe and proffeshionally edits . MABs from newspaper , other media , ouutlets
, univercities , think tank , intrest group and simmilarly institution account
for an intifration quality of a blog traffic . The rise of Twitter and other "
microblgging " system helps integrate MABs and single -author blogs into socialty
newsterms . blog can also be used as a verb , meaning to maintain or add contents
to a blog .

The emergency and growth of blogs in the late 1990s consisds with the
advent of web publishing tools that facalities the posting of comtent by non -
technical users . ( previusly , a lnowldge of such as a technology as HTML and
FTP had beeen required to publish content on web .)

A maturity are interactive , allwing visitrs to leave comments and even

messege each other via GUI widebudget on the blogs , and it is this intractivity
that distingushed them from other site website . in taht sence , bloggings can be
seen as a from of social networking site . indeed , bloggers d not only produce
vb content to post om their blogs b, but also build social relation with there
readers and other bloggers . there are higher readership blogs which do not allow
comments , such as Daring Fireball.

Many blogs provided commentry on a particular on a particullar

subject ; other functioin as more personl online dairies ; other function m,ore as
online brand adevertising of a particular indivisual company . A typical blog
combines texr, images, and links , to other blogs Web pages . and other
media related to its topic . The ability of readers to leave comments in an
interactive formet is an importent contribution to the popularity of many blogs
. most blogs are primary textual although same focus on art ( art blogs )
photograps ( photoblogs ) , videos ( vifeo blogs or vlogs ) music ( Mp3 blogs) ,
an audio ( podcast) b. Microblogging is another type of blogging , featuring very
short posts. in education , blog can be used as insructional resources . These
blogs are refreds to as edublogs .

On 16 febuary 2011, there were over 156 millons pubic blogs in

experince . on 13 0ctober 2012 , there were around 77 milliions Tumber and 56.6
million Wordpress blogs in existense worldwide . accorfing to ncritics and othr
blooggers , Bloggers is the most popular blgging servise used today .


There are many diffrent types of blog , diffrent not only in the
content , but also in the way that content is deleverd or written .

The personal blog is an ongoinf diary or commentry written bt an
indivisual .

Microblogging is the prectise of posting small pieces of digital
content - which could be text , pictures , links ,, short videos , or other media -
on the internet . Microblogging offers a portable communication mode that feels
organic and spontanous to many and has captured the pu8blic imagination . friends
use it to keep in touch , busssiness associated use it to corinate meetins or
share usefull resources , and celebration and polititions ( or their publics )
microblog about concert dates, lectures , book , lectures, book realese , or
tour shedules . A wide and growing range pf add - on tols enable sophistacated
and intrection with other application , and their resulting profusion of
functionlity is helps ti define new possiblites for the type of communication .
Example of these includes Twiter , facebook and Tumbler.


Blooging for markiting purpose only is now criticle for

many business . blogs used inernally tonhanse they are called corporate blogs .
similar blogs for clubs abd societies are called club blog group blog , or by
similar name,; typical use is member and other intrested parties of clibs and
member activites

Some blogs focus on a particular subject , such as plitical
blogs, health blogs , trevel blog, ( also known as travlog) , gardning , blogs ,
house ,blogs , fashion blog, project blog education blog , niche blogs,
classical music blog , quizzing blog and legal blog . ( ofen refered to as a
blawgs ) or dream logs . Two common ttpes pof genre blogs art are blogs and
music blogs .a blog featurinf disscution , espaccially about home and family
is not uncommanly . calles a mom blog and one made popular is by ERICA Dimnd
who created Womenthefence. com. which i syndicated to over two million readers
montly . while nat a legimate type of blog , one used for the sole purpose of
spamming is known as a SPlog

A Blog comprmise videos is called a vlog , one compermising
links is called a linklog , a site containig a portfolio of sketches is called a
sketchblog . or one comprising photo is called a photoblog . Blogs with
shorter called typecast or typecast blogs; see Typecasting (blogging) ..

Blogs can also be definded by which type of device is used to
compose it . it blogs writen by a mobile device like a mobile phone or PDF could
be called a moblog . one early blog was wearable wireless webcam an online shared
dairy of a person's personal life combining text, vide, and pictire transmitted
live from a wearable computter and eyeTAP device to a web site This practice of
semi - autoted blogging with live video together with text was refered to as
Sousveillance. such journals have been used as evidence un legal matters.

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