Kanban / Lean Scrum XP DSDM Crystal FDD: Agile One Pager
Kanban / Lean Scrum XP DSDM Crystal FDD: Agile One Pager
Kanban / Lean Scrum XP DSDM Crystal FDD: Agile One Pager
Principle behind
Kanban / Lean Scrum XP DSDM Crystal FDD
the Agile Manifesto
Our highest priority is to satisfy the Visualization of top Value based Customers and Build customer Early Victory Client-Value based
customer through early and priority items prioritization Developers work feedback into each Walking skeleton features
continuous delivery of valuable Pull system of work Shippable Software together to plan iteration to converge on Short ramp-up for
Frequent Customer
software. assignment after each Sprint releases an effective business modeling
Sprint Review Meetings
Welcome changing requirements, Business people can Product Backlog Iteration planning MoSCoW Re-calibration of the Domain based model
even late in development. Agile change and re-prioritize grooming release plan fosters change
processes harness change for the work not yet started at Re-prioritization after Frequent User Short cycles with
customer's competitive advantage. any time each sprint feedback complete features allow
for frequent change
Deliver working software Work released on Sprints (iterations) Iterations Develop iteratively in Iterations Increments (per
frequently, from a couple of weeks demand Timeboxes feature) <= 2 weeks
to a couple of months, with a Iterations (1 or more
preference for the shorter complete features
Business people and developers Highly collaborative PO as VOC Customer is part of the Involve the right Easy access to expert Client interaction during
must work PO readily available to Team stakeholders, at the users processes #1 and #2
together daily throughout the team on a daily base right time, throughout Frequent feedback from Frequent demos with
project. the project end users customer feedback
Build projects around motivated SM is only facilitator Open work space Process Miniature Domain Experts
individuals. Give them the Self-organizing teams Pairs evolve as needed makes sure team Class ownership
environment and support they members understand However, there is:
Demo/Acceptance after
need and trust them to get the job the process well
each sprint Team leadership
done. Team decides
Assignment of team
improvement / changes
membership based
on expertise
The most efficient and effective Colocated teams Colocated teams Colocated teams Colocated teams for Multiple Small teams
method of Daily Stand-Up Daily Stand-Up Daily Stand-Up Crystal Clear Joint design,
conveying information to and Meetings Meetings Meetings Osmotic inspections etc.
within a Development Team is Communication However, a lot of
face-to-face conversation.
Daily Stand-Up information sharing via
Meetings CMS
© 2014 SCRUMstudy.com
Agile One Pager
Principle behind
Kanban / Lean Scrum XP DSDM Crystal FDD
the Agile Manifesto
Working software is the primary WIP limit Working Software at the No technical debt Deliver “Good enough” Walking Skeleton Inspections
measure of progress. end of each Sprint TDD early instead of Automated Tests (Unit) tests
“Perfect too late”
Egoless software Frequent Integration
Agile processes promote No fix release or Velocity Iteration planning -Blitz planning Clearly defined
sustainable development. The delivery dates Done criteria (Only Sustainable, entry/criteria per
sponsors, developers, and users Limit of WIP forces complete/done work predictable pace process
should be able to maintain a completion or work counts) only completed work
constant pace indefinitely. packages counts
Continuous attention to technical Refactoring Continuous Integration, Incremental Re- Domain Object Model
excellence Continuous Integration refactoring & building architecture as base
and good design enhances agility. often Frequent updates
Simplicity--the art of maximizing Small user stories Small user stories Small features
the amount of work not done--is Continuous re- Continuous re- Focus on Client value
essential. evaluation and re- evaluation and re- Good upfront design /
prioritization prioritization model
The best architectures, No team leader Pair Programming Members of the team Side by side Team consensus for
requirements, and designs emerge Team commits Team coding standards empowered to make programming Domain Object Model
from self-organizing teams. decisions on behalf of Small teams foster co-
Team members select
those they represent operation across
without waiting for expertise boundaries
higher-level approval.
At regular intervals, the team Sprint Retrospective Sprint Retrospective Facilitated workshops Reflection Workshop The 6 milestones per
reflects on how Meetings at the end of meetings at each feature allow for
to become more effective, and each sprint iteration end. Improving frequent checks for
then tunes and adjusts its the process is part of improvements
behaviour accordingly. the development. However, no reflections
are prescribed
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