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Research note
KEYWORDS Abstract In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference
Reinforced concrete beam; System (ANFIS) are used to predict the shear strength of Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams, and the models
Shear strength; are compared with American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Iranian Concrete Institute (ICI) empirical codes.
Artificial neural network; The ANN model, with Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), using a Back-Propagation (BP) algorithm, is used
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy to predict the shear strength of RC beams. Six important parameters are selected as input parameters
inference system; including: concrete compressive strength, longitudinal reinforcement volume, shear span-to-depth ratio,
Iranian concrete institute transverse reinforcement, effective depth of the beam and beam width. The ANFIS model is also applied
code; to a database and results are compared with the ANN model and empirical codes. The first-order Sugeno
American concrete institute fuzzy is used because the consequent part of the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is linear and the parameters
code. can be estimated by a simple least squares error method. Comparison between the models and the
empirical formulas shows that the ANN model with the MLP/BP algorithm provides better prediction for
shear strength. In adition, ANN and ANFIS models are more accurate than ICI and ACI empirical codes in
prediction of RC beams shear strength.
© 2012 Sharif University of Technology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
model concrete strength. Guang and Zong [12] predicted the Table 1: ACI and ICI formulas for shear strength of RC beam.
compressive strength of concrete by ANN. Waszczyszyn and
Code Formula
Ziemianski [13] used ANN for the mechanics of structures and √
materials. Bai et al. [14] used ANN to predict the workability of Vc = ( ρw VMuud ) bw d ≤ 0.3 fC′ bw d, Vu d
+ 120
7 Mu
concrete with cement replacement materials. Hadi [15] proved Av fy d α=90° Av fy d
Vs = S
(sin αs + cos αs ) −→ Vs = S
that ANN is more accurate and easy to implement compared
to conventional methods for concert structural design. Oreta Vc = vc bw d, vc = 0.2φC fc , φc = 0.6
ICI (kg) α=90°
and Kawashima [16] applied the neural network in the model- Vs =
Av fyd d
(sin αs + cos αs ) −→ Vs =
Av fyd d
ing of the confined compressive strength and strain of circular
concrete columns. In addition, Lee [17] used ANN for concrete
strength prediction. Kim et al. [18] applied ANN for estimation the ACI and ICI formulas are presented in Table 1 calculating
of concrete strength with concrete mix parameters. Oreta [19] the concrete shear strength in the absence of axial force and
simulated size effect on the shear strength of RC beams using web reinforcement. For the presented formulas of Table 1, fC′
a neural network. Mansour et al. [20] used ANN to predict the and fc are concrete compressive strength in MPa and kg/cm2 ,
shear strength of RC beams. Cladera and Mari [21] used ANN in respectively; ρw is the longitudinal steel ratio given by As /bw d;
beams with stirrups for the shear design procedure of normal Vu is factored shear force; Mu is factored bending moment
and high strength reinforced concrete beams. Abdalla et al. [22] occurring simultaneously with Vu at the section considered; bw
simulated the shear of RC beams with ANN. Kim and Kim [23] is beam width (cm); d is effective depth of the beam (cm); Av
worked on the prediction of the relative crest settlement of is shear reinforcement area (cm2 ); fy is yield strength of shear
concrete-faced rock-fill dams analyzed using an artificial neural reinforcement (kg/cm2 ); S is stirrups spacing (cm); and αs is
network model. Caglar et al. [24] applied the neural network to stirrups inclination angle.
dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete buildings. Arslan [25]
predicted the tensional strength of RC beams by ANN and com- 2.2. ANN and ANFIS models
pared it with building codes. Erdem [26] used ANN to predict
the moment capacity of RC slabs in fire. Takagi and Sugeno [27] ANN and ANFIS models are also suggested to compare
developed Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) and applied them in with empirical formulas in the prediction of RC beams shear
modeling and controlling concepts. In addition, Jang introduced strength. An introduction and different application of the ANN
ANFIS in his book [28]. Topçu and Saridemir [29] predicted model [10–26] and the ANFIS model [27–30] are presented in
rubberized mortar properties using ANN and fuzzy logic. Bil- the literature.
