Authentication Bypassing Using WebGoat and BurpSuite

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Setup Environment

• Download and install OWASP WebGoat :

➔ Download & install docker desktop. Also add the C:\Program

Files\Docker\Docker files to the environment variable path.

➔ Open VS Code in your project folder and start a new terminal in VS code.
docker pull webgoat/webgoat-8.0
docker run -p 8881:8080 -t webgoat/webgoat-8.0
(Your WebGoat will be running on port 8881. Access URL is-

Register a new user with username and password & agree to the terms
and conditions.
If you have done ever steps up untill now smoothly, you will have your
WebGoat running on your web browser and get to see this page.

• Install a suitable penetration testing tool (Burp Suite)

➔ Download the community edition of the Brup Suite and run it as default.
When you will start burp suit, keep every prompt as it is and just click
“next” & “start burp” until you see this page:
2. Scanning and Enumeration

• Identify the IP address of your WebGoat instance:

➔ Open Burp Suite and go to Proxy section and click on Open browser:

➔ Turn on “Intercept” and write the url on proxy browser to access WebGoat
login page:
➔ From “Docker ps” command we can see the WebGoat container is
runnning on ip address and port. That means it can be run
from your local host IP address (Loopback IP & Private IP). You can
access the WebGoat is both ways:

From the intercept panel you can also verify the IP address of WebGoat.
(Loopback & Private IP)

• Use your chosen tool to scan and enumerate vulnerabilities in the


➔ WebGoat has OWASP Top-10 web application vulnerabilities for learning

and testing purposes. Today we are goinng to exploit the “Broken
Authentication” (API2:2023 - Broken Authentication) part of WebGoat. To
be more specific, we are going to bypass the authentication method.

3. Exploitation

• Choose one vulnerability you discovered and attempt to exploit it:

➔ Select the lab portion of the “Authentication Bypasses” and keep

“intercept on” in the burp suit.
➔ We are going to exploit the “Security Question” authentication part to
bypass the authentication method. Read more -

Scroll down and fill in the information on the 2 boxes and click submit.
Remember to keep on the intercept button in burp suite.

➔ Click on the forward button in burp suite untill you see this portion:
➔ Now modify the names of “secQuestion0 & secQuestion1” into
“secQuestion2 & secQuestion3” and click on the Forward button.

➔ Go to the proxy browser and you will see that you have successfully
authenticated as yourself.

We didn’t know the value of the parameters, so we removed/modified them

from the submission all together to gain access.

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