gehan [30] used ANFIS and Neural Network (NN) models to For application of ANN and ANFIS models in any field,
estimate critical buckling load. different input parameters should be considered. In this paper,
In this paper, ANN and ANFIS are used in intelligent data six important parameters are selected as input parameters for
analysis in the prediction of the shear strength resistance of the prediction of the shear strength of RC beams including:
RC beams. The layout of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, concrete compressive strength (fc ), longitudinal reinforcement
empirical formulas of ACI and ICI concrete codes and ANN and volume (ρw ), shear span-to-depth ratio (S /d), transverse
ANFIS models for prediction of the shear strength of RC beam reinforcement (ρl ), effective depth of the beam (d) and beam
are discussed. Also, performances of the ANN and ANFIS models width (bw ).
are assessed in Section 3 and the results are compared with ICI Furthermore, in ANN and ANFIS models, two sets of dataset,
and ACI codes to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of named training and testing datasets, are used. The training
the models. Finally, some concluding remarks are addressed in dataset is used to train the network, whereas the testing dataset
Section 4. is selected to verify the accuracy of the trained models for the
prediction of the shear strength of RC beams.
2. Prediction of shear strength of reinforce concrete beams Also, choosing the appropriate number of hidden neurons
and number of hidden layers are major parameters in obtaining
an accurate ANN model. In addition, the best selection of
Shear failure is one of the most important concepts in con-
activation function has a considerable effect on the ability of
crete structural members. Shear failure is caused by shear
the model. The number of hidden layers and number of nodes
forces. RC members resist shear force using several mecha-
in hidden layers are usually determined via trial and error
nisms. The shear failure is tolerated in RC beams by providing
procedures or using suggested rules. For example, based on the
web reinforcement. The web reinforcement usually takes the
method suggested by Anderson and McNeill [31], the number
form of vertical stirrups or the 45° bars that surround the lon-
of upper bound processing nodes of the hidden layers can be
gitudinal bars along the faces of the beam. The required shear
calculated by dividing the number of input–output pairs of the
strength to be provided by the web reinforcement is usually training set by the total number of input and output nodes of
computed by formulas in concrete codes. The required area of the network, multiplied by a scaling factor between five and ten.
web reinforcement or spacing of the stirrups can be determined Larger scaling factors are used for relatively noisy data [32].
based on the amount of predicted shear strength [19]. In this The ANFIS is considered here as another method in
paper, different methods, such as empirical codes and ANN and combining the advantages of FIS and ANN. ANFIS is a class of
ANFIS models, are applied to predict the shear strength of RC adaptive network that is functionally equivalent to FIS. The
members. first-order Sugeno fuzzy is used because the consequent part of
the FIS is linear and the parameters can be estimated by a simple
2.1. Empirical codes least squares error method. ANFIS is an example of models
in which the shape parameters of the membership functions
The ACI and ICI empirical codes are different proposed of fuzzy premise variables, as well as the linear parameters
formulas that are used in the design of concrete structural of the consequent part of fuzzy rules in a Takagi–Sugeno FIS,
members. For a member subjected to shear and flexure only, are tuned using ANNs. ANFIS is a Sugeno type of FIS in which
244 J. Amani, R. Moeini / Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 19 (2012) 242–248
Figure 4: Plot of observed and predicted shear strength for ANN model.
Figure 6: Plot of observed and predicted shear strength for ANFIS model.
J. Amani, R. Moeini / Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 19 (2012) 242–248 247
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Ramtin Moeini was born in Isfahan, Iran, in 1981. He received his B.S. degree
Jafar Amani was born in Ardabil, Iran, in 1985. He received his B.S. degree from the Civil Engineering Department at Isfahan University of Technology
from the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili (IUT) in 2002 and his M.S. degree, honors, from the Civil Engineering
(UMA), Iran, in 2007, and his M.S. degree, honors, in Structural and Hydraulic Department of Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) in 2007, where
Engineering, in 2009, from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), he is currently a Ph.D. student of Civil Engineering. He is also a member of the
where he is currently a Ph.D. degree student of Civil Engineering. He is also academic staff at Alaodoleh Semnani Institute of Higher Education (ASIHE). He is
a member of the academic staff at Alaodoleh Semnani Institute of Higher author/coauthor of 9 research articles in international journals and 7 conference
Education (ASIHE). papers.